Hold down the [CTRL] button while you enter the cheat. If you want to use the cheat more then once, release [CTRL], re-press it, and enter the code again. 
Code       Result 
pesos      Add $20,000 
contento   Increase Happiness by 10 
rapido     Fast Build 

Stop Elections:
Eliminate every opponent that runs against you until the election, then the game will notify you after the election that the people are upset that you killed him, and a new opponent will run. It will still think its election time, after a new twelve months, but you will never have to run again! For the best effect, when its coming up to the last month of election, issue an order to have your opponent made "heretic". If youre too fast make the next one the same, and so forth.

ORIGINAL FAQ DATE:  April 27 2001 (04/27/01)

                            T R O P I C O
                            Unoffical FAQ

Author        - James Paterson
Version       - 1.1
Last Updated  - May 3rd 2001, at 5:02pm EST
E-Mail        - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web           - http://www.tscentral.net/


"Political power grows from the barrel of a gun."
- Chairman Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party


This document is copyright by US and Canadian copyright laws.  This FAQ is
for personal use only.  This FAQ may not be reprinted or reproduced, in
part or in whole, in any form, including, but not limited to, electronic
transmission and magazine publication, unless prior consent is given by the
author.  This FAQ may not be sold to anybody, commercial or otherwise.
Referencing or altering of this FAQ is expressly forbidden.  If you own or
operate a website and wish to post this FAQ, please read *[2] Webmaster

The following publishers and/or publications are strictly forbidden from
using this FAQ under any circumstance:

- Ziff-Davis Video Game Group
- IDG Media
- Brady Games
- Prima Games

If any of these, or other, publications use this FAQ or part of this FAQ
will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law.


ATTENTION!!  I am assuming that you've read the manual to the game, and that
             you know a fair bit about Tropico.

             This FAQ is a work in progress.

             I plan on taking this Saturday (May 5th) to do a LOT and I mean
             a LOT of work on this FAQ, and at least get the sections filled
             in.  Yep.  Lots.



May 3rd
- added more information for the buildings and finished off the Tourism
  building section
- added new section "[20] Getting Started Guide"

May 1st
- added a little bit of information for housing and industries, as well as
  what the upgrades do.
- added review
- added a couple of questions under Frequently Asked Questions

April 30th
- Couple bugs, credits; not much.


Table Of Contents

[1] Contact Information
[2] Webmaster Information
[3] Where This FAQ May Be Found
[4] Other FAQs Written
[5] FAQ Information
[6] Author Biography
[7] Tropico Copyright
[8] System Requirements
[9] Tropico Review
[10] Installing Tropico
[11] What Is Tropico?
[12] Buildings
     [12.1] Housing
            [12.1.1] Shack
            [12.1.2] Country House
            [12.1.3] House
            [12.1.4] Luxury House
            [12.1.5] Tenement
            [12.1.6] Apartment
            [12.1.7] Bunkhouse
     [12.2] Industrial
            [12.2.1] Lumber Mill
            [12.2.2] Cannery
            [12.2.3] Cigar Factory
            [12.2.4] Jewelry Factory
            [12.2.5] Rum Distillery
     [12.3] Farming and Mining
            [12.3.1] Farm
            [12.3.2] Ranch
            [12.3.3] Fisherman's Wharf
            [12.3.4] Logging Camp
            [12.3.5] Mine
     [12.4] Tourism
            [12.4.1] Bungalow
            [12.4.2] Cheap Hotel
            [12.4.3] Hotel
            [12.4.4] Luxury Hotel
            [12.4.5] Pool
            [12.4.6] Beach Site
            [12.4.7] Spa
            [12.4.8] Scenic Outlook
            [12.4.9] Archaeological Site (Visitor/Research Center)
            [12.4.10] Souvenir Shop
     [12.5] Entertainment
            [12.5.1] Pub
            [12.5.2] Nightclub
            [12.5.3] Restaurant
            [12.5.4] Gourmet Restaurant
            [12.5.5] Sports Complex
            [12.5.6] Casino
            [12.5.7] Cabaret
     [12.6] Infrastructure
            [12.6.1] Port
            [12.6.2] Airport
            [12.6.3] Teamster's Office
            [12.6.4] Construction Office
            [12.6.5] Electric Power Plant
            [12.6.6] Electric Substation
            [12.6.7] Bank
     [12.7] Government
            [12.7.1] Palace
            [12.7.2] Diplomatic Ministry
            [12.7.3] Police Station
            [12.7.4] Prison
            [12.7.5] Guard Station
            [12.7.6] Armory
            [12.7.7] Immigration Office
            [12.7.8] Radio Station
            [12.7.9] TV Station
     [12.8] Human Services
            [12.8.1] Health Clinic
            [12.8.2] Hospital
            [12.8.3] Church
            [12.8.4] Cathedral
            [12.8.5] High School
            [12.8.6] College
            [12.8.7] Marketplace
[13] People
     [13.1] Uneducated
            [13.1.1] Farmer
            [13.1.2] Lumberjack
            [13.1.3] Laborer
            [13.1.4] Teamster
            [13.1.5] Miner
            [13.1.6] Fishermen
            [13.1.7] Dockworker
            [13.1.8] Showgirl
            [13.1.9] Maid
            [13.1.10] Cook
            [13.1.11] Barmaid
            [13.1.12] Attendant
     [13.2] High School Educated
            [13.2.1] Priest
            [13.2.2] Athlete
            [13.2.3] Soldier
            [13.2.4] Policeman
            [13.2.5] Pitboss
            [13.2.6] Shopkeeper
            [13.2.7] Teacher
            [13.2.8] Bureaucrat
     [13.3] College Educated
            [13.3.1] General
            [13.3.2] Bishop
            [13.3.3] Professor
            [13.3.4] Banker
            [13.3.5] Engineer
            [13.3.6] Doctor
            [13.3.7] Journalist
     [13.4] Specialty
            [13.4.1] Slob Tourist
            [13.4.2] Rich Tourist
            [13.4.3] Unemployed
            [13.4.4] Retiree
            [13.4.5] Rebel
            [13.4.6] Student
            [13.4.7] Mother
            [13.4.8] Child
[14] Background
     [14.1] Moscow U.
     [14.2] Harvard U.
     [14.3] Miner
     [14.4] Farmer
     [14.5] Biblical Scholar
     [14.6] Man Of The People
     [14.7] Booze Baron
     [14.8] Leftist Artist
     [14.9] Fortunate Son
     [14.10] Self-Made Man
     [14.11] Silver Spoon
     [14.12] Generalissmo
     [14.13] Chief Of Police
     [14.14] Developer
     [14.15] Naturalist
     [14.16] Professor
     [14.17] Pop Singer
[15] Rise To Power
     [15.1] Communist Rebellion
     [15.2] Capitalist Rebellion
     [15.3] Elected As Socialist
     [15.4] Elected As Facist
     [15.5] Elected As Capitalist
     [15.6] Elected For "Family Values"
     [15.7] Military Coup
     [15.8] Religious Appointment
     [15.9] Installed By KGB
     [15.10] Installed By CIA
     [15.11] Bought The Election
     [15.12] Heir Apparent
[16] Positive Traits
     [16.1] Charismatic
     [16.2] Hardworking
     [16.3] Financial Genius
     [16.4] Green Thumb
     [16.5] Administrator
     [16.6] Diplomat
     [16.7] Empathy
     [16.8] Entrepreneurial
     [16.9] Incorruptible
     [16.10] Scholarly
[17] Flaws
     [17.1] Kleptomaniac
     [17.2] Womanizer
     [17.3] Compulsive Liar
     [17.4] Ugly
     [17.5] Alcoholic
     [17.6] Flatulence
     [17.7] Compulsive Gambler
     [17.8] Paranoid
     [17.9] Coward
     [17.10] Moronic
     [17.11] Short Tempered
     [17.12] Pompous
     [17.13] Tourette's Syndrome
     [17.14] Cheapskate
     [17.15] Religious Zealot
     [17.16] Great Schmoozola
[18] Edicts
     [18.1] People
            [18.1.1] Arrest
            [18.1.2] Bribe
            [18.1.3] Heretic
            [18.1.4] Eliminate
     [18.2] Foreign Policy
            [18.2.1] Praise U.S.
            [18.2.2] Praise Russia
            [18.2.3] Trade Delegation to U.S.
            [18.2.4] Trade Delegation to Russia
            [18.2.5] U.S. Development Aid
            [18.2.6] Russia Development Aid
            [18.2.7] Alliance With U.S.
            [18.2.8] Alliance With Russia
     [18.3] Economic
            [18.3.1] Industry Ad Campaign
            [18.3.2] Air Pollution Standards
            [18.3.3] Tourism Ad Campaign
            [18.3.4] The Headliner
            [18.3.5] Tax Cut
            [18.3.6] 'Special' Building Permit
            [18.3.7] Pan-Caribbean Games
            [18.3.8] Mardia Gras
     [18.4] Politcial/Religious
            [18.4.1] Amnesty
            [18.4.2] Early Election
            [18.4.3] Inquisition
            [18.4.4] Book BBQ
            [18.4.5] Martial Law
            [18.4.6] Open The Jails
            [18.4.7] Papal Visit
     [18.5] Social
            [18.5.1] Prohibition
            [18.5.2] Literacy Program
            [18.5.3] Contraception Ban
            [18.5.4] Anti-Litter Ordinance
            [18.5.5] Sensitivity Training
            [18.5.6] Food For The People
[19] Getting Started Guide
[20] Beginning Strategies
[21] Advanced Strategies
[22] Cheat Codes
[23] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
[24] Bugs
[25] Credits


