Press [Shift][Ctrl][~] and a window appears. Now type in 

EXTRACT [Space][Return] 

and a file !!!Readme.txt will be copied to your GK3 directory. You 
should read this! 

With the console you can 

- Extract all files (sound, graphics, animations ...) 
- Activate eastereggs 
- Create places and animations 


To activate the eastereggs type 

Tippe: SetFlag("egg") 

In the game an egg appears at the person or place, an almost complete 
list of eastereggs is supplied with the readme file.


Gabriel Knight III

Antoinetta's Ultimate Walk-Thru


Author's Forward



This Walk-Thru was written by myself after I finally attained the perfect

score of 965 points.  I played and completed the game over a score of times

before I accomplished this feat; as near as I can figure, I attained a

lesser score some 22 times before finally reaching the magic 965 points.

There are a number of places where the sequence of the actions you have

Grace or Gabriel perform can be varied without penalty or any ultimate

difference; obviously I needed to put one item before the other and so this

Walk-Thru is based on how I finally did things in that (so far) final 23rd

game.  Likewise, it is possible that, depending on how one plays the game,

that the amount of points in each time-segment can vary slightly, yet leave

the ultimate total unchanged.  For the purposes of this Walk-Thru I have

included a running tally of the points involved at the end of each of the

game's time-segments.  The first figure is the points possible in the

particular time-segment as I finally played through for a perfect score in

the 23rd game.  Likewise, the second figure is the cumulative amounts

possible at that point, again, as it worked out in that final game. It is

quite possible to finish the game with a perfect score, and yet have these

totals vary somewhat; the only constant will be the final possible score of



Whatever possesses me about this game I don't know, but at this writing I

have just completed it for the 24th time, and this has resulted in this

Walk-Thru being refined somewhat.   I expect that this edition of the

Walk-Thru will be the last for some time, until when and if I put out a

final, polished version sometime in the future.


Finally, I played Gabriel Knight 3 exclusively on one machine, my Compaq

Presario 1692 Lap-Top computer, with 64 Megabytes of RAM, and a 24x CD-ROM

drive, all running at 466 MHz.


Anyone wishing to do so may post this Walk-Thru on any web-site, or game

message board, or any other such public forum,  so long as any such postings

are complete, unaltered and unedited, and inclusive of the copyright

statement at the end of the document.


          January 14, 2001




Day 1, 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon


When your computer returns control of the game to you after the

introduction, you find yourself playing as Gabriel.  It is the morning after

his being assaulted on the train, and the game begins with Gabriel's just

having risen in his room in the Hotel in Rennes-le-Chateau.  You may want to

look around the room, and click on various items, and on the pictures on the

wall.  Click then on the "Look" (Eye) ikon for some frequently corny

commentary from Gabriel.  The only thing you actually need to do here is to

go to the closet off in the corner.   Click on the door, then on the "Open"

(Outward Arrow) ikon.  This will cause Gabriel to open the door, then click

on either the clothes hanger or the tape; this will elicit a new row of

ikons, one being the "Take" (Reaching Hand) ikon.  "Take" the clothes hanger

(2) and the tape (2) you see inside.  Go over to the dumbwaiter door, and

observe that this is locked.  After this, leave the room, and head

downstairs to the Lobby.


Go over the Front Desk, and click on Jean, the receptionist.  This will

yield a row of ikons, the middlemost of which is the "Talk" or "Ask" Ikon

(The blue and white background, sometimes with or without a question mark)

Click on this to produce another row of ikons, then, follow this ikon trail

until you exhaust all the topics of conversation represented by the ikons

(2).  Throughout this game, you will be conducting numerous conversations

with various characters, and this is controlled by means of bars of ikons

which present themselves.  I will frequently use the term "Follow the ikon

trail", by which I mean click first on the leftmost ikon, then after the

conversation triggered by that ikon concludes, and the ikon itself

disappears, click again on whatever is now the leftmost ikon.  Sometimes an

ikon will reappear, if so, click on it again; likewise, after you complete

one row of ikons, another may appear, click on these in the same manner,

until all ikons are gone.  After you complete your brief talk with Jean,

click on the Hotel's register which is sitting on the Front Desk, and then

click on the "Read" (Open Book) ikon (2).  You will see another character

sitting off in the corner reading a newspaper; this is Baza, but we'll

ignore him for now.  Go instead into the dining area, through the arched

entryway.  Once you click on the arched doorway, your machine will take over

until after Gabriel gets himself some coffee, and is recognized by Mosely,

his friend on the New Orleans police force, and whom we met in Gabriel

Knight I.  The computer will take you through the relevant conversation with

Mosely (4) and when this concludes, depart the dining area and talk again to

Jean (2) in the Lobby.  Then go over to the individual reading the paper and

click on him to elicit the "Introduce" (Handshake) ikon, click on this (2),

then click on any subsequent ikons that appear to complete your brief

conversation with him (2).


After this, depart the Hotel.  I have always found this to be one of the

most frustrating parts of the game; at various places one always has to sit

and wait while the computer is thinking, and a "Red-Eye" ikon revolves to

indicate this.  These waits usually come when Gabriel or Grace are passing

through a doorway, and the wait at the Hotel's front door is by far the

worst.  At any rate, once Gabriel gets outside the Hotel, you will see the

tour guide, Madeline, standing next to her van.  Go over and talk with her

(4), then go over and click again on Baza, who has come outside and is

sitting on the bench.  Click on one of the chickens wandering about, and on

the "Look" and "Think" (Light-Bulb) ikons for the fun of it.  In general, it

is ALWAYS a good idea to click on the "Think" ikon when you see it.  Then go

over to the front of the Bookstore, around the corner.  You can click on the

stuff in the window and get more commentary from Gabriel.  From what I have

heard there is a sort of in-house joke placed here by the game's designers.

You will notice the picture of a woman in the Bookstore window, and I have

heard two theories as to who this is; one says it is Grace Nakimura, whom we

will be playing as in future segments in this game, and another says that it

is the picture of the game's creator, Jane Jensen.  You will notice also two

yellow book covers in the window, one in English and one in French.

Regardless of what else you click on in the Bookstore window, make sure you

click on the French edition of the yellow book jacket (2).  This is a

sticking point for many in the game, as if you do not get these two points

here, you will eventually be unable to proceed, and will end up frantically

searching all over Rennes-le-Chateau for what you missed.  The Bookstore, by

the way, is never open at any time during the game.


Then, proceed to the Museum.  Leaving the Bookstore, head to your right, go

in front of the Hotel, and take a left at the corner of the stone wall.

Move your cursor-arrow towards the top of your screen, and somewhat from

side to side, and you will notice that it bends off in one of two

directions.  Select the left-leaning configuration of the cursor; this

should propel Gabriel to a point in front of the stairs leading to the

Museum.  Click on the door to the Museum, then on the "Open" ikon.  As

always, look around and click on stuff around you and on the ikons that

result; there will be no points in it but there are several items here that

you will be using later in the game.  Then go on in back and click on Madame

Gerard, the lady sitting behind the desk.  Click on her to elicit the

"Introduce" ikon, click then on this (2), then follow the ikon trail until

the conversation is concluded (4). Then go up the short series of steps into

the main part of the Museum.  You will notice two women standing some

distance away.  These are the Lady Lily Howard and her lover/sidekick

Estelle.  When you click on them, an "Eavesdrop" ikon becomes available.

However, when you click on this, Gabriel will approach the women, but they

will quit talking; Gabriel will comment on this.  The best thing to do, as

soon as you see Lady Howard and Estelle, is to move Gabriel so that the

hanging panels to the right of your screen are between him and the two

women.  Just put the cursor-arrow on a point on the floor behind a panel,

where it does NOT light up, and left-click your Mouse.  As Gabriel strolls

over to the point you indicated, the computer will take over, and you will

suddenly hear Lady Howard and Estelle speaking to each other (2).  After the

computer relinquishes control of the game back to you, initiate a

conversation with Lady Howard and Estelle by clicking on one of them, then

on the "Introduce" ikon which will appear (2).  Then click on all subsequent

ikons which appear and finish the conversation (2).  After you exhaust this

conversation, check out the series of ten panels which are suspended from

the ceiling, in the middle of the room.  One side tells of the history of

the Languedoc, the general region in which Rennes-le-Chateau is situated,

and where the game takes place.  The other side of the panels relates the

tale of Berenger Sauniere, the priest of Rennes-le-Chateau from 1885 to

1917.  There are no points in this, but it is a good thumbnail sketch of the

real-life mysteries that the game is based upon.  Also, as always click on

the artwork, and the picture of Sauniere on the wall, and the resulting

"Look" ikon.  Before you depart the Museum, you can again speak to Madame

Gerard, although no points are involved.  Also, check out the lost-and-found

box, try to take the hat, and be rewarded with a little more of Gabriel's

sarcastic commentary.


Depart the Museum, and return to the Hotel.  Check the register again, then

go to the phone booth area behind the curtain in the corner.  Click on one

of the phones, then on the "Think" ikon.  Access Gabriel's Inventory by

right clicking, then clicking on the ikon of the satchel on the far left of

the row of ikons which will appear.  Then "Take" Prince James' business

card.  You will see a red square appear around the Prince's card, this means

that it will appear as an ikon after you depart the Inventory and click on

something else.  Also, when this "Inventory Ikon" does appear, it will

always be in the same location, the second to the last ikon on the right,

save for the "Exit" ikon.  And why the "Exit" ikon even exists, I have no

idea; you can "Exit" the ikon bar merely by clicking at random, anywhere on

your screen.  Exit the Inventory, then again click on one of the phones.

Then click on the ikon of the business card.  The computer will take over

for the duration of Gabriel's conversation (4), which will end with his

being fired from his employment with the Prince.  If you listen closely

during Gabriel's conversation, you will hear the curtain to the telephone

area sliding to and fro.  After the computer returns control of the game to

you, look closely at the floor of the other phone booths, and you will

notice Baza's sandaled feet.  Click on him for more commentary from Gabriel.


This ends the first time-segment, but this will not be immediately apparent,

for some reason the computer will not kick over into the next time-segment

until you have Gabriel pass through the Hotel's front door.  So as soon as

you leave the phone area, click on the front door, then on the "Open" ikon,

and Gabriel will be waiting to go outside when the time-segment will

actually conclude.




Day 1, 12:00 Noon - 2:00 P.M.


This segment of the game starts with Gabriel standing just outside the

Hotel.  Immediately, have him re-enter the Hotel and head upstairs, it doesn

't matter which set of stairs he uses.  Once he nears the stairs, the

computer will take over, and you will witness a scene of Lady Howard and

Estelle switching rooms with Baza (2).  You will recall that Mosely had told

Gabriel to stop by his room (#33), but if you have him do this now, you will

hear the sound of Mosely's blow-drier and get a snide comment from Gabriel.

Nothing else will happen here, Gabriel will have to talk with Mosely later.


Have Gabriel return downstairs, and go inside the dining hall.  The computer

will take control of the game while Gabriel goes in and listens to a

conversation (2) between an Australian and Madeline Buthane, the tour guide.

After you take control of the game, have Gabriel go up and "Introduce"

himself to the Australian (2) whose name is Wilkes.  After this, click on

Madeline for another snide snippet of conversation, then depart the Hotel.


Go this time to the Church; to do this leave the Hotel as if you were going

to the Museum, except that you Mouse-click when your cursor-arrow is bent to

the right.  Click on the arched doorway (not the grassy entry into the

Church-Yard) and the computer will take over while Gabriel goes inside the

Church and walks into a bit of an argument between two more of the game's

characters (2).  After this discussion ends and the computer has returned

control of the game to you, click on the individual standing near you,

"Introduce" yourself to Buchelli (2), and complete the conversation (4) made

possible by the ikons.  Then go down and click on the man sitting behind the

desk, this is the Abbe Arnaud; have Gabriel "Introduce" himself (2)  then

interview him to the extent possible (8).  Before you depart the Church,

take the time to look around the interior, and click on the various items,

statues, the Stations of the Cross, etc.  From actual photos I have seen and

various accounts of people who have actually visited Rennes-le-Chateau, the

Church, as portrayed in the game is a quite accurate reflection of the real

place.  For the fun of it, click on the collection plate, then the "Take"

ikon. When you have Gabriel depart the church, click on the door, then on

the "Open" ikon.  As Gabriel is standing in front of the door waiting to

exit, you will hear the sound of a clock ticking for a few seconds; this

indicates that enough time has passed in the context of the world of the

game that characters may have moved around and new possibilities of

exploration have opened up.


Return to the Hotel, and again check the Hotel's register, although there

are no points in it.  Then go upstairs, and "Knock" on Mosely's door.  The

computer will again take over until you are seated on Mosely's bed talking

to him.  You will first be presented with a series of six conversation

ikons.  Go through the first two of these (2), and as Gabriel is talking to

Mosely, listen closely for background noise.  You will hear a distinct

scraping sound.  When the conversation triggered by the second ikon

concludes, you will be presented with a new selection of six ikons, the four

previous ones you haven't yet clicked on, as well as two new ones, the first

of these being one of Grace.  However, for the moment, ignore all this,

instead, quickly move your cursor-arrow over to the door of the room, and

click on it.  Another row of ikons will appear, and one of these will be an

image of an eye peering through a keyhole (the "Peek" ikon).  Click on this,

and the computer will take over while Gabriel gets up, goes over and rips

the door open, to catch Baza eavesdropping with a glass (5).  Gabriel will

then return to his seat on the edge of Mosely's bed and you will resume

control of the game.  The six ikons referred to previously will reappear

when you click on Mosely, exhaust these to finish the conversation with him

(4).  When this is concluded, depart Mosely's room.  You will see the glass

Baza was using to eavesdrop sitting where he put it on a chest in the

passage outside Mosely's room.  "Take" this (2), and you have completed

everything necessary to conclude this time period.  Just have Gabriel depart

the Hotel, after you click the "Open" ikon at the front door, the computer

will kick you over into the next game segment.





Day 1, 2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.


This segment of the game starts as the last one did, with Gabriel standing

just outside the Hotel.  Within a moment you hear the putt-putt of a

motor-bike, and catch a glimpse of Wilkes zipping away.  This reminds

Gabriel that his next task is to rent a bike himself, and almost half of

this game segment is dedicated to accomplishing this.


However, before we commence this project, a brief digression is in order.

You will notice that you saw the departing Wilkes going through the square

with the Fountain (hereinafter referred to simply as "Fountain Square.")

The bike shop is on one side of this, and the road out of town on the other.

However, if you position yourself between the Fountain and the white house

near the approach to the Bookstore, you can look upward, and see a clear

view of the upper level and battlements of a small castle.  This castle is

the Tour Magdala (Tower of the Magdalen) that was constructed by Sauniere,

in the late Nineteenth Century.  You should be able to see clearly enough to

tell if someone is standing on the castle roof.  When you get to know the

characters a little better, you will even be able to identify exactly who is

up on the top of the Tour Magdala.  There are two or three places in the

game where it is necessary for Gabriel or Grace to go there, and being able

to check from this position in Fountain Square will save you a good deal of

time wasted on un-necessary trips up to the top of the Tour Magdala, only to

find that nobody was there.  At this time you will see a figure standing on

the castle's roof, and if you look closely, you will see that he is looking

around with a pair of binoculars, and is dressed mostly in white, with a

trace of green.  This is Buchelli; if you want, go up to the top of the Tour

Magdala and click on him, although the interview will be terse in the

extreme, you will learn nothing of interest, and there will be no points in

it anyway.


After this, head for the bike shop.  Click on the mechanic, Monsieur Bigout

in his tiny office/workshop, then on the "Bike" ikon.  The computer will

take over while Bigout explains that all the bikes save one are reserved for

the tour group; this one bike is all he has available for Gabriel to rent

(2).  In Gabriel's mind, this machine is "a pathetic excuse for a bike", a

"piece of crap."  Click on the clipboard hanging on the wall just inside the

door to Bigout's office, and hit the 'Magnify" ikon, and you will be able

see the entire roster of the tour group.  Then click on the "Think" ikon,

and Gabriel will muse that while "I'm not on the reservation list, I know

someone who is."  An examination of the list, of course, indicates that this

could only be Mosely.  Gabriel being Gabriel, he wouldn't consider any bike

worthy of himself save for the World War II Harley-Davidson, and this last

comment regarding knowing Mosely is supposed to be the hint to the game

player that Gabriel needs to disguise himself as Mosely so as to deceive

Bigout, and trick him into renting the Harley.


Have Gabriel return to the Hotel.  You can snag a quick two points by

talking with Lady Howard and Estelle (2), whom you will see poring over a

map in the alcove in the Lobby immediately to Gabriel's left as he enters

the Hotel.  After this brief conversation concludes, "Take" a peppermint

from the basket (2) on the bench just opposite the Front Desk.  Go upstairs.

