--Half-Life: They Hunger--




Posted By: UnSub (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Version 1.0 (2 June 2002)


Written By:


They Hunger 1: Andrew "Fisich" Dowellin (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

They Hunger 2: Massif

They Hunger 3: Jerry Lee a.k.a. Molded Guppy (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Original location: http://www.planethalflife.com/manke/


My Defense:

Before you go "Hey, you got this from somewhere else, this isn't your own

work!", you're right. I've taken it from the url listed above (see original

location). Why did I do it?


Firstly, I was never given a puppy as a child... no wait... I decided to put

the complete They Hunger walk-through on GameFAQs because I was suprised to see

a request for it in the Requested file. Then I remember the frustration I had

in both playing They Hunger and then in trying to find a faq to finish it.

Because the faq was hard to find, I thought I would shuffle the three different

guides into one easy location. I have added a few notes, but the credit for the

solutions belong to the three mentioned above. So thank you Fisich, Massif and

Molded Guppy! And thanks to the mod creators! Thank you Black Widow Games and

Neil Manke  for yet again extending the Half-Life's engine



You can download all three episodes of They Hunger off the original location

url above (or you could... I haven't tried recently).


Copyright Note: All copyright is attributable to the author mentioned. This FAQ

should only be found at www.gamefaqs.com as I'm not going to give permission to

place it elsewhere. I will be contacting the email addresses I have and telling

them what I've done. For the record, I have made slight changes to the text

below, but mainly to clean up spelling mistakes and remove references to

pictures that can be found on the original site (so if you want the pictures,

go look!).


I emailed the people I could find... Neil Manke   was the

only one who replied. He asked me to make an addition to the end battle, which

I did.


Final note - don't email me to be a git. Email if you need help, rather than to

do something to fill your social calender.


They Hunger 1: (by Fisich) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)



UnSub's Notes - They Hunger is more of a survival horror game than a shooter,

so save your ammo. You never get enough of it, so don't expect to shoot your

way out. The crowbar is a weapon you will have to learn to use effectively, so

get used to dodging in, hitting a couple of times, then dodging out while the

zombie swings. Repeat a couple of times for each zombie and they go down. Don't

expect to take on numerous zombies at once, and since you can outrun them, you

don't have to. Except for headcrabs. Shoot the headcrabs! Health is spread a

bit thinly, and there are enough opportunities to get hurt, so don't take any

chances. Save frequently. Who are you trying to impress, huh? :-)


In brief - when shooting, aim for the head. I think it does a bit more damage.

Zombies take two shotgun shells to fall over, so I just used the alternate fire

for the shotgun at close range (when you get it). The sniper rifle is great,

but you never get enough ammo to use it freely. I mainly use it to snipe cops

who can shoot back. Apart from that... you'll get the hang of it.



- After the introductory camera scenes you will start in the water slightly

hurt from your car crash. You need to go up to the surface for air before you

continue otherwise you won't make it and it would be a silly place to die when

you've only just started.


- Now, you need to swim back down towards the bottom of the water and on the

far end from your car you will see a drainage tunnel, swim all the way down to

the end of this and then go up the shaft at the end where you will emerge into

a new area. Go up the stone stairs to the top.


- You will see two grate-type doors there, you need to go through the one on

the right - the one on the left will come into play later because you need to

find something to smash the padlock off it.


- Going through the door you will enter the catacombs which has a maze-like

layout, just do the following and you will get through with no problem assuming

you are always facing fowards that is! Through the door, go right, down some

steps and then left. Then at the first or second, it doesn't matter which,

right turning go down one them and turn left at the end. You should be facing a

wooden barrel, at this go left again, then right, then left and you will come

to some wooden crates, go left at these down a small corridor, then turn right

and right again down another similar corridor then turn left and then left

again, then right and go up some steps - you should see a fire burning here, at

the end of this small room turn left and go up some steps then follow the

corridor round and you will will come to a door with a cross carved in it, go

through it.


- Follow the brown path into another tunnel - you'll need your flashlight for

this one. Go to the end of the tunnel by simply following the wall and you will

come to a bridge. Cross it and then follow the brown path into the next tunnel,

follow the wall round again and you should come to a mausoleum and graveyard:


- Go into the mausoleum through the wooden door. You will start to hear the

radio playing the tune you heard at the start from the radio station. Follow

the sound into a room where the radio is situated and there are coffins broken

up. Listen to the special announcement and then pick up the medkit that is

hidden under a small table next to the wall. A door will open elsewhere in the

mausoleum just across from the room you are in, go through the door where the

coffin-maker will be uttering (not quite!) his last words and then pick up the



- Warning! When you have picked up the crowbar, all sorts of things will start

to happen as though it is cursed with entirety of hell! Go back into the radio

room, a zombie will burst out of the coffin propped up against the wall, beat

his brains out and then continue.


- Go back towards the front of the mausoleum and you will hear a commotion in

the bell-tower, find the ladder and climb it. The door will smash open, go

through it but watch out for the headcrab that will be lurking there, oh yeah,

and the one which drops down behind you when you pick up the handgun which is

now silenced. Press your [use] key near the rope to pull it and ring the bell,

a secret area will open up but hurry, it does not stay open for long and is

situated here after you have pulled the rope: Inside there are some hand



- Now leave the mausoleum and go back outside, you will need to fight off a

few, scratch, hordes of zombies with just a crowbar - get to work! Don't be too

scared though at the cries of 'HUNGER'! You need to fight your way back to the

bridge to continue.


- The bridge will brake up as some zombies fall through it so after you have

fought off some more zombie hordes you can claim another secret area by braking

the padlock on the small building on the hill and claiming the handgun. Then

follow the path up and around the building going round a rather large rock. The

path is obscured by some trees so it may be not so easy to find - just look

hard enough and you will see it. When on the upper ledge you need to brake down

the crypt walls behind which there are 2 zombies. The one to the right is a

dead end with some inside it and straight on is the way to continue, brake the

crate though first or you won't get far. Go through the small opening and round

to the top overlooking the bridge but don't jump down completely all the way

otherwise you'll die. Instead jump down on to the protruding ledge of the

tunnel and then on to the bridge.


- Now go back to the two grate-style doors that we saw at the start but watch

out for the zombies in the catacombs. Also look out for walls that don't brake

down when you walk past - many of them conceal ammo and health, which you'll

need badly in the later levels so get it by braking down walls with the

crowbar, you can hear a wall that can be broken by it's 'dimmed' sound and then

will have cracks in them, walls that can't be broken will sound like as if you

were hitting any other wall that can't be broken. Also don't forget to smash

any crates that are lying around - in fact smash up any that you see.


- go through the now openable door and continue to the next section.



- Through the door, you go down some steps and then turning left you are

immediately confronted by a chamber type room with a metal walkway going across

it. The metal walkway will collapse when you are about halfway across and you

will plunge into the area below. Dispose of the zombie lurking there and smash

all the crates. Then go to the other side of the area and [use] the valve



UnSub's Notes: Or... you can shoot the zombie from the above platform, or jump

just as the walkway collapses and ignore the zombie completely. This means you

don't have to worry about the water. Go for the crates though.


- This will flood the lower area and will allow you to swim up to the upper

door, the lower one if locked of course, and exit through that. When in the new

room, if you swim left you will find a lift button, press it and the lift will

come up to your level. Kill the zombie inside and then ride the lift (rather

swim the lift shaft) yourself, but be quick because your aim is to smash all

the crates for ammo in this bottom room. Then return to the upper room quickly

before you run out of air.


- Next, go up the stairs and down a new corridor, fending off the zombies and

headcrabs as you go, and you will enter a new room where a flashing red light

is er, flashing! Brake the cracked grate in the corner and then drop down into

a cistern. In this area look around and you will see a two bars, one is bent -

smash that one open with your crowbar and then swim down the tunnel.


- You will emerge into a deep pool, swim to the other side of this, remembering

to surface for air, and go through a hole in the wall to the next pool. Take a

sharp left and find your way through the zombie hordes to the landing area...

enter the tunnel. You are now entering the basement area of the mausoleum.



- Follow the tunnel all the way round until you come to a door which will be

half smashed open by a zombie who then goes on a rampage in the room. Leave him

to it for now and carry on down the tunnel felling zombies as you go. You will

enter the furnace room, clear it of zombies and go through the opening on the

other side - you will come to a room with a radio in it.


- Go past the radio and past the stairs just round the corner is a zombie

and... a electricity switch box. Flick the switch that is there and the zombie

and then go back to the room where the zombie was on a rampage.


- Kill all the zombies inside and collect all the goodies that are in there

including the extremely useful and almost essential sniper's rifle and ammo.

Smash the boxes too. Then go back to the stairs that you passed to get to the

electrical switch box. At the top smash the boxes and you will enter the upper

floor of the mausoleum yet again.


- Find the civilian and stand beside him but jump out of the way before the

truck comes crashing through the wall, there's nothing you can do for the poor

guy though :) You can watch the zombie burn horribly though:


- You should now go to the mausoleum's bathroom to relieve your character and

to jump out of its window. Use the toilet to jump up there and then smash the

window with your crowbar or whatever. Go outside and smash the truck open,

inside... a pump-action shotgun! Nice. Smash the padlock off the door to exit

this area. Also, there is a way back to the part of the mausoleum where you

were previously in Part 1 by blowing up an explosive crate. Just a point. There

is also another shotgun on the roof of the mausoleum which can be access by

climbing up a drainpipe, it's located near the vehicle parked outside.


UnSub's Notes: Look for drainpipes. They are climbable and often hide some

stuff to pick up. And usually something comes flying at your head as you get to

the top, which is also nice... not really.


- You can exit this area by following the road that the crazed pick-up truck

came from and its on to the next section.



- Carry on moving through the tunnel which the pick-up truck came from, fending

off zombies on the way. Follow the brown path round to the right, it will

eventually split into two paths. Straight on is a dead end with an overturned

car. There are 2 zombies guarding this area so dispose of them and find the two

boxes of shotgun shells that are hidden on the right side of the car. Now go

back and up to the abandoned police car.


- Listen to the radio and then smash open the broken door with your crowbar to

get the med kit on the driver's seat if you need it. Now head down the tunnel

where the police car's lights are shining into. You should come to a small

cabin after herding the zombies into the ground :)


- There's a sniper's rifle on the roof of the small cabin so for some extra

ammo or if you missed the previous one then you'll have to find a way up on the

roof. This is not an easy task by any means and you will have to use all the

props that are lying around. You need to jump onto the axe and then onto the

barrel and then on to the top of the outhouse and from there, then jump on to

the roof. Now go to the tunnel where a scientist is feeling rather sorry for



- Listen to what he has to say and then carry on through the tunnel. You will

emerge in some swampland where you will see a friendly Barney being attacked

from all sides by the tide of hell. He doesn't stand a chance but you'll have

to in order to continue. You need to find your way to yet another tunnel and

progress into the 2nd swamp area but watch out for the barnacles! Find your way

through this swamp and you will enter a shorter tunnel into a section of dry



UnSub's Notes: You can outrun the zombies, and to avoid suprises crouch while

walking to see underwater.


- Kill all the zombies and then go down the next tunnel and into the 3rd swamp

area. You need to find an underwater passage which leads to the next area where

a chopper will be waiting for your arrival. You need to kill the cop-zombie and

then kill the zombie operating the machine gun turret. The best way to do this

is get really close so he doesn't see you anymore next to the gun and then open

fire. Kill the zombie at the controls and the chopper will blow up. Go inside

the chopper. Inside will be a new weapon... the remodeled MP5! Just watch the

ammo though!


UnSub's Notes: Kill the cop on the platform first using the "bob'n'shoot

method". That machine gun turret can cut you down really quickly, so save and

be careful (but fast). I sniped the turret user, but took a bit of damage doing




- Leave the chopper and head down the new path behind it. After a while you

will come to Devil's Rift. Follow the cliff path down and walk on to the wooden

bridge. Through the opening at the end of it is a dead end and if you need a

med kit or some ammo then clear it of zombies and get what you need (there's

not much though). Then brake the wooden rail at the end of the bridge.


