




I. Table Of Contents

II. Introduction

III. How to Play

IV. Controls

V. Skirmish

   1. Classes

   2. Objective

   3. Zones


   1. Classes

   2. Objective

   3. Zones

VII. Chat Interface

VIII. Tips and Tricks

IX. Macros

X. Commands

XI. Miscellaneous

XII. Glossary

XIII. Credits






Infantry is a game made by Harmless Games. It?s an online game, much like 

Half Life: Counterstrike, except that this is not a first person view, more 

of a top to bottom view. In this FAQ, we?ll discuss all the basics and 

advanced infantrystuff. Bear in mind, I?m relatively inexperienced in 

Skirmish, so expect many mistakes in that section. I usually play CTF 

Extreme, and rarely play Skirmish, so this will mostly be in a CTFX player 

point of view.


BTW, Skidjzu = DarthSidious, but I use DarthSidious at GameFAQS and Skidjzu 

at Infantry.



-=~*-=#}-= BIG UPDATE -=~*-=#}-= (May 1, 2002)


Infantry is now officially Pay to Play. You have to subscribe to Sony 

Station, 6.95$ per month. There IS a guest mode for non payers, but you have 

no experience, and you start with a new name each time namely 

"~Guest[randomnumber]" which sucks, because the arenas have about 15 people 

in them, and most of them are ~Guest150 or ~Guest160 etc.


Sony have ruined infantry. I, for one, am not paying. Neither is most of the 

infantry community. Down with Sony! Still, this guide is useful......I 

think. =







Well. You obviously need an internet connection. Go to 

and sign up, and login. Once that?s done, click on the big download button 

on the top left, let the stuff download, then you should have some popup box 

on your desktop saying where you want to install stuff, and it will install 

some files in the specified directory. Then go run the stationclient, 

download more files, enter infantry, then download zone-specific files. For 

a WAY better explaination, go to and read the manual.

Once all that is downloaded and you?re finally in infantry, go to help, and 

read Luminair?s Newbie Guide. Helps a LOT.






Well, go to the keyboard config, you?ll see the controls. They?re way too 

many to list here, so I?ll just give you some advice on how to set them. 

First, you need to set your strafing buttons, which are EXTREMELY important. 

To set your strafe buttons, at the place where you choose your zone in 

infantry, before you get into the game, click on view, then keyboard config, 

then change the strafe keys. The defaults are useless. =[ Second, you need a 

good weapon firing key, and a secondary weapon key next to it, and some 

other weapon keys next to them. I recommend setting the ?enter to type? 

option on, as that helps a great deal with keyboard configs.  This is a good 

newb setup, which is why it suits me. =]


Up: Hyper Forward

Down: Hyper Backward

Left: Turn Left

Right: Turn Right

RightWinKey(next to alt): Weapon 1

AppKey(next to control): Weapon 2

Right Alt: Strafe left

Control: Strafe Right

Enter to Type: On

/: Weapon 3

.: Weapon 4

,: Weapon 5


And the rest are mostly defaults. This works for me, so your tastes may 

differ. Whatever. Please note that AppKey and RightWinKey may not be on all 

keyboards, so you might have to use some other keyboard config. This is a 

good setup for newbs like me. =]







(to be completed)












The objective of all CTF zones (listed below) except for Eol, is simply to 

get all four flags, and then hold them for 60 sec onds. That's it. You get a 

reward after the game ends, whether you win or lose. If you win, you get 

huge amounts of $$, especially if the game's gone on for a long time. =o In 

Eol, the objective is simply to kill. Simple.







Haruna (CTF)

Heinrich's Point (CTF)

Twin Peaks (CTF)

Chaos in Eol (CTFX)

CTF Extreme (CTFX)


The difference between CTF and CTFX are mainly that they have different 

itemsets, and some of the weapons work in a different way. For example, 

Kuchler GL is stand and fire in CTF, but you can fire it while moving in 

CTFX. Also, Chaos in Eol is NOT a capture the flag zone, but it's called 

CTFX because it uses the CTFX itemset. Imagine Skirmish with items and money 

and loads more classes. That's Eol.






This section is based on the CTF Extreme itemset. No Eol, and the Kuchler GL 

is stand and fire on CTF, while it's move and fire in CTFX, so use these 

setups for CTFX only. =[ Most of these are usable in CTF zones as well, 





Infantrymen are the best class to start with. They get good weapons, 

exceptionally good armor, and can take plenty of hits. This is my personal 

favorite class, aside from captain. Please note that the following infantry 

setup is my personal favorite, and yours may differ.


