So you want to gamble with Gheed, but don't want to get ripped off? Here's what to do. Save and re-enter your game. You will be in town. Gamble with Gheed. If you don't want the item, then hit ALT-TAB to go to Windows. Hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and choose End Task on Diablo II. Restart Diablo II, reload your character, and you will be back at your saved game without the purchase from Gheed. Retrieve Items If you die and cannot make it back to retrieve the items from your dead body, simply save, exit, and return to the game. Your corpse will appear in town and you may retrieve your items easily
Cow level:
When you have the Horadaric Cube, obtain "Wert's Leg" in Tristram (where you go to rescue Deckhard Cain). Go to the northwest part of the town and search the boy's body. Place both Wert's leg and a Tome of Town Portal in the Horadaric Cube, and it will open a portal to a hidden level filled with axe carrying cows. Do not go through the portal until you are over level 35 because the cows are quite numerous and strong.


Windowed game:


Start the game with the "-w" command line parameter to run it in a window on the desktop. 


Retrieving items after death:


Save and exit the game after dying. Restart the game, and your corpse will be in town, allowing you to retrieve your possessions.


Gain money and items quickly:

Travel past the Blood Moor and look for a cave. The cave has two levels, with a golden chest somewhere at the second level. Inside are usually health potions, mana potions, scrolls of town portal or identify, unidentified weapons and armor, and sometimes even a rare item that can be sold for a great deal of money. If you identify the item and it is something that you do not want, sell it. Save and exit the game. The next time the game is loaded, the chest will still be there with different items. This can be done as many times as needed.
Diablo II FAQ/Walkthrough




1. Version History

2. Introduction

3. Basic Gameplay

4. Character Analysis

5. Playing Tips

6. Quest Walkthroughs




1. Skills, Spells and Magic

2. Magical Items - Prefixes and Suffixes

3. Mundane Items - Item Attributes

4. Rare Items

5. Uniques

6. Set Items

7. Magical Shrines and Fountains

8. Monster Tables




Legal/Contact Information




Section 1 : Version History


Version 0.03 - Dated 24th June 2000


Added some unique weapons and armor listings, a few monster listings and 

amended some basic information in the list of enchantments on magic items.

I also added a Set Items section to the growing Appendix. There should be 

another update pretty soon once I finish my research paper. When I do, I

will put in the weapons and armor tables.


Version 0.02 - Dated 22nd June 2000


Added information on the Stash in Section 5 under Playing Tips, and basic 

information on some prefixes, suffixes and pieces of equipment. I will put

in some weapons listings, rares and uniques after sorting through my notes




Version 0.01 - Dated 20th June 2000


Based on information garnered from the Diablo II Stress Test. This 

preliminary FAQ/Walkthrough contains a systematic guide to the first two 

quests in Act 1, as well as basic gameplay information. There will be more 

updates after Citadel Corporation receives the commercial version of 

Diablo II on the 29th of June.




Section 2 : Introduction


Trouble brews in the wake of the Dark Wanderer...


It is a year after the troubles in Tristram, yet the black wind howls as 

chaos descends upon the world. Five adventurers band together to stave the 

plague of evil, in a race against time to stop the second incarnation of 

Diablo from freeing his sinister brethren...


Diablo II is the sequel to Blizzard's best selling adventure/RPG Diablo, 

released back in 1996. Like the original, the player assumes the role of a 

hero questing to defeat the evil Diablo, only this time, Diablo is joined 

by Baal and Mephisto, and an army of lesser demons, all eager to feast on 

your flesh.


This FAQ/Walkthrough attempts to provide players with a simple yet 

comprehensive guide to the game, a detailed analysis of characters, quest 

walkthroughs and a slew of other information. Details, corrections and 

changes will be added as the game progresses. Check back for frequent 

updates at


If you have any constructive comments, suggestions, queries or information, 

kindly send them to me via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




Section 3 : Basic Gameplay


"Much has changed since you left here my friend..."


