Walkthrough first, then the FAQ:

____ _ _ _ 
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Warning, this file contains extreme heavy SPOILERS!
If you want to solve this game at your own, delete it! 
(This file, not the game 8)

Warning, the second: This walkthrough shows a fast way
through the game, but shows not all jokes, gags and things
to try. If you want fully enjoy the game, don't play 
straight this solution! Use it just as reference when you
are helplessly stuck.

Warning, the third: Because I'm not a native english speaker,
this file may be full with adventurous grammatics, ill-written
sentences and other errors. You are free to send me mails with
suggestions and corrections.

Let the game begin!


First get your pouch out of the wardrobe.
After a visit at the arch chancellor we have to fetch
the dragon-lair-compendium.
But first we wake up the luggage with the broom we found
in the closet.
Then we are giving the banana we found inside the luggage
to the librarian and are off to show the arch chancellor the book.

Now we have to find the five ingredients of a dragon-locator.

- Staff:
Just exchange the broom with the magical staff from Windle 
Poons. Be sure to wait for the moment he reaches over to fetch
some food, so that the staff is left unguarded.

- Imp:
Now talk to the apprentice wizard outside, he shows you now
how to open the gate. (Take the frog with you, btw.)
Then head to the Livery Stable and take some corn out of the 
sack. Next go to the Alley and visit the alchemist.
(Walk around the jumping floorplate)
There use the corn on the flask and you can get the imp out
of that camera.
But its much too fast for you, so we need some help.
Lets go to the market square, where we take a tomato. We throw this 
tomato at the tax collector. If we take then another tomato, we
are able to catch a worm.
Now take the string at the Toymaker's, tie the worm to it and use
it at the hole where the imp is in.

- Dragon Breath:
First enter the Palace. To bypass the guards just talk with them.
Inside get the mirror from the fools room.
Be sure to put the mirror in Rincewinds inventory. (Not in the luggage)
Then enter the Alley again, step on the jumping plate, and climb
up to the tower.
There hang the mirror on the tip of the flagpole and use it to
annoy the dragon.
On your way back to the alley, kick the ladder down.

- Magic Coil:
Back at the square talk to the street urchin/starfish. He teaches
you how to pickpocket.
Now go to the barber and look at the hair roller the woman got in
her hair. Talk with her about it.
Then talk with the barber and when he thinks about his milkmaid use
your pickpocket-skill on his pocket.

- Metal Container
Next visit the psychiatrickerist. If you do this two times, you can
get the butterfly net of the wall.
Now go to the backside of the university and use the ladder on the
window. First put the butterfly net in your private inventory.
Then fetch the pancake with the net. 
If you go back to the kitchen you can take the frying pan now.

Give the five items to the arch chancellor and then use the
detector to find the hidden dragon lair. It's somewhere in the
lower-left corner of the city.


Our task is now to reveal the secret brotherhood, and to take a golden
trinket from each member.

With all gold of the kingdom in our pockets we are visiting the
library again. There we talk with the sleazy guy about the golden
banana in his ear. In exchange to the gold, he gives us the banana.
We give the banana to the librarian and are able now to enter the
After we arrived about 12h ago, we are watching the theft of the
dragon summoning book. Leave the university like the thief and
if you were fast enough you see where the thief is going! Congrats,
you've found the secret hide-out.
Now go in the park, and put the frog in the mouth of the drunken
Rincewind. Then you are able to catch that butterfly with the net.
Use this butterfly on the lamp in the street-corner (where the monk
usually stands). You may also take there the pot with you.
We travel now back in the present again, and we will find a black
robe on the clothesline near the toilet.
Next we go in the Broken Drum and order something to drink. Take
the tankard with you.
Behind the barman we see a bottle with counterwise wine. Talk with 
the barman about this. Also take the glass with you.
Travel now in the past again. There go immediately!! to the hide-out.
Turn the left drainpipe in the direction of the door.
Then wait until the thief arrives. Using the glass as reception-device
on the right drainpipe you are able to hear the secret password.
Now disguise yourself with the robe and join the ceremony!

You should know now the members of the brotherhood and the next 
thing is to get their golden items.

- Mason:
First we need the gatepass. So go in the present in the Broken Drum and
talk with the scared guy. Then visit the Inn and take the sheet from
the bed. Walk to the Inn in the past and disguise yourself as Ghost (with
the sheet) and make it like the scared guy told you before. 
Hmmm..It seems he forgot to tell us all, so back in the present and talk
with him again. Ah! Ok..back in past and do it again. Now we have
the gatepass. Show this to the gate-guards in the present and walk to the
Edge of World. There look at the coconuts and shake the tree. With the
butterfly net you can fetch the coconut.
On your way back to the city stop at the mountain-pass. There get the
egg and the feather.
Next go to the Barn and get the screwdriver. Use it to poke a hole
in the coconut.
Visit the market square again and talk with the street starfish.
He will tell you the secret handshake if you prove you are a man.
Next we go to the psychiatrickerist. After a short while of waiting we
are allowed to go upstairs. There we got some pictures which are useful
to come past the palace-guards.
Talk with the peasant inside the palace. Now you are allowed to enter
the shades. 
On your way back to the past stop at the kitchen and get the cornflour.
Then, in the past, go to the toilet and read the graffiti on the inner
side of the door. Next head to the shades and find the House of Negotiable
Affection. There talk to Big Sally and give her the egg, the flour and
the coconut. 
The new acquired bloomers are given to the street starfish (in the present), 
who shows us the handshake now. We have now a new skill and a bra.
Now we are ready to visit the mason in the shades.
Use your new skill on him and be happy about your new golden trowel. 

- Thief:
To get to the sleeping thief in the hovel, use the bra with the ladder.
Now you can drop the ladder silently on the hovel. If you try to get
the key from the thief, he turns away...good that we've got a feather.
Now its easy to get the golden key. (Don't forget your ladder!)

- Dunnyman:
Get from Dibbler a donut, and give it to the dunnyman.
Next visit the milkmaid again and get from her a note for the barber.
After you have given the note to him, you are free to use the apperatus
on the poor Dunnyman.
We've got the gold tooth now.

- Fishmonger:
We have to go to the past again. There we go in the Drum and start a
bar-fight. To do this just look at the picture behind the little guy
and when he doesn't watch turn his glass around.
After the troll joined the fun, use the ladder on the shingle outside
and get the drumstick.
Use it in the present to ring the gong in the dinning-hall.
Yet you are able to get the prunes outside the university.
Now walk to Nanny Ogg's house in the Dark Woods. There arrived, fill 
your pot with the custard of the cauldron.
Then go to the fishmonger, tie there the octopus with the string, pour
the custard in the toilet and put the octopus in it. 
Send the fishmonger to the toilet by putting prunes in his caviar.
Now you can get his golden belt.

