Rare card locations
Look for UFOs to pass by during a battle in the 
following places (you must have Diablos' "Enc-None"):
1. Outside Winhill Town 
2. Mandy Beach, northeast of Timber 
3. Heath Peninsula, east of Trabia Garden 
4. Kashkabald Desert 
After sighting all four, fly the Ragnarok to the rocky 
cliffs above the Chocobo Shrine. Encounter a UFO and 
defeat it. Then, head to the crater where Balamb Garden 
used to be. You will encounter a PuPu. Feed him five 
elixirs and you will be rewarded. Its only a level 5 card, 
but is definitely the hardest card to find.
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                F I N A L   F A N T A S Y   V I I I
                Final Fantasy VIII (US Version) Part I
                             Version 1.10
                             By Scott Ong
                 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
World Map Source:     http://risland.virtualave.net
{{{{ Disclaimer }}}} -please read it!-
This FAQ is meant for personal usage only. It cannot be altered and
it can only be reproduced in electronic form only. It cannot be 
published in magazines, articles and any other form of reproduction. 
The FAQ is not meant for sale. Any offenders will be severly dealt with
This FAQ is made by me, Scott Ong (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) 
Unpublished work of Scott Ong 1999-2000. If you want to use this FAQ for 
your website or webpage, please seek the author's permission and link it
to my site. You are allowed to print the FAQ out, but make sure that 
you did not sell it for cash! All my FAQs are not meant for sale! 
This is Part I of Final Fantasy VIII FAQ for the English version. Final 
Fantasy VIII Logo, characters are copyright of Squaresoft. If you want
to find information regarding item list, weapon list, monster list or
any other besitary data, please look up at Final Fantasy VIII FAQ Part
II which is available at GameFAQs.
{{{ References }}}
Official Final Fantasy VIII Website - http://www.ff8.com
Official Squaresoft Website         - http://www.squaresoft.com
{{{ Note to Webmasters }}}
If you want to use this FAQ for your site, make sure that you keep on
checking GameFAQs for latest revisions. Otherwise, I will have to answer
questions that already answered in the latest editions.
/ I \___________________________________________________________________
Revision History                                              ffviii_001
     -[1.0]- . First appearance of FAQ.
             . Added completed Disc 1 Walkthrough
             . Completed Tutorial Guide
     -[1.1]- . Added partially completed Disc 2 Walkthrough, make 
               spelling corrections for Disc 1 walkthrough.
     -[1.2]- . Completed Disc 2 Walkthrough, and more secrets 
             . Added Chocobo Guide to FAQ.
     -[1.3]- . Completed Disc 3 Walkthrough, major expansion.
             . More items than you could ever expect!
             . Added Ultimate Weapons Upgrading Guide
             . Added Obel Lake Mystery along with all sub quests.
             . Enhanced Zell's Love Quest.
             . Added getting Full marks for Dollet Quest
     -[1.4]- . Completed Disc 4 Walkthrough
     -[1.5]- . Edit the Disclaimer 
             . Make a couple of corrections to most parts of the FAQ.
             . Added the Shumi Side Quest Part II
             . Added corrections to Zell's Love Quest
             . Added the second method for Deep Sea Deposit Quest
             . Added to get Ward in Laguna's Dream Sequence #4
     -[1.6]- . Added a method to get Ammo in FH [before concert]
             . Corrected some of the errors.
             . Added an improved method in finding Piet.
     -[1.7]- . Made corrections on Missing Vase Pieces Quest.
             . Added information regarding Watts as a disguise in Timber
             . Added frequently asked questions section.
             . Corrected some errors.
     -[1.8]- . Added Frequently Asked Question section
             . Added the answer for the third hint for the Obel Lake 
             . Added advanced Search Mode help!
             . Correct most typos and grammatical errors.
             . Added Rumours section and also my point of view regarding
               to that.
             . Added some miscellaneous information regarding PC 
     -[1.9]- . Correct the remaining typos and gramatical errors.
             . Added some information regarding the Sphinxaur.
             . Found another draw point!
             . Added few more questions to the Frequently Asked 
    -[1.10]- . Corrected some of typos.
             . Added more information regarding the PC version of FF8.
             . Added a few more burning questions about FF8.
             . Made the junction screen more precise [I have added a few
               more illustrations.
             . This could be the last update made to this FAQ.
Where to obtain the latest version of the FAQs?
The latest versions of FAQ can be found in following locations:
GameFAQs                http://www.gamefaqs.com
Scott's FAQ Page        http://members.xoom.com/scottong*
Cheat Code Central      http://www.cheatcc.com
* If you intend to place the FAQ on your site, please kindly make an 
  effort to get its latest versions from GameFAQs.
/ II \__________________________________________________________________
Author's Note                                                 ffviii_002
Well, it has been a long time since I have made an update for the FAQ.
Even though the FAQ is already completed, there are still errors that
required me to correct it. 
What's has been added to the FAQ?
- Frequently Asked Questions --} Well, for the past few months since
  FF8 has been released, I have received countless e-mails regarding 
  this game and I have decided to compile them. Otherwise, I will be
  repeated those answers over and over again. Of course, once I have  
  added the list of questions, I will not be answering them anymore.
  BTW, if you have any problems regarding weapon upgrading, please
  refer to the ultimate weapon upgrading guide.
  Just added some more words for the previous update, I have finally
  found out some of remaining burning questions which causes me to 
  add them to the section. Remember to check it!
- The third hint of Obel Lake Mystery --} thanks to one helpful 
  contributor who has told me about this third hint [well, can't expect
  that it is actually a joke...]. Refer to Obel Lake Mystery Section
  for more details.
- Search Mode --} A lot of FAQ readers have complained to me that the 
  FAQ being too long as it takes ages to search for the information that 
  you need. I have finally found a method, which is being obtained from 
  Dingo Jellybean's FF7 FAQ but I have made some improvements to it. All 
  you just need to do the following: (Note: there are actually people 
  who tends to overlook this capability of WordPad and I myself is also 
  one of them ^_^;)
  Method 1:
  From the toolbar, select Edit and choose Find. Enter the keyword.
  Method 2:
  Use the short-cut key Ctrl+F and you will see the Search Box popped
  up. Enter the keyword that you want to look for. 
  But sometimes the keyword does not reached your desired destination,
  hence I have come up with a good idea and that's to add codes to the
  right side of the contents page. Just enter the following keyword:
  where xxx stands for the 3-digit code for the section. The list of 
  code numbers can be found at the Table of Contents. But remember that
  you must enter the "ffviii_" in order for it to work, or you will 
  find that you will end up at other pages instead! 
- Note to all webmasters. If you want to post the FAQ on your site, make
  sure that you keep update and get the latest versions. I will always 
  sent my FAQs to GameFAQs. I will definitely not permit anyone else to 
  edit my FAQs. No HTMLizing for my FAQs. Final Fantasy: Worlds Apart
  (http://www.ffnet.net) is an exception.
- Strangely enough, I have received e-mails regarding whether I am doing
  a FAQ for Final Fantasy IX. I am about 75% sure that I will NOT be 
  writing a FAQ for it due to several personal reasons. Anyway, I guess
  someone else will write a FAQ for that game. [But this means that you 
  can be ensured that there will be FAQs for Final Fantasy IX.]. BTW, 
  check out Dingo's FF9 FAQ, which is rather great. I don't intend to
  write out FAQs for great games... this one is already a killer ^_^;)
- I have corrected most of grammatical errors as being requested by 
  viewers. Thanks to them, otherwise I will not known the seriousness of
  the problems. I will try my best to correct errors for my other FAQs 
  once I have time. 
- I hoped that this may be the final update for this FAQ. BTW, I am no
  longer accepting strategies and questions regarding this FAQ. ALL the 
  stuffs that I know about FF8 can be found in this FAQ and Part II. If
  you have any recommendations, complaints, secrets regarding this game,
  and just e-mail to me and I will try my best to solve it.
- I am quite sorry for not answering any e-mails after my March 
  vacation as I have been rather busy with my assignments, projects
  and examinations. You should get your reply shortly. BTW, there will 
  be no reply for those who do not add "FF8" or "Final Fantasy VIII" as 
  I have deleted the e-mails that does not have this as a subject. [
  except for those that contains other game headings]
- BTW, if you intend to place this FAQ on your site, you are free to do
  so as long as the FAQ remained intact and make sure you make an effort
  to get the latest revisions of my FAQs. Don't bother to e-mail on 
  requests on place the FAQ on your site. [Applies to my FF8 FAQs only.]
For this update [Version 1.9 and 1.10]
- I have found a couple of vital information regarding cards, boss 
  facts and added a few tips in weapon upgrading.
- BTW, you can check my FF8 Part II for the new Chocobo World section,
  which is typed by The Saint (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 
- I have also expanded the Junction section to make it more detail. It
  will also explains why you can't equip a menu ability on the character.
- Finally, here is the list of FF8 questions that are still being asked:
  - How to get the Lion Heart.
  - Where to locate the Deep Sea Research Center.
  - How to get GFs that you have forgotten to draw from BOSSES.
  - Where to locate the White SeeD Ship.
  - How to defeat Adel at low levels?
  - Is it possible to enter towns in Disc 4?
  - How to mug an item?
  - How to junction commands [well, it seems that I need to go to detail
    regarding the basic of basics...]
  - Where do General Caraway go after he brought you to the Gateway?
  - Who is Squall's father? [with proof, of course]
  - Rumours...
- I have added a whole chunk of cheats for the PC version. Thanks to a
  helpful contributor.
  I had explained them in the Frequently Asked Questions. BTW, the 
  reason, I am making the update is because I don't have the time to
  reply my e-mails. BTW, the next update will be the final update of 
  this FAQ.
                                                             [Scott Ong]
/ III \_________________________________________________________________
Table of Contents                                             ffviii_003
     Start of the FAQ -Disclaimer                                  top
I    Revision History                                              001
II   Author's Note                                                 002
III  Table of Contents                                             003
IV   Frequently Asked Questions [Game play]                        004
1.   Introduction - Story of Final Fantasy VIII                    005
     [1.1]  Introduction and Final Fantasy VIII Data.
