emergency fighters for life: (emergency: fighters for life)

Choose mission:
Move the mouse across "Options" and type "SIXTEEN" With Caps Lock activated.
At the ACCIDENT scene put you mouse pointer over the "Options" button (DO NOT
click) and type in "sixteen". Once you've done that you'll get a list of all
the missions and you can just pick the mission you want to play.

12 Waterdrops from Plane:

Cars for Free:
Go into the Cars Directory and open all files (don't change hai.dat and
zf.dat).eplace in every file the first line to 0.
Or type in the 2nd line the number of passengers that should be able to 
enter a vehicle. But you cannot alter this for cars, where no passengers 
should enter.

Hex-Cheat: 65.000 Money:
Open an Savegame with an Hex-Editor,
look for the Offsets 44 und 45 and 
overwrite the Offsets to FF FF.