Cheat mode:

1)Press Enter to open the two player message box

2)Type one of the following codes

3)Then press Enter again to activate the corresponding cheat 


NOTE: A message "Cheat Code Enabled" will appear to confirm 

      correct code entry. Cheats can only be enabled in single 

      player mode and custom maps.




Result:                                   Code: 

Invincibility and one hit kills           whosyourdaddy  

Full map                                  Iseedeadpeople  

Instant victory                           allyourbasearebelongtous  

Instant defeat                            somebodysetusupthebomb  

Continue playing after losing in 

 campaign mode                            strengthandhonor 

Remove spell cool down                    thedudeabides  

Disable victory conditions                itvexesme  

Gold; 500 is default                      keysersoze (number)  

Lumber; 500 is default                    leafittome (number)  

Gold and lumber; 500 is default           greedisgood (number)  

Fast construction                         warpten  

Fast death                                iocainepowder  

No need for food                          pointbreak  

Fast research                             whoisjohngalt  

Research upgrades                         sharpandshiny  

Disable Tech Tree requirements 

 in campaign                              synergy  

Set time to morning                       riseandshine  

Set time to evening                       lightsout  

Set time of day                           daylightsavings (1-24)  

Toggle daylight progression               daylightsavings  

Unlimited mana                            thereisnospoon  

Level select                              motherland (race) (level) 

NOTE: Example: motherland orc 04 

      Intermission sequences are counted in the level number 

Warcraft 3
Hero guide

Version 1,0

Written by:
Arman Darkahi

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Table of Contents:
1: Introduction
2: Version history
3: Disclamer
4: What are heros
5: Hero guide
   5.1- humans
   5.2- orcs
   5.3- night elves
   5.4- undead
   5.5- learning magic
   5.6- using magic
6: Email policy
7: Closing
1: Introduction
Hi welcome to my guide about heroes in Warcraft from
Blizzard. Before the guide i would like to tell you about
My self. My name is Arman Darkahi I'm 15 years old and
i LOVE games.
 I have always been a fan of Blizzard it started when i played
Warcraft 1 and then I played Warcraft 2 and loved them
even more, but then i just forgot about Blizzard when they
decided to do a RPG, Diablo, i didnt play it and i still
haven't. But when they made Diablo 2 I slowly started to
give in. And when they made the expansion pack
Lord of Destruction they won I loved it... for 6 months,
then I started to dream about Warcraft 3 I wanted it so
badly and everytime they realsed new pictures it started
again BUT now that I have it I just LOVE IT!! It's one of
the best RTS in gaming history. One of the things that make
it so good is the heroes. Now enough about me lets get on
with the guide.
2: Version history

2002-10-19: v2,0
WOW long time without updates, well the reason is that
no one gives a damn about the FAQ, atleast I though so,
but there is a few who emails me with crits so i moved my ass
and finnely put the undead hereos in the FAQ(feels good
to change to version 2). I didnt add any ratings because
i dont plat with undead much so it would only go wrong.
There is a big chance that this is the last version, but
if i get a lot of emails who wants me to continue the
FAQ i do it.

 -added the undead hereos
 -a few tips


2002-07-30: v1,6
-new site who host this guide

-fixed spelling

-more tips

-added why demon hunter change into a demon
 (thx to dragonlord)

-added a note to PoM starfall and KoG tranquility
 (thx to Ogukuo)

2002-07-17: v1,6
-2 new sites who host the guide

-Added a note at the top please read

-Adding some more tips. Please send them in if you got any.

-(I know that undead isnt on the guide yet the reason is that
i dont play with them much I dont like them but they will
come very soon)

2002-07-13: v1,5
Adding tips on how to use the magic
if you have any tip send them in(you get credit)

2002-07-12(00,30 AM): v1,4b
changed the ascii logo thx to DonTonberry
for making it

2002-07-11: v1,4
New site that host this faq
Fixed MANY of the spelling errors

2002-07-08: v1,3
New site that also host this guide,
Fixed spelling
Added human heroes undead coming soon

2002-07-07: v1,2
Fixed some spelling mistakes
Fixed the '3' don't know what I was thinking when I made
it as a E :)
The other heroes are coming very soon now I just have some
important stuff to do in real life.
100 emails telling me that my ratings are bad.

2002-06-29: V 1,0 First version :)

3: Disclaimer

This FAQ is copyright (c) 2001-2002 Arman Darkahi. If you
 would like to use this FAQ, or any part of it, on your
site, magazine, unicycle telegraph service, or anywhere
else, just send me an email. I'll proberly say yes so just
ask. I want to know where it is and if you use it you are
not allowed to change anything, ANYTHING.
4: What are heroes
Heroes are special characters that you summon to help you
in battles. The special thing about heroes are that they
can go up in levels and use/learn strong magic attacks.
They can also pick up items like potion and town portals.
I heard that many people say that the heroes made the game
bad but I say they make it better it gives more to do in
the game. The heroes magic and ability changes from race to
 race. The night elves heroes likes nature more then let
say undead heroes. To summon a hero you need a special
building, altar. Heroes are they key to victory in Warcraft3.
 It's important to level up with the hero and more important,
 how to play with it. If the hero has ranged attack then you
 should stand behind your troops and let they do the close
fighting. Many new players send their hero with the rest of
the troop and they die more. I can't tell you how to play
with your hero you have to play and see for yourself it
also depends on the hero you summoned.

5: Hero guide

To summon a hero you have to use one of your workers to
build the building/altar. If you play with Night elves
use a wisp to build an "Altar of Elders". When you have
build the building left click on it, In the lower right
corner you should see 3 buttons with pictures (of a face)
on it that is your hero. If you hold your mouse over
it you see what magic's it can learn and what is required
to summon it. You also see the name of the hero.

The ratings in this guide are my own opinion.
If you have any tip on how to use the magic send them in
and be more then happy to put it in the guide

MP= mana points (mana)
HP= hit points (health)

1:BEFORE every battle turn on Active
spells that dont need targets
i.e. Immolation for Demon hunter
(thx to warbringer87)

2: empty waiting for some tip :)

 5.1 Humans

 Attacks land and air units
    - Blizzard
    - Summon water elemental
    - Brilliance Aura
    - Mass teleport

Requires: nothing

Calls down a waves of hard ice

Level 1: 6 waves at 30-damage wave
Level 2: 8 waves at 40-damage wave
Level 3: 10 waves at 50-damage wave

Rating: 4/5
*note* this magic also hurts allies or yourself if they get hit.
==-TIP-== make yourslef invisibly and go in to the enemys base and
use this spell. It wouldn't hurt to have a potion or two.

