Unlimited lives:

Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 12933,0

POKE 12934,2

POKE 28465,76

POKE 28446,70

POKE 28467,10

SYS 4096 

Unlimited lives (alternate):

Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 12933,0

POKE 12934,2

SYS 4096

Solution to ARCANA (New Generation)
   by Matthew Rogers

You need 7 talismans to complete it. Goes like this...more or less (",)

Door 1 (far left) - There are 3 rooms:

a. Contains a skull and two blue ghosts. Shoot the skull using the ring [3c] 
until a talisman appears. Get talisman.
b. Energy room? Not sure as I was cheating but there's a room like this on 
each level.
c. Contains a key which will open Door 2.

Door 2 - There are 8 rooms:

a. A wine cellar which I think has no relevance.
b. A talisman is behind a grill - the lever to open has an eagle on it. 
Pretty sure you need the ring [3c] to shoot the bird off. If not come here 
before going to the final room [3k].
c. Energy room?
d. Contains a false wall with runes on - collect the runic symbol from room 
[2f] to move wall and collect the heavy weight
e. Contains a crossbow bolt.
f. There's a runic symbol in the chest.
g. Shoot the shield to collect the talisman behind.
h. Walk up to jug to collect wing of bat.

Door 3 - There are 11 rooms:

a. Contains a talisman high up and a cauldron at the bottom. I think you 
need to have the wing of bat [2h] and jawbone [3b]. Shoot the cauldron and 
the talisman will drop.
b. There's a jawbone in the chest.
c. The ring is here. Walk into the crossbow when you have the crossbow bolt 
[2e]. Then walk over the ring.
d. Energy room?
e. Contains a pink jug - shoot the jug with magic to reveal the lodestone. 
To get the lodestone shoot it using the ring - it will draw it towards you.
f. There are some grapes on the table that can only be collected using the 
ring - I think these just give energy.
g. Contains amulet which is high on a shelf. I think you need the lodestone 
[3e] to draw it to you. It will fall and you can collect.
h. A room with a red ghost - you need the protective amulet [3g] here to get 
past the ghost. Then collect the elixir of life from the table (far right). 
Not sure what that does - maybe more energy?
i. There's a talisman behind another grill. Think you need the heavy weight 
[2d] to attach to the chain to the right. Collect talisman.
j. Contains a shelf with a knife and some herbs. Use the ring to shoot the 
knife along the shelf - collect the herbs - dunno what they do either.
k. The final room - do not come here until all 7 talismans have been 
collected. Once they have, the white ball will rise and you have to shoot 
the book continuously until it rises - thereby ending the game.

Door 4 - There are 8 rooms:

a. Contains a large pentangle which will rise and reveal a talisman once you 
have collected the pentagram [4b].
b. Contains a cupboard. Shoot the cupboard from the right to open a panel 
and collect the pentagram.
c. There's a purple box here. Inside is a healing charm (more energy, I 
d. Energy room?
e. There's a candle on the table. You need to shoot it with the ring to draw 
it towards you. A shiny 'thing' will then appear above it - shoot it to 
reveal a tasliman behind a shield.
f. There's a key here - not sure what it's for.
g. On the table is a bottle of ointment (looks like a piece of the 
background). Shoot it from the right until it falls off the table. (more 
h. There's an unlocking spell in the chest. Dunno what it unlocks.

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