- Ogden, Tristram Innkeeper - 


Much has changed since the days of Diablo. The controls are much smoother, 

and the interface has been streamlined for convenience and ease of play. 


While playing the game, you can call up the HELP menu with the 'H' key.


Basic Commands:


C/A - Calls up the Status screen

I/B - Calls up your Inventory

Q - Calls up the Quests menu

T - Opens the Skill Tree menu

S - Opens the Skills Speed Bar

R - Toggles Run/Walk

Z - Show Minion/Hireling Portraits


Ctrl - Hold down Ctrl to Run

Shift - Hold down to Stand still

Alt - Hold down to Show Item Tags


F1-F8 - Skill Hotkeys

1-4 - Use Belt items


Map Options:


Tab/Mouse 3 - Open Automap

F9 - Center Automap

F10 - Fade Automap

F11 - Show Party on Automap

F12 - Show Names on Automap


Multiplayer Options:

These commands are useful only in multiplayer mode


Enter - Chat Interface - Multiplayer

P - Party screen - Multiplayer

M - Message Log - Multiplayer


Numeric Keypad

0 - "Help"

1 - "Follow me"

2 - "This is for you"

3 - "Thanks"

4 - "Sorry"

5 - "Bye"

6 - "Now you die!"


Other Commands:


Print Screen - Takes a Snapshot

Space - Close all menus

N - Clear messages


Playing D2


The status bars and in-game interface have been upgraded. 


Use the 'H' key to open the HELP menu, cross referencing with the table 



Health Bulb - Your current Hit Point total

Mana Bulb - Your current Mana total

Left/Right Mouse Button Skill - Attacks mapped to your mouse buttons

Belt - Belt items


New Features:


Run/Walk Toggle - Click to activate/deactivate Run function

Experience Gauge - Graphic representation of your EXP total 

Stamina Gauge - Graphic representation of your Stamina total


The Status Screen:


The status screen remains largely unchanged, save for several minor 

additions and some fine tuning. Opening this screen with either buttons 

C or A presents you with character specific information.


Name - Pretty self-explanatory

Class - Character Class

Level - Your current Experience Level (1-99)

Experience - Your current Experience Point tally

Next Level - Amount needed to gain a level


Vital Statistics:

These statistics determine how powerful your character is and are tied in 

with your character's chances of survival. You gain 5 points to allocate to 

these abilities everytime you gain a level. Use those points wisely and 

tailor your character to your preferred style of play.


Strength - Affects your Damage potential

Dexterity - Affects your Accuracy and Armor class

Vitality - Affects your Hit Points

Energy - Affects your Mana


Other Information:


Damage #1 - The amount of damage you inflict with your Button#1 attack

Damage #2 - The amount of damage you inflict with your Button#2 attack

Attack Rating #1 - Success rate of Button#1 attack

Attack Rating #2 - Success rate of Button#2 attack


The amount of damage inflicted and the attack rating depends on the attacks 

and skills mapped to your mouse buttons. Your damage potential is skill or 

weapon dependant and may be modified by Skill Levels or Strength. Your 

Attack rating with weapons is dependant on your base accuracy and dexterity 



Defense - Your effective Armor Class


Formerly known as Armor Class, the Defense rating affects your chances of 

avoiding an monster's attacks. The higher your Defense rating, the less 

likely your chances of being hit.


Stamina - Your physical endurance


A new feature, the Stamina score determines your rate of physical exertion. 

This score was probably incorporated because of the Run feature. It 

simulates the adrenalin rush and that added burst of energy. Running 

depletes your Stamina.


Life - Your current and maximum Hit Points

Mana - Your current and maximum Mana


Resistances - Your defenses against magical attacks and the elements


In Diablo II, there are four different types of elemental attacks - Fire, 

Cold, Lightning and Poison. Like Diablo, your resistances reduce the damage 

you suffer from these attacks by a certain percentage. Beware the new 

elements, as Cold is literally chilling and Poison is most insidious.