Place the peppermint on the bench or cabinet underneath the picture of the

country lane (2).  Then, even though no points will be involved head over to

Mosely's room, click on his door, then on the "Knock" ikon.  You can have a

brief conversation with him about Passports.  Return downstairs.  Before you

do anything else, go get another peppermint, this will save you an extra

trip down and up the stairs later should this initial attempt to get the

Passport fail.  There will be no points for this, the two points you get for

taking the original peppermint are all the points that can be obtained by

taking the candies.  While you're at it, go over to the Front Desk, and

swipe the Magic Marker type of pen (2); if Jean is near the Desk, Gabriel

will refuse; you just have to wait a minute until Jean meanders off.  Once

you take the pen, and Jean is still not immediately present, click on the

buzzer for Room 33, Mosely's room, then click on the "Pushbutton" ikon that

appears (2).  At this point the computer will take over the game briefly,

but as soon as you resume control, have Gabriel head upstairs, making sure

you use the set of stairs on the opposite side of the Lobby as the Front

Desk and the buzzer-system.  As soon as the computer restores control of the

game, with Gabriel now at the top of the stairs, immediately have him take a

left and proceed down the long passageway. (headed towards Wilkes' room, not

towards the other stairway)  If you listen closely, you will hear the sound

of a door closing in the distance, this is Mosely responding to Gabriel's

call upon the buzzer.  Move your camera quickly, and you can see Mosely

leaving his door.  Have Gabriel follow Mosely around the corner and when

Mosely leans over to take the peppermint, you will see a wee bit of the

Passport sticking out of his hip pocket.  Click on this, then on the "Take"

ikon, the computer will take over and if all goes well, Gabriel will

successfully pick Mosely's pocket (5).  Mosely will be oblivious to any of

this, and will proceed to the Lobby in response to the summons of the

buzzer, and Gabriel needs to take advantage of this, and commit a minor act

of burglary in Mosely's room.  Mosely, upon hearing Gabriel's blast upon the

buzzer simply left his room unlocked, so Gabriel needs only to go on in, and

swipe Mosely's gold blazer (2) hanging on the coat-rack.  The computer will

take Gabriel out of Mosely's room, and when you regain control of the game,

return Gabriel to the Lobby.  Go into the dining area, and examine the stuff

laid out on the buffet table.  "Take" one of the packets of syrup (2), then

depart the Hotel.


At this point, Gabriel needs to return to the Museum.  Don't bother talking

to Madame Gerard, just go to the Lost and Found box, and "Take" the red hat

(2), that Gabriel had spurned before.  Next, Gabriel needs to go to the

Church-Yard.  Look through the open window, and you will see Abbe Arnaud

inside, tending his plants on his window-sill.  He will leave a spray-bottle

here, so have Gabriel go up and swipe this (2); then he needs to depart the

Church-Yard.  Immediately after leaving the Church-Yard, Gabriel needs to go

down the long street next to the entrance to the Church-Yard, then take a

left, go forward a fair distance (like a block), then take another left,

where the cobblestone street dead-ends.  At the end of the street, you will

see a Black Cat.  Click on the cat, then on the "Think", and then the "Pet

Cat" ikons.  After Gabriel tries to pet the cat, it runs through a hole in

the bottom of a storage-shed door.  Click on the edge of the hole, then on

the "Think" ikon.  Then go into your Inventory, and "Take" the little roll

of tape, one of the first items you ever took, in the closet in Gabriel's

Hotel room, at the very outset of the game.  Then click again on the hole,

then on the "Tape" ikon and Gabriel will stick the tape on the edge of the

hole in the door (2).  Then return to your Inventory, and bring up the spray

bottle Gabriel just stole from the Abbe.  Then go over and click on the cat,

then on the spray bottle ikon (2).  Gabriel will go over and spray the cat

with the sprayer-bottle, and the cat will jump off the wall, and again run

through the hole in the door.  Have Gabriel go over and take the tape, with

the cat's fur now attached (2).  Gabriel has now collected all the

ingredients necessary for his Mosely disguise, so he may now return to the

bike shop.  Once he is here, park him in a corner, out of the direct sight

of Bigout.  Then, go into the Inventory, click on the Magic Marker, then

click on the "Take" ikon.  Then, click on Mosely's passport, then hit the

Magic Marker ikon (2) which will appear along with several other ikons, all

of which can be ignored.  Then, assemble the rest of the disguise.  Staying

in the inventory, click on and "Take" the syrup, then click on the cat-fur.

You will now be able to click on the syrup ikon, and the cat-fur will be

transformed into a fake moustache.  You will notice that the fake moustache

is already "Taken" as it is marked off by the red square.  Just click on the

red ball cap, then click on the "Moustache" ikon.  Then click on the gold

blazer, then click on the hat/moustache ikon, and you have completed the

assembly of the Mosely disguise (5).  Exit the Inventory.  Before you have

Gabriel put the disguise on, click on Bigout.  A row of ikons will appear,

including, for whatever reason, one of a gun.  Click on it, and Gabriel will

sound a bit puzzled, stating that he doesn't even have a gun.  Why this is

in the game I have no idea, but after this, click on Gabriel.  The full

Mosely disguise will now appear as an ikon, along with several others, such

as the "Look" or "Magnify" ikons which can, at some times, such as now, be

ignored.  Click on the new disguise ikon, and the computer will take over

while Gabriel shyly disappears from sight, and puts on the disguise.  The

computer remains in control while Gabriel rents the Harley and then departs

the bike shop to return Mosely's coat and passport (10); you don't actually

see any of this as you remain in the bike shop, with the Red-Eye revolving;

you can do nothing until the computer rather idiotically restores control of

the game to you just outside the Hotel, rather back at the bike-shop, where

you had to wait and where Gabriel must now return.


Actually, you really don't need to go into the Bike Shop are to access the

Harley; now that Gabriel has the machine, you can save yourself the wait of

having to go through the entrance to the bike shop.  Merely have Gabriel, or

Grace, as the case may be, go to Fountain Square, then click on or just

above the big sign at the end of the street with a red line through the name

of Rennes-le-Chateau.  This will bring down the relief map of the valley

described below.  There is a disadvantage in this, however, in that by not

going into the bike shop area, you cannot see which bikes are in the shop,

or which ones might be out.  A missing bike means that its owner is out with

it somewhere in the valley, and you may want to be looking for whomever this

may be.


When Gabriel gets back to the bike shop, click first on the Harley, then on

the ikon of the gears.  Gabriel will climb aboard the bike, then a relief

map of the Rennes-le-Chateau valley will appear, completely filling your

computer screen.  At this point, there will only be four or five active

spots where Gabriel can go, but more will open up as the game progresses.

At this point, select the train station at Couiza, towards the upper-left

hand corner of the map.  When Gabriel arrives there, have him enter the

building, and, following the ikon trail, interview the ticket agent (4).  He

then needs to go over and check out the chalk-board announcing arrivals and

departures of trains; especially he needs to check out the part referring to

Arrivals (2).  To pick up on a minor conceit the game designers included,

have Gabriel go to the back of the station building, where you will observe

an ashtray that has been knocked over.  There is a crumpled up note there,

and when you click on it, Gabriel will read a message asking him why he is

digging around in ashtray sand.  Depart the station building, and observe

the man leaning up against the car, to the right of the building as you

leave it.  This is the cabbie who drove Gabriel to the Hotel the previous

evening, after he had been attacked by the kidnappers on the train.  Click

on him and initiate a conversation. However, this will only go so far, and

the cabbie will soon claim faulty memory and clam up as the ikon trail

peters out.  This is a hint that he needs to be bribed to speak further, so

go into the Inventory, and "Take" Gabriel's wallet.  Depart the Inventory,

then click on the cabbie, then on the wallet ikon (5).  The computer will

take over while Gabriel bribes the cabbie and finishes the conversation.


This is all there is to be done here, so again have Gabriel climb aboard his

Harley, and the valley map will reappear.  As a matter of general

information, the actual distances involved are not too great, the map

represents about 3½ miles going from one edge of your machine's screen to

the other, left to right, while the up and down dimension on your screen

represents about 2¼ miles of real-world distance.  Before you click on

anyplace to go there, observe several coloured dots moving around the road

on the map.  These represent different vehicles moving around the valley.

Click on Blanchefort, and Gabriel will get off his bike when he arrives at

the little parking lot there.  Just let him stand by his bike, while you,

keeping Gabriel to your left, move your view backwards down the road, also,

raise the camera slightly, and wait.  Remain suspended above the road until

Wilkes, riding the orange bike comes along.  Click on him, and a line of

three or four ikons will appear.  One of these will be new, and depict two

people, one walking behind the other.  This is the "Follow" ikon, and you

should click on it right away.  The map will reappear, and you will see the

green dot, representing Gabriel's Harley following the orange dot, which

represents Wilkes' bike.  Wilkes will stop off at a new place, L'Ermitage,

and you now need to click on this site on the map, (2) which has just become

active.  When Gabriel parks at L'Ermitage, Wilkes will not be seen, but his

bike will be parked by the side of the road, and a distant thumping sound

can be heard.  You now need to go into Gabriel's Inventory and "Take" his

notebook; exit the Inventory, click on the license plate of Wilke's bike,

then click on the "Notebook" ikon.  Gabriel will then record Wilkes license

number (2), and this will now be included in the Inventory.  Gabriel now

needs to head up the path and over the hill, where he will find Wilkes

working away on a Lap-Top computer; also some kind of seismic detecting

machine is pounding away.  After clicking on the local scenery and eliciting

whatever commentary from Gabriel you can, click on Wilkes to start a

conversation with him.  Click again on him to elicit further ikons, and

utilize these to complete the conversation (6), then depart.  Head Gabriel

down the hill to his Harley, but don't let him get on it, just have him

stand next to it.  Keeping Gabriel and the Harley to your left, back off

down the road, raise your view slightly, and wait until Madeline's tour van

comes into sight.  Click on this, then on the "Follow" ikon; the valley map

will appear, and Gabriel will comment that she has stopped off at a place

hight Coumbe Sourde (2).  DO NOT click on Coumbe Sourde and try to follow

Madeline.  This can be done, but it will elicit about two lines of

meaningless conversation and no points.  Rather, click on Blanchefort, and

have Gabriel climb up to the top of the ruins.  There is a branch in the

trail on the way up, and Gabriel needs to stay to the left, the other branch

of the path comes out behind Larry Chester's house.  Bring up Gabriel's

Inventory, and "Take" the binoculars that came with the Harley when he

rented it.  Then click on Gabriel, then on the "Binoculars" ikon.  You will

be seeing a binocular's eye view of part of the valley; you can click and

hold your left Mouse-button down on the directional arrows at the bottom of

your screen to rotate around in a 360 degree circle, and to move slightly up

and down.  When the "50X" button lights up, click on this, and you will get

a highly magnified view of a small part of the valley; you can move around a

little in this mode.  There are three or four places where this "50X" button

highlights, and in one of them you will see Madeline Buthane, the tour guide

walking back and forth, using a tracking device as she does so.  Have

Gabriel "Exit" using the binoculars (5) and return to the Harley.  Click on

it, then on the "Gears" ikon and this game segment will end.




Day 1, 4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.


As soon as the computer returns control of the game to you at the outset of

this segment and you have the valley map in front of you, click again on

Blanchefort to have Gabriel go here.  Again, after he gets off his bike, you

need to have him take the trail to the right and go to the top of

Blanchefort.  When Gabriel gets to the top, you will see Baza sitting on a

slab, off in a corner of the ruined citadel.  Click on him to elicit a brief

conversation, if you want.  Then go into the Inventory, "Take" the

binoculars, and again have Gabriel use them to scan the valley.  Near where

Gabriel saw Madeline at the end of the last segment your "50X" button will

light up, and when you click on it now you will see a new site, L'Homme

Mort.  You will witness an apparent argument between Madeline and Mosely

(5).  Depart the top of Blanchefort.  When you return to where the bikes are

parked, you will see Wilkes' orange machine there, as well as hear the

pounding of his seismic measuring machine.  Go back on the left-hand trail

and have Gabriel interview him if you want, although there are no points in

it.  Return to the three bikes parked by the road.  You now know that the

red one belongs to Baza, so have Gabriel take the license number (2) of this



Have Gabriel go to L'Homme Mort.  You will see the purple bike that Gabriel

previously rejected parked here.  Ignore this for now, and move Gabriel

quite far along the path, until you come across Mosely.  Click on him to

initiate a conversation, and when this appears to conclude, click on him

again, then again on the "Ask" ikon.  There will be a bit more conversation

(2), then repeat this process yet again to start a brief conversation about

the bikes.  After this, return to the parking lot where Gabriel left the

Harley.  Now you know the purple machine is Mosely's, so have Gabriel take

this license number (2) before he departs.


Next, have Gabriel return to Rennes-le-Chateau, and go immediately to the

Church-Yard.  You will see a window in an extension of the Church; this is

Abbe Arnaud's office.  (NOT the window where you swiped the spray-bottle).

You will notice Madeline and the Abbe inside.  Click on the window frame,

then click on the "Open" ikon.  The computer will take over while Gabriel

opens the window and eavesdrops on the conversation between Madeline and the

Abbe (5).


After the end of the above conversation, have Gabriel get the Harley,

(either by going into the bike shop or clicking on the town's exit sign)

which will activate the valley map.  At this point, you will notice a blue

dot circulating around the map.  Click on either Blanchefort or L'Hermitage

and when you see Lady Howard and Estelle in the two-seater, you can follow

them if you want, although nothing will actually happen, there will be no

points, and Gabriel will end up where he was when you first had him follow

the two women.  At this point, have Gabriel go to Larry Chester's house.

This is the Templar scholar recommended to Gabriel by the Abbe Arnaud.

After Gabriel gets off the Harley, have him go up and knock on Chester's

door.  The computer will take over during an introductory conversation (2)

which will end with Gabriel being taken inside and seated in front of

Chester's desk.  A row of ikons will present itself, but ignore these for

the moment, and click on various items around the room, the maps on the

wall, etc. to get commentary from Gabriel.  Also, click on the digital clock

by the window, and "Look" at this.  Then, click on Chester to initiate

Gabriel's interview of him; follow the ikon trail until you have exhausted

everything (10), after which you should click on the door of the room to

have Gabriel depart.  Once Gabriel is on his bike and the valley map

appears, click on Rennes-le-Chateau, and the time-segment will end.





Day 1, 6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.


This segment will commence with Gabriel's arriving on the Harley in the yard

of the bike shop.  Before you do anything else, you may as well take the

license plate number of Lady Howard's and Estelle's bike (2).  Click on the

entryway, and your machine will take over for the next several minutes.

Gabriel will go over to the front of the Hotel, where two men and a woman

have arrived in a green sedan.  The lady is, of course, Grace Nakimura, and

the two men are the representatives that Prince James had said he was going

to send down, when he fired Gabriel over the telephone.  They go up to

Gabriel's room, Gabriel is questioned by Prince James' men, then paid off,

and the Prince's men leave.  After a brief conversation with Grace, your

computer will finally restore control of the game to you with Gabriel

standing just outside his door.  Take Gabriel downstairs and click on the

entryway to the dining area.  Gabriel will eavesdrop on a conversation

between Wilkes and Buchelli (2).  Then have him depart the Hotel.  You will

see the two Scots (the Prince's men) heading off towards the church.  Follow

them.  This will have to be done manually, as the "Follow" ikon used for

following Wilkes, Madeline and Lady Howard earlier is not available here; it

is evidently only used for following vehicles, not pedestrians.  After you

click on the entryway to the Church-Yard the computer will briefly take

control, and when it returns control of the game to you, Gabriel will be

looking forward, with a large tomb ahead and to his left.  Click around on

the left-hand part of the big tomb, and a "Hide" ikon should be included in

a bar of several ikons which will appear.  Click on the "Hide" ikon, and the

computer will take over while the Prince's men knock on Abbe Arnaud's door,

rough him up a bit, and interrogate him (5) about the kidnapping of the

baby.  Eventually, they will depart.  As they walk out, you will be able to

see the window in the Abbe's office.  Watch this, and you will see the light

go on inside.  The computer will then restore control of the game to you.

Immediately, go to your Inventory, "Take" the tape recorder, then exit the

Inventory.  Click on the window, then on the ikon of the recorder.  Your

machine will take over while Gabriel tapes a telephone conversation (7) Abbe

Arnaud is having with someone in French.


After you again take control of the game, head Gabriel back to the Hotel.

The two Scots will be getting ready to drive off, so click on their car,

then on the "Follow" ikon, (2) which is now available.  The valley map will

appear, and after a few seconds, Gabriel will comment that they had stopped

at Larry Chester's place.  As soon as you hear this, click on the

Blanchefort location.  Take the trail to the right, as you did before, but

this time when it branches, take the turn to the right, and you will find

Gabriel coming out behind Larry Chester's house.  Forward, and to Gabriel's

right, there is a well with a tree near it.  Click on the trunk of the tree,

and a bar of ikons will appear.  One of them should be the "Hide" ikon,

click on this, and the computer will take over while Larry Chester greets

the two Scots; observe the rather complex handshake (5) that is exchanged

between them.  Once these three men go inside Chester's house, you will hear

the ticking of the clock indicating the passage of time and the computer

will return control of the game to you.  Have Gabriel return over the trail

to his bike in the Blanchefort parking area, then have him go to the bar at

Rennes-les-Bains.  He will find Buchelli and Wilkes drinking inside, and

while it is interesting to click on them, the bartender and on various items

in the room there are neither points nor useful information in it, you need

to be satisfied with taking Buchelli's license number off his bike (2)

parked outside.  Then, have Gabriel return to Rennes-le-Chateau.  Have him

enter the Hotel, and notice the Night Watch, Simone, at the Front Desk.

Click on her, then on all relevant ikons (4) to extract as much conversation

from her as you can.  Go into the dining area for a computer-controlled

conversation between Madeline, Lady Howard and Estelle.  Then have Gabriel

return to his room; as soon as you click on the "Open" ikon, the computer

will again assume control of the game, until, after a fair amount of

conversation with Grace and Mosely who are inside, you are presented with

two ikons.  Click on these to cause Gabriel to describe the events he has

seen since he first followed the Scots to the Church-Yard.  At the end of

this, he will attempt to replicate the handshake he witnessed in Chester's

yard.  Mosely will get up and stand in front of Gabriel preparatory to

shaking hands, and a row of five ikons, each representing a different phase

of the secret handshake will appear.  If you numbered them one through five,

starting from the left, first click on the second ikon.  Pause while Gabriel

and Mosely do that part of the handshake.  Finish off the rest of the ikons

(7), pausing between each.  The order of the ikons is:  2, 5, 3, 1, 4.

Mosely will exclaim that it is a Masonic handshake.  Several more ikons will

appear, eliciting a conversation about Free-Masonry and the "Order" (2).

Finally, Grace will suggest dinner, everyone will get ready to depart, and

the time-block will conclude.





Day 2, 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.