|-[1] Contact Information-|

Feel free to contact me at the following address:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. OR

james (at) tscentral (dot) net

E-mail is checked every two days, and a quick response is almost
guaranteed.  When e-mailing, DO NOT ask for the following:

- hacks, cracks, warez, or other illegal materials
- any additional information for Tropico, as everything I know is contained
  in this FAQ

I appreciate the following e-mails:

- questions.  If I receive enough questions, I will probably add a
  Frequently Asked Questions section.
- bugs and glitches (to be added to [24] Bugs so people know what to look
  for and how to get around it)
- information you have that I have missed
- corrections to parts of the FAQ
- suggestions to make the FAQ better or more informative
- site's where this FAQ has been posted but is not listed under heading
  [3] Where This FAQ May Be Found
- compliments
- hate mail (legitimite and intelligent hate mail will be responsed to, but
  unintelligent pieces of garbage, such as *ur fak sux* will be promptly
  ignored and added to a filter)


|-[2] Webmaster Information-|

If you wish to post this, or one of my other FAQs on your website, you may
do so as long as the following conditions are applied:

- the FAQ will remain as is in .txt form
- you give me 100% credit
- you send me an e-mail informing me the FAQ has been posted and where it
  has been posted (either a general URL or a direct URL to the FAQ)
- you keep the FAQ updated by regularlarly checking GameFAQS


|-[3] Where This FAQ May Be Found-|

This FAQ may be found ONLY at the following websites:

GameFAQS              http://www.gamefaqs.com/
The Cheat Empire      http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts/
Cheat Planet          http://www.cheatplanet.com/
Cheat Code Central    http://www.cheatcc.com/
NeoSeeker             http://www.neoseeker.com/

If you have my FAQ posted on your website with my permission, but your site
is not listed here, don't worry; it will next update.


|-[4] Other FAQs Written-|

|        GAME           | Platform |      Date     |
| Nocturne              |   PC     |  24 Feb 2001  |
| Unreal Tournament     |   PC     |  24 Feb 2001  |
| Serious Sam           |   PC     |  27 Mar 2001  |
| The Sims: House Party |   PC     |  08 Apr 2001  |

NOCTURNE and UNREAL TOURNAMENT are under the name of Droogie, my name I
used in the Half-Life add-on, Team Fortress Classic.  Both FAQs can be
found at GameFAQS at http://www.gamefaqs.com


|-[5] FAQ Information-|

Number of Pages : 11
Word Count      : 1855
Line Count      : 435
Best Font       : Courier
Best Font Size  : 9


|-[6] Author Biography-|

I am a computer networking engineer with a MCSE (Microsoft Certified
Systems Engineer) certificate.  I own and operate a local computer store
that sells a variety of products, such as laptops, white-boxes, pre-built
PC's, games, hardware, etc.

