

1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Locations of the Eldersign Pieces.
1.3 Locations of the Important Items.
1.4 Frequently Asked Questions.
1.5 The Walk-Through.
1.6 Tips.

1.1 - Introduction:

Ecstatica is an extremely large game. This walk-through is very cut and dry. If you follow it to the letter you will miss out on a lot of the game. We suggest using it only if you get stuck. Also we wrote this walk-through after finishing the game and while we think we remember everything we might have made a few mistakes. you should however get the general idea of what to do. We also do not give exact directions, use the map that came with the game because we often refer to the names written on it. Ecstatica II is a great game and trust us we know the feeling of wanting to finish a game and how frustrating it can get! But you will kick yourself afterwards if you follow this walk-through completely.. Anyway we hope this helps..

1.2 - Locations of the Eldersign Pieces:

1. On the stairs of the main hall after you kill the two shadow warriors.
2. Next to the skeleton on the throne after you get the flashing skulls from the catacombs.
3. Next to the clearing after you kill the amazon people.
4. On the level below the warlock in his tower.
5. In the Necromancer's lair.
6. Behind the strange colored flower at the beginning of the garden (after the church in the graveyard).
7. In the dark tower (2nd to last level).

1.3 - Locations of the Important Objects:

Medallion -- In the chamber opened after the catacombs, on the skeleton's finger.
1st Armor -- In a tomb in the graveyard.
Ring -- In the Sorceress's lair.
1st Strange Item -- In the Wizard's tower.
2nd Armor -- In the Wizard's tower.
2nd Strange Item -- Below the well in the village.
Lantern -- In the Hunter's Lodge.
Scroll -- In the dark tower (2nd to last level).

1.4 - Frequently Asked Questions:

Why can't I open the blue or red doors?
Because you haven't got far enough in the game. Certain doors are unopenable until you collect certain items or kill certain creatures.

I have done all you told me to do. so why is my explored % so low?
Well, most of this game is strictly un-necessary to completing it. It is however a lot of fun. You will miss out on a lot if you just follow this walk through.

Whats the best way to kill the main monsters?
Usually when the main monsters appear there is a couple of seconds break before they actually begin to attack you. Use this time to get close to them and hack them with your weapon. If they manage to knock you back or you can't get close enough to hit them with your weapon, magic does an equally impressive job.

I found a book. what do i do with it?
On the ground floor of the main hall, look for a red locked door that is not easily visible. Go though it when you are allowed to and go to the glowing place on the shelf. Part of the bookcase will open up and you will be able to get to the lower levels. There is however a locked blue door in the way. When you can open it, explore!

1.5 - The Complete Walk Through:

