Walkthru: Fate of Atlantis

New York

Look around and take the newspaper on the stand.
Now you have to get in the theater somehow. The front door's no 
good so you have to find another way in.

There are three ways to get in. Walk to the right. There are some 
crates to the right, and a door on the left. 
You either: 
move the crates around and climb the ladder
open the door and compliment Sophia when talking to 
Biff (tell him about you find her so smart and how she 
makes things easy to understand)
insult Biff and duke it out (not for the non-arcaders!).

Then go through the door and talk to the old man. Try walking to 
Give the newspaper to the old man.
Fool with the levers until the three lights turn green. 
Press the red button and watch the show...


Go into the cave and talk to Hiemdall until he tells you about Costa 
and Sternhart. 
Leave with the jeep. 
Go to TIKAL.


Go into the jungle and look around a little. You'll see a rodent. 
One of the paths take you to the edge of a chasm where a big 
anaconda is wrapped around a tree. Make a point of which path it 
is. When you're back in the jungle, move around until the rodent is 
in front of the path to the chasm. If your close enough, whip him 
and it'll run into the path and get mutilated by the snake. Then 
take the path an walk to the tree (to go over the chasm).

Once you're over, Sophia will pop out. Go to the temple. Sternhart 
will pop out and start talking. Ask him to see the temple and he'll 
ask you for the title of the Lost Dialogue of Plato. Tell him you 
don't know the answer and the parrot on the tree will squawk. Talk 
to the parrot about the title and it'll tell you the title. Then 
ask Sternhart to see the temple and tell him the title. He'll let 
you in.

Look around a little. Ask Sophia to keep him busy and when they 
walk to the back of the room, leave the temple and go to the trinket 
stand. Get the kerosene lamp. Go into the temple and open the 
lamp. Use it on the different spiral design. The kerosine eats 
away at the tarnish. Take the spiral design and use it on the 
animal head. Then pull on the elephant's nose and a tomb will open 
up. Sternhart take the WorldStone from the tomb and leaves through 
a secret door. There is also an orichalum bead in the tomb. Take it 
and leave. Go to ICELAND again.

ICELAND (2nd time)

Go into the cave. Heimdall's a popsicle. 
Look at the eel figurine 
and use the bead in its exposed mouth. It'll melt the ice around it 
so you can take it. 
Get it and leave. 


Go to Costa and give him the eel. He'll tell you where the Dialogue 
is indirectly. He'll name a collection. The collection is 
different in every game. 
Watch the show. You'll be back in Barnett college.


Go across the street to the office. 
Open the fridge and get the jar of mayonnaise. 
Go across the street. 
Go ahead and read the bulletin board for some laughs. 
Go downstairs to the furnace room and get the rag and a lump of coal. 
Go upstairs to the library. 
Look at the school desk and get the wad of gum. 
Use the rope. 
Get the arrowhead on the right on the shelf (the teeny weeny dot). 
Use the rag on the arrowhead. 
Use the mayo on the totem pole and pull the pole twice. 
Go up to the attic. 
Open up the urn and get the key inside.
From now on it depends what collection you're looking for. The book 
will be in a object (which is different every time, too) that 
belongs to the collection you're looking for . Doing ONE of the 
following will get you the book:

use the key on the chest behind the crate in the totem room
go to the tipped over bookshelf and use the arrowhead to 
unscrew the screws and get the book
Go to the furnace room and use the gum on the coal chute. Climb up 
the coal chute. This part is weird. You can see a book through 
the hole and you can throw the lump of coal at it, but I don't 
know if it falls...and the drawer and the end can be opened but 
there's nothing in it. Anyway get the wax figurine and go back 
down the chute. Open the furnace door and whip the cat in 
(doesn't this remind you of the good old days?).

Now go and across the street to office. This is the big choice. You 
either pick

CHOICE 1: FISTS (more arcade)
CHOICE 2: TEAM (with Sophia)
CHOICE 3: WITS (all alone)

The rest of this walkthru is for TEAM.

Now go to MONTE CARLO.