I enjoy playing a variety games, and recently I have gotten really into:

- Onimusha: Warlords (PlayStation2)
- Shadow Of Destiny (PlayStation2)
- RollerCoaster Tycoon (oldie but a goodie)
- Clive Barker's Undying (greatest horror game I've played in a while)
- Project I.G.I. (bad reviews, but I find it to be a good game)
- Serious Sam
- Tribes 2
- The Sims: House Party
- Mob Rule (just like Constructor, but mob-oriented.  Funny too)
- The Moon Project
- Zeus: Master Of Olympus
- Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim & Northern Expansion
- No One Lives Forever (played it a while ago, but never finished it, so
  I'm doing it again)

I also watch a lot of movies, and my favorites at the moment are:

- Se7en
- American Beauty
- Little Shop Of Horrors (1986 movie-musical version, with Rick Moranis)

I've also really gotten into the HBO TV series "The Sopranos."  I've got
season one on DVD and have taped the entire season two (since it hasn't
been released on DVD yet) and am in the process of taping season three.
It is a great show about a mafia boss in the 2000's who has to put up with
his family and his other family, and needs to see a psychiatrist.  I
recommend fans of GoodFelllas, Scarface, etc. to watch the show.


|-[7] Tropico Copyright    -|

Tropico, the Tropico logo, PopTop, and the PopTop logo are trademarks of
PopTop Software, Inc.  Gathering Of Developers, godgames, and the Godgames
logo are trademarks of Gathering Of Developers, Inc.  Take-Two Interactive
Software, Inc and the Take-Two Family logo are registered trademarks of
Take-Two Interactive Software Inc.  All other trademarks and trade names are
property of their respective owners.  © 2001 Gathering Of Developers.  All
Rights Reserved.

This FAQ is not endorsed or supported in any way by GODGames, PopTop, it's
staff or affiliates.


|-[8] System Requirements-|

- Windows 95/98/98SE/ME/2000/NT4
- 200MHz
- 32MB RAM
- 820MB Hard Disk Space


|-[9] Tropico Review-|

Tropico is an amazing game in my opinion.  It takes the convential city-
building game, and adds new twists and game elements.  People who enjoy
playing games like SimCity or Caesar or Zeus, or anything along those lines
because they like the feeling of "playing god" or being in control will
really enjoy Tropico, because if you feel like a god playing above-mentioned
games, you'll feel like a super-god (for lack of a better word) playing

Not only do you do the usual stuff, like construct buildings, but Tropico
throws a full-featured economy and politics model at you.  You have at your
control over twenty edicts (read: laws) that you can pass, some lasting for
a set duration, some lasting until you cancel it, and some that can only be
activated once during your reign.  Being a dictator of an out-of-the-way
Caribbean island has it's advantages...

You get to create your president, in a word.  Choose from four categories
(Background, Rise To Power, Qualities, Flaws).  Each selection will give you
different conditions, be it good or bad, and some make people like you more
or less, or make the U.S. and Russia like you more or less.  For example, if
you choose "Womanizer" as one of your flaws, the Religious Faction with like
you -10% less, and the women of the island will like you 15% less.  If you
choose to be a Compuslive Gambler, the Religious will dislike you, and you
also incur extra expenses at the end of the year to support your habit.

You have a multitude of buildings to select from, including construction
offices, immigration offices, diplomatic ministry, banks, radio stations,
television stations, newspaper offices, tourist buildings (such as a hotel,
pool, spa, souvenir shop), industries (rum distillery, lumber camp, cigar
factory), and plenty more.  And unlike a lot of other games (althoug some
notable ones do come to mind), when you place a building, it must be
constructed, and that process can take a while depending on how many laborers
you have.  If built in a forested area, tress must be chopped down.  The
ground on which you are about to build must be flattened to support the
building (try building an airport in the middle of dense forest; that's time
consuming).  Building roads and bulldozing buildings also don't occur
automatically; everything must be built and demolished by a crew.

Of course, after a while, the novetly wears off, and you may think that you're
stuck with another run-of-the-mill city-building game trying to make it in a
crowded field.  However, even when the novetly wears off, you'll still have
plenty of fun, with lots of different ways to run your island.  Be a nice guy
and give your people what they want and hold elections (without cheating) or
be a mean president and don't provide housing, build structures that make you
money, pay your citizens next to nothing, never hold elections, and rule with
an iron fist.  Use the three best edicts (Arrest, Brand Heretic, and, my
favorite, Eliminate) to control your people.

Unfortunately, Tropico does have it's real flaws.  There are some bugs, the
people don't always pick the best jobs for them (a college educated work might
wind up working on a farm), the fact that it takes the game a few seconds
(on a slower computer) to rotate 90³, and the sluggish performance on lower
end models when your population gets high and you've got lots of buildings.
Despite these shortcomings, however, Tropico is well wroth it's price tag.

Recommendation:  BUY THIS GAME!


|-[10] Installing Tropico-|

1.  Start the Windows 95/98/98SE/ME/2000/NT4 operating system.
2.  Place the Tropico CD in the CD drive.  The Autorun menu appears.

NOTE: If the Autorun menu does not automatically appear, click the START
      button on the Windows Task Bar, then click Run... At the Dialog Box,
      type D:start.exe, then click OK.  The autorun menu appears.  If your
      CD-ROM drive uses a letter other than "D", please substitue the
      letter of your CD-ROM drive for "D".

3.  Click the Install button to install the Tropico.

NOTE: You may exit the setup program at any time by clicking CANCEL.

