Enable the cheat console using the Icewind Dale configuration program, then press CTRL + TAB in-game to open the console and type one of the following commands. 

Cheat commands: 

ctrlaltdelete:hans() - Teleport selected party members to the mouse pointer 

ctrlaltdelete:midas() - Gives the party 500 gold pieces 

ctrlaltdelete:addgold(#) - Gives the party # amount of gold pieces 

ctrlaltdelete:explorearea() - Reveals the whole map for the current area 

ctrlaltdelete:setcurrentxp(#) - Set the XP of the selected party members to # points 

ctrlaltdelete:setchapter(#) - Set current chapter to #. 
Prologue is chapter 0 
Other values are Chapter 1 till 6 

ctrlaltdelete:movetoarea(x) - Load the area number given. For area names 
see the data directory of CD2. 
Note the name has to be enclosed in quotes 
Example: ctrlaltdelete:movetoarea("AR6300") 

ctrlaltdelete:createitem(x,#) - Create quantity # of item x. 
Example: ctrlaltdelete:createitem("00BOLT01", 10) 

ctrlaltdelete:addspell(x) - The person where the mouse cursor is currently over 
memorizes spell X and it gets added to the spellbook. 

ctrlaltdelete:setglobal(x,Y,#)- Set global variable to a certain value 
x is the name of the variable 
y is either LOCAL, GLOBAL or an area name (AR####) 
# is the number to set the variable too 
Example: ctrlaltdelete:setglobal("VARIABLE", "GLOBAL", 1) 

ctrlaltdelete:setglobal(x,Y) - Check the current status of a variable 
x is the name of the variable 
y is either LOCAL, GLOBAL or an area name (AR####) 

ctrlaltdelete:firstaid() - Supposed to give you potions and scrolls, 
but appears broken. 
ctrlaltdelete:jeffkdefends() - Supposed to summon a monster to defend you, 
but appears broken. 
ctrlaltdelete:jeffkattacks() - Supposed to summon a monster to attack you, 
but appears broken. 

ctrlaltdelete:enablecheatkeys() - Enables cheatkeys during gameplay: 
CTRL + A - Scroll through available character sequences with the 
CTRL + C - Replay chapter introduction 
CTRL + S selected character. Use A and S to browse back and forth 
CTRL + F - Turn selected character around its axis 
CTRL + M - Debug dump with area information 
CTRL + J - Teleport party to mouse cursor 
CTRL + Y - Kill current selected unit 
CTRL + K - Kill selected monster or remove PC from party 
CTRL + R - Heal selected character or portrait 
CTRL + U - Receive free XP 
CTRL + X - Give current mouse position + search square 
CTRL + 1 - Cycle through armor levels 
CTRL + 2 - Fade screen to dark 
CTRL + 3 - Fade screen to light 
CTRL + 4 - Display trigger polygons 
CTRL + 6 - Make your current selected character transform into 
CTRL + 7 the next one. Use 6 and 7 to browse back and forth 
between all available in-game characters 
CTRL + 9 - Display character bounding boxes