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Walkthrough by Verlin Foltz
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This walkthrough does not follow the shortest POSSIBLE path, rather it follows a short
LOGICAL path - discovering the clues to the puzzles before locating the puzzles, finding the
"easter eggs", and in general enjoying the unfolding of the plot. To take in all the beauty
of the game, look around as you move. Tip: the cursor takes some getting used to - READ THE

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Listen to Jake. Enter house, going straight ahead to staircase. Click on staircase. Debris
falls. Turn left and move to bar. Click on documents to pick up and place in inventory.
Click on documents in inventory to read letter from George Drussard and attachments about
John Burdue (move cursor to right or left edges of document and click to turn pages). Move
toward rear of house to find closet doors. Open closet door on left, and click on top to
spin (first easter egg). Open closet door on right to find first puzzle, a Jack-in-the-box.
You can fiddle with this puzzle now, but it's difficult to solve without the clues to be
found shortly. If you wish, move to parlor at rear of house and pound on piano. Leave house.

Cut through Alamo Square and Chinatown to Lombard Street. (On the way through Chinatown you
pass a blue map on a door in the alley - an old map of the bay area. You might want to save
your game here for future reference). Move all the way up Lombard Street, along the way
noting the three plaques embedded in the pavement. Turn right at the detour sign and proceed
to the Balclutha.

Explore the ship. At midships there is a stairway leading down to the lower deck where
you'll find another easter egg (rattle the powder kegs). At the stern (to the right as you
stood on the dock facing the ship) is a spyglass in which an important landmark on an island
in the bay can be seen. A little bit toward the front of the ship from the spyglass is the
captain's cabin (door is on the dock side). Enter the cabin to find the next puzzle. SAVE
YOUR GAME HERE, as once you start fiddling with the puzzle the game will then save the
pieces where you leave them; the only way the following solution will work is from the
original positions. The idea is to duplicate the map on the door in Chinatown. Random poking
on the ship's wheel handles will eventually solve the puzzle, or you can logic it out. For
the impatient: note that the handles are in the 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 o'clock positions.
Poke 1, 1, 5, and 11. A safe opens, revealing the Truth of the Past necklace from Avalon,
which you will learn about shortly. Take necklace and place in inventory. Exit ship, and
head for Chrissy Field.

From Chrissy Field sign move ahead two screens, turn left. Ahead one, turn completely aroud
(right or left twice). Watch video of Alexandra and Nathaniel (you can't see these videos
until you have the necklace). Explore to the right. When you find some numbers on a tree,
write them down or save game here for future reference. From this point, turn right, look
down. Dig up Alexandra's diary. Suggest reading the diary. It's long, but contains a great
deal of the background info needed to appreciate the rest of the game. Note that you are
looking for a box, and that to open it you need some keys and gems. Also note that a few
pages are missing. Explore beach and find key and some missing pages from Alexandra's diary.
Read pages, confirming you need three keys and three gems to open the box. Head for Fort

Pass building and find trash pile. Pick up pamphlet and read, especially noting last
sentence. Move around building, enter, and go up stairs. Look through spyglass. You are
looking at the bowsprit from Alexandra's ship, critical for finishing the game (you did read
her diary didn't you?). Bring up map of SF from inventory and click on Pacific Heights to
return to 2800 Broadway.

Reenter house and walk up to crumbled staircase. Watch video of George Drussard and Joey.
Return to closet to solve Jack-in-the-box puzzle. There are seven thingies on the music box
that can be independently set to one of seven positions by clicking on them. The position
determines which note that pin plays when the crank is turned. Of course, they should all be
different. If you turn the crank now, all the notes will be the same, but you might
recognize what the tune should be from the rhythm. Assume the bottom position for each
thingie is position number 1, and the top is 7. Now we need seven numbers, one for each
thingie, from left to right. Where have we seen seven numbers? Oh, right, the tree by the
beach at Chrissy Field! Set the thingies, crank the box, and out pops the rest of the
missing pages from Alexandra's diary (where you saw Joey put them in the last video). Read,
noting Alexandra's correct date of birth. Back out to street and move to Mission Dolores.

