´hacker´ password:
On Willmores PC/Workstation the word "Welcome" apears, rightclick on the letter ´O´ to break the code!

Allow more saved games 

Hold [Shift] and click on the load/save game icons to open a normal save dialog window, allowing more than three saved game files to be used during the game. 

Getting Started

Having any problems getting started? Walk this way Spook-fans.

First up, meet Special agent Cook in the hall. Pick funny way to greet him. Then take one step forward, turn left into your office, enter it and pick up the phone. Now go to the cheif's office and look at the map on the door which leads outside. Skinner tells you Mulder and Scully are missing. Ask him where they were last seen and what case they were working on. You'll recieve orders. They flew from Dulles International Airport to Tacoma, and are staying at the Comity Inn in Everett. Ask him about their previous behaviour (and all the questions you want, even if they seem irrelevant). Then talk to the chief and nip to Cook's office. Talk to him but DON'T ask him to send an APB. DO ask him about your case files, he'll do a funny thing with his lips but won't give you any humain answer. Go to your office and log onto your computer. Type in 'CRAIG WILLMORE' as your name and 'SHILOH' as your password. Go to the APB on your computer and click send. Quit this and pick up the case files on your desk. Go down into your drawer and take out you badge, gun and cuffs. Go back to Cook's office and hand him the case files. Then go to where you would find the chief's office and you'll meet Skinner in the corridoor. Exit the field office and go to the Comity Inn in Everett. 

First,show the girl behind the counter your ID badge. Ask her about the teo missing agents and the rental car (It's a Ford Taurus, plate 621517). The note she's written will be in your folder. Ask the girl to take you to thier rooms. Be sure to take a good look around in Mulder's room before exiting to Scully's. In Mulder's room you should find a book about aliens, a paper with some alien-related articles, some sunflower seeds and a bottle of vodka mix. Now go to Scully's room and ask Skinner about the case Mulder and Scully were working on. Then ask him about the outgoing calls (click the phone image). Then go back to the girl at the front desk and ask her about the outgoing calls (click on the phone image). Call the numbers on the form she gives you (you'll find it in your folder). Now return to Scully's room and pick up the laptop. (you'll get a password from the crime lab later). Go back to the FBI field office and log on to your PC. Use the ING function to look up the phone numbers, passwords and rental car number. Go to the meeting room and open the closet marked 'AUTHORISED AGENT'S ONLY'. Remove all of the items in there. Leave the office and head for the Seattle Docks. Got it now? You're on you're on from here.

Password for Willmore's Computer

Password is :SHILOH

X-Files Spoilers:

"OK!! I give up!! How the heck do you get the thing to do the
thing with the -- with the THING?" You might be asking yourself. 
You won't find the Spoilers to be nearly as cryptic. They are
there for you when you are truly Quagmired. And are starting to
feel a little like Queequeg. Fear Not! The solution for your
problem is at your fingertips. But don't read any further than you
need to, or you might get more than you bargained for! 


I'm standing in the hall! Now what?
Go sit at your desk. 

What the bleep is my password?
On the bulletin board to your left: Shiloh.

Where is all my stuff?
Gun, badge, and cuffs in desk drawer.
Lots of cool stuff in cabinet in conference room: Binoculars, Night
Vision Goggles, Lockpick, Evidence Collection Kit, Flashlight, and the
Digital Camera.

I can't leave the building!
File the APB using your computer, physically hand the case files on your
desk to Cook, and go to Skinner. 


I can't get Scully's password!
No one can. It doesn't exist. Or let me know if you figure it out, please.

Skinner won't leave the hotel!
Just go back to the Field office. He will follow. Make sure you get the phone
info from the girl with 'tude.

What's computer crime's number?
Phone has a menu. Use arrows on phone to move through it.

What do I find at the warehouse?
Find blood stain on floor, bullet in post just above, Moreley butt to the right,
and some crates near the door. Use your evidence kit to collect stuff.
Go to the office where Skinner is and go upstairs. Ooo. Dark. Use your flashlight.
Find the crowbar.
Open the crate with the crowbar. Use evidence kit again.
Go out the back door of the warehouse. Oooo. A boat.
Go show your badge and talk to the guy. Ask all the questions. Drag the evidence
icons from the top of the screen to his face. If you don't have all the other
evidence the first time you question him, you'll have to come back for a second

After the warehouse, I'm stuck!!!
Some say there can be a bug here. I've run through it in several different orders,
and always managed to go on to disc three. Don't forget to drag the evidence icons
to a person to talk. Run a check on Wong in the ING, then talk to Skinner in the
conference room. If he doesn't get the phone call and leave at that point, then go
back to the warehouse and talk to Skinner again. Drag the evidence icons from the
top of the screen to his face. Then drop off evidence at Crime lab (if you haven't
already) go back to the office and talk to Skinner again. 


