Cheat Codes:

Start game with the following command:

e.g.: c:homeworldhomeworld.exe /debug

·  /debug -- Debug Mode.

·  /noBG -- Turns off Galaxy Backgrounds.

·  /noCompPlayer -- Turns off Default Computer players.

·  /notactics -- Disables tactics.

·  /noretreat ?- Disables the 'Retreat' option.

·  /disableAVI -- Turns off the movie sequences.

This is not cheat so much as a tip or an overlook on the part of the designers. 

Preface: When playing this game you have to be frugal with the resources because unlike Homeworld, you can't steal as many ships as you want to have an army of over 100 ion cannon and assault frigates, 8 Heavy Cruisers, and 12 Destroyers when you fight the last enemy. Stealing ships now adds to your resource cap which kinda sucks, but is however fair and makes the game much harder. Resources are also harder to come by as raiders constantly wait to pick off your workers. If you were like me, playing with the same tactics you used when playing Homeworld, you will find yourself in a world of hurt by mission 7 as you will be short of fighters and resources. I changed my tactics and found a nice little niche where I could boost my fleet and my resources. In this game, fighters are no match for cap ships as it should be; especially the dreadnaughts and heavy cruisers. They eat fighters and frigates for lunch. You want to get your hands on these long before you go into the later missions and you can finally research and create them. Well here is how. 

Mission 06: Kadiir Nebula 

At the end of this mission, at the last nav point, send 7 MCVs in to kamikazi the heavy cruiser and salvage it. Don't forget to take out the little ships around it first. Nice to have a heavy cruiser on your side. 

After the carrier leaves through the slipgate, your ships will exit the playing field but they will not exit the mission. DO NOT HYPERSPACE. Just wait. Speed up the time compression and you will soon see a fleet of about 20 frigates and 3 cap ships (1 heavy cruiser and 2 destroyers) coming after you, but you notice something strange: The cap ships are not firing. That is because you are not in the playing field and there are no tactics outside of it. They just sit there like dummies to get blown out of the sky. The fighters, however, do fire but you will blow right through them with your ACVs. Use your ACVs to destroy all fighters and support frigates. Use your newly acquired heavy crusier to damage the enemy heavy cruisers, destroyers and frigates. Salvage all cap ships and retire the frigates as you salvage them. This will leave you the support units you need to salvage other ships as well as added RU's for their retirement. Keep the heavy crusier and the two destroyers. Now send your processor and workers back in to the playing field and salvage the rest of the resources. If you want you can even take out the outpost as you now have the firepower to do it. If this is done right, by the end of this mission you will have +50,000 RU's, 2 heavy cruisers and 2 destroyers with enough SUs to create at least 40 acolytes or 20 ACVs and a couple of recons and MCVs. Before you hyper out, make sure you create light, fast fighters like acolytes as you will need them in the next mission.