Enter mission. Walk up aisle, noting baptismal (holy water) on left. One step closer to
altar, look both left and right (and up both times) to see Saints. Go all the way up to the
altar and turn right. Exit to the graveyard and go all the way to the end of the sidewalk,
turn right. Go to closeup on monument to find the next puzzle, an anagram puzzle in which
you swap letters two at a time. You might guess that this could be the grave of William of
Caledon. (The little diamonds are characters, too, and go on each side of the "of".) You
also have to correct his date of death (1789). While you're here, also note his date of
birth. Back off from monument and turn right. Click on the door in the lower left part of
the screen, enter the little room, and pick up second key. Explore the graveyard. You can
get closeups on several of the grave markers and a video of Father Guarneri. When you're
finished, exit the mission and head for Golden Gate Park.

Go the the back of the park for another easter egg. Return to the park entrance and turn
right. Go ahead two screens and turn left. Go to closeup of Esperance memorial. Note the
braille-like markings in the four corners of the stone. Save your game here for future
reference or copy the markings down exactly (as dots in a possible four-by-four grid). Bring
up SF map from inventory and click on Fisherman's Wharf. Head for Old Mint.

Move to entrance to find next puzzle, a "magic square". The idea is to arrange the numbers
one thru nine so that every row, column, and diagonal totals 15. It's not as hard as it may
look, since you only have four numbers to work with in each square. You can logically
eliminate the numbers that won't work until the puzzle is solved. The answer is 4, 9, and 2
across the top row, 3, 5, and 7 across the middle row, and 8, 1, and 6 across the bottom
row. Enter the Old Mint and turn left for an easter egg. Then head in the other direction to
find the bell puzzle. When you pull the handle on the right, this contraption will ring the
bell not at all, once, or twice - four times - depending on how you set the four little
wooden levers at the front. Remember the ding-ding code in the vigilante pamphlet you found
in the trash pile at Fort Point? You want the first and fourth levers in the middle, the
second and third levers all the way down. Ring the bell and a door opens to the mint furnace
room on your right. In one of the furnaces, you find a document. Read, noting the logo on
the first page and also the reference to giving Adolph Sutro "the scepter" for safekeeping.
You can't finish the game without that scepter, so add it to the list of things you're
looking for. Also in this room you see a video of John Burdue. Bring up SF map from
inventory and click on Fort Point. Head for Cliff House.

In this area you find the Sutro Baths plaque, the Cliff House plaque, and some binoculars.
Go to closeup on binoculars and click to watch vintage film of former patrons. Enter museum.
Turn left for another easter egg. At rear of museum, turn left. Watch two more short vintage
films of SF before and after the 1904 disaster (click once for one film, click again for the
second one). Back off, turn right to face the one-armed bandit. Although this looks and
plays like a slot machine, it's really much more. Click on the dials and notice the
pictures. Any look familiar? Oh, yes, the three plaques embedded in the pavement on Lombard
Street. Set the machine by clicking on the dials till you have three owls. Try to pull the
handle. Guess what? You've found the scepter! Put it in inventory. You are now finished with
your work on the mainland. Time to head for Angel Island. Bring up the SF map from inventory
and click on Fisherman's Wharf. Go to the end of the pier and board the ferry.

Leave the ferry. Follow the road in until you run into Jake again. Forward to the Angel
Island map. Save game here for future reference. (You can transport to the various spots on
the island from this map, but have to walk back. And you can really get lost and go in
circles on this island.) Turn left. Forward three to main road around island, turn right.
Ahead four, turn left. Ahead two (enjoy the view from this spot). Turn right. Ahead one,
turn right. Ahead one, and watch the video of Drussard doing the "mea culpa" (now you know
what really caused the quake!). Turn completely around (right or left twice). Ahead one,
turn right. Ahead three, turn left (see Mt. Livermore sign). Ahead four, turn left (you
should see a butterfly here). Ahead one and watch video of Drussard hiding his jar. Turn
right. Ahead two, turn right. Find Drussard's jar. Take and read documents. One tells of
birthstones of key characters (the three gems - note the symbols in the background). The
other, a letter to his brother, mentions dropping a ruby in the lighthouse at Point Knox. We
need that ruby.