- You must now jump off the end of the wooden bridge and conduct a series of

very careful jumps along the ridges that extend down below. If you miss one

then its all over. At the bottom jump over the lava streams and enter the cave

on the other side. A section of the floor will collapse and you will fall

downwards... just make sure you don't fall into the lava pool!


- Keep moving forwards along the cave path until it starts to slope upwards and

exits to a large lava pool. If you wait a bit here a piece of rock will rise

out of the lava and will allow you access to the other side. You'll have to be

quick though because you can sustain minor damage if you stay on it and the

other lava paths for too long. Now get movin!


- Pick your way across the rest of the lava pool, and into the cave entrance on

the far side. Fend off the zombies and pick up the health and ammo that are

there for your callous use. Carry on through another tunnel that leads off to

the side of this cave and you will come to a new area with an angry looking

lava pool and a steam vent. If you look above you'll see some ledges, enter the

steam vent by moving forwards and jumping at the same time. You should land

safely on the upper ledge.


UnSub's Notes: UH! Be prepared to pull your hair out in frustration as the

steam vent blows you all around the shop. That headcrab I remember attacking me

didn't help either. Again, save to be safe. I just ran past the zombies here.


- Carry on up the cliff path, there's an opportunity to use the sniper's rifle

here as well because there is a policeman armed with a gun that can pick you

off from quite a distance. When at the top do a careful jump over to the

policeman's rock and pick the items that are there. Then jump back over and

continue down a path and through a cave. On the other side you should be

overlooking the large lump of rock that rose out of the red hot lava.


- Now make your way through another cave on the right and you will come to a

small lake. Kill all the enemies and fish (yes that's the massive ones from HL)

that are about and then jump in. There are a few crates lying around so brake

them open and get the items but position yourself underneath so the items do

not become embedded in the mud below. If you find the zombie fish den then you

can claim a few items of importance for yourself. Then leave this area by

taking the underwater tunnel opposite the fishes den.


UnSub's Notes: I didn't think the fish were worth the effort. Save and decide

for yourself.


- On the other side you will emerge into another lake. When you get close to

the back ahead a load of cops will start firing. First they will kill the

friendly variety so you can have no dealings with them and then they will open

fire on you. Dispose of them the best you can and then get on to the banking.

Then head down the train tunnel and a speeder car driven by a couple of zombies

will emerge and try to run you down. At the same time a steam train will emerge

at the other side so make sure you get out of the way of the impending crash -

the zombies driving the trains are too damn stupid to understand the concept of



- Now get in the train and keep going until it stops by itself at a junction.



- To change the track you'll need to dismount the train and walk over to the

track direction changer. This may sound easy but there a quite a few enemies to

deal with in this area. Once you have dealt with them you can collect some

items from the speeder shed and then change the track, you'll this has happened

when the 'rail switch' light turns from red to green presumably meaning go!

Once you have done this get back in the train and continue your long journey.


UnSub's Notes: Crouch when driving the train. This stops you getting shot.

Reload and prepare your weapons for a fight when the train stops - there are

usually some zombies waiting for you.


- The train will next stop at a barrier. Usually this barrier would just open

after permission is granted but as life if never easy you will have to open it

yourself. Get off the train but watch out for the helicopter which fires some

quite powerful rounds at you. They are usually quite inaccurate though due to

the distance they are being fired so its probably time to get the sniper's

rifle out. There are also some policemen around where the train stops, deal

with them in the appropriate manner. When the area is cleared, dive into the

water on the left of the train and make your way to the window of the power

station. The window will crack after a short while which is your cue to smash

it open. Enter through this and swim fast to the room beyond this one because

you will be running out of air fast!


- Then find some spiral stairs and swim all the way to the top floor, it will

be a dry area. Then press the track control switch to open the barrier so you

can continue your train journey. The open way out though is back the way you

came but be warned, fish now inhabit the waters by which you entered and

they're not nice either!


- Around where you killed the helicopter and the policemen there are some

crates and ammo. Smash and collect appropriately. Now get back on the train and

you will begin the 3rd and final part of the journey. The next time you stop be

on the lookout for yet more policemen, zombies and headcrabs in the immediate



- Once the area is cleared, you need to push the crate to the smashable window

in the train shed but watch out because a window to the right side of you will

be smashed open and a policeman will open fire. Return the complement and then

get inside the train shed through the window.


- The way forwards in achieved by smashing a box in front of a small opening.

Crawl through the opening and you will enter a small office. A zombie-rat will

attack but should not pose too much of a problem. When this is over a zombie

will smash the bars on the office window and will allow you to get out of it.

The area round to the left is full of enemies so it needs clearing of course!


- When it is cleared, there are a number of items in the room - collect them if

you need them and then exit through a door at the far side of the room into the

next area of the train shed. Smash the crates in this area for some items but

watch out for the headcrab and his amazing exploding barrel trick.


- Go up the stairs at the end of this area and continue along the passageway.

You will fall through the floor which appears to be unable to support your

weight any longer!



- You will then drop down into a basement and will be set upon by a horde of

zombies. Destroy the threat that they pose and then continue by going up some

stairs at the far end of the basement.


- Damn. Dead End. OK then, go to the other side of the basement and look for a

small grate. Swing your crowbar around a bit and bits of wall will go flying

off. Climb up the rubble, smash the grate and enter the town.


- Go round to the left to the radio station but look out for the hostile

welcome that you'll get. Once, inside the radio station you can do a number of

things. First you can smash the record player if you didn't like it, simply

swing crowbar, then you can smash down the door at one end of the room that you

are in to gain access to the storage round - a zombie will be feeding up on the

remains of the DJ. Smash the shelf unit up to get some ammo. Then, most

importantly, you need to contact the police HQ on the emergency band, do this

by pressing your [use] key on the microphone (it works up to five times after

which the guy on the other end gets fed up with you and stops receiving.)


- Now, leave the radio station and enter the building directly opposite the

church, clear it of zombies but watch that you don't fall back into the

basement again otherwise you'll have to walk round again - this is just for

completeness. To continue enter the church but don't get too scared when all

the zombies inside look and sound delighted to see you. Clear the church and

then go upstairs. There is some sniper's ammo on the fire but be quick

otherwise you'll be burnt badly. Go to the far end of the church and into a

room where there are 3 windows and a trapdoor. Smash the crate to get some ammo

and then smash the right-most window. Use the sniper's rifle on the two

policemen on the pawn shop roof, this is important to make the part easier.

Then leave that room and then go up the corridor to the left up some stairs -

watch out for the flying headcrab behind the picture maneuver though.


- Follow the corridor round to the left and you will come to a window. Smash

this and drop down, deal with the policeman on the roof behind you and then

enter the pawn shop. Smash the bars on the wall and go through the new opening

into the back of the shop. Collect all the items that are littered around in

this area and then leave and go outside again.


- Smash the broken door of the police car and get in. Press your [use] key on

the wheel and yes! you can actually drive the police car so get moving, you

will plow through zombies and some burning rubble - YOU MUST GET OUT OF THE CAR

BEFORE IT HITS THE PETROL STATION, press your [use] key again when you are just

past the rubble to let the car continue forwards without your control and then

rush out of the open door - fast!


UnSUb's Notes: I set the car up to go and just got out. It follows a

pre-determined path, so let it go and just mop up any remaining zombies.


- Nowhere is open so you will need to go into the area where the police car

just smashed into and look for a crack in the wall, use your crowbar on this

crack and a hole will be thus produced. Go through the hole.



- You are now in the outer courtyard of the police station. Dispose of the

zombies and infested policemen then enter through the door. You will emerge

into the jail area. Shoot the orange lit-up button on the wall behind the bars

in the office, this will allow you access to the office.


- Then shoot the orange lit-up button under the front desk. This will allow you

access to the main jail area. Enter this area and then go upstairs. You will be

captured by the whole police force and the infested sheriff.


- That's it: the end. When you get bored of just sitting in your cell flush the

toilet and things will happen. Your shutter's will be flung open shortly and

its time to sit back and watch the final sequence. You are last!


UnSub's Notes: I went "That's it? Nice twist, but a bit of a weak ending," but





UnSub's Notes: I'm not sure if all of these are in the first game. It was on

the site, so here it is.


1. The Umbrella - A hefty brass-handled umbrella usefull for other things

besides keeping the rain off:]


2. The Spanner - Good for tightening bolts or bonking monsters on the head.


3. The Shovel - Yeah baby! Put 'em 6 feet under!


4. Berreta Pistol w/ Silencer- Press the secondary attack button to remove the

silencer for a faster but less accurate fire rate.


5. Sniper Rifle - Offering full night-vision zoom lens this is one for picking

off those difficult targets from a distance so that they're not difficult

anymore, yes? Use with your flashlight for best effect. Sniper ammo is stored

in big orange cases, so look for the very few scattered around.


6. Over-Under Shotgun - Fully pump-action and you can shoot one barrel or both

at the same time for a greater crimson effect.


7. Browning .303 Machine Gun - Like the MP5 in Half-Life the Browning provides

you with impact grenades for mowing down the zombie hordes. Not a realistic

feature of the Browning ...but who the hell cares when it's so much fun?


8. Hand Grenade - Don't forget to throw after pulling the pin!


9. AP9 - An automatic pistol created just for us by our good buddy Gooseman of

Counter-Strike fame.




They Hunger 2: (by Massif)



After watching the intro a new level will load and the wall to your cell will

be blown open. Jump out immediately and hop onto the truck. Get into position

to use the rocket launcher attached. It will be your only weapon for now. Shoot

up into the hole where your cell used to be. After killing the zombie cops up

there, take out the two zombie cops to the left fighting with the barney. When

you've cleared out this area proceed through the tunnel to the right and take

out the two zombie cops at the end. Pick up all of the pistols that they drop.

The gate here will not open until you have unlocked it from inside the station.


UnSub's Notes: Use the Barney as much as possible - if he stays alive, he

shoots stuff, and stuff he shoots you don't waste ammo on.


Go back into the station and kill the two zombies right inside. If you go

upstairs you will only find a single zombie in the back right cell. Go back

downstairs and open the door to the far left. Before you rush into the office

at the end of this hallway, look in the storage room for a health pack. The

office at the end contains two zombies and a headcrab. The sheriff also makes a

short appearance here but you won't catch him. After clearing out the office

you will find an umbrella sitting on a bench as well as a sniper rifle and a

pistol on the other side of the big window. Inside the broken wall of the

office, you will find the controls for the gate outside. Unlock the gate and go

back to the parking lot. There will be three fresh new zombies waiting for you

as well as another one in front of the gate. Kill them and open the gate.


Here you will find some condemned buildings and garages. Follow the road and

enter the archway to the left. There are a couple zombies here and two zombie

cops directly above the other end of this small passage. In the room right

after this passage there is a single box with a health pack in it. There is

also a garage in this area. You can enter through the small door on the left

side. Here you will find a civilian running around. There are two headcrabs in

the rafters waiting to jump down and one hidden behind a box in the far corner.

There is also a zombie inside the trunk of the car here. Finally there is a

backpack sitting here containing a wrench and a pistol clip on the shelf.


Move back to the boarded up door by the entrance tunnel. It will break open and

three zombies will burst out. After killing them, go through the door and

follow this hallway to a destroyed room with a fire. There is a headcrab

lurking in the darkness above the fire. Keep moving through the rubble to the

third room where you will encounter another zombie. If you stay here a bit

longer a couple more zombies may come from behind you so get moving. Turn left

and open this door into an alley. There is a door to the right and a large wood

gate here. Since the gate is unopenable, break the sign on the door and open

it. It is dark here so you might want to turn on your trusty flashlight. Watch

out for snarks. They will jump at you out of the darkness. There is also a box

here in the back right corner. If you need the ammo you can break it open for a

pistol. Proceed upstairs to the next area.


UnSub's Notes: I learned to hate the snarks. Every time I saw one (after I

reloaded having taken massive damage) I would spare nothing in killing them.

Limited ammo be damned!


This area is very dark but there aren't any baddies here so you can rest easy.

