Frequently Asked Questions:


1. What do we do here?
2. Is there Combat?
3. When will (fill in this blank) be done?
4. What's the theme and setting?
5. How do I change my character's gender/type/colors/clothing?
6. Can I play multiple characters?

1. What do we do here?
Furcadia is a game by, and about, you, the players. HANG OUT! You can just be yourself, represented by a little furry guy on a green stretch along a charcoal gray road.


We separate communications into "IC" (In Character) and "OOC" (Out Of Character). Normally, everything you say and do are assumed to be OOC, reflections of your real-life thoughts and feelings. You remain responsible for what you say and do as a Furre.

In a Dream designated "roleplayers only please", however, your speech and poses are assumed to be your -character's-. Real-life (RL, OOC) things are generally kept to /whispers. You're still responsible for what you say and do, but it's understood that this is not you, but your character's actions. A special etiquette has arisen, amongst Internet roleplayers, which you should be aware of: It's considered rude to ask the player their RL gender, age, location, the identity of their Alts, or their RL sexual preference. Continuing to ask these questions constitutes harassment, which gets your login privileges suspended permanently. Please note that there's the command ignore as in ignore Mooselicks and we expect this to be your first reaction to something that Annoys you.

Acceptable behavior here is based on the two rules upon which one of the earliest computer networks, Fidonet, was built: Thou Shall Not Be Annoying & Thou Shalt Not Be Too Easily Annoyed

Players are guests and are expected to treat others with respect. When you meet somebody, please say hello, and introduce yourself. We recommend listing two or three of your favorite hobbies in your description, to give you a jump-start on suggested topics. * We do have a little gimmick, called a QCODE, which is just a series of letters you can put at the end of your description.

2. Is there Combat?
Right now, no.
* There's already lots of multi-player fight-oriented games out there, including things like Mpath's multiplayer Quake and Quakeball, and a multitude of combat multi-user dungeon games. Furcadia is first and foremost a -social- environment, and we'd like people's first thoughts to be of making new friends and playing games, rather than worrying about how they have to get into a game session, or that they'll be humiliated by more experienced players.

Our second focus is roleplaying. We don't plan to have fast-paced combat, but we do intend to have a voluntary-participation consent-based table-top style conflict resolution system. If we do this, it will be limited to clearly designated areas, and the main areas will always be combat-free.

3. When will (fill in this blank) be done?
We're sorry but we can't answer this question! We really don't know.
* Our priorities aren't secret. First and foremost is the "essential" coding. That's things like the "world" server code, the graphics, mouse cursors, speech, walking about, etc. "Social" coding (finding out who's online, where they are, asynchronous communications such as posting on bulletin boards, and sending in-game mail) is next highest. "Player self-organization" such as devices for group-paging and official rosters of membership, is next.

"Roleplaying" (such as coded character generation, character sheets, commands for proving one's statistics, randomizing commands, recording which character is descended from which other character, and much more) is "last but certainly not least" on the priorities list.

4. What's the theme and setting?
The general idea for the OOC areas is that we're dreaming...
The helpful little dragon Beekin comes into your dreams and shows you how to get here.

Furcadia is a land of bipedal anthropomorphic animal people. They ride giant birds, and some feast on (nonsentient!) fish, small reptiles and insects. The In-Character world centers on Kasuria, the Island of Magic.

The geography of FURCADIA strongly resembles the geography of Earth...

|              \_/  /     (                        |
|       ,-,        |/     /                         |
|    _ ( /        /     |        m                 |
|   / ||L|       ( /______                         |
|  |_D//__) _----'                                  |
|     ,----'    B       V                           |
|(K)  `,   P           _                            |
|  ____|    ____/    T\     ___          ,---_--. |
| /       _/      `\__  |`  A  `--    _M|_______/ |
| |I   Z_/        ()  | |  ``::.   |__/_/          |
|  |___/         ()  (_/      `:       |            |
|    _/\______--t.   ()                 \____       |
|  _/     v      |---_______-----___         |      |

(There's even a few Furres from other regions, such as Asia (the Taigorian lands) and America (the Mew World)!

Kasuria (K)
(D)uvlin, ERIU
(L)ondra, ALBION
(B)earlin, ALEMANISH
(P)'ree, FRRANCE
(V)orsava, MTN.LANDS
(T)heriopolis, CATOLIA
(A)thenz, GRREECE
Tunis (t) Valgor (v)
Aegyptian Lands (Ae)
Katenga Coast (k)

5. How do I change my character's gender/type/colors/clothing?
This is currently a bit awkward in the alpha. In the root directory on your PC, there is a file `furcadia.ini' and it can be editted with an ordinary text editor, although you could introduce errors if you do this. If you delete furcadia.ini outright, though, don't worry, because a new one is automatically generated the next time you run Furcadia.exe. Your name and password can't be changed, unless you make a whole new character. Here's Memento's instructions on how to change your character.

6. Can I play multiple characters?
Yes, you can, but you can not play more than one character at a time. You're allowed to play different characters ("Alts") at the same time. Please remember that nobody is *ever* obligated to reveal to other players which Alts they play.

The easiest way is this:
1. Find the file furcadia.ini Make a note of its "location" (example, c:furcadiafurcadia.ini)
2. Rename it to Martha.ini or Wilhelm.ini or something similar.
3. Rightclick on a Furcadia shortcut icon. Click on Properties, and the tab Shortcut. After the words furcadia.exe add the location of your furcadia.ini file. (example, C:FurcadiaFURCADIA.EXE c:Josie.ini )
Make a copy of Furcadia.exe, but rename it to Fur1.exe.
5. Edit the shortcut: replace furcadia.exe with Fur1.exe in the command line.