King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride

                 Chapter 1: Where in Blazes am I?
 First click on the piece of petticoat caught on the cactus to pick it up. Walk left and click on the stick then the sparkling salt crystals to pick them up. Click on the base of the statue once. Then again to look at the pictures. Walk up onto the next screen and use the stick on the prickly fruit on the cactus to knock it on the ground. The click it to pick it up. Now walk a bit to the right and go up into the cave. In the cave click on the little basket and each one of the jars, one by one, until you can
  pick one up. Now examine the basket and click it to open it. Spin it around and look carefully inside to find a corn kernel.
 Walk outside and click the wall with paintings on it. Click it again to look at the picture. Now walk a bit left and click the corn
 kernel on the small spot of damp sand where water is dripping onto. Now click on the corn to take one. Now walk down and
  to the left until you come to the statue again. Click the jar on the water to fill it with the salty water. Then click the jar (filled
 with salty water) on the bowl in the statue's hand. Click Rosella's Comb on Valanice to make her cry. Now click the comb on
the bowl to make her cry in it. Now put the corn in the statue's other open hand. The bowl will glow. (Note: Make sure that the
 statue's head doesn't have beams coming out of it like the sun. If it does, click the head to change it.) Now click the jar on the
 bowl to fill it with the fresh water there. Now walk to the left or down to enter the desert. (Warning: don't wander around too
  much in the desert or you will die) If you see a man totally white, quickly click on him before he walks away. If you do not,
walk back right or up to the statue then back to the desert until you see him appear. If you click him you'll carry on a somewhat
long conversation with him. When the conversation ends he will walk away. Now go back to the statue and repeat until you see
  him appear again. Click him quickly, and when he asks you what you want, click the jar on him. He will take you to a place
 where there is a whirlwind and he will make the whirlwind go away. Now he will open a bag and give you choice to 2 things, a
  rope or a jar of bug-reducing powder. Your choice will determine how you will solve future puzzles. If you picked up the
  bug-reducing powder, there should be a horn on the ground when the ghost disappears. Click to pick it up. Now walk up 2
                           screens and you will find your self back where you were.
  If you picked up the rope walk up then to the right until you come to the little door. Knock and click on the mouse to talk to
  him. After the jack-a-lope goes back into his hole go down and a bit to the right and use the rope on the cacti by the path.
  After the the jack-a-lope gets what he deserves, take the fur from the cactus and pick up the glasses from the ground. The
                             walk up and right until you come to the little door.
   If you picked the jar of bug-reducing powder, walk up and right until you come to the little door. Knock, and click on the
 mouse to talk to him. After the jack-a-lope returns to his hole, use the horn on Valanice. Then use the horn on the hole. Now
                        pick up the fur from the cactus and the glasses from the ground.
 Now walk left past the cave and the corn to find several gourds. Click on the one that looks "open" to get a gourd seed. Now
 walk right back to the little door. Knock, and click the glasses on the mouse. Then click the gourd seed on the mouse to get a
turquoise bead. Now walk down and left until you come back to the statue. Then click on the wrist of the statue's arm holding
   the bowl to turn it upside-down. Then click on the statue's head until beams come out of it like the sun. Then click on the
  statue's neck and line up the beads in the third hole from the left. The water will drain from the pool. Now go down the well
 and look at the statue there. Click on it to look at what in it. Click again and Valanice will say "It looks like an offering bowl".
 Then click the turquoise bead on the altar. When the head nods, click on the V-shaped piece. Then come out of the well and
 click the stick on the petticoat to make a flag. Now walk right until you come to the entrance to the temple. Enter it and a giant
    scorpion will come at you. Click the flag on the scorpion to get it stuck. OR you may find it more humorous to click the
  bug-reducing powder on it if you took it. Now move over to the altar with the little statue ion it and click on it. Then click on
  the tile that looks like a raindrop to open the light. Now place the red crystal on the spot with a circle around it (on the right
 side of the statue). Then put the yellow and blue crystals in the statue's two hands. When the arrow-piece comes up, click it to
 take it. Then exit the temple. Now use the V-shaped piece and arrow piece on each other to form one big arrow. Walk up and
 to the left until you find a hole in a statue that's shaped like the arrow you have. Click on it once. Then again to see an up close
            view of it. Now use the the arrow in the hole and simply walk through the newly-formed opening.
                                  Chapter 2: A troll is as a troll does.
 As Rosella as a troll in the Troll kingdom, walk outside the room (after the cartoon sequence) and click on the wind-up mouse
 when the boy troll drops it. Click on the shield on the back wall to pick it up. Walk right (the upper right) and into the kitchen.
 When you are thrown out go back in and click the wind-up mouse on the chef. Now you can explore the kitchen. Go over to