You'll be on a busy corner next to a hotel. You can talk to people 
if you want and try to figure out from their descriptions who 
Trottier is. If you don't feel like boggling your brain, he's the 
hawk-nosed dude with the shit colored suit and the colorful weed on 
his lapel. 

talk to him and get him to come up to Sophia's 
room with you (you'll have to go talk to Sophia once in the hotel, 
she'll tell you what to say). 
When he comes let Sophia do the 
talking if you want and he'll ask you a bunch of questions (you had 
to pay attention when you were speaking outside to answer them 
correctly; he fears his wife the most of all and you have to guess 
at his fingers, that part was a riot). 
After that, tell Sophia to 
keep him busy. 
Take the bed sheet and the flashlight in the cabinet 
and turn off the lights (open the fuse box and pull). 
Use the bed 
sheet and the flashlight. You'll start waving it around and Trottier 
won't be impressed. 
When he leaves, turn off the lights and play 
with the flashlight again and Indy will do some hand puppets on the 
wall and I almost busted a gut laughing so hard. 
Anyway, go to 
Algiers. (NOTE: You could go to Algiers first and then come here, 
but this way is more fun.)


Go to the knife thrower and talk to him. He'll ask for a 
Talk to Sophia about volunteering and she'll refuse. 
Get her to go close to him and then push her. The knife-thrower will 
do his act and give you a knife in gratitude. 
Then go to the back 
alley (the shop) and take the mask that's hanging there. 
Go back to 
Monte Carlo.

MONTE CARLO (2nd time)

Repeat the process (like the first seance) but this time use the 
mask from the shop. Trottier will shit in his pants and haul ass 
when he see's Nur-Abster. 
You'll take the Sunstone. 
Go outside and fly to Algiers.

ALGIERS (2nd time)

Go to Omar (the shopkeeper) and give him the stone. He'll blabber a 
Then trade your mask for anything he has. 
Then try giving 
what he gave you to the grocer. The grocer will tell you no (or yes 
if you're lucky) and give you a clue as to what he really wants. 
back to Omar and trade again until the grocer gives you a squab. 
Give the squab to the beggar and he'll give you a balloon ticket. 
Go up to the roof and give the ticket to the guy. Use the balloon. 
The balloon will go up but a rope will prevent it from going up. 
ut the rope with the knife. Now you'll be flying around the 
You'll have to land at the nomad camps and ask the nomads 
about the map Omar gave you. They'll tell you in what direction to 
Keep asking until and X appears on the ground somewhere. 
there and a Nazi will shoot your balloon down. 
Go left towards the 


Sophia will walk to the table next to the truck and fall into a 
Walk to the ladder and go down into the pit. It'll be pitch 
Talk about realism in this game: the longer you stay in the 
dark, the better you'll see as your eyes get accustomed to the lack 
of light (just like in real life). 
Look around (move the mouse 
around) and touch everything that pops up on the command line. 
Pick up the: long tubular thing (hose), the sharp piece of wood (ship's 
rib), the blunt piece of wood (peg), the clay thing (clay jar with 
orachilum bead inside). There's a portable generator in there with 
an ON/OFF switch and a gas cap. Go outside to the truck. Use the 
hose with the gas tank. Use the jar with the END of the hose. Pick 
up the hose. Go back to the generator, open the metal cap and empty 
the jar into the pipe. Then use the on/off switch and the lights'll 
go on. Now go to the right and use the ship's rib on the mural and 
a hole will appear. Put the peg in the hole and put the Sunstone on 
the peg. Look at it and align it according to the dialogue under 
"at many outposts". A door will open and Sophia will come out and 
give you a distributor cap and a amber fish (orachilum detector). 
Turn off the generator and take the spark plug that's in it. Go to 
the truck and use the spark plug and the distributor cap in the 
engine. Use the truck and go to CRETE.


You'll be at a dock. Go left. There will be a bunch of rooms and 
stones. Look around the rooms for a mural. It'll give you hints on 
where to look for a bull's tail statue and a bull's head statue. 
Cross the bridge that's there and take the surveyor's instrument 
(transit). Look at all the stones and push the ones that are 
loose. The statue will be under them. Use the transit on the 
statue and look through it. Line up the crosshair with one of the 
bull's horns until you see a line drawn on the screen. Do this for 
both statues and the lines will triangulate and an X will be left on 
the ground. Use the ship's rib on the X and you'll get the 
MoonStone. Go back to near the dock. Use the two stones on the 
pedestal and align them according to the dialogue under "at the 
Greater colony". A door on the right will open. Go in. 
You'll see a shelf with tree busts. Take two of the them and go 
through the door. On the other side, use the whip with the statue 
head in the doorway. It'll come to you and the gate will close. 
Walk around. You'll get to a room with a minotaur statue. Whip the 
head and it'll roll down onto the floor. Walk to where the head is 
and the floor will go down. Mr. Sternhart will be there nice and 
rotten. Pick up the WorldStone and the staff. Go to the waterfall 
and use the chain that's behind it.

