Get Campaign 2 (Terrorists)


Finish all 13 campaign mode missions to unlock campaign 2. 


Change Bot # 


In the CraveGlobalOperationsGlobalOpsattributes folder, 

there is a file called "singleplayer". If any of the levels 

are giving you a really hard time, you can edit this text file. 


The file is in plain english and is where the number of bots is 

picked from. Most levels have 1 of each type of player: medic, 

commando etc. You will see a name of the character followed by 

a 1 or 0 (0 being "good guy" and 1 being "bad guy"). 


In the first round of play, you are a good guy -- in the "next" 

round of play -- your a bad guy. 


Modify this file as desired and save. Always make a backup before 

overwriting the file.


BTW----------------------------By The Way

GO-----------------------------Global Operations

LSD----------------------------Life Signs Detector

Thermo Gogs--------------------Thermal Vision

Demon--------------------------Demoman(I think of him as a Demon) 

AI-----------------------------Artificial Intelligence(Computer Player)

MAG----------------------------Mobile Anti-aircraft Guns

;)-----------------------------A smirk typeface, AOL users should know

^_^----------------------------A smiley/happy face

:-p----------------------------Sticking tongue out, "P" is tongue



Table of Contents 


0.1 - Legal Stuff

0.2 - Versions

0.3 - Terms I Use

1.1 - Introduction

1.2 - Controls

1.3 - Jobs/Classes

1.4 - Salary

1.5 - Guns, Grenades and Specials (Almost Complete)

2.0 - Walkthrough (Under Construction)

2.1 - Tips and Tricks

2.2 - Questions and Answers

3.0 - Special Thanks To.....

3.1 - Places my FAQ are allowed at

*NOTE: You may press at anytime the Ctrl+F to do a word search. Just 

type in the numbers to find them more easily. Let's say you want to go 

to the Tips and Tricks section. Instead of scrolling and looking press 

the Ctrl and F at the same time and type in 2.1 and Vwa-lah!



1.1 - Introduction


This is a FAQ that will help guide you through Global Operations. I 

decided to write this FAQ because I just love this game. The only thing 

I hate is the lag in multiplayer that I get, but that's my own problem. 

Anyways, in this FAQ you'll get tips on how to beat each of the 

Missions. You can also find me on the servers named Master Tony. You may 

also contact me via e-mail or AIM. I've listed these at the top of this 

FAQ. Also, remember that any contribution will be posted up and credited 

by you if you decide to send me anything. Just so you guys know I like 

having good comments sent ot me cause they make me feel good inside. 

Anyways! ^_^ on with the FAQ! Enjoy!


Also, I've added in a subauthor. Dan has been a great assitant in this 

FAQ. My computer does not have Microsoft Word so I cannot do a spell 

check. Dan fixes ALL gramatical errors, and helped GREATLY in the Guns & 

Ammo section. He also added in some tips as well. He's also a great 

player and you'll usually find us playing in one of the Home LAN 

servers. Having a good friend in GO is the key in succession! If you see 

me playing you'll usually ifnd me and Tweek ruling ;)



1.2 Controls


This section is the list of controls that the game has. Please note that 

these controls are the ones set up automatically. You may change them to 

any buttons that you'd like. I am only listing the initial keys that 

they are set on.




Move Forward/Back-------------W/S

Turn Left/Right---------------Left/Right

Strafe------------------------Alt (left only)

Strafe Left/Right-------------A/D

Jump--------------------------Control (left only)


Crouch/Stand Toggle-----------F

Run---------------------------Shift (left only)

Run/Walk Toggle---------------Caps Lock

Look Up/Down------------------Page Up/Page Down

Center View-------------------Home

Mouse Look--------------------/




Primary Attack----------------Left Click

Secondary Attack--------------Right Click


Zoom In/Out-------------------'/;


Trigger Group Select----------X

Drop Item---------------------T


Vision Aids-------------------E


Next/Previous Item------------J/I

Select Specialty--------------B

Select Team-------------------N




Primary Weapon----------------1

Secondary Weapon--------------2

Side Arm----------------------3


Grenade Slot 1----------------5

Grenade Slot 2----------------6

Grenade Slot 3----------------7

Equipment Slot 1--------------8

Equipment Slot 2--------------9

Equipment Slot 3--------------0

Objective---------------------Minus Sign *Note: I couldn't put a "-" in 

because I use those to guide your eyes ;)




Radio Menu--------------------Z

Voiceover IP Global-----------Backspace


Team Say----------------------J



HUD Layout Mode---------------L




1.3 Jobs/Classes


These are the Jobs that can be played in Global Operations. Each class 

is unique in its on way. You can see that Heavy Gunner, and Commando are 

great jobs. They have almost no disadvantages at all. You must also 

factor in the headshots. Most of the time you'll buy fully upgraded 

weapons, armor, and thermo goggles. All of a sudden you're hit in the 

head and lose all of your stuff. Sometimes playing as a Commando or 

Heavy Gunner may get you pissed off more easily if you die so armor 

isn't everything!




   Job Name


Description of job and its' unique qualities


Advantages- Good things about the job

Disadvantages- Downside of the job


Primary Weapon---------------------------Main Weapon

Secondary Weapon-------------------------Backup Weapon


Grenade Slots----------------------------1/2/3 grenade slots

Special Items----------------------------Unique Items







The Medic uses his med kit to restore health to both him and 

incapacitated players. To heal your friends and allies use your primary 

attack. To heal yourself use secondary attack. The Medic usually carries 

an assault rifle.


Advantages- Healer, fast, get money by healing allies

Disadvantages- Weak armor, average income can carry only 1 heavy weapon 

has to deal with people yelling Medic! Medic! Constantly


Primary Weapon---------------------------Assault Rifles

Secondary Weapon-------------------------None


Grenade Slots----------------------------1 Slot

Special Items----------------------------Medic Kit

Speed------------------------------------Fast to medium

Armor------------------------------------Light or Medium





The Sniper is equipped with powerful scope on his weapon that allows him 

to target the enemies at great distances. He is able to move quickly and 

is more accurate at sniping than other jobs or classes.


Advantages- long ranged, survives more often, relatively high income, 

can sit back and relax sometimes ;-)

Disadvantages- No variety, expensive guns, sometimes never gets in on 

the action


Primary Weapon-----------------------------Sniper Rifle

Secondary Weapon---------------------------None


Grenade Slots------------------------------1 Slot

Special Items -----------------------------None

Speed -------------------------------------Fast to Medium

Armor -------------------------------------Light or Medium





The Demoman is a demolitions expert trained in planting and defusing 

explosives. While all jobs or classes can defuse C4 bomb, the demoman 

can perform this task much faster than others can.


Advantages- Explosives, strong armor, high income, can carry 2 heavy 


Disadvantages- Slow, more "friendly" casualties, expensive at times


Primary Weapon---------------------------Grenade Launcher

Secondary Weapon-------------------------Shotgun


Grenade Slots----------------------------3 Slots

Special Items----------------------------Explosives

Speed------------------------------------Medium to Slow

Armor------------------------------------Medium or Heavy





The Recon is fast, light, close range, offensive force equipped with the 

Life Signs Detector (LSD). The LSD has the ability to detect enemies 

within a variable range. Players within close proximity to the Recon 

share this information. 


LSD- The LSD has 3 main functions, which are Navigation, Broad Scan, and 

Narrow Scan. Navigation is the least used and it allows teammates and 

waypoints to be seen. The Broad Scan allows a 180-degree scanning 

radius. This allows you to see enemies who are fairly close to you. 

Narrow Scan will be commonly used. It allows 90-degree scanning radius. 

Allowing you to see enemies extremely far away. The LSD's battery 

depletes in Broad and Narrow Scan mode and it regenerates in Navigation 

Mode. Therefore, keeping your battery at 1/2 power is always a good idea 

incase you get too close to an enemy and want to know his next move.


Advantages- Fast, LSD, cheap weapons

Disadvantages- Weak armor, mostly weak weapons, low income, can carry 

only 1 heavy weapon


Primary Weapon-------------------------Sub-Machine Gun

Secondary Weapon-----------------------None


Grenade Slots--------------------------2 Slots

Special Items--------------------------Life Signs Detector

Speed----------------------------------Fast to Medium

Armor----------------------------------Light or Medium





The Commando is a mid-range offensive force. Because he can be equipped 

with powerful assault rifles, a secondary weapon, and the LAW disposable 

rocket launcher, he is the most versatile job or class available. The 

LAW functions as a Grenade Launcher type weapon and can be carried in 

his Grenade Slots. He is the only person who can use the LAW. The 

Demoman cannot use it.