  the machine on the counter and click on it to get some nice baked beetles (Yum!). If you look at the shelf you'll be able to
 spot to gold-looking bowls. But one's gold and one's not. You'll know one from the other by examining them. They're marked
 either 14k Gold or Bronze. Take the gold bowl. Now head out of the kitchen and through mid-left passage (after you've seen
  Malicia with the other trolls). Head down the passage that leads a cave with "green water" and a "rotten egg" smell.. Fill the
   bowl with this "water of emerald". Then click on the lantern to take it. Click on the green-blue stuff on the wall on the
   top-left corner of the screen. Keep clicking on it until Rosella thinks "...maybe it's sulfur". Now walk Rosella down by the
  lower path. Then click on the first piece of land to make Rosella jump to it. Now click the ledge and she'll jump there. Now
 click on the sulfur to take some. Jump back across the way you came and walk back up the path. Walk near the fire and click
  the lantern on it when the troll lights it. Now go up the stairs and up into the lava pool room. Listen to the women trolls talk
 about how to wake up and put to sleep trolls. Then go back down the stairs. And click the sulfur on the fire to put the troll to
 sleep. Now take the clamps on the wall and click them on the little box on the table. Then click that on the bucket of water to
  cool it. This will get you a shiny, new silver spoon. Now walk up the stairs and this time take the lower-right path. Try and
 walk across the bridge. When the troll stops you, examine the shield and take the point off of it. Walk up to the cart and click
    on it. Then click the shield on the empty wheel place and click the point back on. Now click the "ride" button in the top
  right-hand corner. Now walk all the way to the right until you come to the crystal dragon. Click on the dragon to talk to her.
 Then click the lantern on the dragon. The dragon will be so happy he'll give you a big jewel and go off for a flight. Now walk
  all the way left over the bridge, past Matilda, and into the room with the sleeping troll. Walk over to the troll working on the
 right with a hammer and chisel and click him to talk. Then click the jewel on him. He'll give you his hammer and chisel. Now
  walk all the way back to where the dragon was to find her sleeping. Since you can't wake her up, just click the hammer and
 chisel on her tail to get one of her scales. Now walk back to Matilda and give her the gold bowl, the baked beetles, the scale
  and the spoon. POOF! You're now a human again and you're left with a silver pellet. When you get locked in your room,
 pick up the furniture and stack it underneath the picture frame (you'll need 3 things) then climb it and take off the picture frame
 to enter the tunnel. Inside you'll find info about Malicia and her plans. When you fall out of the hole, pick up the little creature
that falls out with you. Try to go back in your room and when Matilda returns to her chair, show her the frog creature. She'll tell
 you the way out and give you a magic rope. Try to walk through the lower-right path and when Malicia appears blocking the
  way out, click the wind-up mouse on her to give her a good scare. Now take the lower right path out. And click the magic
                          rope on the elevator and your on your way to Ooga Booga.
                                    Chapter 3: The sky is Falling!
 Valanice is confronted by a lizard-like creature! Click the Prickly fruit on the lizard to satisfy him. Walk up out of the cave and
 into the garden. Now walk left and further left past the deer. On the next screen walk up. Click on the stone by the dried river
 to jump onto it. Now click the next stone to jump to it. Then the next. You'll see a little birdie trapped in a spider's web. Click
  the little basket on the spider to save the bird. Now walk up through the woods. You'll find yourself at a large gate. Click on
 the little door in the gate to enter the town. When the mayor (the poodle) tells you to leave, click the comb on the him. Click on
  the first door to go in and talk to the Bull there. Now leave the building and walk right until you come to a little booth with a
 sales...uh fish? in it. Click the covered cage by the booth and talk to the bird in it. Click the bird on the bull (in the china shop)
   and you'll get a mask. Walk outside and wear the mask after you watch some animals enter the party. At the party, walk
 through the upper door and into the weird stairway room. Walk up the stairs and follow the paths until you make your way to
 the upside-down door. Enter it. Inside, open the drawer in the desk to see a statuette fall to the ceiling?. Now, go back out the
   door and make your way to the entrance where you started. Then take the lower path and follow it until you come to the
  right-side-up door. Enter it. Click on the mirrors until your reflection gets the best of you and pulls you into the other room.
 Now you can pick up the statuette. If you use it on Valanice, you can see where Rosella is. Now walk back out of the room
 and make your way back to the entrance. Walk down into the party and out the front door. Now walk over to the Faux Shop.
   Click the salt grains on Valanice and go into the shop. Inside click the mask on the turtle there to get a book. Now walk
   outside. Now look in the bird's nest to find a Falderal dime. Get it. Now you'll have to go all the way back to the desert,
  so...go out of the city, down through the woods, hop across the river, down some more and right, right, right, past the deer,
   down out of the garden, through the little tunnel, into the desert, right, right, right, right, back to the little door in the wall.