What do I find on the little boat?
Yellow slicker that says Tarakan and a bottle of pills in the cabinet.

What do I find on the Tarakan?
Way downstairs, find a sphere in a crate.
Middle level find a log on the table and a log in the safe.
Middle deck look at burn marks on wall.
Upstairs find fingerprints and call John Amis about them. 


I keep dying in the truck!
Get in the truck, crawl out passenger side and look at side of truck. Get back in
truck and look up. Eventually, you find a piece of paper with two numbers. Keep it.
Then get out the passenger side quickly.

I keep dying at Gordon's!!
Find the shovel first. Then pick up the paper and get thrown around. Use the shovel
to beat out the panel near the floor. If you use the pliers on the lock you turn
into Clay's BBQ. 


Where is everybody? I'm stuck!
Find Cook in field office conference room. Talk to him for info, but you will end
up going with him.

What do I find in Smol's Warehouse?
Two objects: gun and logbook and conduct two thorough interviews. with Smol, one after
you run ballistics at Crime lab.

Where the bleep is Smol?
Find spiral staircase on top floor. Another staircase goes down right beside it. 


Scully hates me!!
Show her the plam that X gave you.

What do I do in the train yard?
Climb the pole. Look at the tops of the cars with binoculars. Find the 5 digit number.
Find that car. 


All I see is a body in the house.
Every day is like Halloween! Look up. Pull on the skeleton.

Those NSA guys make me die!!
I shoot them. 
Autumn is nicer: She was able to run You can run from the NSA guys. You get a use
icon on the landing. You then get followed in the dark in the woods. Gotta run right
then straight ahead twice and then hide in a tree.

I don't know the computer password.
Nobody does. All you need is the map.

In the room with the bodies Mulder radiates me and I die!!
Tell Scully to run. After you run from Mulder, get your gun ready. Turn right.
Shoot the guard.

Scully keeps grabbing me by the neck and I die!!
You're going someplace you shouldn't. Don't go near that shelf in the closet.

Mulder keeps radiating me and I die!!
Got to lure him into that room.

I get him in the room, then Scully plams me and I die!!
This probably means you used your gun on Cook. You need to go back to a previous
save before you shot Cook. You have to zap Cook with the cattle prod, not shoot him.
Anyone who gets a happy ending after shooting Cook (and NO!! Plamming Mulder is NOT
a happy ending fellow OBSSErs!!) please let me know how. I can't find it.

Cook radiates me at the big door and I die!!
Someone else can help you. Throw the plam to Scully.


F forward once.
L turn left once.
R turn right once.
U click the up finger.
D click the down finger.

TIP: review your field notes after visiting each location; access your PDA and click the Pencil icon.

DAY ONE-FBI Field Office, Seattle.
You enter the building and run into fellow agent, Mark Cook, in the hallway.
*Select any emotion icon to respond to agent Cook. After he goes into his office, go F, L to face your (Willmore's) Office.
*Move the pointer over the desk chair in your office. When it becomes the action hand (purple squiggly), click to sit at your desk.
*Answer the phone (Director Shanks wants to see you).
*Critical: use the tape dispenser on the desk.
*Pick up your case files, from the desk, and examine them.
*Look D, to see the desk drawers, and open the drawer.
*Get your FBI badge, handcuffs, and gun; then look up.
*Go 2F, R, F, L, F to step into the meeting room.

*Turn L and click on the cabinet at left marked "Authorized Agents Only."
*Take binoculars, lockpick, camera, flashlight, night vision goggles, and evidence kit. Close the cabinet.
*Go R, F and click action icon to exit meeting room door.
*At Shanks's office door, go F to enter.

*Talk to Assistant Director Skinner; ask all questions, particularly "What case Mulder and Scully were working on." Skinner gives you their travel requisition form.
*Examine the travel form to learn Mulder and Scully set up base at the Comity Inn in nearby Everett, Washington.
*Talk to Shanks and ask all questions. He tells you to file an APB and to give your current assignments to Agent Cook.
*Go 2L, F to the hallway.

*Respond to Cook with any emotion icon. Go 2F, across the hallway, into Cook's office.