Advantages- LAW, Variety of guns, good armor, and income is relatively 

high, can carry 2 heavy weapons on pick-up

Disadvantages- Slow, can be expensive at times, average 


Primary Weapon-------------------------Assault Rifle

Secondary Weapon-----------------------Sub-Machine Gun


Grenade Slots--------------------------2 Slots

Special Items--------------------------LAW (Must Be Purchased)

Speed----------------------------------Medium to Slow

Armor----------------------------------Medium or Heavy



 Heavy Gunner


The Heavy Gunner is slow but packs a large punch. The Gunner's primary 

weapon is the machine gun. These guns are good for close to mid-range 

combat and can penetrate various materials. The Heavy Gunner is also 

equipped with a secondary shotgun. This extra weapon gives the gunner 

more offensive options in battle. 


Advantages- Machine guns, good armor, variety of weapons, highest 

income, can carry 2 heavy weapons on pick-up

Disadvantages- Slow, expensive weapons


Primary Weapon-------------------------Machine Gun

Secondary Weapon-----------------------Shotgun


Grenade Slots--------------------------3 Slots

Special Items--------------------------None

Speed----------------------------------Medium to Slow

Armor----------------------------------Medium or Heavy



*Intel. Officer


The intelligence officer does not engage in actual combat, but rather 

collects information from the team and provides combat strategies as the 

mission unfolds. The intelligence officer is able to view the action 

through a system of 4 selected monitors. The primary monitor is the 

largest of the 4 views and displays full motion video. Members of the 

intelligence officer's team are viewable through his monitor system. 

Enemy soldiers may also appear on the intelligence officer's screen if 

they are in range of the recon's LSD.


Cameras- any of the monitors can be used to view the game through 

various cameras to which the intelligence officer has access. Each in-

game player is equipped with a small personal camera. The intelligence 

officer only has access to his teammate's cameras and cannot get any 

signal from the enemy team. In some missions, there may also be a system 

of security cameras to which the intelligence officer has access. His 

team must acquire control of these cameras in order for these cameras to 

be of use. To acquire control of a camera press spacebar or if you 

changed it the "Use" button.


Waypoints- The intelligence officer has the ability to place numbered 

waypoints on the map. These waypoints are represented on the players' 

compass, and can be used to regroup or to guide players to important 

elements in the missions.


Advantages- never dies, provides enemy location and strategy

Disadvantages- No cash acquired, never shoots a gun!


*Please note that Intelligence Officer can be played only in multiplayer 

games. It is unavailable in single player. It is seen on the top right 

of the character select screen. Displayed as a rectangular box and not a 

human character. I would advise not to be an Intel Officer though. I was 

playing once and someone tried to guide me and he ended saying things 

like "NO! Not THAT way!" and "Oh GOOD job there!" IMHO, I think it's a 

very boring job because you don't get to shoot people. The game's not 

just about shooting, but you just have to shoot a gun ^_^


1.4 Salary


Every job needs a salary right? In Global Operations you get paid to do 

various things. Whether it's killing someone or healing someone you will 

get money. Every job or class receives money in their own unique way, 

but each of them will receive these bonuses no matter what:


Eliminating an Enemy----------------------------*Varies

Assisting in Eliminating an Enemy---------------$250

Rescuing a Hostage------------------------------$750

Touching a Hostage------------------------------$150

Killing a Hostage(if on rescue team)------------Lose $900

Killing a Hostage(if on prevention team)--------Lose $750

Winning a Level---------------------------------$4000

Losing a Level----------------------------------$3000

Staying Alive-----------------------------------$150/30 seconds

Bonus for level losses--------------------------$250/per loss(3 is max)


*Eliminating an enemy is random. It depends on how much health the 

player had before he died, where he could have been shot, what gun was 

used, and kill/death ratio. Most of the time you won't even notice 

yourself getting money because you'll be more concentrated on the game. 

Letting your eyes drift off for a mere 5 seconds may result in death. 

Trust me, I know =)


In addition to getting money for killing enemies. Each class/job has its 

own unique way of earning cash. It wouldn't be fair if Medics didn't get 

paid to heal the wounded and it wouldn't be fair if Recons receive no 

money from sharing data. Here's a list of the bonuses included for each 

of the jobs:





Initial Cash---------------------------------------$2300

Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$1150

Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$300





Initial Cash---------------------------------------$1200

Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$600

Eliminate Enemy------------------------------------$200

Teammate Kills an Enemy while you use LSD----------$150





Initial Cash---------------------------------------$3500

Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$1750

Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$200

Killed an Enemy 30 Feet or Closer Near an Ally-----$100

Killed an Enemy that was a Threat to VIP-----------$100





Initial Cash---------------------------------------$2300

Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$1150

Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$200

Revive a Teammate or Heal Ally---------------------$200

Heal a Teammate or Ally for 10(or less)------------$25





Initial Cash---------------------------------------$3500

Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$1750

Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$200

Killed Enemy With Explosive------------------------$100

Planting a Bomb------------------------------------$75

Defusing a Bomb------------------------------------$75



  Heavy Gunner


Initial Cash---------------------------------------$4100

Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$2050

Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$300

Assist in Eliminating an Enemy---------------------$250





Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$200

Escaping From Capture------------------------------$500


I am not quite clear on why VIP will get money when he kills an enemy in 

a multiplayer game. VIPs cannot buy guns or use money for anything. It's 

possible that the money is spread throughout the team members that are 

protecting him, but other than that I don't know why he gets money. 



1.5 Guns, Grenades and Specials


Here's a rundown on the available advanced tools and weaponry. I've also 

indicated a tilda (~) near my favorite gun out of the selections and the 

upgrades I get with them that are a must have.




*Name of Gun*

Caliber: Bullet Type

Clip Size: How many bullets

Price: How much it costs

Upgrades: Extras that are added to the gun ($Cost of Upgrade)

Accuracy: Weapons aiming property

Damage: Weapons strength

Info: My opinion on the gun. If it's worth the money to buy.





Handguns are the standard sidearms available to all player specialties.


Beretta *92F*

Caliber: 9x19mm

Clip Size: 15 Rounds

Price: $300

Upgrades: Suppressor ($200)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Low

Info: Although it is the weakest gun with the lowest amount of bullets 

it's the cheapest. I personally love the Berreta(Devil May Cry ^_^) and 

buy it as a sidearm. A few good shots to the head will be sure victory.


Glock *18C*  

Caliber: 9x19mm

Clip Size: 19 Rounds

Price: $350

Upgrades: Extended Clip ($350), Tac Light ($75)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Low

Info: Possibly better than the Beretta, but I buy these on rare 

occasions. I see many people use them though because the extra 4 clips 

could help out greatly. This pistol also has an exteneded clip allowing 

it to be more useful, but quite costly. Instead of buying the extended 

clip you should spend your $700 on the Magnum. Much better!


Para *P14* 

Caliber: .45

Clip Size: 14 Rounds

Price: $450

Upgrades: Laser Sight ($300), Suppressor ($200)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Medium

Info: This is my "gun" What I mean by this is that I use this very 

often. It's the cheapest gun that can do Medium damage and 2 good shots 

to the head can kill someone. I buy this one 75% of the time I start out 

a game.


HK *USP45* 

Caliber: .45 ACP

Clip Size: 12 Rounds

Price: $500

Upgrades: Suppressor ($200), Tac Light ($75)

Accuracy: High 

Damage: Medium



FN *Five SeveN* 

Caliber: 5.7 X 28mm

Clip Size: 20 Rounds

Price: $575

Upgrades: None

Accuracy: High

Damage: Low



Sig *SP2340* 

Caliber: .357 SIG

Clip Size: 12 Rounds

Price: $600

Upgrades: Tac Light ($75)

Accuracy: High 

Damage: Medium



Colt ~Anaconda~ 

Caliber: .44 Magnum

Clip Size: 6 Rounds

Price: $750

Upgrades: ~3x Scope ($300)

Accuracy: High

Damage: High

Info: VERY strong and accurate. When combined with the scope you may get 

kills in one shot! This gun cannot load an extra bullet, but 6 shots is 

more than enough to take someone out. This is the number one gun in 

terms of money/damage ratio.