Requires: nothing

Summons a warrior of water, which you can control

Level 1: 450HP, 21-29 damage
Level 2: 675HP, 31-39 damage
Level 3: 900HP, 41-49 damage

Rating: 4/5
==-TIP-== You can make more then one fighter.

Requires: nothing

Regenerates heroes and friendly spellcasters mana faster then normal

Level 1: Adds 100% mana regeneration.
Level 2: Adds 200% mana regeneration.
Level 3: Adds 300% mana regeneration.

Rating: 3/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Teleports your hero and your nearby troops to any friendly unit or building

Rating: 4/5
*note* you can only teleport 24 units

==-TIP-==(thx to Pecker for this one)
Sending a single invisible unit into the center of an enemy's base, having
him Hold Position, and then Teleporting the Archmage in with a small army of
troops bypasses most defenses entirely and definitely disrupts the enemy's

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 21-27       I
I Strengh: 14         I
I Armor: 3            I
I Agility: 17         I
I Intelligence: 19    I


--[Mountain King]--
 Attacks land units
    - Storm bolt
    - Thunder Clap
    - Bash
    - Avatar

Requires: nothing

Throws a hammer at one enemy hurting and stunning it.

Level 1: 100 damage, 5 seconds stun
Level 2: 200 damage, 7 seconds stun
Level 3: 300 damage, 9 seconds stun

Rating: 3/5

Requires: nothing

The hero slams the ground dealing damage to surrounding enemy units

Level 1: 70 damage, -25% movement speed, -25% attack rate
Level 2: 110 damage, -50% movement speed, -50% attack rate
Level 3: 150 damage, -70% movement speed, -70% attack rate

Rating: 4/5

Requires: nothing

Gives a chance to do extra damage and stun an enemy

Level 1: 15% chance to deal 25 damage and stun for 2 seconds.
Level 2: 25% chance to deal 25 damage and stun for 2 seconds.
Level 3: 35% chance to deal 25 damage and stun for 2 seconds.

Rating: 4/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Transforms the hero into a giant, which improves his armor with 5, HP with 500 and it
also improves is attack with 20. It also makes him immune to spells.

Rating: 5/5

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 26-36       I
I Strengh: 24         I
I Armor: 2            I
I Agility: 11         I
I Intelligence: 15    I


 Attacks land units
    - Holy light
    - Divine shield
    - Devotion aura
    - Resurrection

Requires: nothing

Healing allies or does damage on undead units

Level 1: Heals 200HP, 100 damage to undead
Level 2: Heals 400HP, 200 damage to undead
Level 3: Heals 600HP, 300 damage to undead

Rating: 4/5
==-TIP-== If your are playing against undead max this spell out fast
and use it against there hero. Have some mana potions, they help.

Makes the hero temporarily invulnerable

Level 1: Lasts 10 seconds
Level 2: Lasts 20 seconds
Level 3: Lasts 30 seconds

Rating: 2/5

Requires: nothing

Gives armor bonus to nearby allies

Level 1: Increases base armor by 1
Level 2: Increases base armor by 2
Level 3: Increases base armor by 3

Rating: 4/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Gives life to 6 dead allies.

Rating: 5/5

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 24-34       I
I Strengh: 22         I
I Armor: 4            I
I Agility: 13         I
I Intelligence: 17    I

 5.2 Orcs
Building required: Altar of storms

 Attacks land units
    - Windwalk
    - Mirror image
    - Critical strike
    - Blade master

Requires: nothing

Makes the hero invisible for a set of time. He also moves faster

Level 1: drains 100 mp hero walks 10% faster last for 20 seconds
Level 2: drains 75 mp hero walks 40% faster lasts for 40 seconds
Level 3: drains 24 mp hero walks 70% faster lasts for 60 seconds

Rating: 3/5

Requires: nothing

Creates a mirror image of the hero which does the same thing you do.

Level 1: creates 1 image
Level 2: creates 2 images
Level 3: creates 3 images

Rating: 4/5
*note* you can't use magic when you have used this spell.

Requires: nothing

Gives a chance to do more damage then normal.

Level 1: 15% chance to do 2 times more damage
Level 2: 15% chance to do 3 times more damage
Level 3: 15% chance to do 4 times more damage

Rating: 4/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Creates a destructive force around the blademaster dealing 110 damage
per second to any enemy nearby.

Rating: 4/5

==-TIP-== Not really a tip, but when you use this spell run around
the enemy troops/hero. If you have learned Windwalk, use them both
at the same time.

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 25-47       I
I Strengh: 18         I
I Armor: 5            I
I Agility: 23         I
I Intelligence: 16    I


 Attacks land units
    - Shockwave
    - War stomp
    - Endurance aura
    - Reincarnation

Requires: nothing

Sends a wave of energy damaging everyone it hit.

Level 1: makes 75 damage
Level 2: makes 130 damage
Level 3: makes 200 damage

Rating: 3/5

Requires: nothing

The hero slams the ground damaging and stunning nearby enemy units

Level 1: 25 damage 3-second stun
Level 2: 50 damage 4-second stun
Level 3: 75 damage 5-second stun

Rating: 3/5

Requires: nothing

Increases the movement speed and attackrate of allies

Level 1: 10 to movement speed 5% attack
Level 2: 20 to movement speed 10% attack
Level 3: 30 to movement speed 15% attack

Rating: 3/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

If the hero gets killed he will come back to life but you must
wait 240 second to use it again

Rating: 5/5

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 27-37       I
I Strengh: 15         I
I Armor: 2            I
I Agility: 10         I
I Intelligence: 14    I


--[FAR SEER]--
 Attacks land and air units
    - Chain lightning
    - Far sight
    - Feral spirit
    - Earthquake

Shoots a bolt of lightning at a enemy that jumps to nearby enemies,
each jump deals less damage

Level 1: 100 damage jumps 4 times
Level 2: 140 damage jumps 6 times
Level 3: 180 damage jumps 8 times

Rating: 4/5

Requires: nothing

Reveals the area of the map that it's cast upon. Also shows invisible

Level 1: shows a small area needs 150mp
Level 2: shows a large area needs 100mp
Level 3: shows a huge area needs 50mp

Rating: 4/5

Requires: nothing

Creates 2 spirit wolves which you can control and fight with for a
limited time.