Skill Trees:

Another new feature in Diablo II, spells and spellbooks have been replaced 

by Class specific Skills. Each character class has three Skill Trees, with 

offensive, defensive and support abilities.


To call up the Skill Tree menu, press 'T'


The Skill Tree menu has three character specific sub menus, with a 

smattering of special Skills. When you gain a level, you gain a Skill 

Point, which can be allocated to a particular skill by clicking on the 

Tab, followed by the skill specific icon.


A complete list of Character specific Skills, Mana costs and relevant 

information will be posted in Appendix I: Skills, Spells and Magic.


Section 4 : Character Analysis




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Strength: 30

Dexterity: 20

Vitality: 25

Energy: 10

Stamina: 91

Life: 55

Mana: 10


A master of weapons and armed combat, the Barbarian is an excellent 

character class for players who love melee and combat in close quarters. 

As a starting character, the Barbarian is versatile and adaptable to any 

situation. The Barbarian plays like the Warrior from Diablo, and his slew 

of Combat Skills, Masteries and War Cries make a deadly combination.


The Barbarian starts out equipped with a Hand Axe and a Buckler, making 

him one of the best equipped characters in the game. With his exceptional 

Strength, he can easily take out lower leveled monsters with a swing or 

two. If you pump your first Skill Point into Axe Mastery, your damage and 

attack potential will increase exponentially, making you a force to be 

reckoned with.




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Section 5 : Playing Tips


This section contains some pieces of advice and tips on play. These simple 

observations will no doubt benefit players new to the world of Diablo II.


Shopping Tips


Blizzard has done away with the text based buying and selling menus, 

replacing it with an open graphical menu. You can hover your cursor over 

items to reveal relevant information and buying and selling is a simple 

mouse-click away.


In the Rogue Encampment, there are three merchants, namely Gheed, Charsi 

and Akara. Gheed sells weapons and armor, much like Charsi the Smith, and 

Akara sells staves, wands and potions.


Gheed also offers you a chance to Gamble, when you buy an unidentified 

magic item from him at an outrageous price. The risks are high, and you 

never know what you might get.


Prices in Diablo II vary based on item quality, quantity and enchantments. 

Socketed items and throwing items always cost more, while basic items cost 

less. Use your discretion and buy items that suit your style of play.


In general, there will be more than one merchant in town offering similar 

merchandise at different prices. In the Rogue Encampment, Gheed's items 

cost 10% more than those sold by either Charsi or Akara. Look for bargains 

wherever possible because money is scarce in Diablo II and items are pricier

than they previously were.


If you pick up items in the wild, attempt to repair them before selling 

them. This usually ensures that you get a better price. Similarly, sell off

unnecessary Rings, Amulets and assorted magic items you find in the wild. 

These usually fetch a tidy profit and provide you with extra cash to spend 

on your shopping trips.


Look for items with the Greed suffix and Fortuitous prefix. They increase 

your chances of obtaining gold and magical items in the wild. The returns 

are remarkably swift and infinitely useful.


Repairing Items


The costs for repair in Diablo II have risen exponentially and vary based 

on your equipment. However, if you are planning to sell off items you found 

in the wild, repairing them may be well worth the costs. 


An alternative would be to use weapons without durability like Javelin and 

Throwing Knives, Axes etc. They can stack together, occupying little space, 

and may be thrown as projectiles at distant foes. Equipped with items 

and/or Skills that add elemental damage to your blows, these weapons can be 

lethal in both melee and ranged combat.


Your Stash


Another new feature in Diablo II is the Personal Stash. Handy for holding 

surplus equipment and money, this treasure chest has 8x4 spaces for your

items and can hold a large amount of gold. The last time I checked, it had

a maximum capacity of 100000 GP. You can transfer items from your inventory

to the Stash just as you would while buying and selling items.