IMI *Desert Eagle* 

Caliber: .50 AE

Clip Size: 7 Rounds

Price: $975

Upgrades: None

Accuracy: High

Damage: High

Info: For the $1000 it will cost you it will be worth your money. This 

gun is very strong and reliable. In the right hands you may get 5 kills 

before you even die! The money is a bit too high, and if you'd rather 

use your $1000 for a Mahine gun or something else stronger it may be 

wise. Picking one up wouldn't be a bad idea though!





Demomen and heavy gunners typically carry shotguns as their secondary 



Remington *870*

Caliber: 12 Gauge Buckshot

Shell Capacity: 6 Shells

Price: $900

Upgrade: Tac Light ($75) 

Accuracy: Medium

Damage: Low

Info: Horrible! I would ignore this shotgun if possible! The reload is 

done 1 shell at a time like a real shotgun. This is low in damage, 

medium accuracy, and slow reload time. Compare this to the Magnum up on 

top. For only $750 you get a gun that is high accuracy and damage, and a 

quick reload time. Buy a pistol instead!


Benelli *M1*

Caliber: 12 Gauge Buckshot

Shell Capacity: 5 Shells

Price: $1100

Upgrade: Tac Light ($75)

Accuracy: Medium

Damage: Medium

Info: A bit better than the Remington 870, but still not worth the 

money. I'd rather stay away from the first 2 shotguns because they're 

not worth the money. Buy a pistol instead!



Caliber: 12 Gauge Buckshot

Shell Capacity: 6 Shells

Price: $1675

Upgrade: None

Accuracy: Medium

Damage: Medium

Info: Much better! This shotgun is very strong and reliable. The reload 

is much quicker than the other shotguns, but it's still a tiny bit 

slower than a pistol. If you're picking a shotgun you should buy this 

one or the next one.



Caliber: 12 Gauge Buckshot

Shell Capacity: 10 Rounds

Price: $3000

Upgrade: ~19 Round Drum Magazine ($875)

Accuracy: Medium

Damage: High

Info: Can you say hell razer? This shotgun is the best of the best. It's 

reload time is very quick, like a pistol. The damage is extremely high 

and accuracy is more accurate than it says. Used in close range you can 

take people out in a bunch. I once mowed down 6 people with this bunched 

together! The shotgun fires like a machine gun, but with shells! VERY 

deadly in the hands of a master.



Machine Guns 


Machine guns are the primary weapon of the heavy gunner.



Caliber: 5.56x45mm

Clip Size: 100 Rounds

Price: $3625

Upgrades: 200 Round upgrade ($950)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Low

Info: Cheapest machine gun on sale. This machine gun is good, but I stay 

away from this because the next one is much better. If you start out as 

a Heavy Gunner I'd buy a shotgun instead, but it's really your choice.


Stoner ~96~

Caliber: 5.56x45mm

Clip Size: 100 Rounds

Price: $4250

Upgrades: ~3x Scope ($425), ~200 Round upgrade ($950)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Medium

Info: My favorite of all the machine guns. It has the ability to scope 

and this is very useful in certain spots. It's accuracy is good, and 

damage is fair. I would choose this out of the other machine guns.


HK *21E*

Caliber: 7.62x51mm

Clip Size: 100 Rounds

Price: $5600

Upgrades: 200 Round upgrade ($950)

Accuracy: High

Damage: High

Info: An "okay" machine gun, but that may be saying too much. This 

machine gun has high damage, but it shoots and bounces around so you 

never actually hit your desired target. In my opinion it stinks because 

I hate guns that do spread shots. Try out the FAL and you'll see what I 

mean by spread shot. Avoid this and by the next one.



Caliber: 7.62x51mm

Clip Size: 100 Rounds

Price: $6425

Upgrades: 200 Round upgrade ($950)

Accuracy: High

Damage: High

Info: Unlike the HK 21E this gun doesn't go out of control. Your shots 

won't boucne around and it's accuracy is great. Because of the money it 

needs plus an upgrade you probably won't want to buy this. Most of the 

time I pick machine guns up on the floor. I'd advise you to upgrade 

armor and buy the Stoner 96 instead.



Sub-Machine Guns


The Recon specialty carries a sub-machine gun as their primary weapon. 

Commandos use the sub-machine gun as their secondary weapon.


IMI *Micro Uzi*

Caliber: 9x19mm 

Clip Size: 32 Rounds

Price: $750

Upgrades: Suppressor ($300)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Low

Info: Crappy crap crap. Although it carries 32 clips it stinks! It's 

possible to shoot someone with the whole 32 clips and not kill them. Buy 

the Magnum instead!



Caliber: 9x19mm 

Clip Size: 30 Rounds

Price: $900

Upgrades: Suppressor ($300), Double Clip ($375), 3x Scope ($350)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Low

Info: Like the Uzi it stinks. I would avoid this gun and buy a pistol 

instead. You can try it if you want, but I bet you'll toss it once you 

see its' "suckiness"


Beretta *12S*

Caliber: 9x19mm 

Clip Size: 20 Rounds

Price: $1100

Upgrades: Tac Light ($75), 3x Scope ($325), Extended Clip ($450)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Medium

Info: This is a pretty decent machine gun if you're low on cash. I 

wouldn't buy the extended clip though. buy this gun if you're low on 

money. Otherwise buy a different one.


HK *UMP45*

Caliber: .45 ACP 

Clip Size: 25 Rounds

Price: $1425

Upgrades: Suppressor ($200), Tac Light ($75), 3x Scope ($400)

Accuracy: High

Damage: High

Info: This machine gun is worth it's money. The high damage/high 

accuracy is useful for only $1450. This is the sub-machine gun you want 

to buy. Don't buy any of the lower level ones. Start looking from here 



HK *MP5/10*

Caliber: 10 mm 

Clip Size: 30 Rounds

Price: $1700

Upgrades: Tac Light ($75), 3x Scope ($400), Suppressor ($200)

Accuracy: High

Damage: High

Info: Possible tied at first place sub-machine-wise. Although, there 

arne't very many good sub-machine guns ;) This should always be picked 

up if you're very accurate in shooting.


FN ~P90~

Caliber: 5.7x28mm 

Clip Size: 50 Rounds

Price: $2275

Upgrades: ~Suppressor ($200), Laser Light ($300)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Medium

Info: A little too expensive for my taste. If I have a lot fo extra cash 

I'll buy this one. I wish it were a bit cheaper because I like this gun. 

The only downside to this gun is the cost. If you're playing as a recon 

it'll be ahrd to purchase. Buy this if you have extra cash!



Assault Rifles


Assault Rifles are the primary weapons of the Commando and the Medic


~AK 47~

Caliber: 7.62x39mm

Clip Size: 30 Rounds

Price: $1975

Upgrades: ~5x Scope ($500)

Accuracy: High

Damage: High

Info: Although being the cheapest assault rifle it packs a punch. The AK 

47 is something you will want when you think you're low on cash. It's 

very worth your money and can easily kill people. I would choose this 

over many assault rifles so try it out!


*Olympic Arms M4 Carbine*

Caliber: 5.56x45mm

Clip Size: 30 Rounds

Price: $2500

Upgrades: 5x Scope ($575), Suppressor ($225), 100 Round C-Mag ($1750)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Low

Info: This rifle says it has a low damage ratio, but I think it's 

actually medium. THis assault rifle is pretty good, but I'd rather stick 

with the AK 47. I wouldn't spend money to upgrade this and get the Round 

C-Mag. It pumps your clip size to 100, but at the cost of $1750 and 

$2500 to buy the rifle, I'd stick with the HK G36 instead.



Caliber: 7.62x51mm

Clip Size: 20 Rounds

Price: $2800

Upgrades: 5x Scope ($600)

Accuracy: High

Damage: High

Info: This rifle is very powerful, but very weird. Each shot will cause 

the gun to jump around and bounce making your aiming a bit off if you 

plan on using it for its rapid fire ability. I tend to use this for 

short burst. Just shoot 2-5 bullets and pause for 2 seconds and then 

shoot again. You'll have to experiment with this, but I personally like 

it because I've gotten use to the sloppy aiming.


Sig *SG550*

Caliber: 5.56x45mm

Clip Size: 30 Rounds

Price: $3150

Upgrades: 5x Scope ($575), Double Clip ($375)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Medium

Info: A powerful and reliable gun. I don't see why they categorized this 

as medium damage. It should be high because I can mow down many people 

with this. The DOuble CLip will only cost you $375 and that's close to 

nothing if you're playing as a Commando. If you have extra cash you 

should buy this gun for sure!