You are now playing as Grace, starting off in what is now her and Gabriel's

room.  Have Grace go over and lock the dumbwaiter.  This is another one of

those quirky things in the game; if you checked the lock on the dumbwaiter

at the very outset of the game, you will notice that it was locked, yet now,

somehow, it is unlocked.  Then, have Grace go over to the desk with the

Lap-Top (SIDNEY) on it.  Next to the computer is a wooden box; "Take" it

(1), it is a fingerprint kit.  Then click on SIDNEY, then on the "Gears"

ikon.  You will be looking at SIDNEY's Main Page, and with your mouse and

keyboard will be operating this computer-within-your-computer at various

points throughout the game.  Read all E-Mails, and after reading each, click

on the "Reply" tab at the bottom of SIDNEY's screen.  Even though Grace won'

t reply to the E-Mails in question, this will elicit some commentary from

her.  Then, go to SIDNEY's main page and click on the "Search" function.

Type in the word "vampires", then click on the "Search" button (1), and read

the article that appears.  Then click on the "Reset" button to clear the

text line, then repeat the process with the word "grail" (1).  Read the

article, using the tiny scrollbar provided on SIDNEY, to complete this.

Click on all the yellow hyper-lynx; sometimes this will elicit some points,

although this will not happen now.


On a side-note, there has been a good deal of speculation about there

eventually being more games in the Gabriel Knight series.  Before Grace

departs SIDNEY, type in "GK4" in the text line, and hit the "Search" button.

A lengthy article about ghosts will appear, so one wonders, when and if

another Gabriel Knight comes out, will its general theme be about ghosts?

After you have Grace leave the machine, you will notice a photograph sitting

on it; click on this, and on the appropriate ikons that appear, for some

commentary by Grace.  Observe Gabriel sleeping on the sofa, you can click on

him, and then on several of the ikons that appear, for some commentary by



At this point, have Grace leave the room.  As soon as the computer restores

control of the game to you, Grace will be standing just outside their room.

You will notice something on the floor by the door.  This is the book with

the yellow cover that you clicked on in the Bookstore window in the first

segment of the game.  Have Grace "Take" the book.  The computer will take

over while she picks it up, finds a poem inside, which she reads (2), then

takes inside, and leaves on the coffee-table for Gabriel.


Grace should depart the Hotel, and head for that part of Fountain Square I

described earlier, where you can look to the top of the Tour Magdala.  Look

up, and you will observe a darker clad figure also with binoculars.  This is

the Abbe Arnaud, and Grace should climb up to the roof of the Tour Magdala

and have a brief interview (2) with him.


Grace should now head towards the Church.  No one else will be there, but

you should click on various objects, and then on the "Look" ikon to elicit

commentary from Grace.  Have her go to the Abbe's desk in front, and "Take"

the church pamphlet there (2).  Then, go over by the door to the Church, and

look at the painting on the wall, of the four women, located directly above

the statue of Asmodeus.  Click on the picture to get a brief comment from

Grace, and a fresh row of ikons, and click on the one with the finger

pointing to a dotted line, the "Trace" ikon.  Notice a red light, or dot, in

the hand of the centre, kneeling woman.  Click on this, then notice the

woman in green on the right, and how she is holding one hand up by her

shoulder.  Click here, then click on the "Trace" ikon.  A red line should

jump from one woman's hand to the other.  Then click on the woman's hand

located at the top centre of the picture, then the "Trace" ikon, and another

red line should go from the second to the third woman's hand.  Repeat this

process, clicking on the final woman's hand, and linking this up with the

"Trace" ikon, then finally click on your starting point and link this up, so

the red lines will form a tilted square (2); Grace will make a comment to

this effect.  This is your sign that Grace is done in the Church at this

time so depart.


Return to the Hotel and go inside the dining area.  Grace won't talk to Lady

Howard, Estelle or Buchelli, but click on Madeline, then on the "Tour" ikon

for two points and some catty talk. (2)


Go upstairs and have Grace knock on Mosely's door; she'll tell him that the

tour group is ready to depart; he will say he will be down shortly.  Return

downstairs to the dining hall.  The computer will take over the game at this

point while Madeline announces their impending departure; you will now

notice that practically every character involved in Madeline's tour has

gathered in the dining room.  Mosely will blunder in, then the scene will

switch to Madeline's van coming to a new place in the game, Poussin's Tomb.

The computer will remain in control while Madeline gives a brief lecture on

the tomb, and how it is theorized that it was the model Poussin used for his

painting Le Bergers de Arcadie (4).  Madeline will then announce that

everyone will have a few minutes to take pictures, and at this point your

machine will restore control of the game to you.  First, click on the tomb

itself, then on the "Think" ikon.  Then go to Grace's Inventory, and select

her note-book.  Notice where Baza is dabbling in the sand with a stick.  If

you click on Baza you will receive some meaningless commentary, but you need

to click on the word "SUM" that Baza scratched in the sand, then, when a row

of ikons appears, click on the ikon of the notebook (4).  You can click on

the other people standing around, but there is little purpose in it; Grace

will refuse to talk to some and have only a word or two for others, and at

any rate there are no points involved.


This is evidently a timed segment of the game, for once you have completed

the above activities, while you can move around and click on things, you

really can do nothing save stare at your machine's screen until Madeline

announces that it is time to depart for the next location.  The computer

will remain in control until the tour group is atop Blanchefort, and

Madeline has delivered another short lecture (2). When the computer

relinquishes control, click on Wilkes; this will cause the computer to again

take over while Wilkes goes over and initiates a brief conversation (2) with

Madeline.  Once you are again in control of the game, click on Lady Howard,

then on the "Talk" ikon.  The machine will again take over and you will

overhear Lady Howard talking to Estelle, as well as the first mention of

that strange and hauntingly beautiful poem, Le Serpent Rouge.  However,

Madeline will also overhear the mention of Le Serpent Rouge, and the

computer will retain control while the entire tour party is involved in

conversation/commentary regarding the poem (2).  When you again get control

of the game, interview all the others present.  Since this also appears to

be a timed segment of the game, this is not a time to be casually clicking

around at the scenery; click first on Lady Howard/Estelle, then on a new

ikon that will appear, that of Le Serpent Rouge.  After you complete that

conversation, immediately go over and click on Wilkes, then again, on the Le

Serpent Rouge ikon.  Then the "Treasure" ikon will present itself, utilize

this, then after this, you will be presented with a new ikon, one of a pair

of lips indicating a kiss; this is the "Flirt" ikon.  Click on it, and Grace

will choke down her disgust at the idea, but will "flirt" with Wilkes (2) to

get information out of him.  Then click on Madeline and the Le Serpent Rouge

ikon (2); then all the others present, each time you will be presented with

the Le Serpent Rouge ikon, so click on this.  Make sure you save Mosely,

standing off to the side, for the last person to click on and have Grace

interview.  When you click on Mosely, there will be a row of several ikons;

click on all of these to exhaust the conversation (4).  The time-block will

now conclude with a sort of movie, depicting a dream-sequence of Gabriel's.





Day 2, 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon


You start this time-block in Gabriel and Grace's room, playing as Gabriel.

First, go over by SIDNEY, and have Gabriel pick up the extra fingerprint kit

(1) Grace left there for him.  Then have him take the poem off the table

that Grace left there, even though there will be no points in it.  Then have

Gabriel exit the room.  As soon as you click on the door and the "Open"

ikon, the computer will take over, and Gabriel will go outside and run into

the maid, Roxanne, departing Mosely's room, after cleaning and changing the

sheets.  There will be a brief conversation, after which you will regain

control of the game, then Roxanne will go down to Gabriel's room.  She will

move her linen-cart right up in front of the door.  Click on the cart, then

on the "Think" ikon.  This will be Gabriel's hint that he needs to follow

Roxanne, and burglarize each of the rooms she has yet to clean.


After she finishes with Gabriel's room, Roxanne will push her cart down the

passage to Room #27, Baza's room.  When she first goes inside, she will

leave her cart pulled directly across the front of the open door, and any

attempts to have Gabriel do anything at this point will only result in his

commenting that Roxanne will hear him if he tries to move the cart.  Just

wait and watch for a few seconds, and Roxanne will return with a load of

dirty bedsheets and toss them in her cart and take fresh ones.  When she

does this, she will somewhat move the location of the cart, so it is no

longer completely blocking the door.  When Roxanne disappears inside, she

will close the door behind her, but it will not wholly close.  Click on the

open space of the door, and a row of ikons will appear.  Click on the "Peek"

ikon, and the machine will take control of the game.  You will see Gabriel

peeking around the door at Roxanne, who, after a few seconds will go into

the water-closet.  As soon as she does, you will regain control of the game.

Immediately, move your camera so that you are in front of the dumbwaiter

door.  Click directly on the latch, and another row of ikons will appear.

Click on the one of the padlock, and the computer will again take over while

Gabriel goes over and slides the bolt of the dumbwaiter back (2), leaving it

unlocked.  Your machine will give you control of the game at this point, so

without delay, move Gabriel out of the room before Roxanne comes out of the

water-closet and catches him inside.  Just move your camera so you can look

out the partially opened door, and click on the opening.  Another bar of

ikons will appear, click on the outward pointing arrow ikon, and the

computer will take over and move Gabriel out into the passage.  If Roxanne

catches Gabriel in one of the rooms, he can sweet-talk himself out of a jam

once or twice, but eventually Roxanne will prevent him from burglarizing the

rest of the rooms.  The game player needs to stretch her ability to

"willingly suspend disbelief" for the duration of some of these scenes.  If

you are not quick enough to get Gabriel out of a room, Roxanne will

challenge him, yet in the passage he is apparently invisible to her.  The

game has an alternate route, involving a spectacular rooftop climb by

Gabriel, but fewer overall points for proceeding if Roxanne catches him too

often, but this will be discussed separately, elsewhere.


After you have Gabriel safely out of #27, just have him wait in the passage

until Roxanne emerges and pushes her cart down to the room of Madeline

Buthane, the tour guide.  As before, wait until Roxanne returns with the

dirty sheets and slightly moves the cart before going back inside the room.

As before, as soon as she is out of sight, click on the door opening and the

"Peek" ikon, and the computer will take over while you watch Gabriel

watching Roxanne.  There is no dumbwaiter in this room, so as soon as

Roxanne goes into the water-closet, click on the handle of the door to the

balcony (4) and watch while the computer again takes over, Gabriel goes out

to hide on the balcony, and a moment later Roxanne emerges from the

water-closet and departs the room.  You are given back control of the game

at this point, and you should go up to the door leading back to the passage,

and click on the little locking device in the middle of the doorknob (2).

Then depart the room; you will notice Roxanne's cart down by #31, the room

of Lady Howard and Estelle.


Move your camera down the passage, and enter Lady Howard's room in the same

manner you have entered the previous rooms.  Her room also has a balcony, so

as soon as you regain control of the game, click on the handle of the door

to the balcony (4), after the maid leaves, be sure to unlock the door by

clicking on the central part of the doorknob (2).


Roxanne will then proceed down to Buchelli's room, #21,  and again Gabriel

should follow her in the room in the usual manner.  This room has a

dumbwaiter, and as before, as soon as the maid goes in the water-closet, you

need to click on the latch, then the "Padlock" ikon.  Gabriel will come up a

nd slide the deadbolt back (2), leaving the door to the dumbwaiter unlocked.

Again, as soon as this has been done, get Gabriel out of the room before the

maid comes out of the water-closet and catches him.


The final room is Wilkes' room, #23, and as it has a dumbwaiter, handle it

has you have those rooms before.  After Gabriel slides the latch back on the

dumbwaiter (2), hurry him out of the room.  He can follow Roxanne to her

storage-closet first, if you want, and you can click on her, and on the

"Look" ikon, but there are no points in this, nor is there any point in it,

as nothing will be elicited save for some inane comment of Gabriel's.

Actually, Gabriel needs to go downstairs.  Once you click on the "Down the

Stairs" version of your cursor-arrow the computer will take control of the

game, and keep it while Jean initiates a brief conversation.  After this

concludes, you regain control of the game.  Don't just go away, but click on

Jean, and two ikons will appear.  Click on these to complete the

conversation (2).


Have Gabriel go through the dining area and into the kitchen.  You can click

around on various items, then on the "Look" ikon for some commentary, but

the only things we are interested in here are the two dumbwaiter doors.  It

actually doesn't matter which order you do these in, but for the purposes of

this walk-thru, I first had Gabriel make a left turn as soon as he entered

the kitchen.  Click on the dumbwaiter door, then the "Open" ikon to open the

door.  Then click on the crank in the wall, then on the "Turn" arrow-ikon;

this will lower the actual floor or elevator portion of the dumbwaiter.  To

have Gabriel enter the dumbwaiter, make sure your cursor-arrow is actually

on the floor of the dumbwaiter.  Click on this, then on the entry-arrow ikon

(2).  The computer will take over while Gabriel climbs in the machine, then

your view will jump directly to the top of the dumbwaiter shaft and you will

be looking down at the top of Gabriel's head from a storey above, seeing him

standing in the dumbwaiter far below.  Click on the ropes you see, then on

the "Gears" ikon; the computer will briefly take over as Gabriel hoists the

dumbwaiter, and himself to the upper floor.  You will notice the interior of

two dumbwaiter doors from the angle your camera is at.  Again, the order

doesn't matter, but click first on the one at the bottom of your machine's

screen (4), and enter Wilkes' room.


Snoop around by clicking on various items, then on the various ikons that

present themselves for commentary by Gabriel.  One of these ikons is new a

"Search" ikon; clicking on this will have Gabriel look under the bed and

check the mattress, although at this time, there will be nothing found and

no points in it.  Go over to the table in the corner that has a number of

books and papers stacked upon it.  Click on the letter sitting on the table,

from Metaphysical Books (1), for the point and some commentary.  You can

have Gabriel go into the water-closet and snoop around, but there will be

neither points nor anything to take from here, save Gabriel's comments.

There is nothing more of interest here, so have Gabriel go over to the

dumbwaiter door and open it.  You cannot just click on the door on the other

side, Gabriel will say this is too far to reach.  Rather, click on the floor

of the dumbwaiter to have him enter, then, when he is inside, click on the

door at the top of your screen (4).


Gabriel will now enter Buchelli's room.  Observe the chest of drawers next

to the door to the water-closet.  There are three drawers, but it doesn't

matter which one you click on; when you click on the "Open" ikon (2), only

the top one will open; it is impossible to open the two bottom drawers.

Click on the priests' garb, and then the ikons that appear for a bit more of

Gabriel's sarcastic comment.  Notice a small white square on the left hand

side of the drawer.  Click on this, then on the "Take" ikon (2), and be

informed by Gabriel that this is the stub of Buchelli's train ticket into

town.  Then, close the drawer and go into your Inventory.  Click on the

fingerprint kit, then on the "Take" ikon so that it will appear as an ikon

when you want to use it.  Exit the inventory and click on Buchelli's

suitcase, sitting at the foot of a bed.  Again, a row of ikons will appear.

One of these will be the usual "Take" ikon, but DO NOT click on this at this

time.  Click instead on the fingerprint kit ikon, and you will see a

close-up, of the interior of the fingerprint kit, and in a sort of side-bar,

of the object to be fingerprinted.


Since, if you are following the route of this walk-thru, this will be the

first time you can successfully use the fingerprint kit, (Playing as Grace

in the previous time-segment, you can use the fingerprint kit on the book

she finds on her door-step, but there are no prints to be found) I will

offer one bit of advice as well as a general instruction as to the use of

the kit.  If you want to check an item for fingerprints, of course, you will

have the fingerprint kit selected from your Inventory, so that when you

subsequently click on whatever it is you wish to fingerprint, the kit ikon

will appear at the end (save for the "Exit" ikon) of the bar of three or

four ikons that will appear.  This ikon will look sort of like a partially

opened cardboard pizza box with several partitions inside.  However,

frequently, the "Take" ikon will also be one of the ikons on this bar.  If

you intend to check for fingerprints, DO NOT click on the "Take" ikon before

you run the fingerprint check.  Sometimes this will not matter, but on at

least two occasions will result in no prints being detected, with the

further result that the game player will miss out on two points for each

time this happens.  Once you get the hang of it,  taking fingerprints is not

difficult.  Once you have the close-up of the kit and the item you wish to

check for prints, position your arrow-cursor on the little brush in its

compartment at the bottom of the box, and click on it.  At this point, your

arrow-cursor will disappear, and the brush itself will, in effect become the

cursor.  Then, position the brush-cursor over the bowl of black

graphite-powder.  Mouse-click, and you will notice that the previously light

brown bristles of the brush are now dark black; you have dipped the end of

the brush in the graphite-powder.  Then, move the brush-cursor over the area

of the item you wish to check for fingerprints.  Holding the left

Mouse-button down, move the brush-cursor up and down, back and forth, around

in circles over the area you are checking out.  Usually, it will take a few

seconds, but you will start to see a smudge appear, and when you have the

print, your brush cursor will "hang up" or stick somewhat and Gabriel (or

Grace, in other sections) will make some sort of comment.  Then, reposition

the brush cursor over the little compartment in the box where you originally

got it.  Mouse-click, and the brush will return to it's compartment, and

your cursor will return to its usual arrow configuration.  Move this to the

end of the roll of scotch tape and click on this, and your cursor will now

become an inch-long section of scotch tape.  Move your scotch tape-cursor

over the fingerprint you located on the item, and Mouse-click on this.  You

will see a print adhere to the tape-cursor.  Then, move the tape-cursor with

the print on it over to the left-hand side of the fingerprint kit box, where

you will see what looks like a row of packets of cigarette rolling-papers,

and click on the front one of these.  This will place the fingerprint in

your Inventory, generally for a reward of two points and for later scanning

into SIDNEY'S files.


Anyway, now you know enough to get along with.  You have the close-up of the

kit and Buchelli's suitcase on your machine's screen.  Turn your

arrow-cursor into the brush-cursor, then dip this in the graphite bowl, then

move it over to the silvery latch towards the right of the suitcase.