Best Setup for Infantry (IMO)



Maklov AR mk 606 / Kuchler AR249

Frag Grenades (4)

Suit Supercharger

Carapace / CMP6

IDF Generator / PF Generator

3 Repulsor Coils

Ammo Rifle (300)

Enhanced Sensors



This is my personal favorite setup, and I've been using it for ages. About 

the Maklov AR / Kuchler AR, you can use whatever you want. If you're a 

beginner, go with Kuchler, and change to Maklov later on, as Kuchler fires 

in a slightly crooked line,

which helps your aim. Kuchlers also have good spread, making more bullets 

hit. The Maklov fires in a perfect straight line, which is great if you're 

good at aiming, and if you aim right, all three bullets hit, which takes off 

a considerable amount of energy and hp compared to one bullet. Go either 

Cara + IDF, or CMP6 + PF, whatever you want. Just don't use PF with Cara, 

cause it sucks in my opinion.




Infils, or 'commies', as they are sometimes called, are the speedy, sneaky 

ones. They are NOT made for direct combat, but rather, for stealing flags or 

sometimes backstabbing and kill stealing. >=D They take skill to use (=P), 

so not recommended for beginners. They can use the best energy weapons, but 

cannot use many, if any, ammunition consuming weapons. Again, this is my 

personal infiltrator setup, and your ideas may differ..


Best Setup for Infiltrator



Kuchler PR209g / Kamenev PR K111r

Plasma Bomb

Pulsar / Particle Accelerator / Electron Beamer

Improved Cloak

Suit Supercharger

Blink Generator

Repulsor Coil (3)


I usually use Kamenev PR, Plasma Bomb, Electron Beamer, and the other stuff. 

BTW, I'm a newb infil, so..... :P



[-~Jump Trooper~-]


Jump Troopers are basically light infantry. They get good weapons, but die 

rather easily. My favorite class aside from Captain. Fast, with the fastest 

strafe acceleration in the game. Their setbacks are the fact that they can't 

carry too much without being overweight, and their armor isn't as good as 

infantry or captain.


Best Setup for Jump Trooper



Maklov AR mk 606

Kuchler GL m8

Drop Armor

PF Generator

Suit Supercharger

Enhanced Sensors (if flagging, otherwise don't use this)

Ammo Rifle (200)

Frag Grenade (4)

Light HE (50)

Bullet Mines (20)

Plasma Mine (2) (for you mine lamers out there :P)


Classic AR  +  GL combo, add the best armor and the usual Generator, 

Supercharger, and Sensors, get the neccessary ammo, and you have a good JT.





Captains require 525000 exp to get, and they're my class of choice under my 

main alias. They can summon, get great weapons, the best armor, and grenade 

launchers. They're almost JTs, but can summon, and get better armor. 

However, they're rather slow, but their strafe acceleration matches that of 

an infantry. Probably the best soloing class.


Best Setup for Captain



Maklov AR mk 606

Kuchler GL m8

CMP6/Carapace (I use CMP6)

PF/IDF Gererator(I use PF, but if you're using Carapace, go IDF.)

Suit Supercharger

Enhanced Sensors

Ammo Rifle (400)

Frag Grenade (4)

EMP Grenade (4)

Haywire Grenade (4)

WP Grenade (4)

Light HE (50)


That's my fav captain setup. CMP6 + PF for me, but you may want to get cara 

+ idf. Please note that Carapace sucks because it's almost impossible to 

kill you if you have Cara + IDF. That's my opinion... Also, please note the 

abundance of grenades.

Get them regularly if you're full of $$. They are very useful. When 

attempting to kill someone, simply charge throwing loads of nades, and then 

finish them with AR, they'll usually die quick. If a large rape squad is 

coming towards you, throw LOTS of nades at them, then use your dropship 

recall to get back to the DS, and hope you kill someone. :P







The chat. Look at the glossary section to see what all the slang internet 

h4x0r talk is all about.


Messages in blue colour are the normal chat messages, and are heard by 

everyone. To type these, just type them and press enter. =/


Messages in yellow are your team only messages. They can only be heard by 

your team. To type them, type //yourmessagehere OR ?yourmessagehere. 

Yourmessagehere being the message you want to say to your team.


Messages in green are private messages, and only you and the person who your 

are talking to can hear that. To pm them, just type :person: 



Messages in dirty yellow are chat channel messsages. For more info on chat 

channels, please read some of the FAQs I've mentioned in this FAQ, like 

Luminair's Newbie Guide.