HK *G36*

Caliber: 5.56x45mm

Clip Size: 30 Rounds

Price: $4250

Upgrades: 100 Round C-Mag ($1750)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Medium

Info: This assault rifle is costly, but may be worth your cash. I tend 

to stay away from this only because the Sig SG550 is $1100 cheaper and I 

think saving my money for the HK G11 will be worth the wait. Once in 

awhile I'll pick it up, but usually I take the other 2. The assault 

rifles are too good to choose between them, so experiment with each.


HK ~G11~

Caliber: 4.73x33 Caseless

Clip Size: 45 Rounds

Price: $6500

Upgrades: None

Accuracy: High

Damage: High

Info: OMG! This weapon is the weapon of all weapons. It automatically 

comes with a 5x Scope free of charge. On top of that it can hold 45 

rounds and has an extremely high damage. This is the weapon of choice if 

you manage to get enough money to purchase it. The only real downside to 

this gun is that the gun moves up when you shoot a bullet. Sorry but I 

forgot the word for it. It moves up pretty high when you do it, so you 

have to get used to the gun, but once you do you'll be the Human Slayer 

in the game.



Sniper Rifles



Remington *710*

Caliber: .270 Winchester

Clip Size: 4 Rounds

Price: $2800

Upgrades: 12x Scope ($750)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Low

Info: Well, for a basic sniping gun it's alright. Sometimes a shot in 

the head won't exactly kill someone, but at least you can injure them 

extremely bad. It's highly recommended that you buy the 12x Scope so you 

can use it at it's fullest. On top of that you'll have to go abck to 

your normal vision for every shot you take. This is a major set back 

since you have to push the secondary button to zoom back in. I would 

rather play as a Heavy Gunner or Commando to save up money for a better 

sniping gun though.



Caliber: 7.62x51mm

Clip Size: 5 Rounds

Price: $3750

Upgrades: G-1 Extended Clip($550)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Low

Info: Although having an extended clip it's almost similar to the 

Remington 710. Again, I would rather spend my money elsewhere and wait 

for the last 2 sniping guns. You can try it out, but it's too tacky for 

my tastes.


~Dragunov SVD~

Caliber: 7.62x54

Clip Size: 10 Rounds

Price: $4525

Upgrades: ~10x Scope($750)

Accuracy: High

Damage: Medium

Info: Ah, this is "my gun". I always use this sniping gun because I 

always have. Probably because it sounds like Dragon too since I love 

dragons. Anyways, this sniping gun is a bit better. You won't have to go 

out of your zoom so you can easily finish off people. Every hit to the 

head is a sure kill. I've probably killed 150 people with this sniping 

gun and I've probably failed 149 of the times. This one is me Old 




Caliber: .50 BMG

Clip Size: 5 Rounds

Price: $7350

Upgrades: None

Accuracy: High

Damage: High

Info: Being the msot expensive sniping gun it's the best. I tend to stay 

away from this only because of the high cost. If I find one ont he floor 

I use it though. The reason why you can't buy an extra scope for it is 

because it comes with a 12x Scope already inputted in! Maybe it's worth 

the money, but usually I'd just play as a pumped up Heavy GUnner with 

$7350 in my pocket. It's your choice, but I don't like this gun. I 

prefer my Dragon gun ;)



Specialty Equipment


Specialty Equipment ranges from a variety.


~Grenade Launcher~

Caliber: 40mm Grenade

Clip Size: 1

Price: $3575

Upgrades: None

Accuracy: High

Damage: Very High

Used By: Purchased by Demoman only

Info: Sure the cost is expensive, but it's worth it. It's clip size is 

one, and it can reload 5 times. Giving you 6 grenades in total.  It's 

easy to get multiple kills with this.

(Note: Make sure to only use at a distance because it's very easy to get 

injured or end up killing yourself)



Type: Rocket

Quantity: 1

Price: $4655

Upgrades: None

Accuracy: Unspecified

Damage: Very High

Used By: Purchased by Commando only

(Note: Make sure to only use at long distances because it's very easy to 

get injured or end up killing yourself)


~Remote C4~

Type: C4 Explosive

Quantity: 3

Price: $625

Accuracy: Unspecified

Damage: High

Used By: Purchased by Demoman only

(Note: You can place more then one Remote C4 out at a time by placing 

one down and pressing the Secondary Button)


*Timed C4*

Type: C4 Explosive

Quantity: 3

Price: $1025

Accuracy: Unspecified

Damage: Very High

Used By: Purchased by Demoman only

(Note: Press '/; to increase/decrease timer by one-second)


*Flash Grenade*

Type: Flash Bang

Quantity: 2

Price: $250

Accuracy: Varies on how long "Shoot" button is held.

Damage: Low

Used By: Purchasable by any job


*Frag Grenade*

Type: Fragmentation

Quantity: 2

Price: $275

Accuracy: Varies on how long "Shoot" button is held. 

Damage: High

Used by: Purchasable by any job


*Smoke Grenade*

Type: Smoke

Quantity: 2

Price: $200

Accuracy: Varies on how long "Shoot" button is held.

Damage: None

Used By: Purchasable by any job


~Gas Grenade~

Type: Tear Gas

Quantity: 2

Price: $350

Accuracy: Varies on how long "Shoot" button is held.

Damage: None

Used By: Purchasable by any job


*Gas Mask*

Type: Headgear

Quantity: 1

Price: $450

Used By: Purchasable by any job

(Note: Limits view when being used)


*Night Vision*

Type: Goggles

Quantity: 1

Price: $450

Used by: Purchasable by any job

(Note: Gun shots sometimes flash so much that it can blind you for a 

small amount of time)


~Thermal Vision~

Type: Goggles

Quantity: 1

Price: $875

Used by: Purchasable by any job

(Note: Can run out of battery power and gun shots sometimes flash so 

much that it blinds you for a small amount of time)



2.0 Walkthrough


Finally! Here it is! There are 2 campaigns. The only difference is that 

in Campaign 2 you're on the other team's side. So you'll get the jobs 

that are a bit harder. Also, there are 3 levels of difficulty to play on 

which are: Easy, Normal, and Hard. I suggest starting on Normal. Why? 

Easy is way too easy. If you're an experienced first person shooter you 

should go to Normal. Something that really pisses me off when I play is 

Frag Grenades. Your allies will throw them like crazy (Damn that Private 

Kong! ^_^). Most of the time you'll find yourself dieing from your own 

allies' hands and not your enemies hands. Your solution to this? I would 

just kill your teammates if they have possession of a grenade. Plus, you 

can pick up their gun. It's cruel and all, but you're the main player. 

Don't expect your AI'S to do much work. This is all you; so having a 

good gun is much better with you rather than your AI partner. Here's a 

brief description on how the difficulties actually are:


Easy Level- Your enemies will play as a take turn shooting. If 2 are 

face-to-face one will shoot, and then they'll wait to be shot once. This 

pattern repeats until one of them is dead. So it's like "Hey Nazi, you 

shoot me once and wait. Then I'll shoot you once and then afterwards we 

can have tea and crumpets!" Pretty sad huh? What's even sadder is that 

the enemy will wait around 5-10 seconds if they see you and then start 

to shoot you. I easily racked up $15000 by taking headshots. They just 

sit there and give you 5 seconds to aim and take off their head. They 

also have horrible accuracy and reflexes. I remember following them at 

times for nearly 30 seconds. You can just run around their bodies and 

they'll never hit you. Stand right up in their face and see how many 

shots it takes to get hit. I bet it'll be 2 or 3. That means it takes 

them around 30 seconds to make one hit off you. If I could I'd change 

Easy and call it Blind Man's Level!


Normal Level- This level is what I recommend for players. You won't 

learn how to do the shoot/hide technique on Easy. The enemies won't 

really wait for you. Once they see you they may delay for a second or 

two but they'll try to actually be aggressive. They will still throw 

grenades at you on this level and even more so. Basically to survive 

you'll have to learn how to crouch over ledges and peak down towards 

enemies. You need to learn how to peek behind a wall and hide back. You 

basically want be unseen and play stealth so you can get the first hit. 

I recommend using a Recon because you will know where the enemy is and 

can Circle Around Back. Once you have a feel on how the AI'S play you 

can go without a Recon.