Level 1: 220hp wolves
Level 2: 230hp wolves with critical strike
Level 3: 240hp wolves with critical strike and invisibility

Rating: 5/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Creates an earthquake. Damages buildings with 50hp and slowing down
units with 75% lasts for 25 seconds

Rating: 2/5

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 21-27       I
I Strengh: 15         I
I Armor: 3            I
I Agility: 18         I
I Intelligence: 19    I

 5.3 Night elves
Building required: Altar of Elders

 Attacks land units
    - Mana burn
    - Immolation
    - Evasion
    - Metamorphosis

Required: nothing

The hero sends a bolt of energy who drains the targets mana and
turns it to damage. If you drain 100 mana it damages the enemy
with 100 etc.

Level 1: Drains 100 mana
Level 2: Drains 200 mana
Level 3: Drains 300 mana

Rating: 3/5

Required: nothing

The hero puts it self on fire deals damage to any enemy who comes
near the hero. It drains mana until you deactivate it.

Level 1: deals 10 damage per second
Level 2: deals 15 damage per second
Level 3: deals 20 damage per second

Rating: 4/5

Gives a bigger chance to avoid attacks

Level 1: 10% chance
Level 2: 20% chance
Level 3: 30% chance

Rating: 2/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

This is a cool attack :). It transforms the hero into a powerful
demon (I though he hunted demons?) that gives him ranged attack. It
also adds 500 hp.
It lasts for 60 seconds.
Rating: 5/5

 Sent in by DragonLord
you mention the night elf demon hunter was
supposed to hunt demons, so it seems odd that he would
turn into a demon at his ultimate level. Yet somewhere
along the way (In the book that came with it, or the
actual game itself) I remember reading Demon Hunters
gave up their Night Elf Social status and begun
learning Demon Lore in hopes of using it against the
demons. Sort of like a fight fire with fire deal. Most
Demon Hunters were banned from the Night Elves for
 How could i miss that :)

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 24-46       I
I Strengh: 19         I
I Armor: 5            I
I Agility: 22         I
I Intelligence: 16    I


  Attacks land and air units
     - Entangling roots
     - Force of nature
     - Thorns aura
     - Tranquility

Requires: nothing

Makes roots come up from the ground and deals damage to a target

Level 1: 15 damage per second lasts 15 seconds
Level 2: 15 damage per second lasts 30 seconds
Level 3: 15 damage per second lasts 45 seconds

Rating: 4/5

Requires: level 3 hero

Converts a area of trees into Treants(tree monsters: Þ)

Level 1: 2 treants lasts for 75 seconds
Level 2: 3 treants lasts for 75 seconds
Level 3: 4 treants lasts for 75 seconds

Rating: 4/5
*note* the treants are like characters you have to
control them.

Gives an aura to nearby allies. The aura deals damage to enemies hitting
you with melee attacks

Level 1: deals 4 damage
Level 2: deals 8 damage
Level 3: deals 12 damage

Rating: 3/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn
Starts a rain of healing energy, which heals allies health with 20 hp
seconds. It lasts for 30 seconds
Rating 4/5
*NOTE* If you do use another spell while using this, the spell cancelles
(thx to Ogukuo)

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 20-26       I
I Strengh: 16         I
I Armor: 3            I
I Agility: 15         I
I Intelligence: 18    I

    Attacks land units
      - Scout
      - Searing arrows
      - Trueshot aura
      - Starfall

Requires: nothing

Summons an Owl who you can use to scout the map

Level 1: Summons for 100 mp
Level 2: Summons for 75 mp
Level 3: Summons for 50 mp

Rating: 2/5

Requires: level 3 hero to learn

Adds fire to the heroes arrows = more damage.

Level 1: 10 bonus damage
Level 2: 20 bonus damage
Level 3: 30 bonus damage

Rating: 3/5

Requires: nothing

Gives an aura to allies who increases range attacks

Level 1: 10% increase
Level 2: 20% increase
Level 3: 30% increase

Rating 3/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Calls down a wave of stars that hurt the enemy. Each wave deals 75
damage. Lasts for 30 seconds.

Rating: 5/5
*NOTE* If you do use another spell while using this, the spell cancelles
(thx to Ogukuo)

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 21-31       I
I Strengh: 18         I
I Armor: 4            I
I Agility: 19         I
I Intelligence: 15    I

5.4 undead

    Attacks land units
      - Death coll
      - Death pact
      - Unholy aura
      - Animate dead

Requires: nothing

Shoots a bolt of death wich heals undead allies and damages the enemy.

Level 1: Heals 200HP; damages 100HP
Level 2: Heals 400HP; damages 200HP
Level 3: Heals 600HP; damages 300HP

Requires: nothing

You destroy an undead unit(friendly) wich restores the heroes HP

Level 1: 100% of the targets HP
Level 2: 200% of the targets HP
Level 3: 300% of the targets HP
==-TIP-== Use this on skeleton warriors and then use a Necromancer
to raise them again.

Requires: nothing

Speeds up the HP regeneration and movemnt speed of allies

Level 1: 10% faster movment; 50% faster HP regeneration
Level 2: 20% faster movment; 100% faster HP regeneration
Level 3: 30% faster movment; 150% faster HP regeneration

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Raises 6 dead units(friendly or hostile) they all become yours for
120 seconds.
*NOTE* If there is more then 6 dead units the hero raises the
most powerful.

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 25-35       I
I Strengh: 23         I
I Armor: 4            I
I Agility: 12         I
I Intelligence: 17    I

  Attacks land units
    -Carrion swarm
    -Vampiric aura

Requires: nothing

Shoots a group of bats to damage the enemy

Level 1: 100 damage per unit
Level 2: 150 damage per unit
Level 3: 200 damage per unit

Requires: nothing

Puts a unit to sleep

Level 1: Puts a unit to sleep mana cost 100
Level 2: Mana cost lowers to 75
Level 3: Mana cost lowers to 50

Requires: nothing

Nearby allies gain HP when they hit a enemy

Level 1: 15% of attack damage to HP
Level 2: 30% of attack damage to HP
Level 3: 45% of attack damage to HP

Requires: level 6 hero

Summons a inferno(got to love them) wich drops down from the sky(god are you there?)
it last for 180 seconds

=-TIP-= Summon it on a army because they will get stunned and take
damage when it hits the ground yo can also summon it on trees and
POFF they are gone :D

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 22-32       I
I Strengh: 20         I
I Armor: 3            I
I Agility: 16         I
I Intelligence: 18    I

  Attacks land and air units
    -Frost nova
    -Frost armor
    -Dark ritual
    -Death and decay

Shoots enemy units around a target enemy unit with a frost wave
wich slows movement and attack rate

Level 1: 100 target damage and 50 nova damage
Level 2: 100 target damage and 100 nova damage
Level 3: 100 target damage and 150 nova damage

-auto cast

Creates a ice shield around a allie unit, it adds armor and slows
melee units who attack it

Level 1: adds 3 armor and 5 seconds of slowdown
Level 2: adds 5 armor and 5 seconds of slowdown
Level 3: adds 7 armor and 5 seconds of slowdown

Kills a friendly unit add its HP to Lichs MP

Level 1: 33% to MP
Level 2: 66% to MP
Level 3: 100% to MP

Requires: Level 6 hero to learn

Damages everything in its area of effect but takes away
4% of its base hit points per second.