 Knock, when the mouse opens, give him a book and you get a hook! Now, go all the way back through the garden and into
     the town. Click the hook on the cheese (better known as the moon) in the pool. And Wala! You're under arrest!!!
                           Chapter 4: Will the real troll king please stand up.
  Now back to Rosella... When you see the zombie-like man standing above you with the shovel, quickly click the head of his
  shovel. Then click on him to talk to him. Keep clicking until he says he needs to get back to his work. Then walk right to the
   screen with the little brats. Now walk left and click on Dr. Cadaver's door. When he comes out click on him to be invited
 inside. Inside, click on Dr. Cadaver several times to learn clues about Ooga Booga and what's been going on. And once you
  know about his backbone, leave the house and go back to the right (with the pumpkin house). Look behind the spider web.
  Do you see something? If you see a rope and elevator going up into the clubhouse click it. Inside the clubhouse, click on the
 pile of donuts by the elevator to reveal a backbone! Look a bit to the left of the elevator, see any feet? Well, I foot might be
  useful, so click it. Go back to Dr. Cadaver's house and click the backbone on him. He'll give you a weird creature. Now
 head back to the clubhouse and click on the boys. After finding out they want a pet, click the weird creature on them to get the
 rat. Now go up back to the gravedigger and click the rat on him. He'll give you a horn. Walk left then come back on the same
  screen and you will find a shovel left behind. Click it. Now go right and after the "ceremony" click the hammer and chisel on
 the little casket. The cat will then give you an extra life. Now walk a screen left, another screen left, and a screen down. Look
  at the tree next to you. If the easternmost branch in pointing up, go back up a screen and come down again. If it is pointing
  down, click the horn on Rosella. When the gravedigger digs you a hole, click it to go in. Inside, click the lock. Now push the
 skull symbol, the bat symbol, and the spider symbol in that order....Inside the casket click the frog-creature on the Troll King.
 Then click the hammer and chisel on him. Now, when you come out and transform the king in a scarab with his magic wand,
  click the cloak and put it on. Now walk up and go into Dr. Cadaver's house. Talk to him and he'll give you some defoliant.
   Exit Dr. Cadaver's house and walk a screen right and a screen down. When the plant monster appears, quickly click the
   defoliant on him. After talking with the plants, click the foot on them, and while they're munching, click the flower beneath
 them. Now walk right and walk behind Malicia's house. Listen, do you hear her dog barking? If so, walk back up, and right a
 screen. Then go back behind her house. Keep doing it until you don't hear the dog barking. Now click the vines by the bottom
 of  her house to find a crevice. Click the shovel there to dig it bigger. Then click to go under. When Rosella pops up her head,
 quickly click the cursor on where she is to go down into the floor. When her dog comes sniffing at you click the defoliant in his
  nose. When Malicia leaves, comes out of the floor and open her drawers. Keep clicking on the drawers as Rosella pulls out
 her clothes one by one. When she finally gets the strange device, click on the clothing to put it away. Now click the sock to
  take it. Now exit the way you came. Put the cloak back on by clicking it. Now walk up to the next screen, then right to the
 Were-woods. Now click the silver pellet on the sock to make a sling. As you walk continue walking right, a were-beast will
  come out at you. Quickly click the sling on him to make your escape. In the garden, walk up a screen, and jump across the
 stones by clicking them like Valanice did in Chapter 3. Then walk up into the wood to find the gate of Falderal. Click the little
 door on the gate to go in. In Falderal, walk to the door to the City Hall and click it to go into the City Hall. Inside, enter the top
door. Now take the lower passage of steps and follow the path until you come to the right-hand door. Go inside. Now click on
  the base of the Angel statue to reveal writing. Click the sock on it to read it. Now use the hammer and chisel on the golden
  grapes on the right side of the room to get a golden grape. Click the golden grape on the Angel statue to open the fountain.
   Click the magic wand on the scarab to completely open the fountain. Then click on the fountain to uh...fall! When you hit
                      bottom, walk northwest and continue up until you find double trouble!
                                   Chapter 5: Nightmare in Etheria
  Ok, now Valanice has to put the "moon" (cheese) back into the sky. Go into the Faux Shop once again. Now click the dime
  (found in the mocking bird's nest) on the turtle. You will get a rubber chicken! (Just what you always wanted!) Examine the
  rubber chicken to find it has a single feather on it. Click the feather to take it. Now go outside by the tree by the pool and
 click the rubber chicken on the low brach of the tree. Now click the "moon" on the rubber chicken. You are now free to move
  about as you please. First, walk over to the booth with the uh...eel-fish guy and click the statuette on him to get some salve.
  Leave Falderal and head down into the forest. Continue down and hop across the stones. Now walk a screen down and a
   screen right. Talk to the deer by clicking him. And again. And again. And again. Keep clicking until Valanice thinks "noble