Look around up here for a partially broken window. Use the umbrella to break it

open even more and climb out. You will have to jump across a large gap here or

else you'll have to do the whole last paragraph again. I would suggest

quicksaving if you don't like redoing things. If you make it across there are

two pistols waiting for you. Scale along the wall until you come to a board

connecting the two buildings. Walk across the board. Don't worry, it won't

break. After you make it across watch out for a headcrab sitting to the left

hidden behind a corner. Break the window at the end of this ledge and enter it.

Jump over the fallen chair and walk down the hallway.


At the end of the hallway you will hear a commotion. There is nothing you can

do to stop this. Just wait here for a couple seconds until the floor falls

away. After it does, quickly jump up to the circular tunnel before the

headcrabs start to fall from above. You must break the metal gate here with

your umbrella.


UnSub's Notes: I managed to jump over the grate. It kept the headcrabs

contained and saved me ammo. Took a bit of effort though.


At the end of this tunnel, turn right. Once you reach a junction, stay hidden

and when your ready slowly move forward looking to the left tunnel. There are

several zombies here and a few more come from in front after you've killed

them. After bashing all of them, point your gun to the right. On the floor

above there is a zombie cop waiting to shoot you. Take him out quickly before

he does too much damage. Look around this area and down some of the tunnels for

a shotgun and a few other goodies but don't go upstairs yet.


After you're finished downstairs, go up the stairway and carefully walk

backwards to the left. The reason for this is because two zombie cops will open

a door on the right when you move left. By walking backwards you will be able

to shoot them before they can do too much damage to you. After finishing them

off, jump through the window since the door is blocked. There are two health

packs, grenades and a pistol from the zombie cop's corpse. There is also a

lever here. You must pull it, quicky jump out the window and make your way to

the tunnel on the opposite side of the room before the gate closes. The tunnel

that you must go down is highlighted in orange in the paragraph above.


At the end of this tunnel you will come to a T-junction. Turn left here. Near

the end of the tunnel a headcrab will drop down in front of you. After killing

it proceed to the end of the tunnel and if you're lucky you'll catch a glimpse

of the elusive bullsquid. There is a box here with a pistol in it. Also if

you're feeling kind of dangerous you can smash open the skull lying infront of

the small hole in the wall and a headcrab will fall down. Go left here and

follow that rascly bullsquid. Who knows, if you catch him maybe you can shove

your thumb right up the creatures bumhole. Now at the end of this hallway you

will come to a door which leads back to the area mentioned above. All that work

for nothing, right? Wrong. Go back through the tunnel and this time turn right

because the gate blocking that way has mysteriously been broken.


At the end of this tunnel is a larger open area. If you continue along through

the water a rock on the wall in front of you will break and there will be a

zombie cop behind it. To the right is a platform. On the right side of the

platform is a small alcove covered by a cracked brick wall. If you break it

there are some MP5 Grenades there. On the left side of the platform is a locked

door so you'll have to take the tunnel in the middle. The tunnel turns left and

then two side tunnels branch off from it. The first side tunnel leads to a dead

end with some shotgun shells at the end. The second leads to a barred window.

Break the bars and jump through it. This area contains a couple boxes as well

as doors leading back to previous tunnels. When you enter this room, it starts

to shake. This will only last a few seconds and it won't do any damage to you.


To the left there is a flight of stairs. Go up them to get to the next area.

You will enter a large room with some boxes to the right. Inside one of the

boxes is a health pack. As soon as you break the boxes, the wall to the right

of the boxes will break open and zombies will come out of it. There is also

another health pack behind the broken wall. To the left of the boxes is a

opening to another hallway behind this room. In that hallway there are four

rabid dogs. After killing them proceed past them to the end of the hallway.

There are two doors, one on the left and one on the right. The left door is

locked so you will have to go through the right one. There is a spiral

staircase heading downward behind this door. In the room at the bottom of this

staircase there is a headcrab waiting for you. After killing it, jump over the

pipe beside it then under the next pipe and break the grate in the floor. Jump

through it into the water.


UnSUb's Notes: SAVE! You are about to meet... a puzzle! Or maybe save after you

kill everything. Your call.


Let the water carry you down, down, down into the bowels of the sewers. Once

the ride is over, swim until you get to a T-junction. To the right is a

bullsquid and there are zombie cops above you and to the very far right above

the water. After killing them, move to the left and you will see some stairs

underwater leading to a bridge which enters the large cylinder in the middle of

this area. Follow this path and once you reach the T-junction inside the

cylinder, go left to get a health pack if you need it and then proceed forward.

Follow this path which turns right and then right again. There is a bullsquid

around the second right turn so be prepared for it. Keep going until you hit a

set of stairs on the right and go up them. At the top there is a right turn

which leads onto a bridge on the second level of the large cylinder.


There is a bullsquid on this level which will charge at you when it sees you.

Kill it and then proceed to the middle of the cylinder. Go left at this

T-junction to get a Magnum 357, a shotgun and a health pack. There is also a

large metal box here. Push it to the right into the water below.


UnSub's Notes: Here goes! You can save here, but make sure both large metal

boxes are accessible. Is everything dead yet?


After you've done all this go back to the T-junction and go forward. There will

be a box hanging from the ceiling to the right. Shoot the rope holding it so it

will also fall into the water. Jump down into the water after them. Push the

two boxes down the underwater tunnel on the right (that is, the right side when

you enter this area). There is a bullsquid here as well.


UnSub's Notes: Jumping puzzles. I HATE jumping puzzles!


Push one box up the ramp leading to the gate and onto the highest platform.

Make sure it is around the middle of the platform so you can jump to it easily.

Push the second box onto the lower flat surface so that you can jump onto it

from the water. Jump from the lower box onto the higher one and finally jump

over the gate.(You may have to readjust the boxes a bit) You will come to a

crossroad. There are two zombies, one on the left and one on the right. If you

go forward you will come to a broken wall which leads out of the sewers.



To the left is a fire with two zombies in front of it. Above the broken wall is

a health pack which you can get by climbing the rocks to the right. Finally,

there is a shovel near the fire that you can pick up. Proceed toward the fire

and around the corner where you will encounter one more zombie. After killing

it you can crawl into the air vent to get to the next area.


The air vent leads to a place which alarmingly resembles a scene from Black

Mesa. After entering the air vent you will be in a larger vent with a ladder

leading upwards to a fan. Climb the ladder and wait below the fan until four

headcrabs fall from the hole above. If any of them survive the spinning fan,

just shoot it quickly. Shoot the button above the fan to turn it off. It may

take a couple tries to actually hit the button and not the fan. Once it has

stopped spinning, climb the ladder and jump on top of the fan. Climb to the

other side of the fan and break open the grate here.


Proceed through the vent until you get to another grate which opens up into a

large tunnel. Turn right here but be sure to keep checking behind you. Once you

hit a certain point, the opposite end of the tunnel will blow open and a truck

will be charging towards you. I suggest running towards the truck, jumping onto

the hood and then jumping over it. It is probably a lot easier than trying to

outrun it. There are two zombie cops in the truck. One is in the drivers seat

and the other is in the back. After you've jumped over the truck, kill the one

in the back and if you want, jump into the back of the truck yourself. This

isn't necessary but it's fun.


After the truck has crashed into the wall kill the zombie cop in the drivers

seat if you haven't already. There are two health packs to the left of the

truck in some boxes here but you might want to wait until later to use them.

There is also a locked door here which will do you no good right now. Go back

down the tunnel that you came out of and go all the way to the other end. There

are four rabid dogs in this area. They're quick so kill them off fast. There is

also a small building here. Inside it there is one zombie. You will also find

the ap9 here and the button to open the locked door from before.


UnSub's Notes: Dogs can be killed by a close range shotgun blast. Since they

stop to attack you, you can back away a bit so you don't take any damage and

kill them easily. Takes a bit of practise.


Go back to the locked door and there will be one more rabid dog here. Use the

button beside the door to open it. Follow the metal platform around the

corners. There is a zombie around the second right turn. There are also three

more zombies in an alcove beneath the locked door. Finally there are three

zombies coming out of two doors behind the large turbine. There is a health

pack in a small box near the human grunt corpse. After you've done all this, go

through one of the doors behind the turbine. There is a button here which is

used to turn off the turbine for a short period of time. There is also a box

with grenades in it. You might want to quicksave here.


Push the button and jump into the water. Watch out for the icthyosaur. Swim as

fast as you can out of here and down a long tunnel. As you're swimming a new

level will load. Right after the level loading there is a small square hole in

the lower left wall. Enter it to get away from the icthyosaur as well as to go

up for air. You will emerge in a small room. There are two health packs and a

pack of shotgun shells in the boxes here. Go back into the water and keep

swimming. There is another small hole on the left which you can go in for more

air. Go back underwater one more time and swim until the end of the tunnel. You

will come out into a lake. Get out of the water as quick as you can. There are

two icthyosaurs swimming around in here. Once you're on land you'll find a

health pack in the tent and a shovel in the middle of the bridge.


Climb up the path along the edge of the cliff. About halfway up there is a

small cave containing two zombies and a pack of shotgun shells. At the top of

the path you have the option of going left or right. To the left is a burning

truck which has been flipped over. There are three zombies feasting on the

trucks inhabitants and one zombie cop standing around too. After killing them

you can pick up the shotgun sitting there. Don't try to get any of the other

things you see or else you'll get badly burned. If you go right on the road

you'll come across a headcrab jumping around a fallen barney. Shoot the

headcrab but be careful not to hit barney. You know how tempermental he gets

when you harm him. If you keep going down this path you'll find yourself at a

dead end with two zombies. It's basically useless so I would advise against it.


UnSub's Notes: You can save the Barney to help you kill a couple of zombies on

the road. Go on. Save him from a grisly death.


Go back to the top of the cliff and look over the edge. Look straight down

until you start to see a small ledge jutting out from the cliff face. You might

want to quicksave before you do this. Jump down onto the ledge.


UnSub's Notes: Crouch and move slowly. Definitely save before attempting.


If you make it, you will be standing at the entrance to a brick tunnel. Walk

down the tunnel until you come to a fork. Go right and look out the window that

is there. Watch the small scene that goes on outside. After it's over an evil

cop will say he hears something and will come to get you. He is evil so shoot

him right away. Go up to the parking lot and past all the doors. Turn right and

go up the ramp to outside. Follow the road until you get to the asylum.

(Optional: Continue to follow the road until you get to the other side of the

overturned burning truck. It will explode when you get close to it but it won't

do too much damage. Here you will find a health pack, an ap9, some machine gun

ammo and a box of sniper rifle ammo. After getting this go back to the asylum.

There will be three rabid dogs right around the first corner.)


There are three ways to get into the asylum that I know of. Two of them aren't

the ways you're supposed to go but they are quicker. The first way is to go to

the second gate into the asylum. There is a picnic table here. Push it over to

the gate and use it to jump over the gate. The second way (which is quicker) is

to walk up to that same gate and stand right against it. Look to the left about

45 degrees and hit the use key. If you're in the right position, the gate

should open for you. If you choose either of these ways, after you enter this

gate just go through the tunnel ahead and you'll be in the front yard. The

third and final way is to open the gate that leads directly to the front yard.

This is the gate right beside the sign that says "Asylum for the Criminally

Insane". You can open this gate by standing right up against the left side of

the gate, looking about 45 degreees to the left, jumping and then while in the

air pressing the use key. After you've done this you should move back or else

the gate will bounce off you and close again.


No matter what way you go, you'll end up in the front yard. Move to the front

door and ring the doorbell. The door will unlock and you will be free to

explore the house without any interruptions. Walk through the front hall to the

entrance room. There is a staircase here to the right. Climb up the stairs to

the second floor and follow the second floor hallway until you reach the end.

To the right is a staircase going down to the dining room. To the left is the

hallway to the library. You will want to go left here. Continue past the

library since there is really nothing of interest there.


After the library there is a door to the right leading to the bathroom. In here

there is a health pack. Continue on past the bathroom where you will find two

staircases, one up and one down. Go downstairs first. This is the bedroom of

Alfred the assistant. Here you will find a health pack and an ap9. There is

also a tape recorder here which will give you useful information about the

storyline. When you're done down here go back up and proceed upstairs to the

doctor's bedroom. There is a chest on the far wall. If you break it open you'll

find some sniper rifle ammo. There is also a health pack in the closet in case

you're injured. The important thing in this room is a button on the wall of the

closet. Push this button to unlock the door to the doctor's office.