     [1.2]  Characters of Final Fantasy VIII
     [1.3]  Changes between Japanese and English version
2.   Basic Tutorial                                                006
     [2.1]  The Basics
     [2.2]  Playing the Game                           
     [2.3]  Basic Configuration
     [2.5]  Bonus Edition                                          PC
3.   Walkthrough for Disc 1       
     [3.1]  Familizing yourself with Balamb Garden                 007
     [3.2]  Fire Cavern - The Field Test                           008
     [3.3]  Dollet Dukedom Parliament                              009
     [3.4]  The Night at Balamb Garden                             010
     [3.5]  The Train Trip - Mystery and Murder                    011
     [3.6]  The Sorceress at Timber...                             012
     [3.7]  Laguna's Dream Sequence #2 - Centra Evacuation Site    013
     [3.8]  Galbadia Garden                                        014
     [3.9]  Quest at the Tomb of Unknown King                      015
     [3.10] Assassination Plan                                     016
4.   Walkthrough for Disc 2
     [4.1]  Winhill- Laguna's still alive!                         017
     [4.2]  Held Captive                                           018
     [4.3]  Galbadia Missile Base- Prevent the Launch!             019
     [4.4]  Balamb Garden - War between Garden and SeeD Academy..  020
     [4.5]  Arrival at Fisherman's Horizons                        021
     [4.6]  World Tour for Disc 2                                  wt2
            4.6a   Card Quest at Balamb Garden                     022
            4.6b   Zell's Love Quest                               023
            4.6c   Deling: Still as busy as a bee                  024
            4.6d   Dollet: It has become a busy town!              025
            4.6e   Timber: A mysterious journey...                 026
            4.6f   Winhill: Still as quiet as ever...              027
            4.6g   Shumi Village                                   028
            4.6h   Centra Ruins                                    029
            4.6i   Chocobo Guide                                   030
     [4.7]  Balamb under Galbadian Occupation                      031
     [4.8]  Trabia - Childhood Memories at the Orphanage           032
     [4.9]  The Garden Crash                                       033
5.   Walkthrough for Disc 3           
     [5.1]  Edea's House - Truth Revealed!                         034
     [5.2]  Trabia Canyon - Laguan's 4th Dream Sequence            035
     [5.3]  White SeeD Ship - Trip to Legendary Esthar             036
     [5.4]  Great Salt Lake - The Gateway to the Legendary Esthar  037
     [5.5]  Laguna's 5th Dream Sequence - At Esthar                038
     [5.6]  Esthar City - Seeking Treatment at Lunar Base          039
     [5.7]  Esthar Under Lunatic Pandora Attack!                   040
     [5.8]  Lunar Base - The Lunar Cry Incident                    041
     [5.9]  Sorceress Memorial Hall - Rescue Rinoa!                042
    [5.10]  The Great World Tour for Disc 3                        wt3
            5.10a   Lunar Base Crash Area                          043
            5.10b   Obel Lake Mystery                              044
            5.10c   UFO Sighting Incident                          045
            5.10d   Ultimate Weapon Upgrading                      046
            5.10c   Cactaur's Island                               047
            5.10d   Centra Ruins Revisited                         048
            5.10e   Deep Sea Research Center                       049
            5.10f   Deep Sea Deposit                               050
            5.10g   Shumi Village - Laguna's statue completion.    051
    [5.11]  Esthar Revisited - Meeting President of Esthar         052
    [5.12]  Final Showdown at Lunatic Pandora                      053
6.  Walkthrough for Disc 4
    [6.1]  The awakening of the Sorceress                          054
    [6.2]  The Last Quest                                          055
    [6.3]  Ultimecia's Castle - The Sealed Truth                   056
    [6.4]  The Battle of Destiny                                   057
7.  Contact the Author                                             058
8.  Rumours                                                        059
9.  Credits                                                        060
    End of FAQ                                                     end
/ IV \__________________________________________________________________
Frequently Asked Questions [Game play]                        ffviii_004
For this section, you will find all those frequently asked questions and
the key events of the game. Note that these are the questions, which I
will not reply anymore. BTW, if you have problems regarding BOSS fight,
please check out Part II for the guides that you need.
Last Updated: 14/10/2000
The list may be expanded depends on the number of e-mails that I have
recieved on that particular topic. 
1.   How do you junction commands?
A:   You can ONLY junction commands (such as Magic, Item, Draw, etc.) 
     and abilities (Mag-J, Str-J, Str+20%, SumMag +20%, Counter, Cover, 
     etc) if you have a GF equipped for the characters. To equip a GF,
     select the character and Junction from the main menu. Next pick a
     GF and you will be able to equip the command! You can more help 
     from the Tutorial Menu in the game.
2.   How many GFs are there?
A:   There are a total of 16 GFs [GFs with abilities] and the 
     miscellaneous GFs. I have include the list and the brief method on 
     getting them. 
     The sixteen Guardian Forces
     Name             Method           Location/ Conditions        Disc
     Quezacotl        Access           Balamb Garden Network,       1~3
                                       Balamb Garden 2F 
                                       Classroom, Squall's desk
     Shiva            Access           Balamb Garden Network,       1~3
                                       Balamb Garden 2F
                                       Classroom, Squall's desk
     Ifrit            Defeat it        Fire Cavern                  1
     Siren            Draw             Dollet Communication         1
                                       Towers, BOSS: Elvoret
     Brothers         Defeat it        Tomb of Unknown King         1~4
     Diablos          Defeat it        Magical Lamp - gain         1~4
                                       from Cid before SeeD
                                       mission. Use it.
     Carbuncle        Draw             President's Residence,       1
                                       Deling City, BOSS:
     Leviathan        Draw             Balamb Garden Basement,      2
                                       BOSS: NORG
     Pandemona        Draw             Balamb Town, BOSS:           2
     Cerberus         Defeat it        Galbadia Garden, Main Hall   2
     Alexander        Draw             Galbadia Garden,             2 
                                       Auditorium, BOSS: Edea      
     Doomtrain        Access           Solomon's Ring found at      3~4
                                       Tear's Point. Get 6x   
                                       Malboro's Tentacle, 6x
                                       Steel Pipe and 6x Remedy+
     Bahamut          Defeat it        Deep Sea Research Center,    3~4
                                       Must have Ragnarok airship.
     Cactuar          Defeat it        Cactuar's Island             3~4
                                       Must have Ragnarok airship.
     Tonberry         Defeat it        Centra Ruins, defeat 20      3~4
                                       Tonberries and King 
                                       Tonberry. Must get Odin
     Eden             Draw             Deep Sea Deposit, BOSS:      3~4
                                       Ultima Weapon. Must get
                                       Must have Ragnarok airship
     Miscellaneous GFs
     Name             Method           Location                    Disc
     Chicobo          Item             Summon Mother Chocobo.      2~4
                      (Gyshal Greens)  Use item, Gysahl Greens to
                                       summon it. Gysahl Greens 
                                       can brought from Chocoboy
                                       at Chocobo Forests.
     Moomba           Item             Get Friendship item using   2~4
                      (Friendship)     Pocketstation.
     MiniMog          Command          Get Mog's Amulet using      2~4
                      (Mog's Amulet)   Pocketstation. Use the 
                                       item on one of the 16
                                       GFs. Use command to summon
                                       it. [MiniMog]
     Phoenix          Item             Get it by solving puzzles   2~4
                      (Phoenix         at Shumi Village or 
                      Pinion)          WinHill. Get it by 
                                       refining 3x Mega Phoenix 
                                       --} 1x Phoenix Pinion via
                                       Siren's Tool-RF. 
     Odin             Battle           Defeat it at Centra Ruins.  2~4
                      (based on        It will appear randomly at
                      Luck and no.     beginning of the battle. 
                      of Death 
                      Spirit items)
     Gilgamesh        Battle           Defeat Seifer with Odin     3
                                       acquired. Note: Odin will
                                       be lost. If you haven't
                                       gotten Odin at that time,
                                       Gilgamesh will be lost.
3.   I had forgotten to draw a GF! Are there any other methods to get 
A:   YES! You can get the GF by drawing it from the BOSSES found in the
     Ultimecia's Castle. Refer to Disc 4 walkthrough for more 
     information. I did not include in the walkthrough as this will
     help to avoid spoilers. BTW, some of GF summoning items [Solomon's
     Ring for Doomtrain and Magical Lamp for Diablos] can be retrieved
     from the Pocketstation.
4.   I had sold the Magical Lamp! Is there a method to get it later in
A:   Unfortunately no. In fact, that's the only Magical Lamp you can 
     get from playing the game. You can get more Magical Lamps as you
     can get it from the Pocketstation. [Refer to Pocketstation guides
     that found in GameFAQs. You can find more information under the
     Pocketstation section in Part II. Please note that I don't own a 
5.   What is the purpose of SeeD tests?
A:   Note for all new players, you can only get cash through your SeeD
     salary. You will get your salary, once Squall has become an 
     official SeeD member after Dollet's test at Disc 1. The SeeD level
     will change if you do any of following:
     SeeD Test
     Method                                                Effect
     Answering SeeD tests with correct answers. Access     Increase 
     SeeD test from Tutorial menu --} TEST menu.           SeeD level.
     Continue with the story of the game                   Increase
                                                           SeeD level.
     Finish Train sequence in Disc 1 upon first try        SeeD level
     Walking around the world map, field terrains without  Decrease
     doing anything.                                       SeeD level
     SeeD levels do not increase every time. In fact, it increases
     based on the number of steps that Squall walk on the terrains. 
     Hence, do not try to not overdo it as it will decrease your SeeD 
     The higher SeeD level, the more cash [in gil] that you will
     receive each time. For the test answers, refer to the walkthrough
     for disc 1.
6.   I have seen a UFO moving around in a random battle and nothing 
     happens..  What was that?
A:   It is the UFO Sighting Incident. There are four sighting spots
     which is being marked on the world map found at 
     {http://risland.virtualave.net}. Just go there with Diablo's 
     Enc-None and move around to have a random battle. For more
     details, refer to the World Tour under the Disc 3 Walkthrough.
7.   Why I can't convert 100x Curse Spikes into Dark Matter through GF
     Siren's Tool-RF, in order learn Quistis' last Limit Break, 
     Shockwave Pulsar?
A:   In order to do that, GF Siren must reach LV 100. Otherwise, you 
     will not be able to do the refinement. As for the help in getting
     Curse Spikes, you need to defeat the Imp, Forbidden or Malboro.
8.   Is it true that you can't have both items obtained from stealing
     and defeat monsters?
A:   Yes. You can get only get one of the items. For example, let's 
     says you encountered a battle with 2x Adamantoises, you defeat 
     them without any characters using the Mug command. You will get 
     the item won from battle, such as Adamantine, Whisper, Orichalons 
     based on Squall's level.
     If you mug any of the Adamantoises, you will DEFINATELY NOT get 
     Adamantine [which can only be obtained by defeating both 
     Adamantoises]. Instead, you will get other items such as Whispers.
9.   How do I get Squall's ultimate weapon and Limit Break, Lion Heart?
A:   To get Squall's ultimate weapon, you must have the following
     1x    Adamantine
     3x    Dragon Fang
     12x   Pulse Ammo
     {{ Recommended Methods }} - these are the easiest methods
     Adamantine - you can get this by defeat Adamantoises found shores 
     of Dollet, Long Horn Island [to find the location of Long Horn 
     Island, view the world map at http://risland.virtualave.net].
     Dragon Fang - head towards Trabia area where you find the Shumi 
     Village. Note that from the world map's point of view, you will
     find a row of mountains behind the village. Just walk closely 
     against mountains and you will encounter Blue Dragons. Defeat it
     to get Dragon Fang.
     Pulse Ammo - you need to get Energy Crystal. Get 20x Elynole's card
     via card playing and you can convert them into 2x Energy Crystals
     through Quezacotl's Card-Mod RF. Next convert the Energy Crystals 
     through Ifrit's Ammo-RF. You will get 20x Pulse Ammo. 
     Now go to any of the junk shops found in the game and pay 2000 gil 
     to remodel Squall's gunblade into Lion Heart. I have explained in
     more details under the Ultimate Weapon Upgrading section.