 Atas" or something like that... You should now know about all the problems in the Land (if you listened). Now walk a screen
 left, a screen up, and hop across the stones again. Now walk left, and left again until you come to a big sleeping boulder. Click
  the feather on the boulder's nostril to awaken it. When the boulder falls asleep, walk a screen left, another screen left, down,
 and hop across the stones (yet again). Now walk a screen down, right, right, to the screen where the statue's are. Click on the
   flower nearest the bottom while a bird is there and he will ask you if you have something to carry it in. Click the jar on the
 flower. Now your jar will be filled with nectar. Now click the jar on the hole in the statue's jar and watch what happens! Now
   walk a screen left and click the jack-a-lope fur on the salve. Now click the salve on Valanice. WHOOSH! Now in Ooga
 Booga, walk left and up. Then walk left to Dr. Cadaver's house and back right again. Click the elevator to sneak into the kids
 clubhouse. Inside click on the bone in the mummy's hand. Now click again on the bone to get it. Get out of the clubhouse (try
the window on the right for fun) and walk left a screen, past Dr. Cadaver's house and to where the crying woman is. Now walk
   up from there. When the dog comes out click the bone on the dog to give to him. Then click the dog to talk to him. Keep
 clicking the dog until you get the medal. Now walk a screen down and click the medal on the crying woman. Now walk right,
right, right, to the clubhouse again and pick up the firecracker the kid drops. Now back left, left left, to where the woman was
 crying and click the fire cracker on  the door to the crypt. Walk inside and click on the sepulcher to open it. Then click inside
to get the horseman's head. Walk outside and when you see the horseman flying in the air quickly click the head on him. You
  will get a fife and passage to Etheria. Once there. Walk right and up. You will see a harp. If the strings were numbered 1-6
  from left to right, you would click 1, 5, 6, and 4 to meet the fates (Thanks to Kevin Reckinger). Click them to talk to them.
    Now go right and up the mountain. At the top, click the little tree to climb it. Then click on the grape-like fruit to get the
   ambrosia. Now walk back down the mountain and right and right again. Click on the rainbow in the southwest and go to
 Dr.Cadaver's house. Knock on his door and talk to him until he lets you sleep in his...coffin! Click on the coffin to sleep there.
 Sweet Dreams! When you awake, go outside and play the fife to go back to Etheria. Now walk right and up and see the fates.
  Talk to them and they'll tell you that you need to talk to Ceres. Walk down and left when you come out from the fates. Now
  click on the rainbow in the southeast to go back into the garden. Click the ambrosia on the statue's cornucopia on the other
  side of the river. Now click the cornucopia to get a pomegranate. Now walk left and click the pomegranate on the tree to
 restore Ceres. Click her to talk to her and keep doing it until you find out how to unfreeze Mab. Now click the fife on Valanice
 to go to Etheria and take the southwest rainbow again. Walk behind Malicia's house and go underneath (if you don't hear the
  dog barking). If you do hear him barking walk to the Were-woods and then back until he stops barking. In Malicia's house
 click on the place where Valanice is when you hear Malicia coming. When the dog starts sniffing at you, click the ambrosia on
 him. When Malicia leaves, come out of the floor and click on her lamp to take one of the crystals from it. Now go back out the
  way you came. Use the fife to go to Etheria and take the top rainbow to the desert. From here walk up 2 screens and right.
Enter the temple and click the crystal on the light beam. Now go outside and use the fife to go back to Etheria. Go see the fates
  again, and you'll get the Dream Catcher. Now go down, right, and up the mountain. At the top, click the dream catcher on
  the cave. When the nightmare comes out, click the dream catcher on it. Walk inside the cave and talk to the dream weaver.
    Then click the dream catcher on the dream weaver. He will give you a carpet. Click the carpet on Valanice. When the
 nightmare comes at you, click the dream catcher on it. Now walk down. Walk inside the temple, and click the crystal on Mab.
 She'll give you a bridle and send you back to Etheria. Now climb the mountain once more and click the spot on the other side
   of the cave (Valanice should say "Hmm..."). Then click the bridle on the wind (horse) when he appears....and to the last
                                  Chapter 6: Ready...set...BOOM!
  To stop the fighting, examine the magic wand and click on the base of the wand. Then click the wand on the troll when he is
   thrown away from the other one. The next thing you'll have to do is click the shovel on Rosella when she's trapped in the
 volcano. After that you walk northwest and click the machine face's right eye (your left), left eye (your right), and nose in that
 order. (Also if you didn't get the flower before use the shovel on the rock to get it here) Next take the strange device and plug
  it into the outlet. Now wait, don't do anything until you see the strange device start flashing. When it does, click it to take it.
  Now click the flower on King Otar (the Troll) to wake him up. Finally, when Malicia zaps ...uh, the Troll impostor, click the
       strange device on her. The very last thing you can do is click the extra life (Thanks to Stephanie Carvin) on the
                      "impostor"......or if you're feeling cruel...don't and get a sadder ending.
                                             The End!