Go back downstairs to the entrance room and open the door to the doctor's

office. There is another tape recorder here which will play automatically as

you enter. While you're listening to the recording you can try jumping onto the

bookshelf and then to the filing cabinet to get into the small alcove above.

There is a box here containing some magnum bullets. Now leave the office and

Alfred will be standing there waiting for you. Don't shoot, he's friendly.

Listen to him and follow him to the restricted area.


After Alfred stops, go on ahead. There is a security office to the left with a

zombie cop waiting in it. After killing him, jump onto the stop sign and then

onto the small cement piece of floor to the right of the electrified floor.

Once you've landed safely on the cement, shoot the button inside the office to

turn off the electrified floor.


UnSub's Notes: Try to get the zombies to walk on the electrified floor to save



Now enter the office and you'll find two boxes of shotgun ammo. Go down the

ladder here and you'll be in the parking lot from a while back. However, you

are in an area which was not accessible before. There are two evil cops waiting

to the left. After you kill them you can get the box of sniper rifle ammo and

health pack sitting on the shelf. The last thing that you must do here is turn

Off the security door using the control panel on the wall. After you've done

all this, go back up the ladder. Proceed past the office where you'll find a

zombie cop standing near a box of explosives. Kill him carefully without

blowing yourself up.


Stand on the railing and jump down onto the pipe below. You might want to

quicksave before you do this because you might plummit to your death. Once on

the pipe, crawl the the small hole and into the fenced in area. Turn of the

large machine here. Use the gate to unlock it and then just walk out. There is

a box here with a health pack in it if you need it. Call the elevator but be

careful because there are two zombie cops waiting on the elevator. Ride the

elevator to the bottom floor and proceed down the path. There is a zombie cop

around the corner on the far wall. He is hidden in the shadows so you'll

probably have to use your flashlight to see him. Continue along this path to

get to the secret underground laboratory.


Step up to the door and it will mysteriously open for you. Enter the building

and go up the stairs to the left. (Optional: Jump out the first window on the

right and onto a small ledge. Scale this ledge to the other side to get a box

of sniper ammo and a health pack.) Continue along this path until you see two

windows overlooking an eerie lab. Jump down into this lab and enjoy the talking

heads for a while. When you've finished laughing your ass off, go through the

door that leads to the freezer. There is a small box on the floor in here. Push

that box out into the lab. Open the gate to the small fenced in area. Push the

box in there and use it to climb up to the vent. At the end of the vent there

are three boxes containing grenades, shotgun shells and a health pack.


Continue down this path to a test chamber. The scientist and the sheriff will

trap you in here and let loose a giant zombie. Kill it with the machine gun or

you could try whacking it with the shovel a few times. After you've killed him

two more giant zombies will come out of the door opposite the one you entered

this room from. Finally, one more giant zombie will come from the door you

entered from. There is a health pack in the room where the two giant zombies

came out of in case you need it. Go back out the way you came. The door to the

eerie lab will be broken open and you can easily find your way back to the

entrance. While you're in the eerie lab you'll be able to enjoy a small

cutscene which is rather cool.


Continue the the front door of this lab where one more giant zombie is waiting.

After killing him, go back upstairs and this time continue along this hallway

to the very end. Keep going until you pass the room that the scientist and the

sheriff were in. After this area is a room with two small hand creatures and a

giant zombie which appears to be dead but will get up when you get too close.

After killing all of these, break open the air vent and climb up the ladders

until you reach a small trap door. Shoot the lock on the door and open it.


UnSub's Notes: The hand. THE HAND!!! Again, a small agile enemy who can beat

you down quickly. Shoot at a distance, preferably with the sniper rifle.


You will emerge in Alfred's room. Go back upstairs to the hallway. There is a

giant zombie waiting in the hallway to the left. Kill it and proceed to the

library. There is a single solitary zombie in the library. Seems kind of

pathetic after the hordes of giant zombies you've just faced. Continue past the

library to the hall above the dining room. There is one giant zombie patrolling

the dining room. I suggest sniping him if you've got the ammo to spare. After

killing him you can go down into the dining room and enter the archway to the

right of the fireplace. At this T-junction, go left to the locked door. Just

touch the door and then step back. A giant zombie will break through the door

and attack. Albert will be standing here like a moron with his thumb up his



After killing the giant zombie, proceed past him to the outside. There is a

rabid dog chasing a civilian in the yard. There is also a tunnel on the back

right hand side of this yard. A giant zombie will come running out of here.

Open the door to the morgue. To the left is a coffin with a zombie inside it.

You can kill it if you wish. Turn right and follow the hallway to an elevator.

There is another coffin on top of the elevator. Kill the zombie that comes out

of it and go down the elevator.


Once you're down the elevator, go straight down the hallway ahead. You should

come across a door which leads to a room with a scientist in it. There are two

health packs here as well as another tape recording that you can listen to.

After you're done in here, go on to the next room where you will see a button

on a large machine. Push the button and the tank beside you will spring to

life. Watch this tank closely. The skeleton inside will get up and break out of

the tank. Kill it quickly then go back to the other room. There will be a few

explosions and then the door that you came through will open. There is another

skeleton right outside the door and a third skeleton to the far right. Follow

this hallway to a blown up room that leads to the outside.


UnSUb's Notes: Skeletons are easy - burst fire at close range. Avoid staying in

their sight for a long time. Obviously.


There is another skeleton outside and two more that will attack once you get

outside. Finally, there are two zombies which will crawl out of the ground when

you apprach the far left side of this area. To the right there is a brick wall

with a drainage pipe against it. Climb up the pipe and you'll find some sniper

rifle ammo and a health pack. There is also a zombie cop standing up here.

After you're done up there, climb down and go to the left of the morgue. There

is a path that is partially hidden by a tree. It shouldn't be too hard to find.

Follow this path to a ladder and climb up it. Open the door at the top and go

straight forward down this path. Climb the short ladder to the right and onto

the platform above. There are two boxes here containing a machine gun clip and

some sniper rifle ammo. Try not to touch the lightbulbs or else they will

explode. Break one of the grates along the wall and jump onto the roof.


Walk along the roof and jump over the wall to the other side of the yard. Watch

out for a hand creature on top of the last roof. After you jump over the wall,

go right and break the wood blocking the door. Walk down this hall until you

get to a second door. Break the metal mesh on the window of the door and then

shoot the piece of wood on the other side of the door that's blocking it. Keep

walking down this hallway until you come to an opening with doors and hallways.

A zombie will break out of the ground in the middle of this place.


The two rooms here are empty and useless. Walk down the hallway on the right.

You will see a door ahead of you. Turn to the right before you get to the door.

After turning right, look to the left and you'll see a vending machine. There

is a zombie here and three skeletons in this area. There is also a long window

into another office in this area. This office contains a health pack and

another one of those tape recordings. After clearing out this area go back to

the vending machine and climb up into the ceiling using the objects here as

stairs. (Optional: When in the ceiling, go towards the red light. There is a

room below which contains a shotgun, some shotgun shells and a tape recording

to listen to.) Right after you climb up into the ceiling go forward and drop

down into a room below.


Open the door to get out of this room and turn right. There are a few skeletons

along this path. At the end of this hall there are some stairs. Halfway up the

stairs there is another skeleton. Continue to the top. There is an office here

labeled Dr. Saukas. Inside there is a 357 Magnum and another tape recording.


UnSub's Notes: There is never enough Magnum ammo. Keep in case of emergencies.


Keep walking down the hall and enjoy the scripted sequence below from the

observation window. Continue to the end of this hall, go down the stairs and

turn right. You will be in the doctor's residence. This area is monster free

although it is still rather spooky. The two doors in this hall are locked. Go

left to the adjoining hallway. There are two doors on the left. The first

contains another lovely tape recording. There is also a health pack in the

closet of this room. The second room is empty except for a pistol clip in the



Follow this hallway to the end and you'll wind up in an open area with some

bookcases and a stairway going up. There is a health pack on top of the highest

bookcase. Use the couch to jump to the small bookcase and then to the higher

one. After you're done, go up the stairs to the second floor. Walk past the

television and you'll come to a T-junction. The room right in front of you is

empty and the one to the left of it is locked. The door at the far left will

slowly creak open if you approach it. The only thing you will find in here is a

pistol in the bathtub along with the dead body.


Exit the bathroom and go to the opposite end of the hallway. Here you'll find a

kitchen area. There is a box of shotgun shells on top of the vending machine.

Continue down the stairs here and follow this hall to the end. Open the door at

the end and turn right. Follow this brick hallway to a gate which leads you all

the way back to the front entrance of the asylum. Three rabid dogs will run at

you from the left when you walk through the gate. Open the large gate in front

of you and turn left on the road. There are two giant zombies and three rabid

dogs to the right so I doubt you'll want to go there. Follow the road back down

into the parking lot where you'll meet three more fiesty little rabid dogs.


The gate to the right should be open if you followed my instructions and opened

it a long time ago. There is a machine gun and a clip for it lying here with a

dead security guard. Pick them up and continue. This area is heavily guarded by

evil cops and rabid dogs. There is one evil cop walking away from you when you

enter. Snipe him if you have the ammo. There is also another evil cop to the

left in a tower. Finally there are two rabid dogs directly to the left of you.


Continue down this road to the end. There is a broken truck here with some

machine gun grenades and a pistol clip in front of it. Climb up the ladder to

the left. At the top there are two evil cops. There is also a health pack in

each of the towers. There are three buttons up here, one on the close tower and

two on the far tower. Only push the one on the right side of the far tower. It

will open the gate below. After you've pushed it go back down the ladders and

enter the newly opened gate. Open the door to the far right. Go inside and

climb the stairs to the next floor. Open the door here and you'll find a health

pack and a tape recording. There is also a button here which will release a

rabid dog onto the scientists below.


Go to the next floor and open the door. There should be an evil cop standing

right outside the door. There will also be some rabid dogs beneath you in the

yard. Kill them and then make your way back down to the yard. Break open the

grate in the ground that has already been partially broken and then jump down

into it. Make your way through the torture chambers until you reach a

staircase. (Optional: In the room with the stretching device, there is a small

opening in one of the walls which contains a health pack.)


Turn right at the top of the staircase. Go down the stairs to the room below.

There are boxes here which contain a health pack and a pistol. Ring the bell

and a giant zombie will come bursting through the wall. Kill it and enter the

hole that it has made. Directly inside the hole there is a box with a machine

gun clip in it. Take it and continue to the next room. An evil cop will be

waiting above the entrance with his gun. Be careful not to let him catch you

off guard. There is also a health pack in this room. Exit through the opposite

door in this room. You will enter another yard. An evil cop above will pull the

alarm when he sees you. Two more rabid dogs are also waiting here.


After clearing out this area, find the cellar door which is hidden behind a

tree. Break it open and jump down into it. There is a large heater here. Turn

the red valve on it and it will blow up, knocking out a wall. Go through the

wall and into the next area. Thee are two zombies waiting for youin this room.

Enter the green door on the right. Walk down this hallway. The first room on

the right contains another tape recording to listen to. Exit this room and

continue down the hallway. Enter the room which is marked quarantine. There are

two evil cops here as well as a rabid dog. In the office above, there is a

blank tape recorder, a 357 Magnum and the button to open all of the cells in

the quarantine room. There are two skeletons in the top left cell and a zombie

in the bottom right one. After killing them all, enter the bottom left cell and

break the grate inside. Enter the vent and crawl through it.