10.  Where are the Islands closest to Heaven / Hell?
A:   It is kind of difficult to explain using words. You can get find 
     the locations of them on a world map at my website 
11.  I can't locate the Deep Sea Research Center! Where can I find it?
A:   To locate the Deep Sea Research Center, you need the Ragnarok 
     airship. Pilot the airship to the extreme low-left corner of the 
     world map. 
     Move the Ragnarok low by press Down button. When you move the 
     Ragnarok, you should see water splashing... Next navigate around 
     that corner and you should find the Deep Sea Research Center. If 
     you have any problems, get the world map mentioned in the above 
12.  Why is there a screen showing "censored" when I used the Devour
A:   It was just like that! ^_^;
13.  Question on Card Games
A:   Well, it consists of a huge portion of my e-mails. Here is a 
     section for it:
     Rare Cards - it is true that there is only one version of rare
     cards, not after time compression has occurred. To get back the
     lost rare cards, you need to defeat the CC Group Members at 
     Ragnarok airship in Disc 4. (provided that you have defeat them 
     in Disc 2.). You can get them back even after you have refined the
     card using Quezacotl's Card-Mod.
     Card Queen - the Card Queen is really tough as she changes the
     card rules and moves from areas to areas, which made her an 
     extremely tough opponent. If you need more help, get FF8 FAQ
     Part II at http://www.gamefaqs.com and refer to the Card Queen's
     Side Quest.
     Obtaining cards - besides getting it by winning the card game, 
     you can also get cards by defeating enemies or using the card 
     command to convert dying enemies into cards [does not work on
     BOSS and human beings]
     Card Rules - It will be very difficult to explain the rules in
     a few sentences, hence there is a need to read the Card section
     of FF8 FAQ Part II.
     Abolish a Card Rule - a lot of gamers get frustrated regarding
     the random rule as it will force you into a bad situation in the
     card game. To abolish that rule, you can either play in a region
     where there is no such rules. One perfect example is Balamb area.
     Rules will be added as soon as you started in an area where there
     are new rules.
14.  Tough Battles - answers found at my Monsters FAQ @ GameFAQs
A:   It seems that a lot of people are having trouble regarding combat
     in FF8. There are a few reasons for the toughness and one of them 
     is that monsters levelling up as your character does. There are 
     few methods to be stronger than your enemy:
     The hints are:
     - by remodelling the characters' weapons 
     - get stronger spells via item refining. 
     You can get a lot of rare items via cards. This means if you want 
     an easy life in the game, play cards often!
15.  Can I get into the cities during Disc 4?
A:   There is no way that you can get into the cities in Disc 4. Those
     barriers do not allow you to make contact with the city. I know
     the following question will definitely pop up if this happens...
     * how do I remodel my weapons? - you can remodel your weapons by 
       using GF Tonberry's Call Shop or Call Junk Shop menu ability via
       the Ability menu. 
16.  I have sold the Magical Lamp. Is there any other way to get it?
A:   Finally found the answers for this... You can't draw Diablos from
     any of the bosses [bosses at Lunatic Pandora and Boss Sphinxaur in 
     Ultimecia's Castle]. Once you sold it, you got to reset if you 
     don't own a Pocketstation or Gameshark. It is still possible to 
     complete the game without GF Diablos, but it will definitely be 
17.  Where are weapon monthly magazines?
A:   You don't need these items as it is compulsory to remodel your 
     characters' weapon. In fact, the weapon's name will appear in the 
     Junk Shop's menu once you have obtained its requirements. Here is a 
     short list of weapon magazines:
     Weapon Monthly March  - you will get this by defeating Elvoret at
                             Dollet's Communication Tower in Disc 1.
     Weapon Monthly April  - you will get this from Squall's desk after
                             completing the sequence in Training 
                             Center. (after the ball dance)
     Weapon Monthly May    - you can find this in the sewers while 
                             controlling Rinoa. Refer to walkthrough for
                             more information.
     Weapon Monthly June   - defeat BGHZ51F2 at Missile Base
     Weapon Monthly July   - found it in Balamb Garden's Training Center
                             after Disc 2.
     Weapon Monthly August - found it near the Gargoyle in Trabia 
18.  Why I can't get the second vase piece (found at the statue) in 
A:   Well, this is really my error and thanks to those whom have help me
     in solving this and that is you really need to have Irvine in your 
     party. I guess it was perhaps due to the itching hands of 
     Irvine ^_^;) Remember the time when he messes up the guns in Zell's
     room [for those whom have Irvine in your party]
19.  Where can I locate the Tomb of Unknown King?
A:   It seems that this type of question is one of hardiest for me to
     answer. Imagine explaining the location using words. It was 
     actually located on a peninsula, which is northeast from Deling. The
     tomb is quite small in size and if you still have the problem, get
     the world map found at {http://risland.virtualave.net}.
20.  How do I use the character's Limit Breaks?
A:   First of all, your characters need to get to "Crisis" conditions. 
     It will be fulfilled when:
     - the character's HP turns red/yellow
     - Aura is being cast on the character
     Next to use the Limit Break, just tap Circle button (menu button)
     and you will eventually see a golden triangle on the right side of
     "Attack" or "Mug". Press right and you will be able to execute the
     Limit Break.
     General Tip on getting Aura.
     Aura is a magic that allows your character to get Limit Breaks
     easily. To get Aura magic, you need to get Fury Fragments which 
     can be mugged from Blue Dragon found at the mountains near Shumi
     Village. [you don't need to stand on the mountain, just go near 
     it]. Next just convert the Fury Fragment into 5x Aura magic 
     through Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF
21.  How do I return back to the Lunatic Pandora after I have finished
     the "Ragnarok crash scene" in Disc 3?
A:   You can choose to exit the Pandora after your Ragnarok has made 
     its way to the Lunatic Pandora in Disc 3. To exit, just to talk to 
     Selphie. From there, you can enjoy yourself for the quests or do
     some level up. After you are done, proceed to the bridge [or 
     controls room] and talk to Selphie and you will be back at the
     Lunatic Pandora!
22.  Is it possible to do the Lion Heart Limit Break each time once you
     have acquired the Lion Heart gunblade?
A:   No. The occurence of the Lion Heart Limit Break depends on chance.
     You can't control it. But Lion Heart seems to appear more 
     frequently, once the entire party is down to critical status.
23.  How do I get Limit Breaks for every characters?
A:   Squall  - Upgrade his gunblade and Squall will learn new Limit 
               Breaks. [see Part II for more details.]
     Quistis - Get Blue Magic Items [refer to Part II item bestiary on
               how to get them] and use it on Quistis.
     Zell    - Get Combat Kings and select the item and Zell will learn
               the new Limit Breaks automatically.
     Selphie - Get it from her Limit Breaks. While you are choosing the
               type of spells, you can find her Limit Breaks [including
               those that are not uncovered.]. Cast it and Selphie will
               have that Limit Breaks.
     Rinoa   - Get Pet Pals and select the item. Next check the status
               screen and select the limit break that you wish to teach
               Angelo. Hence walk around on the terrain for a while. 
               Once the gauge has built up, Rinoa will learn the Limit
     Irvine  - Get the Ammo and he will have new Limit Breaks. Some of
               the rare ammo are quite hard to get.
24. How do I enhance my character's statistics?
A:  Through the junction system. The junction system is a system that 
    could enfuse magic to your character's atttributes, hence making 
    them stronger. See Basic Tutorial for more information. BTW, the
    effects of Junction are affected by the following:
    . Number of magic: The more you have, the better the effect of the
      junction system.
    . Types of spell: The stronger the spell you have, the better the
      effect the junction has on the character.
    Junction also allows your characters to equip commands and 
    abilities. There is no accessories/armor in the game. Please read
    the Basic Tutorial thoroughly. You need to have junction abilities
    [i.e. abilities that are ended with "-J"] for boosting your 
    character's statistics.
25. How do I upgrade my weapons in FF8?
A:  You can't buy new weapons instead you can tune them up through Junk
    Shops. But in order to do this, you need to have specific 
    ingredients such as M-Stone Piece, Sharp Spike, Dragon Fang, etc.
    Of course, not everything in the world is free. You need to pay a
    small sum to upgrade them to new models [you can choose to upgrade
    or downgrade.] Everytime you attempt to remodel the weapon, the 
    ingredients will be used up. If you want to upgrade back to the 
    same weapon, you need to get new ingredients. To upgrade a weapon in
    Disc 4, just get GF Doomtrain [Call Junk Shop menu ability] and do
    the following:
    1) Activate your menu.
    2) Select the Ability header.
    3) Select Call Junk Shop
    4) Do what you normally do at Junk Shops.
    It's pretty simple huh? BTW, don't try to force your way in the 
    towns, as it is impossible!
26. How I mug an item?
A:  This one is pretty hard to explain if you don't know anything about
    junction commands or abilities. First of all, you need to get a GF
    ability called "Mug" [from Bahamut or Diablos, requires 200 AP to
    master]. Next equip GF Bahamut or Diablos with the mastered Mug 
    ability. After you have equipped the commands, you will be able to
    select the type of character/party abilities. Choose Mug and add it
    to one of the ability slots. If you equip the ability, you should 
    see the attack command is being replaced with Mug. If that happens,
    you are on the right track.
    Just go to a random battle and look for the monster that you want
    to steal an item from. Remember to watch for the top status bar 
    after your character has performed the attack.
27. How do I junctioned commands?
A:  Before I start this, I need to explain that GFs are extremely 
    important as they worked like Materia in FF7. Without them, you 
    can't have other commands besides attack. First of all, you need to 
    get a GF. [If you have seen through the ability list in Part II, you
    should noticed that all the 16 GFs have Magic, GF and Draw.]
    To equip a command, do the following step-by-step and make sure that
    you are in the main menu.
    1) Select Junction from the main menu
    2) Select the character who you want to junction GFs with.
    3) Select Junction command from the Junction Menu. Select the GFs
       that you want to equip with. Press Triangle once you are done.
    4) You should be brought to the Auto screen if you have magic in 
       that character's magic inventory. Choose either Atk, Def or Mag.
       If your character don't have any magic, you will be brought to
       the Ability sub-menu directly. Press Triangle once you are done.
    5) At the ability screen, you should see the command list of the
       character with the slots along with ability slots. On the right
       is the list of commands available (if the cursor is pointing at
       either one of the three command slots, they are found under the
       Attack command) and list of abilities available (if the cursor
       is pointing at either one of ability slots.) Just pick and choose
       from the list. Duplicate commands will only appear once. [For
       example, as I had mentioned earlier, that all 16 GFs have the 3
       basic commands, GF, Magic and Draw. These commands will appear 
       only once even if you have more than 1 GFs equipped.] Press
       Triangle once you are done.
28. Where do General Caraway go after he had brought you to the Gateway?
A: It is pretty funny that I got such e-mails more than twice ^_^;). 
   After Caraway have move away from the Gateway, head towards the left
   side of the screen. You should be brought to the front screen where
   you see crowds and the gateway. Notice that there is no people on the
   left side of the crowd. Just walk down and exit from the screen. You
   will meet Caraway there.
29. Who is Squall's father?
A: This may be a piece of spoiler [heck, anyway by typing out the FAQ,
   I had already spoiled the game...]. There is my evidence to support
   that Laguna Loire is Squall's father!