- Strafe. Always. A moving target is harder to hit than a stationary target. 

Whoever strafes better usually wins.


- Learn to Circle Strafe. Circle strafing is strafing in a circle around an 

opponent, keeping your target locked on them all the time. Makes you quite 

hard to hit, while they're quite easy to hit. Please note this is almost 

impossible using a default keyboard setup. To be able to c strafe, you need 

to be able to reach the movement keys AND the strafe keys at the same time.


- Learn to lead. This means shooting wherever you think they'll be after the 

shot goes off, basically if they're moving around alot while shooting. This 

is basically predicting.


- Get all the equipment you need as soon as you can, depending on your 

class, you?ll need different equipment.


- Learn about all the weapons, classes, armour, special items and what they 

do, etc.


- When someone?s at the enemy base, and need help, try attaching to them to 

give them support fire. Attaching is done by highlighting the person?s name 

from the namelist on the top right, then pressing the key that is for the 

suit teleporter. This will transport you to the person. Alternatively, 

request summon if they say they can summon.


- Work with your team. Walking into an enemy rape squad will get you killed. 

FAST. Even if you have the l33test strafing skills on the planet. Stay with 

members of your team, and go flagging or bounty hunting, or whatever.


- Don?t spam or start calling people fags just as soon as you start. It 

won?t make you that popular...


- Don't walk straight into rape squads. (big groups of people running around 

killing) You'll be dead before you know it. Never face more than two people 

alone, you'll die otherwise unless you're really skilled. Try weakening them 

with a frag grenade or two from afar, and then moving in for the kill with a 

weapon, usually an assault rifle or something, strafing to give them a hard 

target to hit.


- Don't rape (travel in large groups) unless you're playing Eol. CTF Extreme 

was made for capturing flags, not btying. Play Eol if you like travelling in 

large groups killing hapless lone people. :p


- To get $$ and exp, win games, or be there till the end of the game. You'll 

get lots of $$ and exp if you MVP% is higher, which goes higher depending on 

what you do. If you can't get on a good flagging private team, and are stuck 

on a private team, then go solo, and rack up kills. That's a good way to get 

your MVP up. If you're on a private team, when attacking, try to get a flag 

or two. :P That raises your MVP a lot. Also, carrier kills(killing a guy 

holding a flag) raises your MVP like MAD. Carry kills (killing someone while 

holding a flag) also get you lots of MVP. Once, while soloing, as soon as 

the game started, I ran for a flag, and since I got it, I had my MVP up a 

lot. Then, since I was soloing, I had no need for the flag, so I ran outside 

and started killing as many people I could. I killed about 8 (I'm a Captain) 

with the flag on me, which got my MVP% up like  mad. Then, I simply ran 

around killing anyone and everyone I could, to get my MVP higher. When the 

game finally ended, I racked up loadz of $$, even though I didn't win. 

Killing people only nets you 5 exp though, so that's not so good for getting 

exp unless you be there till the end of the game. Phew......






Macros are fixed messages you don?t have to type, but just press a key and 

the message is sent out. Useful for when you?re at the enemy base, and in 

the middle of some fire, and you want to tell your teammates your there 

without having to type. You should always have these, as they make life much 



This is assuming you have ?enter to chat? option on.


To make a macro, simply type the message you want to make into a macro, then 

press Shift + (the key that you want to store the macro) then the macro is 



To send a macro, just press shift + the key that you stored the macro in.


For example: Let?s say I wanted to make an ?at enemey base? macro.


I type in the message:


//I?m @ the NME base, Attach to CTF now! ( %coord )


And then I press shirt + F9. %coord is replaced by the coordinates your are 

in. NME means enemy. So now, everytime I?m at the enemy base, I press shift 

+ f9 and my teammates come to help. Simple. Let?s say I was at an enemy base 

at J15. I press shift + F9. The following message will be output:


I?m @ the NME base, Attach to CTF now! ( J15 )


This will inform your teammates of the flag, and they?ll come to help you 

capture it.


There are more variables like %coord.


%coord - The current radar coordinate you are at.

%count[ItemName] - Displays the amount you have of ItemName in your 


%date - Todays date on your machine.

%flagcount - Number of flags you have.

%flagdrop - Time left before flag drops.

%killed - The name of the person who you killed last.

%killer - The name of the person who killed you last.

%selfname - Your own name.

%squad - Your squad's name.