Break the grate at the other end and exit the vent. Crawl along the ledge to

the right and make your way to the rafters on the other side. There is a hand

creature there. After killing it, move to the other side of the rafters. The

wood will burst open in front of you. Jump over the hole and onto the stairway

on the other side of the wall. At the bottom of the stairway, there are two

boxes containing some machine gun grenades and a health pack. After collecting

these, go up the stairs. At the top, turn left and go to the end of the

hallway. Enter the door on the right. The floor in front of you will explode

and two zombies will come at you. Jump over the hole in the ground and kill

them. Ther room to the right contains a machine gun, a health pack and another

tape recording. If you don't need any of these then just go up the stairs to

continue. At the top of the stairs there is a locked door. To the right is a

VERY HOT pipe. Quickly jump onto it and up to the next floor.


There is a door to the left. Open it and go through. Jump down to the room

below where there are three patients. A giant zombie will break through the

door. Kill it and continue through the door. There is a zombie waiting in this

room. After killing it, go left to the next area. A skeleton will break through

the ground as you walk to the next room. There are also two skeletons in the

next room and two more in the room after that. Finally, there is an evil cop

above this last room shooting at you.


Climb up to where the evil cop was using the bed and the locker. Go left here

and continue to the next room. This room is very dangerous! If you stay in here

too long you'll die instantly do do it very quickly! Kill the two zombies in

here, one on the left and one on the right. There are boxes to the left

containing shotgun ammo and sniper rifle ammo and there is also a health pack

to the right. After collecting these you can listen to the tape recording if

you wish but don't take too long. Once you're done in here, open the elevator

and climb down the metal rope.


The elevator door that is one floor below you will open once you reach it.

There are two evil cops and one zombie in the room it opens into. Once you've

killed them all, collect the two health packs in the boxes behind the truck.

Now save your game! The next part is very hard.


Shoot the can beside the truck to blow up the door to the truck. Get in and

start it up by using the steering wheel. Now turn the truck onto full and jump

out as fast as you can. Wait for it to break through the wall and then kill any

enemies you can see outside. There are two evil cops, three rabid dogs and a

zombie up above with a turret. The cops and dogs may enter the room once the

truck has crashed through the door. Carefully snipe the zombie with the turret

and then go outside. There is a large tank of gasoline on the right side of

this area. Turn the valve on the tank and then stand back and enjoy!


UnSub's Notes: Nice ending! My favourite in this series. Run away from the

explosion - it killed me, then when They Hunger 3 loaded up, I was still dead!




They Hunger 3: (by Molded Guppy) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)



They Hunger 3 Quick Questions:


UnSub's Notes: These are some problem areas people obviously asked about a lot.

Walk-through is after this bit.





I'm stuck early in TH 3; I'm in the hospital's basement room with the water

pump. I think I need to go though the water intake, but I can't figure out how

to shut the darn pump off. I've shot at it and everything and I don't have

anything (I think) to shut it down otherwise.



Shoot the water pump's radiator. It will blow some steam and eventually the

motor will seize-up and the steam will stop. Then jump into the water tunnel

and continue on your way.





I am having a great deal of trouble getting past the hospital in They Hunger 3.

I read on the help page about a water pump being in the basement. Well, I went

into the basement and I could not find a waterpump. The only objects that were

down there were: The Elevator, a "workbench" with a saw on it, a fusebox, some

crates, a radio, and a little crawlspace next to the elevator. I even made it

outside the hospital, but could not open the gate. The ambulance was

undriveable and even the gate to the nature trail was locked too. I have tried

everything that I could think of.What do I do?



Good point, there is more than one part to the hospital basement. The basement

area I reference in above answer is accessed by going in the emergency doors by

the ambulance. There is a remote switch in the ambulance that unlocks the

emergency door. Then go straight in the door and you will come to a stairway

going down to a different basement area where you will find the water pump.





The place I'm stuck is where the train hits the helicopter. I blew up the TNT

and it blew open a hole where a GOOD helicopter was killing the zombies. Then a

train came and blew the bridge and the crossed bars blocking my path broke. I

went through and into the water I swam until I got back to the previous area.

Anyway, I walked back to where the accident was and there is a gap there now

where I can't get across. Could help me on where to go next. Thanks.



1] try and walk across the remaining bridge pieces on the re-bar

2] when bridge pieces break some rubble falls and creates a step on the far

side and you will fall into water

3] circle back through the water [turn wheel handle at waterline to get through

underwater tunnel] and return to the bridge

4] jump off the bridge [to the right] and circle around on the path until you

come to far side of bridge

5] climb the rubble steps and continue on your way up a path


Special NOTE: A couple of people have wrote me saying the crossed bars in the

small tunnel do not break when the train hits the helicopter. If that is so it

is indicative of a larger problem. This would mean TH3 was installed wrong,

likely you already had an old episode of They Hunger installed and then you

'unselected' winzip's 'overwrite files' option when unzipping They Hunger 3.

Delete the entire contents of your valve/hunger folder and reinstall TH3. Using

a cheat to move though the bars will not help because this problem must be

fixed or you will miss many of the new monsters in TH3.


------ HOW DO I GET INTO THE BARN? ------



I came upon a "barn" in the woods and there is a crate dangling from a rope. I

can hear zombies, but don't know what to do next. I tried climbing the rope,

that isn't an option and the doors are all locked. Did I miss something?



Break the crate [on the end of the rope] and then climb the rope and go into

the barn's loft door. It can be a bit tricky jumping off the rope into the loft

door opening so it may take a few tries.





After the farmhouse and barn I followed the path to the lake where there was 2

zombie bulls ...but where do I go now?



Go to the top floor of the largest ruined building overlooking the lake. There

is a door in the back, upper corner ...go through it.





I can't figure out what to do after returning to the ruined buildings

overlooking the small lake, when the military chopper is flying overhead

shooting zombies. There doesn't seem to be anywhere to go, and I can't shoot

the chopper down, even with the mounted machine gun. What am I supposed to do?

Thanks for your help.



You MUST shoot the helicopter down. When it crashes the shock wave breaks more

rocks on the left side of the lake and you can then jump up and continue back

to the farm/ranch. It isn't really that hard to shoot down but may take a bit

of practise ...use the mounted turret and just aim anywhere on the body of the



If you still have problems dealing with this chopper go to the last line on

this page. The special file to make the final helicopter fight easier will also

affect this helicopter and also make it easier to kill.





I am a little stuck - on map 40. I've swum through the lake, avoided the giant

bullsquid, and found the entrance to the underwater tunnel. That took me into a

room, where I dispatched the electrified-skeletons. The only door is locked,

and the vent leads me to a ladder, but the opening at the top is barred with

debris (I can hear zombie talk all around, though). I've tried going back to

the lake, but can't get back up onto the ledge, so am as stuck there as I am in

the room.



Near the top of the ladder route which is blocked with debris there is a vent

grate, break it and enter the basement of the burned-out asylum. Then find and

open the elevator door and you can climb up inside there and then climb up the

cable attached to top of elevator.





What do I do when I reach the movie theater? All of the doors are locked and I

have no clue what to do. I've tried shooting the light next to the Projection

Room Window, breaking the doors down, and shooting the switch in the ticket

booth. Plz help.



Look inside the ticket booth and you will see a padlock on the ticket booth

door. Shoot it off and the door will open, then go in the booth and use the

switch which will then open a door in the theatre that leads to the

projectionist's room.





I'm having a little problem near the end of the game. After the zombies shut

the helipad doors and I get back out of the helicopter and re-open them, I jump

on a pipe near the door where I entered the helicopter hangar, then I jump back

to the partially-raised platform and get back in the helicopter, which makes

the platform start to rise again. However, after it has risen a short distance

(before it even reaches ground level), I suddenly get gibbed and die for no

reason that I can determine. I've tried crouching, but I still die. Am I

missing something?



You are doing what you should do and you should NOT get gibbed:[ The only cause

I can think of is that HL has dropped a trigger that should have disabled the

trigger_hurt that gibs you ...HL sometimes drops triggers if you have done a

quicksave at a time when there is lots happening and triggers are being

executed. If you did such a quicksave you should you go back to the most recent

autosave and play through the scene again and avoid quicksaving and it should

work OK for you. HL can also drop triggers if your f.p.s. drops too low. If

that is the case, lowering your screen resolution signifigantly should speed

things up enough to make a difference.


A couple people reported to me that jumping up and down a few times as the

helicopter/lift rises helped them avoid being gibbed.


If all this fails then your only alternative is to implement a GOD cheat just

to get you through the area that gibs you. To learn how to implement cheats in

HL go to Adrenaline Vault's HL Cheat Page.


------ FINAL FIGHT SCENES ------



I am having real problems completing the final fight scenes in TH3 ...please

help me:[



The final boss fighting is intentionally really tough, but here are a few tips

on how to finish the game:


- Make sure you take off with your helicopter carrying full ammo and health.

There's plenty of ammo and medkits inside the helicopter hangar, so this should

not be a problem.


- As soon as you take off, kill the zombie on the turret using your sniper

rifle. You can do this with a single headshot, even on skill Hard.


- Use your sniper rifle to kill Dr. Franklin. It will take about 10 bullets on

skill Medium, or almost 20 bullets on skill Hard (there was 20 sniper bullets

in the hangar, so this should not be a problem). Don't waste bullets and don't

bother with the other zombie guards that will appear in this area, they are not

important anyway.


- For the final battle scene, the chaingun is the most powerfull weapon you

have. But you must only use it when the sheriff's chopper is very close,

otherwise you will waste too much ammo. The best time to use the chaingun when

the sheriff's chopper is turning around behind your helicopter, because at this

time the sheriff can't shoot back at you. For the rest of the time, use other

weapons that work better on average distances, like the secondary fire mode of

the Tec Ap-9 (that you can find also at the hangar). And if you still have any

grenades left from the previous levels, they work very well against choppers.


NOTE: Do not miss the fact that a new item, a reuseable health kit is in the

helicopter. Simply select it from your weapons menu and 'fire' key it to give

yourself health.


If you still have problems download this small file which will make the end

fight much easier.






------ Waking Up At Hospital ------


When you first wake up, you are in a hospital on the Medical Surgical Unit.

Feel free to take a look around this area before you continue on. When you are

ready to move on, return back to the reception desk. To the right of the desk

is a short hallway with 2 doors (a door to the left and a door straight ahead).

Take the door at the end of the hall which will lead you to the Administration

Area. There will be an elevator to your right. Continue past elevator and you

will see the Admitting Window. Take the door across from the Admitting window

which opens up to a set of stairs. Continue Downstairs.


------ Map Change [Hospital] ------


The stairs will lead down to the basement. There is an electrical box in the

far corner of the basement. Use the switch you see there. Next, enter the

elevator and climb up the elevator shaft to the level above. You are now at the

maternity ward. The phone will ring, you don't have to answer it, but it won't

quit ringing until you do. Next use the "Call Nurse" button on the wall

opposite the telephone booth. A zombie nurse will come and open the viewing

window curtain for the nursery. Lead the zombie nurse outside the nursery and

be sure to avoid her long arms. Dodge past her and run into the nursery. Just

inside the doorway to the right on the floor, you will find an umbrella. Use

this to kill the first zombie nurse, then use it on the nurse inside the

nursery. There is a medikit in the nursery if you need it.


Leave the nursery and the Lounge door to the left of the elevator is now open.

As you enter, there will be a skeleton zombie fall out of the skylight. Kill

this one first. Grab the gun on the floor and use it on the 2nd skeleton zombie

waiting in the skylight area. Then use it on the hand zombie that was beside

the soda machine. Finally, use your umbrella to kill the eating zombie next to

the turned up table. Use the soda machine to get cans of soda. Each can of soda

counts as 1 health point. There are 2 cans available. Leave the Lounge through

the opposite door.


Enter the Chapel. Break the left stained glass window and there will be a gun

(if you don't have one yet) or ammo (if you do have a gun). Next, you will see

a priest sitting on the floor infront of the right stained glass window. Talk

to the priest, and get him to follow you, just so that you can move him out of

the way of the window. Break the right stained glass window and a hand zombie

will come out. Kill him then walk into the window area. Break the grate on the

floor and jump down. Break the second grate and you will then be in radiology.