   A) If you re-visit Winhill, you will found out that the photo of the
      family (Laguna, Raine, "Squall" and Ellone) is missing. The photo
      is found at Raine's House [next to the pub]
   B) Laguna has probably left Squall in the hands of Edea before 
      leaving for his journey to rescue Ellone. You had see sequences of
      Squall standing in the rain feeling bored and Laguna talking to
      Edea... (btw, this may be wrong as it is my own assumption)
   C) If you talk to Ward or Kiros, you make get more information leaked
      out about Squall and Laguna [that's a pretty good hint by the 
30. Have you heard any rumours about FF8?
A:  Definitely yes! Of course, FF8 is such a great RPG and there are 
    also have some loopholes just like FF7 and so you can expect some
    rumours about the game.
 A) Getting Cloud Strife
    Well, I myself is also a fan of Cloud. But I don't have sufficient
    proof that Cloud is in the game. But based on gameshark, it is not
    possible to have Cloud. This always works btw. But here are some 
    rumours [they seems a bit reasonable...]
    1) Have 16 gameovers at the Island closest to Hell. Upon the 16th
       continue, Cloud will appear... 
       My Reply: This is definitely not true!
    2) During the battle against the Iron Clad [the BOSS at the missile
       base], you can mug an item from the BOSS which allows you to
       summon Cloud Strife! [Cloud will appears and do his Omnislash
       Limit Break!]
       My Reply: Haven't tested it yet as my party was too strong...
       I have killed that stupid Iron Clad with a few attacks...
 B) Getting GF Griever/ a hidden GF
    You can get GF Griever in Lunatic Pandora. You must have all the
    weapons, 666 items or something to that nature. Also in Balamb, 
    next to Zell's house, an old man makes reference to an old story/
    My Reply: 
    . About the ridiculous 666 item:
      This isn't true as it is impossible to have 666 of an item type.
      So give up your hopes... [That 666 items requirement is actually
      taken from Occult Fan III, which refers to GF Doomtrain ^_^; If
      you break the numbers up along with other issues, you should get
      6x Steel Pipes, 6x Malboro Tentacles, 6x Remedy+]
    . An old man...
      Well, I guessed this may be partly right... I'm not sure about
      this anyway. But since half of the rumour is wrong, it is just
      as good as the rumour is false.
C)  Getting Seifer after Dollet Mission
    I know that there will be a lot of Seifer's fan hoping that this 
    could be true. Well, I have recently received a rumour regarding
Luckily for us, FAQ writers for FF8, Rinoa did not die in the game...
Otherwise we may be facing problems like resurrecting Rinoa... *Phew*
I have excluded some of rumours to save me from e-mails probing...
BTW, here is a point of advice from me and that is don't be cheated by
rumours. (Provided that there is sufficient proof to prove it... at 
least a screenshot of the rumour. Like showing Cloud fighting against
any monster that's included in FF8.)
31. Why can't I equip Card Mod-RF on my character?
A:  You can't equipped that on a character. There are several types of
    abilities and below is a short summary on the abilities types:
    Type         How to use it?
    Character    You need to equip it to enable its effect. Go to
                 Junction menu and choose the fourth tab, Abilities.
    GF           Automatically takes effect once the GF has mastered
                 the ability. Note that the learnt ability only applies
                 to that GF, which has the ability in its slot.
    Junction     It allows some of the Junction options to be enable on
                 the Junction status screen. For example, if the
                 equipped GFs does not have any Str-J, the Str option
                 will be greyed out. There is no need to equip the 
                 ability, just equiped GF to enable its effect.
    Menu         One of the abilities that can't be equipped. You can
                 access this ability under Ability sub-menu of the main
                 menu. [Card Mod-RF is a type of menu ability]
    Party        Same as character ability, need to equip, followed the
                 same method as character.
32. Is it possible to defeat the BOSS at lower levels compared to the
    statistics that you have given in the FAQ?
A:  Of course, you don't need to go to that extreme ^_^;). This is one
    of the reasons which makes FF8 different from FF7. Monsters, 
    including BOSSES get level up as your characters level up [in 
    proportion to Squall's level.], which means the higher Squall's
    level is, the more HP or level will be the BOSS.
33. How do I get Mog's Amulet?
A:  This is one time that can only be achieved by playing the Choco
    World. Besides, I have stressed on this many times...
34. How do I get more Rosetta Stones?
A:  To get more Rosetta Stones, you can either use the refinement method
    or search method. Rosetta Stones can be refined using a Menu 
    Ability. [please refer to Menu abilities, FF8 Part II FAQ]
35. How do I get Zell's Armageddon Fist?
A:  This is actually a move that invented by one of FF8 gamers, Kaze
    Yagami [beats me why everyone choose to use to this name...]. It is
    actually a chain between Punch Rush, Booya, Punch Rush, Booya....
    [I guess you should know that flow...]. It is named this, because of
    its killing effect.
36. How do I exit from Ultimecia's Castle in Disc 4?
A:  A simple analogy... How do you exit from your home? Of course,
    through the door! or the window [unless you are Spiderman or theft,
    otherwise I have no comments ^_^]. Just go back to the main hall
    and exit the door. Go to the chain and choose any of the doors to
    get back to the world.
37. Must I followed the story sequence based on the walkthrough?
A:  YES! All except for World Tours [or sub-quest which other FAQ 
    writers call it.]. If you don't follow in order, like going to 
    Galbadia Garden before you have finished up with Timber story
    sequence, you will find Galbadia Soldiers surrounding the building.
38. Does Ultimecia's castle contains every single enemy?
A:  YES! You can find virtually all the monsters that is available in
    the game. But some of them don't appear that frequently like 
    Malboros, Tonberries and Elynoles. I have managed to encounter an
    Elynole on my trip up the clock tower...
39. When and where is the best place to level up all your characters?
A:  It depends only on your character current level. IMO, I guess it is
    best not to stress on your character's current level, as certain 
    enemies are really a killer even it is only a level 15 monsters.
    The area where you get most EXP is from the enemies in the Island
    closest to Hell and Heaven, don't know where it is? Refer to the
    maps found at my website {http://risland.virtualave.net}!
40. No Alexander, No Doomtrain? --} Getting Remedy +
A:  Getting Doomtrain is one of hardiest feature in FF8, you need to get
    in pursuit of items and met its requirement to get it. First of all,
    you need to get all the requirements of 6x Steel Pipes, 6x Malboro
    Tentacles and 6x Remedy+ (!). After gotten the requirements, use 
    the item "Solomon's Ring" to get GF Doomtrain. The key link between
    Alexander and Doomtrain is the requirement of Remedy+. If you don't
    have Remedy+, you can't get GF Doomtrain. To get Remedy+, you need
    to use Med LV Up [menu ability] to convert 60x Remedy [which can be
    bought from shops]. As for the other requirements, please refer to
    the walkthrough or FF8 FAQ Part II.
41. Gilgamesh interrupted my fight against Adel and kill Rinoa!
A:  One comments: The gamer is really unlucky ^_^;) You really needs to
    depend on luck and pray hard that Gilgamesh does not appear.
    Actually, IMO, I guess you need to make sure that at least one of
    members has most of the HP as this reduces the appearance of
42. How to get back Odin after I have gotten Gilgamesh?
A:  Sorry pals, as there is no way to get back Odin after Gilgamesh...
    Odin is already killed in half by Seifer in the battle at Lunatic
    Pandora [Disc 3], that's why Odin can never appear, beside its
    sword is already taken by Gilgamesh ^_^; so how is it going to 
    attack? Besides in FF8, there is no lance for Odin...
43. How does the Rare Item takes it effect?
A:  It is one of doubts which still remains a mystery for me... 
    Typically, Rare Item is party ability and takes effect after you
    have finished the random battles and just increase the "chances" [
    I don't how it was being measured, but according to my gameplay, it
    seems to give me more GF type items and rarer items, but decreases
    the rate of junk items (which is more cheaper...)]
44. Why I have never found Selphie's Limit Break {The End}?
A:  IMO, you need to take a lot of patience in getting this. The End
    appears about 1 out of 100 tries while using the Slots. You need to
    press "Do over" [1st option] and switch and switch... until you
    found the spell... But if you miss it, it WILL take you more longer
    to find it again in next try! Besides you can't use The End at your
    will since it is an instant killer spell!
45. Is it possible to complete the game without all GFs?
A:  Of course, the completion of the game depends on your will. If you
    want to have an easy fight, I would recommend you to get all GFs. In
    other words, it is not necessary to get all GFs to complete the
    game. The aim of this walkthrough is just to give you a clearer
Important Notes
Things can't be done without a gameshark/pocketstation:
- Get Apocalypse magic before the fight against True form of Ultimecia.
- Get another Magical Lamp besides the one you get it from Cid.
- Get Ribbon/Mog's Amulet/Friendship item.
- Rare GF Abilities such as Supt Mag-RF, Discount, Awarness, etc.
Things that never can be done...
- Enter towns in Disc 4
- Find the gateways to the chain road in front of Ultimecia's Castle 
  before Disc 4.
- Find the white SeeD Ship after you return from space visit.
- Read the Girl Next Door (it is a junk item...)
Well, let's proceed onto this epic RPG journey..
/ 1.0 \_________________________________________________________________
Introduction - Story of Final Fantasy VIII                    ffviii_005
My personal review of FF8
Well before I begin the speech.. I have 5 words to say "Final Fantasy
VIII is great!". Indeed it is great.. for those whom can stand long
time training, I guess your opinion will be different. As I gotten my
US copy on the 10th of September, I was very eager to play and the game
was simply a fantastic piece of work. As you guys know that I have 
replay this game more than 10 times for Japanese version, I have managed
to did it for the NA version. The only key in completing the game, is
your determination in stocking of spells, training and best of all, 
attention. The script of FF8 is really exciting and a couple of humorous
jokes from characters. It also shows the development of characters in
the game. The Junction System is easy to learn for NA version as there
are online tutorials about it! The draw system seems a bit tiring but it
is worth the try. There are also a couple of things that I did not try 
out in the Japanese version, such as getting Occult Fan III and Occult
Fan IV, the bone quest at Dollet, recovering lost GFs, Zell's love quest,
Obel Lake's Mystery at Morded Plains, Chocobo Forest Quests and much 
more. Here are the ratings of the categories:
Storyline: 9 /10 - it is really great! 
Graphics: 7.5/10 - the graphics is not too nicely rendered unlike those
                   PC screenshots as compared to the PSX screenshots.
Music 7.5/10 - the soundtrack is nice and fantastic. Especially, Faye 
               Wong's Eyes on Me!
Game Play 7/10 - The Junction system is really good, if you managed to
                 understand. There are sub quests such as the card game,
                 chocobo forests, UFO.... more than 10 hours of leisure.
                 For those whom own the Pocketstation, you can get to
                 enjoy the Chocobo World sub quest..
Overall: 8.0 /10 - it really deserves it...
Learning Curve: Medium - quite hard.. Otherwise, I don't have to come up
                with such a long FAQ...