- Fool:
First get a garbage can from the backside of the university.
Then get the bubble bath from the inn. Next go to the Palace.
If you havn't done already show the second ink blot picture to the
other guard. Inside use the garbage can on the fool. To get his cap
use the bubble bath on his bath-tub. 
Now you've got the cap with the golden bell.

- Chimney Sweep: 
Get the hogfather-doll from the Toymaker, the fireworks and gunpowder
keg from the crate at the city-gate and the matches from the Broken
Put the doll in Rincewind's inventory and go the roofs of the alley 
again. There stuff the doll in the chimney of the alchemist.
Go down in his house, put the powder keg in the fireplace, use the 
string on it and light the fuse (outside, in the drainpipe) with the
You've got the golden brush now.

Give all six golden items to the dragon.
After a little talk with it go the market square again.
There buy the carpet from Nanny and when she wants a kiss just
steal her custard book.
Now time-travel for the last time and get the dragon-summoning book
before the thief got it. Exchange the covers of the dragon book with
the custard book and put the false dragon book back in the empty place.
Then the thief will come and steal the book. Enjoy..8)


We have to find now the items that make a hero.

The Old Timers suggest that heros need a posing pouch, the Amazone
Warrior that we need a moustache and a magic sword, the wizards 
favour a magic talisman and Big Sally advised camel-flage.
Now we get back to Nobby and solve his what-do-you-need-to-be-hero
riddle by doing a little math.
We know now that we need a talisman, a moustache, a birthmark, a
magic spell, camel-flage and a magic sword.

- Magic Talisman
First lets go to the Hide-out again and after knocking on the door
we are having a custard tart.
Next we visit the alchemist. There we are telling him where to get
more corn. After he is gone we are taking the camera.
And we go now to the Livery Stable to read the bumper sticker on the
donkey cart. We have now a new spot on the map to visit.
At the dragon sanctuary we knock on the door and talk with Lady Ramkin.
After we had been behind her house we knock at the front door again.
When she opens we just walk behind her house and take the rosette, 
the leash and the nail.
Next we are thirsty again and go buying a glass of Cactus Juice from 
the barman of the Drum. Then we are the owner of a new worm.
Now we are buying the paper bag of leeches from Dibbler.
A double-click on the paper bag reveals the leeches. Use the bag or the
leeches to knock-out the palace-guards.
Inside the palace we will find the dungeons. There use the worm on the
mousehole. Undisguise the rat to get a new imp. Put this imp in your
camera. To continue we need also the octupus-picture that is in the
shop of the fishmonger.
Next station is the house of Nanny Ogg, there we are talking with her
about that truth potion behind her. To get it we have to eat a bit from
the custard tart when she waits for a kiss.
After this we follow her wool to finally find a sheep.
We stick the rosette on the sheep and make a nice photo. 
Don't forget the mallet when you leave.
Then head your steps in the Drum again, use the nail with the beam in
it and hang the picture of the sheep on it. You have to frame it before
by joining with the octopus-picture.
Now talk with Braggart and be sure to mix his beer with the truth potion
before you give it to him. Now should know how to find the Temple of
There you will meet that dreaded monk again..using the carpet on the 
bridge should solve that problem.
In the temple take the blindfold, tie the leash on the luggage and
wear the blindfold.
Then you should be at the Eye of Offler. To take it fill your pouch
with the sand and exchange it with the Eye. (Hiya Indy! 8) 
Congrats, you got your first hero-item.

- Moustache:
Fill the pot with the water of the well of wishing. The well is in the 
woods. Next use the pot with the soap on tap in the inn.
Now go to the palace. Use the paper bag or the leeches to enter
again. There take the brush out of the bathtub. Use the brush on the
pot with frothy water. Next visit the Livery Stable. There we use the
wet brush on the bumper bar of the donkey cart. Look at the clean
number plate (really look at it, right click!).
Next enter the shades. Look in that hovel and get the knife out of it.
Put the knife in Rincewinds inventory.
Now go back to the roofs and use the knife on the ladder of the assassin
training track.
Soon we will met an assassin. He wants to know the number of that donkey
cart...well, we know it and say it to him.
The responsible donkey will be arrested and you can found it at the
market square. But first go and take the scissors from the barber-shop.
Use them on the donkey-tail.
You've got a moustache now!

- Birthmark:
Go in the palace-dungeons and fetch a bone from the skeleton.
Use the bone with the glue-pot from the Toymaker. Next visit the
inn and give the dog the glued bone.
Look at the taatoo from the sailor and then talk to him. If he asks
for a glass of milk, ask the innkeeper for one. If all went ok, you
will get a parrot-whistle.
Next go to the market square and try to get an egg. You will get a
snake instead.
Head for the University and get the fertiliser from the backside, then
enter the closet and light the lamp (You see it as "Shape") with the
matches. Get the starch.
Use the starch and the fertiliser on the snake and exchange it again
with Windle Poons staff. With the broomhandle enlarge the butterfly net.
Now go to the room of the arch chancellor and get the hat.

With these items walk to the Edge of World again.
There blow the whistle and throw a lit firecracker at the parrot.
Catch the parrot with the enlarged butterfly net. Then go back to the
sailor. There we are told to fetch the whistle also, so we go back to
the Edge, get the lamp of the fork and put the magic hat on it.
(If it don't work look closer at the hat).
Climb down the world and get that "glint". 
Give the whistle the sailor, who tells you then to ask the barber about
At the barber-shop get the appointment book and show it to the milkmaid.
(You must have been about three times in the "casting-agency" to get 
this work)
Walk out to the woods and show the appointment book with the ottograph
to the barber. Afterwards visit the barber in his shop and talk with him
about taatoos. He sends you to the street starfish. Talk with the
starfish and to get the taatoo you need to do some things.
First use the knife on the rubber band of the Dunny/Custard-King machine.
Next put that rubber band in your pocket and climb up the tower again.
There tie the band to flagpole tip and jump! 
You have now a birthmark-taatoo.

- Magic Spell:
Go back in the library. There can you now get a magic book, it's well
hidden so look in that edge where the sleazy guy used to stand.

- Camel-flage:
Get the spatula from the kitchen and walk to the shades again.
There use the spatula on the mural. You have now soot, which is a
perfect substitute for camel-flage.

- Magic Sword:
Go the woods and use the screwdriver on the crank of the well.
Use the crank on the racks in the dungeon and you will get a 
sword-that-goes-ploink. Talk with carrot from the city-guard about
it and he will send you to the dwarves. (A new spot on the world-map)
The dwarves want a glass of elderberry wine, so the next thing we
do is going to the Drum.
The barman tells us that the wine-cellar is full of foxes. With this
knowledge we walk to the inn.
In the inn we notice a person behind the door, after a little talking
with it we use the screwdriver on the door.
Now talk again with the bogeyman and he will go and scare the foxes.
Go also in the wine-cellar and fill your tankard with elderberry wine.
Put that tankard in your personal inventory, and give it later to the 
dwarfen smith.
Then give him your sword and he will enhance it.