*Talk to Agent Cook and ask what he's working on. DO NOT ask him to put out the APB. You can do it yourself.
*Click your case files on Cook to hand them over. He's grateful. Exit Cook's office.
*Return to Willmore's (your) office.

*Look at the bulletin board first, then sit at your desk.
*Click twice on the computer to get a password screen.
*Under Name, enter CRAIG WILLMORE.
*Under Password, enter SHILOH (from the bulletin board).
*Click on APB, Send, then Quit.
*Step into the hallway to meet Skinner. He suggests starting at the Comity Inn, which is now added to your PDA.
*In inventory, click your PDA, click Everett, then click Comity Inn (red dot at bottom.) DISC2

COMITY INN: Everett, Washington
*Show your FBI badge to the desk clerk. (Be smart and ring the bell twice).
*Talk to the clerk and ask all questions; particularly, get information on Mulder and Scully's rental car and ask to see their rooms.

*Click on The Magic Bullet on the desk and read all the paranoia.
*Check out the mess in the ashtray (sunflower seeds?) You get a Phone Icon idea.
*Look at the open briefcase, on the bed, and thoroughly examine Mulder's investigative report.
*Go F toward the front door and then L.
*Pick up the book, From Outer Space by Jose Chung, from the nightstand by the bed.
*Go F, L and turn on the TV. Look at the vodka bottle on top of the TV.
*Go F through the door to Scully's room.

*Go F toward Skinner, then L. Examine Scully's room Bible.
*Click on Scully's laptop computer, for a close-up, then take it.
*Turn R and talk to Skinner.
*At the top left of your screen, click on the Phone Idea icon. You suggest checking the log of outgoing calls.
*Ask all other questions.
*Use the door behind Skinner to exit into the parking lot.
*Click on the office door to approach the front desk.

*Talk to the clerk.
*Click on the Phone Idea icon to get a record of outgoing calls by Mulder and Scully.
*Click on the record for a close-up.
*Note the two numbers called; 202-555-0149 in Washington, DC and 206-555-0182 in Seattle.
*Use your cell phone to call the DC number for a brief conversation.
*Call the Seattle number (no answer).
*Use your PDA to travel to the FBI Field Office in Seattle.

Skinner tells you he'll be reviewing his notes.
*Go F, L, F into your office. You automatically set Scully's laptop on a side table.

*Sit at the desk, pick up and read letter from ex-wife (this only appears if "indifferent" was chosen at the start of the game).
*Access your computer with password SHILOH.
*Click on ING.
*Under Search Category, click the Phone button and enter the Seattle number, 206-555-0182.
*Click Search. An address appears and the Dockside Warehouse is added to your PDA list for Seattle. Click Quit.
*Use your PDA to travel to the Dockside Warehouse in Seattle.

DOCKSIDE WAREHOUSE: Seattle, Washington
*Approach Skinner to see the lock on the warehouse door.
*Use the lockpick on the door lock, then open the door.

You must collect various items with your evidence kit.
*After Skinner walks away, go F, R, F, L and look down.
*Click on the bloodstain on the floor for a close-up.
*In inventory, click once on the evidence kit.
*Move the evidence kit over the bloodstain and click to collect a sample.
*After you report to Skinner, look up and move the pointer, over the post at the right, until it becomes the Eye pointer.
*Click twice to get a close-up of a bullet embedded in the post. Again, use your evidence kit to extract the bullet.
*After extracting the bullet, to R, F, R and look at the floor (left of center near bottom of screen).
*Click the cigarette butt for a close-up and use your evidence kit on it.
*After getting the cigarette butt, go R, 2F, R, F, L, 3F to enter the warehouse office.
*Activate your flashlight and continue 4F up the stairs to the second floor.
*Click on the toolbox near the bottom of the screen. You approach the toolbox and take a crowbar.
*Go R, 2F, D, 2F to return to the office and see Skinner, who says, "This phone is DOA."
*Go 4F, R, 2F and look D at the crates near the front door.
*Click the crates for a close-up and use your crowbar to open the crate.
*Use your evidence kit to collect a sample of black powder from the crate.
*Go F to the barrels, turn L and go straight into the office.
*Turn around and talk to Skinner.
*Ask all questions and use all Idea icons-Blood, Black Powder, Morley Butt-on Skinner to get his reactions.
*Go 7F, R, F, L and open the back door to exit the warehouse.