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 22-28       I
I Strengh: 15         I
I Armor: 2            I
I Agility: 14         I
I Intelligence: 20    I

5.5 learning magic

Every time your hero fights he gain experience (exp) after a while he/she
will go up a level now is your chance to learn some magic spells.   If
you look at your heroes picture in the upper right corner you see a
a number (normally 1) this shows how many spell points you have left (you
get one from each level up).

If you know select your hero and look at the right panel, you see a
big "+" this is not a first aid kit or something. Now click on it
and you know see all the magic you hero can learn. Now the only
thing you have to do is click on one of the buttons and voila you
have learned a spell.

5.6 using magic

When you have learned a spell, select you hero and look at the right
panel. You should see a button with a picture of the spell you learned.

Now click on it, if you get a select circle select a target and BOOM
you used magic.



If you want to email me please read this section.

First check the FAQ if your question is already answered it gets very
 annoying to answer something I wrote in the FAQ, which is ment to help
 YOU :).

If you checked the FAQ and it wasn't answered feel free to email me
but you must put the name of the FAQ in the subject line.

You want to add/correct something in the FAQ:
First check the guide and be sure that I haven't added it.
Also don't send me anything that don't have with heroes to do (like

Of course you get credit for it.

Opinions/ratings of the FAQ:
Just send them in :) if I get many I make a section for it

YOU HAVE TO ADD THE TITLE OF THE FAQ (warcraft3 hero guide) IN THE

7: Closing

Well people that's it the end of the FAQ *cries* I hope you enjoyed
It I would like to thank a few people

Blizzard for making this damn game that have destroyed my life :)
and also for doing one of the best games in gaming history. You
guys are the best!

Gamefaqs for putting the guide on there site.

Neoseeker for putting the guide on there site.

Actiontrip for putting the guide on there site for hosting it for hosting the the guide for hosting the guide for hosting the guide

DonTonberry for sending me some good crits without calling me asshole ;)
and also for making the logo

Pecker for sending me some tips

Warbringer87 for sending me some tips

YOU for reading the guide

That's all for me thank you

Warcraft III Walkthrough

                            by Steven W. Carter

                          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


                                Last Updated

                              November 4, 2002




* Introduction                                                              *



This is a walkthrough for Warcraft III from Blizzard Entertainment.  Besides

including strategies for each mission in the game, I?ve also attempted to

point out all the interesting things in each mission (mostly easter eggs and

important equipment).


This guide is based on the normal (default) difficulty setting for the game

and version 1.01b.