Survival Tips


The aim of the game is to survive, and in Diablo II, survival is all the 

more difficult. Unlike Final Fantasy, where you have Healing spells like 

Cure and mana draining spells like Osmosis, characters in Diablo II have 

none of these abilities at their disposal. Taking unnecessary risks in the 

danger fraught realms of Diablo II is a risky and foolhardy endeavour.


Always keep a constant supply of Potions in your belt pouch and a few spare 

in your inventory. They are handy for those occasions when you are swarmed 

by a horde of Unique monsters and their minions. Do not be stingy with 

potions as dying in Diablo II is expensive.


Wherever possible, try not to engage monsters directly. It is easier to 

creep up behind a monster and kill it than to charge it up front. Some 

species such as the Gargantuan Beast are dangerous adversaries for starting 

characters and excel at close combat. Other measures might be called for in 

these situations.


Use ranged weapons against opponents you are not confident of defeating in 

melee. Ranged weapons such as the Amazon's Javelin and Throwing Knives are 

easy to obtain in the wild and they make good alternatives in keep away 

games. They are also fantastic for assassinating stubborn magic users such 

as Fallen Shaman from afar.


Using Skills


Skills are a necessity in Diablo II. While Warriors could get by with a 

decent suit of armor and a King's Sword of Haste, only a foolish player 

would neglect to use the new skills at his disposal. Ranging from a simple 

magical Firebolt to the devastating Meteor, skills are handy for taking out 

Diablo's nasty legions.


Use skills frequently. In the right context, skills can turn defeat into 

victory. Invest your skill points wisely, and you will find your life much 

easier. Go for passive support skills which boost your character's 

abilities, and invest in offensive/defensive skills only if you are certain 

you need them. Low cost ranged attacks are also useful as they are cheap 

and economical.




When all else fails, flee! Use the newly incorporated Run function to 

escape from your enemies. Beware though, as some monsters might give chase.


Run if you are not confident of surviving a battle. If you are surrounded 

and there is little room, use a Town Portal spell. You may also find 

unexpected help in the guise of Amazon hirelings, Skeletal minions and NPCs 

such as Flavie.




Another new addition to Diablo II is the socket system. Much like the Final 

Fantasy VII Materia system, gems can be socketed into weapons, shields and 

helms with gem slots. Doing so increases the potency of that particular 

piece of equipment and grants special powers or bonuses. Once socketed, 

a gem cannot be removed, so choose wisely.


Socket gems into your weapons for additional attack capabilities, into 

shields for defensive bonuses and into helms for support abilities. There 

are Amethysts, Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies, Sapphires, Skulls and Topaz, 

each possessing unique abilities and beneficial properties. Gems vary in 

quality and may be chipped, flawed, normal, flawless and perfect. You can 

upgrade the quality of gems by touching a Gem Shrine.


Gaining Levels


Killing monsters net you Experience Points and Levels. However, the higher 

your Level, the less Experience you gain from your kills. At higher Levels, 

experience awards from killing weak monsters might be meager or non-existant. 

When you gain a Level, your Life and Mana increase by 2, with additional 

increases from statistical bonuses. You also acquire a Skill Point to 

invest in your special Skills. If at all possible, try to keep your running 

experience total constant and stay at least two levels ahead of your 





Section 6 : Quest Walkthroughs


This section details the numerous quests and areas in the game, and some 

methods of completing them. Specific Quest locations are listed with a 'Q' 

in square brackets. Recommended Character Levels are also listed where 



The Rogue Encampment


You start out in the Rogue Encampment, together with the last remnants of 

the Sisters of the Sightless Eye. After talking with Warriv the Caravan 

Driver, wander around town. Speak with the other townsfolk, browse their 

wares and talk to Akara. She will instruct you to cleanse the Den of Evil. 

Talk to the other townsfolk about the Den of Evil to learn what's ahead, 

and head out of the Rogue Encampment when you are ready.


