Press [Tab] during game play and enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. 

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Auto game play 
Win combat 
Lose combat 
Gain skill 
Increase level 
Learn spells 
Lose scenario 
Win scenario 
Unlimited movement 
Reveal puzzle map 
Maximum luck 
Maximum morale 
Build all structures
Access cheat menu 
Shroud FOV 
Elven chainmail 
Dagger Of Despair 
Ring Of Greater Negation 
Sword Of The Gods 
Black Dragons 
Ogre Magi 
Sea Monster 
Tatooed White Trash 
Old Man Jack


                        Heroes of Might and Magic IV

                           Campaign Walkthroughs



                              Steven W. Carter

                         (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


                                Last Updated

                               April 27, 2002




* Introduction                                                              *



This is a work in progress (obviously).  I hope to update the guide with a 

scenario or two every day until I?m done.


The walkthroughs use version 1.0 of the game and the intermediate difficulty 

setting.  People who can play through at the higher difficulty settings 

probably don?t need a guide.




* Gameplay Tips                                                             *



* ------ *

* Skills *

* ------ *


All heroes need the combat primary skill.  If nothing else, it makes them 

much more difficult to kill.


All heroes can use the nobility skills.  More troops, more gold, and more 

resources are all good things, but diplomacy might be the best secondary 

skill of the bunch since the creatures you buy only cost half as much as they 

would otherwise (and you?ll often be facing your own creatures in the 



Other non-magic skills should be parceled out so they don?t overlap.  If two 

heroes have tactics skills, for example, only the highest rating of the skill 

is used to determine the bonuses, so it?s a waste for two heroes in the same 

army to have the skill.  So when you group heroes together, try to get one to 

learn tactics and the other to learn scouting.


* --------------- *

* Sieging Castles *

* --------------- *


Magic is the key to sieging castles.  You can use it to disable the enemy 

ranged troops or push them off their turrets.  You can use it to attack the 

ranged troops since they can?t retaliate against magic.  You can use it to 

summon or create temporary troops, and then use those troops as fodder to 

charge the gates.  Finally, you can use a spell like poison to kill off the 

melee troops inside the castle, since poison doesn?t require line-of-sight.


* ------------- *

* Miscellaneous *

* ------------- *


Trading posts give a 50% bonus over using the marketplace, so it?s a good 

idea to keep a low level unit camped next to a trading post so you can use it 

any time you want.


The closer the enemy is to you, the more damage ranged attacks do.  So if 

you?re relying on ranged attacks, you should almost always wait on your first 





* Life Campaign                                                             *



* ------------ *

* Introduction *

* ------------ *


You?ll gain a lot of heroes in this campaign, and while you should build them 

all up, you should pay special attention to Lysander.  He?ll have to fight a 

battle all by himself in the last scenario, so he needs to be as powerful as 

possible.  Also, if at all possible, you should train Lysander to be a Lord 

Commander rather than a General since the bonus is better.


As for the Life units, it?s best to select pikemen, monks, and angels.  

Ballistae are nice ranged units, but they?re slow as mud, and you don?t 

really need them if you have crossbowmen and monks.


* ------------------------------------ *

* Scenario 1: The Drawing of the Blade *

* ------------------------------------ *




   1. Defeat Normic and Caileen.


Carries Over:


   1. Lysander, Proetho, and the best two other heroes (max level 18)




You start out with three towns and three heroes.  Each town has units 

garrisoned in it, plus units available to be trained, so have each hero visit 

the closest town and collect as many troops as possible.  That should make 

them tough enough to handle the neutral creatures nearby.


Then have your heroes explore the areas near the towns, collecting resources 

as they go.  There is plenty of gold available on the map, so you should 

always pick experience when you find treasure chests.  After about a week, 

have your three heroes join together into one army (the portals make this 

easy), and put a single squire into a second army so your hero army doesn?t 

have to waste time picking up stuff.


The heroes, along with numerous crossbowmen, squires, pikemen, and monks, 

should be able to finish off most everything in the triangle formed by your 

three towns.  (The griffins to the southwest might still cause problems.)  