* Units                                                                     *



* ------ *

* Humans *

* ------ *

                    Food    Gold    Wood     Hps    Mana      Damage   Armor


   Basic               2     160       0     420       0      12- 13       2

   Upgraded                                                   15- 19       8



   Basic               4     290      60     800       0      21- 29       6

   Upgraded                                  950              24- 44      12



   Basic               3     240      30     520       0      18- 24       0

   Upgraded                                                   21- 36       6



   Initiate            2     160      10     220     200       8-  9       0

   Adept                                     295     300       9- 11

   Master                                    370     400      10- 13



   Initiate            2     180      20     250     200      11- 14       0

   Adept                                     325     300      12- 18

   Master                                    400     400      13- 22


Mortar Team

   Basic               3     210      70     360       0      52- 64       0

   Upgraded                                                   55-103       6


Steam Tanks

   Basic               3     230      60     700       0      45- 55       2

   Upgraded                                                   48- 88       8



   Basic               2     220      60     350       0      25- 30       2

   Upgraded                                                   28- 48       8


Gryphon Riders

   Basic               4     330      70     750       0      45- 55       0

   Upgraded                                  900              48- 88       6


Guard Towers

   Basic               0     220      80     500       0      23- 27       5

   Upgraded                                  800                           8


Cannon Towers

   Basic               0     280     120     600       0      90-111       5

   Upgraded                                  960                           8


* ------ *

* Undead *

* ------ *

                    Food    Gold    Wood     Hps    Mana      Damage   Armor


   Basic               2     140       0     330       0      12- 14       0

   Upgraded                                                   15- 20       6


Skeleton Warriors

   Basic               0       0       0     180       0      14- 15       1

   Upgraded                                                   17- 21       7



   Basic               4     280      70    1080       0      33- 39       2

   Upgraded                                                   36- 60       8


Crypt Fiends

   Basic               3     250      40     550       0      27- 32       0

   Upgraded                                                   30- 50       6



   Initiate            2     170      20     230     200       9- 13       0

   Adept                                     305     300      10- 16

   Master                                    380     400      11- 20



   Initiate            2     180      30     210     200      11- 15       0

   Adept                                     285     300      12- 20

   Master                                    360     400      13- 25


Meat Wagons

   Basic               4     270      65     380       0      71- 88       2

   Upgraded                                                   74-142



   Basic               2     220      30     400       0      16- 18       5

   Upgraded                                                   19- 37      11


Frost Wyrms

   Basic               7     450     120    1100       0      85-105       0

   Upgraded                                                   88-138       6


Spirit Towers          0     270      90     550       0      27- 32       5


* ---- *

* Orcs *

* ---- *

                    Food    Gold    Wood     Hps    Mana      Damage   Armor


   Basic               3     235       0     680       0      21- 24       1

   Upgraded                                  780              24- 36       7



   Basic               3     210      40     610       0      23- 27       0

   Upgraded                                                   26- 42       6



   Basic               5     325      80    1300       0      30- 36       3

   Upgraded                                                   33- 57       9


Troll Headhunters

   Basic               2     160      20     280       0      23- 27       0

   Upgraded                                                   26- 42       6


Kodo Beasts            4     300      60     790       0      16- 20       1



   Initiate            2     150      20     260     200      14- 16       0

   Adept                                     335     300      15- 19

   Master                                    410     400      16- 22


Troll Witch Doctors

   Initiate            2     170      25     240     200      12- 14       0

   Adept                                     315     300      13- 17

   Master                                    390     400      14- 20



   Basic               4     260      70     425       0      82-102       2

   Upgraded                                                   85-165       8



   Basic               4     310      40     500       0      41- 49       0

   Upgraded                                                   44- 64       6


Watch Towers           0     180      80     500       0      19- 22       3


* ----------- *

* Night Elves *

* ----------- *


                    Food    Gold    Wood     Hps    Mana      Damage   Armor


   Basic               3     225      20     550       0      16- 18       1

   Upgraded                                                   19- 27       7



   Basic               2     150      10     260       0      19- 22       0

   Upgraded                                                   25- 37       6



   Basic               3     170      60     380     200      15- 17       0

   Upgraded                                                   18- 26       6


Druids of the Talon

   Initiate            2     160      20     225     200      10- 12       0

   Adept                                     300     300      11- 15

   Master                                    375     400      12- 18

   Upgr. Crow Form                           450              27- 51       6


Druids of the Claw

   Initiate            4     300      80     430     200      19- 22       1

   Adept                                     505     300      20- 26

   Master                                    580     400      21- 30

   Upgr. Bear Form                           960              32- 62       9



   Basic               4     245      85     380       0      56- 69       2

   Upgraded                                                   59-111



   Basic               2     190      20     500       0      38- 46       0

   Upgraded                                                   41- 73       6


Hippogryph Riders

   Basic               4     340      30     780       0      19- 22       0

   Upgraded                                                   25- 37       6



   Basic               5     390      70     900       0      67- 83       2

   Upgraded                                                   70-134       8


Ancient Protectors

   Basic               0     240     100     550       0      52- 64       2

   Upgraded                                                                4




* Gameplay Notes                                                            *



When you select a hero, notice the icon to the left of its attributes.  The

icon represents the type of hero it is, and if you hover your mouse over the

icon, you?ll see what each attribute does for the hero.  It?s important

information to know, since some equipment is nearly worthless to certain

types of heroes while being useful to others.


It?s possible to play the missions on an ?easy? difficulty setting.  Simply

lose the current mission on the normal difficulty setting (for example, by

using the appropriate cheat code) and then select the option to replay the

mission on an easier difficulty setting.


Some useful cheat codes:


   iseedeadpeople            reveal the map

   whosyourdaddy             god mode

   allyourbasearebelongtous  instant win


Simply press enter, type the code, and then press enter again to activate the





* Prologue Campaign: Exodus of the Horde                                    *



* -------------------------- *

* Chapter 1: Chasing Visions *

* -------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Find the prophet.




This is a basic tutorial mission, and so there isn?t anything complicated

about it.  Just follow the narrator?s directions, and move from banner to

banner.  If you don?t see the next banner (like after you defeat the gnolls

in their camp) just follow the path until you get to one.


Past the river you?ll find a sleeping ogre.  The ogre is actually pretty easy

to kill, but it doesn?t have any treasure, and Thrall has already hit his

experience cap for the mission (and the campaign).  So kill it or not as you

please.  However, west of the ogre and south of the path is a clearing with a

treasure chest in it.  The chest contains a healing potion.


Past the ogre to the east is another area off the main path.  This area

contains three golems, and one of them will drop a ring of protection +1.

North of the golems, again off the path, you?ll find some trolls.  One of the

trolls will drop a manual of health (+50 hit points).  The prophet is at the

next banner, and the mission will end once you talk to him, so don?t worry if

you lose some units fighting the trolls or golems.


Note: In the northeastern corner of the map is a pair of pirates guarding a

treasure chest of ?phat lewt.?  Their location is inaccessible, but you can

see them using the ?iseedeadpeople? cheat code.


* --------------------- *

* Chapter 2: Departures *

* --------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Establish a base.

   2. Rescue Grom Hellscream.




Once again follow the instructions of the narrator.  He?ll guide you through

building a base.  Once you?ve completed the ?quest,? humans will rebuild the

bridge southeast of your base.  So as you train grunts, set the rally point

of the barracks to be next to the two watch towers near the bridge.  Then,

once the humans rebuild the bridge and attack your towers, you?ll be able to

beat them easily.


Note: North of the first watch tower southeast of your base you?ll find some

gnolls.  One will drop a scroll of health.


The only offensive unit you can train is the grunt, so start producing a lot

of them.  Don?t worry about the upkeep.  Once you have about ten, send them

and Thrall across the bridge and into enemy territory.  There aren?t any

interesting areas off the path, so just follow the path, killing any humans

and freeing any orcs you come across.  When you find shamans, add them to

your group, replacing grunts if necessary.


Eventually you?ll come to an area with three guard towers.  Just storm the

towers one at a time, and once you?ve destroyed all three Grom will burst out

of his cage, and you?ll have completed the mission.




* Human Campaign: The Scourge of Lordaeron                                  *



* ------------------------------------ *

* Chapter 1: The Defense of Strahnbrad *

* ------------------------------------ *


Main Quest:


   1. Defend Strahnbrad.


Optional Quests:


   1. Save Timmy.

   2. Retrieve Gerard?s ledger.




Even though Strahnbrad sounds like it?s in dire jeopardy, the mission isn?t

timed, so take your time getting there.  In particular, search your base and

destroy all the crates you see (by right clicking on them).  You?ll find a

scroll of protection and a potion of healing.


Then follow the path south, but keep going south once the path turns east.

You?ll find yourself in a small village.  If you go to the southwestern

corner of the village, two farmers will agree to help you, and they?ll turn

into footmen.  At the southeastern corner, Alicia will ask you to rescue

Timmy from some gnoll kidnappers, and the position of the gnolls will be

shown on the minimap.  So just head east and kill the gnolls, and then right

click on the cage to free Timmy.  You?ll receive a ring of protection +1 as a

reward from Alicia, and one of the gnolls will also drop a potion of healing.


That?s it for the village, so head on back to the path.  North of the path

(near the center of the map) you?ll find a man asking for help.  If you

approach him you?ll discover that his plea is actually a trap, and five

bandits will attack you.  That ok.  The bandits will pose a more difficult

battle than the gnolls, but you shouldn?t lose any units, and you?ll receive

a scroll of healing for defeating them.