%tickname - The name of the person you have highlighted on the playerlist.

%tickitem - The name of the item currently highlighted in the inventory.

%time - The current time on your machine.


Also, there are bongs. These are voices that come with macros. For example, 

if you made an attacking enemy macro, you could add a bong to it to make it 

more attention grabbing.


So if you were at the coordinates J5:


'@NME! Attach to CTF! My current coordinates are %coord. %24


would be your attacking macro, and what would come out would be: (ignore the 

things in [])


[yellow] @NME! Attach to CTF! My current coordinates are J5. [voice says 

'Attacking enemy!']]


The use of bongs is to grab the attention of your teammates, which might 

make them wake up and attach.


%22 says: Acknowledged

%23 says: Affirmative

%24 says: Attacking enemy!

%25 says: Defending position!

%26 says: Enemy Sighted!

%27 says: Requesting Summon!

%28 says: We are under attack!







These commands are not seen by the public chat, BUT you use them for useful 

stuff. Type them in the chat to do what it says they do.




?accountinfo - Shows all your aliases and their usage.

?arena - Displays a pop-up menu of all (non-#private) arenas.

?away - Toggles your away state on/off.

?away  - Sets your away message to .

?alarm - Sets a message alarm.

?briefing - Plays the zone briefing.

?buy - Commandline buy function (?buy grenades:10 or ?buy 

grenades:10,monkeys:20 and ?buy grenades:# if you wish have no more 

than  in your inventory.)

?breakdown - gives you a mid-game breakdown (only in game types that have 

game-breakdown information, GravBall and TDM currently)

?chat - Lists your chat channels.

?chat name1,name2,..,name9 - Adds the named chat channels to your chat 

channel list.

?chatadd  - Adds a new chat to the end of your chatlist.

?chatdrop  - Removes a chat from your current chatlist.

?chat off - Leaves all chat channels.

?chatchart - Displays a chart of everybody online in your chat channels and 

their location.

?crown - Shows how many crowned people you need to kill to get a crown. (for 

King of the Hill).

?drop - The syntax works like ?buy, drops the item(s) listed to your current 


?fakealpha - Toggles fake alpha blending on/off.

?find  - Displays the zone and arena  is in, a wildcard is added 

to the end, so total_newb would show up total_newbie.

?flags - Displays the state of the flags (if any) in the game.

?go  - Moves you to  an arena named , use # 

to make an private (invisible) arena.

?help - Sends a help requests assistance from a moderator if a moderator is 

available (?help Explanation of help needed).

?hide - Hides you from the ?find command.

?ignore - List all the people you have ignored.

?ignore  - If  isnt in your ignore list it adds them, if they 

are in your ignore list it removes them.

?ignoresave - Saves your ignore list to ignore.tx. (ex. 

ignore.tx0 for profile #1).

?info - Sent privately, will display information of the persons 

ping/packetloss and his squadname (if applicable).

?lag - Displays combined information of your packetloss and latency.

?loadmacro  - Loads the FKey macros from the named file.

?log  - Logs all messages to the named file. If you dont specify a 

filename "session.log" is use. If a log file is already open, it is closed.

?mark - Sent as a private message, marks the player for easier visibility in 

radar, playerlist and message display.

?marksave - Saves the marked players list.

?mousemove - toggle whether you use the mouse for vehicle movement or not 

while in the game (same as the game option in the Options dialog box).

?namewidth  - Sets the name-field width in message area (in 

pixels), default is 84.

?password  - Changes your password to .

?playerchart - Displays a chart of players in the current arena.

?online - Display the total player counts for all zones.

?quit - Exits the game.

?radarsize  - Changes the size of your radar (in the lower right of 

your screen) to , default is 160.

?resources - Displays your team's inventory (where applicable).

?rotatetime  - Changes your rotation ramp-up time to .

?savehistory - Saves the current message history out to a file. You can 

optionally specify a filename (ex. ?savehistory mymatch.log)

?savemacro  - Saves your FKey macros to .

?score - Displays the current score of the game (if any).

?score_top100 - Displays Top 100 scores in the current zone.

?score_online - Displays scores of online players in the current zone.

?score_current - Displays Score of current game in progress.

?score_previous - Displays score of last game ended.

?score_session - Displays total score since you began you current session.

?score_top100_year - Historical track record for any player on a yearly 


?score_top100_month - Historical track record for any player on a monthly 


?score_top100_week - Historical track record for any player on a weekly 


?score_top100_day - Historical track record for any player on a daily basis. 