4.  Click FINISH to exit the install wizard.


|-[11] What Is Tropico?-|

Tropico is, in the loosest sense of the word, a city building strategy
game.  Granted, you construct buildings, upgrade them, etc., but there is
so much more to this game then buildings.  The political aspect of the game
is simply astounding.  Arrest people, bribe them, label them heretics, get
diplomatic with the U.S. and Russia, rig elections (which if you lose, you
will be thrown out of the game), initiate book burnings, declare martial
law, and so much more.

Tropico is also about people.  Yes, people.  Each map has a limit of 500
people (don't worry; it seems like a low number, but your population
accumulates slowly, and you will most likely lose a lot of people in the
process, legally or not.  Each of these 500 citizens have a unique name and
personality.  You won't see two people on the same map that have the same
name or exact same personality.

Factions also play a big part.  You may be able to improve your Capitalist
faction by providing lots of money making buildings, but your Communist
faction may go down because common workers won't work at said buildings.
Eliminate someone, and your Religious faction will go down, as well as the
overall Respect level of the island.

In conclusion, what is Tropic?  Answer: Fun.


|-[12] Buildings-|

|-[12.1] Housing-|

Housing is where your people live.  Without adequate housing, your citizens
will build Shacks, which lower their House rating, which leads to a lower
happiness rating, which leads to lower respect for you, which leads to your
possible overtake.

|-[12.1.1] Shack-|

- Special
- Not Available for construction
- Built automatically by citizens
- Can be bulldozed
- Houses 1 family only
- Base Quality: 5

Shacks cannot be built by you because they are the lowest form of housing a
person can live in.  They will be built by citizens who can't afford any of
the housing you provide, or if there is not adequate housing available.

Shacks are very, VERY shoddy buildings.  If you demolish them when you don't
have other means of housing available, they will be re-built somewhere else.
Make sure you always have other housing, be it a Tenement or whatever, to
keep these disgusting things away.

|-[12.1.2] Country House-|

Cost:           $500
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Rent
Options:        NONE
Staff:          NONE
# of families:  1
Base Quality:   50
Variations:     2

This house isn't too bad.  It's got an average quality, which can be improved
or disproved depending on what surronds it.  I usually use this house for my
teamsters and for the Farmers, but usually no one else.  I charge $3 for this

|-[12.1.3] House-|

Cost:           $1,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Rent
Options:        NONE
Staff:          NONE
# of families:  1
Base Quality:   70
Variations:     3

Houses are nice buildings, and anyone would live in one.  They have better-
than-average quality, and they generally look nicer then most other housing
structures.  Since they are nice and have good quality, I usually charge $12
a month, which means my medium-low to medium-class citizens (laborers,
shopkeepers, etc.) can live in it.

|-[12.1.4] Luxury House-|

Cost:           $2,000
Requirements:   Electricity (2 MW)
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Rent
Options:        NONE
Staff:          NONE
# of families:  1
Base Quality:   95
Variations:     NONE

This is a beautiful house.  It's the most expensive single-family house, and
it requires electricity, so build them only for your elite (bankers, doctors,
priests, etc.).  I usually charge $20 for it.

|-[12.1.5] Tenement-|

Cost:           $4,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Rent
Options:        Normal Maintenance
                Roach Patrol
Staff:          NONE
# of families:  12
Base Quality:   35
Variations:     NONE

Normal Maintenance - building is maintained on a regular basis, which keeps
                     the quality up, but costs more money.

Roach Patrol       - building is maintained rarely, which keeps the quality
                     down, but costs less money.

Your most basic multi-family house.  It's got a fairly low quality, and it
shouldn't be used for your good residents.  Save the Tenement for Farmers,
Laborers, Teamsters, Dockworkers, and the like.  I usually charge $5, but I
also build one or two which I leave as free, so the unemployed have somewhere
to live.

|-[12.1.6] Apartment-|

Cost:           $5,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Rent
Options:        Normal Maintenance
                Roach Patrol
Staff:          NONE
# of families:  6
Base Quality:   60
Variations:     NONE

Normal Maintenance - building is maintained on a regular basis, which keeps
                     the quality up, but costs more money.

Roach Patrol       - building is maintained rarely, which keeps the quality
                     down, but costs less money.

The richer version of the Tenement, the Apartment can house six families, and
has a slightly above average quality.  This is for the middle-class people,
such as Teachers (not Professors), Soldiers, and Bureaucrats.  I usually
charge $8.

|-[12.1.7] Bunkhouse-|

Cost:           $350
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Rent
Options:        Normal Maintenance
                Roach Patrol
Staff:          NONE
# of families:  2
Base Quality:   25
Variations:     NONE

Normal Maintenance - building is maintained on a regular basis, which keeps
                     the quality up, but costs more money.

Roach Patrol       - building is maintained rarely, which keeps the quality
                     down, but costs less money.

I've only used the Bunkhouse a few times, and I don't like it.  The only
thing I find it good for is placing close to a tourist area (but not too
close that you lower the value of the area) so the attendants and Maid's can
use it as their house.  I charge $2.


|-[12.2] Industrial-|

Industrial buildings are one of the better money-makers, and having lots of
them will make the Capitalists like you better.

|-[12.2.1] Lumber Mill-|

Cost:           $5,000
Requirements:   Logging Camp
Upgrades:       Sawdust Burner - $2,000
                Power Saw - $2,000 + 10Mw Electricity
                Log Debarker - $3,000 + 5Mw Electricity
Income From:    Refinement of logs into lumber
Options:        Sweat Shop
Staff:          5 Factory Workers

Sweat Shop   - extra long hours, which gets more work done, but employee job
               happiness decreses

Easy-Does-It - workers get off 20% earlier, and their job happiness increases,
               but they don't get as much work done


Sawdust Burner - Decreases pollution by 50%
Power Saw      - Increases production per worker by 30%
Log Debarker   - Increases production per worker by 25%, but 10% more logs
                 are required per unit of finished lumber.