Leave the mine and find yourself in....


Notice: This Act was a little buggy for me, so I am not quite sure 
if I done it like the programmers expected. If you have installed
a patch, this solution perhaps won't fit quite. Try it.

First get the key from the tied-up Lady Ramkin and visit her estate.
There unlock the dragon-cage and go in it. When you step in that
molten pile, don't let Rincewind turn around... just click a few times
forward and he will go through. Take the little Mambo with you back
to the market square. There (really there, it won't work elsewhere) put
him a lit firecracker in the throat. When you now leave the square and
come back, the showdown starts.
Because our firing is not successful, we throw the tart with the love
custard at the dragon.



*WARNING.. This may contain some spoilers (but hopefully not too many) *
(N)=New sections.
(M)=Modified sections
 (M)1.1 What is Discworld?
 (M)1.2 How many Discworld games are there?
 (M)1.3 Which characters/locations are in the game?
    1.4 What book is it based on?
 (M)1.5 When is it set?
 (M)1.6 Scenario.
    2.1 What PC do I need to run it?
 (M)2.2 What is the difference between the PC-CDROM and the PC-Floppy version?
    2.3 How many different PC versions are there? Where can I get a demo?
    2.4 What's this about bugs?
 (M)2.5 Reported Bugs/Problems
 (M)2.6 Where can I get a patch?
 (N)2.7 What does the patch fix?
 (N)2.8 Discworld version 2: The Directors Cut
 (M)2.9 Technical Support
    3.1 How do I.... ?
 (M)3.2 Hint File.
  (M)6.1 Other Discworld Games
  (N)6.2 Discworld on other formats
  7.1 Where can I get the faq?
  7.2 Credits.
1.1 What is Discworld?
Seeing as there are bound to be some people who don't what Discworld is, 
I'm going to give a brief overview of the whole thing. Basically, the 
Discworld is the setting for a large number of very funny fantasy books
(I mean, lets face it.. Tolkien was ok at writing fantasy books, but
they were all boringly straight-faced), all written by Terry Pratchett. 
The Discworld books manage to be both funny and interesting to read, and
Pterry manages to give a ribbing to just about everything in his path.
   The Discworld is the setting for all the Discworld books, and is, 
quite simply, a large flat Disc of land, which is supported on four 
elephants. These elephants, in turn stand on the back of Great A'Tuin,
a huge star turtle (sex and destination unknown). Because of the Discworld's
shape, there is no North, South, East and West. Instead, there is Hubward:
towards the centre of the Disc, Rimward: Towards the edge of the Disc, 
Turnwise, in the direction the Disc turns, and Widdershins, in the opposite
direction. There are a large number of settlements and cities on the Disc,
and it's population contains a wide number of races.. Humans, Trolls, Dwarfs
(beards compulsory), as you might find on any normal fantasy world. Except
that Discworld is by no means normal. 
   The central character to many a Discworld book (and to both the games)
is Rincewind, a student (relatively speaking) at Unseen University, where
wizards learn to be wizards.. usually. He is also accompanied by The Luggage,
a somewhat unpredictable mobile trunk, with a large number of feet, and 
quite a vicious bite... now.. let the (mis)adventure begin.
1.2 How many Discworld games are there?
There are actually two home games, the first being a text adventure 
'The Colour of Magic' available for the Spectrum( forgive me while I get all 
nostalgic ).. I have just managed to obtain a copy, and am currently in the 
middle of playing it (stand up, get beer, say hi, say hello, talk to 
Twoflower, start hitting keyboard). There may be more details in the next 
faq, but for now, there is just a small section in the Faq.
  The second game, is simply called 'Discworld', released
recently by Psygnosis, and Teeny Weeny Games, produced by Perfect 10 
productions, which is a point and click adventure, available on PC and 
PC-CDROM. It was originally to be called Discworld: The Trouble with 
Dragons, but Pterry thought that it sounded too much like one of those rather 
mediocre American fantasy novels. It was therefore, just called 'Discworld'. 
There are, apparently more Discworld games planned however.. For the meantime
, this FAQ will concentrate on the 'Discworld' game.
 There is, however, a third option open to Discworld fans.. the Discworld 
MUD. This, for anyone who may not know, is a multi user game, set on the
Discworld, will many of the characters you will recognise. However, the
game actually allows you to create your own character, and meet,
greet and maim other DW inhabitants.. and other players..... it has a basic 
text interface, like most muds, but the atmos is still quite good when you 
know that there are typically unpredictable players around. There's a 
separate section on this later on.
1.3 Which characters/locations are in the Discworld game?
Ankh-Morpork features heavily in the game. So, many of the people/locations 
will be familiar to anyone who has read even a single Discworld book. The 
locations include the Broken/Mended Drum , the Alchemist's /Alchemist's 
Alley, The Patricians' Palace, the City Gate (complete with Nobby, Carrot,
and Vimes) Unseen University, of course, the Palace, the Shades, the Edge
of the Disc, and a number of others. People who have read the books will
be right at home. And if you haven't read any (why not?), you'll soon 
catch up. 
  There are a large number of characters , so here's a list of the
ones I recognize from the Discworld Books, with at least one book they have 
been in.. not nessecarily the only ones, or the first ones.
Rincewind                  (Color of Magic, Light Fantastic, Eric, and so on)
The Luggage                (Color of Magic, and always with Rincewind)  
Nobby                      (Guards! Guards!)
Carrot                     (Guards! Guards!)     
Vimes                      (Guards! Guards!)     
The Patrician              (Men at Arms)
Detritus                   (Men at Arms)
Death                      (Mort, Pyramids, almost every single book)
CMOT Dibbler               (Moving Pictures)
Nanny Ogg                  (Wyrd Sisters)
Lady Ramkin                (Guards! Guards!)     
Arch Chancellor Ridicully  (Reaper Man)
The Bursar                 (Men at Arms)
Mr Silverfish              (Men at Arms)
Gaspode                    (Moving Pictures)
Windle Poons               (Reaper Man)
The Librarian              (Guards! Guards!)
1.4 What book is it based on?
The game appears to have a similar storyline, very similar in fact,
to 'Guards! Guards!'. Without giving too much away about the book or the 
game (anyone who has read the book will know what I mean), they both have
a number of things in common:
The basic 'dragon summoned up slightly disturbed hidden order' bit.
The use of L-Space.
The members of the order.. almost identical in character and occupation to
the book, but with different names.
The way in which the dragon is disposed of.. I'm not saying too much on 
this one....
1.5 When is it set?
Difficult one, this. Clickies are invented just as the game starts, and get 
really big by the end of the game, before Moving Pictures, evidently. And 
Ridcully is Arch Chancellor at UU, anyway, the scenario...
1.6 The Scenario..
As I've mentioned, the plot is very similar to that in 'Guards! Guards!' ,
which has already been 'field tested' you could say. Without spoiling it for 
anyone who might not have finished Act 1, or not played the game, or read the 
book ,a Dragon is terrorizing and toasting Ankh-Morpork and it's up to 
Rincewind to sort it out. There are a few twists and turns, 