BOAT DOCK: Back of Warehouse
*Go L, F, R, F, 2R, F, L to face the man (James Wong) washing his boat.
*Use your FBI badge on Wong, talk to him and ask all questions.
*Use the Fish Stocks Idea icon on Wong.
*To return to the front of the warehouse-go L, F, 2L, U, F, L, 2F, R, F to meet Skinner at the car. He points out a sedan that's been following you. SAVE!
*Go F once.
*Quickly click on your camera and snap a photo of the sedan as it speeds away.
*Use your PDA to travel to the Crime Lab in Seattle.

KING COUNTY CRIME LAB: Seattle, Washington
*Talk to John Amis and ask all questions.
*Click on all Evidence icons-Blood, Bullet, Black Powder, Morley Butt-to Amis for analysis.
*Use your PDA to travel back to the Field Office in Seattle.

*Turn R to the meeting room and talk to Skinner.
*Ask all questions and use all Evidence icons to trigger Skinner's return to Washington, DC.

Skinner takes a sample of the warehouse blood to be analyzed at the FBI's Science Crime Lab in DC. Note his instruction to keep the warehouse under surveillance.

*Exit the meeting room, into the hallway, and go to your office.

*Sit at your desk to trigger Cook's arrival (only after you've talked to Skinner in the meeting room).
*Talk to Cook using any dialogue path. Cook offers to call the Computer Crime Division to run a check on Scully's laptop. Agree, and he puts it in the evidence cabinet.
*After Cook leaves, access your computer to run a check on James Wong.
1. Click on ING.
2. Under Search Category, type WONG.
3. Under Search Database, click Criminal.
4. Click Search.
*To run a search on the sedan that followed you to the warehouse.
1. Click Photo.
2. Click Download to get the picture from your camera.
3. Click thumbnail, that shows sedan's license, for an enlargement.
4. Note the plate: 240 EAK.
5. Click ING.
6. Under Search Category, type 240EAK and select Vehicle License Number.
7. Under Search Database, select Government/Military.
8. Click Search.
Restricted data!
*Exit the office and use PDA to travel to Dockside Warehouse in Seattle.

A car arrives. Don't leave hiding until men enter the warehouse and close the door!
*Go F, R, 2F, L, F, L to the back door. Use your lockpick on the lock.
*Open the door and enter. Go R, F, L, 2F.
*Click your binoculars for a close-up of the suspicious activity.
*Go F, L, F, 2R and look D to see the blood stain again.
*Click the spot to the left of the stain. You automatically open and examine the empty compartment.
*Use your PDA and travel to your Apartment in Seattle.

*Click on the door to enter.
*Go F and turn on the TV.
*Turn 2L and examine the junk on the sofa.
Just for fun: just under the Kronos Quartet poster is the stereo; turn it on and off a few times. It cycles through some songs by Moon.
*Turn left and go back through the hallway to the bedroom.
*Look at the FBI ties on the dresser.
*Browse through the journal on the nightstand next to the bed.
*Click the bed to sleep.

*After you awake, go into the bathroom and look in the mirror.
*Use your PDA and travel to the Field Office in Seattle. DISC3

*Click on Cook to revive him.
*Look in the evidence cabinet to discover Scully's laptop computer is missing.
*When the phone rings, go into your office.

*Sit at your desk and answer the phone. Agent Pendrell reports from the Lab in D.C. The sample of blood is from Agent Scully. Then, Cook appears with news of Wong's murder.
*Ask Cook all questions-Did you tell about Wong? Nah! You just forgot.
*Use the PDA and travel to the Dockside Warehouse in Seattle.

*Show your FBI badge to Officer Mendoza.
*Talk to the medical examiner on the right and ask all questions.
*Talk to the photographer on the left and ask all questions.
*Go L, F to approach Detective Mary Astadourian of the Seattle Police Department.
*Talk to her and tell about the missing FBI agents and ask all questions.

WONG'S BOAT: The Agrippa
*After boarding the boat, use both icon questions on Astadourian.
*Go F through the cabin door and examine everything.
*Look D and click the stack of bank notes.
*Turn L and click on the yellow Tarakan slicker. This gives you a Slicker Idea icon.
*Turn 2R, open the cabinet door, and click on the drugs.
*Go R, F to exit the cabin.