Fast Walkthrough:

King's Quest 7 - The Princeless Bride - Runthru

This walkthru is a very shortened way to complete the game. It takes
many shortcuts and is not actually intended to be used as-is. Primarily
it is intended to document the key actions necessary to complete the
game. There are many other paths through the game and in a normal game
much searching around and talking to characters would be necessary to
learn enough to choose the actions taken. If you follow this walkthru
you will finish the game but will miss most of the cleverness, charm,
and wit of the game designers.

The walkthru also contains many sequences that do not need to be
followed in order. Most chapters have several tasks which must be
completed but do not have to be completed in the order presented.

I played the 1.1 version of the game for this walkthru. At press-time I
have heard rumors of a 1.5 version which fixes the bugs and crashes
that occur in this version.

Chapter 1 - "Where in blazes am I"

This chapter has at least three very different paths based on the
wether or not the Desert Spirit is helped and wether the 'Hunting Horn'
is retrieved before helping him. In this version, the absolute minimum
step path is shown ( where he is not helped ). This version skips some
of the tricker sequences ( like turning salt water to fresh ).

Take 'Ripped Petticoat' from cactus.
Walk 2 screens south. Take 'Hunting Horn' from skeleton.
Walk 3 screens north.
Enter cave north. Take 'Basket'.
Examine 'Basket' and open lid.
Rotate 'Basket' to see 'Corn Kernel' inside and pick up 'Corn Kernel'.
Pick up all four 'Clay Jar's in any order ( first 3 will break ).
Leave cave.
Use 'Corn Kernel' on sand under dripping water.
Examine gourd plant just left of corn stalk.
Examine picture on rock wall right of cave entrance.
Take 'Gourd Seed' from now open gourd plant.
Walk 1 screen east.
Use small door under "Rare Curiosities" and talk to Kangaroo Rat.
Use 'Hunting Horn' on Valanice to blow out dust.
Use 'Hunting Horn' on eastern Jackalope hole twice to stun Jackalope.
Take 'Jackalope Fur' from cactus.
Take 'Glasses' from ground.
Use small door under "Rare Curiosities".
Use 'Glasses' on Kangaroo Rat.
Use 'Gourd Seed' on Kangaroo Rat and trade for 'Turquoise Bead'.
Walk 2 screens west and 1 screen south.
Take 'Stick'.
Take 'Salt Crystals' from south edge of pool.
Use statue's head, this rotates it and causes sun rays to come out.
Examine statue's collar and line all blue beads to third column.
Use wrist band on statue's right hand, this drains the pool.
Enter empty pool.
Examine offering tray.
Examine empty part of tray.
Use 'Turquoise Bead' on offering tray.
Examine offering tray.
Take 'Turquoise Piece' on right.
Leave pool.
Walk east 2 screens.
Use 'Ripped Petticoat' on 'Stick' to make 'Flag'. and put it in
Enter doorway.
Use 'Flag' on scorpion, quickly or Valanice will expire.
Examine statue.
Use center symbol on side.
Take blue bead at bottom on one hand of statue.
Place yellow bead at right on other hand.
Place red bead at left on pedestal right and behind statue.

Note last two steps are not always necessary due to bug in some versions.

Take 'Turquoise Piece'.
Leave building.
Walk 2 screens west and 1 north.
Use 'Stick' on cactus right of doorway and take 'Prickly Pear'.
Use one 'Turquoise Piece' on the other to make 'Puzzle'.
Examine lock above doorway twice.
Use 'Puzzle' on lock.
Enter open doorway.

Inventory: 'Golden Comb', 'Clay Pot', 'Stick', 'Basket', 'Hunting Horn',
'Jackalope Fur', 'Prickly Pear', 'Salt Crystals'.

Other paths:

The Wanderer will give an item ( either a rope or bug reducing powder
), if he receives fresh water. Fresh water is made by picking an 'Ear
of Corn' from the corn stalk. Then go to the salt water pool and fill
the 'Clay Pot' with salt water from the pool. Prime the statue ( head
and collar ) as usual. Using the 'Golden Comb' on Valanice, cry into
the statue's bowl, pour the salt water into the bowl, and put the 'Ear
of Corn' into the statue's left hand. The water should be transformed
to fresh. Then use the 'Clay Pot' to give the fresh water to the

Instead of getting the 'Hunting Horn', the 'Glasses' can be had by
getting a 'Rope' from the Wanderer. Then the rope is used to trip the
Jackalope by tying it to two cactuses and tripping him.

Instead of using the 'Flag' to trick the scorpion, the scorpion can be
rendered harmless by using bug reducing powder from the wanderer.

Chapter 2 - "A troll is as a troll does."