and the gags and the whole atmosphere managed to hold my interest.
Look for a more extensive review in the next faq..
2.1 What PC do I need to run it?
To run the PC-CDROM version, you need 4MB of memory, with at least 2700K
of Extended Memory. Base Memory does not seem important. I have had Discworld
running quite happily with 470K of Base Memory. You also need, of course, a 
Single Speed or upwards CD-ROM drive. Plus, a VGA card and display. A mouse
is not essential but recommended if you want to pick out objects without
the cursor sliding around like an elephant on an ice-rink. Some sort of sound 
card is recommended.. you won't be able to hear the sound/speech without it. 
Discworld supports:
Gravis Ultrasound,
Soundblaster Pro, 
Soundblaster 16, plus any clones,
and Soundblaster AWE32 (If anyone would care to send me an AWE32 so I can 
test this :) Aw, go on...... )
Discworld PC-CDROM also used just around 1.6 meg of hard disk space. The
requirements for the PC-Floppy version are almost identical, except that
the PC-Floppy does not need a CD-ROM drive(obviously), and takes up more
disk space. Quite a lot of Disk space... nearly 50 meg in total, so
make sure you can get enough space together. 
2.2 What is the difference between the PC-CDROM and the PC-Floppy version?
version has full speech for all the characters (most of the time -see bugs),
which is generally of a very high standard. The characters talk exactly
how I would imagine them to from the books (but imagination is the whole
point of the books anyway) The voiceovers are done by: 
Eric Idle     -Ex-Python.. Splitting Heirs, etc.. (Rincewind)
Tony Robinson -Excellent Actor/Comedy Actor.. credits include BlackAdder, 
               Maid Marian, and the voices for a number of Pratchett
               audio tapes. (A number of characters)
Jon Pertwee   -Best remembered for Dr Who, and a number of other productions,
              (Several Characters)
Kate Robbins  -Character/voice actress... Spitting Image
              (Many Characters)
Rob Brydon    -Character/voice actor.. Spitting Image again.. a man of many
              voices.. all of them somehow managing to sound completely
              different  (All the other characters)
Apart from the voiceovers, there appears to be only one difference.. although 
this is yet to be confirmed. The difference is, that whilst the Discworld CD
version has full sound effects, the Discworld Floppy version seems to only
have music. This seems somewhat puzzling, obviously cuts would have to have
been made to fit it on a reasonable number of disks. More on this in the next
The CD-ROM access is suprisingly fast on a double speed.. 
faster than many HD-based games I have seen. Transferring it to HD is 
reported to produce only a minor speed difference (why can't all CD-Rom games 
be this fast?)
2.3 How many different PC versions are there? Where can I get a demo?
There are, in total 3 versions of the full game, and also 2 demos..
1: The PC floppy version, currently with no patch available...
This is currently the only floppy version available.
2: The PC CD Version 1.
This is the version PC CD owners are most likely to have. It contains
all the bugs mentioned in section 2.4. There is a patch available for this
version, but it still remains buggy.
3: The PC CD Version 2... Discworld: The Directors Cut...
This is a completely fixed version of the Discworld version 1.. with 
virtually every bug removed... 
There are also 2 demo versions. Version 1, the older version is a small
demo centred around the problem of getting the fishmongers belt. It 
has no sound, and is available from a number of sites.. more details in
the next faq.
The second version is a CD demo, containing the part of the first Act
set inside the Unseen University, and has all the speech to match...
it is also almost bugless.. this is available on a number of PC CD 
coverdisk.. most notably, the June 1995 Issue of PC Format.
2.4 What's this about bugs?
Ah. Yes.. a problem. Although the first version of game doesn't seem at all 
unstable ,there are a large number of annoying bugs. None of these appear to 
render the game un-completable in anyway, but they can be really irritating.  
PC-Zone, a UK magazine managed to review the game in early December.. when 
the game was still being coded.. finished products only, PCZ.. like PC-FORMAT.. 
 Anyway.. I'm meant to be objective about this. So, I have a list
of reported bugs and problems, all witnessed at first hand, along with any
comment/solutions. These bugs are mostly shared by the PC Floppy version,
but there have been reports of the game crashing just before the identity
of the monks are revealed.
2.5 Reported Bugs/Problems(A few of these might contain spoilers)
The bugs can be divided into three sections, Graphical Glitches, Sound Bugs, 
and Miscelaneous problems. Which is exactly what I have done. Most of these
bugs have also been reported by various people on ALT.FAN.PRATCHETT (usenet),
so it is not an isolated problem.
Graphical Glitches:
The majority of these center around mysteriously dissapearing or flashing
sprites. As I have mentioned, these do not stop you finishing the game,
but hardly contribute to the atmosphere, and give it a slightly less than
polished finish. A few examples are:
The disappearing beggar in the street in Act 2. 
The scared guy in Act 2 who teleports from seat to seat.
The walkthroughable door in the Inn.
The Witch in Act 2 who flips back to her position in Act 1 when you click
on the custard book (try it), and manages to both in the town square,
and the palace later in act 2..
Wierd one this: In the psychatrickerists/Clickies acting agency,
you are called up when the milkmaid has signed her ottograph. The 
receptionists clothes change back to what she was wearing in acts 1 and 2
and the milkmaid disappears into thin air.
The Dunnyman's miraculous gold tooth which hangs in the air and wiggles
when he has long gone (when you give him a doughnut).
There are a number of similar glitches which turn up regularly.
Sound Bugs: 
These are very noticable throughout the game. The most common is speech being
repeated, or replaced by subtitles. I turned the subtitles one once, and 
noticed that the speech repeating bug seemed to be related to the timing 
being off.
Other occurences include:
The volume controls don't work..
The clicking in speech experienced by most users, regardless of sound
card make..
Talking to the guards in act 2: Their speech is often replaced by the 
bizarre ?________?.. not exactly revealing to say the least.
Trying to put the money pouch in the luggage. I can live with 'I can't do 
that', but it is kind of wierd that it is said in one of Rob Brydon's yokel
voices rather than Eric Idle's voice. A similar occurence is trying to wake
the librarian in the past in Act 2.
Talking to the Dunnyman in Act 2. Rincewind finishes the conversation with 
Carrots voice, no less!
Miscel problems.
These are various problems, seemingly unrelated to the other to categories.
This includes:
The one bug that seems to make the game crash, turning the subtitles on.
This seems to randomly crash the game, particularly when done at the 
beginning of the game.
Some sequences seem to repeatable. For example... the method of getting
the chimney sweeps gold item can be repeated again and again (I'm saying
nothing more.... I don't want to spoil it for anyone)
One problem that seems to have cropped up as well, is the fact that some
people go upstairs into the Psychatrickerists on Act 2, and come down
empty handed, leaving out the intermediate sequence. I have managed to 
duplicate this by saving my game while sitting down in the Psychiatrickerists
