Walkthrough by Karen July (Version 1.0a)



Read the game manual (on CD Disk 2) to find out Buster's background and how to use the interfaces, etc. For 
clarification of this walkthrough: 

     "Left" or "Right" mean your -- the gamer's -- left or right, not Buster's. 
     Italics is an "Object" you can interact with, or perform an Action on. 
     Bold/Italic is an "Action" option listed when you click the left mouse button on an Object. 
     Bold is an Inventory Item. 
     To "select" an Inventory Item, press  on your keyboard, click on the [Inventory] button on the 
     screen, then click on the [Arrow Keys] on the screen to scroll right or left to the inventory item you want to 
     use, then click the [Select] button on the screen. 


The adventure begins on New Year's eve. Buster falls asleep before midnight and wakes up in the Bedroom. 
The computer complains about the AI program being corrupted; it needs to be patched. 

Pan the cursor around the room and walk to the fireplace. Pick up the PDA on the mantel. Walk to the closet to 
the left of the fireplace. Try to Open the Wardrobe. In your inventory, Select the PDA. Use the Hand Scanner. 
Open the Wardrobe. Click on the Clothing and Get dressed. Candice warns of anomalies in the Hall of 

Next scene finds you in the Hall of Antiquities. Pick Up a Cannon ball. Walk to and click for closeup of A 
Portrait Interface (looks like a scrolling blue computer picture on the wall). Examine the Portrait Interface. 
Click on "Maintenance Routines" and then "Reset" to terminate intruder alert and diagnostics. 

Find the door to, and enter, the Contemplation Room. Click on the robot vacuum cleaner and Take Key. 
Examine the Candelabra, then click again and Use it to open a secret panel revealing a Safe. Walk to and 
Examine the Safe to find it has an optical unlocking mechanism. Exit back to the Hall of Antiquities. 

Find the door to, and enter, the First Floor Corridor. Walk to and Pick up the Paper note taped to the wall 
beside the window. Walk to and Pick up the Vase from the table in the hall. Open the door at the end of the hall 
and enter the Viewing Gallery. 

In the Viewing Gallery, go into your inventory and scroll to a Key and note it says "Rate, Date." In the Viewing 
Gallery, Use the Book of naval history on the pedestal. Note the bottom paragraph talks about a "5th rate 
frigate named Resistance sunk in 1798." (Rate: 5; Date: 1798) 

Go back to the Hall of Antiquities and once again click for a closeup of the Portrait interface. Note the Portrait 
interface keypad. Click on the numbers given for rate/date and then the "elbow" enter key on the right of the 
keypad (specifically, 51798). Buster comments that he's fixed it "just in time". The Elevator now works. 

In the Hall of Antiquities, find the door to, and enter, the Elevator to go to the Ground Floor Corridor. Enter the 
first door from the Elevator, the Dining Room. 

In the Dining Room, walk to the fireplace and Pick up the Fire poker. Walk to the grandfather clock in the 
corner and Examine the Clock face. Adjust the Clock face until it is 9:00. The front of the grandfather clock 
opens and you can Pick up the Panel key. Walk to and click for a closeup of the three animal heads mounted 
on the wall. Listen as Col. Rino, Mr. Leopard and Mr. Deer tell that the maintenance robot failed to check their 
processor boards. While still in close up, look downwards. In your inventory, select the Panel key and Use 
Selection on the Maintenance panel. Open the Maintenance panel. Examine the AI processor boards. 
Adjust the AI processor boards. While still in closeup, to the right of the Maintenance panel is a suit of armor. 
Open the Safe in the base of the suit of armor (you cannot do anything more with the Safe at this time). 

Back out of the closeup of the wall to hear Candice announce that Buster triggered an alarm and the Dining 
Room has been locked down. In your inventory, select the Fire poker. The security robot will enter the room, 
walk to the left then back to the door, the door will open and the security robot will step out. As soon as the door 
opens, click on the doorway back to the hall. As soon as Buster gets to the door, Use selection on the doorway 
and Buster will wedge the Fire poker in the doorway to keep the door from closing. Exit back to the Ground 
Floor Corridor and listen as Candice calls Buster to the Viewing Gallery because of an intruder alert. 

Take the Elevator back to the Hall of Antiquities, walk through the First Floor Corridor to the Viewing Gallery. 
Walk to and Examine the statue of President Lincoln to find out that there is no intruder; that a cleaning robot 
knocked over the statue. Pick up Lincoln's glass eye from the floor. Examine the Passcard on the pedestal 
where the Lincoln statue was. Pick up the Passcard. Pick up Aleister Dharke (statue). Go back to the Hall of 

Get in the Elevator to go to the Ground Floor Corridor. Enter the second door from the Elevator, the Drawing 
Room. Walk to the rolltop desk and Pick up the Paper note taped to the desk. Turn around, walk to, and enter 
the door (not the door back to the Corridor) to the Utility Section. In your inventory, select the Vase . Use 
selection on the Gardening robot blocking the way. Examine the Utility room shelves. Walk to and click for 
closeup of the dresser in the Utility Section. Pick up the Hacksaw and the Oil can. Open the Toolbox and 
Pick up the Screwdriver and the Hammer. See that number pad on the left corner of the dresser? In your 
inventory, scroll to The paper note (the same list of items that you saw on the Utility room shelves). Click on 
those numbers on the numberpad in the order of the listed items (20289) and the top drawer of the dresser will 
unlock. Open the Top drawer and Pick up a Power lead. Exit the closeup of the dresser and enter the doorway 
with the plants (The Conservatory). 

