View Babes:
Complete the game after saving all the babes. A new "View Babes" options will be available when the next game is started.

Alternate appearance
Quickly press Up(2), Down, X, Triangle, Circle at the first "Start" screen.

Play as Evil Blasto
Press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left at the first "Start" screen.

Special weapons
Press Up(2), Down(2), Right, Up, Right, Down, Left(2) at the first "Start" screen. Every life starts with Rapid Fire guns, followed by a Flame Thrower, Heat Seeker, Ice Gun, and Nukes before repeating.

Air not required when swimming
Press Down(3), Left, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right(2) at the first "Start" screen.

Small Blasto
Press Right(2), Left, Down, Up at the first "Start" screen.

Maximum health with every health pill
Press Up, Right(2), Left, Down at the first "Start" screen. 

Blue laser
Press Right, Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right at the first "Start" screen.

Fire charged shots
Press Left(2), Right, Left, Up, Left, Down(2), Left(2) at the first "Start" screen.

Motion sickness mode
Press Left, Down, Left, Right, Down, Right, Left, Up(2), Right at the first "Start" screen.