The Lumber Mill takes logs from the Logging Camp and turns it into lumber.
Lumber's a good resource, and will make you good money.  It helps your
economy, so your faction with the Capitalists will increase.  I usually pay
the workers of this industry $30.

|-[12.2.2] Cannery-|

Cost:           $15,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       Packing House - $3,000
                Flash Freezer - $3,500 + 10Mw Electricity
Income From:    Refinement of fish, pineapple and coffee into canned fish,
                canned pineapple and canned coffee
Options:        Sweat Shop
Staff:          8 Factory Workers

Sweat Shop   - extra long hours, which gets more work done, but employee job
               happiness decreses

Easy-Does-It - workers get off 20% earlier, and their job happiness increases,
               but they don't get as much work done

Packing House - Increases production per worker by 25%
Flash Freezer - Allows Coffee to be processed into freeze-dried coffee, worth
                25% more than ordinary canned coffee.

Cannery's take fish, pineapple and coffee and turns it into canned goods,
which are worth more than un-canned goods.  It helps your economy, so your
faction with the Capitalists will increase.  I usually pay the workers of
this industry $30.

|-[12.2.3] Cigar Factory-|

Cost:           $10,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       Climate Control - $6,000 + 5Mw Electricity
                Auto-roller - $12,000 + 10Mw Electricity
                Skylights - $5,000
Income From:    Refinement of tobacco into cigars
Options:        Sweat Shop
Staff:          8 Factory Workers

Sweat Shop   - extra long hours, which gets more work done, but employee job
               happiness decreses

Easy-Does-It - workers get off 20% earlier, and their job happiness increases,
               but they don't get as much work done

Skylights       - Increases job happiness by 15%
Climate Control - Decreases tobacco wastage, decreases raw materials used per
                  cigar by 20%
Auto-roller     - Increase production per worker by 50%, but cigars are worth
                  $10 less then hand-rolled

Cigar's have the potential to make you a lot of money.  Once your economy is
somewhat strong, build two or three Tobacco Farms and Cigar Factories, and
watch the money roll in.  It helps your economy, so your faction with the
Capitalists will increase.  I usually pay the workers of this industry $30.

|-[12.2.4] Jewelry Factory-|

Cost:           $13,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       Skylights - $3,000
                Jeweler's Guild - $5,000
                Finishing Shop - $16,000 + 10Mw Electricity
Income From:    Refinement of gold into jewelery
Options:        Sweat Shop
Staff:          6 Factory  Workers

Sweat Shop   - extra long hours, which gets more work done, but employee job
               happiness decreses

Easy-Does-It - workers get off 20% earlier, and their job happiness increases,
               but they don't get as much work done

Skylights       - Increases job happiness by 15%
Jeweler's Guild - Increases the rate at which workers gain experience by 50%
Finishing Shop  - Allows the creation of fine jewelery, which is worth 15%
                  more than ordinary jewelery.

Jewelery brings in roughly $2,500 - $3,000, so it's something you'll
definitely want.  Gold, which is used to make jewelery, brings in a fair bit
of cash itself, so if you can't afford a Jewelery Factory right away, at least
build a Gold mine.  It helps your economy, so your faction with the
Capitalists will increase.  I usually pay the workers of this industry $30.

|-[12.2.5] Rum Distillery-|

Cost:           $22,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       Flavouring Facility - $15,000
                Mulching Machinery - $10,000 + 15Mw Electricity
Income From:    Refinement of sugar into rum
Options:        Sweat Shop
Staff:          12 Factory Workers

Sweat Shop   - extra long hours, which gets more work done, but employee job
               happiness decreses

Easy-Does-It - workers get off 20% earlier, and their job happiness increases,
               but they don't get as much work done

Flavouring Facility - Allows the creation of spiced rum, worth 15% more than
                      ordinary rum.
Mulching Macinery   - Increases production per worker by 20%

Beer beer beer!  This is the ultimate money-maker.  For an added bonus, if
you chose "Booze Baron" as one of your qualities, you will get an additional
100% revenue!  Unfortunately, if you have enacted the edict "Prohibition",
this factory, as well as your pubs and nightclubs, will cease to function.
It helps your economy, so your faction with the Capitalists will increase.  I
usually pay the workers of this industry $30.


|-[12.3] Farming and Mining-|

Farms do two things.  They can either a) produce food for your citizens or
b) harvest cash-crops, which don't feed anybody, and only make money.  Mining
facilities are required for some factories.  Example: you need a Gold Mine
to mine gold so that it can be delivered to a Jewelery Factory.

|-[12.3.1] Farm-|

Cost:           $1,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Crop Production, Corn, Pineapple, Coffee, Sugar
Options:        Sugar, Tobacco, Papaya, Bananas, Corn
Staff:          4 Farmers

Each farm that produces food (Corn, Pineapple, Papaya, Banana) can  feed
about 30 people, give or take.  It is a general rule of thumb (for me at
least) to build another farm for every 40 people that immigrate to your
island.  Be sure to spread the farms out so that you get a full crop so you
can make the most food (or money).  I pay food farmers $10, but for the
Sugar and Tobacco farms, I pay $15.

|-[12.3.2] Ranch-|

Cost:           $750
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       Smoke House - $2,000
Income From:    Refinement of fish, pineapple, coffee into canned fish,
                pineapple and coffee
Options:        Livestock production, cattle, goat
Staff:          2 Farmers

Smoke House - allows creation of smoked beef, which is worth 20% more than
              ordinary beef

Beef is a very good dish, and a Ranch will feed about 20 people.  It's good
to spread these out (though not as far as a farm) so that you can host the
most cattle or goat.  I usually pay these farmers $10.

|-[12.3.3] Fisherman's Wharf-|

Cost:           $3,000
Requirements:   Must be placed on shoreline
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Refinement of tobacco into cigars
Options:        Fishing
                Clean Waste Disposal
Staff:          4 Fishermen
Variations:     North, South, East, West

Clean Waste Disposal - increases maintenance costs, but produces less

Back To The Sea      - reduces maintenance costs, but causes pollution to
                       occur around the beach where the Wharf is placed

I don't build too many of these, because I perfer the farms and ranch.  If
you do build one, make sure you provide road access so that your teammsters
can get the goods faster.  I usually pay fishermen $10.