/ 1.1 \_________________________________________________________________
Hi folks, Final Fantasy VIII US version is finally out! The long eagerly
awaited FF8 has finally arrived and we die-hard RPG fans can enjoy this
epic RPG! It has been about 2 years since the release of Final Fantasy
VII.(well, 7 months for those whom have brought the Japanese version) 
Here is the story of Final Fantasy VIII:
A member of the Elite mercenary Squall is forced into the conflict 
beyond imagination. To survive, he must contend with a desperate rival, 
a powerful sorceress, and his own mysterious dreams.
} Realistic detail characters and background enhanced by a breathtaking
  musical score.
} An epic story based on the theme of love, set in a massive new world.
} New Junction System allows characters to be customized with powerful
  magic spells drawn from enemies.
} Nearly an hour of stunning motion-captured CG cinemas seamlessly 
  integrated into the game play.
|--------------------{{{ Final Fantasy VIII Data }}}-------------------|
|                                                                      |
|Genre:                      Role-Playing (RPG)                        |
|Memory blocks requirement:  1 ~ 15 blocks                             |
|Company:                    Squaresoft                                |
|                            Square Electronic Arts. L.C.C             |
|Release Date:               9th of September 1999                     |
|Discs:                      4                                         |
|Support:                    Analog Control Compatible                 |
|                            Vibration Function Compatible             |
|Age Group:                  Teen                                      |
|                            - Animated Violence                 
      88888888888  8888888888   8888     8888  88888888888888      
      88888        88888         8888  8888       88 88 888        
      8888888      8888888        88888888        88 88 888        
      88888        88888           888888         88 88 888         
      88888        88888            8888          88 88 888       
      88888        88888             88        88888888888888  
                 F I N A L   F A N T A S Y   V I I I                   
                 Final Fantasy VIII (US. Version) Part II
                              Version 1.8
                             By Scott Ong
                E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
World Map Source:   http://risland.virtualave.net
{{{{ Disclaimer }}}} -please read it!-
This FAQ is meant for personal usage only. It cannot be altered and
it can only be reproduced in electronic form only. It cannot be 
published in magazines, articles and any other form of reproduction. 
The FAQ is not meant for sale. Any offenders will be severly dealt with
This FAQ is made by me, Scott Ong (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) 
Unpublished work of Scott Ong 1999-2000. If you want to use this FAQ for 
your website or webpage, please seek the author's permission and link it
to my site. You are allowed to print the FAQ out, but make sure that 
you did not sell it for cash! All my FAQs are not meant for sale! 
This is Part II of Final Fantasy VIII FAQ for the English version. Final 
Fantasy VIII Logo, characters are copyright of Squaresoft. If you want
to find information regarding tutorial about the junction system of FF8
and the walkthrough for FF8, please refer to Part I for more details 
which are also located in GameFAQs.
{{{ References }}}
Official Final Fantasy VIII Website - http://www.ff8.com
Official Squaresoft Website         - http://www.squaresoft.com
{{{ Note to Webmasters }}}
If you want to use this FAQ for your site, make sure that you keep on
checking GameFAQs for latest revisions. Otherwise, I will have to answer
questions that already answered in the latest editions.
/ I \___________________________________________________________________
Revision History and Updates                                  ffviii_001
-[Version 1.0]- . Done by Markweb
                . First appearance of FAQ
-[Version 1.1]- . Added a few more stuff, done by Markweb
-[Version 1.2]- . Re-vamp the layout to fix the word width
                . Added more information to most sections.
                . Corrects most errors done by Markweb.
-[Version 1.3]- . Expand the item list [that's a lot!]
                . Added Gameshark codes!
                . Correct some errors.
-[Version 1.4]- . Expanded the remainding Item List [Ammo and Junk Group]
                . More corrections made on the FAQ.
-[Version 1.5]- . Added more strategies.
                . Added a method to remove card rules.
                . Added a frequently asked questions section.
-[Version 1.6]- . Edit my disclaimer
                . Corrected most typos and errors
                . Enable Search mode in the FAQ.
                . Added Infinite Money Trick under Secrets Section
                . Expanded Frequently Asked Questions Section
-[Version 1.7]- . Added a better strategy for defeating Adel.
                . Added few more strategies for the game.
                . Added information regarding the Pocketstation. The
                  information is taken from The Saint's FAQ.
-[Version 1.8]- . Updated the frequently asked questions section. 
                . This will be the last update made to the FAQ. 
The latest revisions of the FAQ can be found at:
GameFAQs              http://www.gamefaqs.com
Scott's FAQ Page      http://members.xoom.com/scottong
Cheat Code Central    http://www.cheatcc.com
* Currently, you can only get the latest revisions of the FAQ at 
/ II \__________________________________________________________________
Author's Note                                                 ffviii_002
Well, it has been a long time since I have made an update for the FAQ.
Even though the FAQ is already completed, there are still errors that
required me to correct it. 
What's has been added to the FAQ?
- Frequently Asked Questions --} Well, for the past few months since
  FF8 has been released, I have received countless e-mails regarding 
  this game and I have decided to compile them. Otherwise, I will be
  repeated those answers over and over again. Of course, once I have  
  added the list of questions, I will not be answering them anymore.
  BTW, if you have any problems regarding weapon upgrading, please
  refer to the ultimate weapon upgrading guide in Part I.
- The third hint of Obel Lake Mystery --} thanks to one helpful 
  contributor who has told me about this third hint [well, can't expect
  that it is actually a joke...]. Refer to Obel Lake Mystery Section
  for more details.
- Search Mode --} A lot of FAQ readers have complained to me that the 
  FAQ being too long as it takes ages to search for the information that 
  you need. I have finally found a method, which is being obtained from 
  Dingo Jellybean's FF7 FAQ but I have made some improvements to it. All 
  you just need to do the following: (Note: there are actually people 
  who tends to overlook this capability of WordPad and I myself is also 
  one of them ^_^;)
  Method 1:
  From the toolbar, select Edit and choose Find. Enter the keyword.
  Method 2:
  Use the short-cut key Ctrl+F and you will see the Search Box popped
  up. Enter the keyword that you want to look for. 
  But sometimes the keyword does not reached your desired destination,
  hence I have come up with a good idea and that's to add codes to the
  right side of the contents page. Just enter the following keyword:
  where xxx stands for the 3-digit code for the section. The list of 
  code numbers can be found at the Table of Contents. But remember that
  you must enter the "ffviii_" in order for it to work, or you will 
  find that you will end up at other pages instead! 
- Note to all webmasters. If you want to post the FAQ on your site, make
  sure that you keep update and get the latest versions. I will always 
  sent my FAQs to GameFAQs. I will definitely not permit anyone else to 
  edit my FAQs. No HTMLizing for my FAQs. Final Fantasy: Worlds Apart
  (http://www.ffnet.net) is an exception.
- Strangely enough, I have received e-mails regarding whether I am doing
  a FAQ for Final Fantasy IX. I am about 75% sure that I will NOT be 
  writing a FAQ for it due to several personal reasons. Anyway, I guess
  someone else will write a FAQ for that game. [But this means that you 
  can be ensured that there will be FAQs for Final Fantasy IX.] 
- I have corrected most of grammatical errors as being requested by 
  viewers. Thanks to them, otherwise I will not known the seriousness of
  the problems. I will try my best to correct errors for my other FAQs 
  once I have time. 
- I hoped that this may be the final update for this FAQ. BTW, I am no
  longer accepting strategies and questions regarding this FAQ. ALL the 
  stuffs that I know about FF8 can be found in this FAQ and Part II. If
  you have any recommendations, complaints, secrets regarding this game,
  and just e-mail to me and I will try my best to solve it.
- I am quite sorry for not answering any e-mails after my March 
  vacation as I have been rather busy with my assignments, projects
  and examinations. You should get your reply shortly. BTW, there will 
  be no reply for those who do not add "FF8" or "Final Fantasy VIII" as 
  I have deleted the e-mails that does not have this as a subject. [
  except for those that contains other game headings which I have 
  written a FAQ for...]
For this "possible" final update:
- This is probably going to the be last update of FAQ. I have gotten
  permission from The Saint about using some of Chocobo World
  information on the FAQ. For more details, I would recommend you to 
  take a look at his FAQs, which is also available at GameFAQs. 
- I have updated the frequently asked questions with more detailed 
  answers and hopefully, it could just solved your burning questions.
- BTW, I'm no longer accepting strategies as I guessed there is enough
  strategies and all the new strategies are just minor improvements over
  the existing ones. Unless there is a great importance, I would not add
- Last of all, good bye to those who read my FF8 FAQs... It's time for
  me to embark on a new FAQ writing journey...
                                                             [Scott Ong]
/ III \_________________________________________________________________
Table of Contents                                             ffviii_003
I       Revision History and Updates                                001
II      Author's Note                                               002
III     Table of Contents                                           003
IV      Frequently Asked Questions                                  004
1.0     Guardian Forces                                             s01
        - 1.1      Introduction                                     005
        - 1.2      Management of GFs                                006
        - 1.3      How to get the GF?                               007
        - 1.4A     Non-Abilities GFs                                008
          1.4B     The GFs' Abilities List                          009
        - 1.5A     Command Abilities                                010
          1.5B     Party Abilities                                  011
          1.5C     Character Abilities                              012
          1.5D     Junction Abilities                               013
          1.5E     GF Abilities                                     014
          1.5F     Menu Abilities                                   015
              -    Magic Refinement                                 016
              -    Item Refinement                                  017
2.0     List of Magic                                               s02
          2.1      Curative Magic                                   018
          2.2      Elemental Magic                                  019
          2.3      Status Magic                                     020
          2.4      Support Magic                                    021
          2.5      Non-Elemental Magic                              022
          2.6      Junction Charts                                  023
3.0     Weapon Remodel / Limit Breaks                               s03
          3.1      Squall Leonhart                                  024
          3.2      Zell Dincht                                      025
          3.3      Quistis Trepe                                    026
          3.4      Selphie Tilmitt                                  027
          3.5      Rinoa Heartilly                                  028
          3.6      Irvine Kinneas                                   029
          3.7      Dream Party: Laguna, Kiros and Ward              
               a   Laguna Loire                                     030
               b   Ward Zaback                                      031
               c   Kiros Seagul                                     032
          3.8      Temporary Members: Seifer and Edea   
               a   Seifer Almasy                                    033
               b   Edea Kramer                                      034
          3.9      Weapon Ingredients Chart                         035
          3.10     Battle Meter                                     036
4.0     The Card Game                                               s04
          4.1      Getting the Cards                                037
          4.2      Basics of Triple Traid                           038
          4.3      The Card Rules        
             A     Pre-Game Card Rules                              039
             B     In-Game Card Rules                               040
             C     Card Game Trade Rules                            041
          4.4      Card Game Tips                                   042
          4.5      Card List Bestiary                               043
          4.6      Rare Card List                                   044
5.0     List of Items                                               s05
          5.1      Medicine Group                                   045
          5.2      Battle Items Group                               046
          5.3      Field Items Group                                047
          5.4      GF Medicine Group                                048
          5.5      GF Ability Item Group                            049
          5.6      Ammo Group                                       050
          5.7      Junk Group 
              A    Normal Items                                     051
              B    Blue Magic Items                                 052
              C    GF Comptability Items                            053
              D    Bonus Attributes Items                           054
          5.8      Magazine Group 
              A    Weapon Monthly                                   055
              B    Combat King                                      056
              C    Pet Pals                                         057
              D    Occult Fans                                      058
6.0     List of Monsters                                            s06
          6.1      List of Abbreviations                            059
          6.2      Monsters Besitary                                
             A     Cards Page 1                                     060
             B     Cards Page 2                                     061
             C     Cards Page 3                                     062
             D     Cards Page 4                                     063
             E     Cards Page 5                                     064
             F     Others                                           065
          6.3      Important Storylines.                            066
7.0     Sub Quests                                                  s07
          7.1      Timber Maniacs                                   067
          7.2      Missing Vase Pieces                              068
          7.3      Laguna's Statue at Shumi Village I               069
          7.4      Laguna's Statue at Shumi Village II              070
          7.5      Obel Lake Mystery                                071
          7.6      Getting Rare Cards Quest               
             A     Chocobo Forests: prove your affection!           072
             B     UFO Sighting Incident                            073
             C     Card Queen Quest                                 074
             D     CC Group Members                                 075
          7.7      Zell's Love Quest                                076
          7.8      Dollet: Bone Quest                               077
          7.9      Infinite Money Trick                             078
8.0     GF Enhancement Setup                                        079
9.0     Strategies                                                  s09
        9.1        Things that you should know...                   080
        9.2        Miscellaneous Strategies                         081
        9.3        BOSS Strategies                                  082
        9.4        Weapon Strategies                                083
10.0    Gameshark codes                                             084
11.0    Choco World [Mini-Pocketstation Guide]                      085
12.0    Contact the Author                                          086
13.0    Contributors and Credits                                    087
/ IV \__________________________________________________________________
Frequently Asked Questions                                    ffviii_004
As you see, I still have a lot of other FAQs to manage. Hence it will be
best if you can add "FF8" as your subject so that I know that it is 
about Final Fantasy VIII. Lastly don't sent me any viruses/huge files.