When go get to the place with the other shelf, put the busts on the 
shelf so the gate opens. Go through the door and go up to the room 
with the gold box and the counterweight. Use the staff on the chock 
holding up the counterweight. Now leave and find the room with the 
big face (directly underneath the room with the counterweight). Use 
the staff in the face's mouth and the elevator will go up as the 
counterweight comes down. Take the gold box and the beads under it.

Go back down the elevator and go to the back room. Convince Sophia 
and hoist her up to the hole. She'll open the gate. Go through 
it. No you'll have to use the amber fish to go on, but Sophia's 
necklace causes interference. So talk to Sophia and get her to put 
the necklace in the gold box. Then go to every room in that area 
(after the gate) and use the amber fish until it points to the 
wall. Then use the ship's rib on the wall and a door will appear. 
Go through.

You'll be in the map room. Go to the spindle and use the stones 
according to the dialogue under "to approach Atlantis". A door will 
open. Go in and Kerner will follow you in. Give him the stones (if 
you resist, he'll blow a hole in you) and use the ship's rib on the 
right wall. You'll be back on the surface. There'll be a German 
U-boat docked. Walk there.


Go to the hatch and open it. The wimpy Captain will come out and 
he'll fall with a slap. Go down and use the lever (it'll break 
off). Now talk through the intercom and and tell everyone to go to 
the bow. Then go down and go left. Make yourself a sandwich with 
the cold cuts and the bread. Take the mug on the shelf. Go left 
and pull on the lever and the switch. Then go to the lower level 
and fill up the mug with the battery acid. Go right from there and 
talk to Sophia through the wall. Tell her to keep the guard busy 
and leave. Go behind the guard and take the plunger on your right. 
Now walk up to the guard. He'll turn and face you and ask you 
something. Mention something about a pail or bucket and Sophia will 
understand that she has to use the pail next to her to bonk the 
guard. After the guard is out go to up and use the plunger where 
the lever broke. Then go to the strong box under the closet and use 
the acid on it. You'll get the three stones and a key. Go use the 
key on the padlock on the emergency rudder control. Now pull or 
push the wheel and you'll have control of the sub. Manoeuvre the 
sub with the controls (the plunger for depth, the steering wheel for 
direction, the lever for speed and the switch for forward/reverse 
(you can only use this switch when the sub is not moving)). Find 
the air lock and go in with your sub. You'll get into the air lock 
and Sophia will get kidnapped.


You'll be in another pitch black chamber. It's actually an air 
lock. Anyway pick up a wooden thing (ladder) that's around there 
somewhere and use it on the steep rocky incline. Then walk to the 
left of the incline (up the ladder) and feel around for a stone box 
and open it. Pick up the metal rod that's inside and use a bead 
with it. The room will light up.

At the right there'll be a door, a statue and a spindle again. Use 
the stones on the spindle and align the stones like you did in 
Knossos but try different orientations (i.e. turn all three stones 
at the same time). The statue will open its mouth. Use a bead in 
the statue mouth and the door will open. Take your stones and the 
ladder and go through the door. SAVE your game.

Now you'll be in a top view again. Look around the rooms while 
trying to avoid the guards. Go ahead and confront one for fun. 
You'll have the choice to run or fight. If you feel like some 
really easy arcade, fight him. If you beat him you'll get a 
bratwurst (blood sausage), if you get flattened, GAME OVER. So make 
sure you save before you fight. 

Go looking around the rooms and get the: bronze gear the spoked 
wheel, the rib cage (from the skeleton at the subway crash site), 
stone fish head (statue head), and the eel sculpture. When you get 
to the room with the hole and the statue holding the cup, use the 
ladder to cross over the hole and take the cup. When you get to the 
lava room, use the cup on the pedestal, then use the fish head on 
the plaque and lava is going to come out and fill the cup. When you 
go through the crawlspace and end up in a vent next to a statue (the 
room with Sophia in the cage), put a bead in the statue's mouth and 
watch it mangle the guard good. When you get to the room with the 
big mother machine, use the spoked wheel on the peg in front of the 
machine and go pour the lava in your cup in the funnel. The machine 
will smoke, gears will turn, lights will lite, and the animal at the 
bottom will spit out ten beads into the dish. Repeat the process 
and it'll spit out about fifteen more. When you get to the crab 
room, you have to use the rib cage to capture a crab. But you have 
to bait it first, you can either use the wad of gum or the sausage 
in the cage. Then put the cage in the pool and you'll catch 

Then find the room with the double doors. There'll be a little fish 
statue that you can feed beads but the door still won't open. Use a 
bead in the eel statue and throw it in the water. Then feed the 
fish statue a bead and the doors will open. Now go to the canal.