Back on the path, you?ll shortly come to a bridge, and, lo and behold, you?ll

find more bandits.  These bandits were in the process of robbing Gerard when

you arrived, and Gerard will ask you to return his ledger to him.  So follow

the bandits southeast into the forest.  You?ll have to fight eight bandits in

total, but they shouldn?t cause you any problems, and the ?bandit lord? will

drop the ledger when he dies.  When you return the ledger to Gerard, he?ll

give you a tome of strength (permanent +1 strength).


When you cross the bridge, you?ll find yourself at the gates of Strahnbrad.

You?ll also find that orcs have already started attacking the city.  Orcs are

much more difficult to kill than bandits, but again you don?t need to hurry.

So once you fight some orcs, feel free to sit around and rest a while before

searching for more.


Note: East of the gates of Strahnbrad is a cemetery.  Any innocent units that

Arthas kills (including sheep) will show up there as ghosts after midnight.


On the western side if the Strahnbrad you?ll find two orc grunts fighting

three footmen.  The footmen are yours, so if you can prevent them from being

killed, you?ll be able to add them to your army.  In the northern part of the

city, a house will ?explode? and two orc grunts will attack you.  In one of

the crates nearby you can find a potion of mana.  Finally, the northwestern

part of the city holds an orc slave master and two grunts.  Once you defeat

the trio, the mission will end.


* ----------------------------- *

* Chapter 2: Blackrock and Roll *

* ----------------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Establish a base.

   2. Defeat the blademaster.


Optional Quest:


   1. Defeat Searinox.




You start out with three peasants mining gold and two harvesting lumber.  So

create two more peasants for the mine and two more for the trees, and then

create a fifth peasant to build things.  Meanwhile, upgrade your scout towers

to guard towers, and use Uther (controlled by the computer) and Arthas to

guard the two entrances to your base.  There are also some crates inside the

base you can bash open to receive a potion of healing and a scroll of



Note: Notice how your four towers are ?protected? by crates.  (There isn?t

anything inside the crates, so don?t destroy them.)  In later missions you

can use farms to protect towers in much the same way.


Once you?ve established your base and have six footmen, you?ll learn that

your main goal for the mission is to defeat the orc blademaster.  But as in

the previous mission, there isn?t any hurry to complete the quest, so don?t

rush off to confront him.  Instead, take your units and head east.  (Uther

and your towers can protect the base on their own, although it doesn?t hurt

to add in more towers.)


East of your base you?ll encounter Feranor Steeltoe and four dwarven

riflemen.  Steeltoe will ask you to help him defeat the drake Searinox, and

he?ll give you the four riflemen to help you out.  You?ll also receive the

nearby blacksmith, which will allow you to upgrade your units and produce

more riflemen.


Searinox?s cave is further to the east.  Inside you?ll find some black dragon

whelps, which your riflemen should make short work of, and Searinox himself.

Searinox will have some skeleton archers to help him out, but he still

shouldn?t pose much of a problem.  Just have your riflemen concentrate on him

while your footmen deal with the archers, and make judicious use to Arthas?

holy light spell.  Once Searinox dies, he?ll drop his heart, and when you

take the heart to Steeltoe you?ll receive an orb of fire, which adds an

attack bonus plus splash damage to a hero?s weapon.


Other than Searinox, there are five groups of creeps you can deal with on the



   1. A group of gnolls on the western edge of the map.  They have a potion

      of mana.

   2. A group of gnolls on the eastern edge of the map.  They have a potion

      of healing.

   3. A group of murlocs north of the western gnolls.  They have claws of

      attack +3.

   4. A group of ogres west of the murlocs (and up a couple ramps).  You?ll

      have to cut down numerous trees to get to them, but your reward will be

      gauntlets of ogre strength +3.

   5. A gnoll warden west of Searinox?s cave (through a narrow ravine).  Once

      again you?ll have to chop down several trees, but you?ll get a wand of

      negation (dispels targets) as a prize.


If you don?t want to take the time to cut down trees, then don?t worry about

it.  There will be quite a few pieces of equipment for Arthas before the end

of the campaign.


At the northern end of the map is the orc base.  If you destroy it then the

orcs will stop attacking you, but otherwise there isn?t a reward.  The orc

blademaster is to the northeast.  He?s an orc hero, but he?s only level 2,

and his support is far enough away that you can fight the support in one

battle and then the hero in another, making both battles straightforward.


* -------------------------------- *

* Chapter 3: Ravages of the Plague *

* -------------------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Investigate villages.

   2. Destroy the grain warehouse.


Optional Quest:


   1. Find the fountain of health.




Instead of heading west towards the villages, head east.  You?ll find a group

of three ogres.  One ogre will drop a potion of healing, and, if you kill the

nearby sheep, it will drop bracers of agility (+1 agility).


Now go back to the path and head generally west.  You?ll discover that

someone (or something) destroyed the bridge to the closest village.  That

means you?ll have to take the long way around, so head northeast.  In that

direction you?ll discover bandits attacking the local peasants, so kill the

bandits and then talk to Alric to the north.  He?ll tell you about a fountain

of health, and the fountain?s location will be marked on your minimap.


There?s only one way to go so follow the shallows (killing creeps along the

way) until you get to the village with the broken bridge.  There you?ll find

some skeleton archers attacking footmen, and your footmen will receive the

defend skill.  If you can keep the allied footmen alive, you?ll be able to

add them to your army.


Then head west towards the fountain of health.  You?ll be ambushed by some

skeletons along the way, but you should be able to reach the fountain without

taking any losses.  The fountain increases the healing rate of any non-

mechanical units next to it, so you can use it whenever your army takes

damage.  (But chances are you won?t need it.)


Now head south towards the rest of the village.  First you?ll pass a diseased

grain silo and discover how the undead plague has been spreading, and then

you?ll have a major battle with about a half dozen undead.  Make sure Jaina

summons a water elemental, and have Arthas cast holy light whenever a unit

gets too damaged.  Past the battle you?ll meet up with a couple priests, so

don?t worry about running back to the fountain of health to get healed.  Just

let the priests do it.


Continuing west you?ll have to fight a couple more undead, but then you?ll

receive a dwarven mortar team, which will then start attacking skeletons to

the west.  The skeletons will be a little confused about what to do, and you

should be able to defeat them easily.  Once you?ve killed the skeletons, head

to the southwestern corner of the map to pick up a mantle of intelligence +3.


The grain warehouse is to the north, so head in that direction.  You?ll have

to kill some more undead, including an abomination, but nothing should be too

difficult, and once you destroy the warehouse the mission will end.


* --------------------------------- *

* Chapter 4: The Cult of the Damned *

* --------------------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Investigate Andorhal.