If you have a strategy to contribute, just type it in the mail instead
add it to a text-file.
BTW, don't expect me to e-mail you the list of cards, where to get them
and other stuffs, you can get all these from the FAQs.
If you sent me a question which the answer can be found in the FAQ, I 
will most likely ask you to refer to the FAQ. As for certain quests such
as the Obel Lake Mystery, Missing Vase Pieces, don't expect me to type
out the entire information for you [as it can't be explain in a few 
paragraphs or so.]. Okay don't with the list [mostly repeated]:
Last Updated: 14/10/2000
The list may be expanded depends on the number of e-mails that I have
recieved on that particular topic. 
1.   How do you junction commands?
A:   You can ONLY junction commands (such as Magic, Item, Draw, etc.) 
     and abilities (Mag-J, Str-J, Str+20%, SumMag +20%, Counter, Cover, 
     etc) if you have a GF equipped for the characters. To equip a GF,
     select the character and Junction from the main menu. Next pick a
     GF and you will be able to equip the command! You can more help 
     from the Tutorial Menu in the game.
2.   How many GFs are there?
A:   There are a total of 16 GFs [GFs with abilities] and the 
     miscellaneous GFs. I have include the list and the brief method on 
     getting them. 
     The sixteen Guardian Forces
     Name             Method           Location/ Conditions        Disc
     Quezacotl        Access           Balamb Garden Network,       1~3
                                       Balamb Garden 2F 
                                       Classroom, Squall's desk
     Shiva            Access           Balamb Garden Network,       1~3
                                       Balamb Garden 2F
                                       Classroom, Squall's desk
     Ifrit            Defeat it        Fire Cavern                  1
     Siren            Draw             Dollet Communication         1
                                       Towers, BOSS: Elvoret
     Brothers         Defeat it        Tomb of Unknown King         1~4
     Diablos          Defeat it        Magical Lamp - gain         1~4
                                       from Cid before SeeD
                                       mission. Use it.
     Carbuncle        Draw             President's Residence,       1
                                       Deling City, BOSS:
     Leviathan        Draw             Balamb Garden Basement,      2
                                       BOSS: NORG
     Pandemona        Draw             Balamb Town, BOSS:           2
     Cerberus         Defeat it        Galbadia Garden, Main Hall   2
     Alexander        Draw             Galbadia Garden,             2 
                                       Auditorium, BOSS: Edea      
     Doomtrain        Access           Solomon's Ring found at      3~4
                                       Tear's Point. Get 6x   
                                       Malboro's Tentacle, 6x
                                       Steel Pipe and 6x Remedy+
     Bahamut          Defeat it        Deep Sea Research Center,    3~4
                                       Must have Ragnarok airship.
     Cactuar          Defeat it        Cactuar's Island             3~4
                                       Must have Ragnarok airship.
     Tonberry         Defeat it        Centra Ruins, defeat 20      3~4
                                       Tonberries and King 
                                       Tonberry. Must get Odin
     Eden             Draw             Deep Sea Deposit, BOSS:      3~4
                                       Ultima Weapon. Must get
                                       Must have Ragnarok airship
     Miscellaneous GFs
     Name             Method           Location                    Disc
     Chicobo          Item             Summon Mother Chocobo.      2~4
                      (Gyshal Greens)  Use item, Gysahl Greens to
                                       summon it. Gysahl Greens 
                                       can brought from Chocoboy
                                       at Chocobo Forests.
     Moomba           Item             Get Friendship item using   2~4
                      (Friendship)     Pocketstation.
     MiniMog          Command          Get Mog's Amulet using      2~4
                      (Mog's Amulet)   Pocketstation. Use the 
                                       item on one of the 16
                                       GFs. Use command to summon
                                       it. [MiniMog]
     Phoenix          Item             Get it by solving puzzles   2~4
                      (Phoenix         at Shumi Village or 
                      Pinion)          WinHill. Get it by 
                                       refining 3x Mega Phoenix 
                                       --} 1x Phoenix Pinion via
                                       Siren's Tool-RF. 
     Odin             Battle           Defeat it at Centra Ruins.  2~4
                      (based on        It will appear randomly at
                      Luck and no.     beginning of the battle. 
                      of Death 
                      Spirit items)
     Gilgamesh        Battle           Defeat Seifer with Odin     3
                                       acquired. Note: Odin will
                                       be lost. If you haven't
                                       gotten Odin at that time,
                                       Gilgamesh will be lost.
3.   I had forgotten to draw a GF! Are there any other methods to get 
A:   YES! You can get the GF by drawing it from the BOSSES found in the
     Ultimecia's Castle. Refer to Disc 4 walkthrough for more 
     information. I did not include in the walkthrough as this will
     help to avoid spoilers. BTW, some of GF summoning items [Solomon's
     Ring for Doomtrain and Magical Lamp for Diablos] can be retrieved
     from the Pocketstation.
4.   I had sold the Magical Lamp! Is there a method to get it later in
A:   Unfortunately no. In fact, that's the only Magical Lamp you can 
     get from playing the game. You can get more Magical Lamps as you
     can get it from the Pocketstation. [Refer to Pocketstation guides
     that found in GameFAQs. You can find more information under the
     Pocketstation section in Part II. Please note that I don't own a 
5.   What is the purpose of SeeD tests?
A:   Note for all new players, you can only get cash through your SeeD
     salary. You will get your salary, once Squall has become an 
     official SeeD member after Dollet's test at Disc 1. The SeeD level
     will change if you do any of following:
     SeeD Test
     Method                                                Effect
     Answering SeeD tests with correct answers. Access     Increase 
     SeeD test from Tutorial menu --} TEST menu.           SeeD level.
     Continue with the story of the game                   Increase
                                                           SeeD level.
     Finish Train sequence in Disc 1 upon first try        SeeD level
     Walking around the world map, field terrains without  Decrease
     doing anything.                                       SeeD level
     SeeD levels do not increase every time. In fact, it increases
     based on the number of steps that Squall walk on the terrains. 
     Hence, do not try to not overdo it as it will decrease your SeeD 
     The higher SeeD level, the more cash [in gil] that you will
     receive each time. For the test answers, refer to the walkthrough
     for disc 1.
6.   I have seen a UFO moving around in a random battle and nothing 
     happens..  What was that?
A:   It is the UFO Sighting Incident. There are four sighting spots
     which is being marked on the world map found at 
     {http://risland.virtualave.net}. Just go there with Diablo's 
     Enc-None and move around to have a random battle. For more
     details, refer to the World Tour under the Disc 3 Walkthrough.
7.   Why I can't convert 100x Curse Spikes into Dark Matter through GF
     Siren's Tool-RF, in order learn Quistis' last Limit Break, 
     Shockwave Pulsar?
A:   In order to do that, GF Siren must reach LV 100. Otherwise, you 
     will not be able to do the refinement. As for the help in getting
     Curse Spikes, you need to defeat the Imp, Forbidden or Malboro.
8.   Is it true that you can't have both items obtained from stealing
     and defeat monsters?
A:   Yes. You can get only get one of the items. For example, let's 
     says you encountered a battle with 2x Adamantoises, you defeat 
     them without any characters using the Mug command. You will get 
     the item won from battle, such as Adamantine, Whisper, Orichalons 
     based on Squall's level.
     If you mug any of the Adamantoises, you will DEFINATELY NOT get 
     Adamantine [which can only be obtained by defeating both 
     Adamantoises]. Instead, you will get other items such as Whispers.
9.   How do I get Squall's ultimate weapon and Limit Break, Lion Heart?
A:   To get Squall's ultimate weapon, you must have the following
     1x    Adamantine
     3x    Dragon Fang
     12x   Pulse Ammo
     {{ Recommended Methods }} - these are the easiest methods
     Adamantine - you can get this by defeat Adamantoises found shores 
     of Dollet, Long Horn Island [to find the location of Long Horn 
     Island, view the world map at http://risland.virtualave.net].
     Dragon Fang - head towards Trabia area where you find the Shumi 
     Village. Note that from the world map's point of view, you will
     find a row of mountains behind the village. Just walk closely 
     against mountains and you will encounter Blue Dragons. Defeat it
     to get Dragon Fang.
     Pulse Ammo - you need to get Energy Crystal. Get 20x Elynole's card
     via card playing and you can convert them into 2x Energy Crystals
     through Quezacotl's Card-Mod RF. Next convert the Energy Crystals 
     through Ifrit's Ammo-RF. You will get 20x Pulse Ammo. 
     Now go to any of the junk shops found in the game and pay 2000 gil 
     to remodel Squall's gunblade into Lion Heart. I have explained in
     more details under the Ultimate Weapon Upgrading section.
10.  Where are the Islands closest to Heaven / Hell?
A:   It is kind of difficult to explain using words. You can get find 
     the locations of them on a world map at my website 
11.  I can't locate the Deep Sea Research Center! Where can I find it?
A:   To locate the Deep Sea Research Center, you need the Ragnarok 
     airship. Pilot the airship to the extreme low-left corner of the 
     world map. 