You start off at the stocks, go to the Craftsmans Guild bottom floor (go downwards from the stocks) Get the sword that is leaning against some of the blacksmiths tools. Goto the Guards Tower (refer to the map), go straight to the top (there are some interesting things along the way most of which you can't get at YET!), watch for the trap near the top of the tower to get past it stand next to the head which the key is leaning on and hit it, get the key, open the door, you will see two sets of stairs (use the stairs that lead to the next tower), you will see an inactive teleportation plate, go down the stairs which leads to the bottom of the prison tower (the tallest tower), go past the tower until you reach a closed portcullis and get the armor which is floating there. Go back to the prison tower and make your way up the stairs. Skip the first locked door and make your way to the second door, break it down and get the key from the chest. Go back down to the locked door and set the priestess free (she will assist you throughout the game, often making annoying and obscure comments :) go back up to the very top of the tower and pick up the staff which is lying there (you don't have to use it but you need to pick it up at least for some strange reason).. go back down the tower.. Hit the two gargoyles heads and make your way to the previously closed portcullis (which should now open).. you might want to (not completely necessary) walk down the stairs opposite the closed portcullis and hit the gargoyles head there).. now you make your way to the area known as the "attic".. (there is a door which is hard to see on the top left corner of the screen to the left of the closed portcullis. Walk in find and hit the blue switch, then hit the blue lever elsewhere.. this will open a portcullis in the attic somewhere where you will find a blue key (which opens the blue door).. hit one of the gargoyles heads in the room past the blue door then hit the green lever (next to the blue lever).. this opens up another portcullis where you will find the purple key (which opens the purple door).. hit the gargoyles head in the purple room.. then go back and hit the red lever.. go back to the blue door room and hit the second gargoyles head.. which opens up two portcullises also in that room. Find the silver sword behind one of these opened portcullises. Leave the attic and go down to the main courtyard (next to the well) hit the big door behind the well (this leads into the main hall).. if you search around the bottom floor of the main hall you will find a three diamond weapon.. next head upstairs part of the way up the stairs a shadow warrior will appear kill him go back downstairs and head up the other staircase and kill the second shadow warrior who will drop the first fragment of the eldersign (only 10 more to go!).. go up the right staircase.. at the top of the stairs walk straight ahead.. go through the left doorway and then walk into the next room.. where you will find the warlock.. kill him and beware of the human enemies who flock into the room.. go back the way you came and use the crystal ball.. leave the main hall.. Head towards the right handside of the courtyard.. you will see a building there (near the bottom of the guard tower) it is the stables.. find the horse and then you will see a doorway in the upper left area of the room.. go through this doorway.. and head down the ladder..hit the gargoyles head go through the portcullis and turn right downwards.. walk through the tunnels (beware of the big vicious well guys) until you find the drunk well guy.. pick up the pink bottle.. and go back to the well (in the courtyard).. walk towards the guy on the well from the bottom of the screen.. until he grabs the bottle out of your hand.. wait for a second or two.. and the guy will vanish.. head down the well.. find the three switchs.. hit them.. and go through the big door.. where you will find some treasure and magic weapons etc.. get out of the well (the way you came for now..) .. walk downwards from the well and go through the door left of the horse.. head up the stairs and into the 2nd level of the craftsmens guild.. find the ladder leading upwards and climb it.. find a 2nd ladder and climb it (this leads to the roof) go up the stairs to the top of the chimney.. fall into the chimney and you will get teleported.. find the catacombs.. find two flashing skulls (you can only take one at a time).. when you find one go out of the catacombs and up the stairs until you find a big locked door with skulls on pedestals.. walk up to one of the empty pedestals and the prince will place the skull on it.. go back for the 2nd one.. then go back down.. and go through the left entrance to the catacombs.. and continue to go leftwards whenever possible.. until you find stairs going downwards.. these lead you into another room with a large pond in the middle.. walk to the edge of the pond until you find the flashing dots.. they form stepping stones as you walk across them (go slowly because its easy to fall in!).. when you get to the other side there is a magic sword to the right and a doorway underneath a skull.. go through the door.. and get the third and final flashing skull.. go back to the room with the pedestals and place the skull on the final one.. the door will open.. go through and get the ring from the skeleton sitting on the throne and get the small cross.. and get the 2nd piece of the eldersign.. You can now open the doors with the red dots on them.. Head back to the room you first teleported to.. use the crystal ball.. and then open the red dot door.. this will lead you back to the well.. climb out of the well.. either get some boots (try above the stables) or just try and jump over the yellow glowing stuff which is blocking an entrance downwards from the well.. hit the gargoyles head in that room.. and then return to the courtyard.. head up the stairs to the left of the hospital tower and open the red door to get a 4 diamond axe.. then head towards the big portcullis (which will now open) just to the right of the well.. this leads to the drawbridge of the castle.. hit the lever in there.. which will open the drawbridge.. go out of the castle.. go down once and go left through some bushes.. then go straight.. and find the graveyard.. you will automatically open the gate using the little cross.. go to the back of the graveyard and find the entrance to an underground tomb.. here you will find permanent armor.. next head to the church in the graveyard.. and hit the candle at the left end.. go down the stairs into an underground passage which takes you into part of the garden.. you will see a piece of the eldersign at the beginning of the garden which you can't reach YET.. explore the garden until you find the clearing with the amazon people (DO NOT go the the village yet unless you have a deathwish).. kill the amazon people and head to the top left.. this will bring you into a cave.. head to the top exit.. and kill the Sorceress.. get the ring then go back out into the clearing and collect the nearby eldersign piece (top right of the screen).. go back into the cave and teleport back out.. You can now open the blue doors. Now you can go and get the best weapon in the game! (well the best that we found anyway).. It is located on the 2nd to top level.. break down the blue door and hey presto a 5 diamond golden sword.. Go to screen on the right of the well screen and climb the steps on the side of the guard tower.. Go past the swinging axe and into the room and out onto the ledge.. Go to the door to the max left and into the room with the bombs. Go through it and up the steps on the side of the tower. Watch out for the bombs! Go through the blue door and pass through the passage right next to the blue door.. Climb the steps until you reach the top of the tower. You will see an item protected by spinning globes.. You need to kill the wizard before you can get to it.. Go through the door in the upper left and you will reach the top of the tower.. Walk around the top until the wizard appears and kill him.. Go back and get the item.. Go out the door on this level (to the top right of the screen) and find the 2nd set of armor.. Go down one flight of stairs and find the exit to the side of the tower. It is on the right of the screen. Go through the blue door and get the next piece of the eldersign.. Go down to the second last level of the tower and walk outside through the doorway with the skull.. Find the crystal ball and use it.. Take the teleport and go to the village (turn right and take the high road).. Find the well and locate the house with the open ledge facing it. Go up and take a running jump into the well. Go through the door and find an important item. Now that the people have been restored go to the church and use the crystal ball. Follow the directions the people of the town give you to reach the hunter's lodge. Find the room with the stuffed bear. Hit it and go the other room. Go to the fire place and get the lantern. Go back to the plant you could not kill before and get the piece of the eldersign go back to the village and find the pond. Go past it and into the forest. Find the old ruin and go through the teleport. Jump up to the doorway visible in the top left. Go through to the teleport. You are now in the necromancer's domain. Go up and up again past the inactive crystal ball. Follow the path to the necromancer's room. Kill him and get the sixth piece (it is up and to the left). You now have all the items you need to go the final part of the game, the dark tower. Find the teleport that has a checkered feel to it. Save it here. Go through the teleport. You are now in the dark tower and need to move it because the clock is ticking! Can't help you any more. However, you don't need to open every chest to make it to the next level. Play it once, exploring and reload and do it again effectively. The final piece and the code scroll are in the first normal level you come across. Find them fast before you move on. The next level has the Archmage.

Kill him and you are done!

1.6 - Tips:

Tip 1:
Find et våben, så snart spillet begynder. Det lettest tilgængelige ligger i et rum bag stalden. Når du ser hullet i gulvet, kan du trykke på mellemrumstasten for at klatre ned ad stigen og tage tryllestaven i hjørnet.

Tip 2:
Alt af massivt træ bør splittes ad, da det meget vel kan rumme rare ting og sager. Spark døre ind, flæk skrin og skabe, hiv i håndtag og tryk på knapper. Nogle af dem er gemt, så det kan også være en god ide at banke lidt på faklerne i ny og næ.

Tip 3:
De ubehagelige "Stone Golems" kan være virkelig ubehagelige, indtil du opdager deres "Achilles-hæl": De angriber langsommere end dig. Hvis du gør helt tæt på og bliver ved med at slå dem med et våben eller et par dobbelte stød, vil de reelt være ude af stand til at slå igen, før det er for sent.