MAIN DECK: Dockside
*Turn 2R and talk to Detective Astadourian.
*Use the Slicker and Wong's Drugs Idea icons on her. The examiner hauls off the body and the Harbor Master returns with some coffee.
*Go R, F, R to face the Harbor Master and talk to him.
*Ask all questions and use all available Idea icons.
*Use your PDA and travel to the Tarakan in Seattle.
*Look U and look at the upper deck. Everything's melted and burned in one particular spot.
*Go L, F, R to face the gangplank.
*From bottom of plank, go F, R, F and click the open hatch on the right. See a sign DILARANG MASUK KECUALI CREW at the entry to the hold.
*Go F, R, D into the hold.
*From bottom of stairs, go 2F, R, F and look down to see some crates.
*Click a crate for a close-up of the strange black eagle logo.
*From the crates, turn L and go 3F to see a box.
*Open the box and take the sphere.
*From the box, turn L, 3F, R, F, L, 2F, U, F, L, F to exit the hold.
*From the hold doorway, go R, F, L and click the open passage to see another CREW sign on the door below.
*Click on the door to enter the crew cabin area.
*From the bottom of the stairs, go U, 2F to enter the first (right) cabin.
*Look at and Pick up the Russian captain's journal, from the table, to examine it.
*Go R, F and exit the first cabin.
*Go F again to enter the second (left) cabin.
*Turn R and look D to see an open safe.
*Click the safe for a close-up.
*Take the payroll log.
*Go R, F to exit the second cabin, then go R, F to the exterior door.
*Open the door to step out onto the upper deck walkway.
*Turn L and go F (not U) past the stairs.
*Turn L, F, L to see the burned section of the port-side deck.
*Note the white figures outlined on the hull. This gives you the White Shadows Idea icon for later on when you actually need it.
*Turn L, F, R to face the stairs.
*At the stairs, go U, 2F, L and open the door to the wheelhouse.
*Go 2F, L to find Detective Astadourian, but don't talk yet.
*Click the fresh set of prints on the table next to her (click twice for a close-up).
*To use your cellular phone to call John Amis:
1. Click on the phone in inventory.
2. Click on Menu and scroll to Amis's number.
3. Click the green dial button and ask Amis to lift the fresh set of prints.
*Talk to Astadourian and use the Payroll Log Idea icon on her.
*Either share your evidence or ask nicely if the Bureau can handle it.
*Use the Lead Sphere Idea icon.
*Use the White Shadows Idea icon.
You take Astadourian down and show her the shadows. They remind her of Hiroshima.
*Return upstairs to the wheelhouse.
*Approach Astadourian again.
Officer Mendoza arrives with news from the coroner.
*Use your PDA and travel to the Coroner's Office in Seattle.

MEDICAL EXAMINER'S OFFICE: King County, Washington
Look around; can you find the severed hand?
*Enter the autopsy room.
*Click the organ trays, to the right of the coroner, for a close-up.
*Click on the slug near the trays.
You ask if you can take it for analysis.
*Talk to the coroner and ask all questions.
Wong was covered with malignant tumors. If you click on him and he twitches, you're headed down the Paranoia path. When you ask what could have caused the cancer, Truitt suggests radioactive materials. This statement gives you the Tarakan Idea icon.
*Use Wong's Drugs Idea icon on the coroner.
*Use the Tarakan Idea icon on the coroner.
So!, two FBI agents are involved here!
*Select "Who were the FBI agents?
Eventually, the coroner offers to show you the exhumed Tarakan corpses.
*Talk to Astadourian and ask any question.
She gives her theory about smuggling and you suddenly have a new partner.
*Travel to the Seattle Crime Lab.

You walk in on Amis while he's reading a comic book.
*Talk to Amis and ask all questions.
*Use the Fingerprints Idea icon.
*Give Amis all evidence; Lead Sphere, Captain's Journal and Payroll Log (if not handled by Astadourian's SPD translator), and Bullet.
*Travel to your apartment in Seattle. DISC4

*Go F, L, F to approach your work desk.
*Click on the phone to get your messages, including one from Amis regarding the fingerprints.
*Log on to your computer and click on E-Mail.
*Click on the e-mail from John Amis.
*Click on the flashing paper clip icon (TARAKAN.DAT) at bottom to download the attached file and bring up the ING interface.
*Under Search Database, click FBI.
*Click Search. It's Agent Cook!
*Click Quit. As you log off, there's a knock at the door.
*Answer the door and use any Emotion icon to respond to Cook's accusations.
*Ask all questions, then use the Fingerprints Idea icon on him.
This triggers a paranoid monologue from Cook. SAVE!
*Travel to the Dockside Warehouse in Seattle.