|-[12.3.4] Logging Camp-|

Cost:           $1,500
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       Tool Shop - $3,000
                Horticultural Station - $1,500
Income From:    Logging
Options:        Clear Cut
                Selective Harvest
Staff:          8 Lumberjacks

Clear Cut         - cut the trees around the camp all the way down

Selective Harvest - cut the trees down halfway, preserving the beauty of
                    the area but requiring your workers to move further out
                    to produce a full harvest

Tool Shop             - Decreases cutting time by 40%
Horticultural Station - Causes areas that have been cut down to regenerate
                        at double speed

I build lots of these, because they are quite a good source of money.  I
usually have two camps for every mill, so that way the people who turn the
logs into lumber are never busy and never have nothing to do.  I pay these
people $15.

|-[12.3.5] Mine-|

Cost:           $3,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       Crusher - $1,500 + 5Mw Electricity
                Separator - $5,000 + 10Mw Electricity
                Screener - $3,000 + 10Mw Electricity
Income From:    Mining
Options:        Iron, Bauxite, Gold, All Metals
Staff:          8 Miners

Crusher   - Increases Bauxite per load by 30% and Iron by 15%
Separator - Increase Gold per load by 20% and all other metals by 10%
Screener  - Increases Iron per load by 40%

Mines are the major (next to Tourism) source of your economy, and without
enough of them, the Capitalists will get mad at you.  If you're lucky, you'll
have a good gold area around your palace, as it's the richest metal.  I
usually pay my miners $15.


|-[12.4] Tourism-|

Tourism is a big money-making industry.  It also, however, requires a lot of
money before you can set up a medium sized tourist area.  Also takes a lot
of workers and a lot of time.

# of tourists = number of tourist families this building can hold at once
                Always registered in "couples"

|-[12.4.1] Bungalow-|

Cost:           $400
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Rent
Options:        Auto-Fee (50-100% occupancy)
                Manual Fee
Staff:          1 Maid
# of tourists:  1
Base Quality:   7
Area Quality:   Medium-Class

Auto-Fee   - automatically chooses a fee based on how full you want to keep
             the hotel

Manual Fee - used like any building; adjust the fee to your liking

I like to place two rows of five Bungalows each along the beach.  It doesn't
really do much, but it just looks nice, because these types of hotels are
generally supposed to be built on a beach.

|-[12.4.2] Cheap Hotel-|

Cost:           $1,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Rent
Options:        Auto-Fee (50-100% occupancy)
                Manual Fee
Staff:          2 Maids
# of tourists:  10
Base Quality:   30
Area Quality:   Low-Class

Auto-Fee   - automatically chooses a fee based on how full you want to keep
             the hotel

Manual Fee - used like any building; adjust the fee to your liking

Build the Cheap Hotel to attract the fat, lazy vacationers.  The "Slob"
tourists, as the book like to says.  They don't have as much many as the
middle- or high-class tourists, and they won't enter any building that has
an "Upscale Dress Code."

|-[12.4.3] Hotel-|

Cost:           $5,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Rent
Options:        Auto-Fee (50-100% occupancy)
                Manual Fee
Staff:          3 Maids
# of tourists:  12
Base Quality:   50
Area Quality:   Medium-Class

Auto-Fee   - automatically chooses a fee based on how full you want to keep
             the hotel

Manual Fee - used like any building; adjust the fee to your liking

This is the middle-class hotel.  Slob tourists will also stay in this hotel
(if they can afford it, which most can't, unless you charge cheap prices), but
this hotel is best at attracting the middle-class who have a fair amount of
money.  Middle-class can enter buildings with an "Upscale Dress Code."

|-[12.4.4] Luxury Hotel-|

Cost:           $10,000
Requirements:   15Mw Electricity
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Rent
Options:        Auto-Fee (50-100% occupancy)
                Manual Fee
Staff:          6 Maids
# of tourists:  12
Base Quality:   75
Area Quality:   High-Class

Auto-Fee   - automatically chooses a fee based on how full you want to keep
             the hotel

Manual Fee - used like any building; adjust the fee to your liking

Now you're getting high up.  You want the best Yanquai, and this will bring
them to you.  If possible, try building up your tourist industry before
placing this hotel (build a Bungalow, then the other structures become
available).  That way, you'll have a better time judging the quality of the
area.  High-class have huge amounts of money, love the Casino and Arena, will
go to any site (except the Beach Site) and can enter buildings with an
"Upscale Dress Code."  If possible, build an airport to attract even richer

|-[12.4.5] Pool-|

Cost:           $4,000
Requirements:   Hotel (any kind)
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Admission
Options:        No Dress Code
                Upscale Dress Code
Staff:          2 Attendants
# of tourists:  16
Base Quality:   60

No Dress Code      - anybody can enter this attraction, including slobs

Upscale Dress Code - only the medium- and high-class tourists may enter

For some reason, tourists don't actually use the pool.  They lay on towels
*around* the pool.  Ah well.  Whatever floats your boat.  Pools can and will
be accessed by all forms of tourists, unless you opt to have "Upscale Dress

|-[12.4.6] Beach Site-|

Cost:           $500
Requirements:   Hotel (any kind), must be placed along beach
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Admission
Options:        No Dress Code
                Upscale Dress Code
Staff:          1 Attendant
# of tourists:  10
Base Quality:   50
Variations:     North, South, East, West

No Dress Code      - anybody can enter this attraction, including slobs

Upscale Dress Code - only the medium- and high-class tourists may enter

Ahh...the favorite activity of slob tourists...lay on a beach, with your big
fat butt toward the sky.  Low- (slob) and middle-class tourists both enjoy
the Beach Site.

|-[12.4.7] Spa-|

Cost:           $5,000
Requirements:   Hotel (any kind)
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Admission
Options:        No Dress Code
                Upscale Dress Code
Staff:          3 Attendants
# of tourists:  9
Base Quality:   90