Hard Level- This is very hard and requires a lot of skill. Enemies will 

almost always know when to expect you. It is hard to play this without 

being a Recon because you can easily die. Especially in dark areas 

because they'll see you clearly and you may have a hard time finding 

them. This is a no hold back level. Your shots have to count and your 

brain needs to be used. You have to work on moving on the battlefield 

and shooting at the same time. No more stand in one place, aim, and 

shoot. You always want to be moving. Standing still will leave you dead 

if you're not careful. A good way to survive is to let your teammates do 

a little fighting with the enemy. After they fight they'll most likely 

be dead, but weapons are scattered all over the battlefield. Just go 

pick one up instead of buying one. This way you can start with the 

strongest armor possible and possibly Thermo Goggles. Also, if you play 

Heavy Gunner or Commando just upgrade your armor and take a Thermo Gog 

with you. When the game start just knife your Commando or Heavy Gunner 

AI because they'll have a pretty decent weapon. I think you lose around 

$900 for killing an AI but you've just spent all your money on armor and 

thermo gogs, so you get a free gun ^_^



Campaign 1





Mission # - Location



1) Your first objective to complete

2) Your second objective to complete

Difficulty: How hard the level is

Recommended Job: My job of choice


Mission Brief: A lowdown on what is happening in the mission


This next paragraph is my guidance for completion. Words in caps are 

related to the mission, so if you want to know what to do just look for 

the words in caps. They'll help you find out what to do if you decide 

not to go through a thorough walkthrough.


*These stars are big tips that will help you win if you don't want to 

read the paragraph.



Mission 1 - Mexico



1) Blow up Targets

2) Plant the Bomb

Difficulty: Very Easy

Recommended Job: Demoman


Mission Brief: In answer to growing pressure from the US Drug 

Enforcement Agency, Mexican authorities have sharply stepped up their 

efforts to limit the northward flow of narcotics. An anonymous tip 

submitted to the local police has resulted in the deployment of the 

Mexican Army, armed with a large C4 explosive device, to the suspected 

base of operations for the Gallardo Cartel, where a drug shipment is 

being loaded onto trucks for crossing the border.


This mission is your first and quite simple mission. This will give you 

a taste of Global Operations. Allow your AI teammates to go ahead of 

you. If you hear gunfire, then you know that you'll expect enemies. The 

key is to use your AI'S as decoys to detect where enemies are. Allow 

them to go ahead and you follow. All you have to do is plant a C4 

explosive near or on the truck and guard it until it blows up. To do 

this follow your teammates until you are right in front of that palace 

type building. On the left you'll see that the enemies come from that 

direction. The truck is over there. If you get lost just kill all your 

enemies and follow your AIs, because they will always know where to go. 

If you're a Demoman you can set a Timed C4 on 1 second and place it on 

the truck. You'll kill yourself, but you'll blow up the truck. My 

alternate way is to kill the enemies. My AIs set the C4 for me; all I 

had to do is get the kills. Mission completed! 


*Use your headshots for quick kills!



Mission 2 - Chechnya



1) Destroy Mobile Anti-aircraft Guns (MAG)

2) Eliminate Commander Gradeno 

Difficulty: Very Easy 

Recommended Job: Sniper or Heavy Gunner


Mission Brief: An aggressive campaign launched by the Russian Army has 

forced the Caspian Freedom Force to retreat to a barricaded outpost deep 

in the Caucasus Mountains. The Russians are coordinating an ambitious 

ground attack to disable 2 anti-aircraft weapons that have protected the 

rebel stronghold for some time. The rebels have sworn to keep the anti-

aircraft weaponry ready and functioning at all costs.


Remember that you can always just concentrate on kills and allow your 

AI'S to finish the mission for you. This is your first mission that has 

a large battlefield, which allows excellent sniping guns to be put to 

use. Your first mission is to destroy the MAG. When the mission begins 

take a good look at it. You may destroy it with a grenade or with C4. 

When the mission starts just head forward down the path. Don't go the 

way that ends up with a train in the middle of the road. Take the long 

route and eventually you'll see the first MAG. Blow it up, and you have 

only one more to go. Now backtrack your way to the beginning and head 

towards the train. Odds are that some gun firing is taking place here. 

You want to be on the left side of the train and find the first opening 

on the left. The last MAG is located here so blow it up and an air 

strike will be called. I'm not sure if it is here, because when I play 

either my AIs get to it first or when in multiplayer my team does it for 

me. I apologize for this, but you can let your AIs blow them up for you. 

When the air strike is called though you can gain access to that 

mountain area from before. Now you don't have to try and climb it. Go 

into the warehouse and look for a man that's carrying an AK 47. He'll 

look differently than the others. Kill him and you'll complete this 

mission. Piece of cake if you let your AIs work for you ;)


*Watch out for Snipers

*Gradeno can kill you in a few hits



Mission 3 - Canada



1) Recapture the VIP

2) Lead VIP to Extraction Point 

Difficulty: Very Easy 

Recommended Job: Recon or Commando


Mission Brief: An incarcerated member of the Turkish Defense League has 

been broken out of confinement and authorities suspect those responsible 

for the breakout are the North American arm of the TDL. Authorities are 

hot on the trail of the TDL with the intent to recapture the prisoner. 

Meanwhile, the TDL is racing against time to deliver him to a secret 

safety zone where authorities believe he may be returned to Turkey.


This mission will take timing. Start off by buying a Frag Grenade and a 

weapon of choice. Run up the hill ahead of you, and you should fall onto 

a car. A tunnel is straight ahead of you so go through it. Once done you 

turn left and head through the train's opening and take another left. 

Take a right around the corner to access the Park area, but not through 

the sewer access. Go up the hill and look northeast. Right as you get 

close to this turn the enemy will pop out so you can expect them. If you 

ran all this way without any stops they should arrive there when you do. 

Make sure you pull out that Frag Grenade and throw it over there. Pull 

out your gun and shoot the ones that didn't die. Pick up their guns and 

push the "Use" button on Gorran (VIP) so he follows you. If your 

teammates are behind tell them to Go Go Go! You want as much backup as 

possible. As you go down the tunnel you may see a Sniper in a little 

vent area. Throw your last Frag Grenade at him and that should finish 

him off. Continue down this tunnel until you see a large truck. By this 

time you should expect all of the enemies you fragged with a Grenade to 

appear near the truck. Pull out one of the guns you picked up and try to 

kill them all without dieing. You may also go around the truck, because 

your AIs will fight them. Go up the street and make a left now. You 

should see a van that looks similar on the Objective screen. Stand next 

to it so Gorran will run into it. You've just completed this mission! 



*Don't leave the VIP alone

*Pick up guns that are dropped and get the best armor available



Mission 4 - USA



1) Prevent Bomb Planting

2) Diffuse Bomb

Difficulty: Fairly Hard

Recommended Job: Demoman


Mission Brief: Intelligence reports have uncovered a plan by the leftist 

group known as the Black River Brigade to shut down the electrical power 

grid of the western United States by attacking the Keerok Dam. United 

States government officials say that any loss of power at the plant 

would be calamitous. SWAT forces are on the scene and have pledged to 

stop them at all costs.


This mission is a very difficult one at hand. Your objective is to kill 

the Brigade so that they don't plant the BOMB near the power generators. 

If they do however, you must diffuse the bomb. To defuse a BOMB you can 

learn in the Demo Training for more specific steps. Once you locate the 

BOMB on one of the power generators press the "Use" button to have a 

choice between 3 strips. Cut the wrong one and you're dead! Demomen can 

defuse bombs faster so I highly recommend that you be one. You can 

always try and kill all the Brigades and let your AI'S do it. This may 

be the best choice.


*Head for the power generator ASAP and diffuse the bomb!



Mission 5 - Argentina



1) Prevent Theft of Cross

2) Prevent Extraction of Cross

Difficulty: Very Easy

Recommended Job: Heavy Gunner, Sniper


Mission Brief: Argentina's National Museum officials say they are on 

schedule for the grand opening of a highly anticipated showing of 

Argentinean medieval art and religious artifacts despite growing 

concerns about thievery. The Nino's Cross, one of the collection's most 

esteemed pieces, has highly symbolic meaning to some fanatical Argentine 

leftist groups. Argentina's official Special Forces unit, Las Fuerzas 

Especiales, has stepped up security around the museum, fearing that 

thieves might attempt to commandeer the famous artifact.


When you start out head towards the gray screen doors and open them up. 

Head up the stairs in front of you and you'll see about 3 guys come out. 

Blast these guys right away and get ready for another 2. Once you finish 

these guys off call for a Medic to get healed. Pick up their guns and 

kill them once they get down again. Repeat this until the mission ends. 