In this room, you will release 2 Large zombies. There are 2 ways you can kill

these guys. #1) they way it was meant to be done.... #2) the cheap, but safe



#1) The zombies will be behind the door to your right as you enter radiology

from the vent. But leave them there for a sec. Go behind the wall panel with

window that is to your left. You will see a series of buttons. The right set of

buttons will move the radiation machine so that it is over the large X on the

floor. The left set of buttons will turn on the radiation. Once you think

you're ready, use the button beside the door to release him. As he runs in, you

run back to the radiation controls and as soon as he steps on the large X, hit

the radiation button. It will kill him instantly. You will repeat the process

for the 2nd zombie. To release him, walk into the room where the first one was

at, and as soon as the 2nd zombie sees you, run back to the controls and kill



If after a number of tries and you still can't get the timing down, there is

another way to kill them.


#2) All you will have to do, is release the first zombie and run back to the

vent and crawl in. The zombie can still see you and will follow you, but if you

are crouched inside the vent, he can't reach you. From here, you can pound on

him with your umbrella (to save ammo). It takes a little longer, but you don't

have to worry about him hitting you. You can repeat this process with the

second zombie.


After these 2 are dead, you may continue on where the 2nd zombie was hiding.

Just around the corner, there will be a doctor zombie standing in the open and

another zombie behind the curtain to your left. Kill these 2 with your umbrella

to save on ammo. Just make sure to avoid their long arms. Continue around the

corner and you will find a live doctor. Don't worry about making him follow

you. He's not that important. Around the next corner, you will find a live

scientist and a zombie headed for him. Kill the xombie with your gun to save

the scientist. If you go behind the desk, you will find 2 guns. Then listen to

the radio broadcast. Continue on past the desk to the next hallway.


------ Map Change [Hospital] ------


You have now come to the upper balcony just over the admitting office you were

at previously. Walk past the balcony to the end of the hall and you will see an

EXIT door and across from the exit door will be a storage room full of crates.

Walk into the storage room and there will be a scientist zombie and a nurse

zombie to the left of entrance. Beside the nurse zombie on the floor will be a

hand zombie. Kill these and then break the 2 small crates in the corner where

the nurse zombie previously stood. Inside these crates you will find soe ammo

and a medikit. You can now leave the storage area, and go through the EXIT.

This leads you to a set of stairs.


Continue upstairs as far as you can go. You will now be on the roof of the

hospital. As you exit the door, walk straight ahead and look over the edge of

the balcony. You will be able to see a lower roof that you may jump to. From

there jump to the grass. From the grass, down to the pavement below. The

pavement is actually a driveway that enters into the Emergency Room entrance.

Don't head that way just yet. Continue outside around the end of the hospital

building and you will see 2 skeleton zombies and 1 more will appear in a few

seconds. Kill all of these and be sure to avoid their bolts of electricity.

After they are dead, you may continue into the Emergency Entrance.


As you walk around the corner in the ER drive way, you will see an ambulance

with a cop zombie inside and another zombie beside it. Lead the walking zombie

away from the ambulance so that you may kill him with your umbrella now worry

about losing ammo. Next, use your handgun to kill the cop zombie. After he is

dead, go around the back of the ambulance and open the ambulance door. Inside

you will find a shotgun and ammo. You may turn off the siren and lights by

using the buttons in the drivers area of the ambulance.


Enter the Emergency Room. Kill the zombie that is behind the first left

curtain. There will be another zombie to kill at the far end of the room

infront of the Mainentance Door. After you kill these 2, there is a medikit

behind the first curtain, if you need it. Now enter the Maintenance Access



------ Leaving the Hospital ------


You will come to the Water Pump room. 2 head crabs will appear out of 2 of the

crates. Kill them, then break open all the other small crates in the room. You

will find medikits and ammo. Next, walk over to the water pump. Shoot the

engine until it starts smoking, then stand back. The pump will slow down and

stop. Now you may jump into the water and swim out to the river. Once you are

at the river, swim to the left to the end of the river. You will see a place

where you may exit the water. Continue and then you will see a cave entrance.

Exit the cave and you will now be on the upper level, above the place where you

first exited the water. Continue to your left around the end of the river. Keep

walking till you come to a gravel slope to your left.


At the top of this is a train track. The left of the track runs into a dark

cave. The right runs into a campsite with a box of TNT. Walk to the left into

the cave. 3 zombie dogs will attack. Kill them, then exit the cave. Walk a few

steps toward the campsite, but not too close. Shoot the box of TNT. After the

explosion, there will be a small hole for you to crawl into. You will see a

bunch of zombies through the hole. Don't worry about killing them. Just wait

and watch the short cut scene. After the helicopter and train crash, crawl

forward and out. You then HAVE to walk out onto what's left of the bridge in

order to make it fall and create a rock climb on the opposite side. When bridge

breaks you will fall into the water.


Once in the water kill the zombie train engineer, then look around for goodies.

You will find 2 medikits, a sniper rifle, shotgun, and ammo. Swim to the right

(away from train) and you will see a grate, some weeds, and a skeleton.

Although the skeleton appears to be a prop, shoot it anyway. It's really a

skeleton zombie. Next, swim over to the grate. Come up for air and just above

the water line you will see a valve. Use the valve and it will open the grate.

Swim through, and you are now at the first river. Keep swimming back to where

you may exit the water.


Enter the cave, as you did previously, except this time, there is a skeleton

zombie in there waiting for you. As you exit the cave, there will be another

skeleton zombie waiting just to the right of the cave exit. This time as you

approach the gravel slope, there will be another skeleton zombie on the rock

cliff side. Approach the gravel slope and in the dark cave there will be 1

skeleton zombie and 3 dog zombies. After doing away with them, crawl back

through the hole in the campsite. Instead of jumping in the water this time,

jump down to the ground to the right of you. Continue around the wall, and

there will be 3 skeleton zombies. Walk around the end of the river and stop.

There will be another zombie on the far side of the river waiting. Use your

sniper rifle to take him out. Continue around the river and up the short climp.

You will find 1 more zombie.


------ Map Change ------


You are now looking over a high cliff. Jump down into the water, start looking

for an exit quickly. There will be a zombie fish in the water with you.

Continue around and you will see an area with a water fall, a cave in the cliff

and a log bobbing in the water. Climp up the slope. Keep a watch on the cave, a

zombie cop will appear trying to shoot you down. Jump across the waterfall, and

head to the cave. Walk through it, and exit. Keep close to the right side of

the wall and keep walking. As you look around the bend, you will see a flaming

helicopter and a whole group of zombies. Stay right here, and pull out your

sniper rifle. Look beside the kneeling zombie and you will see a small gascan.

One shot to the gas can will cause a major explosion which will take out the

helicopter, and all but 1 of the zombies. This one is an easy kill. Head to the

site and take a look around. Pick up the medikit and all the ammo. Now walk

throught the crevice in the rock. You will find a shovel to pick up.


------ Map Change ------


Continue around and kill the engineer zombie. You will then continue on untill

you come to a place where the path devides. 1 way will head through a break in

the bushes, the other way is a dead end which contains 4 zombie dogs. After you

kill the dogs, walk back through the bushes. Continue until you see another

Large zombie. Kill him quickly with the shotgun.


------ Arriving at the Farm ------


Keep going until the path splits again. Head to the left and 5 zombie dogs will

come out to meet you. There will be another break in the bushes. Walk to the

left. You will come to a cabin with a rope hanging from a support by the upper

loft door. Break the crate at the end of the rope and climb up the rope and

jump into the loft door. You will see a loft with many bales of hay, a doorway

at the back, and a walkway to your left. Be sure to kill the zombie chicken.

You will find a small crate as well, which you can break and recieve ammo.


You can walk around the partial wall, to the left of the window you came in,

and you'll see a place where you can jump down into some stables. Be sure to

kill the 2 zombie chickens in this room. Jump down into the stables and walk to

the next room. There will be 1 zombie chicken in this room. Jump up onto the

wagon and pick up the gun. You can then break the small crate on the floor next

to the fireplace for ammo. You can also pick up a wrench off of the fireplace.

Walk back to the stable room and there will be 2 doors. One is a single and the

other is a double. Exit the room through the single door and you will come



As you exit there will be a large zombie attack you from the left side of the

door. Kill him then walk back towards the other cabin to the right as you

exited the door. As you walk toward the 2nd cabin you will see a door and a

flame thrower next to it on the ground.


UnSub's Notes: The flamethrower is a great weapon. Use careful bursts as it can

eat up ammo quickly.


Pick up the flamethrower and as you do, 1 zombie will break open the door

beside you and a large zombie will break out of the outhouse. Use the flame

thrower on these two. Next, walk inside the cabin and you will find 2 more

zombies. The flame thrower works great on them. You can pick up some ammo next

to the dresser on the floor. By the dining table is a grate with a shotgun and

some items behind it. To open the grate, break the painting over the fireplace

and 'use' key the secret switch that is behind the painting. Now exit the cabin

and walk around.


You will now come to a trailer with 4 zombies behind it and a zombie chicken in

a crate on the truck. There will also be a shooting zombie cop inside the

stable beside the truck/trailer. Shoot down the cop first then use either the

wrench or the shovel on the walking zombies. These are an easy kill. Next kill

the zombie chicken, but be careful of the gas can inside his crate. Now walk

into the stable. You will find a kneeling zombie on the other side of the truck

feeding. Use your wrench on him for an easy kill. Now walk around and get the

ammo from the bale of hay that the shooting cop was standing on. You will also

find another flamethrower and a medikit in the stable as well. Go past the

stable and you will find another kneeling zombie. Around the next bend you will

find 4 more zombies.


------ Arriving at the Lake ------


Now kill the 4 zombies and continue on. Around the next corner, find a shooting

cop the right. Shoot him, then look to your left and you will find 2 shooting

cops. Once these are dead, go around and gather up their ammo, and walk over to

the short cave and crushed cop car. Here you will find a medikit and more ammo.

Now continue on towards the area where the 2 shooting cops were standing.


As you continue on, you will meet a zombie bull. This will take approximately 5

or 6 close range shotgun blasts to kill these monsters. Around a couple more

bends, you will meet another bull at the bottom of the hill to the right, by

the water. Deal with him, the walk back up the hill.


UnSub's Notes: Zombie bulls take a lot of damage and can kill you quickly.



Use your sniper rifle and look at the building on the right. You will see a

shooting cop in the upper level of the building. Now walk around the left side

of the water and enter into the left building. Have your shotgun out. You will

kill 3 zombies in this room. Walk around the corner and kill 2 more. Now return

to the first room and there will be a shooting cop on the upper level of this

area. Shoot him down and then walk up to the level that he was on and take his

ammo. In the next room you will find a small wooden chest, break it and find a

medikit. Look through the window with your sniper rifle and shoot the waiting

cop on the upper level of the next building. Now walk through the door to your

left. Walk downstairs and break open the chest to find some ammo. Walk into the

next room with your flashlight and shoot the box next to the furnace to find

another gun. Use this gun as you walk around to the hallway and find a skeleton



------ Map Change ------


Walk to the end of the hallway and up the ladder that you will find there. You

are now in a room with a fireplace, a room just ahead and a room to your left.

Walk to your left and kill the 2 zombie chickens. One of these will appear in

the right doorway in this room, the other will come from the top of the wall.

Next enter through the doorway that the chicken on the ground came from. Climb

up the stairs you will see there. You will now see a doorway to your left. As

you enter the doorway, there will be a cop zombie standing on the top of the

wall opposite you and he will try his best to shoot you down. There will also

be 1 zombie chicken on the top right wall. It will take quite a few shots to

kill the cop due to the ammount of armor that he is wearing. Once these 2 are

dead, grab the shotgun/ammo and break open the chest for a medikit. You may

then climb up the wall and take the cop zombie's ammo.


Once you've collected, jump down to the ground and continue on down the path.

You will come to an area with a cave to your right and a mine entrance to your

left. Enter the mine and continue on.


------ Stonehenge ------


Around the last corner you will see the cave exit, but don't walk out yet. You

will see a yard with an arragement of stone pillars with a skeleton on the far

side of the yard. 1 head shot with the sniper rifle will take him easily. Now

using the sniper rifle, look around to one of the tops of the stone pillars,

there will be a shooting cop that you can snipe down. Now you may enter the

yard and you will find approximately 6 skeletons in various places around the

yard behind the stone pillars. Once there are dead, you may go back and collect

ammo from the previous cop. Do get to it, the pillar to the right of where the

cop stood will have a rope hanging down the back of it. Climb up this rope then

jump to the next pillar top. Collect the ammo there then jump down. You may now

exit the yard through a path in the bushes.


