At the character select screen enter these codes as your name.

itstantrum- Unlimited lives 
6031769 - Unlimited lives 
suckmyrocket - All weapons, all armor and a Get Out Of Jail Free card 
buckfast - All weapons (press the * on the NUMPAD) 
itsgallus - All levels and cities 
nineinarow - All levels and cities 
super well - All levels and cities 
iamthelaw - No police 
stevesmates - No police 
itcouldbeyou - 999999999 Points 
hate machine - Point values raised 
porkcharsui - Diagnostic Mode 
To turn off time is hold Z and do the folloing, downC, upC, upC,downC.
When u explode this code will leave u in the same place where exlpoded {but if u expolde two times the game will take u some where } so here is the code.

Hold Z while u do this leftC,rightC,rightC,leftC.
to get big wheels on any car is {this is for the front wheels} leftC,rightC,rightC, leftC. {The back wheels are} rightC, leftC,leftC,rightC.

Enter your name as hangthedj, and you will get 99 lives all levels all weapons with infinite ammo.