It's possible that the bad guys can run down the other side of stairs so 

be on your toes! If they happen to break through the security just head 

back behind where you respawn. The building behind here is the location 

of the CROSS. Find the room of CROSS (it has the big holy man in it) and 

stay in there to guard it.


*Don't let the enemy get pass the stairs position

*Armor is your first priority

*Repeatedly call Medic!



Mission 6 - Peru



1) Rescue Hostages

2) Deliver Hostages to Extraction Point

Difficulty: Easy

Recommended Job: Heavy Gunner


Mission Brief: The Peruvian Hostage crisis continues into its fifth day 

with no end in sight. The Peruvian Revolutionary Front has released all 

but six security personal that are believed to be imprisoned in the 

auxiliary wing of residence. The PRF is negotiating its demands with the 

Peruvian government and has stated that the hostages shall not be harmed 

but their safety cannot be guaranteed in any sort of armed conflict with 

government forces.


This mission is fairly quick and easy. It's hard to navigate around 

because the area has VERY many paths and doorways. I'll show you what I 

do. When you start buy either a Desert Eagle or a USAS12. Head to the 

left and into the building. Keep going and take a left when you see 2 

doorways. Continue down and don't take any turns. Once you hit the end 

of the hall take a right and peer to the left. In this area you should 

see all the enemies. The HOSTAGES are in that room, so eliminate them 

quickly and bring a hostage out. HEad to the cars in the corner and they 

will be rescued. Repeat this until you win. The mission is very easy 

because your AIs will save them fast.


*A good defense is a good offense. Have strong armor!

*Pick up a hostage and get the heck out



Mission 7 - Uganda



1) Rescue Hostages

2) Call Aircraft for Extraction

Difficulty: Easy

Recommended Job: Commando or Heavy Gunner


Mission Brief: The hijacking of an Israeli military jet by the Marxist 

Popular Army and its subsequent emergency landing at the international 

airport at Entebbe, Uganda has resulted in the demanded release of 

political prisoners in France in exchange for the lives of 6 Israeli 

army officers being held hostage. Intelligence reports indicate that the 

Ugandan Army is supporting the MPA. The Israeli elite force known as 

Sayert Matkal has been deployed to launch a surprise counter attack to 

liberate the hostages.


I'm sorry, but due to the fact that this stage does not work on my 

computer I cannot write a guide for this stage. My computer freezes when 

I start to go inside the area where the hostages are. What I do in 

single player is let my AIs do the work for me. I hang around in the 

middle and kill guys as they come by. I've heard from other players that 

this stage is Very Easy, and I doubt you would need any help in this 

stage. If you know how to use your gun you'll be all right.


Seems that we have a contributor! Congrats to Jurgen Depuydt for the 

walkthrough of Uganda. I'll just paste on what he e-mailed me:


"At the start of the Uganda mission, look behind you where the radio is 

against the far wall 

and see one of your AI's operating it. Now face the Chainwall again and 

look to the left where 

you see a light. Behind the corner enter the door, (mind the step!) and 

head up the ladder to 

your left. Go through the open window and get to the end of the hall. 

Head outside but watch out 

coz the enemy is here when you get there. Cross the container yard and 

enter the door with the 

spotlight above it. Inside go left and then right. Go straight ahead to 

the end of the hall and 

when outside go left. You should now see the 747. Head inside the door 

on the left next to the 

red container. This is the hangar with the hostages. Get a hostage to 

follow you and move outside. 

There is a small staircase outside. Get inside and head right. You 

should recognize yourself 

in here coz this is the hall where you have been before. Now head the 

way you came in the 

opposite direction. Move outside into the cargobay of the Israeli C130 




*Start off by calling the helicopter down

*Don't let the enemies get near the chopper. Gunfire will cause it to 

escape into the air!


*Note* Anyone who is willing to submit a full walkthrough for this 

mission will be credited!



Mission 8 - Antarctica



1) Obtain PRO-C5

2) Prevent Theft of JX3

Difficulty: Medium

Recommended Job: Recon


Misssion Brief: An armed group has breached the Krongen Corporation 

Biotech Research Facility in Antarctica and stolen a miracle vaccine 

known as PRO-C5. In response, the Krongen Corporation has been guarding 

their best known invention, a propietary genome-sequeuncing machine 

known as the JX3, against the attackers. The Krongen Corporation 

Security Force is attmepting to reacquire the PRO-C5 samples while the 

attackers are simultaneously trying to also steal the JX3.


Start by heading backwards up the little staircase. Once you head 

through that first door take a right and go forward and exit out of the 

building. COntinue forward pass this gas tank. This will explode so 

don't stadn by it during a fight! Move forward until you see a little 

entrance made by a tiny shack. You should expect people to come out by 

now so get ready to fight. Eliminate them and try not to die. This 

little building area will be a battlefield because everyone will always 

be in or near here. If you wish to avoid fighting circle around back if 

you must! Once out of the shack head intot he enemies base. Take the 

right entrance and head through the hangar/garage type door. A sniper 

may be here so be on guard! After passing through this area your LSD 

will come in handy. Enemies may be scattered around or they may not. 

Locating the PRO-C5 is not that wasy and hard to explain, but look 

around carefully to find it. Once you locate it you can pick it up.Oh 

great! You Picked up the PRO-C5, but now you can't use a gun. You switch 

to a gun, knife, or even your LSD and you'll drop the PRO-C5! You need 

to drop your PRO-C5 once in awhile and use your LSD to see if you're 

being followed. This mission may be boring but slowly backtrack to your 

beginning area. Once back in your base return the PRO-C5 to the 

scientific lab area behindthe glass and you're done! This is more boring 

than fun, but hey! You finished!


*You will drop the PRO-C5 if you switch to anything. Be careful!

*Knowing where your enemy is will help you stay alive in here.

*Concentrate on the objective. Let the AIs fight.



Mission 9 - Columbia



1) Eliminate Drug Lord


Difficulty: Hard

Recommended Job: Sniper, Heavy Gunner, or Commando


Misssion Brief: In Columbia, the symbiotic relationship between drug 

cartels and anti-government groups has been the root of many political 

problems. Answering a formal request for assistance, the United States 

has sent the US Special Forces with a plan to infiltrate the private 

residence of a preeminent Colombian drug cartel boss and eliminate him. 

The revolutionary group protecting the cartel has pledged to defend 

their employer with armed force, if necessary.


This mission is at ngiht so Night/Thermo Vision is a must have! A good 

trick is to try and focus on kills for 4-5 minutes so you can rack up 

money. Just get yourself killed a few times so you can get tons of cash. 

Start by running straight forward. Pass through the gazel structure and 

if you're playing Sniper just snipe 2-4 people and hug against the left 

wall and move forward. If you're playing Heavy Gunner or Commando juse 

hug against the wall and run forward as well. Eliminate any enemy that 

gets in your way! Pick up guns and call for your Medic repeatedly! You 

want to have a lot of health when facing the Drug Lord because the odds 

are that he'll kill you at least once in this game! Your primary goal is 

to scale the wall on the left side and shoot any enemies you see before 

you. If you have at least 80 health or more continue forward and make 

sure you use your radio commands! Tell everyone to GO! GO! GO! and lead 

you inside. This is a great way for you to know where enemies are. Just 

take a peek in and kill them while your AIs take hits. The DRUG LORD 

should always be near you or your teammates trying to kill you. Don't 

worry if he kills you because he will kill you AT LEAST ONCE! Just 

respawn and quickly head back in. Try to pick up a strong Rifle or 

Machine Gun to take out the DRUG LORD. He's very quick and can kill you 

in a few hits so patience is the key in here!


*Try getting lots of money first. Then go for the Drug Lord

*Thermo/Night Vision is a necessity!

*Your Medic is very useful in here. Call him repeatedly!



Mission 10 - South China



1) Activate Engines

2) Take Control of The Bridge

Difficulty: Medium

Recommended Job: Recon


Misssion Brief: A recent  upswing in piracy in the South CHina Sea has 

Australian Special Operations Forces working overtime to protect 

freighters carrying valuable cargo. Intercepted radio transmissions 

indicate that one vessel with a multi-million dollar payload has been 

commandeered by a band of Singapore-based pirates. The ASOF are 

determined to seize the bridge from the attackers.