This chapter is a fairly long one. A lot of time is spent walking back
and forth through the underground. The items necessary to make the
magic potion do not have to be collected in any particular order. There
are also two bowls in the kitchen, one is gold and one is brass.

Leave room.
Take 'Toy Rat'.
Take 'Shield' from wall just left of throne.
Enter kitchen at top right.
Get kicked out, overhear witch, leave mud pool area.
Enter kitchen at top right.
Use 'Toy Rat' on floor by cook troll, quickly or Rosella will expire.
Take 'Bowl' from bottom left shelf.
Use machine right of shelves to get 'Baked Beetles'.
Leave kitchen.
Enter mud pits and overhear trolls discuss "sleeping aids".
Leave mud pits.
Enter workshop at lower left.
Descend to lower area.
Take 'Lantern'.
Use 'Bowl' on green water by entrance to make 'Bowl with Green Water'.
Walk to edge of crevasse and feel updraft.
Walk to lower edge and jump to center island.
Jump to upper left area and take 'Wet Sulphur'.
Jump back and exit area.
Walk to right in front of fire, wait till fire is hot.
Use 'Lantern' on fire to make 'Lantern with Spark'.
Use 'Wet Sulphur' on fire to put "sexist pig troll" to sleep.
Take tongs from tool rack, use on brown box, use on water pail to get
'Silver Spoon', and replace tongs on rack.
Leave workshop.
Enter area to lower left.
Try to leave area on bridge to right.
Examine 'Shield' and take 'Shield Spike' from it.
Examine cart at upper left.
Use 'Shield' on empty axle then 'Shield Spike' on axle.
Ride cart.
Enter dragon cave at upper right.
Enter dragon lair to right.
Talk to dragon.
Use 'Lantern with Spark' on dragon to receive 'Big Gem'.
Return to workshop.
Talk to jeweler troll.
Use 'Big Gem' on jeweler troll in exchange for 'Hammer and Chisel'.
Return to dragon lair.
Use 'Hammer and Chisel' on dragon's tail just after it flops to floor to
get 'Dragon Scale', quickly or Rosella will expire.
Return to main hall and use the 'Bowl with Green Water' on the troll.
Give the rest of the ingredients to the troll: 'Silver Spoon',
'Baked Beetles', and 'Dragon Scale'.
Rosella ends up human and gets a 'Silver Pellet'.
Move large bench seat under picture.
Then stack small seat and foot stool on top.
Overhear plotting, fall, and take 'Dragon Toad'.
Walk to bedroom, overhear argument.
Use 'Dragon Toad' on Mathilde, she gives you 'Enchanted Rope'.
Try to leave to lower-right.
Use 'Toy Rat' on Malicia, quickly or Rosella expires.
Leave to lower-right.
Use 'Enchanted Rope' on elevator.
Use elevator.

Inventory: 'Lantern', 'Hammer and Chisel', 'Dragon Toad', 'Silver Pellet'.

Chapter 3 - "The sky is falling."

This chapter is somewhat tricky as Valanice must walk back to the
desert to complete it. Also, without foreknowledge, it is easy to have
finished chapter 1 without enough objects to solve a couple of puzzles
in chapter 3. However, Valanice can always go back to the desert and
get them. Most of the rest of the action is fairly straight-forward.

Use 'Prickly Pear' on monster, quickly or Valanice expires.
Walk 1 screen north west then one screen west.
Talk to the stag at length until he tells of Lord Feldspar.
Walk 1 screen and 1 screen north.
Jump to boulder in muddy stream bed at left, then to center, and to top.
Use 'Basket' on spider.
Examine the bird.
Walk 1 screen north west.
Enter through small door right of city gate.
Use 'Golden Comb' on the duke.
Enter the China Shop.
Talk to Fernando about "Treasure".
Walk 1 screen east.
Use cover over bird cage.
Use door of cage.
Examine bird in cage and retrieve 'China Bird'.
Return to China Shop, use 'China Bird' on Fernando and get 'China Mask'.
Leave shop walk near Town Hall door.
Use 'China Mask' on Valanice and use Town Hall door.
Leave party through curtained door at rear.
Walk left on stairway down and continue walking to door.
Use door twice to enter powder room.
Leave powder room by examining third mirror from the door.
Use drawer on right side of desk and take 'Magic Statuette'.
Leave office and walk west to main landing.
Walk south from landing back to party.
Leave Town Hall and walk to east pond.
Take 'Wooden Nickel' from mockingbird nest.
Use 'Salt Crystals' on Valanice and enter Faux Shop door.
Use 'China Mask' on Ersatz the Turtle and trade for 'Rubber Chicken'.
Use 'Wooden Nickel' on Erastz and trade for 'Book'.
Walk back to Desert.
Walk 2 screens east and use "Rare Curiosities" door.
Use 'Book' on Kangaroo Rat and trade for 'Crook'.
Return to woods and examine flowers at left of screen.
Use 'Clay Pot' on flowers and get 'Nectar in Pot'.
Walk back to Falderal and use 'Crook' on cheese in pond to get 'Moon'.