Holding your left Mouse-button down, move the brush-cursor over the latch

until a print starts to appear and Gabriel makes a comment, then lift and

enter this in your Inventory (2), as described above.  You can have Gabriel

search the water-closet, clothes-closet and beds, but there will be neither

points or anything else of interest to be found.  Return to the dumbwaiter,

have Gabriel enter it, and, using the ropes, descend to the kitchen.  When

he climbs out of the dumbwaiter, have him close the machine's door.  Then,

Gabriel needs to go to the other side of the kitchen, almost directly across

from the refrigerator, where he will find another dumbwaiter door.   Gabriel

should enter this, and hoist himself to the top of this side, just as

described when he went up the first dumbwaiter.  When he gets to the top,

you can click on the dumbwaiter door at the bottom of your computer's

screen.  If you have previously made sure that Gabriel or Grace kept their

own dumbwaiter door locked, Gabriel will comment that this door is locked;

if you haven't, then Gabriel will step in his own room.  The only place of

interest, of course, is the other side of the dumbwaiter, so click on the

door towards the top of your screen (4) and Gabriel will enter Baza's room.


Click around and try to fingerprint stuff, especially the picture of Jesus,

but you will find nothing here save for a rag or cloth of some sort (2) when

you click on the first bed around the pillow, then on the "Search" ikon.

Since there is nothing more here, return via the dumbwaiter to the kitchen

and depart, going through the dining area and the Lobby, and returning

upstairs.  Since you have previously unlocked the front doors to Lady Howard

's and Madeline's rooms when you followed Roxanne around earlier, just walk

up and click on one of their doors, then on the "Open" ikon.  Again, it

doesn't matter which order you enter the rooms in; I happened in this

walk-thru to go into Madeline's room, #29, first.


Once Gabriel is in Madeline's room, notice the suitcase under the bed.

Click on this, then, when a row of ikons appears, click on the upward arrow

ikon.  The computer will take over while Gabriel reaches down, takes the

suitcase, puts it on the bed and opens it, then whistles at the pistol (2)

he sees inside.  Click on this, then DO NOT click on the "Take" ikon, click

rather on the "Fingerprint Kit" ikon which should also appear.  The

magnified view of the fingerprint kit and the gun in a side-bar should

appear; fingerprint the gun (2) by the process described above.  Then, click

again on the suitcase, then on the downward arrow ikon, and the computer

will take over while Gabriel closes the suitcase and returns it to its place

under the bed.  Then, notice the closet and double set of drawers next to

the bed.  Click on either of the two drawers, then on the "Open" ikon, and

Gabriel will open the top drawer.  (It is apparently impossible to open the

bottom drawer.)  Move your camera so you are looking more directly down into

the drawer.  Click on the folded piece of paper (a map) then on the "Take"

ikon (2).  Click on the electronic apparatus also in the drawer and some

ikons for commentary, but Gabriel will not take this.  Depart Madeline's

room, and go down the passage to #31, the room of Lady Howard and Estelle.


Again, the door is unlocked, so just have Gabriel go on in.  Search around,

the suitcase at the foot of the bed is apparently empty, the steamer-trunk

is locked, and there is nothing of interest in the closet or drawers.

Clicking on the bed, however, will evoke a row of ikons, one being the

"Search" ikon, which you should click on.  Gabriel will look under the bed

and discover a manila folder (2) with two parchments in it.  Click on the

parchments, then on the "Take" ikon (2), and the parchments will be added to

Gabriel's Inventory.  Then, leaving the manila folder on the bed, have

Gabriel go to the water-closet.  On the ledge above the sink, you will

notice a blue tube of some "Suppuration H" lubricant, and a mirror.  Click

on the Suppuration H, then on the "Take" ikon, and Gabriel will add this to

his inventory (2).  Then, fingerprint the mirror, or rather, the handle of

the mirror (2).  Gabriel's burglary spree in the Hotel is now over, and he

needs to depart Lady Howard's water-closet, and depart the Hotel.


Gabriel now has one more act of burglary he must commit before this

timeblock ends.  Have him go to the Church-Yard, and face the window of the

Abbe's office.  Click on the window-frame, then on the "Open" ikon, and

Gabriel will open the door a couple of inches.  Click on the open space,

then on the "In" arrow, and Gabriel will complain that he can't squeeze

through.  Enter your Inventory, and "Take" the tube of Suppuration H.  Exit

the Inventory, then click on the window frame, then on the "Suppuration H"

ikon on the row that appears.  The computer will take over while Gabriel

lubricates the window frame (2) with the Suppuration H.  When you are

restored to control of the game, click again on the window frame, then on

the "Open" ikon (2).  Gabriel will open the window all the way up; at this

point click on the opening, then on the "In" arrow ikon, and Gabriel will

enter the room.  Manoeuvre your camera so you can see a drawer-handle behind

the Abbe's desk, and then click on this, then on the "Open" ikon.  There is

only one drawer that will open, and when Gabriel can see inside, click on

the "Circuit" magazine you see there, then on the "Read" ikon (2) and hear

Gabriel comment on articles about the European Union.  They are not readily

visible, but lift your camera up a bit, then by holding down your machine's

"Shift" key and the left Mouse button at the same time while you move your

Mouse slowly forward, you will find your viewpoint looking directly down

into the drawer, and you will see a pack of cigarettes.  Fingerprint these

(2), and you are done here, but before you have Gabriel leave, click on the

chess-board, then the "Look" ikon for some of Gabriel's classic snide

commentary.  Then, depart the office, either by the window through which

Gabriel entered, or out the office's door and through the Church, finally

exiting out the Church's front door; now Gabriel's needs to return to his

room in the Hotel.


Once you have Gabriel back in his own room, click on SIDNEY, then on the

"Gears" ikon to activate the machine.  From taking fingerprints and license

numbers, to burglarizing rooms and ripping stuff off and taping

conversations, Gabriel's Inventory now includes a fair amount of items that

need to be scanned into the SIDNEY machine.  Once Gabriel is seated in front

of the computer, the machine's Main Menu appears.  Click on the "Add Data"

button at the top of SIDNEY's screen, a green message-sign stating "awaiting

input" will appear, followed by Gabriel's Inventory.  While it actually

doesn't matter in which order you input stuff into SIDNEY, I have found that

going from left to right, top to bottom as you would read a book is easiest;

I am less likely to overlook something. Click on each item that ought to go

in the Inventory, then on the SIDNEY ikon.  You will hear the sound of

SIDNEY's innards grinding around as it records the information, and you will

be rewarded with one point.  Not every item in the Inventory, of course, can

be put into SIDNEY, and Gabriel will comment to this effect if you try to

input something SIDNEY won't accept.  The order the items will be displayed

in your Inventory will vary depending on the order you did some of the

actions in the game, but as it worked out for this walk-thru, the first item

is a casette-tape; this is of the conversation Gabriel taped of Abbe Arnaud

speaking on his phone to someone in French.  Input this into the SIDNEY

computer (1).  Then, input the following items into SIDNEY:  The Abbe's

fingerprint, (1) Buchelli's fingerprint (1), Buchelli's license plate number

(1),  Madeline's fingerprint (1), Baza's license plate number (1), Lady

Howard's fingerprint (1), Lady Howard's license plate number (1),  the map

Gabriel took from Madeline's room (1), Mosely's license number (1),

Parchment I (1) and Parchment II (1), these last from Lady Howard's room,

then, finally, Wilkes' licence number (1).  You will notice as you scanned

this stuff into SIDNEY, most of it disappeared from Gabriel's Inventory,

save for the map and the parchments.


After you are returned to SIDNEY's Main Menu.  Click on the "Files" heading

to obtain a list of the files in SIDNEY, mostly, this is the stuff you just

scanned in.  Click on the entry "Abbe Tape", and a printed edition of the

telephone conversation Gabriel taped earlier will be displayed.  Since the

original conversation was in French, the printed edition is also.  But this

printed edition will also appear in SIDNEY's "Translate" mode.  You will

notice two columns of four languages, one column headed "From" and the other

"To."  The four languages in each column are English, French, Italian and

Latin.  Click French in the "From" column, and English in the "To" column.

Then click on the larger "Translate Now" button (3) and the French text will

be replaced by its English equivalent.


Now, you should have Gabriel "Link" the various items in SIDNEY's "Files"

section with the various suspects involved.  At this point, you should go to

SIDNEY's Main Page.  Click on the "Suspects" tab at the far right of your

(and SIDNEY's) computer screen.  You will notice three sub-headings, "Open",

"Suspect List", and "Links."  You don't need to click on these; just float

your cursor-arrow over one of these to activate a drop-down list of options.

Float the cursor over "Open", then click on the "Open File" tab that

appears.  After you click on the "Open Files" tab, a list of everything

either Gabriel or Grace has filed into SIDNEY since the beginning of the

game appears.  A tiny scroll-bar system is provided by SIDNEY, and you will

soon need to use it to see the entire list.  It doesn't matter which order

these are done in; we will use Lady Howard's fingerprints as the example.

Click on the file title "Lady Prnt."  Then, float your arrow-cursor over the

heading "Suspect List" and a drop-down menu will appear, with the names of

most all the characters in the game.  Click on the tab with Lady Howard's

name.  Then, float your cursor-arrow over the last heading, that of "Links",

then click on the tab that appears that says "Link to Suspect."  SIDNEY will

churn around for a moment (1) as this information is assimilated.  Then,

return to the "Open" heading, and repeat this process for each of the rest

of the items on the list of files (7).  Almost everything can be linked to a

suspect, but only the license plate numbers and fingerprints will yield a

point each, for nothing else will points be awarded.  At this point Gabriel

has done all he can with SIDNEY, so have him depart the machine.


Have him go back to Madeline's room.  Enter the Inventory, "Take" the map,

depart the Inventory, open the drawer Gabriel originally got the map from,

click inside the drawer, then select the "Map" ikon from the row that

appears (1), and Gabriel will return the map to the drawer.  Close the

drawer and leave Madeline's room.  Go next door to Lady Howard's room, to

the folder still lying on the bed.  Enter the Inventory.  You will notice

that two separate parchments are depicted here.  Click on one of them, it

doesn't matter which, then click on the "Take" button.  Exit the Inventory,

and click on the manila folder lying on the bed.  A row of ikons will

appear, one of these representing the parchments.  Click on this, and the

machine will take over while Gabriel returns both parchments to the folder

(1) and hides the folder under the bed.  Have Gabriel head downstairs for a

brief computer-controlled conversation with Roxanne and Jean, and the

game-segment will conclude.







Day 2, 12:00 Noon - 2:00 P.M.


This time segment starts with a movie of Madeline's tour van arriving at a

new location, the vineyard Chateau Serres.  Madeline gives a brief lecture

and everyone goes into the wine-tasting room, save Grace, who is left

standing alone outside, when the computer restores control of the game to

you.  Click on the tasting-room door, then the "Open" ikon to have Grace

also enter.  Click on the various characters, then on the "Talk" ikon for

some commentary, some of it as snide as Gabriel's.  Click on the Abbe Arnaud

for a very brief computer-controlled conversation (2), then, when you regain

control of the game, click on him again for a little more talk from the

Abbe, but no points.  Before you have Grace depart the tasting room, be sure

to click on the fire in the fireplace, then on the "Look" ikon, for some

really cutting commentary by Grace, probably the harshest put-down comment

of the entire game.  Click on the door, then on the "Open" ikon, and Grace

will return to the courtyard.


Behind the parked van you will notice an arched gateway in the stone wall,

click on this and the computer will take over while Grace goes through.

Once she is through you will hear the sound of a crying baby, this will be

heard at times here and at other locations around the Chateau Serres.  This

was a brilliant idea on the part of the game's designers, as it adds

immeasurably to the mood and atmosphere of the game.  Move your camera to

the back and left, and have Grace check out the cellar doors if you want,

but there will be no points in it.  (This is an alternate route should Grace

get caught in the act of burglary she is about to undertake) Notice the low

red tile roof of what appears to be a small room of some kind at the end of

the wall.  Click on the side of this room, then select the "Climb" ikon (2)

from the selection offered.  The computer will take over while you watch

Grace climb up this low roof, along the narrow top of the wall, and around

to the back of the main building.  The computer will restore control to you

at this point, so click on the ivy covering part of the building's back

wall.  The computer will again take over while Grace climbs up the wall of

the building on the ivy (4) and enters Chateau Serres via a rear window.


Once inside, have Grace open the standalone wooden closet on the other side

of the attic in which she has found herself.  Go to your inventory, and

"Take" the notebook.  Exit the inventory, click on the robe with the strange

symbol, then on the ikon of the notebook.  Grace will record a copy of the

symbol (2); this will go into her Inventory.  Then, have Grace open the

large trunk around the corner (2).  Amongst other items there is a doll in

the chest, but Grace's nerves are all keyed up, so when she sees it, she

jumps, and makes a noise.  You will here some music at this point and a male

voice saying something in French; Montreaux, the owner of Chateau Serres has

heard, and is coming up to investigate.  Immediately, move your camera so

you can click on the closet in which Grace saw the robes earlier.  The

 "Hide" ikon should appear along with several others, click on this, and the

machine will take over while Grace hides in the closet (2).  Montreaux will

go over to the closet and be reaching for the door, and it appears as if

Grace's goose is cooked.  However, at the last minute, the voice of Madeline

comes up from below, through an open window, inviting Montreaux to come down

and join the tour group in the wine-tasting room.  Montreaux departs, Grace

emerges from the closet, and the computer restores control of the game to

you.  Have Grace return to the trunk, and click on the blanket inside, then

on the "Move Aside" ikon (2).  Go over by the window Montreaux was talking

to Madeline through, then have Grace go down the spiral staircase, and into

Montreaux's library.  However, if Grace had been caught, she would have been

escorted out, and while there is an alternate route to continue, a fair

number of points and scenery would be missed.


Once in the library, move your camera so you can get a view of the back of

the desk.  Imagine yourself lowering the camera to be suspended where it

would be were it sitting facing the desk in the chair behind the desk.  It

may take some jiggling around with your Mouse, but you should be able to see

the thin drawer, and the button below, to your left.  Open the drawer first,

and click on the book inside.  Click again on the "Read" ikon (2) for a

close-up look at the inside of the book, and some disparaging commentary

from Grace.  Put the book back, then go into your Inventory, and bring up

the fingerprint kit.  Fingerprint the book (2); for some reason touching it

first here will not eliminate the fingerprints, as it will with Buchelli's

suitcase and Madeline's pistol.  Close the drawer, and ignoring the button

for the moment, click on the portrait of Montreaux on the wall behind the

desk.  Use the "Look" ikon that appears to elicit commentary from Grace.

Click on the chair you see, and again a row of ikons will appear.  One of

these will be the "Move Aside" ikon; click on this, and Grace will slide the

chair over so it is directly under the portrait (2).  Click on the chair

again, then on the "Climb" ikon, and Grace will climb up on it.  Click again

on the portrait, then on the "Magnify" ikon.  Note the gleam in Montreaux's

eye.  Click on this, then again on the "Magnify" ikon (2) for a rather

dramatic result.  This is all there is to do with the portrait, so simply

click on the floor to have Grace climb down from the chair.  Return to

behind the desk, and press the button you saw earlier.  Press then on the

"Pushbutton" ikon (2) to activate the laser-beams coming from the five heads

located equidistantly around the room.  Grace now has to form a pentacle

with the rays of light emanating from the heads, and this is actually easy,

once you know the trick.  Simply click on one of the heads, and when the row

of ikons appears, note the two with rotating arrows.  Click on the one with

the arrow pointing left, and you will see Grace partially rotate the head,

changing the direction of the beam of light coming from it's forehead.  Then

have Grace go around the room and repeat this process with each of the

heads, moving them one movement to the left.  This will form the pentacle

(5), and a circular piece of the floor will fold back, revealing a secret



Have Grace go down, and when the computer returns control of the game to

you, you will see her standing in a passage in the basement.  Move her

forward, somewhat to the right, forward again, passing by some

inconsequential storage rooms as you go; finally there is a fork in the

passage with one side bending slightly to the right.  Have Grace go this

way, and you will see a narrow stairway going down even deeper into the

basement.  Click on the door at the bottom of the stairs and the "Open" ikon

and Grace will go through and find herself in the wine-cellar (2).  Click on

the woman working the press, and the computer will take over for the

duration of this time-segment of the game.  You will witness a rather

disturbing interaction between Grace and the woman (5), then Grace will find

herself outside the building.  The computer will have her return to the

courtyard for a brief conversation with Mosely and Madeline, and the

time-segment concludes with the movie of the discovery of Prince James' two

agents, murdered, with their throats slit at a place known as the Devil's






Day 2, 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.


This segment opens with a still shocked Grace coming in their Hotel room to

inform Gabriel of the tour group's discovery of the bodies of Prince James'

agents.  Their conversation is entirely run by your machine, and is quite

brief.  Your computer will restore control of the game to you just outside

the room, playing as Gabriel.


The next five minutes are apparently timed; if you do not act with a degree

of alacrity, you can miss out on both points and scenes.  Instantly, as soon

as you get control of the game, go into the Inventory, and "Take" the glass,

so it will appear in the row of ikons that will appear when you click on

something.  Go directly down the passage to Madeline's door, #29, and click

on it.  Then click on the "Glass" ikon, and the computer will take over

while Gabriel eavesdrops (2) on a telephone conversation Madeline is having

in French.  As soon as you get control of the game, move down the passage to

#31 and eavesdrop on Lady Howard and Estelle (2) in the same manner.