The Blood Moor


Situated just outside the Rogue Encampment, this moor is populated with 

Quill Rats, porcupine like beasts with a nasty projectile attack, and 

wandering Zombies. You may also encounter the occasional Fallen war band 

terrorising the countryside. Make short work of these monsters, and pick up 

any items they leave behind. Sell these items for money, and buy some Keys 

from Akara or Gheed. If you already have some keys, invest in either a 

Book of Town Portal or Identify.


Keys are useful for opening locked treasure chests in the wild and in 

dungeon areas. Keep a steady supply of keys handy. Books are excellent 

for storing your Town Portal and Identify scrolls. Rather than keeping a 

messy inventory, you can stock up to twenty scrolls in a book. Try to keep 

one book of each type in your inventory if possible.


There are several chests, loose rock/boulders and hidden stashes in the 

wild which may provide some decent equipment or at least some junk to 

peddle off to the merchants. You may also find chests in houses and stables 

that litter the countryside. Some chests may be locked, so remember to 

bring some spare Keys with you. They may also be trapped, so listen out 

for the tell-tale creak.


Clear out the Blood Moor before tackling the festering Den of Evil.


Den of Evil [Q Lv 3]


Somewhere in the Blood Moor, the Den of Evil awaits. A cave filled with evil 

Zombies and Fallen, this cave is the home to the dreaded unique CorpseFire. 


Exercise extreme caution while exploring this monster infested cave, as you 

may be swarmed by Fallen if you aren't. If possible, equip a projectile 

weapon before entering this location.


CorpseFire can usually be found with his pack of souped up Zombie minions 

at a cross junction somewhere in the cave, or in an open cavern with 

several Fallen and their Shaman. Beware CorpseFire's Spectral Hit attack, 

and watch out for his minions.


Use a projectile weapon or spell attack on CorpseFire and his pack of 

Zombie minions. Being slow moving monsters, they will probably fall 

before they even reach you. This greatly reduces your risks as opposed 

to facing them in melee and increases your chances of survival tenfold.


Completing this quest and returning to Akara nets you 1 Skill Point.


The Cold Plains [Lv 3]


After completing the Den of Evil, speak with Kashya and she will ask you to 

kill Blood Raven at the Sisters' Burial Grounds. Talk to the other townsfolk, 

stock up on equipment and Health Potions before setting out. The Cold Plains 

lie just beyond the Blood Moor, guarded by the lone Rogue archer Flavie. 

The Cold Plains are the roving ground of corrupted Dark Hunters, Dark 

Spearwomen, Gargantuan Beasts and Fallen. These foes are much tougher than 

those of the Blood Moor, and it would be wise to exercise caution.


Bishibosh, a powerful Fallen Shaman holds sway over the Cold Plains, 

together with a large clan of 20 or more Fallen. This vicious pack of 

monsters will prove to be a challenge for any starting player. Use 

projectile weapons or ranged skills to take out the Shamen before closing 

in to melee with the Fallen warriors. Killing Bishibosh usually nets you a 

magical or unique item and some decent experience rewards.


Before entering the Sisters' Burial Grounds, you might want to pay a visit 

to the Caves in the Cold Plains to rack up some experience and grab a few 



Cold Caves [Lv 4]


The Cave in the Cold Plains is split into two levels, a randomly generated 

first level and a second level that remains unchanged in every game. The 

Caves are populated by Dark Rangers, Fallen, Gargantuan Beasts, Skeletons 

and Hungry Dead.


*Cave Level 1*

The first level is fairly straightforward, and somewhat unremarkable. The 

only things you have to look out for are the two chambers filled with Fallen 

Shamen and Fallen warriors, and the roving boss pack of unique Dark Ranger 

Cold Crow. Explore this level in its entirety before proceeding to the 

tougher second level.


*Cave Level 2*

The map for this level remains the same in every game. It is a small cavern 

populated by two unique monsters, three Fallen Shamen and their followers, 

a few Skeletons, Hungry Dead and Dark Rangers. The first three monsters you 

encounter are three Fallen warriors, followed by either a unique boss pack 

down the steps or in the narrow passage to the left. 


