Remove Build limits and Unlock all dig sites 
Once again you will have to edit some ini files. To the best of my knowledge they will not destory your computer. Worst case scenario is uninstall/reinstall. 

Unlock all Dig sites 
the game defaults that you can only unlock 5 digs sites total. The following edit only affects NEW islands. It will not work on saved islands. 

head to you JPOG folder under the DATA folder 

open up FslHunt.ini 

scroll down to the bottom look at the string ''maxchosen'' 
under Windows and XBox builds 

default that number is 5. Change it to 9. 

what follows below is the number of sites avaiable as you earn more stars. Change them all to 0. 

Start new game. go to fossil hunt and Unlock each site. 

It also helps to edit these strings in constant.ini 
FossilHuntStartNumTeams = 1; 
FossilHuntMaxNumTeams = 5 

Its mute to have all sites avaliable but not enough teams to work on them. 99 is a good number for both. (It will cause the ''tents'' to go off the screen and to the right) 

also edit this string also it allows you to have more storage for the vast amount fossil you'll be able to dig up 
FossilStorageMaxItems = 15 

Remove Building Limits 
The game limits you on how much you can build of each item. 

You want to go to your JPOG folder under DATA folder then go to UNIT folder. 

Open the following ini files and search for this string 
''UnitSpecific'' without quotes. It applies to all ini files. 

list format is: File Name <- what structure/building 

HerbFDsp.ini <- herbivore feeder 

CarnFDsp.ini <- carnivore feeder 

Toilet.ini <- bathrooms 

Hatchery.ini <- hatchery 

HuntPlat.ini <- view hunting platforms. no idea really what they are. 

Kiosk.ini <- kiosk I belive this is food stand. 
shop.ini <- also shops this souviner store 

hvdome.ini <- viewing domes 

hventry.ini <- viewing vents 

safari.ini <- safari rides 

Road.ini <- roads/path personally haven't been able to test this as I haven't run into a ''no more roads allowed'' 

rangerdp.ini <- ranger stations 

ViewPlat.ini <- regular viewing platforms 

turret.ini <- security turret 


Remove Dino Limit, Vistor Limit, Start Money etc 
This ''cheat'' involves editing some ini files. To the best of my knowledge they do not ''destory'' your computer/game. Worst case uninstall/reinstall. 

Find file ''Constant.ini'' its in your ''Data'' folder. 
I will included name of value its default and what they do. a simple search will get to these strings faster. 

-This set controls game time. ie a day passes in the game for every 10 seconds in real life. 

MaxDinoPopulation = 60; <-Max dinos allowed. When you reach 60 you will get message of max reached. 

ParkStartPlayerMoney = 60000;<-money you start out with. 

ParkMaxEntryFee = 5000;<-max you can charge per vistor. 

ParkMaxPopulationCap = 100;<-max number of vistors you can have.