Inventory: 'Golden Comb', 'Stick', 'Hunting Horn', 'Jackalope Fur',
'Nectar in Pot', 'Rubber Chicken', 'Magic Statuette', 'Moon'.

Chapter 4 - "Will the real troll king please stand up"

This is the first chapter with events that happen without user command.
The Bogey-Man can appear at any time and "get" Rosella. When the
Bogey-Man appears, just move off screen and return ( until Rosella is
wearing the 'Black Cloak' ). Note that the 'Extra Life' is not
necessary to complete the game ( there are two levels of completion ).
However, the most successful complete needs it.

Use shovel blade, quickly or Rosella will expire.
Talk to gravedigger about his rat Iggy ( 3 times ).
Walk south east and watch brat.
Walk west and watch other brat.
Walk east and use rope to enter Jack-o-Lantern.
Take 'Back Bone' from floor just south of coffin.
Take 'Foot-In-A-Bag' from coffin.
Use rope to leave Jack-o-Lantern.
Walk west, watch brat, and enter Dr. Cadaver's house.
Use 'Back Bone' on doctor and receive 'Weird Pet'.
Walk east and use 'Weird Pet' on brats.
Use 'Weird Pet' on elevator to rescue 'Gravedigger's Rat'
Walk north to graveyard.
Use 'Gravedigger's Rat' on gravedigger and receive 'Gravedigger's Horn'.
Walk south east.
Use 'Hammer and Chisel' on casket to save cat and get 'Extra Life'.
Walk north and take 'Shovel'.
Walk west, south and south again.
Stand at extreme lower-left of screen and use 'Gravedigger's Horn'
Enter hole.
Examine lock. Use skull then bat then spider.
Use 'Dragon Toad' on the king.
Use 'Hammer and Chisel' on his arm-band, quickly or Rosella will expire.
End up with 'Magic Wand' and 'Troll King as Scarab'.
Take 'Black Cloak' and use it on Rosella.
Walk north and enter Dr. Cadaver's house.
Talk to the doctor and get the 'Defoliant'.
Walk east and scare brats then walk south to garden.
Use 'Defoliant' on green monster, quickly or Rosella will expire.
Use 'Foot-In-A-Bag' on venus fly trap plants.
While they are busy, take little red 'Fragrant Flower' at their base.
Walk east.
Walk quickly past Malicia's house, King will want to jaw awhile.
Walk north behind Malicia's house.
Use green vine covering hole under Malicia's house.
Use 'Shovel' on hole to enlarge it.
Enter hole.

Note that there is a bug here that sometimes prevents the next action.
If the dog is barking before entering hole. Go back to the front of the
house and walk east. Then walk west again. The dog should not be
barking. It is then safe to enter the hole.

Inside room, go back down under floor as soon as possible.
WHen dog sticks its nose in the knot-hole, use 'Defoliant' on him.
Enter room.
Keep examining third drawer of chest until you get 'Mysterious Device'.
Use pile of clothes to put them back in drawer.
Take 'Woolen Stocking'.
Leave room through floorboard.
Use black cloak to put it back on.
Walk to front of house and then east.
Try to walk east, were-bear will confront Rosella.
Use 'Silver Pellet' on 'Woolen Stocking' to make 'Sling' and use 'Sling'
on were-bear, quickly or Rosella will expire.
Walk north, cross river bed, and walk north west.
Use small door to enter town.
Use door on town hall to enter.
Leave party room though curtain at rear.
Walk right and down, and continue to powder room door.
Use powder room door twice to enter.
Examine plaque on base of statue.
Use 'Woolen Stocking' on plaque to clean it.
Examine plaque again.
Examine grapes on pillar at right of room.
Use 'Hammer and Chisel' on grapes to get 'Golden Grape'.
Use 'Golden Grape' on statue to partially open entrance.
Walk to left side of room.
Use 'Magic Wand' on 'Troll King as Scarab'.
Put 'Magic Wand' back into inventory and enter entrance.
Walk north west.

Inventory: 'Lantern', 'Hammer and Chisel', 'Defoliant', 'Magic Wand',
'Shovel', 'Extra Life', 'Fragrant Flower', 'Woolen Stocking',
'Mysterious Device'.

Chapter 5 - "Nightmare in Etheria."

This is another chapter with a lot of walking around. It is also the
longest. Every time you pass through central screen in Etheria you have
to wait for little creatures to dance with Valanice ( or else warp
through ).