No Dress Code      - anybody can enter this attraction, including slobs

Upscale Dress Code - only the medium- and high-class tourists may enter

Pamper and beauty...enjoyable by all but the slobs.  I place two of these
fairly close by, because they seem to attract a bunch of tourists at once.
Middle- and high-class people will use this, and low-class if the prices are
cheap and you don't have a dress code.

|-[12.4.8] Scenic Outlook-|

Cost:           $1,000
Requirements:   Hotel (any kind)
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Admission
Options:        Mimeographed Handout
                4-Color Brochure
Staff:          1 Attendant
# of tourists:  6
Base Quality:   50

Mimeographed Handout - low quality, black and white brochure, which lowers
                       quality and maintenance costs

4-Color Brochure     - high quality, 4-page color brochure, which increases
                       quality and maintenance costs

I, personally, do not build many of these.  Why?  I don't like them.  I find
that they don't attract enough people to make any good money.  I set the
price at $2 and offered the 4-Color Brochure, and in a ten year span, I had
14 people visit it, and it's rating was always in the 30's.  This isn't good,
considering it was next to a few large fountains and a pool and spa.

|-[12.4.9] Archeological Site Tourist Center-|

Cost:           $2,000
Requirements:   Archeological Site (randomly placed when map is generated)
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Admission
Options:        Mimeographed Handout
                4-Color Brochure
Staff:          2 Professors
# of tourists:  10
Base Quality:   70

Mimeographed Handout - low quality, black and white brochure, which lowers
                       quality and maintenance costs

4-Color Brochure     - high quality, 4-page color brochure, which increases
                       quality and maintenance costs

If you are lucky enough to have an Archelogical Site on your island (on two
of my islands I didn't have one), then you better well exploit it.  Build a
Tourist Center and let two professors work at it.  It's well-visited, and
will bring you lots of cash.

|-[12.4.10] Souvenir Shop-|

Cost:           $1,250
Requirements:   Hotel (any kind)
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Admission
Options:        T-Shirts
                Arts & Crafts
Staff:          2 Shopkeepers
# of tourists:  10
Base Quality:   35

T-Shirts      - geared toward low-to-medium class visitors

Arts & Crafts - geared toward high-class visitors

What would a vacation be if the tourists can't bring back a little something?
Quite a bad one, I imagine.  That's where the Souvenir Shop comes in.  It
offers two different products that you can sell.  I usually build two of
these; one offering T-Shirts, the other offering Arts & Crafts.  These things,
no matter where I placed them, always generated lots of visits, and the
average tourism rating for this structure alone bounced between 70-95.


|-[12.5] Entertainment-|

Your people need entertainment.  Wait.  Scratch that.  Your people DEMAND
entertainment!  If you go five years without building an entertainment
building, be it a Pub or Casino, your people will complain.  Even if you have
sufficient money to purchase four Stadiums, you should also build the lower
quality structures, like the Pub, because some of your citizens just want to
drink and don't care for "fancy entertainment", as a lot of them say.

|-[12.5.1] Pub-|

Cost:           $800
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Meal/Drink charges
Options:        No Dress Code
                Upscale Dress Code
Staff:          2 Barmaids
Max. Occupancy  8 people
Base Quality:   35
Variations:     NONE

No Dress Code      - anybody can enter this attraction

Upscale Dress Code - only the medium- and high-class citizens and tourists
                     will enter

|-[12.5.2] Night Club-|

Cost:           $4,000
Requirements:   Pub
                8Mw Electricity
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Admission Fee
Options:        No Dress Code
                Upscale Dress Code
Staff:          2 Barmaids
Max. Occupancy: 15 people
Base Quality:   70
Variations:     NONE

No Dress Code      - anybody can enter this attraction

Upscale Dress Code - only the medium- and high-class citizens and tourists
                     will enter

|-[12.5.3] Restaurant-|

Cost:           $2,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Meal charges
Options:        Paper Placemats
                Cloth Napkins
                Linen Tablecloths
Staff:          2 Cooks
Max. Occupancy: 10 people
Base Quality:   40
Variations:     NONE

Paper Placemats   - -50% maintenance cost, -10% quality
Cloth Napkins     -  Equal maintenance and quality
Linen Tablecloths -  +50% maintenance cost, +20% quality

|-[12.5.4] Gourmet Restaurant-|

Cost:           $3,000
Requirements:   Restaurant
                5Mw Electricity
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Meal charges
Options:        Paper Placemats
                Cloth Napkins
                Linen Tablecloths
Staff:          6 Maids
Max. Occupancy: 12 people
Base Quality:   80
Variations:     NONE

Paper Placemats   - -50% maintenance cost, -10% quality
Cloth Napkins     -  Equal maintenance and quality
Linen Tablecloths -  +50% maintenance cost, +20% quality

|-[12.5.5] Sports Complex/Stadium-|

Cost:           $25,000
Requirements:   20Mw Electricity
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Admission Fee
Options:        No Booze Allowed
                Booze Allowed
Staff:          6 Athletes
Max. Occupancy: 24 people
Base Quality:   60
Variations:     NONE

No Booze Allowed - drinks won't be sold, and will scare off people who like
                   to drink

Booze Allowed    - drinks will bring in additional income, but will scare
                   off people who don't drink and slightly increase crime

|-[12.5.6] Casino-|

Cost:           $10,000
Requirements:   25Mw Electricity
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Admission Fee
Options:        Nickel Slot Machines
Staff:          4 Pitbosses
Max. Occupancy: 24 people
Base Quality:   55
Variations:     NONE

Nickel Slot Machines - will attract low-class citizens and tourists
Blackjack            - will attract middle-class citizens and tourists
Baccarat             - will attract high-class citizens and tourists, and
                       slightly raise crime

|-[12.5.7] Cabaret-|

Cost:           $4,000
Requirements:   NONE
Upgrades:       NONE
Income From:    Admission Fee
Options:        No Dress Code
                Upscale Dress Code
Staff:          3 Showgirls
Max. Occupancy: 9 people
Base Quality:   60
Variations:     NONE

No Dress Code      - anybody can enter this attraction

Upscale Dress Code - only the medium- and high-class citizens and tourists
                     will enter


|-[12.6] Infrastructure-|




|-[19] Getting Started Guide-|

This section will walk you through the first 5-10 years of your reign, with
suggestions on what and what not to build, prices to charge, wages to pay,
how to keep the different factions happy, keep your neighbors (U.S. and
Russia) happy, and everything a dictator needs.