When you enter the Conservatory, an Ant robot blocks your way out. To the left of Buster, Pick up a Bamboo 
cane. In your inventory, Select the Bamboo cane. Use selection on the Ant robot three times until you break 
the robot. Pick up the Gardening robots broken ariel on the floor to the left of Buster. 

Go back through the Utility Section to the Drawing Room and walk to an Entertainment center. Click on the 
DVD player for a closeup (the device on the shelf below and to the right of the TV screen). In your inventory, 
select the Power lead. Examine, Use Selection, then Open the DVD player. Examine, then Pick up the 
Reboot CD (a system Y2K patch). Exit the closeup. 

Walk back to the Ground Floor Corridor and down the stairs. Examine the lever on the wall. In your inventory, 
select the Oilcan and Use Selection on the lever on the wall. In your inventory, Select the Hammer and Use 
Selection on the lever. Enter the doorway to the Cellar. 

In the Cellar, walk to the gate on the right and Pick up the Chain. In your inventory, Select the Chain and Use 
Selection on the Recycle robot. In your inventory, scroll to the Paper note to read about Dharke's music. 
Examine the Crypt gates to find out its Aleister Dharke's tomb. Walk to the tomb for a closeup of a musical 
score -- "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Write down the musical notes (CCGGAAGFFEEDDC). Exit the closeup. 
Walk to the door behind the gates that opened when you picked up the chain and enter the Chamber of Horrors. 

In the Chamber of Horrors you find Candice locked in a cage. Walk to the Executioner robot. In your inventory, 
Select the Wax head and Use selection on the executioner's block to keep the Executioner robot busy. Walk 
to Candice and in your inventory, select the Hacksaw and Use Selection on Candice, and she drops her 
glasses. Turn around, walk to, and Examine the Large cast iron grate in the floor. In your inventory, select the 
Robot's antenna and Use Selection on Candice's glasses to pick them up. Watch the scene as Candice 
escapes, Buster asks about the code to the Safe in the Dining Room, and Buster walks out of the Chamber of 
Horrors. Go back upstairs to the Drawing Room. 

In the Drawing Room, walk to and click on the piano for a closeup of the keys. Play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" 
(CCGGAAGFFEEDDC) and the rolltop desk will open. Walk to the rolltop desk and Pick up the Batteries. Go 
back to the Dining Room. 

In the Dining Room, walk to the wall with the three stuffed animal heads and click for a closeup. In the base of 
the armor statue, Open the Safe. With the safe open, Examine the Safe to find a Broken deactivator. Pick up 
the Broken deactivator (the batteries automatically install in the device). 

Go back to the Elevator and to the Hall of Antiquities. From the Hall of Antiquities go to the Contemplation 
Room. In your inventory, Select Abe's eye. Walk to and Use selection on the Safe to open it. Pick up the 
Photograph. Go into your inventory and scroll to The picture to read about a "hidden switch" in the Hall of 

Go to the Hall of Antiquities and walk to the picture of "Rome's Emperors" to the left of the Teepee. Examine 
and then Adjust the Picture to reveal A switch. Use the Switch to unlock the Control Center at the top of the 
spiral stairs. Walk to the spiral staircase. Click on the Stairs to the Control Room. 

When you arrive in the Control Room, a security robot zaps Buster and he drops the Deactivator. In your 
inventory, Select the Cannon ball and Use Selection on the Security Droid. Pick up the Working 
deactivator. In your inventory, Select the Deactivator and Use Selection on the Security Droid. Walk to the 
space between the two Security droids. Examine the Plastic panel. In your inventory, Select the Screwdriver 
and Use Selection on the Plastic panel. Pick up the Plastic panel. 

Walk to and Examine the Computer Room Door. In your inventory, select the Passcard and Use Selection 
on the Computer Room Door. In your inventory, select the Plastic panel and Use Selection on the Computer 
room shield. 

Enter the Computer Room and walk to the CD Drive. In your inventory, select the Reboot CD and Use 
Selection on the CD Drive. Watch the automatic ending. 


This walkthrough was written for Game Nexus and may be distributed freely for non-profit purposes so long as 
no changes, substitutions or deletions are made, including within this comment. If you find any major errors or 
omissions, feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..