,so I suggest you do not save whilst in there. An alternative solution is
to simply get up before you are called, leave the Psychiatrickerists,
then return. The problem will be ok as long as you don't re-save.
I only have the CD version, so I can't verify if the graphic glitches occur 
on the floppy version.. perhaps someone could give me some feedback on this..
The above bugs may seem pretty damning, but I all honesty, I tried not to let
them spoil my enjoyment of the game. Discworld is still a game definitely
worth getting. It just seems a shame the bugs got through.
2.6 Where can I get a patch?
A patch has been released for Discworld CD version 1... floppy owners are 
still left patchless for the meantime, it would seem, but it seems simple 
enough to copy over the new drivers to the floppy Discworld directory.
The file is: disc104n.zip
and it is available at the following sites:
ftp.britain.eu.net (in the directory /pub/misc/pratchett/cd-rom) and
ftp.pavilion.co.uk (in the directory /pub/pratchett/cd-rom) in Britain,
theory.lcs.mit.edu (in the directory /pub/pratchett/cd-rom) in America
death.socs.uts.edu.au (in the directory /Mirror/Pratchett/cd-rom) in Australia.
To use it, unzip it into a temporary directory, and run the batch file.
2.7 What does the patch fix?
Not a lot of the bugs, really. It does fix the clicking noise that 
accompanied the speech in the unpatched version, and I have not had
the game crash on me since installing it.. the game seems to cope with
switcing between subtitles and no-subtitles quite easily.  It also
fixes the volume controls, which now actually do control the volume
of sound, music and speech.
It doesn't seem to fix any of the other graphical or sound glitches 
however, but it is a shame... However, the one downer about the patch, is
that it seems to replace the excellent Sound Blaster/FM music with some
rather average MIDI music, that doesn't sound as good. The patch seems to
replace the standard drivers with an entirely new set of drivers. I am
currently experimenting with the drivers to see if I can get FM music from
the patch by swapping drivers.. although I have neglected to keep a copy
of the original v1.0 Discworld executable... can anyone help me with this?
I now have...
2.8 Discworld Version 2: The Directors Cut
This is Discworld as it should have been originally.. it fixes virtually
all the bugs, graphical and sound glitches in the original version. It also
contains a number of new graphical bits, and cut-scenes, such as added
animation, and also a host of new sounds. The chances are, at the time 
of writing this faq, you will have the old version.. the new version is
well worth getting.. it is virtually flawless... it can be obtained by 
mailing or phoning Psygnosis..
2.9 Technical Support
Psygnosis can be reached for Technical Support on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
and specifically for Discworld on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the United
Kingdom... They can also be reached in America on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I know that there's already a walkthrough floating about, but a lot of 
people have asked for specific hints, not spoilers. What I have done with
this hint file is to go through most of the common problems in the game, 
ACTS I-IV, 3 times, first providing general hints, nudging the player in the 
right direction, then the second time, I have provided more direct hints,
then finally, solutions to the problems. And in some cases, appalling puns. 
You have been warned. You can also find hints on alt.fan.pterry, 
sorry, alt.fan.pratchett , and sometimes comp.sys.ibm.games.adventure
but these sometimes tend to be spoilers rather than hints.
Pick up every object that isn't nailed down. Not generally a good philosophy
in real life, but in the game, it will save you having to go back for things
you have forgotten.
Like most adventure games these days, you can't be killed, so don't be afraid
to try anything at all.
Persistence often helps. Doing things twice, may produce results, as may 
talking to a character again later, when a new topic may be available.
Talk to every character. You should do this anyway, just to get the funny
responses, but you may also gain more information about what to do later.
You may also be given an object, under certain circumstances...
You may need to abandon the luggage sometimes, in which case, remember to
take the object you might need with you.
*WARNING* These hints generally follow the order that you should do things 
in the game, although generally the objects can be collected in any order.
I have tried to reduce the spoiler potential of these hints, but I advise 
only reading the hint you need... reading other parts may spoil some of the 
game for you.. on the other hand, some of these hints may prove meaningless 
unless you know why you are after a specific option.
ACT I: Here be Dragons
Problem: How do I get started in the game?
Once Rincewind wakes up, you should familiarize yourself with the 
surroundings. Have a good nose around, but don't forget lose sight of
what is important.
Problem: How do I find out what objects I need?
The Head wiz should be able to help you out there....
Problem: I can't get out of the university....
Are you sure you're ready to head outside?
Problem: I can't get the luggage to wake up..
Perhaps a friendly nudge would help?
Problem: The Librarian is less than helpful..
Perhaps if you were friendlier...
Problem: I can't get into the palace....... 
The guards seem the best of friends.. or are they?
Problem: I can't get/find the Staff of Tumultous Thaumatergy..... 
Have a good look around.. the solution could be close to home..
Problem: I can't get/find the Spiral of Neverending Induction.....   
Be prepared to improvize with this one... be on the look out for 
a suitable substitute...
Problem: I can't get/find the Miniature creature of excitable chitters.....   
Just keep an eye out for little creatures... have you ever seen a 
moving picture?
Problem: The Miniature creature went into hiding and it won't come out!...
You'll have to lure it out somehow...
Problem: I can't get/find the Sample of Breath.....   
The dragon is hanging around.. have you ever tried climbing?
Problem: I can't get/find the Container of ferrous material.....   
Where would you find one of these?
Problem: What do I do with the dragon detector? 
Do you know how a metal detector works?
ACT II: Monky Business
Problem: How do I find out who the monks are?
Perhaps you should drop in on them...
Problem: How do I unlock L-Space?
A (mon)key?
Problem: How do I get a monks robe?
Off your local monk, perhaps?
Problem: I can't find the glass..
I assume you have a specific purpose in mind for this.. you know where
to find drinking vessels in abundance.. 
Problem: Where do I get a password?
Off someone who knows it? Have you tried eavesdropping?
Problem: Who are the monks?
The summoning ceremony should shed a little light on that one..
Problem: Where do I get a gate pass?
Do you know anyone who has one? Or had one.....
Problem: How do I get the item from the fool?
A fool and his hat are soon parted..
Problem: How do I get the item from the dunnyman?
A sticky problem... aint that the tooth.
Problem: How do I get the item from the chimney sweep?
Perhaps you could bring him a little closer?
Problem: How do I get the item from the fishmonger?
How would you make him lose his trousers?
Problem: The apprentice won't share his prunes with me...
A distraction is in order.. perhaps he's waiting for something..
Problem: How do I get the item from the mason?
What kind of mason is he?
Problem: How do I get the item from the thief?
