Cheat Codes:

Extra Level:

Just to inform you, There's another level after the 12th one : Death Blow. To activate it, go to the level selection screen and click on the spiral after you've completed Level 12. That level is very difficult.

Go into Dark Reign dir find dark go in and find deftxt dir and once your in edit unit.txt and read the directions and then change the units to what ever you like. For example say this is the Mercenary go down a little bit and do this:

CanPhase(30 25 tft1 0)

Morph into overlay means rocks or trees and if you sit still and not move or shoot the enemy won't see you. Phase puts your guy under ground then push unphase and he'll come back up for an ambush.(Even better if you have alot of these guys!)

SetCost(500 15) Change to this:
SetCost(1 1) and they'll be made faster and cheaper
SetStrength(700000) they'll be practically invincable.
AddWeapon(RailGun 1 0) change this to
AddWeapon(Radec 1 0) very cool and strong gun!.

And movement do this
(Ground) change these to 
(Tunnel) you travel under ground and can shoot enemy units unexpected real fun oh yeah they are vulnerable to water so change this
(ToughHumanWet 100) to this
(ToughHuman 100) do this to the vehicles to like the shockwave well there you go cool huh.