When you first start you may want to do the cash acquiring cheat. Just 

play as a Heavy Gunner until you get around $7500. Once done you should 

buy a P90 equipped with a silencer, Medium Armor, and 2 Frag Grenades. 

Keep foollowing the path and don't take any turns. Go under a dark pass 

and veer to the right. Go down the stairs and head left passing 2 

intersections. On the 2nd head left and you should see 2 doors on each 

side of the wall. In each of these rooms are the ENGINES. Turn them on 

all on to activate the engines. Now you have to be as quick as possible 

to get to the top because if the ENGINES are off you have to go back and 

run them on before taking control of the bridge. A good thing to do is 

get killed so you can start fresh full of equipment, but it's your 

choice. Head back upstairs and depending which way you took you'll go up 

a set of stairs. You may see someone with an AK 47 shooting, but you 

cannot kill him! He's one of the special characters that help the enemy 

out. Basically, just head all the way up to the top killing anyone in 

your way(LSD is useful here). When you get to the bridge throw in a few 

Frag grenades. Once you get to the top head into the bridge and you 

should see a red button or switch near the sterring wheel. Just hold the 

"Use" button until that aqua bar gets filled up. Once it's filled you're 

done! ACTIVATING THE BRIDGE is actually pretty easy, but some guys could 

be around you so take them out first! This mission is kind of based on 

luck because if there are a lot of guys guarding the bridge then you 

might have to start all over. Don't panic, patience is the key.


*Speed is the key!

*Try using Frag Grenades when you climb into the deck.



Mission 11 - 






Recommended Job: 


Misssion Brief:


This mission takes precision.






Mission 12 - North Africa





Difficulty: Hard

Recommended Job: Heavy Gunner, Medic


Misssion Brief: A helicopter transporting a senior General in the East 

Mamzique army has gone down in central North Africa. Initial reports 

indicate that all passengers survived the crash, but armed members of 

the Brokiiru Army Commandos are active in this area and UN officials 

have expressed grave concern for the General's fate. A special UN armed 

force is attempting to extract the leader to the nearby American 



You need to move fast in this mission.






2.1 Tips and Tricks


In this section are tips and tricks that I've thought of or just 

pointing out for obvious reasons. They help you get better at the game! 

Any tips sent in will be placed in this FAQ and you'll be credited! Just 

put down what you like to be called and I'll be glad to put it up. Some 

things may seem a bit obvious, but when I first played I had no idea 

that a Medic could heal himself! So here are some tips and tricks...


General Tips


*You can load an extra bullet in almost all the guns. The extra bullet 

may be that matter of life or death. I think the only gun that cannot 

have an extra bullet is the Magnum; so don't panic if it doesn't work.


*It is always wise to Strafe left and right when you see a door. This 

way you can easily peek out really quickly to see if harm's in your way. 

If you happen to see someone try to strafe while crouched because odds 

are that he's aiming for your mid-section like most players do. He won't 

expect you to be tiny and crouching down. This'll allow a few hits off 

him before he gets you!


*Headshots, headshots, headshots. Did I mention you should go for 

headshots? A pistol with Medium damage can kill someone in 1 hit if shot 

accurately. I've gotten 7 kills before a death with a P14 pistol. I see 

players constantly shooting machine guns like crazy. I can easily take 

out a Heavy Gunner with a machine gun, and me armed with a pistol. 

Headshots are the way to stay alive and bring in cash.


*Pick up weapons! People always run past powerful weapons on the floor 

when I play. If you see a good weapon pick it up! You never know if it's 

still full.


*When playing as a Demoman you can set C4 on vehicles and as someone 

walks by just press the detonate button. The cars' explosion will kill 

them with ease. A Grenade Launcher could be used as well. Experiment 

with various objects. The gas tank in Sri Lanka can be blown up as well.


*Don't commit suicide, or fall from a very high spot. When you commit 

suicide you get no Respawn cash. Instead, you just keep the same amount 

of money. Some people would ask for guns because they had $50. Keep in 

mind that if you want to try and jump across a ledge the Medic, Recon, 

and Sniper can jump farther since they have more speed and lighter 

armor. Heavy Gunners, Demomen, and Commandos will most likely fall and 

die more often.


*In the game, if you run off of a fairly high cliff you may get hurt 

around 5-10 health points. I noticed that when you stop and just walk 

down and fall you would lose nothing. If you run off of a small ledge 

you will be injured, but pausing will simply cause no harm on you. I 

have tested this out myself. Try it in the Quebec stage. If you're 

playing on the TDL side just run towards the "vent" and fall off that 

small ledge. You'll lose a few health points, but try to walk off now. 

You'll lose nothing! At times every bit of health may count.


*Certain stages will appear dark or the lights will flash off at times. 

A good way around this is to buy Thermo Goggles or Night Goggles. I 

prefer the Thermo Goggles to Night Vision. Only a few stages are in the 

dark, and Thermo Goggles allow you to spot enemies easily. I always buy 

Thermo Goggles before a gun. If I can afford only Thermo Goggles, then I 

find a gun in the battlefield. 


*I usually position myself next to a doorway. When someone runs through 

it they'll just run through it. They won't look back so I pelt them in 

the head a few times for an easy kill. Try to hide in spots that you 

think they'd never look at. Another example would be "near" their 

respawn area. Notice I said "near" and not in it. Usually those VIPs 

that have infinite bullets will be around the respawn place. Like on the 

South China Sea there's a man on the north side of the boat that shoots 

you and his name is appeared in a Grey color. You cannot kill him, but 

he can kill you.


*When playing as a Sniper you should occasionally check around your 

area. I find at a lot of times Snipers just doing there sniping thing 

and not knowing that I'm behind them. I usually shoot them a few times 

in the head to get an easy kill. My advice for you Snipers is to keep a 

Recon near you or find a REALLY good sniping area. Also, try sniping and 

crouching. When I play Sniper I shoot 2 bullets and then duck down so I 

don't get shot or possibly seen.


*Personally, I like playing a Recon that can snipe. How do you do this? 

First play as a Heavy Gunner and get killed so you can bring in the 

cash. Once you have the minimum amount to buy your desired sniping gun 

just switch to a Sniper and buy that gun. Once you're set find a place 

to drop your gun that no one will think of going. Such as your respawn 

area but way behind it in a corner. Drop your gun down and switch to a 

Recon job. Finally, pick up your sniping gun. You're done! Find a high 

place and use your LSD to track down suckers and snipe them as they walk 

by. This is my favorite combo because I'm an expert sniper and with an 

LSD I can expect when someone's coming. You can do this with other jobs 

as well. Drop a machine gun, G. Launcher, or even C4! Experiment around 

to get "mixed" jobs.


Something you may not notice about healing is that sometimes you cannot 

heal someone. THe reason for this is that overtime your wounded areas 

cannot be healed any further. This adds a bit of realism to the game. 

Your life bar consists of 3 colors. Red, Green, and Aqua. Red means that 

you've been damaged and this is your damaged area. Green is  your actual 

life. When it hits 0 you die. The aqua one is something everyone 

mistakes for. The aqua areas are like scars, and scabs. You can't heal 

them. If you get hit by something and waiot and watch your life bar 

you'll notice the aqua color covering your red colors VERY SLOWLY. This 

means that your health cannot be filled to max again. So medics can 

technically live forever because they can cure themselves right away so 

the aqua color does not take over their life.


Single Player Tips


*When you start your mission spend as much of your cash as possible. 

When the game actually starts kill your Heavy Gunner or Commando and 

pick up his gun. Since you have very low cash from buying armor and 

other things you shouldn't lose much money for the kill ally penalty!


*The best job to play on Normal or Hard is probably Recon. Why? He can 

see where the enemies are ahead of time. The Recon on your team will 

only use the Navigation system on the LSD. That means he's as useless as 

a broken pencil.


*Don't underestimate Thermo Goggles. They are pricey, but areas will 

constantly go dark. With thermo goggles enemies will be seen in a bright 

orangeish-yellow color so they're easier to spot. A sniper with thermo 

goggles is the best combo.


*Let your AIs do the work for you. The AIs will actually do the missions 

for you as long as enemies are not within sight. If you go around and 

kill all your enemies you can just sit back and let them do the work. 

Basically, just kill kill kill. About 95% of the time this will work, so 

this is a good alternative plan.


