* * * Deadline Hints * * *

1. Looking for a motive? 
2. Can't figure out the method? 
3. Still wondering about method? 
4. Need more proof? 
5. Trying to lay a trap? 
6. Does your trap fail? 

1. Spend a couple of minutes fiddling with what's on the desk.

2. A criminal after Romeo's heart.

3. You look like you need to freshen up. When you get where you're going, 
be very snoopy.

4. Take time to stop and smell the roses.

5. Make like Juliet, and your patience will be rewarded.

6. Exact timing is the key that unlocks many a door.

more? :

1. Read calendar (July 7). Turn calendar (July 8). Rub pencil on notepad. At about 9:00, the phone will ring. Pick up phone.
2. Get Loblo bottle. Read Loblo label.
3. Around 9:15, an envelope will be delivered to the foyer. Open envelope and read the letter. Interesting possibilities, but you'll never get a conviction.
4. Around 11:25, the Herald (newspaper) will arrive. Read paper. Read second section.
5. Around 12:00, attend reading of the will. Show George the calendar. Follow George (who is upset and goes to his room), and go out on the library balcony. Look into library. Save game when George appears. When George disappears, enter library and examine bookshelf. Push button after three waits (give him time to open the safe). Alternate solutions evolve by waiting for longer or shorter periods. Try them all. Get stack of papers. Have fun with the new will.
6. After around 11:20, find Mc Nabb, who will be mumbling to himself. Ask Mc nabb about the roses. Ask Mc nabb to show me the holes. Follow Mc nabb. Dig in the soil. Search the dirt. Analyze porcelain for Loblo. Get lab report (later).
7. Ask Dunbar about Loblo bottle. Show her that lab report. Accuse Dunbar. (She should be very uptight now, and if Baxter is present, should glance nervously at the two of you.) Move away and wait for her to pass by you. Follow Dunbar (out the front door), where she will fish for a cigarette. Get (dropped) ticket stub. Ask Dunbar about the ticket stub.
8. Wait and follow until Dunbar and Baxter are together. Show Baxter the newspaper and the second section. Ask Baxter about ticket stub. Show him the lab report. Show him the stack of papers. Save game. Arrest them individually, then arrest Baxter and Dunbar. Try hiding behind shed; if they aren't already there, they'll come.
9. As an alternate, don't arrest either. Wait in foyer for Dunbar to go by, heading for her room. Wait upstairs for pistol shot. With everyone assembled in Dunbar's room, ask Baxter for pen. Arrest Baxter. As a second alternate, wait for Dunbar in her room, talk a while, and then leave. By the way, did you ever read the end of the book in the living room?