Keep going and get a shotgun/ammo as you leave the bushy path. A bull will run

out from your left to attack you just as your path widens. Kill him then keep

going. As path narrows again, another bull will attack.


------ Map Change ------


Continue on until you come to a small cemetary with a white picket fence around

it. You will find and need to kill 2 skeletons here. Now enter the cave to the

right of the cemetary. In this cave you will find a total of 3 mini-skeletons.

2 will be in the cave path, 1 will be at the cave exit to the right. You are

now over looking a high cliff. Jump into the water and swim until you find a

bricked tunnel underwater. Keep swimming till you get to the end.


------ Burned Out Asylum ------


Climb up the ladder at the end of the tunnel to get out of the water. 3

skeletons will immediately attack you as you get off the ladder into this room.

After you do away with the skeletons, walk over to the shelf with boxes on it

and break all the boxes. You will find ammo and 2 medikits. Next climb up and

break the grate so that you may climb in. As soon as you are in the tunnel a

hand zombie will attack you from the opposite end of the tunnel. At the end of

the tunnel you will find a ladder. Climb the ladder and you will come to 2

grates. 1 on the left and 1 on the right. Break the one on the right and climb

through it. You are now facing a burned out elevator. Use the button beside the

elevator to open the door. Climb in and up into the elevator shaft. Now climb

up the elevator cables to the level above.


When you get to this room, 1 skeleton will be waiting for you. Kill him then

walk outside. As you walk outside, there will be 3 cops shooting you. 1 on the

left, 1 on the right and 1 on the roof above you. There will also be 2

skeletons on the path for you as you walk outside. Kill the skeletons first

then the 2 cops on the ground. Lastly, snipe down the cop on the roof by

standing underneath him.


Next, walk to the small building to the right as you entered the field. Enter

this building through the large crack in the wall. You will find yourself on a

staircase. Walk upstairs to the next room. Don't just rush into the room since

there is a rather large hole in the floor. Walk upstairs and into the next

room. Here you will need to kill 2 skeletons before proceeding. Now, to get to

the upper level, jump onto the bed beside the file cabinet, then jump to the

file cabinet, then to the upper level. Now enter into the door just to your



Walk to the next room and you will see a medikit on the floor next to a burned

out desk. There will be a radio on this desk that you may activate and listen

to the brief message. Use the medikit if needed, then walk around then end of

the room to a hallway. There will be a skeleton in this hallway waiting for

you. Continue on, and you will pass 1 window but keep going to the 2nd one and

at then end of the passage. Jump down into the room below and be ready to blast

the skeleton that will appear in the doorway behind you. Now walk through the

door and around the corner you will find a zombie nurse. Beat her with a wrench

or umbrella to save on ammo. Now continue on.


------ Trapped ------


Walk downstairs and come to a room with 2 garage doors and a crate. There will

be a button on the wall behind the crate. Activate the button and one of the

doors will open. Exit to the yard through this door and to the left of the yard

you will find a large open crate with a flamethrower inside. Walk in and get

the flamethrower.


Now you've been caught!


Pick up the medikits that appear and enjoy the ride.


UnSub's Notes: Be careful where you save in this situation - it can screw up

the scripting. Save before the trap falls, or after you get free.


------ Back at Stonehenge ------


As soon as you're free, run around and grab guns and ammo and the shovel by the

fire. Be sure to shoot down the marine from the top of one of the rock pillars,

then climp up the same rope as before. From here you can shoot down the rest of

the zombies without much worry about health damage. Since zombies can't climb

ropes. There is a cop on top of one of the pillars also. Take him out next.

Once you clear out all the zombies, head towards the cave entrance, but have

gun ready. There will be a few zombies and a bull waiting in the cave entrance.

Once these are dead, enter the cave and collect some ammo. Now continue on.


UnSub's Notes: Why is everyone out to kill you?


------ Map Change ------


As you come to the cave exit, you will see another cave opposite you and a bill

will charge you from this other cave. Step out of cave quickly and grab the

shotgun on the ground. Use this to take out the bull with. Once bull is dead,

you will see a few items laying between you and the opposite cave. Pick them

up. You get 2 medikits and a sniper rifle. Use the scope on the sniper rifle

(alternate fire key) and look around the bend. You will see a building with a

marine on top shooting at some zombies. There are a few marines on the ground

firing as well. Don't kill them just yet. Let them use their own ammo to kill

the zombies. Once the marines are through with the zombies they will turn on

you. Now you may kill them. Head towards building killing any and all marines

and/or zombies that you may see. Be sure to collect the ammo from the dead

marines as you kill them. No enter the building and head upstairs. In the upper

room, you will find more ammo. You may also climb up to the roof edge by way of

the window and collect the last dead marine's ammo. Be sure to break open the

small crate and collect the medikit there. Now go back downstairs and head to

the back of the house. You will see a female zombie kneeling over a dead

marine. Kill her and pick up the shovel (if you dont have one already) and take

it with you as you climb down the ladder here. At the bottom of the ladder

simply continue down the hallway.


------ Back at the Lake Ruins ------


Keep going. You will come to a room with stairs leading upward. Follow these

and the rooms will darken and you will come the furnace. In the room beside the

furnace, you will see a table with a candle burning and stairs leading up.

Follow these stairs. As you exit, kill the marine that appears to your right.

Look through the window to the left and snipe the marine in the next building

and 2 skeletons on the ground. Walk back to the other side of the room and

around the wall you will see a medikit and a turret gun. Look across the river

in the direction the gun is pointing. You will see dozens of zombies appearing.

There is also a helicopter that arrives and is busy trying to kill each of

these zombies. You may use the turret gun to help kill the zombies. More and

more will appear. This will take a while to kill them all. But when the zombies

are finally dead, you may then turn on the helicopter and take it out using the

turret gun.


UnSub's Notes: Yeah, like it's easy to just "take it out" with the turret gun.

But you have to do it to save ammo. When the helicopter is otherwise killing

zombies, put a couple of rounds into it with the turret gun. When it turns to

fire at you, hide. Repeat a lot and save when you have done some damage without

taking any. Eventually the chopper will start to smoke, then (after being shot

some more) it will blow up.


Now head over to the next building, top floor and get the ammo and health that

are there. Break open the crate to get a new gun. Now a rock crash will happen

at the far end of the river. This will allow you to cross the river. For the

moment, jump into the water and collect the ammo that is there by the wreckage.

Now you may exit the water on the opposite side of the river by jumping up the

the small rock and from the rock to the riverbank. Now head over towards the

area where the zombies were appearing. Continue on around and you will see a

marine shooting a bull and a zombie. Help him with the bull. If he doesn't get

killed by the bull, then you take him out after the bull is dead. Now go for

the zombie. Be watchful for more zombies that will appear from the opposite

side of this area. Approximately 3 more zombies. These, you may beat to death,

just avoid their long arms. Now pick up the flame thrower and break the crate

for a medikit. Now head into the corridor.


------ Back to the Farm ------


Keep going till you come to the stables. Beat the kneeling zombie to death. You

may now walk into the stables and kill the marine waiting there. Now walk back

outside and break the crates so that you can pick up the flame thrower fluid.

Break open the other 2 crates and recieve gernades and a medikit. Now shoot

down the marine that is just inside the wooden fence. Now continue on around

the bend. There will be a whole pack of sleeping dogs. Throw one gernade in the

mist of them. This should pretty well take care of all of them. If not use your

auto-shotgun to finish them off. Now keep going.


Now you're at the cabins again. Continue around the end of the building and

towards the outhouse. There will be a zombie come from behind the clothes line.

You can use your shovel to save on ammo. Opposite of the zombie past the 2nd

zombie will be a marine zombie and a bull. Gun these down then return to the

cabin beside the outhouse with the open door. Walk in, pick up the umbrella on

the floor and use it to kill the zombie infront of you. Now walk to the

fireplace. There will be a button over the fireplace that needs to be

activated. To do this, stand infront, JUMP, and hit USE key while in the air to

activate the button. This will open the grate over the table. Now you may leave

the cabin through the door that you entered through. Walk towards the area

where the zombie and bull had been previously standing. Use the door to your

left on this cabin. Walk straight ahead into the room with the fire place and

kill the zombie chicken that comes from the hay trailer. Now use your umbrella

or shovel to break the crate in the corner for ammo. At this point, you can

exit the same way you came in and walk around the building through the break in

the fence to the left of the door you exited through. You will see a tunnel

across the field. Enter the tunnel and continue down the tunnel.


------ The Farm's Train Cattleyard ------


At the end of the tunnel you will come to two gates. Break the lock on the left

gate and enter through it. To the right of this hallway, there will be a large

pin with zombie bulls in it. To the left, there will be a series of small

cells. The first cell will be empty. The second cell will appear empty. Break

it's lock and enter the cells. As you enter, a zombie chicken will fall out of

the ceiling for you to kill. The third cell has a zombie and a medikit inside.

It's easier to shoot this one then try to use a shovel do to the small amount

of space to move around here. The fourth cell, is really unimportant, but you

may walk in and look around and the decapitated body and such. After the 4th

cell, continue on around the corner and you will see a body being pulled into a

small hole in the floor. Wait for a few seconds and watch. Gibs will fly out of

the hole, then a large hole will be blown into the wall next to the small hole.

Now approach the large hole and there will be a marine zombie standing in the

large hold. Shoot him and take his ammo. Then walk into the room, through the

hole, and kill the engineer zombie waiting inside. Once dead, exit this room

and you will see to your left a set of double gates. These are locked for the



Head back up towards the bull pin and watch the action for a few seconds. Once

over, walk back to the double gates. This time, there will be a marine waiting

there. Shoot him 1 time. This will not be enough to kill him, but will be

enough to make him turn and run. He will run to the end of the hall and start

shooting at another zombie around the far corner sitting on a turret gun. Wait

a minute and let him. 1 of 2 things will happen. (1) The marine successfully

kills the other zombie and then turns on you; or (2) The zombie successfully

kills the marine and then you have to finish the zombie off. If #1 happens,

then killing the marine is easy due to his lack of health. If #2 happens, then

it will be a little more difficult. It will be easiest if you crouch and use a

sniper rifle on the zombie on the turret. He is sitting on top of one of the

cars of the train that is stationed there. After both the zombie and the marine

are dead, head toward the train. Pick up the flamer fluid and break the crate

for a medikit. Walk to the other side of the train and shotgun the bull that

charges at you here. Now you can break the crates for a medikit and another

gun. Now walk down the platform to the opposite end. There is a marine over

there in the far corner near the crates. Once he is dead, you may head back to

the other side of the train. Walk through one of the arched hallways in the

wall and gun down the bull in the pin which you had seen previously from the

celled area. Once bull is dead, walk around and pick up all the ammo from the

marines that died there previously. Now head back to the train through either

exit. As you approach the train, there will be a small door to your right with

a barred window in it. Enter here and continue on. Walk upstairs then down the

next set of stairs. You are now in a dark hallway with more cells. In the first

cell, kill the tattered woman zombie. In the second cell, all you can do is

watch a man die without being able to help him. Exit the cell and continue on.

A zombie will appear for you to destroy. You will now see a window with a

conveyor belt that leads to a large furnace. There is a button beside the

window. Push this button and you will watch some live men being conveyed into

the furnace. The button is not reversable, so once it's pushed, all you can do

it watch the men die.


UnSUb's Notes: When the heck did the zombies have time to knock this together?



Now continue down the hallway and another zombie will attack you. After killing

him, keep going and walk upstairs. Wrench the kneeling engineer zombie that you

find in this room. There will be some crates to your left. Break these to find

a medikit and some ammo. Walk up to the walkie-talkie on the floor and listen

to the message that is issued. Now walk over to the table and use the radio

there and listen for another brief message. Now there will be 2 windows in this

room. Break the window on the right and jump through and onto the pipe there.