Tread quietly...
Problem: I've got all the items, and given them to the dragon. He got quite 
nasty.. what now?
That's all in the past now.....
Problem: How do I prove Rincewind's a man?
The answer to this problem is negotiable...
Problem: Ingredients? What ingredients?
If you know what you need, have a good look around the world.. but you 
might need to go to the ends of the earth to find them.
Problem: What do I do with Nanny Ogg?
Why not appeal to her better side?
ACT III: Heros inc...
Problem: What does a hero need?
Why not ask around?
Problem: How can the gate guard help?
Bit of an odd problem.. it all depends upon what you have....
Problem: How can the bogeyman help?
He needs to loosen up...
Problem: Where do I find a sword that goes ting?
You'll have to rack your brains for this one... even then, it might need a 
little fine tuning...
Problem: Where do I find camelflage?
You'll have to think dirty on this one... 
Problem: Where do I get a moustache?
You'll have to improvise on this one again.. but it has to be black...
Problem: How do I get a tattoo?
What kind of people wear tattoos?
Problem: How do I get a magic spell?
Where would you look?
Problem: How do I get a talisman? 
Ask around....
ACT IV: Grand(ish) Finale
Problem: How do I dispose of the dragon?
Mambo is a little bit poorly, so he might need filling up... then let nature
take it's course..
2: More obvious hints... and more poor quality puns (sorry)
ACT I: Here be Dragons(again)
Problem: How do I get started in the game?
Search Rincewind's room, to see what you find, then keep your appointment....
Problem: How do I find out what objects I need?
A chinwag with the Arch-Chancellor is in order.....
Problem: I can't get out of the university....
Have you seen the Arch-Chancellor? And do you know the hand wiggles?
Problem: I can't get the luggage to wake up..
A poke in the lid with a blunt stick should do it...
Problem: The Librarian is less than helpful..
What does a monkey (BAM! Owww!) ok, Orangutang like?
Problem: I can't get into the palace....... 
Guard: Are you calling my wife ugly?
Problem: I can't get/find the Staff of Tumultous Thaumatergy..... 
Who in UU has a magic staff? And can you think of a suitable replacement
for it?
Problem: I can't get/find the Spiral of Neverending Induction.....   
A hair roller is a spiral.. but how are you going to pick it out?
Problem: I can't get/find the Miniature creature of excitable chitters.....   
Movie cameras come with an imp as standard.. if only you could get that
Alchemist out of the way...
Problem: The Miniature creature went into hiding and it won't come out!...
You'll need to fish the creature out.. you'll need a line, and something
as suitable bait..
Problem: I can't get/find the Sample of Breath.....   
The tower holds the key... you'll need to get onto the rooftops to reflect
on it, though.
Problem: I can't get/find the Container of ferrous material.....   
Some pans are made of iron... only they're usually in use...
Problem: What do I do with the dragon detector? 
Bleep!........... Bleep!............ Bleep!.....Bleep!....Bleep!..Bleep!Bleep
! Getting warmer....
ACT II: Monky Business
Problem: How do I find out who the monks are?
If you could get into their hide out... a disguise might help....
Problem: How do I unlock L-Space?
What's that the sleazy guy has behind his ear?
Problem: How do I get a monks robe?
Have you heard about Chaos Theory? Something to do with butterflies and 
rainstorms, or something.... that might shed some light on things... but
remember to allow yourself plenty of time...
Problem: I can't find the glass..
The Drum is the right place to look, but you'll need to pick out the right
drink.. what would you drink in a glass? Keep your eyes open.
Problem: Where do I get a password?
Try hanging around the hideout... sooner or later, the thief will have
to show up....
Problem: Who are the monks?
If you can get into the hideout, you should be able to recognize them... 
Problem: Where do I get a gate pass?
What was the scared guy on about? He sounded like he was inn trouble the 
other night....
Problem: How do I get the item from the fool?
A fool and his hat are soon dirtied.... 
Problem: How do I get the item from the dunnyman?
Doughnut despair (these puns get worse, you know)
Problem: How do I get the item from the chimney sweep?
Do you know a chimney that could be blocked? And shaken up?
Problem: How do I get the item from the fishmonger?
He doesn't seem to be bothered what he eats... and octopuses can be very
determined.... when fed properly..
Problem: The apprentice won't share his prunes with me...
Now.. if you could call that apprentice to dinner, he'd be sure to 
drop everything.. ring any bells.. you might need to investigate L-Space 
for this one...
Problem: How do I get the item from the mason?
If he's that kind of mason, he must have some sort of secret handshake...
Problem: How do I get the item from the thief?
The ladder makes quite a racket.. perhaps it needs padding...
Problem: I've got all the items, and given them to the dragon. He got quite 
nasty.. what now?
Looks like you were too late.... nothing could be done once they had the 
dragon book.. now, if you were to replace it....
Problem: How do I prove Rincewind's a man?
Reading can prove useful.... what's special about the Ladies of Negotiable
Problem: Ingredients? What ingredients?
Take one egg from a mountain dwelling beast, milk, shaken of course, and 
flour exactly where you'd expect to find it.
Problem: What do I do with Nanny Ogg?
Have you noticed, she closes her eyes when she puckers up?
ACT III: Heros inc...
Problem: What does a hero need?
Everyone has their own idea of what you need.... 
Problem: How can the gate guard help?
You won't need all the items.. just a combination.. what would Rincewind look
really silly wearing?
Problem: How can the bogeyman help?
That door looks a bit tight....
Problem: Where do I find a sword that goes ting?
Chucky is hiding something in the dungeons.. once you've turned that one 
over, maybe Carrot can help...
Problem: Where do I find camelflage?
Ash is quite dark.....
Problem: Where do I get a moustache?
Cutting off a donkey's tail? But that's cruel! Besides, he'd never let you..
Problem: How do I get a tattoo?
The inn is open for business.. maybe the patrons could help you....
but the parrot thing could drive you over the edge...
Problem: How do I get a magic spell?
Where are magic books stored?
Problem: How do I get a talisman? 
The old timers might be able to help... as will the braggart.. but you'll
have to get the truth out of him....
ACT IV: Grand(ish) Finale
Problem: How do I dispose of the dragon?
Mambo meets ammo, Mambo meets big Dragon..
3: Spoilers....
ACT I: Here be Dragons(again)
Problem: How do I get started in the game?
Open the wardrobe, get the pouch, then head down the wooden stairs, and left,
into the arch-chancellor's room...
Problem: How do I find out what objects I need?
The Arch-Chancellor will tell you to get a book from the library. Once you 
have brought this back to him, he will tell you what the objects are...
and if you need to check the list again, use the book in 
the luggage.
Problem: I can't get out of the university....
Once the Arch-Chancellor has told you to get the objects, you can ask the 
apprentice near the gates for the new hand wiggles, using the (?) sign...
Problem: I can't get the luggage to wake up..
Head downstairs, and grab the broom from inside the closet. Take it upstairs,
and use it to wake up the luggage. You must wake the luggage before you can
get the book from the library.
Problem: The Librarian is less than helpful..
Give him the banana from the luggage, and he will find the book you need.