From your hiding place, you see a truck. Do the following few steps quickly!
*Approach the truck and enter the driver's side door.
*Turn R and click on the glove compartment to open it.
*Look in the glove compartment for a close-up.
*Grab the scrap of paper with the address: RR#1121, 82434.
*Quickly exit the truck on the passenger's side.
*Travel back to your apartment.

*Go into the bedroom and sleep.

DAY THREE: Apartment
Detective Astadourian arrives and she has big news.
*Talk to her and ask all questions.
*After asking the last question, you view a video tape.
*After viewing the tape, Astadourian asks your opinion; select any answer.
You receive a fax from Amis (if you had the FBI do the translation of the Cyrillic payroll log, use your cellular phone to call Amis at the Crime Lab).

If you had the Seattle PD do the payroll log translation, Astadourian tells you about Wong and shows you a copy of the log.
There's five pages in the copy and Wong is listed twice on page 1.
*Talk to Astadourian and use all icons: Gordon's Hauling, Tarakan, Crew Cut Man, and Mulder. She's definitely set on her smuggling theory.
*Go L, F to the work desk and get the fax(es) from the machine.
*Examine the fax(es).
Don't forget to share FBI info with Astadourian, especially any faxes from Amis.
*If you had the FBI translate the log, give Astadourian the fax of the payroll translation.
*Give her the fax of the Lead Sphere analysis.
That settles it for her; Russian mobsters are smuggling plutonium.
*Ask Astadourian if you can shower first.
*Travel to the Seattle Coroner's Office.

Truitt points out the corpse's "Hiroshima-like radiation exposure."
*Talk to the coroner and ask all questions. Note her comment about inverse shadows etched into the walls by the thermic rays of the Hiroshima bomb.
Note also her speculation that burns like these would have to result from "a blast of some sort."
*Use your PDA and travel to Gordon's Hauling in Charno.

*From the entry gate, go F and open the office door.
*Go F into the office straight ahead. Turn R and look D to see a logbook.
*Pick up the logbook to trigger an attack by a man with abnormal eyes.
*Quickly look just left of the bomb file cabinet for a close-up of the floor.
*Take the shovel and turn L to face the refrigerator.
*Look D at the grate next to the refrigerator.
*Use the shovel to open the grate and escape.
*Try to kiss Astadourian by clicking on your picture at the lower right of the screen.
*Talk to her and use all Idea icons.
She thinks the bomb was meant to trap and kill someone, but who?
*Travel to your apartment in Seattle.

*Go to the work desk and use the computer.
*For background information, run a Media search on topics such as; Tarakan, Georgia, Russia, Plutonium, Smuggling, UFO, and Wong.
*Quit the computer and go into the bedroom.
*Browse through the journal on the nightstand, then sleep.

DAY FOUR: Apartment
*Travel to the FBI Field Office in Seattle. DISC5

*Go R, F to enter the meeting room.
*Approach Agent Cook (to his left or screen right) who's prepping for a raid. He says a know Georgian smuggler named Yvgeny Smolnikoff operates out of a warehouse in Seattle.
*Talk to Cook and ask all questions. SAVE!
*Use your PDA and travel to Smolnikoff's Warehouse in Seattle.
*In inventory, click on your handgun.
*When you move the pointer back onto the viewing area, it becomes a crosshair ready to shoot.
*If you don't have the Action Scene Auto-Rewind enabled, a recent save is advisable.
After you get cover fire from Cook and turn right, three goons appear one at a time. When you have a successful kill, the crosshair flashes red.
*Make sure to click on your gun, then click on Cook, who fires cover rounds.
*With the crosshair showing, turn R.
*Shoot all three goons on this first floor.
*After clearing the first floor, go 3F (onto the stairs), U, F to the second floor.
*Quickly turn 2R and shoot the goon.
*Turn 2R and shoot another goon behind a boarded up door.
*Turn 2R and go F (not D), 2R, U, F to the third floor.
*Go 2F, L, D, F to go down back stairs to Smolnikoff's lair.