Then, go down the stairs immediately next to Lady Howard's room; when you

regain control of the game, you should be standing in the Lobby on the

opposite side of the Front Desk and Jean.  At this point you should click on

a spot somewhat to the right of the front door, on the floor, then hit your

machine's Escape key to hasten Gabriel to this spot.  Then, go into the

Inventory, and "Take" the tape recorder.  Click on the curtains to the

telephone booth, then on the "Open" ikon, and again hit the Escape key.  The

reason we are taking this roundabout route to get to the phone booth is

because if Gabriel goes too close to the Front Desk, Jean will drag him over

for a bit of worthless conversation that could very well cause the scene in

the phone booth to be missed.  At any rate, as soon as you regain control of

the game inside the phone booth area, you will see Buchelli's feet in one of

the three smaller booths, and hear him dialling a number.  Immediately click

on this curtain, then on the tape recorder ikon, and your machine will take

over (7) while Gabriel tapes a rather extended conversation Buchelli has

with a Father Grenna in Italian.


A moment after Buchelli hangs up, you will regain control of the game.

Immediately leave the telephone area.  Go over and click on Wilkes, seated

in the alcove.  There will be a brief computer controlled conversation (2),

then Buchelli will emerge from the telephone area and sit down with

Buchelli; the computer will remain in control while Wilkes and Buchelli have

a drink, and make a few comments about the day's events.  As soon as you

have the game under control again, have Gabriel go over and have the

conversation with Jean that he would have had earlier had he strayed too

close to the Front Desk; there will be no points in it, however.  Then, have

Gabriel leave the Hotel.


Go to Fountain Square, to the place I previously described where you can see

up to the roof of the Tour Magdala.  You will see someone there; this is the

Abbe Arnaud.  Gabriel should go up and have a brief interview (2) with him.

Then depart the Tour Magdala, and go either to the bike shop, or to where

you just were when you were looking up to see if anyone was on the top of

the Tour Magdala.  If you go to the shop, click on the Harley and the

 "Gears" ikon to bring up the valley map, if you send Gabriel to the other

location, just click on or above the Rennes-le-Chateau sign.  Clicking on

the sign is quicker as it saves Gabriel from having to enter the bike shop -

every time he has to pass a doorway, a longish wait, staring at the

miserable Red-Eye has to be endured.


There will be a new live spot on the map, the Devil's Armchair, slightly

above L'Hermitage and on the other side of the road.  When Gabriel gets off

the Harley at this site, first notice the tyre tracks in the dirt just off

the road.  Click on one of these, then on the "Look" ikon (2) for some

commentary.  Then, direct Gabriel on the path behind the rock formations on

the same side of the road that he parked the bike.  When he gats back far

enough, he will see the green car that had belonged to the Prince's agents

(2).  Go to the Inventory, and "Take" the notebook, then click on the tyre,

then on the "Notebook" ikon.  The computer will take over while Gabriel

folds back a page of the notebook, and goes over and takes an impression (2)

of the tyre treads.  Cross the road, and again, go behind the rocks and

boulders.  The computer will take over while Gabriel comes up upon Mosely

from behind, and scares him, then engages him in a brief computer run

conversation which will end with a bar of ikons being displayed.  Contrary

to the usual procedure of "following the ikon trail" i.e. systematically

exhausting the ikons going from left to right, click on the LAST ikon in the

bar, the one of the Vampire (4).  If you click on the ikons in the usual

manner, you will get the same conversation (in a slightly different order)

but no points.  Then, click on the bodies of the two dead men, and the

various ikons to elicit commentary (information); be sure to click directly

on their faces, then on the "Think" ikon (2).  Also click directly on the

slashes in their throats, for further information.  Click again on Mosely,

then on the "Ask" ikon to elicit several other ikons; click on one of these,

and after that line of conversation ends, you will have to again click on

Mosely and the "Ask" ikon, to elicit yet more ikons, and to repeat the

process.  Repeat this until finally all the ikons are exhausted; when Mosely

says "Let's look around and talk about stuff as we find it", this indicates

that this line of conversation is concluded.


Your next task is to find the blood of the two dead men, and this is quite

tricky; I was hung up here, for long weary days clicking on everything

without result.  The blood is actually nowhere near the dead men; what you

first need to do is position your camera so that you are facing the Armchair

and the murder victims.  Then, raise your camera directly up, so that you

are at treetop level, then move directly backward towards the trees at the

end of the area in which Gabriel and Mosely are standing.  If we consider

the Armchair itself to be at twelve o'clock, look off to about ten o'clock.

You may have to jiggle your Mouse around a bit, but you should be able to

notice the difference in the texture of the ground.  Gabriel and Mosely are

standing on relatively short grass, almost blue-green in colour.  To your

left are several sections of what appears to be darker, rougher ground.  If

you look far off (several hundred yards in the context of the world of the

game) to the top of your machine's screen, you will see a small patch of

short grass, almost a lawn more of the colour of the one under your camera.

If you look real close, you will see a dark spot in this, and if you move

your cursor-arrow over it, it will light up.  When it does, click on it,

then at the "Look" ikon.  If you don't do anything to move your camera, you

will watch Gabriel walk slowly across your computer screen from your vantage

point among the treetops at the end of the glade where Mosely has remained

after Gabriel responded to your command upon the machine.  Suddenly, the

scene will jump to the new location and Gabriel will summon Mosely (5),

announcing the discovery of the blood.  Click on the blood, then on the

various ikons for commentary, but no points.  Look closely on the lower side

of the blood, and notice the indentations in the ground.  These are

knee-prints, and you should click on one of these, then on the "look" ikon,

then on the "Think" ikon.  At this point the computer will take over while

Gabriel has an otherworldly vision of the victims being brought to that

site; then your machine will take you through a brief conversation with

Mosely (2).  Click again on the knee-prints, then again on the "Think" ikon.

Gabriel will have another vision, this time of the two men being done to

death, then there will be another brief, computer-controlled conversation

(2) with Mosely.  Depart the Devil's Armchair, and run into Madeline for a

bit of conversation.  You will hear the sound of approaching sirens, and

Gabriel will want to avoid talking to the local police.  Mosely will hitch a

ride with Gabriel who will climb on the Harley.  This time, you will have no

choice, the computer will take Gabriel, Mosely and the Harley to the bike

shop in Rennes-le-Chateau.


Once Mosely walks off, the computer will return control of the game to you.

Click on the bike, then on the hot-spot representing Larry Chester's place.

Click on the door, then on the "Knock" ikon; Larry Chester will answer, and

escort Gabriel inside.  A row of ikons will present itself; exhaust these to

complete the conversation (8) which will end with Gabriel being thrown out.

When this happens, your machine will take over while Gabriel goes back and

looks through the window and watches Chester come up and set the alarm on

the clock just inside the window.  This is another one of those places in

the game where you just look the other way at the lack of credibility in the

situation; in real life it would be idiotic to think that Gabriel, placed as

he is would not immediately be seen.  At any rate, Chester departs, and

Gabriel now wants to find out what time Chester set the alarm for.  Go to

your Inventory, and "Take" the coat-hanger, so that it will appear as an

ikon in the row that will appear when you click on something.  Click on the

small hole in the window, and try several of the other ikons for some

commentary, but when you're ready, click on the ikon of the coat-hanger.

Your machine will take over while Gabriel straightens out the hanger and

reaches it through the hole in the window, turns the clock around and checks

the alarm-time (7); Gabriel will drop the wire he made from the hanger

inside the room, but this is of no concern.


Return to the Hotel at Rennes-le-Chateau.  Click on the door and the "Open"

ikon, and wait, staring at Red-Eye until your machine is ready to allow

Gabriel to enter the building.  However, this time when he does go in, the

computer will retain control of the game while you watch a scene of Baza and

Estelle accidentally banging into each other (2), causing Estelle to drop

some papers in the process.  After this, go to Gabriel's Inventory and

 "Take" Prince James' business card.  Then have Gabriel go to the phone

booth area, and call the Prince (5).  Then, go over and click on Jean, then

on the "2:00 A.M." ikon that appears (2); Gabriel will ask Jean give him a

wake-up call at this time.


Have Gabriel return to his room for a brief computer directed conversation

with Grace and Mosely; eventually a row of ikons will appear and you will be

given back control of the game.  Follow the ikon trail to finish the

conversation (10), and Mosely will depart.  Invoke the fingerprint kit so

that it will appear as an ikon, and take Mosely's fingerprints (2) from the

bottle he left upon the table.  Grace will comment that he cannot yet enter

Mosely's prints into SIDNEY, but Gabriel has other things to do, so click on

the machine, then on the "Gears" ikon to start it up.  Click on the "Add

Data" section, and Gabriel's Inventory will be displayed.  Click on the

casette-tape of Buchelli's telephone conversation and then the SIDNEY ikon

(1) to input this.  After SIDNEY inputs something, you will be returned to

SIDNEY's Main Page.  Then click on the "Translate" section, then float your

cursor arrow over the "Open" tab and click on the dropdown.  Look down the

list until you find the one listed as "Buch Tape."  Click on this, and a

transcript of the conversation Gabriel taped between Buchelli and Father

Grenna will appear.  As the original conversation was in Italian, so is the

printed version of it here.  In the column of four languages on the left,

click on Italian, then click on English in the right-hand column.  Finally,

click on the "Translate Now" button off farther to the right (3), and the

text will be transformed from Italian to English.  Before you have Gabriel

depart SIDNEY, click on the "Make ID" section of the main page.  Select the

"Newspaper Reporter" option, then click on "New York Times."  Make sure

Gabriel's rather than Grace's photo is featured, them click on the "Print

 ID" button (2).  Before you leave the room, have Gabriel re-lock the

dumbwaiter; how this keeps getting unlocked is one of the little

side-mysteries of this game.


Have Gabriel go down to the Lobby, and notice the two glasses sitting where

Wilkes and Buchelli had left them from their drinking bout there earlier.

Fingerprint the green glass that was Wilkes' (2); you can fingerprint

Buchelli's glass also, but Gabriel will just state that he already has

Buchelli's prints so he doesn't need this one.


Depart the Hotel, and have Gabriel go to Blanchefort or L'Hermitage, and lie

in wait for Lady Howard and Estelle who are cruising around in their blue

two-seater.  When they come into sight, click on them and then the "Follow"

ikon, and a new place will become active (2) on the valley map.  Click on

the new site, and Gabriel will go there; have him go around the raised

section next to the road, on the same side he parked, and go way back, until

he comes across Estelle reading a map.  Click on Estelle, then exhaust the

ikons that present themselves (4) to complete the conversation.


Activate the valley map, either by having Gabriel climb upon the Harley, or

by moving your cursor-arrow somewhat above the road, as if your were trying

to point in the direction of the horizon.  When the cursor-arrow changes

shape, just click your left Mouse-button, and the map should appear; this is

generally quicker than having to have Gabriel actually go to the bike.

Click on the Serres hot-spot, and Gabriel will arrive there.  When Gabriel

gets off the Harley, turn around and face looking out the gate and at the

road below.  Move your cursor-arrow until it turns into the fat arrow, then

click.  When you have Gabriel through the gate, move your camera so you can

see the auto tyre tracks in the dirt just off the pavement.  If it isn't

"Taken" already, go to Gabriel's Inventory and "Take" the print of the tyre

tread he had taken earlier, off the green auto that had belonged to the two

dead men.  Then, click on one of tyre treads by the road, then on the ikon

of the tread (2).  Then, go to the Inventory, and invoke, or "Take" the fake

reporter's ID that he made earlier with SIDNEY.  Then click on the front

door of the main building, then on the "Knock" ikon.  The machine will take

over while one of Montreaux's minions answers the door, and engages Gabriel

in a brief conversation.  Click on the "Press" ikon that becomes available;

then the servant will go and fetch up Montreaux.  Montreaux will then take

Gabriel to the wine-tasting room (5), and the computer will restore control

of the game to you there; a row of ikons will present itself and you need to

exhaust these (8) to complete the conversation.  The computer will again

take over while Montreaux receives a phone call from the house that ends the

conversation, you will find yourself in control again, with Gabriel standing

next to the Harley just outside the wine-tasting room.  Have him return to

Rennes-le-Chateaux and his and Grace's room in the Hotel; there will be a

brief computer-controlled conversation between Grace and Gabriel which will

conclude this game segment, but elicit no additional score.






Day 2, 5:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.


Before you do anything, have Grace go over and again lock the door to the

dumbwaiter, somehow this mysteriously keeps getting unlocked, at several

points in the game.  Have Grace depart the room.  Go down by Lady Howard's

and Estelle's room, #31, and notice the tray with the dirty dishes on the

floor of the passageway.  You will also notice a water-glass on it,

identical to the one Gabriel got off of Baza earlier.  Have Grace "Take"

this (2), and continue to the Lobby.  Click on Simone at the Front Desk, and

the ikons that appear for some conversation, but no points.  Then click on

the door to the dining area, and your machine will take over while Grace

eavesdrops on a REALLY sleazy conversation between Gabriel and Mosely.

Madeline Buthane will come in briefly, offer a few comments and depart, and

Gabriel and Mosely will finish their disgusting little talk (5).  Grace will

enter the dining room and control of the game will be restored to you; you

can click on those present for some snippets of comment or conversation, but

no points.


Have Grace depart the Hotel, and go to the Museum.  Click on the paper

hanging on the door, and "Take" this (2), it is a copy of Le Serpent Rouge.

At this point, go to Grace's Inventory, and "Take" the fingerprint kit.

Then, staying in the Inventory, click on the Le Serpent Rouge envelope, and

fingerprint this (2).  Grace should then go to the Church and go up towards

the altar in front, then she should knock on the little door to her left

(assuming she is facing the altar).  The computer will take over while Abbe

Arnaud calls out and invites her in, and Grace goes in the office.  Click on

the Abbe to generate a row of ikons, then interview him (4) on all topics

available, then, before you have Grace depart, click on the photo on the

wall and the chessboard, then on the various ikons that appear, for another

line or two of conversation and/or her thoughts.


Grace now needs to return to her room in the Hotel, and fire up SIDNEY.  She

has accumulated a number of items in her Inventory that should be entered

in.  Click on the "Add Data" tab, and Grace's Inventory will be displayed.

Click first on the weird symbols that Grace copied from the robes in the

attic at Chateau Serres, then on the ikon of SIDNEY.  You will hear SIDNEY's

innards grinding around (1) as they assimilate this information; when it is

through, Grace's Inventory will disappear, and you will be looking again

looking at SIDNEY's main page.  Click again on the "Add Data" tab, and

repeat this process for the SUM note (1), which you copied from Baza's

writing in the sand at Poussin's Tomb, with Montreaux's fingerprints (1),

and with the as yet unidentified fingerprint (1) Grace just lifted from the

Le Serpent Rouge.  Then, as described previously, "Link" Montreaux's

fingerprint to him (1).


Grace is now ready to start on the first of the puzzles based on various

segments of the poem, Le Serpent Rouge.  Go to SIDNEY's Main Page, and click

on the "Analyze" tab.  Then hover your cursor-arrow over the "Open" section,

then click on the "Open Files" dropdown that appears.  Select the Map, click

on this, then on the "Start Analysis" button.  A map of the

Rennes-le-Chateau valley (the one Gabriel took from Madeline's room) will

appear on the right half of your computer screen, the left half will be

occupied by a larger-scale version of a smaller area of the map on the

right.  Click on "OK" in the small black informational window to kill this,

then click around experimentally on the map on the right, you will notice

that the left-hand map changes to show in larger scale the immediate area

around where you clicked on the valley map.


Then, right-click and bring up the Inventory, then "Take" Le Serpent Rouge

so as to put the Le Serpent Rouge in an ikon form which will appear at the

top of the menu that appears when you click the right button on your Mouse.

This will facilitate going back and forth to the Le Serpent Rouge poem,

something that will have to be done frequently for a good deal of the rest

of the game.  Now "Magnify" Le Serpent Rouge and notice how the first

stanza, Aquarius, is on a comparatively light background; this is the first

part of the poem you must solve.


Le Serpent Rouge is a hauntingly beautiful poem that was apparently written

sometime in the '60s, supposedly by three men who were brutally murdered

within days of the poem's coming to light.  The original poem consists of

thirteen stanzas each named for one of the astrological signs, including one

sign, Ophiuchus, not found in conventional astrology.  There are several

versions, or at least translations of this poem; the one in the game has

been modified and abridged somewhat so as to have it fit the game puzzles.

Now, click on Aquarius, the first verse of the poem, then, hit the "Read"

ikon.  Looking at the verse, you will notice that there is one word, the

name of the Egyptian god, Ra, that is in all capital letters.    After Grace

reads the verse aloud, click again it, then on the "Think" ikon.  This will

cause Grace to think aloud, giving you hints.  Also, you can right-click,

then click on the "Hint" ikon to get clues you need to proceed.  Grace will

say that she should look at the church pamphlet, so bring up Grace's

Inventory, and click on the pamphlet.  Then, click on the "Magnify" ikon,

click again on the pamphlet, and then on the "Think" ikon.  Then right-click

and hit the "Hint" ikon.  Go then to SIDNEY's Main Menu, and click on the

"Search" tab.  Type "Ra" into the space provided, then on the "Search"

button.  A definition will appear for which in this instance you will

receive no game points.  However, as you go through Le Serpent Rouge, you

should ALWAYS, after reading each verse, click on the "Think" ikon for Grace

's musings, then return to the Main Menu, hit the "Search" tab, then run a

search on each of the words or phrases that are in all capitals.  Some will

directly get you points, others will produce bright yellow hyper-lynx which

will give more definitions (information and clues for the game player) and

on some occasions, points.  Finally, click on Le Serpent Rouge, "Magnify"

this then again, click yet again on the Aquarius verse, then on the "Think"

ikon; again right click and hit the "Hint" ikon.


This last Mouse-click will cause Grace to inform you that it is time to lay

the "Sunrise Line" down on the map.    Exit Le Serpent Rouge and return to

the map, on SIDNEY's "Analyze" page.  Hover your cursor-arrow over where it

says "Map" then when the dropdown appears, click on the "Enter Points" item.