There'll be a big octopus in the water. Whip the crab in the cage 
in the water. The octopus will leave (with a burp) and you can 
cross over to the other side. Get onto the crab thing and put a 
bead in its mouth. Go around (go left) and use the stones on the 
spindles to open up the gates. You'll eventually reach a section 
where there's another flight of stairs. Go up and in the room and 
get the crescent machine part in the cupboard. Close the cupboard 
door and look at it. Draw the pictures down.

You'll reach another room with a robot, chains, and a door. SAVE 
NOW! The game screws up here a lot. You turn invisible sometimes and 
the game is hell after that. Use the ladder on the robot and open 
up its chest plate. Now look at the chest and you have to place the 
robot parts in the right place. Put the spoked wheel in the centre 
and put the mouth on top of it. Those two are always in the 
middle. The crescent affects which arm is going to move (put the 
crescent on the right, the right arm moves). The placement of the 
gear affects whether the arm goes up or down. So we want to attach 
one end of that chain to the door and the other end to the robot's 
right arm. But the chain isn't long enough with the arm at its 
present position. Put the crescent on the right. Put the gear at 
the top left and put a bead in the mouth. The right are will go 
down. Now attach the chain to the loop on the door and the right 
arm. Go back to the chest, move the gear up and feed the mouth 
again. Voila! The door rips off and a hinge pin comes off.
Pick up the hinge pin and go through the door.

(OPTIONAL: If you want some points go back to Sophia and give her 
the hinge pin. Then open the gate and tell her to brace it with the 
pin. Then go back to the robot room and go through the door.)

You'll be in a hallway. Walk around until you find a room with a 
lava pit and an altar. Take the sceptre on the altar and leave. 
Walk around until you see some graffiti of an up arrow. Draw the 
picture with the dots and two squares that's next to it. Now go 
through the door on the right in the same room. There'll be a big 
machine and some more graffiti on the floor of a spiral with a line 
to it. Draw this picture, too. Now climb up the machine and put a 
bead in it's mouth. The "engine" will start but the thing won't 
move. To make it go forward ('member the up arrow?) use the hinge 
pin and the sceptre in the slots like in the first picture you took 
down. Off you go. Now you'll be going in circles so you have to 
stop it somehow ('member the spiral with the line through it?). 
Move the levers in the slots like in the second picture you took 
down. You'll go through the wall and machine will fall into the 
lava. Now go to a little doorway on the right of the screen. 

(If you did save Sophia, when you talk to her she'll be possessed by 
Nur-Ab-Sal and go into the lava room. She won't leave unless you 
get Nur-Ab-SAL out of her. You do that by putting a bead into her 
necklace. It'll get hot. Then use the gold box on the necklace and 
you'll whip it in the lava pit. That's it. Now she's with you the 
rest of the way.) 

You'll be in a big mother cavern with tons of doors. Go through 
them until you get to that honeycomb on the ground over the lava. 
While you're roaming through the caverns, notice that one one screen 
there will be a engraving in the back wall. This engraving is of 
the the three stones. Draw this picture You'll reach the colossus. Go in and use the stones 
on the spindle and align them like in the picture in the caverns. 
SAVE NOW! Kerner pops out. Say anything until he tries to become a 
GOD and ends up turning into a freak. Now save again. Talk to the 
doktor about Plato's error, then about "Godhood for a couple beads",
then tell him "no beads", then "for your sake I hope this works", 
then tell him something threatening. He'll try to become a god. If 
you saved Sophia, the Doktor goes to Valhalla. The whole place 
starts crumbling and you run out to the air lock and take Kerner's 
sub out to look at the sunset.

(If you didn't save Sophia, she comes in possessed by Nur-Ab-Sal and 
gets on the stone and goes to never-never land. The Doktor falls 
into the lava and croaks. You take off to the sub and watch the 
sunset all by your lonesome.)