The Unofficial Guide to

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     ^                                  ^

     ^ Get the Bunny FAQ version 1.0    ^

     ^ Written by Skysurfer87           ^

     ^  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.            ^

     ^  ^

     ^                                  ^




* Author's Note *



This is my first FAQ. I decided to write it on this game, because there are no

other FAQs written on it at this time. I was going to write FAQs for other

games, like Megaman. But there are already comprehensive guides written for



I just got this game recently. It was cheap ($3) and I like shooting things, so

I bought it. Since I just got it recently, I haven't figured out all the

secrets. If you have any comments, corrections, contributions, or questions,

please E-mail me. Credit will be given to those who contribute information.


You may put this on your website. Just make sure you notify me first and tell

me the URL of the website it's going to be posted on.


I can be contacted by E-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . You can talk to me on

AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) at the ScreenNames skysurfer8787 and DaGreatRyan1.

I am usually on the latter.



 Table of Contents



1. Game Information

2. Ratings

3. The Story

4. Game Controls

5. The Bunnies

6. Weapons

7. Scoring

8. Gameplay

9. Bonuses

10. Cheats

11. Legal Information



 1. Game Information



Name: Get the Bunny

Genre: Shooting

Platform: PC (Windows)

Number of Levels: 3 (including bonus level)

ESRB Rating: Teen (Violence)

Publisher: Data Becker Corporation

Developer: Soft Enterprises


You can download the demo of this game at:



 2. Ratings



The following ratings are based on a 1 to 10 scale. 1 being lowest and 10 being

highest. These ratings are my personal opinion and I have not consulted any

other sources.


Gameplay: 8

Graphics: 7

Sound: 5

Story: 5

Replay Value: 10

Amusement: 9

Overall: 7.333


If you can think of any other categories for ratings or any other game

information you would like to know, please E-mail me.



 3. The Story (from the box)





You have been transported into a world where crazed cottontails are trying to

take over your once peaceful farm. Now it's time for revenge! It's open season

on these furry varmints, and you've been called in to exterminate! You'll have

access to all the ammo you need in this ultimate 3D rabbit shooter game. Plus,

the 360 degree viewing fields will you keen hunting vision for your poaching

pleasure. You'll be sure to see the fur flying with these amazing graphics, so

load up your gun and go Get the Bunny!



 4. Game Controls



The mouse is used for everything. Move the mouse to look around. The left mouse

button fires. The right mouse button reloads your gun. Esc pauses the game and

brings up a small menu. The up and down arrow keys are used to navigate the

menus. Enter selects a menu item.



 5. The Bunnies



There are 3 types of bunnies: Brown bunnies, Grey bunnies, and Black bunnies.


Brown bunnies are the slowest and give the least amount of points. They are

killed in 1 shot by any gun.


Grey bunnies are the fastest and give the most amount of points. They are

killed in 1 shot by any gun.


Black bunnies are medium speed and give the second most amount of points. They

take two shots to kill by all the guns except the Shotgun.



 6. Weapons



There are 4 weapons available (that I've found, anyway).


RIFLE - The gun you start with. Slow firing speed. Damage = 1.


SHOTGUN - Gained by the power-up that looks like a red shotgun shell.

          Very slow firing speed. Damage = 2. It can kill anything in

          one hit.


SNIPER RIFLE - Gained by shooting the power-up that looks like a              

                    sharply pointed golden bullet. Medium firing speed.                           

Damage = 1. You will automatically zoom in once you have                  this



MACHINE GUN - Gained by shooting the power-up that looks like a black

              machine gun clip. very fast, rapid fire. Damage = 1.



 7. Scoring



The following is a table of how many points you get for shooting the different

animals at different distances.


|     Animal     |  Point Blank Range  |  Mid Range  |  Long Range  |


| Brown  Bunny   |      10 points      |  25 points  |   50 points  |


| Grey Bunny     |      25 points      |  50 points  |  100 points  |


| Black Bunny    |      20 points      |  40 points  |   80 points  |


| Mouse          |       5 points      |  10 points  |   15 points  |




The following list tells you how many points are added or subtracted from your

score when you shoot these objects on certain levels.




3 CANS NEXT TO HOUSE = + 20 points per can

TARGET = + 30 points


CAT = -100 points

CHICKEN = -50 points

CHICK = -15 points

HOUSE WINDOW = -30 points

CANS BY GATE = -20 points per can





TARGET = + 30 points

CARROT THAT HAS 3 BUNNIES AROUND IT = + 100 points and Slow Motion             




RAILROAD CROSSING SIGNS = -40 points per sign



 8. Gameplay



You don't walk in this game. You are at a stationary point. You spin around to

look behind and to the sides.


In the top left corner is your radar screen. You are the point in the center.

All the other dots are bunnies. Nothing else will show up on the radar screen.

The triangle the section of the screen you are looking at. It moves as turn



The top center tells you how much time you have left. The top right is your

score. It goes up or down depending on what you shoot. (See 6. Scoring)



 9. Bonuses



Bonuses are the things that occasionally pop up above something you've shot.

The following is a list of all the bonuses I have found and what they do.


THT QUESTION MARK(?) - It will either hide one of the below bonuses or

                       it will make it change the controls so that they

                       do the opposite of what they are supposed to do         

                                                             (i.e. you move the

mouse up, but you look down.)


RED SHOTGUN SHELL - Gives you the shotgun.


POINTED, GOLD BULLET - Gives you the sniper rifle.


BLACK MACHINE GUN CLIP - Gives you the machine gun.


CLOCK - Adds 10 seconds to you time.


If you have found any more bonuses, please E-mail me.



 10. Cheats



The only way to cheat that I have found is to download the MYTH Trainer. It is

a small program that acts like a Game Shark or Game Genie. You turn it on, then

start the game. Now you can press F5 and F6 to get unlimited ammo and no point



You can download this program at:




 11. Legal Information



This document is copyrighted (c) 2001 Skysurfer87


This FAQ cannot be distributed in any book, magazine, ect. This FAQ cannot be

given as a prize, bonus, or extra of any sort. It cannot be used for

promotional or profitable reasons. No part of this document, in part or in

whole, may be rewritten or copied in any way without written consent from me,

the author.


Get the Bunny is trademark (TM) DATA BECKER CORPORATION. This FAQ and its

author are no way affiliated with any company involved with this game. All

other names mentioned in this document are the copyright of their respective





Thanks for reading!!! ^_^




This document is about 5 pages long.


--------------============== The End ==============--------------