Problem: I can't get into the palace....... 
Talk to the guards, and ask them each a q.. this will get them fighting each
other. In act II you will need to use ink blots on them. And on Act III you
will need to use the leeches from Dibbler.
Problem: I can't get/find the Staff of Tumultous Thaumatergy..... 
Use the broom on Windle Poons' staff...
Problem: I can't get/find the Spiral of Neverending Induction.....   
Look at the hair roller in the woman's hair, in the Barbers. Then, talk to 
her. She will tell the barber to take it out. You can then distract the 
barber by talking to him, then using pickpocket skill on him (from the
urchin) on his pocket.
Problem: I can't get/find the Miniature creature of excitable chitters.....   
Go to the alchemist's shop, after getting some corn from the stables. Use the
corn in the flask, to make him duck. Look at the camera, use the cable 
release to release the imp, then try to grab him. The imp will leap down
the sink, and into the hole outside.
Problem: The Miniature creature went into hiding and it won't come out!...
Go to the toyshop, and get the ball of string. Go to the town square, and 
get a tomato, and throw it at the man in the stocks. Get another tomato
and a worm will be inside.. after the tomato falls, get the worm off the 
floor, and use the string on it. Use this on the hole near the alchemists
to lure the imp out.
Problem: I can't get/find the Sample of Breath.....   
Head up to the tower, with the mirror from the jester's dressing room. Use
it on the end of the flagpole to attract the dragon, who will breath on it.
Problem: I can't get/find the Container of ferrous material.....   
Use a ladder to get through the window at the back of the University, and use
a net to steal a pancake. The chef will storm off in a huff, and you can
nip in and pinch his frying pan.
Problem: What do I do with the dragon detector? 
The bleeping will become more frequent, as you get nearer to the dragon's 
lair. What you are actually looking for is the small orange building in
the bottom left of the map, so you can go straight there.
ACT II: Monky Business
Problem: How do I find out who the monks are?
You will need the monks robe, and the password.
Problem: How do I unlock L-Space?
Give the sleazy guy all the gold you have, and he will give you a golden
banana. You can give this to the librarian who will open l-space for you.
Problem: How do I get a monks robe?
Go to the park in the past, and use the frog on the sleeping Rincewind.
You can then use the net to catch the butterfly. Take it to the corner in 
the past, where the monk will eventually stand, and use it on the lamp.
Then, in the future, you can grab the robe from the washing line in the 
Problem: I can't find the glass..
Go to the Drum, then look at the green bottle on the shelf near the bar.
Speak to the barman again, and RW will ask for a glass of counterwise
wine... take the glass that is left on the bar, and there you go...
Problem: Where do I get a password?
Order a drink during the day, and take the glass. Go to the hideout in the
night, turn the drainpipe, then use the glass on the drainpipe behind the 
fence when the thief arrives..
Problem: Who are the monks?
The monks are:
The fool
The fishmonger
The dunnyman
The mason
The thief
The chimneysweep
Problem: Where do I get a gate pass?
Grab the sheet from the inn during the day, and in the night, go to the
inn where the scared guy sleeps. Wear the sheet, and open the jewelery box.
Rincewind will take over from there, till he finds a hammer, and rather
bemused by this, puts it down. Go back to the day, and ask the scared guy
what the ghost did with the hammer. Go back to the night, and try again.
Rincewind will smash the box, and get the pass.
Problem: How do I get the item from the fool?
Use the garbage can from the back of the university, and ram it on the fool's
head. He will go to wash, so head into his room, and try to sneak get the
hat. You will get it eventually. 
Problem: How do I get the item from the dunnyman?
Get a doughnut from Dibbler, and give it to the dunnyman. Then, talk to the
milkmaid in the psychiatrickerists, and take the letter she gives you, and 
show it to the barber. Then, use the machine to grab the tooth..
Problem: How do I get the item from the chimney sweep?
Get a hogfather doll from the bargain bin in the toyshop, and stick it down
a chimney on the rooftops, near where you stand. Get a keg of gunpowder from
the crate at the city gate, and put it in the fireplace of the alchemists 
shop. Use the string on the keg, and head outside to light it. The brush
will fall into the luggage.
Problem: How do I get the item from the fishmonger?
Use octopus and love custard on the toilet, then use the prunes on the 
caviar. Go to the toilet, and collect the belt.
Problem: The apprentice won't share his prunes with me...
To get the prunes, you will need to ring the dinner gong in the main hall
simple in itself, but you need to get the drumstick from the past, namely
the Broken Drum's sign, but you'll need to start a fight first, to distract
the bouncer.
Problem: How do I get the item from the mason?
The street starfish will teach you it if you can prove you are a man.
Problem: How do I get the item from the thief?
After getting the handshake, and trying it on the old timers, you will
get a bra. Use it on the ladder, to pad it. You will then be able to get
into the thief's hovel without waking him.
Problem: I've got all the items, and given them to the dragon. He got quite 
nasty.. what now?
Use the custard book from Nanny Ogg on the dragon book in the past, then
put the book in the empty place and wait for the thief to steal it. End 
of Act II
Problem: How do I prove Rincewind's a man?
Read the grafitti at night in the toilet in the lavatory, and ask the Ladies
of Negotiable affection for a special.
Problem: Ingredients? What ingredients?
For the coconut, go to the edge of the world, and shake the tree, fish out the
coconut, then crack it open with the screwdriver.
For the flour, simply look in the kitchen of Unseen University..
For an egg, go to the mountain pass, and after the luggage bops the creature
, grab the egg.
Problem: What do I do with Nanny Ogg?
Talk to her, and when she puckers up, grab the custard book.
ACT III: Heros inc...
Problem: What does a hero need?
Talk to absolutely everyone you can find. You will be given suggestions of
what you need to be a hero, eight in total.
Problem: How can the gate guard help?
You should have a total of eight suggestions of what to use. You will need to
put all of them on Rincewind except the mask and pouch. The chances should
then be a million to one.
Problem: How can the bogeyman help?
Loosen the door with the screwdriver, and after talking to the barman about 
the wine that the dwarves want, talk to the bogeyman...
Problem: Where do I find a sword that goes ting?
Use the crank from the wishing well in the woods on Chucky's rack in the
dungeons. Then, get the sword, and chat to Carrot, who will tell you of
a dwarf mine, where you can get it tuned.
Problem: Where do I find camelflage?
Get the spatula from the kitchen, and use it to scrape the ash off the burnt
wall in the shades.
Problem: Where do I get a moustache?
Clean the mud off the Donkey Cart bar,note the number, then use the knife on 
the ladder on the Rooftops. When the assassin falls, tell him the number of
the donkey cart. The donkey will be be put in the stocks, so you can cut
his brush off.
Problem: How do I get a tattoo?
Talk to the sailor at the inn. You will need to retrieve his parrot and 
whistle from the edge of the world, but first you must silence Gaspode with