*Don't be afraid to call out for a Medic abusively. The AIs will not 

tell you to shut up. Try to memorize radio commands such as Medic, Need 

Assistence, and Hold Position. The radio command can save your butt most 

of the time. Don't be afraid to use it. Multiplayer is another thing 



Multiplayer Tips


*Try starting out as a Heavy Gunner, don't buy any weapons and get 

killed. Why am I saying this? Heavy Gunner starts with $4100 and when he 

dies he gets $2050. That's $6150, now you can play as a Recon with 

$6150! All you had to do is sacrifice yourself. Think about it. The 

enemy shot you for around $600 and you respawn with $2050. Isn't that a 

fair deal? Just buy armor, thermo gogs, and the strongest weapon and get 

some revenge now! ^_^


*Never stand still! You're not playing against AI intelligence anymore. 

If you stand still for even 2 seconds a sniper may get you! You don't 

know when someone's watching over you. Also, constantly turn around and 

check the back because it's possible someone saw you and is following 



*If the round is about to end and you know the map won't switch then go 

and pick up a few guns to keep. When the round restarts the ammo will be 

filled, so if you picked up a really good gun you can use it next round! 

You can even sell your weapons and get tons of cash. It's possible to 

pick up enough guns to make $15000. If you happen to find any machine 

guns you can make big bucks!


*Talk to people! I can't believe how many people play the game for kills 

only! There are objectives and people in the game! Interact with people 

and work as a team. I usually bring in a friend to play with because so 

many people never talk. The only thing I hear from people is Medic! 

Medic! Medic! Personally, I don't heal anyone that doesn't talk. They 

don't work as a team with me so I return the favor.


*Don't kill allies, VIPs, or hostages! Some people kill them 

accidentally and this may cause you to be booted from servers. I've seen 

a player named Player go around and kill his teammates. He was then 



*Get a feel for the stages. Certain stages such as Chechnya will have 

obvious sniping spots. Most snipers will position themselves on the 

bridge way up high, so you can expect 1 or 2 to be there. 


*If playing Recon or Medic use your tools! I hate it when people play as 

a Recon or Medic and don't use their LSD, or heal you. If you play Recon 

you can earn money by setting your LSD on Broad or Narrow Scan. If your 

ally kills an enemy that's $150 for doing nothing! If anyone plays with 

me, turn on your LSD and rake in the dough ^_^


*Don't SPAM! If you don't need a Medic and call out for one that'll make 

you the annoying one in the game. You'll most likely get booted or 

insulted by other players. If you SPAM the Admin. of the game will boot 

you out.


*Overall to sum it up with the level maps, try playing the entire single 

player maps and get a feel of the whole level so it will prepare you for 

Multiplayer if you're a new comer or hey even if you're not you might 

come across some new sniping spots or whatever else. 



2.2 Questions and Answers


If you have any questions about the game I'll gladly answer them. Just 

e-mail me at either of these addresses: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., you may also find me on AIM as ttq8025. 

Master Tony is my Internet name, but I got AIM too late and someone took 

that name. Even MasterTony85, or MasterTony11111. There sure are tons of 

Masters out there ;) Anyways, this section is where I'll be posting e-

mails that I get. I will not post any e-mails that have any foul 

language or insults. I am writing this FAQ for free and sending SPAM to 

me is childish and uncalled for. Let's be adults here!


Q: How can I keep the enemy from killing the VIP in the North African 

Mission (#12)?


A: Well, I haven't gotten this far yet in my FAQ, but I'll answer this. 

This mission is the hardest out of the rest because the enemies will go 

straight for your VIP. The way to beat this is the "Use" button. Talk to 

the VIP so he follows you. A great job is a Recon so you can know ahead 

of time where the enemies are wandering off too. Don't leave the VIP 

alone at ANYTIME. This is the key in winning. Remember that there could 

be a Sniper around so watch the VIP's back!


Q: Hi, PLEASE. Do u have the cheats for glob.ops.? Could u send me by 

mail? PLEASE I'm in trouble THANKS


A: I'm sorry, but I don't know any cheats for Global Operations. You can 

always check out webpages for them. I heard there's a trainer out for it 

that unlocks all missions. I'm not the "cheating" type and don't use 

those. No more e-mails about these all right guys?


Q: Your FAQ Sucks! Jeez, it's the WORST piece of (insert lots of foul 

language here)! I could beat ya 1vs1 and knock yo head off!


A: This is the type of stuff that I hate to be placed in my e-mail. If 

you have the guts to swear at me, then have the guts to play me. Btw, I 

actually did play this person and he was just "all-talk" isn't that 

right "Rave-Meister"? :-p


Q: How come when I shoot people in the head it isn't a one-hit kill?


A: It's hard to tell when or if you hit someone in the head. That's why 

you shoot them 3 or 4 times to be sure. If you play multiplayer games 

you'll occasionally find that headshots sometimes miss. It's possibly 

due to a glitch and a patch will soon cover for it. Also, try aiming in 

one spot (such as a wall) and shoot. The bullet is not 100% accurate if 

you fire 2 of them. You could have hit them near the neck or above the 

chest so to be safe. Take at least 3 headshots. I have now tested this 

out in a multiplayer game. Guns with LOW damage ratios will hurt nearly 

60-100% health with a head shot. With MEDIUM guns I estimate it to be 

85-100% and HIGH damage guns to be 95-100%. Always take 3 shots at 

minimum when taking out your target.


Q: How come Heavy Gunners can carry like 5 guns and Recons and Medics 

can carry only like 1 gun?


A: Your answer is a little exaggerated my friend. You see, a Heavy 

Gunner, Commando, and Demoman can carry a primary weapon, a secondary 

weapon, and a sidearm. The Recon, Medic, and Sniper can carry a primary 

weapon and sidearm only. So if you want to gain extra cash before the 

round restarts just switch to a Heavy Class and pick up 2 heavy guns.


Q: Hello, I was wondering how I could change the control keys to my 



A: Answers like this could be found in the instructions booklet. Please 

consult your instructions booklet before asking questions like this. The 

answer is to go to the main menu. Select whatever Profile you wish to 

use. You should see a game menu at the top that has 3 buttons. A Login, 

Game, and Options button. Click on Options. Finally, click on Controls 

and adjust the game settings to whatever you wish. Also, you may want to 

adjust the display options. Lower them and the game should run MUCH 

smoother on older/slower computers.


Q: I have this problem and I was wondering if you could answer it. 

Whenever I play a mulitplayer game online I get this error message that 

says Incorrect Version.


A: This simply means that you have not downloaded the new patch. Unlike 

Diablo 2 they don't automatically update patches for you. You'll have to 

go to to download the new patch. Once 

downloaded you just unzip the file and play your game.


Q: Hey, I was wondering if you're in a clan? I heard that clans train 

you and stuff so you can get really good. If you are I'd like to join 



A: Well, I'm not in a clan, but you can sure as heck become a "Master" 

like me. In my opinion though I think clans are a waste of time. I once 

had my own clan a LONG time ago. I played this game called Age of 

Empires and made a "Master" clan. I think we had nearly 50 members and I 

was pretty serious about it, and hated all the work you need to do. 

Webpage designing, recruiting members, and playing constantly. So, all 

in all I think clasn are a waste of time. If you find a good one you can 

join it, but jsut try to show your friends this game and play with them. 

I've done both and I'd rather stick with friends and not clans.


Q: How come AIs won't heal me when I call for a Medic. They just shoot 

bad guys and don't heal me!


A: Well, this question is back to the realism of the game. Pretend you 

are on an actual battlefield and see that your friend is wounded. The 

enemy has just spotted you. Would you rather heal your friend and get 

shot or would you rather shoot the enemy down and then heal your buddy? 

A normal human's reflexes would take out a gun and shoot the enemy. So, 

this is the reason why the idiot Medic won't heal you. My solution to 

this is to call him repeatedly. By that I mean everytime you get hurt 10 

or more health.


Q: Please send me your CD-Key. THANKX!


A: Okay, I wasn't born stupid. I may be stupid when it comes to 

computers, but I'm not THAT stupid. NEVER, EVER, and I mean EVER give 

your CD-Key away to anyone else. It allows you to play online, and if 

someone uses yours while you try to play online it won't let you! 



3.0 Special Thanks To....


You! The reader! Thanks for reading my FAQ!

My friend Dan. He showed me this game and helped me with the FAQ!

My family for letting me use the Internet even though we have only one 

phone line!

The "Home LAN" people with such good servers! Thanks for having a server 

that can withstand my 56k :-p

The people who made Global Operations! (

GameFAQs for being the first to accept this FAQ and posting it up!

Code Red, the best drink in the world ^_^