I suggest clearing out the left section of this map before proceeding to the 

right, picking up the gold and treasure on the floor as you go along. When 

you are prepared, head down the first passage to the right of the steps, and 

blast the Fallen Shamen. Advance cautiously, killing Fallen until you reach 

the Gold Chest and the narrow passage in the corner. Opening the chest nets 

you either a few magical items, a set item or a unique.


At this point, you might want to take a trip back to town before tackling 

the Sisters' Burial Grounds.


Sisters' Burial Grounds [Q Lv 5]


This location can be accessed from the Cold Plains, and as its name implies, 

is populated by a host of undead. Skeletons and Hungry Dead roam freely, and 

Blood Raven lurks in the center of this desecrated cemetery.


Take out the undead monsters in the perimeter before entering the cemetery 

proper. Proceed with caution as Blood Raven is a dangerous adversary with a 

Fire Arrow attack and the ability to Raise Undead. If at all possible, make 

her your primary target, attacking at close range with a melee weapon. If 

you have a fast weapon, you can stun lock her before she retaliates. Taking 

her out will dispel the evil in this cemetery and lay all the walking dead 

to rest.


You may wish to return now to Kashya to gain your first Rogue hireling, or 

explore the Crypt and Mausoleum within the cemetery. I would advice taking 

your Rogue hireling with you in your future jaunts, but that is entirely 

optional at this point.


*The Crypt*

A mini-dungeon where you can gain tons of items and experience, the Crypt 

is populated by undead monsters. It is a straightforward location with ample 

opportunities and treasure. Loot the undefiled graves, shatter barrels, grab 

items from weapon racks, armor stands and chests. There is a Gold Chest in 

the Crypt guarded by the skeleton BoneBreaker, an extra strong unique with 

magic resistance. Killing him of course constitutes a nice fat reward.


*The Mausoleum*

Like the Crypt, this mini-dungeon proves an excellent place to level up and 

pick up items. Populated by the same undead Skeletons and Hungry Dead, the 

Mausoleum is an easy location, and you should have no problems whatsoever. 

Remember to search the barrels, graves, coffins and chests for random items 

and supplies.




Appendix I: Skills, Spells and Magic


Character specific Skills are listed under the relevant sections, and mana 

cost is listed in square brackets where applicable.




(this section pending)





*Combat Skills*

Bash[2] - Powerful blow that increases the damage done to enemies and 

knocks them back. This skill gains +1 damage, +5% to hit and +5% damage 

bonus per level.


*Combat Masteries*

Axe Master - Passive - Improves Axe fighting skill


Sword Master - Passive - Improves sword fighting skill


Mace Mastery - Passive - Improves Mace fighting skill



Howl[4] - Frightens nearby monsters


Find Potion[2] - Targets corpses to find potions




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Appendix II: Magical Items - Prefixes and Suffixes


This is a very brief list of magical enchantments on items I discovered in

Diablo II. As the game progresses, this section will be updated and possibly

reformatted for easier reference.


Normal Modifiers


These non-magical modifiers affect the durability, resilience or strength of

a piece of equipment.


Crude/Cracked/Damaged/Low Quality - Reduces the potency of a piece of 

equipment. Affected components range from durability to damage or armor 



Superior - Increases the potency of a piece of equipment. Affected components 

range from durability to damage or armor class.


Magical Modifiers


These modifiers are wholly magical in nature. Items so enchanted are listed

in blue in your inventory and in the field. Some modifiers may have specific

Character Level requirements, and vary from modifier to modifier. These will

be listed in square brackets where applicable.