Now find and follow the road out to Point Knox. Note the lighthouse. Seen this before? Like
in the spyglass on the Balclutha? Walk around and into lighthouse. Find another puzzle. The
object here is to click on the squares till you produce the vigilante logo (like in document
found at Old Mint). Click on a square till you get that part of the picture. The catch is
that periodically, clicking on one square changes a different square. There's a pattern to
it that's probably not worth the effort to figure out. Not to worry. Just keep at it and
you'll eventually overcome. Door opens. Enter lighthouse and get ruby. Now we need the other
two gems. According to Alexandra's diary, they were put in Esperance's eyes (the bowsprit of
her ship). We saw that in the spyglass at Fort Point. It looked like it was on a beach.
Let's try the private beach. 

Leave the lighthouse and get back to the main road (turn left, and forward five screens).
Turn right on the main road. Ahead one, turn right. Ahead to the beach, turn left. Follow
beach to bowsprit. Go to closeup of Esperance and you see the two gems, but you have to
solve another puzzle to get them. That ball she's holding is a flute-like musical
instrument. Clicking on the ball opens pairs of holes, up to sixteen holes in all, (a
four-by-four grid - like on the memorial in Golden Gate park). Note that clicking on a hole
pair opens both holes, clicking again closes the outer hole of the pair, and clicking again
closes the inner hole. Clicking at the top blows the chord you've set. Set and blow the four
chords according the diagrams on the Golden Gate park monument (first the one in the top
left corner, then top right, bottom left, and bottom right). Esperance's eyes light up, and
you can take the gems. Now all we need is one more key.

Go next to the East Garrison. Go up stairs, turn left. One room holds a cabinet of surgical
instruments. Another is the doctor's office. Click on switch to turn on light to see X-ray.
(By golly, Drussard did swallow that key.) Look in desk and find Dr. Holden's journal. Read
journal. In another room, on other side of stairs, you see video of Holden performing
autopsy on Drussard. In his journal, Dr. Holden said he was going to hide the key at the
battery, so that's our next destination. Exit building.

Enter the battery premises. Ahead four and turn right for another easter egg. Turn right.
Forward one, turn left to ladder. Look up and move forward to climb the ladder. On the roof,
you will see video of Dr. Holden and the fate of the key. Get down off the roof and walk
around to the front door of the battery. Enter battery, enter the Engine and Dynamo room.
Turn right and look down. Open furnace and retrieve the last key. Now to find that box! 

Go to West Garrison. Enter building, go up stairs. Turn right for an easter egg. Turn around
(left or right twice), go up steps, turn left for another easter egg. Turn around. Ahead
two, turn left. Click on radio if you wish. Then click on book at right end of bottom shelf.
At last, the box! SAVE GAME HERE! Go to closeup on box. For fun, if you wish, click on box;
Beast will send you back to the entrance of the building - go back upstairs or restore game.
Now it's time to insert the three keys. The one with the fist holding the crescent moon goes
on the left. The three-leafy one goes in the center. The clawed paw one goes on the right.
Click on box to open. What do you know, a false lid. Now it's time to put in the three gems.
(Again, if you want to take a fun side-trip, try opening the box without the gems, or with
the gems in the wrong way. You will be touched by the Beast, made unclean, and sent back to
2800 Broadway seeing in false colors. You can redeem yourself with holy water at the
mission. Or, restore your game.) The gems are the birthstones described in the poem found in
Drussard's jar. If you're not into birthstones, use the symbols; or just try green, red,
blue. Open box. As promised, a treasure map. Take the map and look at it. You may recall
what Captain Smalley told Alexandra about the deception used in treasure maps. You can waste
a lot of time combing the island in the vicinity of the "X" on the map. Look at the map
again. Pictures of the box, a cave, an eye, and the scepter. Maybe the treasure is hidden
deep in a cave. Where in this game would a cave entrance be found? Maybe at the beach.

Back to the private beach. This time, follow the beach past the bowsprit to find cave
entrance. Enter cave, ahead to eye carving. Go to closeup. Note hole in eye carving. This
must be where the scepter goes. Insert scepter, passageway opens to the deep part of the
cave, where you'll find the treasure!