   2. Confront Kel?Thuzad.




You start out with 15 upkeep and only have 18 food available, so train three

peasants for the gold mine, and have another peasant start building a farm.

(The empty area south of your base is a good place for farms.)  Once you can

afford more peasants, make sure you have five peasants working your mine,

three peasants chopping wood, and two peasants building things.  You?ll only

be attacked from the west, so put a couple guard towers there.


Meanwhile, group together all of your units except for the mortar team, and

send them east.  In the southeastern corner of the map you?ll run into some

trolls, and one of the trolls will drop claws of attack +6.  If you also

destroy the troll hut, you?ll find a scroll of protection.


Heading to the second gold mine, you?ll first run into some gnolls (their hut

has a potion of healing) and then some golems.  The golems can be tough, so

try to attack them one at a time.  One of the golems will drop a ring of

protection +2.


Note: Your base will be attacked at some point around here.  If your guard

towers aren?t up yet, convert your peasants to militia, and use them and your

mortar team to dispose of the threat.


Once the path to the second gold mine is clear, head west.  Clear the creeps

you find, and visit the goblin merchant if you want, until you end up next to

your base again.  To the southwest you?ll find some enforcers with a potion

of mana, and to the west you?ll find a couple undead.


To the north is the only undead base on the map.  It shouldn?t be heavily

defended, so add your mortar team to your army and attack.  If things start

going badly, then retreat to your base, do some researching, and create a

more powerful army (two or three mortar teams will knock down buildings



Once the undead base is gone, head north into Andorhal.  You?ll discover that

the grain shipments have already left, and you?ll get a new quest to confront

the necromancer Kel?Thuzad.  You should also find a cage near the center of

the city.  If you break it open, an undead creature named Timmy will escape.

Timmy is neutral to you, but if you attack him anyway you?ll receive a ring

of superiority (+1 strength, +1 agility, +1 intelligence).


Leave Andorhal to the north and then head east.  You?ll first face a couple

ghouls, which should be easy, but then you?ll have to deal with a handful of

abominations.  The abominations can be tough, but a mixed army of your heroes

plus footmen, riflemen, and mortar teams should be able to deal with them.

Once the abominations are dead, the only enemy left is Kel?Thuzad, and he?s

only a basic necromancer unit.  Once he goes down the mission will end.


* ------------------------------- *

* Chapter 5: March of the Scourge *

* ------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Survive for 30 minutes.


Optional Quest:


   1. Destroy the grain caravan.




You don?t start out with many peasants, so right away train more so you have

five mining gold, three or four chopping trees, and another couple building

things.  Since you want to be defensive in this mission, be sure to build a

bunch of extra guard and cannon towers.  Almost all of the normal attacks

will arrive at the two western entrances to your base, but the last triggered

attack can come at any or all of the three entrances.  So build extra towers

at the two western entrances first, and then get to the other entrance if you

have time.  (The triggered attack will come late enough in the mission that

it won?t be able to destroy your entire base in the time allotted, so it?s

not really important.)


At about the 22:00 mark, you?ll receive notice of a grain caravan.  Once you

have a few extra towers, plus some excess units that you can leave in the

base, send a strike force (including at least two mortar teams) north to the

northeastern corner of the map, and then west towards the northwestern

corner.  Along the way you?ll probably learn that the caravan has infected

the ?second town,? and that?s where you?ll probably meet up with it.


The caravan will have a mixture of zombies, ghouls, necromancers, and meat

wagons, so try to concentrate on the meat wagons first since they?ll do the

most damage to you.  Once you?ve destroyed everything, you?ll receive a

scroll of town portal plus a medallion of courage (+4 strength, +4

intelligence) for your efforts.  West of the town is a fountain of health,

but when you approach it some ogres will attack.  The ogres have gauntlets of

ogre strength +3.  Once everything is dead, rest at the fountain until your

army is healed, and then send it back to your town.


At this point all you have to do is sit back and defend.  If you?re feeling

particularly industrious, you can try attacking the two undead bases on the

map, but without knights mostly all you?ll do is get your units killed.  So

get your upkeep to 70 and then just build a bunch of towers.


At roughly the 2:00 mark, both undead bases will send a major attack your

way, including a pair of heroes (one level 6, the other level 10).  But by

the time they get to your base, there will only be about a minute left, and

so even if you can?t defeat the attacks outright, you should be able to delay

them long enough to win the mission.


* ---------------------- *

* Chapter 6: The Culling *

* ---------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Kill 100 zombies.

   2. Prevent Mal?Ganis from claiming 100 zombies.




This mission is sort of a funny contest.  You have to kill 100 zombies before

Mal?Ganis can claim 100 zombies.  In order to kill zombies, you first have to

destroy ?plagued villager buildings? (by force attacking them).  Then four

plagued peasants will appear, sleep for a bit, and change into zombies.

However, you can kill the peasants before they switch (again by force

attacking), and that?s what you should do since it?s quicker and since it

means you won?t come under attack as much.


Meanwhile, Mal?Ganis has to do the same thing, except he can only claim the

zombies once they?re zombies.  Plus, he can only claim one zombie at a time,

and the process takes a couple seconds.  Since any of your units can kill

zombies, and since you can send out multiple attack forces, you should be

able to win this race rather convincingly.


Anyway, send Arthas and the two knights to the northwestern corner of the

map.  There are ten buildings there, and that?s worth 40 zombies.  As soon as

you attack the first building, Mal?Ganis will teleport into the city, and

he?ll start attacking buildings, too.  (That is, unless you?re really slow,

and then he?ll start without you.)  While you?re attacking the buildings,

build up your base so you can start producing knights.  Also build a couple

defensive towers at the southern entrance.  Every so often you?ll be attacked



Once you?ve cleared the first ten buildings, head south into the city zoo.

In the cage with the owlbears is a rat named Filson.  Click on Filson a bunch

of times until he explodes, and he?ll drop a talisman of evasion (15% chance

enemies will miss you).


Then just zoom around the city destroying buildings and zombies wherever you

find them.  It?s possible Mal?Ganis will seek you out if you build up enough

of a lead, so try to do two things: 1) reinforce your initial attack force so

it has Arthas, four knights, and some riflemen, and 2) create a second attack

force of about the same size.  Then even if Mal?Ganis destroys one attack

force, the other can keep going.


Note: You can kill Mal?Ganis but that doesn?t give you an automatic win.  It

just gives you a three minute respite while the undead base revives him.  So

don?t waste time trying to hunt Mal?Ganis, but go ahead and kill him if he

wanders into range of one of your attack groups.