Azure - +5-7% Cold Resistance

Beryl - +6-9% Poison Resistance

Bronze - +10-19 Attack Rating

Brutal - Enhanced Damage

Crimson - +5-8% Fire Resistance

Deadly - Enhanced damage

Devious - -1 to Magic Damage

Fine - Enhanced Damage/+25-39% Attack Rating

Fortuitous - +10-14% better chance of getting magical item

Glimmering - +1 to Light Radius

Glowing - +2 Light radius

Iron - +21-39% to Attack Rating

Jagged - Enhanced Damage

Jade - +12-17% Poison resistance

Lizard's - +1-4 mana

Ocher - +5-9% Lightning Resistance

Serpents - +14-17 to Mana

Sharp - Enhanced Damage/+12-19 to Attack Rating

Silver - +60-75% Attack Rating

Snakes - +6-9 Mana

Steel - +41-59% to Attack Rating

Sturdy - Enhanced Defence

Triumphant - +1 point mana after each kill

Vicious - Enhanced damage

Vulpine - 10% damage taken goes to mana




Alacrity - Attack Rate Increase

Apprentice - Fast Cast Rate

Balance - Fast Hit Recovery

Bat - Steals 5-7% mana per hit

Bear - Knockback

Blight - Adds 2-7 poison damage over 3 seconds

Blocking - +10% chance to block

Craftsmanship - +1 to max damage

Dexterity - +1-3 Dexterity

Energy - +1-4 Mana

Excellence - +3 to minimum damage

Flame - +1-5 Elemental Fire damage

Frost - +1-3 Elemental Cold damage

Glimmering - +1 Light radius

Gore - +8 to damage

Greed - +40-55% more gold from monsters

Health - Damaged reduced by 1

Jackal - +1-4 Life

Leech - 4-6% life stolen per hit

Light - +1 Light Radius

Maiming - +3 maximum damage

Measure - +2 to minimum damage

Puncturing - reduces monster defense 10-20 per hit

Quality - +2 to max damage

Readiness - Slight Attack Rate increase

Remedy - reduces poison duration 25%

Shock - +1-8 Elemental Lightning damage

Stability - Fastest Hit Recovery

Strength +1-3 Strength

Thawing - Halves freeze duration

Thorns - Attacker takes 1-3 damage

Vileness - Prevents Monster Heal

Warding - Magic damage reduced by 1

Worth - +1 to minimum damage




Appendix III: Mundane Items - Item Attributes

This section archives the mundane and non-magical items common in Diablo II.

Ranging from basic items like potions to arms and armor, the list will 

become more prolific as time passes.




Apart from Health Potions, Mana Potions and Rejuvenation Potions, characters

have the option of throwing choking vials of toxic vapor and jars of greek 

fire their opponents. All healing potions vary from Minor doses, to Light, 

Normal and Super strength shots.


Health - Red


Replenishes Life by a set amount


Mana - Blue


Replenishes Mana by a set amount


Antidote - Black


Cures Poison status


Rejuvenation - Purple


Replenishes 35% Life and Mana


Stamina - White


Fills up your Stamina Gauge


Thawing - Yellow


Cures Freeze or Chill status


Chemical Weapons and Incendiaries


Some potions aren't meant for drinking. Instead, they can be equipped like

projectile weapons and hurled into the ranks of enemies. Chemical weapons

range from bottles of flaming Oil to vials of Rancid poison.


Incendiary - Orange


This umbrella category covers all explosive potions that create fire based

effects and damage, ranging in effect and damage potential.


Oil - Inflicts light fire damage

Fulminating - Inflicts moderate fire damage

Exploding - Inflicts heavy fire damage


Toxic - Green


This category covers debilitating Poison based potions, which vary in 

toxicity and efficacy.


Rancid Potion - Inflicts light poison damage

Choking Potion - Inflicts moderate poison damage




Appendix IV: Rare Items

(this section pending)




Appendix V: Uniques

Uniques in Diablo II are essentially souped up magical weapons with extra

modifiers and a really impressive name. Unlike Rare Items, which are now

highlighted in yellow, uniques are highlighted in brown (ocher?). Uniques

have no Character Level requirements. This list, like all others, will be 

greatly expanded in the near future.