a glue covered bone (poor thing)...
Problem: How do I get a magic spell?
There is a magic book in the bottom right corner of the library.
Problem: How do I get a talisman? 
You'll need to ask the old timers about the talisman. Then, get the truth
potion from Nanny Ogg, and use it on the braggart (although you might need
an extra picture)
ACT IV: Grand(ish) Finale
Problem: How do I dispose of the dragon?
Get the gold dragon from the sanctuary, use him on the coal at the dwarven
smithy, and also the dungeons. Use a firecracker on him, and you're 
read to go... then, after the sequence in the square, use the custard tart on 
the big dragon. Voila! Finished....
Mail me if you have any specific problems, or ones that you would like to 
see included in this text file... I can also help with a few other adventures
, Kyrandia 3, LBA/Relentless, Companions of Xanth, Alone in the Dark 1, 2, 
and 3, Gabriel Knight, Full Throttle, Bioforge, and a few others....I'm also
working on hint files, much like the one in section 3, for a number of 
games, with one for Full Throttle in the works.
Chris McMullen 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4. The Colour of Magic
The Colour of Magic was originally programmed for the Spectrum (and maybe
the C64.. I'm looking into this) by Delta 4, for Pirhana software. It is
a text based adventure game, with a few scattered graphics, and is based
solely on the Colour of Magic book. It follows the adventures of Rincewind
and Twoflower through the discworld, and sticks to the plot very closely..
so a knowledge of the book could help a lot. If you have never played a text
adventure before, however, you could be in for a difficult time. As a game,
it isn't particularly difficult in terms of puzzles, but trying to find the
words to perform an action isn't easy. To talk to Twoflower, I tried...
I think you get the idea... I eventually got the right word, but it took a 
while.. as things stand, I've only just played it, so details are a little
thin at the moment.. more in the next faq..
5. Discworld MUD
Only brief details for the moment on this.. I only dug out the number
a few hours ago....
The Discworld MUD is a Multi-User-Dungeon game, set on the Discworld..
that much you will have guessed. It can be reached by telnetting to... 4242
I'll give credit to the admins as soon as I find out who they are.. (good 
job there..). The Mud contains many of the locations and characters from
the book, behaving in a very recognisable way, as part of the Discworld.
You can get a character straight away, but you are requested not to use
a character from the book, which is a good idea IMO.. it helps populate
the world in an original way.. rather than filling it up with recognized
characters. So be original... (thats original, not plagaristic, Merkins..)
Another good point is how, upon typing WHO, your name is displayed with a
rating, reflecting your actions. Whilst I was on, there were also another
5 players around.. presumably up to something conspiratorial, but then again,
I did log on at a quiet time..
Anyway, I haven't explored much... my character is called Doominus.. current
status dead, and trying to find the street of small gods..... yep... dead.. 
and here's how it happened...
Well, I created my character, which didn't take too long, and I found myself
dumped in the Discworld ready room. A quick check of my inventory revealed
amongst other things, a dagger, and I headed out into the Discworld.
I found myself in a quiet street, with only a rat for company. And being the
civilized and gentile person that I am, I adopted a fighting stance, and
after much mutual staring, I set about it with my bare hands. Yes, I know 
NOW that I could have used my dagger... it was just a futile action..
After a disturbingly close fight (during which I considered retreat), 
the rat was defeated, and I wandered off sure of myself. 
  I wielded my dagger like a warrior (albeit one with multiple bite wounds),
and headed off to explore the world. After several seemingly random strings
of North East South West commands, I encountered a wizard.. he mumbled 
incoherently, and then departed. What a nice chap...  after a short while
familiarizing myself with a number of city inhabitants, Detritus included,
I felt RL tugging at my ankles, and I had to depart.. but not without one 
final futile action. Now where did that wizard go? One kick to the staff
later, and I found my character lying in a somewhat crumpled heap on the 
floor, and a familiar black figure standing over me.. leaving my ghostly
figure to roam. How do I get my body back.. hmm.. that's something I'll
have to figure out..
All in all, a pretty good place, with a decent atmosphere.. worth checking
6.1 Other Discworld Games
Perfect 10 have got the license to produce more Discworld games,
with Pterry to ok things... and second Discworld game is indeed planned..
In fact, Perfect 10 aim to have the next game ready (Discworld II) by March
 on at least 3 CD's.... reserve a copy for me!
6.2 Discworld on other formats
Discworld the game is being developed for two other formats, and although
I haven't seen these versions, they should easily be as good as the PC
version. So far, these formats are..
The Apple Mac... more on the required specifications as I get them, but
this one is nearing completion.. when DW first came out, almost every other
post on alt.fan.pratchett was 'Discworld on the Mac.. when?'
The CD-I.. a while off... but at least CD-I owners will be getting something
with depth.
There are also version being produced for the Saturn, and PSX...
  7.1 Where can I get the faq?
Well, it should be available via FTP at the following sites..
ftp.britain.eu.net (in the directory /pub/misc/pratchett/cd-rom) and
ftp.pavilion.co.uk (in the directory /pub/pratchett/cd-rom) in Britain,
theory.lcs.mit.edu (in the directory /pub/pratchett/cd-rom) in America
death.socs.uts.edu.au (in the directory /Mirror/Pratchett/cd-rom) in Australia.
It is also posted regularly to alt.fan.pratchett and 
It is available via WWW from the Games Domain, and the Cheaters Heaven Games
page... which are...
Cheaters Heaven: http://happypuppy.com/games/faqcht/discwcht.txt
Games Domain: http://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/faqs/discworld.faq
  7.2 Credits.
Well, currently, the credits are a little short. Credits just go to: 
Terry Pratchett for writing such genuinely funny and imaginative books,
and having the patience not to put his foot through the terminal at the
'Are you really Terry Pratchett' emails. And just how did 'The Unadulterated
Cat' manage to ring so many bells with the local feline residents?
Pysgnosis, Teeny Weeny Games, Perfect 10 and co, for producing a game than 
manages, in my opinion to capture a lot of the Discworld atmosphere 
(what about a guards game?). Now even better with the bugs removed...
shame other software houses don't take note.. you know who you are, 
and there's a Thargoid fleet on the way...
David Johnston, and Greg Barnett, for programming the game, and a big thanks
to David for helping with certain points in the faq..
Me, for writing this FAQ.
Malwen, for sending me the Z80 Snapshot of the Colour of Magic.. 
much appreciated.. I sense hours of headbanging frustration ahead.. :)
The hedgehog that can't be buggered at all.
The numerous people who mailed me with minor corrections, mainly to tell
me about the 'Guards! Guards!' book... and ideas for amendments..
FEEDBACK: Let me know what you think of the FAQ, and mail me if you have any
comments, criticism, ideas, written on used fivers...etc....
bye for now.. and remember... 
loose feet are a very real problem....