All the following cheats should be entered as the Drivers Name. If you entered 

them correctly, the screen will flash repeatedly and appear to have cracked. 

Some of these cheats will automatically take you to certain pre race screens 

so dont worry. From now on read LM as equalling "Le Mans mode" and AM as 

"Arcade Mode": 

Code Result 


ALLTHECARSNOW All Cars in Arcade Mode 

ALLTRACKSPLEASE All Tracks in Arcade Mode 

ENDOFFERS All Championship Cars 

LEMANSOFFERS Pick From Any GT1, GT2, etc in LM 

MAKEITPEASY Race Over 1 Lap in LM, Others Cars Handicapped 


TOYOTA1999 Race for Toyota Team 

1999AUDI Secret Audi Prototype 

19BMW99 Secret BMW Prototype 

DEBORALM Secret Debora Racing Team 

DEBORACING Race for Debora Racing Team in LM 

1999CHEATCARS All Secret Prototype GT1 and GT2 Cars