Hugo's House of Horrors 
*The complete solution* 
*Guaranteed to get you the full 190 points* 

O.K., lets do this right. 
Walk up to the pumpkin and pick it up. Smash it and voila, there's a key 
in it. Take the key, and unlock the door. Open the door and walk in. 
Now go to the table and grab the candle and take a peek at the hole below 
the staircase. Hey, there's a whistle and a knife in there. Take them. 
Next, go upstairs and keep going right to the room on the extreme right. 
The professor will invite you to step into his magic box. Go in and his 
assistant Igor will shrink you. While you're still small, squeeze between 
the glass door of the cubicle and the table and take the rubber bung. 
Get back into the box and keep telling Igor to press buttons until you 
reach normal size again. Leave the room and go into the 1st room on your 
right. Its the john. Take a look at the number on the mirror and memorize 
it. You'll need it. Leave the room and go into the next room. Open the 
closet and take the monkey mask on the floor. Leave the room and go 
downstairs. Go into the doorway next to the table and you should be in 
the kitchen. Keep going straight and you should reach the backyard. 
Go along the garden path until you reach the shed. It's locked using a 
combination lock. The correct combination is the number sequence you so 
cleverly memorized. Go into the shed and take the oilcan. Leave the shed 
and go back into the kitchen. Now wear the monkey mask. Go into the 
doorway on the right side of the screen. Keep walkin around with the 
butler till he offers you a chop. Take the chop and return to the kitchen. 
Now go into the doorway on the left of the screen. Throw the chop as the 
dog rushes towards you. Lift the carpet and there's a trapdoor underneath. 
Oil the bolt, undo it and open the trapdoor. Go down into the basement. 
There's a celldoor to the bottom right of the screen and you can see and 
hear Penelope sobbing through it. Don't waste your time trying to open the 
door but walk between the two rocks, to the right of the screen. As soon 
as you get into the batcave, blow the whistle. This will confuse the bats 
long enough for you to go into the next cave. As soon as you enter this 
SAVE YOUR GAME. Go to the top left of the screen and get the mummy to come 
towards you. As he approaches move down and to the right of the screen and 
he should get stuck behind a rock. This may take a couple of tries but you 
should manage it eventually. Pick up the gold and walk through the 
mummy's sarcophagus. Don't hang around too long, because he starts moving 
as you approach the sarcophagus. In the next cave, walk up to the boat 
and plug the hole in it with the bung. Next, cut the rope and get into the 
boat. Push off. The boat will take you across the pool to where the old man 
is fishing. Talk to him. The answers to his questions are: 
Bilbo, Narnia, Bram Stoker, c, man, bullet and yes. Even if you haven't 
registered your copy, say 'yes' to the last question otherwise you can't 
continue. Get out of the boat and go into the next cave. Walk up to the 
big guy and give him a gold coin. He's pretty easily satisfied because 
he leaves and you can walk into the next room and...