     Move the Ragnarok low by press Down button. When you move the 
     Ragnarok, you should see water splashing... Next navigate around 
     that corner and you should find the Deep Sea Research Center. If 
     you have any problems, get the world map mentioned in the above 
12.  Why is there a screen showing "censored" when I used the Devour
A:   It was just like that! ^_^;
13.  Question on Card Games
A:   Well, it consists of a huge portion of my e-mails. Here is a 
     section for it:
     Rare Cards - it is true that there is only one version of rare
     cards, not after time compression has occurred. To get back the
     lost rare cards, you need to defeat the CC Group Members at 
     Ragnarok airship in Disc 4. (provided that you have defeat them 
     in Disc 2.). You can get them back even after you have refined the
     card using Quezacotl's Card-Mod.
     Card Queen - the Card Queen is really tough as she changes the
     card rules and moves from areas to areas, which made her an 
     extremely tough opponent. If you need more help, get FF8 FAQ
     Part II at http://www.gamefaqs.com and refer to the Card Queen's
     Side Quest.
     Obtaining cards - besides getting it by winning the card game, 
     you can also get cards by defeating enemies or using the card 
     command to convert dying enemies into cards [does not work on
     BOSS and human beings]
     Card Rules - It will be very difficult to explain the rules in
     a few sentences, hence there is a need to read the Card section
     of FF8 FAQ Part II.
     Abolish a Card Rule - a lot of gamers get frustrated regarding
     the random rule as it will force you into a bad situation in the
     card game. To abolish that rule, you can either play in a region
     where there is no such rules. One perfect example is Balamb area.
     Rules will be added as soon as you started in an area where there
     are new rules.
14.  Tough Battles - answers found at my Monsters FAQ @ GameFAQs
A:   It seems that a lot of people are having trouble regarding combat
     in FF8. There are a few reasons for the toughness and one of them 
     is that monsters levelling up as your character does. There are 
     few methods to be stronger than your enemy:
     The hints are:
     - by remodelling the characters' weapons 
     - get stronger spells via item refining. 
     You can get a lot of rare items via cards. This means if you want 
     an easy life in the game, play cards often!
15.  Can I get into the cities during Disc 4?
A:   There is no way that you can get into the cities in Disc 4. Those
     barriers do not allow you to make contact with the city. I know
     the following question will definitely pop up if this happens...
     * how do I remodel my weapons? - you can remodel your weapons by 
       using GF Tonberry's Call Shop or Call Junk Shop menu ability via
       the Ability menu. 
16.  I have sold the Magical Lamp. Is there any other way to get it?
A:   Finally found the answers for this... You can't draw Diablos from
     any of the bosses [bosses at Lunatic Pandora and Boss Sphinxaur in 
     Ultimecia's Castle]. Once you sold it, you got to reset if you 
     don't own a Pocketstation or Gameshark. It is still possible to 
     complete the game without GF Diablos, but it will definitely be 
17.  Where are weapon monthly magazines?
A:   You don't need these items as it is compulsory to remodel your 
     characters' weapon. In fact, the weapon's name will appear in the 
     Junk Shop's menu once you have obtained its requirements. Here is a 
     short list of weapon magazines:
     Weapon Monthly March  - you will get this by defeating Elvoret at
                             Dollet's Communication Tower in Disc 1.
     Weapon Monthly April  - you will get this from Squall's desk after
                             completing the sequence in Training 
                             Center. (after the ball dance)
     Weapon Monthly May    - you can find this in the sewers while 
                             controlling Rinoa. Refer to walkthrough for
                             more information.
     Weapon Monthly June   - defeat BGHZ51F2 at Missile Base
     Weapon Monthly July   - found it in Balamb Garden's Training Center
                             after Disc 2.
     Weapon Monthly August - found it near the Gargoyle in Trabia 
18.  Why I can't get the second vase piece (found at the statue) in 
A:   Well, this is really my error and thanks to those whom have help me
     in solving this and that is you really need to have Irvine in your 
     party. I guess it was perhaps due to the itching hands of 
     Irvine ^_^;) Remember the time when he messes up the guns in Zell's
     room [for those whom have Irvine in your party]
19.  Where can I locate the Tomb of Unknown King?
A:   It seems that this type of question is one of hardiest for me to
     answer. Imagine explaining the location using words. It was 
     actually located on a peninsula, which is northeast from Deling. The
     tomb is quite small in size and if you still have the problem, get
     the world map found at {http://risland.virtualave.net}.
20.  How do I use the character's Limit Breaks?
A:   First of all, your characters need to get to "Crisis" conditions. 
     It will be fulfilled when:
     - the character's HP turns red/yellow
     - Aura is being cast on the character
     Next to use the Limit Break, just tap Circle button (menu button)
     and you will eventually see a golden triangle on the right side of
     "Attack" or "Mug". Press right and you will be able to execute the
     Limit Break.
     General Tip on getting Aura.
     Aura is a magic that allows your character to get Limit Breaks
     easily. To get Aura magic, you need to get Fury Fragments which 
     can be mugged from Blue Dragon found at the mountains near Shumi
     Village. [you don't need to stand on the mountain, just go near 
     it]. Next just convert the Fury Fragment into 5x Aura magic 
     through Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF
21.  How do I return back to the Lunatic Pandora after I have finished
     the "Ragnarok crash scene" in Disc 3?
A:   You can choose to exit the Pandora after your Ragnarok has made 
     its way to the Lunatic Pandora in Disc 3. To exit, just to talk to 
     Selphie. From there, you can enjoy yourself for the quests or do
     some level up. After you are done, proceed to the bridge [or 
     controls room] and talk to Selphie and you will be back at the
     Lunatic Pandora!
22.  Is it possible to do the Lion Heart Limit Break each time once you
     have acquired the Lion Heart gunblade?
A:   No. The occurence of the Lion Heart Limit Break depends on chance.
     You can't control it. But Lion Heart seems to appear more 
     frequently, once the entire party is down to critical status.
23.  How do I get Limit Breaks for every characters?
A:   Squall  - Upgrade his gunblade and Squall will learn new Limit 
               Breaks. [see Part II for more details.]
     Quistis - Get Blue Magic Items [refer to Part II item bestiary on
               how to get them] and use it on Quistis.
     Zell    - Get Combat Kings and select the item and Zell will learn
               the new Limit Breaks automatically.
     Selphie - Get it from her Limit Breaks. While you are choosing the
               type of spells, you can find her Limit Breaks [including
               those that are not uncovered.]. Cast it and Selphie will
               have that Limit Breaks.
     Rinoa   - Get Pet Pals and select the item. Next check the status
               screen and select the limit break that you wish to teach
               Angelo. Hence walk around on the terrain for a while. 
               Once the gauge has built up, Rinoa will learn the Limit
     Irvine  - Get the Ammo and he will have new Limit Breaks. Some of
               the rare ammo are quite hard to get.
24. How do I enhance my character's statistics?
A:  Through the junction system. The junction system is a system that 
    could enfuse magic to your character's atttributes, hence making 
    them stronger. See Basic Tutorial for more information. BTW, the
    effects of Junction are affected by the following:
    . Number of magic: The more you have, the better the effect of the
      junction system.
    . Types of spell: The stronger the spell you have, the better the
      effect the junction has on the character.
    Junction also allows your characters to equip commands and 
    abilities. There is no accessories/armor in the game. Please read
    the Basic Tutorial thoroughly. You need to have junction abilities
    [i.e. abilities that are ended with "-J"] for boosting your 
    character's statistics.
25. How do I upgrade my weapons in FF8?
A:  You can't buy new weapons instead you can tune them up through Junk
    Shops. But in order to do this, you need to have specific 
    ingredients such as M-Stone Piece, Sharp Spike, Dragon Fang, etc.
    Of course, not everything in the world is free. You need to pay a
    small sum to upgrade them to new models [you can choose to upgrade
    or downgrade.] Everytime you attempt to remodel the weapon, the 
    ingredients will be used up. If you want to upgrade back to the 
    same weapon, you need to get new ingredients. To upgrade a weapon in
    Disc 4, just get GF Doomtrain [Call Junk Shop menu ability] and do
    the following:
    1) Activate your menu.
    2) Select the Ability header.
    3) Select Call Junk Shop
    4) Do what you normally do at Junk Shops.
    It's pretty simple huh? BTW, don't try to force your way in the 
    towns, as it is impossible!
26. How I mug an item?
A:  This one is pretty hard to explain if you don't know anything about
    junction commands or abilities. First of all, you need to get a GF
    ability called "Mug" [from Bahamut or Diablos, requires 200 AP to
    master]. Next equip GF Bahamut or Diablos with the mastered Mug 
    ability. After you have equipped the commands, you will be able to
    select the type of character/party abilities. Choose Mug and add it
    to one of the ability slots. If you equip the ability, you should 
    see the attack command is being replaced with Mug. If that happens,
    you are on the right track.
    Just go to a random battle and look for the monster that you want
    to steal an item from. Remember to watch for the top status bar 
    after your character has performed the attack.
27. How do I junctioned commands?
A:  Before I start this, I need to explain that GFs are extremely 
    important as they worked like Materia in FF7. Without them, you 
    can't have other commands besides attack. First of all, you need to 
    get a GF. [If you have seen through the ability list in Part II, you
    should noticed that all the 16 GFs have Magic, GF and Draw.]
    To equip a command, do the following step-by-step and make sure that
    you are in the main menu.
    1) Select Junction from the main menu
    2) Select the character who you want to junction GFs with.
    3) Select Junction command from the Junction Menu. Select the GFs
       that you want to equip with. Press Triangle once you are done.
    4) You should be brought to the Auto screen if you have magic in 
       that character's magic inventory. Choose either Atk, Def or Mag.
       If your character don't have any magic, you will be brought to
       the Ability sub-menu directly. Press Triangle once you are done.
    5) At the ability screen, you should see the command list of the
       character with the slots along with ability slots. On the right
       is the list of commands available (if the cursor is pointing at
       either one of the three command slots, they are found under the
       Attack command) and list of abilities available (if the cursor
       is pointing at either one of ability slots.) Just pick and choose
       from the list. Duplicate commands will only appear once. [For
       example, as I had mentioned earlier, that all 16 GFs have the 3
       basic commands, GF, Magic and Draw. These commands will appear 
       only once even if you have more than 1 GFs equipped.] Press
       Triangle once you are done.
28. Where do General Caraway go after he had brought you to the Gateway?
A: It is pretty funny that I got such e-mails more than twice ^_^;). 
   After Caraway have move away from the Gateway, head towards the left
   side of the screen. You should be brought to the front screen where
   you see crowds and the gateway. Notice that there is no people on the
   left side of the crowd. Just walk down and exit from the screen. You
   will meet Caraway there.
29. Who is Squall's father?
A: This may be a piece of spoiler [heck, anyway by typing out the FAQ,
   I had already spoiled the game...]. There is my evidence to support
   that Laguna Loire is Squall's father!
   A) If you re-visit Winhill, you will found out that the photo of the
      family (Laguna, Raine, "Squall" and Ellone) is missing. The photo
      is found at Raine's House [next to the pub]
   B) Laguna has probably left Squall in the hands of Edea before 
      leaving for his journey to rescue Ellone. You had see sequences of
      Squall standing in the rain feeling bored and Laguna talking to
      Edea... (btw, this may be wrong as it is my own assumption)
   C) If you talk to Ward or Kiros, you make get more information leaked
      out about Squall and Laguna [that's a pretty good hint by the 
30. Have you heard any rumours about FF8?
A:  Definitely yes! Of course, FF8 is such a great RPG and there are 
    also have some loopholes just like FF7 and so you can expect some
    rumours about the game.