*Don't shoot him.
Cook appears and tells you to secure the place and he mentions a .38 downstairs.
*Don't talk to Smolnikoff yet.
*Go F, L, U, F up the back stairs to the third floor.
*Go R, F, R, F, D, F to the second floor.
*Go 2R, F (not U), 2R, D, F, R, D, F to the first floor. You'll see the open front door.
*Go R, F, R, F and look at the payroll manifest on the table. Try and take it.
*Turn R and look at the black eagle emblem on the open crate.
Same as the one you saw on the Tarakan.
*Go F and look down, to see the gun, then take the gun.
*To get back to Smolnikoff and Cook:
*From the gun location, go R, 2F, 2R, 2F (onto the stairs), R, U, F, 2R, F, 2R, U, 3F, L, D, F.
*Talk to Smolnikoff; ask all questions and use all Idea icons on him.
Note Smolnikoff's response when you use the Warehouse Idea icon. When you use the icon for Smolnikoff's gun, Cook suggests a ballistics test.
*Travel to the Crime Lab.

*Click on Smolnikoff's gun to have Amis run a Ballistics test.
*Use your PDA and travel back to Smolnikoff's Warehouse.

You reappear in the lair.
*Talk to Smolnikoff and tell him about his gun.
Again, he denies everything and Cook hauls him off.
*When your Cell phone rings, click on it to answer Amis's angry call.
*Travel to your apartment.

*Go to the work desk, access the computer and click on E-Mail.
*Open the message from Otto Dee.
*Click on the flashing paper clip (JOHNDOE.DAT) to download the fingerprints of the crew-cut truck driver.
*Click on the button Government/Military.
*Click on Search.
*Click Quit.
*Click the phone to get answering machine messages.
*Move away from the work desk to trigger Astadourian's knock.
Get ready for an angry female.
*Answer the door and talk to Astadourian.
*Tell her you thought she knew about it (any response at all triggers a phone call).
*Listen to the message.
You're told to go to Sand Point Hangar 4.
*After Astadourian leaves, go to the bedroom.
*Activate your PDA and click on the pencil icon to read your field notes.
Scroll down the first page of notes, then click the right pointing arrow at the lower right for the next page. There's likely to be many pages, so just scroll through all of them.
*Click the bed to sleep.

DAY FIVE: Apartment
*Use your PDA and travel to Sand Point Hangar 4 in Seattle.

*Turn 3R to see two open doorways.
*Go through the door on the right to find X.
*Choose any Emotion icon.
X asks for your word.
*Tell him, "You have my word."
X tells you about the hospital in Gold Bar.
*Select any response.
X gives you an odd-looking stiletto.
*Select any response.
*After X leaves, turn left or right to trigger Astadourian's appearance.
*Travel to the Gold Bar hospital.

*Tell Dr. McIntyre you're looking for Dana Scully.
*Tell her you're with the FBI.
*Show your FBI badge to the Dr.
*When she asks for Scully's superior, tell her Walter Skinner.
*Talk to the Dr. and ask all questions.
*Go F past Dr. McIntyre.
*Tell Scully that Assistant Director Skinner asked you to look for her.
*Tell her you're Agent Willmore.
*Tell Scully about the black man.
*When she asks who told you she was here, click the stiletto icon in the lower right of screen.
*Talk with Scully about the case. Show her Smolnikoff's photo.
*Ask all the questions and use all the Idea icons.
*Travel to Rural Route 1121.

*Go 9F, U to a pole and climb it.
*At the top, turn once left or right.
*Use your binoculars to see boxcar 82434.
*Climb down and Detective Astadourian is waiting.
*Ask her all questions.
*Go R, F, R, 2F and look at the row of cars, on the right, to see Astadourian at the burned out boxcar.
*Go F and open the burned boxcar (82434).
*Go forward to an operating room.
*Go 2R, 2F to exit the boxcar and a homeless man appears.
*Talk to him and ask all questions.
He tells about stuff he found in the boxcar.
*When he asks you to guess what he has, scroll the selections and choose the following in order:
*Photographs, Moving pictures, Videotape.
He gives you the tape for some money.
*Travel to the Seattle Field Office.

With the tape, you automatically go to your desk.
*Put the video into the VCR just to screen right of the computer.
You freeze a frame and wonder, "If this guy's a surgeon, what was he looking for at Gordon's Hauling?"
*Click on Capture.
*Under Search Database, click Government/Military.
*Click Search.
It's Jonathan Rauch, a navy surgeon.
*Click Quit to exit the computer.
*When you get a video conferencing request, click Connect.
*Talk with Byers, Frohike, and Langly-the Lone Gunmen.
*Ask all questions.
*After they sign off, use your PDA to open e-mail from B/9 Force 10.
*Click the blinking paper clip icon to download the GPS Alaska coordinates.
*Use your PDA to travel to Rauch's house in Alaska.