While they?re doing that, continue to build up your towns, and make sure each 

one has a caravan.  Then every so often train troops at each town and send 

them to the most eastern one, because that?s the one closest to the road 

leading away from your part of the map.


Note that there are a couple quests in the area:


1. At location (81,43) you?ll find Adamus? Retreat.  If you return the Ankh 

of Life to Adamus, he?ll help you out (in the form of Proetho, a level 11 

priest).  This is a necessary quest, and since Proetho carries over to the 

other scenarios, it?s best to do it as quickly as possible.  The ankh is 

being held by the venom spawn at (53,74).


2. At location (38,56) you?ll find a quest hut in the water.  If you kill the 

green flagged mermaids and harpies to the east, you?ll receive a seaman?s 

hat.  The quest isn?t necessary or especially useful, but you?ll still need 

to take to the water so you can visit the blue keymaster?s tent at (49,31).  

Also, if you?re in need of money, you can find an oracle at (32,50), which 

will lead you to a treasure of 6000 gold.  Plus, if you go to the patch of 

land at the eastern edge of the water, you?ll find three peasant huts there.  

Peasants pay taxes, so they?re a good investment.  Just caravan them to a 

town and leave them there.


Once you?re ready to push south, put your four heroes together and let 

crossbowmen, monks, and either angels or champions take up the other three 

slots.  When you pass the monastery (which you should flag so you can get 

more monks) head east into a little cul-de-sac area with a gold mine and a 

couple archery ranges.  If Proetho is a higher level than your other heroes, 

then you can leave him in the triangle of your towns so he can visit all the 

skill huts he missed before while the rest of your army explores the cul-de-

sac.  Then you can join them all together before you head west.


To the west you?ll finally encounter the lands owned by the Red and Teal 

players.  But first you can do another quest.  At (86,79) you?ll find the 

home of a ?stressed-out woman? and she?ll offer to trade you five healing 

potions for 10 peasants.  Since you should have a couple Life magic 

spellcasters with you, the healing potions aren?t really necessary, and you 

can skip the quest.


Also, before meeting up with Teal and Red, you?ll finally have to battle some 

griffins.  But with a large army you should be able to deal with them, and 

it?s even easier if you have angels, since they can resurrect any troops who 

get killed.  Otherwise, just let the griffins come to you, and try to whittle 

down their numbers before engaging them with your melee troops and heroes.


To the west of the griffins is a Teal town.  It will have loads of ranged 

attackers, but you can use your angels or champions to approach the castle 

and attract their fire while the rest of your troops clear off the turrets.  

It?ll probably be messy, but you can use Song of Peace to great advantage 

here if you have it.  Regardless, taking losses is ok since Teal and Red only 

have four towns between them, so every one you take turns the tide in your 



Note: If you?re using angels, don?t have them resurrect your heroes.  Your 

heroes will be resurrected automatically as long as you win.  Instead, have 

the angels resurrect themselves, if necessary.


West of the town is another one, and this is where you?ll probably find 

Caileen.  So destroy her army and capture the town, and then explore the 

surrounding area.  At (129,93) you?ll find a quest gate, which will only let 

you pass if you have Proetho with you.  Beyond the gate you?ll find another 

gold mine plus the purple keymaster tent.


Back near the first Teal town is the blue keymaster gate.  Beyond the gate is 

another gold mine -- and also a few black dragons.  You need to kill the 

dragons for the quest hut at (106,115), so go ahead and do the job.  Then 

capture the mine and visit the quest hut so you can acquire a dwarven hammer 

(which is needed for another quest).


East of the gate is Red?s lands, so if you?ve been taking serious losses 

during your battles, this is a good time to re-supply your troops.  Between 

your five towns, you should be able to create quite an army now.  Then head 

east to meet Red.


From here on you just need to treat Red like you treated Teal.  The only 

difference is that Normic is a coward, and he?s hiding behind Clodman?s Wall.  

So go to Clodman?s house at (85,105) and give him back his hammer.  He?ll 

then knock down the wall for you.


Normic is a level 24 General, and he?ll have lots of troops with him, so feel 

free to wait a while before attacking him.  With seven towns behind you 

you?ll have all the troops you need (and then some), and once Normic is dead 

the scenario will end.