Coming soon...


|-[20] Beginning Strategies-|

Coming soon...


|-[21] Advanced Strategies-|

Coming soon...


|-[22] Cheat Codes-|

To use these cheats, you must hold down CTRL while entering them.

CODE                     RESULT

pesos                    add $20,000
contento                 increase happiness by 10 (use to increase up to 99)



|-[23] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)-|

Q: How many problems can your island have?

A: There are plenty of problems.  Most problems can be found in other city
   building games as well, such as a lack of food, no education, low
   happiness and what-not, but there are a few specifically for Tropico.
   For starters, if your people become too unhappy with you, and you don't
   do anything to improve their mood, they may become rebels, and attack
   some of your buildings (most notably farms) and eventually attack your
   palace.  Having your Palace attacked and destroyed is bad, because that
   means you are thrown off the island (read: game over).  Secondly, if you
   don't keep your military happy, there is always the threat of a coup
   d'eta.  When this happens, your military will split into two groups, one
   who opposes you and one who is loyal to you.  If the opposing group has
   more men then your loyal group, they will kill off your soldiers, then
   attack the palace.  If the Palace gets destroyed (you can see the amount
   of damage done to the palace by clicking on it) you are, again, thrown
   off the island.  Your regular citizens (read: not rebels) can even
   destroy your palace.  These citizens are called "rabble" and will attack
   your military and palace with rocks.  Finally, if either the United States
   or Russia gets angry enough with you, they may launch a military invasion.
   Unfortunately, there is no way at all to protect against this, so it's
   an instant kick off the island.  Hmmm.  All this talking about getting
   kicked off the island is making me want to watch Survivor, but ever since
   Elizabeth and Rodger got kicked off, I think it's going to be kind of

Q: How do you build an army?

A: First, you need an Armory, which employs three generals.  Then you can
   begin building Guard Houses.  Each Armory can support three Guard Houses,
   and each Guard House can support three soldiers.  So, having one Armor and
   three Guard Houses gives you an army of 12.  Continue adding Armories and
   Guard Houses to increase your army.

Have a question?  Send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


|-[24] Bugs-|

1) Never-Leaving Gunship
If your relations turn bad, for either the U.S. or Russia, they will send
a patrol boat to your shore, and if you don't improve your relations, the
country might invade you.  However, if you improve your relations enough,
a message pops up saying "Although your relations with  are still
shaky, they have decided to return their gunship." or something along those
lines.  After three more years, the gunship was still there, apparently
lodged in the dock, moving, but not actually going anywhere.


|-[25] Credits-|

Development: PopTop Software
Game Design: Phil Steinmeyer
Additional Design: Franz Felsl
Game Programming: Brent Smith, Phil Steinmeyer
Engine Programming: Phil Steinmeyer, Guillermo J. Garcia-Sampedro
Art - Characters: David Deen, Craig Matchett
Art - Buildings: Steve Mohesky, Franz Felsl, Craig Matchett, Paul Mullen,
                 David Deen, Brian Feldges
Art - Landscape: Todd Bergantz
Art - Interface: Paul Mullen
Art - Cut Scenes/Video: Brian Feldges
Art - 3D Vehicles: Guillermo J. Garcia-Sampedro
Sound: Paul Mullen
Webmaster: David Deen, Franz Felsl
Manual: David Deen, Kendahl Johnson, "Mr. X"
Testing/Balancing: Everyone
Music: Latin Music Specialists
Lead Musician: Daniel Indart (Vocals, Guitar, Percussion, Keyboards)
Additional Musicians: Jesus "nino" Perez (Vocals, Flute, Tres, Piano), "Los
                      Corales" Oscar Luis Morejon & Narciso Garcia (Vocals,
                      Guitars), Lucho Campillo (Accordion), Daniel Loen
Publishing - U.S: Gathering Of Developers
Producer: Josh Galloway
PR: Jeff Smith, Andrea Villareal
Marketing: Jim Bloom, David Eddings, Devin Winterbotttom, Toni De Valdenebro,
           Mike Wilson
Online: Doug Myres, Bill Nadalini, William Haskins
Creative: Greg Malphurs, Jenny Jemison, Devin Winterbottom
Testing - U.S: Take2 Baltimore QA
Tech/QA Director: Phil Santiago
QA Supervisor: Chien Yu
QA Project Lead: Kai Ma
QA Testers: Lisa Nawrot, Josh Rose, Josh Nole, Stephen Thomas, Frank
            Kirchner, Ryan Littlefield, Scott Vail, Stacey Sharpe, Joe
            Covello, Anne Takeuchi
Publishing - Europe: Take 2 Interactive
U.K. Producer: Andrew Morley
U.K. Marketing: Emma Rush, Sarah Seaby, Gary Sims
U.K. Public Relations: Amy Curtin, Mark Allen
U.K. Production: Jon Broadbridge, Chris Madgwick
U.K. Q.A. Headquarters: Tarantula Studios
U.K. Test Manager: Mark Lloyd
U.K. Lead Tester: Julian Turner
U.K. Testers: Kevin Hobson, Charlie, Kinloch, Lee Johnson, Kit Brown, Phil
German Troubleshooting: Matthias Wehner
Other Partners: Public Relations, TSI Communications, Matt Burton, Andrea
                Schneider, Lori Mezoff
Packaging/Print Advertising: Greg Malphurs (rendered scenes by Brian

Uses Blink Technology.  Copyright 1997-2001 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.

Uses Miles Sound System.  Copyright 1991-2001 by RAD Games TOOLS, Inc.

Special thanks to everyone who bought and enjoyed Railroad Tycoon II.  The
success of that game allowed PopTop to grow and ultimately bring you
Tropico.  We hope you enjoy Tropico, and look forward to bringing you more
great strategy games in the years ahead.
