Cheat Codes & Walkthrough:

Gain XP the smart way:

In the LA Boneyard you get an assignment from Gabriel, to kill all Deathclaws. Mother is in the basement, so go down and kill her. Then go back to Gabriel, and tell him you need more weapons and ammo ? and you get 1.000 experience-points!

Talk to him again, and say, that you have killed all Deathclaws. He´ll say that he wants to be sure first, that there dead. Now go down into the basement again, and then back to Gabriel, repeat that you want more weapons and ammo, and you get another 1.000 experience-points. This can go on forever.....

Ok this one makes unlimited turns (you can shoot

the guys without them getting a turn to wipe you out)

Step one: Get into the combat mode.

Step two: Take ammo for a gun and put it in to your

          hands (only ammo should be in your hand!)

Step three: come close to a guy and click on target

            to shoot him! Step four: HE will say 

            something like "Did your mama tought you

            that move?!" or something.

And Bang!!! here you are, now you have unlimited 

turns, when you walk or shoot in combat your green 

circles shouldn't even move.

He´ll say something like "Did Your Mama Teach You That Move", but now you´ll have all the turns you´ll ever need....

Tons -o- cash:

If you want lots of cash (more than enough to last the

whole game) go to the hub. Go downtown and into the

Crimson Caravaners on the day that they leave (3rd

of every month). Tell Keri you want a job. When she

asks for the location that you wish to go to, tell her,

"never mind, I just remembered something I have to

do." Go back to the entrance of the Hub. You will see

two men wearing red shirts. Point to both of them. If 

it says "you see: caravan leader" then talk to him. He

will give you $600! Now, go back and talk to Keri, and

repeat the process all over again. You will recieve

$600 every time you talk to the caravan leader. It

might take a while to get tons-o-cash, but it will be

worth it.