* ---------------------- *

* Scenario 2: The Trials *

* ---------------------- *




   1. Contact the Oracle of Dawn.


Carries Over:


   1. Lysander, Proetho, and the best two other heroes (max level 25)




If you approach the quest gate, you?ll find that you need to give up 10,000 

gold in order to pass.  You start with 5,000 gold, and there are enough 

treasure chests nearby to give you the rest.  But a better plan is to take 

the portal in the corner and explore the area it leads to.  You?ll have to 

defeat some stacks of gargoyles and trolls (which shouldn?t be too bad if 

your heroes all learned combat), but your reward is a gold mine plus several 

piles of gold.  With that gold in hand, you can use the treasure chests next 

to the quest gate for experience instead.


The second quest gate is to the west at location (29,26).  It requires that 

you have the Sword of the Gods.  The sword is located in the southeastern 

corner of the map, but it?s guarded by some efreeti and friends.  This should 

be a tough battle, but luckily you can recruit some crusaders and monks in 

the area, and there is a tree of knowledge nearby so you can gain a level 

first.  If the battle still gives you problems, then you can just wait for 

more crusaders and monks to show up, and eventually you should be able to 

overpower the creatures.  Otherwise, just make use of spells like song of 

peace and mass heal and bludgeon your way through the fight.


The third quest gate is located underground at (35,44).  Along the way you 

should pick up Saint Ranan?s Staff (guarded by some nature creatures), 

because that?s what the gate wants.


Following the path underground, you?ll come to the last quest gate at 

(65,36).  It will only allow the ?two who are one? to pass, which means you 

need to find Lysander.  Nearby is a purple dragon portal.  When you go 

through you?ll discover the tunnel to the north has changed, and that there?s 

now a new area for you to explore.  At the back is a portal leading to a 

pandora?s box.  Open the box to receive Lysander back (and get an angel in 

your army).  Then take the blue dragon portal back to the quest gate and go 



Now you just need to go back up to the surface and follow the trail to the 

oracle?s house.  Once you get there, the scenario will end.


* ---------------------------------- *

* Scenario 3: The First Step of Many *

* ---------------------------------- *




   1. Contact the Worton?s mother, Desette.


Carries Over:


   1. Lysander, Proetho, and the best two other heroes (max level 30)




You?ll have to do a lot of fighting on this map, as the four computer 

opponents (Red, Teal, Blue and Orange) have two towns apiece.  You don?t have 

to take all the towns, but you might as well for the extra experience and the 

added troops.


So group together your units into two armies.  You?ll receive three more high 

level heroes before the end of the campaign, so I?d recommend putting the two 

random heroes together into one army (since you don?t really need to develop 

them any further) and putting Lysander, Proetho, and the five starting troops 

together into a second army.  Then let Lysander?s army do all the work while 

the other army picks up stuff.


To start out, there?s only one way to go, so kill all the creatures you find 

and loot all the resources and objects on the ground, and push forward.  

Along the way you?ll find a prison with a level 25 hero inside (I believe 

it?s always a General).  You can either add the hero to Lysander?s army (in 

place of, say, the pikemen) or you can add him to the army with the other two 

random heroes.  Since you need to make Lysander as powerful as possible, I?d 

suggest the latter course.


Eventually you?ll come to a Red town.  It shouldn?t pose much of a problem, 

and neither should the second Red town to the northwest.  When they?re both 

yours, Red will be eliminated, and you?ll have a nice base of operations.  

Plus, the second town is protected by the first, so you don?t have to defend 

it against attacks.  But eventually you might want to think about upgrading 

the first town to have a castle.


Now you have a choice about where to go.  You can either go south (towards 

Blue) or east (towards Orange).  They?re both relatively easy to conquer, but 

attacking Orange first makes your lands easier to defend, so that?s probably 

the better choice.  Meanwhile, keep building up your towns, and alternate 

between having champions and angels.  (You probably won?t be able to afford 

all angels.)  Then, when you?re ready to move on to your next conquest, 

upgrade your army to have Lysander, Proetho, champions, crossbowmen, monks, 

champions, and angels.


