
Note: This is a walkthrough on easy difficulty. If you do a harder level, some powerups may not appear.

Zone 1 - Griffith Park
Walk up, the ramp and down the other side. Crawl along the block for an easy mortar shot on the big gun. It can not hit you. As you go up the ramp, there is a gun upgrade to the left area. Going on the path, mortar the mines by the second block. As you enter the opening two guns will pop up. Mortar them for an easy kill. There are more mines under the bridge ahead. Off to the left is an elevator. It leads to heavy weapon reloader and a good spot to shoot any remaining enemies. Take the path to the right of the generator for a special weapon reloader. Destroy the generator, go through and turn left. Destroy that generator and the two on the other side to open the laser gate. Shoot the control panel next to the door to free the hostages.Go through the next area and turn right. Shoot the statue from long distance and donÕt forget the mines there. Go to the rising guns, hit the structur to the right of them to continue. Move into the brown colored area to fight the ship. Just shoot your missiles at it until it crashes, then go through the opening. Up the elevator is the red gate switch. Past the red gate, along the left wall is an elevator. Take that to the blue gate switch. Open the green gate, enter it and fight the boss.

Boss Fight
Take out the airplanes first and try to stay on the ground. Mortar the towers next and use hit and run tactics on the center. UP the ramp, fire and down the ramp works well.

Zone 2 -Zuma Beach

Get off the highway to the right. The front door controls are all the way at the end on the right. (secret technology: destroy the flamingos on the hotels) Pass through the gate and note the powerups behind the left and right walls. Get in the electric thing and destroy the four balls. Find the catwalk to the next area. As you enter it a lockdown will begin. There are four circuit breakers to stop it. The first is down the left ramp, to the left. Go through the next area and destroy the air support then the tanks. In the doors, your target is on the right. It deactivates the furnaces, but is really unnecesary. Turn left instead, the fire is easy to avoid. Fight the huge tank. Three shots from an upgraded heavy weapon finish it. Destroy the bossÕs air support then fall down the hole. (secret technology: destroy the tanks until a powerup appears).

Boss Fight
Stay on the lower level. Jump up and fire until he takes his flying form. Then get above and shoot it down.

Zone 3 - La Brea Tar Pits

Go through the crowd control area and in the next area hit the switch. Fall down through the doors. Concentrate on the big ships and ignore the small ones. Turn into a hovercraft and run through the white switches in order. Now get on the pump. Follow the path and fall down. Go down the ramp, along to the switch. As you return the pumps under the grate will activate. Return to the sewers, through the now active turnstyle. Go straight ahead in the next area. You will notice a statue destroy it and hit the switch. There are two more across the river and one at the end of the river. When you enter the river of blood, use the hovercraft. In your walker form you take damage. After hitting the switches, destroy the statue that you can now target. Hit its switch, ride up m and jump over. Turn into a hovercraft and hold forward . You will jump to the next area. Go down the stairs. Forward, Then right is a ramp. Follow it, Fall off at the end and in the top right corner is a hole. Follow the path, go up the ramp, and jump to the stairs. Use a running jump over the first gap and fall down the second.

Boss Fight
Stand right behind the ramp for a good shot at the priestess. When she stands in one spot rocks will shoot out the center of the pit. If you need health there s a powerup to the right of the pit.

Zone 4 - Venice Beach

Hit the cages switches in order. Enter the canal and go on land to the left. Turn right to hit the switch. Now go around the building for the second and jump across for the third. Enter the door on the other side of the water. (secret technology: exiting the first side turn left go to the fog and turn right. To return go to the other side of the fog) There is a switch on each building. Cross the bridge turn right and fall into the gray pit. Turn right, run parallel to the water and find a switch in the area. Go up the ramp hit the second switch and head down the slide. Save the luxury boat then go rightup the ramp and still on the wall until the elevator. Take it down head through the right path and up through the door on the left side. Each building has a switch on it. Cross the bridge turn right and hit the switch. Cross thr drawbridge, up the elevato and over the bridge. Around the building is a switch. It drops the drawbridge on your left. Hit the switch across that and move into Vics teritory. Up the ramp over the bridge hit the switch and fall into the water.

Boss Fight
Vic goes underwater. When he surfaces use hit and run tactics. Special weapons only work with an upgrade.

Zone 5 - Hells Gate Prison

Use the shuttles the shuttles to enter the prison. To get to the exercise yard, go up the left platform and hit thr rightmost switch.There the friendly guard will lower the elevator. Go up the elevator, turn right and destroy the dropships. Drop down behind the first dropship. When you reach the guards use the stairs to the right from where you enter. Take the intersecting bridge, jump to the next area. When you reach the very top of the prison. turn right and prepare to fight the boss.

