Cheat mode:
Enter 57502 as a code. Then, press A + [F3] and begin game play. Press one of the following keys to activate the corresponding code function.

Level select
 Q, A, or Z 


Level skip:
Complete the following objectives to jump to a higher level. 

Level 1
Get the flowerpot, then press 1 + [F7] to jump to level 4. 

Level 2
Kill all monsters, jump onto the rolling hoop, then press 3 + [F7] to jump to level 22. 

Level 3
Get the trophy, then press 4 + [F7] to jump to level 15. 

Level 5
Get the tea pot, then press 8 + [F7] to jump to level 8. 

Level 10
Get the pitchfork, then press 4 + 5 + [F7] to jump to level 14. 

Level 16
Get the pie on the left, then press 9 + [F7] to jump to an level 19.