In addition to the clues discussed in the previous paragraph, you will

recall that in her recent conversation with Abbe Arnaud, the Abbe explained

the Sunrise Line as going from the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau to

Blanchefort.  So click  on Rennes-le-Chateau on the right-hand map so as to

locate Renne-le-Chateau on the left-hand map.  You can only place points on

the left-hand map.  Observe the cross at Renne-le-Chateau.  Put a point

here; this is done by moving the tip of your regular cursor-arrow to the

point in question and giving a Mouse-click.  Then, using the right-hand map

to bring Blanchefort onto the left-hand map, put another point on the cross

at Blanchefort.  Then, click on the "Start Analysis" button on Sidney.  You

should hear SIDNEY churning around inside, then a line between

Rennes-le-Chateau and Blanchefort should spring into view on the right-hand

map (5) and a comment or two should be elicited from Grace.  If SIDNEY comes

up with a message stating that there is a situation of "Indeterminate

 Points", elicit the dropdown from the "Map" heading, then click on "Erase

Points."  Then click on "Set Points" and try again.  Some of the Le Serpent

Rouge puzzles can be quite fussy about the exact location of where you place

your points, and you may have to make several attempts on some of them.


Grace is now ready to solve the next of the Le Serpent Rouge puzzles, this

one being the Pisces stanza.  As before, first have Grace "Read" this, then

hit the "Think" ikon, then right click and hit the "Hint" ikon.  Go to

SIDNEY'S Main Menu, hit the "Search" button, then enter the various items

that appeared in all capital letters in the stanza.  Return to Le Serpent

Rouge, click on the stanza, and again hit the "Think" ikon.  Grace will

refer to Sauniere's parchments, and this is your cue to turn your attention

to these; the two documents Gabriel found under Lady Howard's and Estelle's

bed, as well as to the strange symbols she copied down from the robes in the

closet at Chateau Serres.  Go to SIDNEY's Main Page, click on the "Analyze"

tab, then float your cursor over the "Open" tab, then click on the "Open

Files" dropdown.  Select "Serres Symb" and click on this, then on the

 Start Analysis" button (2).  Click "OK" to kill the small black window that

appears, then bring up the "Parch 1" file, and again hit the "Start

 Analysis" tab.  A small black window will appear with some instructions,

click "OK" to kill the window, then float your cursor-arrow over the "Text"

heading, then select "Extract Anomalies".  SYDNEY will grind around for a

few seconds, then another black window will appear which will ask you which

language you wish to use.  Select "French" (2) and the code is revealed.

Then, float your cursor-arrow over the "Graphics" heading on SIDNEY, and

select "View Geometry" (2).  SIDNEY will start beeping and squeaking, red

lines will start to appear, and you will end up with a red triangle.  Then,

return your cursor-arrow to the "Open" heading, and select "Parch 2" from

the dropdown, and click on the "Start Analysis" button.  Go again to the

"Text" heading, and hit "Analyze Text" in the dropdown, then hit "French" in

the black window that appears (2).  Then, float your cursor-arrow over the

"Graphics" header, and click on the "View Geometry" section (4); the result

will be a red square.  Return to the "Graphics" header, only this time,

click on the "Rotate Shape" area of the dropdown (2).  Return to Le Serpent

Rouge, click again on the Pisces stanza, and again click on the "Think"

ikon, right-click and hit the "Hint" ikon.  This will refer Grace to the

pamphlet she picked up in the Church, so go to her Inventory, bring this up,

"Magnify" it, then click on it and on the "Think" ikon.  Following this, put

the map back up on SIDNEY's "Analyze" screen, then float your cursor-arrow

over the "Graphics" heading.  Click on "Use Shape" in the dropdown that

appears, then click on the circle, and a blue version of this will appear on

your right-hand map.  The circle is "Magdalen's Crown" and if you recall

Grace's conversation with the Abbe, there are statues of the Magdalen in

four churches in the area.  Float your cursor-arrow over the "Map" heading

and click on "Enter Points" from the dropdown.  Then, on the left-hand map,

place points at Rennes-le-Chateau, Bezu, Coustassa and Bugarach.  Click on

the circle in the right-hand map, and it will turn from blue to dark brown.

Hover your cursor-arrow just inside the circle until it changes into a set

of short parallel lines, positioned diagonally.  Hold down the left

Mouse-button, and slowly drag your Mouse backwards; this will expand the

size of the circle.  Pushing the Mouse forward with the left button down

will correspondingly contract the size of the circle.  When you have

slightly more than doubled the diametre of the circle, let up on the

Mouse-button, and reposition your cursor more in the centre of the circle.

Your cursor should now look like a double-lined crosshair; this permits you

to move the circle around the map without changing its size.  Position the

circle so it passes through the four points you have set.  You may have to

go back and readjust the circle's size somewhat.  When you have everything

positioned closely enough, your machine will take over, the "Red Eye" will

appear, and the circle will be incorporated into SIDNEY's map (5).  After

this, you will hear the sound of a ticking clock that denotes the passage of

some time; this is your clue to have Grace depart SIDNEY.


Have Grace go down to the Lobby, where she will witness a brief scene of

several of the characters discussing where to go for an evening's

entertainment.  They all decide to go to the bar at Rennes-les-Bains, and

depart (2); Grace can go to the dining area for a meaningless chat with Lady

Howard and Estelle, but there are no points or information in this.


Have Grace return to SIDNEY and put Le Serpent Rouge up and click on the

third stanza, Aries.  As always, have Grace "Read" then "Think" on the

paragraph, and right click and check out the "Hint" ikon.  Then go to SIDNEY

's main page, and click on the "Search" tab.  Plug in the first of the

capitalized words, "QUATERNITY", and hit  the "Search" button (1).  This

will bring up an article with a hyper-link, click on this to evoke two more

hyper-lynx; click then on these, "Alchemy: Tilted Square" and "Alchemy:

Squaring the Circle" to lead to yet another hyper-link, "Pythagoras."  Click

on this (1) for a new article.  After you read this, clear the line in

SIDNEY's search engine, and type in "SAINT MICHAEL", the second word in the

verse that is in all caps.  Hit the search button (1), and read the ensuing

article.  Again click on the Aries stanza and "Think" on it, then return to

SIDNEY's main page, and hit the "Analyze" tab to return to the map.  Hover

your cursor-arrow over the "Graphics" tab, then click on "Use Shape" in the

dropdown that appears.  Select the square; this will appear as a small blue

affair in the middle of the circle that you just placed on the map.  Click

on the Square to turn it dark brown, then, as you did with the Circle,

expand the Square so that it is filled exactly by the circle, and is sitting

directly up and down (5).  Grace will comment that she has to figure out how

much to tilt it; this is the purpose of the next puzzle.


Bring up Le Serpent Rouge, and follow the usual procedure of having Grace

"Read", "Think", and right-click and hit the "Hint" ikon on the Taurus

stanza.  Go to her inventory and "Magnify" the short poem about "Blue

 Apples" and "Think" on this, as well as right-clicking and hitting the

"Hint" ikon.  Return to the map.  Enable your cursor-arrow to Enter Points,

then place a point at Chateau Serres and the triple junction of the dotted

Meridian Line, the Sunrise Line, and the Circle, then click on "Start

Analysis" (2).   Move your cursor-arrow around just outside the square until

it transforms itself into a rotating arrow.  When this appears, left-click

your Mouse and hold the Mouse-button down, then by slowly dragging the

Mouse, you can rotate the Square.  Tilt it so that the top line of the

Square passes through both points you just set.  When you get close enough,

your machine will take over (5) and implant the Square on the map.  Grace

will announce her success, then again, you will hear the sound of the

ticking clock.


Have Grace depart SIDNEY and go down to the Lobby.  This all seems rather

without any purpose, but when Grace gets downstairs, your computer will take

over and you will witness a scene in which Lady Howard is getting together a

card-game, of bridge (2).  After the bridge quartet goes off into the dining

area to play, the computer will restore control of the game to you.  Grace

can follow everyone in the dining hall, but this would be a waste, as she

will decline to talk with anyone.  Instead, have Grace return to SIDNEY and

bring up Le Serpent Rouge.


The next two stanzas, Gemini and Cancer are lumped together; have Grace

"Read" and "Think" on these.  After you right-click and hit the "Hint" ikon,

go to SIDNEY's main page, and then to the Search engine.  Plug in the three

capitalized words, especially ASMODEUS (1) and KNIGHTS.  This last will take

you to an article containing a hyper-link "Chess", click on this to get the

hyper-link "Chessboard."  Click on this (1) for yet another article with yet

another hyper-link, "Duality;" click on this (1), then return to Le Serpent

Rouge, click again on the Gemini and Cancer stanzas, and "Think" and get

hints on these.  Then return to the map on SIDNEY's "Analyze" page.  Float

your cursor-arrow over the "Map" heading.  Click on "Draw Grid" from the

dropdown, then, from the next list of options presented to you, click on

"Fill Shape"; this will produce another list of choices of which you should

click on "8x8" (5).  This will then place the grid so it fills the Square,

making it resemble a chess-board.


At this point your computer will take over for a scene in which Grace is

asked to dinner by Wilkes, after which she and Wilkes go to his room.

Wilkes is quite drunk and can't keep his hands to himself, and everything

ends with Grace kicking his ass.  However, before this happens, she is able

to extract a good deal of information about the geology of the area from

him.  Finally, the game segment concludes with Grace departing Wilkes' room,

and running into Gabriel.






Day 3, 2:00 A.M.


You play this segment as Gabriel, and your main purpose here is to

investigate why Larry Chester had set his alarm-clock to go off at 2:00 A.M.

Your machine will give control of the game to you with Gabriel standing just

outside his room in the Hotel.  Have Gabriel depart the Hotel, head to

Fountain Square, and click on the sign denoting the exit to

Rennes-le-Chateau.  When the valley map appears, click on Blanchefort.  Go

over the path to the right, then take another right when the trail forks,

and Gabriel will end up behind Larry Chester's house.  Click on the window

with the small hole in it, that looks into Chester's office.  Click then on

the "Peek" ikon which will appear.  Your machine will take over while you

watch Gabriel watching Chester leave his house, get a shovel, then depart

down a trail, previously inaccessible, behind his house (5).  Again, it

takes a rather extended ability to suspend disbelief at the fact that

Gabriel is not caught.  When the computer restores control of the game to

you, have Gabriel follow Chester.  The computer will take over while Gabriel

crouches behind a hillock, and you watch him watch Chester burying something

at the far end of the back yard.  The machine will retain control (with some

rather dramatic music) until after Chester has finished his work and has

departed.  Have Gabriel go down to where Chester had been digging.  The hole

he had dug then filled up is easily visible; quite un-naturally, it is a

perfectly shaped pentagon.  Go to Gabriel's Inventory, "Take" the shovel,

then exit the Inventory.  Click on the pentagram-hole, then on the ikon of

the shovel, and the machine will take over while Gabriel digs up a package

(4) containing the "Bloodline Manuscript."  Then, Gabriel should go to his

Inventory, "Take" the fingerprint kit, then "Magnify" the Manuscript he just

dug up, and then fingerprint it (2).  Depart and have Gabriel retrace his

steps going back; at first this is slightly maze-like and it can be a little

tricky finding the right path.  However, when your cursor-arrow changes

shape to its real fat arrow-configuration, click on this, and the machine

will take over until Gabriel suddenly appears in the parking area, standing

next to the Harley.


Before you do anything else, hold down both your machine's "Shift" key as

well as the left Mouse-button.  At the same time, slowly move your Mouse

forward to tilt the camera facing upwards.  The moon and stars and general

night atmosphere are quite remarkable.  After you have finished taking in

the scenery, click on the Harley to have Gabriel depart.  The computer will

take over while Gabriel climbs on the bike, but before he can start the

engine, a black sedan, the one belonging to the kidnappers goes past (2),

too quickly for Gabriel to be able to follow it.  When the valley map

appears, click on Rennes-le-Chateau.  When Gabriel arrives in the bike shop

yard, move your camera so you can see the bikes parked in a row.  Notice

that the purple machine that is Mosely's, is gone.  This indicates that

Mosely is out on a little night-time expedition of his own.  Click on the

Harley again to elicit the valley map, then click on L'Homme Mort, and you

will observe Mosely's machine leaning up against a sign-post.  Go all the

way back until you see Mosely digging in a hole off to the right, looking

for treasure.  Click on Mosely, then on the "Ask" ikon, and your machine

will take over while  Gabriel scares the lights out of Mosely.  There will

then be a rather humorous computer-run conversation (2), which will end with

Mosely climbing out of his hole and departing, and Gabriel moronically

insisting he treats Grace "like a Queen."  When you are restored to control

of the game, have Gabriel return to the bike.  Click on this and then on the

"Gears" ikon, and when the map appears, have Gabriel return to

Rennes-le-Chateau.  Return Gabriel to their room in the Hotel, and this

game-segment will end, with a movie of a dream sequence of Gabriel's,

regarding a vampiric invasion of the hotel.






Day 3, 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.


This starts with you playing as Grace; it opens in their Hotel room.

Observe Gabriel asleep in the bed; click on him and on several ikons for

some commentary by Grace.  Then "Take" the key to the Harley (2) that is

sitting on the coffee table.  Also, click on the Manuscript that Gabriel dug

up, then hit either the "Read", or the "Look" ikon (2).  Then Grace should

fire up SIDNEY, and "Read" and "Think" on the Leo stanza of Le Serpent

Rouge.  Grace now needs to obtain the three famous paintings, by Poussin and

Teniers, whose relationship to the mystery was explained by Madeline when

the group was on the tour of the valley.  Have Grace depart the Hotel, but

stop off first in the dining area for a brief conversation with Lady Howard

and Estelle, if you wish, although no points are in it, also, click on Jean,

for an ikon's worth of conversation, but no points.  Then have Grace go to

the Museum.  You can have her talk briefly to Madame Gerard, although there

will be nothing of value, either points or information in this.  Grace

should go to the rack of post-cards in the Museum's entryway.  On the top

rack are three cards which you should have her "Take"; these are the three

paintings connected to the mystery.  These are taken separately, have Grace

rotate the card-rack, and take Le Bergeres de Arcadie (1), and two different

versions of "The Temptations of Saint Anthony" (2).  Return Grace to the

Hotel and to SIDNEY.  If you look up at the top of the Tour Magdala from

Fountain Square, you will see the Abbe Arnaud atop the castle.  You can have

Grace go up and speak to him if you want, but the conversation will be

brief, and there will be neither points nor information in it.


Click on the "Add Data" tab, then scan the three postcards into SIDNEY (3).

Hit the "Analyze" tab on Sidney's main menu, then cause the dropdown under

the "Open" heading to appear.  Click the "Open Files" tab, then select

"Poussin", and the picture "Le Bergeres de Arcadie" will replace the map on

SIDNEY'S screen.  Hit "Start Analysis" and a black window with instructions

will appear.  Jot these down, then click "OK" to kill the instruction

window.  Float your cursor-arrow over the "Graphics" header, then click on

"View Geometry" in the dropdown.  SIDNEY will grind around internally, (2)

and a red Seal of Solomon will appear.  Then, bring the dropdown back down,

and click on the "Zoom & Clarify" button (2), and the phrase "Et in Arcadia

Ego" on the side of the tomb in the painting becomes visible.  A black

window appears asking you if you want to save text to a new file.  Click on

"Yes", then return to the dropdown "Open Files."  Select "Teniers 2", and

click on "Start Analysis.  (Don't waste your time on "Teniers 1" there is

nothing in it).  Note the instructions in the black window, then click "OK"

to kill the window.  Again, hover your cursor-arrow over the "Graphics"

header, and click on "View Geometry" in the dropdown.  Then, after the

Square is set and Grace remarks that she already has it on the map, elicit

the dropdown under "Graphics" again, and click on "Zoom & Clarify" (2).

When SIDNEY asks you of you want to retrieve the verse, click "Yes" , then

see the Instructions for the Construction of Solomon's Temple.


Put the map back up on the Analyze page, then bring up Le Serpent Rouge.

Re-"Read" the Leo stanza and again click on the "Think" ikon, then

right-click and hit the "Hint" ikon; Grace's musings will be different than

before, and in the last one, she will come out and say that she has to go

around the valley with the post-card paintings to find and match them with a

bit of the local scenery.


Have Grace depart SIDNEY, and go into her Inventory.  If you look closely,

you will see that she has two room keys, her own as well as Mosely's, which

she had somehow acquired the previous night.  Have her "Take" Mosely's key,

then go to his room, and use the key to go on in (2).  Mosely is fast

asleep, and you need to have Grace search the room.  You will notice a heap

of dirty clothes piled in the middle of the floor; click on these, then on

the "Move Aside" ikon that appears.  However, Grace will indicate her

disgust and refuse, so click on a couple of other items and open or search

these; Grace will find nothing.  Then click again on the pile of dirty

clothes, and on the "Move Aside" ikon, and again Grace will refuse.  Again,

click on and search the bed and a couple of other items in the room, then

click on the pile of clothes a third time.  Finally, the computer will take

over while Grace moves some of the clothes, and finds some sort of

electronic tracking device (4).


Have Grace depart the Hotel and go to Fountain Square, where you can click

on the Rennes-le-Chateau exit sign, and produce the valley map.  Send Grace

to L'Hermitage.  Have Grace go in the cave, and "Take" the note (2) that is

on the cave wall.  Have Grace go back outside, then go to her Inventory, and

"Take" the Teniers painting that is fairly well similar to the L'Hermitage

location (Teniers 2, in the SIDNEY files).  Then click pretty much anywhere

on the rock formation around the cave, then on the ikon of the Teniers

painting (5).  Following this, click just above the entrance to the cave,

and you will se the ikon of a pointing finger, click on this (2) for another

hint. Then go back to the Inventory, and "Take" the tracking device.  Leave

the Inventory, then click on Grace, then on the ikon of the tracker.  Grace

will pull this out of her pocket and your machine will display the face of

the tracking devise in a corner of your screen; the rest of your view will

be of Grace in the L'Hermitage area.  When you click on the ground, Grace

will walk to that spot, and you will see the longitude and latitude figures

on the tracker change as Grace moves around.  Go to her Inventory and

"Magnify" her notebook page with the various co-ordinates.  Note the ones

for "The Centre" and walk Grace around until the figures on the tracker-face

match or come close to these.  For a short-cut, just click on the ground

closely in front of the two pillars before the entrance to the cave.  The

computer will take over while Grace walks over, and when she gets close

enough, she will draw a mark in the ground with her foot (2); this marks the

exact centre.  Return to her Inventory, and "Take" the shovel, exit the

Inventory, click on the mark Grace made in the ground, then click on the

shovel.  The computer will take over while Grace digs unsuccessfully (2),

then restores control of the game to you.