Boss fight
This isn't really a boss. Its just a couple dropships. Fight them like a regular plane, but dont fall.

Zone 6 - Studio City

Destroy the four control towers. (secret technology: on your starting platform to the right is a laser gate. After the control towers are destroyed the gate will deactivate hit the switch behind it.) Go up the lift and down into the sewers. At the fork make a right. Hit the switch and go up the lift. When you go down on the other side go forward to hit the next switch. Get on the new lift, down and up the lift there to hit the switch. Go through the open laser gate. Get through the mushroom area to fight a bodyguard. Hit and run tactics work well. (secret technology: Destroy the soccer champ sign. Now back up to the exit from the mushroom area. Go through the hole between the wall and the mountain. Behind one of the buildings a shield powerup will appear. It has lightning attached to the top. Get it.) Go along the path carefully, getting on each teleporter and hitting its switch. The top teleporter takes you to another area. Get on the first sliding grate and jump to the second when its safe. Hit each switch and get in the main teleporter. On the right side of the castle is a small opening. Go through, hit the switch and enter the castle. Hit those switches to deactivate the laser gate. Go through that. There are powerups left and right. On the right you will have to go through the destroyed buildings then up the hill. Take the path on the right side around the interior of the area to ambush another bodyguard. He shouldn't try to attack you from here. Continue around, destroying the missiles, until you meet the boss.

Boss Fight
One or two concussion beams stun him. Then just finish him off.

Zone 7 - LAX Spaceport

Part 1 - Hit the red switches to deactivate the beams. When you reach the large well defended one go left and up to the parking garage. Destroy the power source then you can hit the last switch. There is a building piece to the left of the ramped road. There is a special weapon powerup behind it. Back at the last gate go through the the tunnel and destroy the guns protecting the control tower. Start with the lower left set. Go up, left then down. Now get the control tower and jump to the next area. Walk under the bridge take a left and hit the green switch to deactivate the upper runway. Take that paths second left to a tunnel. On the other side you can see the second green switch. Now find the pink circular structure and hit the red switch. Go up the road to the end of the runway, turn into a hovercraft. After the countdown tap forward.

Part 2 - Help the civilian boat and destroy the battleship. For fun destroy the shark tank to the left of the battleship. Tge sharks will eat the scuba divers. Anyway go through the hole the battleship was guarding and find the lock. Hit the switch and get in the lock. At the top exit to the left destroy the structure and drop down. Ahead and to the left, ride the lift to ride the conveyors. The second set of conveyors has red switch lokking things. But you cant deactivate or destroy them. Get on the conveyor going opposite your direction and when your close the the thing hold up and right and jump. You will land on the other conveyo. Go around the incinerator, jump to the lift and get on the conveyor. At the end get on the other conveyor and jump to the opposite one. Get off to the side. Get the special weapon powerup to the right before entering the room. Jump on either conveyor and move forward to trigger the boss fight.

Boss Fight
Just back up and shoot. He will come to you. The special weapon upgrade is a big help.

Zone 8 - Long Beach

Get on land. Hit the swith and the one up the elevator. Go throug the security vent. In the next area destroy all toxic barrels to end toxic lockdown. Through the next security vent enter the water and fight the machine. Note the powerup at the end of the water. Go up the elevator and hit the switch. Past this security vent are targeting satelites. Position yourself by the big openings to hit them. In the next area climb the metal ramp to hit the road defense. Cross the road. These guns are indestructable, or at least hard to destroy. Dont try it. Hit the switches on the ground and wait for the light area to fall. Go up the elevator to the right. Hit the road defense switch. Head to the opened area. After destroying all the cyborgs go through the gate. Target the queen repair bot then finish the rest. The switch along the path can be hit from above, but it does nothing useful anyway. Hit the road defense switch. Go down the new road and up the ramps. Drop down. Get on the spider creation machine and jump to the swinging crane when it comes. Hit the switch(this is not necesary). Go to the other creation machine and jump to the platform. Hit the RD switch. Go up the road, find the two tanks and destroy them, then the third around the other side. Return to the three platforms off the final road. They are raised. Drop carefully to the boss.

Boss Fight
There are three targets one at a time. They bounce in, when it cannot be hit, and out of the wall. Either use the gun to prevent it from firing or hide behind the center structure and use your special weapon. This is better because it also hits the planes.