
When you create a new character in Fallout 2, then use "char points" and save your character. Find the newly created ".gcd" file and open it in a hex editor. Change the following lines to "0A" (for 10 - maximum here):

Offset -- Byteaddress -- write:

0 -- 8 -- ST
10 -- 2 -- PE
10 -- 6 -- EN
10 -- 10 -- CH
20 -- 4 -- IN
20 -- 8 -- AG
30 -- 2 -- LK

Here you go, all your chars are now on level 10 and it hightens your skill level too.


Fallout 2 FAQ .3
- by the Ayatollah Sheik Rattle n' Roll (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

%%% Arroyo %%%


If you have a perception of 6 you can notice the bridge guard's sharpened spear 
and he will tell you to bring him a piece of flint from your aunt so he may 
sharpen yours. You can either steal the flint from your aunt, give her three 
healing powders, or talk her out of it.

Hakunin will ask you to cleanse his garden. Simply kill the evil looking plants 
in the garden outside his tent.

Your brother will ask you to find his dog. Go to the area filled with geckos, 
kill them, get the dog, and return it for 100 exp.


Blow up the impenetrable door with plastic explosives.

You can gain 100 experience by repairing the well.

%%% Klamath %%%


If you talk to one of the women she'll tell you her husband is missing. If you 
rescue him from the toxic caves, he will teach you how to skin geckos.

One of the trappers has a key to an area filled with rats. Kill the god.

Talk to Torr and tell him you'll help him guard the brahmin. Kill all the 
scorpions. Get 250 exp.


The fuel injection system is on the other end of the rat caves.

%%% Den %%%


You get the quest to free Victor by talking to him in the Den. You'll have to 
retrieve his radio from his defunct business in Klamath, and then pay

Metzger $1000.

Mama will ask you to give Smitty a meal. Do it for 250 exp. and a stimpack.

Becky will ask you to find Fred and get the money he owes her. Yay! It's

Where's Waldo time...

Becky will ask you to find a book she lent Derek. Even more fun for

%%% Vault City %%%


A resident, Amanda, will ask you to rescue her husband Joshua from the
Servant assignment building. You can talk him out.

The lady in the repair facility needs pliers and a wrench. Pliers can be bought 
from various stores, and see below for one way to obtain a wrench.


If you find the child's Mr. Nixon doll, and wait, he'll mention the location of 
a buried wrench.

Inside the vault, on the second floor is a broken vent. Repair it to get 50 
small energy cells.

%%% Gecko %%%


To optimize the reactor, bring the holodisk back to Vault City, use it in the 
main computer, then bring it back to Gecko and use it on the robot pit computer.

Skeeter wants a 3 step power transformer. You can steal the forms off of the 
head ghoul in the powerplant, then give them to the ghoul who dispenses 

%%% New Reno %%%


The weapon shop owner can expand the magazine on an assault rifle to 100 rounds, 
add a speed loader to a magnum, put a low light scope on your FAL, or add a 20x 
scope to a hunting rifle.

Hidden in the basement of the weapon shop is a man who can do modifications, as 
well. He'll do everything the owner will, plus he can upgrade your flamethrower.

%%% Broken Hills %%%


You can get the quest to fix the mine air purifier from the head miner.
He'll send you to the Den to get a part, then return. Enter the mines
and use stimpacks often to heal the damage from the fumes, then use the
part on the purifier.

If you beat Francis the mutant (located in the tavern) at arm wrestling,

he'll give you a power fist.

Eric the ghoul wants more power for his home. Ask the power plant operator to 
give him more power.

Marcus will ask you to find some missing townspeople. Their bodies are in caves 
beneath the residential section. One of the enterances to the caves is near the 
talking plant.

%%% Military Base %%%


A map to San Fransisco is in one of the tents.

%%% Special Karma %%%

You get champion around 400 karma or so.

If you win the boxing title in New Reno, you get the prize fighter karmic trait.

You can get the Gigolo karmic trait by sleeping around. Not sure what the 
effects are.

If you star in a movie for the Corsican brothers in New Reno, you can get the 
Porn Star karmic trait.

%%% Special Encounters %%%

You can encounter a bunch of Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer. I see no real 
use to this one besides a few stimpacks in a locker in an abandoned building.

There is a bridgekeeper who may be encountered. If you correctly answer his 
questions, you can get his robes, which have the same stats as combat armor.

%%% Armor %%%

Name AC Normal Laser Fire Plasma Explode
Leather Jacket 8 0/20% 0/20% 0/10% 0/10% 0/20%
Metal Armor mkII 15 4/35% 7/80% 4/15% 4/25% 4/30%
Bridgekeeper's Robes 20 5/40% 8/60% 4/30% 4/50% 6/40%
Combat Armor 20 5/40% 8/60% 4/30% 4/50% 6/40%

%%% Melee Weapons %%%

Name Rng Damage Str AP
Sharpened Pole 2 2-9 4 4t 5at 6t 7at
Spear 2 3-15 4 4t 5at 6t 7at

%%% Guns %%%

Name Rng Ammo Damage Cap Str AP
.223 Pistol 30 .223 20-30 5 5 5s 6a
Tommy Gun 32 .45 3-20 50 6 5s 6a 6b
M3A1 Grease Gun 20 .45 10-20 30 4 4s 5a 5b
Combat Shotgun 22 12 ga. 15-25 12 5 5s 6a 6b
Pancor Jackhammer 35 12 ga. 18-29 10 5 5s 6a 6b