Once you?ve taken Orange?s and Blue?s towns, you again have a choice.  You 

can either attack Teal (to the southwest) or you can finish off the mission.  

There are a few skill and attribute buildings in Teal?s territory, plus the 

experience for killing Teal?s troops, so that?s the better choice if you want 

to build up your heroes.


Otherwise, head southeast, but don?t attack the garrison.  Instead, take the 

bridge south of the one leading to the garrison.  It?ll be guarded by high 

level might creatures, and they?ll put up a good fight, but it?ll be your 

last battle of the scenario, so it doesn?t matter if your troops get beat up 

or not.  Then just visit the tree of knowledge and take the dragon portal to 

Desette to finish the scenario.


* ----------------------------- *

* Scenario 4: Seeking the Steel *

* ----------------------------- *




   1. Defeat Mastero to rescue the swordbearer, Sir Kentaine.


Carries Over:


   1. Lysander, Proetho, Desette, and the best two other heroes (max level





The scenario takes place on a small map, and there isn?t an underground 

section, but you still need to move quickly.  The army you have now (with 

five heroes) isn?t going to get much stronger, but the castle you need to 

take at the end will keep growing.  So try to keep moving forward without 

wasting any time.


You?ll face some high level sets of nature creatures on the map, and, 

depending upon how you?ve developed your heroes, they might either be easy or 

difficult to kill.  If you?ve developed combat skills, then they should be 

easy, and you can pick a variety of ways to kill them.  Otherwise, if, say, 

water elementals kill your heroes in one blast, you need to rely heavily on 

spells like song of peace, (mass) nature ward, and martyr (once you have 

pikemen to absorb the damage).


A little to the west you?ll find three guardhouses (pikemen) and a knight?s 

chapter (champions).  You should flag all the buildings, but you might want 

to leave the pikemen behind.  The pikemen can pick up all the stuff on the 

ground, and your army will move faster without them.  But let the pikemen 

trail along behind, just in case you need them in the battles ahead.


Then continue west, killing whatever you want along the way.  (You?ll mostly 

rely on trees of knowledge to level up from here on out, so killing isn?t as 

important.)  Eventually you?ll come to a blue keymaster gate -- but find that 

the blue keymaster tent is on the other side.  Get used to it.  This is just 

the first example of many in the campaigns where the computer players will 

get one-way gates in their favor.  So you can?t kill the Blue player behind 

the gate.  All you have to do is reach the swordbearer before Blue does.  

(And if you leave the efreeti in front of the gate, Blue might not ever 

venture out of its area.)


So ignore Blue and continue following the path west, north, and then finally 

east.  Along the way you should be sure to stop at the second knight?s 

chapter, and also the blacksmith, but only stop for resources if you need 

them and the pikemen aren?t collecting them fast enough.


At the end of the path you?ll find the gate to Orange?s area, and it?ll be 

guarded by two sets of chaos creatures.  These shouldn?t be too hard, but 

concentrate on the medusae first since they can kill your heroes in one shot.


Past the gate, you might want to visit the sacred fountain or the learning 

stone, but the oracle will only lead to a scarab of summoning (which doubles 

summoning output), so skip that.  Then attack Orange.  If you?ve been quick, 

then Orange won?t have as many troops as you found at the gate, and so it 

should go down easily.  Plus, Mastero (a level 30 pyromancer) will probably 

stay outside the castle, and so you won?t have to deal with a siege attack.  

Once Mastero dies, the scenario will end.


* ----------------------------- *

* Scenario 5: The Rightful Heir *

* ----------------------------- *




   1. Defeat Worton.






* Might Campaign                                                            *





* Order Campaign                                                            *





* Nature Campaign                                                           *





* Death Campaign                                                            *





* Chaos Campaign                                                            *





* Permissions and Updates                                                   *



This guide may be posted on any web site as long as the text is not changed 

and as long as I am informed of the posting.  I will always submit new 

versions to GameFAQs ( first, so if you are looking for the 

most up-to-date version of this guide, that is the place to look.



Copyright © 2002 by Steven W. Carter