This umbrella section covers every weapon type, ranging from Axes and Bows

to Swords and Halberds.


Felloak(Spiked Club)

1-6 Damage

120 Durability

150% Damage to Undead

*+60% Lightning Resist

*+20% Fire Resist

*+6-8 Fire Damage




2-19 Damage

80 Durability

*-5 Mana

*+1-15 Damage

*50% better chance of getting magical items


Rixot's Keen(Short Sword)

7-8 Damage

120 Durability

*+25% Chance of Crushing Blow

*+20% to Attack Rating

*+2 to Light Radius

*+25 Defense

*+5 to Minimum Damage


The Gnasher(Hand Axe)

3-6 Damage

140 Durability

*20% chance of Crushing Blow

*50% chance of Open Wounds

*+30 to Attack Rating




This section covers all body armor and shields. Other equipment like Belts,

Boots, Gloves and Helms will be categorized loosely in the Accessories 





This section covers all other equipment types. Like the previous sections,

items are classified in alphabetical order.



2 Defense

60 Durability 

*+15% to Max Fire Resistance

*+3-6 Fire Damage

*+15 to Life



2 Defense

60 Durability 

*+1 Light Radius

*+30% Mana Regeneration

*+5 to all Resistances

*+15 Mana




Appendix VI: Set Items

Sets are a special class of uniques, all loosely based on a theme or flavor.

Highlighted in green, set items grant the abilities of uniques and a little

more. If you equip a full set, you gain special set related abilities and



Arctic Gear


Arctic Binding

Arctic Furs

Arctic Horn

Arctic Mitts


A set of arms and armor based loosely on the arctic, this set is excellent

for starting characters. It has high defence, a good resistance bonus and

likely some cold related abilities if the full set is assembled.


So far, I have acquired the Furs. I will look into the other items as soon

as possible.


Arctic Furs(Quilted Armor)

50 Defense

40 Durability

12 Str Required 

*Enhanced Defense

*All resistances +10%


Hsaru's Defense


Hsaru's Iron Fist

Hsaru's Iron Heel

Hsaru's Iron Stay


A set of defensive items, the Hsaru's set has several weak modifiers, which

are quite lacklustre. Perhaps the extra bonuses garnered from a full set

will make it more useful.


Hsaru's Iron Fist(Buckler)

5 Defense

24 Durability

Successful Blocking: 25%

12 Str Required

*Damage Reduced by 2

*+10 to Strength


Death's Disguise


Death's Guard

Death's Hand

Death's Touch


A pretty unique item set based no doubt on the Death mythos, it provides

some really useful resistance bonuses, and defenses against status attacks.

I'm missing the Death's Touch, but if I find it, I will post it up along

with the special Set bonuses.


Death's Hand(Gloves)

2 Defense

24 Durability 

*Poison length reduced by 75%

*Poison resist 50%


Death's Guard(Sash)

22 Defense

24 Durability

Fast hit recovery

+20 to Armor Class




Appendix VII: Magical Shrines and Fountains

(this section pending)




Appendix VIII: Monster Tables

Since random unique monsters are generated from a name and ability database, 

it defeats the purpose of listing all of them. This section however, is

devoted to [Q]uest or [A]rea specific unique monsters, and will eventually 

include battle strategies.


CorpseFire [Q/Den of Evil]


Spectral Hit


Bishibosh [A/Cold Plains]

Fallen Shaman

Magic Resistant

Fire Enchanted

Attacks with Firebolt

Revives Fallen Shamen


ColdCrow [A/Cold Caves Level 1]

Dark Ranger

Area specific

Cold Enchanted

Attacks with Arrows


BloodRaven [Q/Sisters' Burial Grounds]

Dark Ranger

Quest specific

Attacks with Fire Arrows

Raises undead


BoneBreaker [A/Sisters' Crypt]


Area specific

Extra Strong

Magic Resistant