Return to Rennes-le-Chateau, and before you depart the bike shop area, swipe

the pair of binoculars (2) from the back of Lady Howard's blue two-seater

bike.  Then have Grace return to her room, and SIDNEY.  Activate the

machine, bring up the map on the "Analyze" screen, then bring up Le Serpent

Rouge, and again "Read" the Leo stanza, and have Grace "Think" on it, as

well as do the right-click and hit the "Hint" ikon routine.  Grace should

give some updated hints, after this enable your cursor-arrow to enter points

on the map.  Put a point on L'Hermitage, and another on Poussin's Tomb, and

hit "Start Analysis" (5).  A line will spring up connecting the two points,

and Grace will comment on this.  You will then hear the ticking of the

clock, so depart SIDNEY.


Go downstairs to the dining hall.  Talk to Buchelli (2), then go over and

talk to Mosely if you want, although there will be no points in it this

time.  Have Grace depart the Hotel, head to Fountain Square, and click on

the town's exit sign, so as to bring down the map.  Grace should go to L'

Homme Mort, and when she gets off the Harley, she needs to go all the way

back to the same hole Gabriel caught Mosely digging in the previous night.

Madeline is digging here now so click on her and on the "Talk" ikon (2) for

some chilly conversation between the two; indeed, Madeline insults Grace in

French; doubtless the English translation would have been considered

unprintable and edited out of the game.  After this, return to



Return to SIDNEY, and re-activate the machine.  Bring up Le Serpent Rouge

again, and "Read" the Virgo stanza, then "Think" on it, then, as usual,

right-click and hit the "Hint" ikon.  Then go to SIDNEY's main page and

click on the "Search" tab, then enter "Temple of Solomon" in SIDNEY's search

engine.  Click on the "Search" button, then on the first hyper-link you come

across (1), then on the hyper-link for "Temple Diagram" (2).  Then clear the

text line in the search engine, and type in "Saint Vincent", then hit the

"Search" button (1).  Then, clear the text line again, and type in "King

Solomon" and hit the "Search" button again (1).  Reading the article, you

will come across a hyper-link for "Seal of Solomon"; click on this (1).

This will produce a new article with some more hyper-lynx, and you should

click on "Hexagram" (1) before returning to the map.  Enable your

cursor-arrow to enter points, then put a point at either end of the third

and fifth of the vertical lines of the chessboard-grid you placed on the map

previously, then hit "Start Analysis" (5).


Return to Le Serpent Rouge, "Read" and "Think" on the Libra stanza, then

again do the right-click and hit the "Hint" ikon routine.  Go to SIDNEY'S

search engine and enter "Soul" and hit the "Search" button (1).  Click again

on the Libra stanza, and again go through the "Think" and right-click

routine.  Return to the map, hover your cursor-arrow over the "Graphics"

heading, then when the dropdown appears, click on "Use Shape."  A menu of

shapes will appear; click on the Seal of Solomon and this will appear in

light green, upon the right-hand map.  Click on the Seal to change it to

dark brown, then using the cursor as you did before with the Circle and the

Square, expand the Seal of Solomon to exactly fill the Circle.  Then rotate

the Seal until one of its arms is lying on top of the dotted line on the map

that marks the Meridian; when you are close enough your machine will take

over and the Seal will "catch" and be set in the right-hand map (5), and at

this point this time-segment will end.





Day 3, 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon


There is a brief opening movie of Gabriel finally getting out of bed and

which continues with Mosely entering Grace and Gabriel's room.  Mosely

notices the manuscript that Gabriel dug up and wants to take it, but Gabriel

takes it from him and gives it to Grace.  The movie ends and the scene jumps

to just outside Gabriel's room with Mosely starting to give Gabriel a hard

time.  While this conversation is going on, observe Roxanne and Jean

entering Wilkes' room.  As soon as Mosely departs and you regain control of

the game click on Wilkes' door, then on the "Eavesdrop" ikon (2) to overhear

their conversation.  The instant the Red-Eye ikon transforms itself into

your regular cursor-arrow, click again on Wilkes' door, and then on the

"Open" ikon (2).  Gabriel will then enter the room and have a brief

conversation with Jean.  After they depart, follow Roxanne to the linen

closet, click on the door and go on in.  Before you have Gabriel talk to

her, click on the various items in the closet, especially on Roxanne's maid'

s outfit hanging on the wall, for commentary by Gabriel.  When you are

ready, click on her, then follow the short ikon trail, and this conversation

will end with Roxanne agreeing to allow Gabriel in Wilkes' room (2).  Once

inside you can have Gabriel search around, but this is a waste, there are

neither points nor information available, only a bit of trivial commentary

from Gabriel.  At this point Gabriel should leave and go knock on Mosely's

door; he will be admitted for two points worth of conversation (2).  Have

Gabriel return to SIDNEY, and activate it, then hit "Add Data" and input

Wilkes' fingerprint (1) that he got off the glass in the Lobby in a previous

time-segment, and Larry's fingerprint (1), which he got off the Manuscript

he dug up in Larry's back yard.  Then, click on the "Files" tab, select

"Wilkes Prnt", hover your cursor-arrow over the "Suspects" header, then

click on "John Wilkes", then touch the "Link" header with your cursor-arrow,

then click "Link to Suspect" (1) in the dropdown that appears.  Repeat this

process (1) to link Larry's prints with his file in the computer, and again

(1), to link Mosely's license number with his file.   Then, have Gabriel

depart SIDNEY.


Have Gabriel go into the bike shop, but before you bring down the valley

map, look at the bikes parked in the area.  One of the red bikes is missing;

if you start checking out the various sites on the map, you will eventually

find it parked at Poussin's Tomb.  Baza is here, go up and click on him (2),

for two points worth of conversation.  For the fun of it, click on the

remains of Baza's doodling the word "SUM" in the sand, and get some

commentary from Gabriel.


Have Gabriel depart Poussin's Tomb. Go to Larry Chester (AKA Larry Sinclair'

s place, click on the door, then hit the "Knock" ikon to trigger a brief

movie wherein Sinclair opens the door and admits Gabriel.  After Gabriel is

seated, a row of ikons appears and you are restored to control of the game.

Exhaust all the conversation these provide (6), then depart.  When Gabriel

goes out into Sinclair's front yard, you will hear the sound of the Ticking



Gabriel needs to return directly to Rennes-le-Chateau and his room.  Have

Gabriel try to go in his room.  As soon as you click on the "Open" ikon,

Mosely will come out, with a fat newspaper tucked under his arm (2) and go

to his own room across the passage.  No sooner does he go inside when

Madeline comes up, knocks on Mosely's door, and is admitted, and a bemused

Gabriel is left shaking his head.


Now have Gabriel go to L'Homme Mort.  Go all the way back, past the hole

Gabriel surprized Mosely at last night.  Go all the way to the end, passing

the hole off to Gabriel's left, and you will see the muddy ground covered

with a number of large footprints.  Click on these (2), and Gabriel will

comment; the machine will take over and Gabriel will start walking to an

area previously inaccessible in the game, and he will end up finding Wilkes'

corpse (5).  Click on Wilkes' body, then on the "Search" ikon; the machine

will take over while Gabriel extracts a letter from Wilkes' pocket (2).

Navigate your camera around some rocks and stuff, and you will find a pool

of Wilkes' blood.  Click on this, then on the "Look" ikon (1) for some

commentary by Gabriel, then click on the kneeprints in front of the blood,

then again on the "Look" ikon (1).


Have Gabriel return to Rennes-le-Chateau, and head for his room in the

Hotel.  As soon as you click on Gabriel's door, you will hear another door

open and close, and if you are quick, you will see Madeline exiting Mosely's

room with some papers.  Click on her, then on the "Look" ikon (2) for some

commentary by Gabriel.  Then, he needs to go on in his room; you need to

click on Grace to produce a row of ikons which you need to exhaust (8) to

hear the conversation between them.  As this conversation concludes, the

machine will retain control as Grace and Gabriel's conversation is

interrupted by the sound of an engine; Prince James has just pulled into

town.  They discover that the Manuscript has been stolen and Gabriel

instructs Grace to put off the Prince, saying he has to recover it before he

can talk to the Prince.  At this point, the time-block ends.





Day 3, 12:00 Noon - 3:00 P.M.


You play this game segment as Grace, and it opens up in their room in the

Hotel.  If you check it out, you will notice that the door to the dumbwaiter

has again become unlatched; have Grace relock it.  Then Grace needs to go

and fire up SIDNEY; she should read the new E-Mail before proceeding (2).

Then, go to the "Analyze" page with the map.  Then, bring up Le Serpent

Rouge, and "Read" then "Think" on the Scorpio stanza, then right-click and

hit the "Hint" ikon.  Enable your cursor-arrow to enter points, then turn

your attention to the rectangle you marked off in the middle of the square.

Place a point at each of the four corners of this.  Then go up two cross

lines and place a point on the second line where it intersects the vertical

lines.  The effect should be that the rectangle is partitioned off with two

boxes consisting of four of the grid squares at either end, and a longer

central section consisting of 16 grid squares.  When you have placed these

eight points, click on "Start Analysis" (5) and the map will be reconfigured

accordingly.  Click again on the Scorpio stanza, then on the "Think" ikon.

Then, look at the square at the top of the rectangle.  Again, enable your

cursor-arrow to enter points.  Place a point where two lines intersect in

the exact middle, on Pech Cardou and click on "Start Analysis" (5).  Then,

return to Le Serpent Rouge, and "Read" and "Think" on the Ophiuchus verse of

the poem.  Go to SIDNEY'S "Translate" page, then touch the "Open" tab, then

select the "SUM Note."  Set the languages by clicking "From" as Latin, and

"To" as English, then click on the "Translate Now" button (2).  Then, return

to SIDNEY's Analyze page, then float your cursor-arrow over the "Open"

heading, click on the "Open Files" dropdown, then select "Arcadia Text."

Then, hit the "Start Analysis" button; this will result in the appearance of

yet another black window with some instructions.  After you read the

instructions, kill the window then hover your cursor-arrow over the "Text"

heading.  Then click on the "Translate" button in the dropdown.  Set the

languages as from Latin to English, then hit the "Translate Now" button.

When a black window opens and asks you if you want to add anything, click

"Yes."  Then type "SUM" in the space provided, and hit your machine's

 "Enter" key (5).  Go again to SIDNEY's "Analyze" page, touch the "Text"

heading again, then click on "Anagram Parser" in the dropdown.  When this is

through bleeping click on the following words on the list provided:  Tango,

Arcam, and Dei; you will have to scroll down and up to find the first one.

Once you have clicked on the last of these, the SIDNEY machine will take

over and reveal the meaning of all this (20).


Then, bring up Le Serpent Rouge again, "Read" and "Think" the Sagittarius

verse, and check out the right-click "Hint" ikon.  Look at your right-hand

map, and observe the railroad tracks at the top centre of the map.  Enable

your cursor-arrow to enter points, then set three points on the railroad

tracks.  The first of these should be placed within the loop, almost

touching the front of it, at the extreme top of the map.  Another should be

placed at Chateau Serres.  Then, follow the railroad tracks from Serres

until they make a sharp turn, and place yet another point at the extreme

right-hand point of the tracks, where they turn back and up.  Then, click on

the "Start Analysis" tab, (5), and this feature will become embedded in the

map.  Of all the Le Serpent Rouge puzzles, this is by far the trickiest to

complete.  The game is extremely persnickity about exactly where the points

are placed, and in spite of playing this game more than a score of times, I

have NEVER gotten my points along the railroad tracks to "take" on my first

try, usually I have to erase and reset the points a fair number of times

before I can proceed.


Bring up Le Serpent Rouge, and "Read" and "Think" on the Capricorn stanza.

Grace will comment that she has had enough of Le Serpent Rouge at this

point, so depart SIDNEY, and the room.  When Grace exits the room, you will

notice Buchelli departing Madeline's room, carrying some papers.  Move your

camera quickly around the corner after him if you have to, but click on him,

then hit the "Look" ikon (2).  Then go downstairs to the dining area to

overhear a conversation between Lady Howard and Estelle (2).  Click on

either of them for some pointless conversation if you want.  You will see

Madeline sitting at another table, you can click on her and on the "Talk"

ikon if you want to hear another snippet of biting, acidic commentary by

Grace.  Then, have Grace depart the Hotel.


Go to Fountain Square, and click on the town's exit sign to bring down the

valley map.  Since solving the Le Serpent Rouge puzzles, Grace has three new

places to visit.  It doesn't matter which order you do these in; for the

purposes of this walk-thru, I went to the Northeast arm of the Seal of

Solomon first.  Click on the small Seal of Solomon towards the top of the

map, and Grace will be transported to this point.  Look around and click on

stuff and on ikons for commentary, but the only thing of any real interest

here is a note, on the Hotel's stationary, stuck to the cyclone fence.

Click on this and "Take" it (2), then depart.


Then, click on the opposite Seal of Solomon, towards the bottom of the map.

When Grace arrives here and you resume control of the game, go to the

Inventory, and "Take" the tracker she stole from Mosely's room.  Depart the

Inventory, click on Grace, then on the ikon of the tracker.  Move your

camera all the way back, around a number of rocks, until you spot a red

handkerchief on the ground by a rocky outcropping.  If you want a neat

visual experience, click on the ground just to Grace's side of the

handkerchief, then move your camera as high as you can and tilt it downward

a bit, facing towards Grace so you can see a fairly large expanse of field.

You will see Grace, tiny at this distance walking across the rocky field,

approaching the place where you clicked on the ground.  The tracker face is

displayed, and the co-ordinates keep changing in response to Grace's

movement.  If you have clicked in the right place, Grace will comment on

this (2) when she arrives.   "Take" the handkerchief (2), then bring up the

Inventory, and "Take" the shovel.  Then, click on the leftmost of the

smaller rocks piled up under the outcropping, then on the "Shovel" ikon.

Your machine will take over control of the game while Grace knocks the rocks

aside and discovers another note (5), which she should then "Take" (2).

Then she should depart this location; the Harley cannot be seen but just

move your cursor-arrow a bit above the horizon; it will turn into a much

fatter arrow and when you Mouse-click, the map will drop down and you will

hear the sound of the Harley being fired up.


When the map appears, click on "The Site" across from Blanchefort.  Grace

will in fact be transported to the Blanchefort parking area, but instead of

going on the usual trail, she should cross the road.  Position your

cursor-arrow above the bridge and it will turn into the fat arrow; at this

point click, and Grace will be transported to an isolated and rather rocky

glade.  Click on the note on the tree and "Take" this (2), then go to the

Inventory, and "Take" the tracker.  Click on Grace so she takes it, and its

face appears in the corner of your computer's screen.  Position your camera

so your view is where it was when you reassumed control of the game after

Grace first entered the glade.  Look to the tree on your right, then click

on the ground just in front of the rock wall behind this tree.  Grace will

walk over, and if you clicked close enough to the right spot, she will make

a mark in the ground (2) with her foot.  If Grace walks over and just stops

without doing anything, click around the area until she touches the spot,

when she does, she will mark the ground.  Of course, the co-ordinates are

available in her Inventory.  When Grace marks the ground, go to her

Inventory and "Take" the shovel.  After exiting the Inventory, click on

Grace's foot-mark, then on the "Shovel" ikon (2) and Grace will make a brief

attempt at digging.


Depart this site, and when the valley map appears, click on Lady Howard's

and Estelle's site.  Go back to where you will find Lady Howard and Estelle,

click on one of them then follow the ikon trail (2) to exhaust the



At this point depart, and next have Grace go to Blanchefort.  Grace should

climb up to the ruins of the old chateau and when she arrives, you need to

go into her Inventory and "Take" the binoculars she swiped off of Lady

Howard's machine earlier.  The click on her, then on the "Binoculars" ikon,

and Grace will take these, and you will be looking through them.  Using the

directional arrows, move your view around the valley, clicking on the "50x"

box when it lights up.  On one of these locations, you will see Buchelli's

bike parked by the side of the road (5) by the bright gold spot you see just

to the right of Pech Cardou.  Have Grace leave Blanchefort and return to the

Harley, when the map appears, click on the red spot just above

Rennes-les-Bains.  Grace is now at the same location where she had just seen

Buchelli.  He has since departed, so locate a narrow path going back from

the road, and follow this around the large red rock.  Notice the perfectly

shaped pentagon that marks a hole in the ground, just like the one Gabriel

found behind Larry Sinclair's place.  Go to the Inventory, and "Take" the

shovel.  Click on the pentagram-hole and Grace will dig up the Bloodline

Manuscript (4) that was stolen from her room earlier.  Then go back to Grace

's Inventory, and "Take" the fingerprint kit.  Then, click on the Bloodline

Manuscript, then click on the "Fingerprint Kit" ikon that appears.

Fingerprint the Manuscript (6); you will take three sets of fingerprints.