Use 'Rubber Chicken' on tree at right.
Use 'Moon' on rubber chicken on tree.
Take 'Feather' from tree branch.
Use 'Magic Statuette' on snake salesman trade for 'Were-beast Salve'.
Leave town.
Walk east 3 screens.
Use 'Feather' on snoring rock.
After getting clued in, walk 2 screens west, cross stream bed.
Walk south and 2 screens east.
Use 'Nectar in Pot' on statue.
Walk west.
Use 'Jackalope Fur' on 'Were-beast Slave' making 'Were-beast Slave with fur'.
Use 'Were-beast Slave with Fur' on Valanice.
After monster is defeated walk east.
Walk carefully past venus fly trap plants and leave garden north.
Walk east and then back west, use rope to enter Jack-o-Lantern.
Take 'Femur Bone' from mummy.
Use rope to leave.
Walk 2 screens west and 1 north.
Use 'Femur Bone' on dog.
Talk to the dog till Valanice gets 'Horseman's Medal'.
Walk south and use 'Horseman's Medal' on crying woman.
Walk 2 screens east and take 'Lit Firecracker'.
Walk 2 screens west.
Use 'Lit Firecracker' on lock of crypt door.
Enter crypt and use dog statue.
Examine open casket to get 'Horseman's Head'.
Leave crypt.
Stand on path and use 'Horseman's Head' on horseman as soon as he appears.
End up in Etheria with the 'Horseman's Fife'.
Walk east 2 screens and climb to top of mountain.
Use strange looking tree and climb out to end of branch.
Examine clump of grapes to get 'Ambrosia'.
Climb back off tree and walk south.
Climb back down mountain and walk south.
Walk west.
Use south east rainbow to warp to woods by stream and bridge.
Walk north east across bridge.
Use 'Ambrosia' on cornucopia and take 'Pomegranate' from cornucopia.
Walk south west across bridge and then west.
Use 'Pomegranate' on bleeding tree to uncurse Ceres.
Use 'Horseman's Fife' on yourself to return to Etheria.
Walk east and then north.
Use the strings of the harp in order 1, 5, 6, 4 to activate harp.
Use globe of harp to warp to Fates.
Talk to the Fates who tell you to talk to Maab in the land of dreams.
Talk to the Fates again and they tell you to sleep to reach Maab.
Walk south and then west.
Use south west rainbow to warp to Ooga-Booga.
Walk north thru gate.
Walk west.
Enter Dr. Cadaver's house. Talk to the doctor about insomnia.
Use coffin to sleep.
Use 'Horseman's Fife' to warp to Etheria.
Walk east and north.
Use harp to warp to the Fates. Talk to the Fates who say go to Ceres.
Walk south and west. Use south east rainbow to warp to woods.
Walk west and talk to Ceres.
Use 'Horseman's Fife' to warp to Etheria.
Use south west rainbow and walk east to Malicia's house.
Walk north behind house, if dog is barking go back and east, then come back.
When dog isn't barking, enter hole behind house.
Once inside climb back under floor then try to reenter room.
After Malicia leaves with Cuddles, reenter room.
Examine lamp at right of room and get 'Crystal Shaft'.
Leave room through floor and walk back to front of house.
Use 'Horseman's Fife' to warp to Etheria.
Use the north west rainbow to warp to desert.
Walk 2 screens north, 1 east, and enter building.
Use 'Crystal Shaft' on statue to energize it.
Leave building and use 'Horseman's Fife' to warp to Etheria.
Walk east and north and consult the Fates again.
They give you the 'Dream Catcher'.
Walk south and east and climb mountain.
Use 'Dream Catcher' on cave entrance and when nightmare appears use it
on the nightmare. Quickly or Valanice will expire.
Enter cave and talk to "Weaver of Dreams".
Use 'Dream Catcher' on "Weaver of Dreams" to get 'Tapestry of Dreams'.
Use 'Tapestry of Dreams' on yourself to travel to dreamland.
Use 'Dream Catcher' on black nightmare.
Walk south.
Walk into building, use 'Crystal Shaft' to free Maab and get 'Magic Bridle'.
Climb mountain and stand behind cave.
Use 'Magic Bridle' on white wind.

Inventory: 'Golden Comb', 'Stick', 'Clay Pot', 'Ambrosia', 'Horseman's Fife'.

Chapter 6: "Ready, set... BOOM!"

This chapter has very few user actions: most of the action is fixed.
The two settings on the 'Magic Wand' is VERY tricky.

Examine the 'Magic Wand', it has two settings 'T' and 'F'.
Use the bottom control on the 'Magic Wand' to change the setting to 'F'.
Use the 'Magic Wand' on the false king ( thrown to back of room ).
In volcano use 'Shovel' on yourself, quickly or Rosella will expire.
Walk north west.
On door use left eye, then right eye, then nose.
Use 'Mysterious Device' on socket at right of back control panel.
When it is fully charged it blinks; take it back.
Use 'Fragrant Flower' on the king to rouse him and stop volcano.
Use 'Mysterious Device' on Malicia to turn her into an infant.
Use 'Extra Life' on Edgar to save him.