You can specify the date as a parameter to the command (ex: 

?score_top100_day 2001-06-26).

?score_history_year - Score History on a yearly basis (ex. 

?score_history_year jimbob) (leaving it blank retrieves the chart for 


?score_history_month -  Score History on a monthly basis (ex. 

?score_history_month jimbob) (leaving it blank retrieves the chart for 


?score_history_week -  Score History on a weekly basis (ex. 

?score_history_week jimbob) (leaving it blank retrieves the chart for 


?score_history_day - Score History on a daily basis (ex. ?score_history_day 

jimbob) (leaving it blank retrieves the chart for yourself).

?sell - Syntax works like ?buy, all items arent sellable.

?showballtrail  - Adds a trail for the ball (Currently applicable only 

in GravBall).

?showfog  - Toggles LOS viewing on, off or sets it to 


?showphysics - Puts up a grid to help you see what objects cannot be walked 

over (green=object is half-height (shootable over), red=object is 

full-height (not shootable over)).

?showterrain - Should do something similiar to showphysics, doesnt work in 

most zones.

?showvehicle - Shows vehicles with an small orange grid below them, helps 

targetting the vehicles.

?showvision - Works like showphysics but adds the grid only to objects that 

block your line of vision.

?sounddelay  - Sets the delay wherein sounds are played, default is 


?spec - Lists the persons who are currently spectating you.

?squad  - Lists all the online players in the squad , 

if no squadname is specified, lists the online players in your current 


?squadleave - Removes you from your current squad.

?squadlist  - Lists all players in the squad  (may 

take a while to display).

?squadjoin : - Allows you to join an already existing 

squad. You have to specify the squad name and password.

?squadcreate : - Creates a new squad with the given 

name and password. The named squad must not exist already.

?squadchart  - Displays a chart list of everybody currently 

online in squad  and their location, if no squadname is 

specified, lists your own squad.

?squaddissolve - Dissolves your existing squad. You must be the squadmaster 

in order to use this.

?squadkick  - Kicks the named player off your squad. You must be 

the owner of the squad to do this.

?squadrename  - Renames your squad to , you 

must be the squad owner to do this.

?squadtransfer  - Transfers the ownership of a squad to the 

named player. You must be the owner of the squad in order to do this. The 

named player must exist and cannot own a squad already.

?squadpassword  - Changes the squad password to . You 

must be the owner of the squad to do this.

?summon - If toggled off, you cannot be summoned by anyone using an item to 

do so.

?team - Displays what team you are on.

?team  - Switches you to the named team.

?team : - Switches you to the named team with the given 


?teaminfo - Displays the names (and possible squad) of the players in the 

current arena.

?timer - Displays the amount of time left in a game when the game moderator 

has a game timer with the *timer command.

?usage - Shows statistics of your usage for the name your using.

?viewpercent  - Changes the position your character shows on the 

screen, default is 75.

?volume  - Sets the sound volume to .

?wipecharacter - Erases your current characters information, you have to be 

in spectator mode to use this.

?zone - Displays the name of the zone you are at.

?zonelist - Allows you to change zones within the game.


%commands (Used in message, for example, "@NME! -%coord-" would give you the 

message "@NME! -[yourcoordinates]-" where [yourcoordinates] is where you are 

on the map..)


%coord - The current radar coordinate you are at.

%count[ItemName] - Displays the amount you have of ItemName in your 


%crownexpire - The number of seconds you have left before you crown/medal 


%date - Todays date on your machine.

%exact - Displays your current exact map position.

%flagger - The name of the closes player with a flag.

%flagdrop - Time left until flags drop.

%flagcount - The Number of flags you are currently carrying.

%facing - Which direction you are facing (8 directions supported, 

north/south/east/west and diagonals).

%heading - Which direction you are heading (8 directions supported, 

north/south/east/west and diagonals).

%killed - The name of the person who you killed last.

%killer - The name of the person who killed you last.

%selfname - Your own name.

%squad - Your squad's name.

%tickname - The name of the person you have highlighted on the playerlist.

%tickitem - The name of the item currently highlighted in the inventory.

%time - The current time on your machine.


*commands (used by sysops and owners of private arenas)


*kill , - Sent as a private message, will kick target player 

out of the game. You can specify an optional time-limit after the kill as 

well which will keep them out of the zone for that amount of time (in 


*lock - Locks the arena so nobody can leave spectator mode (players already 

in the game remain there).