Walk down the pipe to the train and jump to the hole in the top of the train

and climb down. There are a few crates in this cattlecar.


------ Asylum Train Station ------


Be sure to stand at the opposite end of the train car to the 1 remaining crate.

The reason being is that after a few seconds a head crab will burst out of it

and attack you. After killing him, wait for a brief train ride. Soon, the doors

will open and you are now readily attacked by a cop and a dog. Kill them from

inside the train car if possible. The reason being is that there is a nearby

tower with a spotlight on you and a cop using a turret. Once you kill the first

cop and the dog, crouch and snipe down the cop on the turret. Now you may exit

the car and be ready to take out another dog to the left of the train. Return

to the front of the train car. Break the small box at the end of the platform

and find a medikit. Now walk to the tower and climb the ladder on the backside

of the tower. As you get to the top, several marines will drop down suddenly

from a flying helicopter. Use the turret to kill the marines. This way you can

save your own ammo. Once all are dead, use the button to the right of the

turret to turn off the spotlight. Now turn around and break the small crate

behind you for another medikit.


Return to the ground and enter the building to your right by way of the door

with the light on over it. Walk down the stairs here and to the right a man

through a window will talk to you. Pick up the automatic chaingun next to the

window and break the crate for more health. Walk back towards tthe stairs and

to the hallway on the other side. A little ways ahead, kill the kneeling zombie

with shovel to save ammo. Then continue down the hallway.


------ Map Change ------


You will now come to a long corridor. Contine on till path divides and there

will be a pack of dogs to the right. Toss in a grenade to get rid of them. Now

continue on in the direction of the dogs and walk outside. As you walk into the

open, there will be a marine above you shooting. Now continue around the corner

and kill any and all marines here. Pick up all their ammo and continue on into

the covered drive way. Around the first corner there will be another pack of

dogs. One good grenade should take them out. Continue on and you will see debri

fall from the ceiling above. Use the falled rock to stand on and jump into the

window of the office. There will be 2 crates in this office. Break them and you

will recieve ammo and 2 medikits. Now, exit the office through the door. In the

back right corner, there will be a small dark hall and a zombie in waiting in

the shadows. After killing him, walk back to the office through the door and

just to the left as you enter, there will be a small passage with a ladder

leading up. Climb this ladder and kill the waiting skeleton at the top. Pick up

the briefcase/ammo and the medikit. Exit this room and walk to the right. After

passing 2 corners, kill the marine zombie waiting there. Continue to a charred

portion of the asylum. Walk down the hall to a room with stairs and you'll find

a shooting marine. Gun him down then walk up the stairs and kill 2 more

marines. There is a medikit in the corner behind the place where the last

marine previously stood. At this point, walk back to the left side of the

balcony and Continue around and down some more stairs. Directly infront of you

across the room there is some dirt pushed through the floor. 2 zombies will

climb up from here. As you move to attack them, 1 more zombie will rush you

from behind. Take care of them, then enter Dr. Franklin's office (the room with

the busted radiator).


Just around the corner in Dr.Franklin's office there will be some filing

cabinets and a headcrab will attack you from one of these cabinets. Once dead,

you will need to jump through the small hole above the file cabinet so that you

can continue on. In order to do this, you must first jump onto Dr.Franklin's

desk, then jump to the filecabinet, then onto the door of the open wall safe,

then crouch jump into the break in the wall. Crawl through then jump to the

floor. Continue down the hall and around 2 corners which will lead you outside.

Across the patio, there is a small tented military station with a marine there

shooting at you. Stand in the hallway, and snipe him down to make it easy on

you. One shot to the head will do it. Now walk into the open and 2 more marines

will attack you. One from the right and one from a ledge above the hallway

exit. Deal with these then continue on to the hallway behind the military



------ Map Change ------


Walk through the door and around the corner to the 1st window. Crouch jump

through the window and use the radio. Listen to the brief message then walk

through the next door and use the soda machine to gain health. -- Each time you

use the machine, you recieve a soda can....Each soda can = 1 health point

(Maximum of 6 cans/health points).


Now enter through the door and beside the soda machine there are 2 crates. One

on the floor and one on the counter. The one on the floor contains a medikit,

but the box will explode upon breaking it.....so use your own discretion when

breaking or leaving this box. The box on the counter, however, is perfectly

safe. It contains ammo. Now exit this room and walk towards the snack machine.

Jump onto the back of the couch and then to the top of the snack machine. From

there, jump into the ceiling tiles. Crawl over and down into the next room and

exit through the door. You will see a cross shaped headstone coming up out of

the floor. Walk towards it and you will find 2 doors. 1 leads to a set of

stairs and 1 does not. Use the door that does not lead upstairs. Continue on

and in the first dark hallway to your right there will be a large zombie to

attack you. This door is locked, so continue down the hallway. Enter the

cafeteria and be ready to gun down some marines. There will be a marine

shooting you from the opposide side of the cafeteria as you enter. There is

another marine in the far left side of the cafeteria, and 2 marines in the top

left balcony overlooking the cafeteria. Kill all of these in that order. Walk

up the 2 short stairs and kill the attacking dog. Continue on in this direction

and to the right is some stairs leading downward. Walk downstairs and keep



------ Asylum Movie Theatre ------


At the bottom of the stairs there is a theater and a phone will ring. You may

answer the phone if it annoys you enough. Or you can just wait it out. It won't

ring forever. Now walk up to the ticket booth and look the window on the right

side. From here you can see there is a lock on the inside of the door to this

booth. You can shoot the lock and it will unlock the door. Now, enter the

ticket booth and activate the panel you will find in there. After this is done,

exit the ticket booth and enter the theater. Once you get in there, you will

see that there are 3 doors inside. The door closest to you on the left will be

open and you may walk through and climb the ladder there to get to the

projector room. As soon as you enter this room, be sure to take out the waiting

skeleton. Break the crates in this room and find 2 medikits. Now, play the

movie (walk upto the movie projector and USE). Once the movie is over, Leave

the room by the same ladder and this time there is a skeleton waiting at the

bottom of the ladder.


As you enter the theater again, 2 skeletons will appear. One will be on the far

side of the theater and one will be to your left. Hurry and take care of the

skeletons. Soon a large hole will be blown into the movie screen and a marine

will appear in the hole. This marine will call 2 more marines that will appear

through the door on the far side of the theater. After taking care of all of

these, walk through the now open door and up to the stage. There will be a vent

in the corner. Break the grate and crawl in.


------ Asylum Helicopter Hanger ------


Crawl on the and down to the next grate. Break the grate and you will fall and

land on a large crate. Be careful as you walk into this room. There are 3 dogs

hiding behind a few of the other crates. After killing the dogs, break all the

small crates and you will find a control panel on the wall. Access the panel

and the door will open. Walk into the next room and keep walking. You will come

to a door with 2 sets of control panels. The closest one will open/close the

door you just walked through. The left set will open the door infont of you.

Open this door and throw a gernade around the corner. There is a pack of

sleeping dogs there. Walk into the passage and look through the window on the

left, you will see Dr.Franklin talking to the sherrif. The alarm will sound.

The door opposite the window will open reveal a cop zombie. Now walk through

the door and down the hall.


Continue on down the halls, killing 2 more cops in the process. Now you will

come to a large open room with a helicopter pad and helicopter at the bottom.

As you enter this room, a cop will start blasting you from the right. Walk to

the station where the cop had been stainding. Kill the zombie around the corner

waiting. This the hatch control station. Keep gonig and come to a ladder. Climb

down ao the next level and keep walking till you come to a room with a POWER

button on the wall. You may also break the crate in the corner for ammo and

mdeikit. Head back to the hatch control station and this time there is a cop

shooting you from there and a dog is waiting no you to show up, so he can

attack. Walk up to the hatch control which will be automactially activated.

This causes the hatch doors above the helicopter to be opened.


Now run back to the where the POWER button was at and opposite of this area

there is a short hallway. Kill the cop in the doorway and continue on. Now

climb down the ladder. In the next room, pick up any and all the ammo that you

can carry. Make sure you reload all your guns that way, you can carry maximum

ammo. Now you walk toward the helicopter and jump aboard. Inside the chopper

ther is a reusable medikit. This kit is kept in your weapons selection, so that

it maybe used more than once, but on a limited basis.


The helicopter platform will now raise a short ways and then stop. The hatch

doors have been re-closed so you must kill the one that closed them, then

reopen them. As you exit the chopper, shoot down the 3 zombies that are firing

on you from their grated walkways. Now, jump to the nearby grate ledge and clmb

up the ladder back to the hatch control to activate the doors again.


------ Final Battle with Dr. Franklin ------


You are now flying over the asylum and a train area. You're present job is to

take out Dr.Franklin and his cop buddies. Now you don't have to do the jobs in

this order, but I found this order to be the easiest:: (1) Use your sniper

rifle to take out the cop in the tower on the turret gun. One shot should do

him in. (2) Take out the 2 cops on the helping Dr.Franklin get rid of you. (3)

Snipe Dr. Franklin. It will take a few good sniper shots to take him out.

=Note= This particular area is time delayed so you must hurry about killing Dr.



After so much time has pasted, you will be dropped to the ground if you haven't

already finished off the Doc. Once Dr.Franklin is dead, however, it's back to

the chopper.


UnSub's Notes: I dropped bombs on him from above. This works too, but you have

to judge it to hit him head on.


------ Final Battle with Sheriff Rockwell ------


Now for the final scene. Use the re-useable medikit for health while you can.

Because from the side of the helicopter you will see another helicopter fly

past and some marines will be parachuting out and shooting at you. Use your

automatic shotgun on these marines. Finally the sherrif himself will come to

you in the helicopter. He will be sitting on a turret gun trying to take you

out. The easiest way to finish him off is to snipe him down from his gun. A few

good shots to the head (if possible) should take care of him. Once he is dead,

pull out automatic chaingun and unload on the helicopter itself. It will

finally start smoking and then blow up.


UnSub's Notes: I couldn't do it. I pumped about 15 sniper rounds into the

sherriff, emptied my chain gun and every other weapon I had. Eventually I

jumped and tried hitting the helicopter with the shovel. I did this several

times. Could have just been that playing on the "hard" difficulty level makes

this last bit really, really hard, but I couldn't get past him. So I cheated -

the codes are already out there for Half-Life, so I won't repeat them. Using

god mode and no clips, I flew out to the helicopter and hit with everything at

close range. Eventually it started smoking and blew up shortly after.


And that's it.


Mr Manke asked me to add in:




------ FINAL FIGHT SCENES ------


I am having real problems completing the final fight scenes in TH3 ...please

help me:[


The final boss fighting is intentionally really tough, but here are a few tips

on how to finish the game:

- Make sure you take off with your helicopter carrying full ammo and health.

There's plenty of ammo and medkits inside the helicopter hangar, so this should

not be a problem.

- As soon as you take off, kill the zombie on the turret using your sniper

rifle. You can do this with a single headshot, even on skill Hard.

- Use your sniper rifle to kill Dr. Franklin. It will take about 10 bullets on

skill Medium, or almost 20 bullets on skill Hard (there was 20 sniper bullets

in the hangar, so this should not be a problem). Don't waste bullets and don't

bother with the other zombie guards that will appear in this area, they are not

important anyway.

- For the final battle scene, the chaingun is the most powerfull weapon you

have. But you must only use it when the sheriff's chopper is very close,

otherwise you will waste too much ammo. The best time to use the chaingun when

the sheriff's chopper is turning around behind your helicopter, because at this

time the sheriff can't shoot back at you. For the rest of the time, use other

weapons that work better on average distances, like the secondary fire mode of

the Tec Ap-9 (that you can find also at the hangar). And if you still have any

grenades left from the previous levels, they work very well against choppers.

NOTE: Do not miss the fact that a new item, a reuseable health kit is in the

helicopter. Simply select it from your weapons menu and 'fire' key it to give

yourself health.

If you still have problems download


which will make the end fight much easier.


UnSub's Notes: I haven't tried to download this file, so I can't verify its



------ The END [enjoy the music] ------


Version 1.0 - Finished June 2 2002.