Someone in a jeep drives away from the house.
*Go 2F onto the porch.
*Go L, F, R to the door and enter.
*Turn R, then go F, L, F, L, U to the loft.
*Turn L to see Rauch on the floor and try talking to him.
*Look at the cord, hanging from the ceiling near the desk, for a close-up.
*Click the rope to pull down the ladder.
*Go F to climb into the attic.
You find Mulder and untie him.
*Talk to him and ask all questions.
*When your cell phone rings, take Scully's call.
After Mulder talks to Scully, two NSA agents arrive outside.
*Go R, D, F, R, F, R, F, R, F to go downstairs.
SAVE! Get ready for some action. Carefully read the following to either Shoot It Out or to Run And Hide (it's easier to run into the woods and hide).
*Exit the cabin through either door.
*Go to the front corner of the porch near the cars.
The agents tell you that your investigation is over.

*Don't move forward!
*Click on your gun and quickly shoot each agent to see them fall.
*Click on your car at the left, and you automatically travel to the secret Alaskan facility.

*Don't move forward!
*Turn R.
*Move the pointer, to get the Action Hand icon, and click it to run into the woods.
*Go R, 2F and click the hole, under the log, to hide.
After the agents go in another direction, you automatically go to your car.

Base Entry/Main Hallway
Draw your gun when you enter the facility and be ready.
*From the entry where you meet Scully, SAVE!
*Go F into the next room to see Scully again.
*Go F through the door into the main hallway.
When you enter the main hallway, you face the interior windows of the Central Control Room, where some monitors flash and make noises. Some of the monitors, around the facility, has a map.
*Turn L and go 2F while staying close to the right-hand wall.
*Turn L to see a burned soldier beyond the doorway.
Make sure your gun is drawn, you'll need it shortly.
*Go F, R to enter the Locker room and see Mulder.
*DON'T SHOOT but keep your gun drawn.
*After Mulder asks Scully for help, scroll the selections and choose, "Scully, run!" You automatically turn and run through the door into the Store Room.
*Make sure your gun is drawn.
*Turn R and quickly shoot the soldier.
*After shooting the soldier, go back to the locker room.
There's lots of bodies lying around.
*Go through the door at the upper right.
*Facing a wall, go L, F, R and enter the supply room (there's lots of tall dark containers).
Scully talks to you about Mulder's behavior.
*Exit supply and go L, 2F.
You're facing the door to the Central Control Room.
*Go R, F, L, then 4F down the main hallway, staying to the left going around the Control Room.
A small, glassed-in Isolation Chamber is in the center of this large room.
*Go 4F along the left side of the small chamber, then forward through the open door.
WARNING! On your way here, you passed the Medical Exam Lab (room with metal tables.) If you entered that room and picked up a cattle prod, you trigger the appearance of Agent Cook.
1. As Cook stands over you, move the pointer over the cattle prod (sticking from the end of the table).
2. Click when the pointer turns into the Action Hand.
3. You grab the cattle prod and jab it into Cook, knocking him out.

Listen carefully to Agent Scully's plan.
*Look at the control panel to her right.
*Look at the left panel for a close-up.
*Pull the green knob to power up the Isolation Chamber.
*Back up and go L, F to exit the control room.
*Go L, F to the nearest Isolation Chamber door.
*Push the red button, on right side of door, to open the chamber door.
*Go R, F, L, 2F, L, F, L to the other chamber door.
*Push the red button to open that door, too (both doors have to be open).
*Turn 2R and go 7F (through door toward small light) down the main hallway, keeping close to the Central Control Room on your right.
*Go R, F to enter the Central Control Room (room with all the broken monitors).
*After entering the room, go F, L to see the Blast Door control button labeled "Life Support Systems: Entry."
*Push the button.
This opens a security door to the room where the blast doors protect an alien craft.
*From the button you just pushed, go L, 2F back to the main hallway.
*In the main hallway, go L, F, L then 8F (keeping close to the Central Control Room on your left) all the way past the left side of the small Isolation Chamber.
*Turn L, and go F to enter the now open security door.
*When Scully asks what direction you'd like, turn R.
*Draw your gun. SAVE!
*Go 2F and quickly shoot the guard on the right.
*Quickly take the key from the slot.
*Quickly go L, 4F to the Isolation Chamber.
*Go 2F through the chamber, turn 2R and hit the red button to shut the chamber door.
*As soon as you can, click on your stiletto.
*Click the stiletto on Scully (she has the honors).

Watch the finale.