*spec - Sent privately will force target player into spectator mode.

*spec all - Sent publicly, forces everyoen into spectator mode.

*info - Sent privately it will display various information about the target 

player (like ping and packetloss).

*arena - Sends a green sysop-message to everybody in the arena (ex: *arena 

Test message).

*warp - Sent privately it will warp you to the location of the target 

player. Sent publicly it will warp you randomly somewhere in the level.

*summon - Sent privately it will warp target player to your location (works 

in specator mode too).

*prize - Sent privately it will add specified prize to target player's 

inventory. Sent publicly, it will drop specified prize at your current 

location. You can optionally specify a quantity after the prize-name as 

well. (ex: *prize repel:3).

*cash - Sent privately it will grant target player the specified amount of 

cash. Sent publicly it will grant you the specified amount of cash.

*experience - Sent privately it will grant target player the specified 

amount of experience. Sent publicly it will grant you the specified amount 

of experience.

*grant - Sent privately it will grant shared arena-ownership rights to 

target player (more than one player can have ownership rights at the same 

time). Normally the oldest player in the arena (usually arena creator unless 

he leaves) has ownership rights.

*shutup - Sent privately it will silence/unsilence the target player.

*timer - Starts a game-timer useful for timing games, specified in minutes. 

(ex: *timer 5).

*team - Sent privately it will force target player onto the specified team. 

(ex: *team Titan Terriers).

*teamprofile - Displays a breakdown of the total inventory that a team has.

*scramble - Will randomly scramble the teams in the game.

*scramble  - Turns team scrambling on or off.

*restart - Will restart any GravBall, King of the Hill, or flag-games that 

are in progress.

*wipe - Sent privately it will wipe a players stats completely (same as 

player doing ?wipecharacter). Sent publicly as "*wipe all" it will wipe 

everybodys stats.

*profile - Sent privately it will list target players inventory and skills.

*disable - Disables spawn-owners priviledges and notifies everybody 

publicly. The *disable, *enable, and *arena will still work when the arena 

is in disabled mode.

*enable - Enables spawn-owners priviledges, notifies everyone publicly when 


*flags - Lists all flag locations.

*block , - Blocks a player from joining the arena where *block 

was used.

*blocklist - Lists all blocked people.

*killlist - Lists all killed people.

*blockremove - Removes a block from the current arena.

*killremove - Removes a zone wide ban.

*getball - Gets the ball to either yourself, or to the person who you sent 

the command privately.

*specquiet - Prevents spectators from talking in the game (chat channels and 

squad chat excepted).

*watchmod - Allows moderators to monitor all mod-commands issued by other 


*unspec - Sent privately, will force the target player into the game (unless 

the player has high ping/ploss).

*unspec  - Sent privately, forces the target player into the game 

and to the specified team.

*addball - Adds a ball in a GravBall type game.

*removeball - Removes a ball in a GravBall type game.

*permitadd  - Adds a player to the permission list in the current 


*permitremove  - Removes a player from the permission list.

*permitlist - Displays a list of all the players in the permission list.

*teamname - arena-owner command that allows arena-owner to set the team-name 

for public teams (Syntax is *teamname team1,team2,team3,etc...)

*setscore - sets the current score for a GravBall game, you specify the 

score of all teams in-order (ex: *setscore 5,4)

*endgame - Command to terminate games without restarting next game 








(to be completed)






This section is about stuff that doesn't fall into any of the categories in 

this FAQ.





You know clans in Quake? Well, this is Infantry's equivelant of them, only 

they're called squads. Squads have a name, an owner, and (usually) members. 

Squads can compete in various squad competitions, like the CTF Players 

League, the Skirmish Players League, or the CTFX Players League. Or you can 

just have squads for the heck of it. =P Whatever. Anyway, here are some good 

squads to watch out for in CTF Extreme.



Janes Addiction



...and so on.





*Official site.

*Probably the best unofficial infantry website. An abundance of information 

resides here.

*LOTS of useful newbie information. I strongly recommend you go check it 








For helping me out a lot with infantry, and getting me into it in the first 



*Dark-Matter-X (VIVI)

For helping me out as well.


*Highly Explosive (TTS)

For sending me some files for infantry and helping me out a lot. :D



For his excellent command list.



For his excellent newbie guide.


*Harmless Games

The company that made Infantry. Thank you.


*Eternity Dragon



*Loaded Gunz



*Most of the people who play CTF Extreme

r0x0r~@; adsfg



For putting this on his site.



- Sidious