
Press [Tab] while playing, and then enter one of the following:

nwcagents -- Fill empty slots with 10 black knights.

nwclotsofguns -- Get all war machines.

nwcneo -- Up one level.

nwctrinity -- Fill empty slots with 5 archangels.

nwcfollowthewhiterabbit -- Max luck.

nwcnebuchadnezzar -- Unlimited movement.

nwcmorpheus -- Max moral.

nwcoracle -- Show puzzle map.

nwcwhatisthematrix -- Show world map.

nwcignoranceisbliss -- Hide world map.

nwctheconstruct -- Get 100.000 gold and 100 of every resource.

nwcbluepill -- Loose game.

nwcredpill -- Win game.

nwcthereisnospoon -- Get 999 mana and all spells.

nwczion -- Get all buildings.

nwcphisherprice -- Change game colors to wierd scheme.