Have Grace return to Rennes-le-Chateau and the Hotel.  When she enters the

building, the computer will remain in control while she witnesses the end of

a conversation between Prince James and Jean.  The Prince then comes by and

speaks briefly with Grace (2) before departing the Hotel.  Grace then needs

to return to her room and to SIDNEY, and to scan in the three sets of prints

(3) she just took off the Manuscript.  After she is returned to the Main

Page, click on the "Suspects" tab, then hover the cursor-arrow over the

"Open" header and finally click on the "Open Files" dropdown.  Select the

first of these prints from the list of files, it is listed as Bld 1.  Then,

float your cursor-arrow over the "Links" header, then click on "Match

Analysis" where it appears in the dropdown that materializes.  After a good

deal of squealing and beeping, SIDNEY will eventually come up with a match

(1).  Repeat this process for the other two fingerprints from the Manuscript

(2).  Have her quit SIDNEY, and your machine will take over while Grace

reads the Capricorn stanza of Le Serpent Rouge.  When she finishes this,

Mosely will enter her room, and summon her to a meeting Gabriel is having

with several others down in the dining hall.  At this point, this

time-segment ends.





Day 3, 3:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.


This segment opens with a movie of Gabriel's meeting in the dining room, the

computer will remain in control as Gabriel explains the travels of the

Bloodline Manuscript.  When Gabriel begins to say who first stole the

Manuscript, he will stop, and a row of ikons, mostly of those present

appear.  Click on the Mosely ikon (2) as he was the first thief, then when

Gabriel comes to the second thief, the row of ikons will reappear, and you

should click on the Madeline Buthane ikon (2).  When Gabriel comes to the

final thief and the ikons reappear, click on the Buchelli ikon (2).  Then

Grace will speak, saying that the last thief disposed of the Manuscript; at

this point a new row of ikons will appear, representing different ways of

getting rid of the document.  Click on the "Digging" ikon (2); this will

touch off a strenuous outburst from Buchelli (10) which will only be halted

when Grace throws the Manuscript down on the table (10) and calls his bluff.

After this, the computer will take over for the duration of a conversation

in which everyone reveals their true identities and Gabriel generally sorts

everything out.


Then, Gabriel should depart the Hotel and head for Fountain Square.  Look up

at the top of the Tour Magdala; you will see someone on the roof.  This is

the Abbe Arnaud, and Gabriel needs to go up and have a talk with him.  Click

on  him, then follow the ikon trail (8) until you complete the conversation.

After Gabriel is done here, he should go down to the Villa Bethania.  Click

on the front door, and then on the "Knock" ikon; your machine will take over

until Gabriel is seated with Prince James, Larry Sinclair, and Mesmi (2).  A

row of ikons will then present itself; exhaust all these (6) to  complete

the conversation.


After Gabriel exits the Villa Bethania, click on the town's exit sign to

start up the Harley and bring down the valley map.  Click on Serres to send

Gabriel there.  When Gabriel arrives at Serres, he will find the place

locked up, so click on the gate, then on the "Climb" ikon; your computer

will take over while Gabriel scales the iron gate (5), and the door to the

chateau opens and Marceau, one of Montreaux's lackeys comes out.  Gabriel

will ask for Montreaux, so Marceau will fetch him up, a brief conversation

will ensue and finally Montreaux and Gabriel will head for the wine-cellar.

There will be a computer run dialogue between the two in the cellar until

Gabriel's rather hasty departure.  You will retain control of the game with

Gabriel in the chateau's front yard, and at this point, you should click on

the side-door to the garage.  Gabriel will stroll over, try this, then

exclaim that the door is open (2), and go on in.  As he does so, a red car

pulls into the driveway.  Have Gabriel throw on the light switch and look

around.  Click on various objects, especially the black car and "Look" at

them if you wish, but be sure to tilt your camera so you can see the ceiling

and rafters of the garage, and more importantly, the bats roosting there.

Click on one of the bats, then on the "Look" ikon (2) and Gabriel will

comment about the bats.  The machine will take over while Gabriel leaves and

is seen by the people in the red car, who are the same people that assaulted

him on the train just before the beginning of the game.  They will chase him

and Gabriel will have a narrow escape, and the time-segment ends.





Day 3, 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.


You start this segment as Grace, located in her room in the Hotel.  Depart

the room and the hotel, and you will see Baza also leaving.  Follow him to

the Church-Yard; after you get there the computer will take over while Grace

hides and watches a conversation between Baza and Mesmi (10).  When the

computer restores control of the game to you, have Grace depart the

Church-Yard and head to the bike shop.  On the back of Lady Howard's and

Estelle's two-seater you will see Estelle's water bottle.  Grace should

fingerprint this (2), then return to the Hotel, and to SIDNEY.


Fire up the machine, and open and read the new E-Mail (5), then input

Estelle's fingerprint (1), then, link this to Estelle (1).  Then touch the

"Open" header with your cursor-arrow, and open the file menu.  Select the

entry entitled "LSR Print." Then, touch the cursor-arrow to the "Links"

heading, then click on "Match Analysis" from the dropdown that appears.

SIDNEY will go through a number of contortions and match the fingerprint (4)

to Estelle.


Then Grace needs to return to the Lobby.  Notice Estelle sitting in the

small alcove off to the side of the Lobby.  Click on her, then on the Le

Serpent Rouge"" ikon (2) that appears.  After this line of conversation

ends, the "Egyptian Artefact" ikon will re-appear; click on this (2), and

the machine will take command while Estelle takes Grace up to her and Lady

Howard's room, shows some photos to Grace, and Grace ends up trading her

copy of Le Serpent Rouge for one of the photos (5), of what is some sort of

bloodletting device.


Your machine will return control of the game to you with Grace standing just

outside Estelle's room.  Now, you should have her go and knock on Baza's

door; your machine will take over for an extended conversation (5) between

Grace and Baza, and the time-block will end.







Day 3, 9:00 - 12:00 Mid-Night


This last game segment opens in Grace and Gabriel's room, with Mosely, the

Prince, and Mesmi also present; they make their plan to invade the

underground temple of the vampires.  Gabriel, Mosely and Mesmi then proceed

to where Grace had previously found Wilkes' handkerchief by the cave entry

at the Southeast arm of the Seal of Solomon.  Gabriel enters the cave, and

is followed by the other two, and the computer returns control of the game

to you with the trio standing by a huge underground chessboard.  This puzzle

is next to impossible, but then I was quite disappointed that this entire

segment is essentially "Action" oriented; as far as I am concerned this kind

of thing belongs in a shooter or some other kind of "Action" computer game.

This IS NOT "Adventure game" material as for the most part the situations

found here require more agility with the computer and keeping Gabriel from

getting killed than they do thought, although it could be argued that this

first puzzle is not quite in that category.  At any rate, Gabriel needs to

jump around the keyboard, in the manner of a Knight in the game of chess, he

must never land on any square twice, and he must land on all the squares

with swords in them, and his final square must be directly in front of the

third door from the left, of the four doors at the other side of the

chessboard.  There are a number of solutions for this, but one is as

follows.  First, number (or letter?) the chessboard rows from A to H with

the row edging the four doors on the other side of the chessboard being Row

A, and the row edging the side of the chessboard where everyone is standing

is row H.  Then, number the columns from left to right as columns 1 through

8.  Before you actually start, click on the chessboard, and when a row of

ikons presents itself, you will notice that one is of Grace, who, based with

Baza in the Hotel room, is maintaining wireless contact with Gabriel

throughout this last segment.  Click on the "Grace" ikon for some

commentary, then have Gabriel start.  Click on the first square he must

stand on which is H4.  A row of ikons will appear, including a "Jump" ikon,

which you will click on to have Gabriel proceed to this first square.

Gabriel will stand on this square, then you need to click on square G6.

Again, click on the "Jump" ikon.  You then click on the next square, then

the "Jump" ikon etc, until Gabriel gets across and is standing in front of

the proper door (10).  A complete list of the chessboard squares Gabriel

needs to jump on in order is as follows:


H4, G6, F4, H5, G3, H1, F2, D3, E1, C2, E3, D1, B2, A4, B6, A8, C7, E8, F6,

G8, H6, F7, D8, B7, C5, B3, A5.


Once Gabriel makes it across, the computer will take over while he opens the

door, and comes to the next "Action" oriented obstacle.  Move your camera so

that you can look around the Pendulum room.  Notice the pillar in the centre

of the room.  Gabriel is going to have to catch the swinging Pendulum, then

jump from it to the top of the pillar.  This is an extremely frustrating

part of the game, as it is more luck than skill; in spite of the many times

I have played Gabriel Knight 3, I have NEVER gotten through here without

Gabriel being killed at least several times; in some games it has taken

twenty or thirty tries.  I have found that the best way to proceed is first,

with Gabriel standing in the doorway in front of the revolving ring, to move

the camera out and up, so your view is facing Gabriel, who is now below and

ahead of you.  This also affords you a view of the revolving ring, so

observe the four symbols embedded equidistantly around it.  Pay attention to

the big golden square, and when this comes in front of Gabriel, click either

on the rear portion of this ring segment or the first portion of the

following ring segment.  The immediate purpose here is to have Gabriel

standing on the ring segment immediately behind the segment containing the

golden square.  Instantly you have Gabriel on the proper square, move your

camera somewhat down, forward, and around in the direction the ring is

revolving.  Stop so you can see the ring revolving on your left towards the

bottom of your screen, and you also have a clear view of the slot in the

wall which accommodates the extreme end of the Pendulum's swing.  Gabriel

and the pendulum will come into view, and you should have your cursor-arrow

ready, positioned near the wall-slot.  As soon as you see the Pendulum,

position the cursor-arrow so it is near where the Pendulum's blade connects

to the shaft coming from the ceiling.  When your cursor-arrow changes to a

grasping hand, issue a brisk series of three or four Mouse-clicks.  You will

probably have to repeat this till you get the hang of it; when Gabriel is

killed by the blade, hit the "Retry" button that becomes available to start

this part again.  Eventually Gabriel will quit being sliced and diced by the

blade; you will see "Red-Eye" for a moment, and then you will see Gabriel

riding the swinging Pendulum (5).  Once this happens, you have time to heave

a sigh of relief; the computer will allow Gabriel to swing back and forth

forever if you let it.  At this point, SAVE YOUR GAME.  Gabriel's next move

is to jump down upon the pillar below, and while this is a lot easier than

catching the Pendulum, he is still apt to get killed, and if he does and you

HAVEN'T saved, you will have to retry, and at this point, that would mean

having to try to catch the Pendulum again, something you don't really want

to have to do.


When you are ready, position your cursor-arrow on the pillar, about an inch

(on your screen) below the top.  When Gabriel and the swinging Pendulum come

into view, your cursor will again change into a grasping hand.  Allowing for

Gabriel's momentum, when he is an inch or so away from being directly over

the pillar, mouse-click, and Gabriel will either land successfully atop the

pillar (5), or splatter on the floor below.  If this last happens, you will

be faced with a choice of buttons to click "Retry", "Restore", or "Quit."

Click the "Restore" button, and return to your last saved game, with Gabriel

swinging on the Pendulum.  If you click "Retry", Gabriel will be returned to

the door between the chessboard and the Pendulum room, and will have to

catch the Pendulum all over again.  Of course, if you didn't save the game

when Gabriel was riding the Pendulum, you will not have the option to

"Restore" to this point, and will have no choice but to repeat the entire

frustrating "Catch the Pendulum" sequence.


Once Gabriel is standing on the pillar, the Pendulum will quit swinging, and

come to a stop just above his head.  Gabriel will be facing a balance-scale

and a series of five symbolically shaped weights.  His task is to put the

proper ones on the scale, so as to lower the pillar to the floor below.

Click on one of the weights or the scale, then on the "Grace" ikon that

appears, for some rather obscure advice from her.  There are three of the

five weights that need to go on the scale, and the order Gabriel places them

there doesn't matter.  Click on the Infinity symbol, then on the ikon of the

scale which appears, and Gabriel will place this in one of the scales trays.

Then repeat this with the apple and the pomegranate, the two roughly

spherical items in front of the scale.  Ignore the other two, as if Gabriel

puts either of these in the scale, he dies.  Once Gabriel has placed the

proper items in the scale (10), the machine will take over while the pillar

descends, and Gabriel walks into an adjoining room.


You will be restored to control of the game with Gabriel standing in front

of a statue of King Solomon.  Click on this for some commentary by Gabriel,

then right-click on it, then hit the "Headset" ikon which appears.  Grace

will offer a snippet of advice (2).  Then, click on the writing on the wall;

this time the "Grace" ikon will appear so click on this for a translation.

Have Gabriel proceed to a sort of bench with a Latin inscription on it, and

a gold and black glove.  Click on the writing if you want, then on the

"Grace" ikon for a translation.  In this part of the game, Gabriel will be

visiting four or five of these "benches", and on each of them will be a

Latin phrase; the first thing he should do in each case is to click on the

writing, then on the "Grace" ikon.  This will result in some advice from

Grace, but no points.  Now we have Gabriel standing in front of the two

gloves, and you should have him "Take" the black one (2).  Then, Gabriel

needs to go to the bench with two bowls set in it.  One of these has flames

coming out, and the other is filled with a liquid substance.  Move your

camera forward and tilt it down, and you can see a lump of gold at the

bottom of each.  Click on the lump at the bottom of the flames, then when a

row of ikons appears, click on the ikon of the black glove.  The computer

will take over while Gabriel reaches in the flames and extracts the lump of

gold (5).  You will be returned to control of the game while Gabriel

replaces the black glove on its bench.  Then, Gabriel needs to approach

another bench, that is behind and between two statues.  After getting a

translation of the words on the bench from Grace, have Gabriel place the

lump of gold in the outstretched hand of the demon-statue (5) on your left.

(facing the bench)  Then, Gabriel needs to go to another corner and another

bench.  This bench has a pointer on it above the Latin expression.  The

bench is also behind two upright mirrors.  Have Gabriel step on both of

these in turn and look at himself.  In the mirror on the right, he is

youthful and sexy, in the mirror on the left, he looks like an unshaven and

unwashed street crackhead or drunk.  Then, have Gabriel go to the bench, and

move the pointer to the left, indicating the mirror reflecting the

disreputable image of Gabriel (5).  Then, Gabriel needs to go to yet another

bench with more writing and three large buttons.  After receiving

translation from Grace, click on the Yin-Yang button, and then click on the

"Gears" ikon to have Gabriel push this (5).  At this point, Gabriel will

announce that a door has opened (5), then he will go out into a larger room

where he will be rejoined by Mosely and Mesmi.


Looking around the room, you will notice two sets of short pillars, the ones

on the right are set before a bridge across a gulf to the other side of the

room, and the left-hand pair face upon nothing but a sheer drop-off.  If you

attempt the bridge you see on the left, Gabriel will get about 2/3 of the

way across, then the bridge will dissolve, and Gabriel will fall to his

death.  Move Gabriel up between the two pillars facing emptiness, and almost

immediately, a luminescent square will appear before him.  Move Gabriel onto

this square.  Then, as soon as another square comes into sight near him,

click on this to have him jump on this next square.  I call this place the

"Flickering Chessboard" as none of the squares remain for long; if you leave

Gabriel standing on one square for too long, it will sooner or later

evaporate, and Gabriel will fall to his death below.  If Gabriel gets killed

on the first couple of squares, click on the "Retry" button that becomes

available.  I have found that the only way to do this puzzle is on a

piecemeal basis.  When you successfully have managed to get Gabriel several

squares out, save your game.  If he then gets killed, you can then "Restore"

to that last point.  Again, after this, don't  "Retry" as this will send you

back to the beginning of the Flickering Chessboard.  After you have saved

with Gabriel several squares out, manage to move him a couple more squares,

and then save your game again.  Finally, make sure you save your game when

Gabriel has almost completed his transition of the Flickering Chessboard,

when he is on the last or next-to-last of the flickering squares.  I have

found this to be the last place I can save in the game; while the player has

a few things left to complete, the game is now almost over, and the computer

will be driving things from here on in.  After you have done this last

game-save, click on the solid ground between the two pillars on the other

side of the Flickering Chessboard, and the computer will take over while

Gabriel steps off the last flickering square (10), and is rejoined by Mosely

and Mesmi on the other side.


The computer will retain control of the game while three lesser vampires

appear through the shimmering veil, you may recognize one of these as

Montreaux's minion, Marceau, and one of the others is the old woman Grace

confronted in the wine-cellar basement of Chateau Serres, while the third

seems like one of the vampires who assaulted Gabriel on the train.  Gabriel

will go through the veil while Mosely and Mesmi hold off the three vampires.

Gabriel will then confront Montreaux, the Chief Vampire, who is waving his

athame (ritual dagger) over Prince James' baby son, Charlie, who is lying on

a small altar.  Montreaux will conclude his defiance of Gabriel by invoking

the demon Asmodeus.  Until invoked, Asmodeus has been a statue holding up

part of the roof, but when he comes alive and goes after Gabriel you need to

be ready to act.  This last part of the game is extremely fussy, and it

almost impossible to finish this segment off without having to "Restore" a

number of times.  Unfortunately, the nearest place you can restore to is

where Gabriel is standing on the last of the flickering squares, so every

time he gets killed by the demon, you have to sit through Gabriel's

confrontation with Montreaux all over again.  Once Asmodeus comes to life,

watch sharply and as soon as "Red-Eye" is replaced by your conventional

cursor-arrow, click on Asmodeus.  A row of ikons will appear; two are of

importance, specifically one of Gabriel's dagger and another representing

Gabriel's Schattenjeager medallion.  Immediately click on the "Medallion"

ikon, then click on Asmodeus.  This will slow him up a bit, and you should

then without delay click on the golden sarcophagus at the back of the room.

The "Climb" ikon will appear and you should click on this instantly.

Gabriel will jump up upon the sarcophagus (5); you should immediately

right-click, then hit the "Headset" ikon for some advice from Grace (5)

about killing demons.  Then, as soon as she is done, click on Asmodeus'

throat, then click on the "Medallion" ikon, then again click on Asmodeus'

throat.  This will cause both Asmodeus to throw back his head, and the row

of ikons to reappear.  This time, click on the "Dagger" ikon, then again on

Asmodeus' throat.  If all goes well, Gabriel will draw his dagger and slash

Asmodeus across the throat (25), and your role in the game is over, sit back

and watch the rather lengthy endgame scenes.




Copyright January 14, 2000 by Antoinetta III