 A) Getting Cloud Strife
    Well, I myself is also a fan of Cloud. But I don't have sufficient
    proof that Cloud is in the game. But based on gameshark, it is not
    possible to have Cloud. This always works btw. But here are some 
    rumours [they seems a bit reasonable...]
    1) Have 16 gameovers at the Island closest to Hell. Upon the 16th
       continue, Cloud will appear... 
       My Reply: This is definitely not true!
    2) During the battle against the Iron Clad [the BOSS at the missile
       base], you can mug an item from the BOSS which allows you to
       summon Cloud Strife! [Cloud will appears and do his Omnislash
       Limit Break!]
       My Reply: Haven't tested it yet as my party was too strong...
       I have killed that stupid Iron Clad with a few attacks...
 B) Getting GF Griever/ a hidden GF
    You can get GF Griever in Lunatic Pandora. You must have all the
    weapons, 666 items or something to that nature. Also in Balamb, 
    next to Zell's house, an old man makes reference to an old story/
    My Reply: 
    . About the ridiculous 666 item:
      This isn't true as it is impossible to have 666 of an item type.
      So give up your hopes... [That 666 items requirement is actually
      taken from Occult Fan III, which refers to GF Doomtrain ^_^; If
      you break the numbers up along with other issues, you should get
      6x Steel Pipes, 6x Malboro Tentacles, 6x Remedy+]
    . An old man...
      Well, I guessed this may be partly right... I'm not sure about
      this anyway. But since half of the rumour is wrong, it is just
      as good as the rumour is false.
C)  Getting Seifer after Dollet Mission
    I know that there will be a lot of Seifer's fan hoping that this 
    could be true. Well, I have recently received a rumour regarding
Luckily for us, FAQ writers for FF8, Rinoa did not die in the game...
Otherwise we may be facing problems like resurrecting Rinoa... *Phew*
I have excluded some of rumours to save me from e-mails probing...
BTW, here is a point of advice from me and that is don't be cheated by
rumours. (Provided that there is sufficient proof to prove it... at 
least a screenshot of the rumour. Like showing Cloud fighting against
any monster that's included in FF8.)
31. Why can't I equip Card Mod-RF on my character?
A:  You can't equipped that on a character. There are several types of
    abilities and below is a short summary on the abilities types:
    Type         How to use it?
    Character    You need to equip it to enable its effect. Go to
                 Junction menu and choose the fourth tab, Abilities.
    GF           Automatically takes effect once the GF has mastered
                 the ability. Note that the learnt ability only applies
                 to that GF, which has the ability in its slot.
    Junction     It allows some of the Junction options to be enable on
                 the Junction status screen. For example, if the
                 equipped GFs does not have any Str-J, the Str option
                 will be greyed out. There is no need to equip the 
                 ability, just equiped GF to enable its effect.
    Menu         One of the abilities that can't be equipped. You can
                 access this ability under Ability sub-menu of the main
                 menu. [Card Mod-RF is a type of menu ability]
    Party        Same as character ability, need to equip, followed the
                 same method as character.
32. Is it possible to defeat the BOSS at lower levels compared to the
    statistics that you have given in the FAQ?
A:  Of course, you don't need to go to that extreme ^_^;). This is one
    of the reasons which makes FF8 different from FF7. Monsters, 
    including BOSSES get level up as your characters level up [in 
    proportion to Squall's level.], which means the higher Squall's
    level is, the more HP or level will be the BOSS.
33. How do I get Mog's Amulet?
A:  This is one time that can only be achieved by playing the Choco
    World. Besides, I have stressed on this many times...
34. How do I get more Rosetta Stones?
A:  To get more Rosetta Stones, you can either use the refinement method
    or search method. Rosetta Stones can be refined using a Menu 
    Ability. [please refer to Menu abilities, FF8 Part II FAQ]
35. How do I get Zell's Armageddon Fist?
A:  This is actually a move that invented by one of FF8 gamers, Kaze
    Yagami [beats me why everyone choose to use to this name...]. It is
    actually a chain between Punch Rush, Booya, Punch Rush, Booya....
    [I guess you should know that flow...]. It is named this, because of
    its killing effect.
36. How do I exit from Ultimecia's Castle in Disc 4?
A:  A simple analogy... How do you exit from your home? Of course,
    through the door! or the window [unless you are Spiderman or theft,
    otherwise I have no comments ^_^]. Just go back to the main hall
    and exit the door. Go to the chain and choose any of the doors to
    get back to the world.
37. Must I followed the story sequence based on the walkthrough?
A:  YES! All except for World Tours [or sub-quest which other FAQ 
    writers call it.]. If you don't follow in order, like going to 
    Galbadia Garden before you have finished up with Timber story
    sequence, you will find Galbadia Soldiers surrounding the building.
38. Does Ultimecia's castle contains every single enemy?
A:  YES! You can find virtually all the monsters that is available in
    the game. But some of them don't appear that frequently like 
    Malboros, Tonberries and Elynoles. I have managed to encounter an
    Elynole on my trip up the clock tower...
39. When and where is the best place to level up all your characters?
A:  It depends only on your character current level. IMO, I guess it is
    best not to stress on your character's current level, as certain 
    enemies are really a killer even it is only a level 15 monsters.
    The area where you get most EXP is from the enemies in the Island
    closest to Hell and Heaven, don't know where it is? Refer to the
    maps found at my website {http://risland.virtualave.net}!
40. No Alexander, No Doomtrain? --} Getting Remedy +
A:  Getting Doomtrain is one of hardiest feature in FF8, you need to get
    in pursuit of items and met its requirement to get it. First of all,
    you need to get all the requirements of 6x Steel Pipes, 6x Malboro
    Tentacles and 6x Remedy+ (!). After gotten the requirements, use 
    the item "Solomon's Ring" to get GF Doomtrain. The key link between
    Alexander and Doomtrain is the requirement of Remedy+. If you don't
    have Remedy+, you can't get GF Doomtrain. To get Remedy+, you need
    to use Med LV Up [menu ability] to convert 60x Remedy [which can be
    bought from shops]. As for the other requirements, please refer to
    the walkthrough or FF8 FAQ Part II.
41. Gilgamesh interrupted my fight against Adel and kill Rinoa!
A:  One comments: The gamer is really unlucky ^_^;) You really needs to
    depend on luck and pray hard that Gilgamesh does not appear.
    Actually, IMO, I guess you need to make sure that at least one of
    members has most of the HP as this reduces the appearance of
42. How to get back Odin after I have gotten Gilgamesh?
A:  Sorry pals, as there is no way to get back Odin after Gilgamesh...
    Odin is already killed in half by Seifer in the battle at Lunatic
    Pandora [Disc 3], that's why Odin can never appear, beside its
    sword is already taken by Gilgamesh ^_^; so how is it going to 
    attack? Besides in FF8, there is no lance for Odin...
43. How does the Rare Item takes it effect?
A:  It is one of doubts which still remains a mystery for me... 
    Typically, Rare Item is party ability and takes effect after you
    have finished the random battles and just increase the "chances" [
    I don't how it was being measured, but according to my gameplay, it
    seems to give me more GF type items and rarer items, but decreases
    the rate of junk items (which is more cheaper...)]
44. Why I have never found Selphie's Limit Break {The End}?
A:  IMO, you need to take a lot of patience in getting this. The End
    appears about 1 out of 100 tries while using the Slots. You need to
    press "Do over" [1st option] and switch and switch... until you
    found the spell... But if you miss it, it WILL take you more longer
    to find it again in next try! Besides you can't use The End at your
    will since it is an instant killer spell!
45. Is it possible to complete the game without all GFs?
A:  Of course, the completion of the game depends on your will. If you
    want to have an easy fight, I would recommend you to get all GFs. In
    other words, it is not necessary to get all GFs to complete the
    game. The aim of this walkthrough is just to give you a clearer
Important Notes
Things can't be done without a gameshark/pocketstation:
- Get Apocalypse magic before the fight against True form of Ultimecia.
- Get another Magical Lamp besides the one you get it from Cid.
- Get Ribbon/Mog's Amulet/Friendship item.
- Rare GF Abilities such as Supt Mag-RF, Discount, Awarness, etc.
Things that never can be done...
- Enter towns in Disc 4
- Find the gateways to the chain road in front of Ultimecia's Castle 
  before Disc 4.
- Find the white SeeD Ship after you return from space visit.
- Read the Girl Next Door (it is a junk item...)
/ 1.0 \_________________________________________________________________
Guardian Forces                                               ffviii_s01
GFs are the returning summons from the previous FF series. Generally,
there are a lot of differences between them. GF stands for Guardian 
Force and it is a common abbreviation used in the game. 
Differences between the previous series:
- GFs have statues just like your characters. They can level up just 
  like your characters in gaining EXP and they can accquired AP to 
  learn abilities.
- Summon GFs does not requires MP. There is no MP required to summon
  GFs. Instead, the GF's stats will overlap the character's stats, 
  taking the Elem-Def-J and ST-Def-J from the character and also
  withstand from the enemy. Summon GFs require time and you need 
  the blue ATB bar drop to zero (or empty) and GF will be summoned. 
  Once GF's HP have drop to zero, the summon will be cancelled off.
- GF obtain methods can varies... such as defeating them, accquired
  them by meeting requirements, draw them from BOSSES.
- GFs are the strength of your characters as they gave your characters
  other abilities beside the Attack command.
Frequently Asked Questions About GFs
Here is the list of frequently asked questions about Guardian Forces. 
There are a total of 9 questions.
Q1: I have forgetten to draw a GF, is there a way to get it back?
Yes. But you can only get it back in Disc 4, from either one of BOSSES
in Ultimecia's Castle. Of course, you have to unlock Draw, otherwise it
is useless. Refer to Disc 4 Walkthrough: Ultimecia's Castle in Part I
(@ at GameFAQs, http://www.gamefaqs.com)
Q2:  Why I don't see Med LV Up in Alexander's Ability list?
You must obtain its prequisite in order to get its secondary ability.
I have expanded the list section, just accompany this purpose. Refer to
the abilities lists and description for more information. There are 
also certain cases that results lost of an ability:
Case #1
You may eliminate the Ability/ its prequisite through using an Amnesia 
For this case, I can't help ^_^; Have to restart. You may need to try
to use another GF Item to replace that. As far I know, GF menu and
item refinements have no replacements. 
Case #2
You may use a GF Ability Item to cover up one of 22 slots. 
In this case, just use an Amnesia Greens to eliminate one of abilities
so that, there is avaliable space for the ability to "grow" on it. 
[Is there any better words?]
Q3: I have sold the Magical Lamp, is it possible to get it back?
No. But unless you have a Pocketstation or Gameshark. For gameshark, 
just make use of the item modifier code to do it. If you have a 
Pocketstation, you can get it via Choco World. To do that, refer to 
Pocketstation FAQs that are found at GameFAQs.
Q4: How to I get GF Doomtrain?
You need to get the requirements: 6x Steel Pipe, 6x Malboro Tentacle,
6x Remedy+ (requires GF Alex