* ---------------------------------- *

* Chapter 7: The Shores of Northrend *

* ---------------------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Establish a base.

   2. Destroy Mal?Ganis? base.


Optional Quest:


   1. Rescue Muradin Bronzebeard?s men.




Group all of your units together and head generally east.  You might have to

fight some wolves, trolls, and nerubians along the way, but eventually you

should stumble upon a gold mine.  Once you reach the gold mine you?ll receive

some peasants, some buildings, and some reinforcements, including a level 5

mountain king hero named Muradin Bronzebeard.  Bronzebeard will then ask you

to rescue his men to the north.


Almost immediately you?ll come under attack, so keep your forces in the area

to deal with the threat.  Then churn out about a half dozen peasants to

gather resources, and start building your base.  If you didn?t explore

everything leading up to the gold mine, then go back and do that now.  Of

particular interest is a frost orb, which you can find with the nerubians.  I

don?t think it works with the fire orb, so split the orbs between Arthas and



There are two undead bases on the map, and they?ll attack your base every few

minutes (including gargoyle attacks), so keep your forces near your base

until you can put up a couple guard towers and train a few extra units.  Also

wait until you can add a couple mortar teams to your main army, and then send

it north.


North of your base you?ll find a group of trolls holding a manual of health

(+50 hit points) and also one of the undead bases.  The undead base is pretty

small, so a force of a dozen mixed units should be enough to take it.  Then

just move your army up to Bronzebeard?s base to complete the optional quest

and receive the base as your own.


You don?t really need Bronzebeard?s base, so take all of the units you

received from it and add them to your attack force.  Then send them all west.

There you?ll find the main undead base on the map, and your force might be

enough to destroy it.  If not, it should at least be able to do some major

damage, so the next force you send can finish it off.  Once you destroy the

base, the mission will end.


* --------------------- *

* Chapter 8: Dissension *

* --------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Destroy the five ships in 25 minutes.




You need to destroy five ships in 25 minutes, or one ship every five minutes.

That?s enough time that you don?t need to rush headlong into battle, getting

your units killed.  Instead, you can be a little cautious.


So take your two heroes and two mortar teams and head west.  You?ll have to

fight some undead, but eventually you?ll come to a mercenary camp.  Even

though you can afford it, don?t buy all the units at the camp.  You?ll find

more mercenary camps with better units later.  At this one just buy the

priest units.


Then follow the path west to encounter more undead units and more spirit

towers.  Keep your priests out of the way (otherwise the towers will kill

them) and let your heroes kill the enemy units while the mortar teams kill

the towers.  Just south of the encounter is the first ship for you to sink.


Note: North of the encounter you can find some skeletal archers with a goblin

night scope, which allows better vision at night.  But the prize probably

isn?t worth the time it takes to get it.


On the way to the second ship you?ll have to fight some nerubian creeps.  If

your ranged attackers start to take too much damage, just retreat them away

from the fight and let your heroes deal with everything.  One of the

nerubians will drop claws of attack +12.


Past the second ship you?ll find another mercenary camp.  Use it to buy ogre

magi, and then continue east.  You?ll have to fight some more creeps, but

eventually you?ll come to a point where the path is blocked by trees.

Conveniently, a goblin laboratory is nearby, so use it to buy a couple goblin

sappers, and use the sappers to blow up the trees.  Just past the trees you

can sink the third ship.


Past the third ship you?ll find another mercenary camp.  At this one be sure

to buy the two ice troll trappers.  They can ensnare flying units, and that?s

important because the next battle has a couple of blue drakes in it, and

ensnaring them makes the battle much easier.  Beyond the drakes you?ll find a

passage flanked by several spirit towers.  If you have 10-15 minutes

remaining, then use Arthas as a scout for the mortar teams (so the towers

reveal themselves by attacking him), so the mortar teams can destroy the

towers.  Otherwise, just run through and take your chances (but make sure at

least one ranged unit survives).  You?ll find the fourth boat at the end of

the passage.


The way to the last boat is blocked by numerous undead units.  Arthas and

Bronzebeard can probably do the battles on their own, so if you?ve managed to

keep most of your units alive you should have a pretty easy time.  Then just

destroy the last boat to complete the mission.


* ---------------------- *

* Chapter 9: Frostmourne *

* ---------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Locate Frostmourne.

   2. Destroy Mal?Ganis? base.




You start with your forces divided.  Arthas and his army are to the left, and

your base and assorted other units are to the right.  Since the first quest

is to find Frostmourne, guide Arthas? army north while you defend and

research at your base.


Guiding Arthas, you?ll have to fight your way through a bunch of wolf and

wendigo creeps.  The first group will have a ring of protection +3, the

second will have a periapt of vitality (+100 hit points), and the third will

have a tome of agility.


After the third group of creeps you?ll find a graveyard.  Undead will ambush

you there, and the ambush will include a pair of ghosts (which can possess

your units) so send in Arthas and Bronzebeard alone until the ghosts are

dead, and then send in everybody else.


Past the graveyard you?ll finally find Frostmourne.  It?ll be guarded by

several undead, including a level 10 creep named the Guardian.  You don?t

actually need to defeat all the enemies; as soon as the Guardian dies the

battle will end, and Arthas will come into possession of Frostmourne.  Of

course, you?ll also lose all of the units that were with Arthas (including

Bronzebeard) but that?s the price you pay.


With Arthas back in your base, create a strike force.  There are two undead

bases on the map: Mal?Ganis? green base to the northeast, and a purple base

to the east.  It?s probably best to destroy the purple base before getting to

Mal?Ganis.  The purple base is lightly defended, and by destroying it you

won?t have to worry about defending your own base when you go against

Mal?Ganis, and so you can send all of your units in the attack.


Mal?Ganis? base is much larger than the purple base, but its defenders will

also be more spread out.  So with a couple dozen mixed units attacking it, it

shouldn?t pose much of a problem.  Once you destroy enough of the buildings,

the mission (and campaign) will end.




* Undead Campaign: Path of the Damned                                       *



* ------------------------------------- *

* Chapter 1: Trudging through the Ashes *

* ------------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Rescue 20 acolytes.


Optional Quest:


   1. Seek out the graveyard.




A couple notes to start off:


   1. Notice that you have Arthas as your hero again, but that he?s now a

      level 1 death knight rather than a level 10 paladin.  However, this new

      version of Arthas is similar to the old one: you can use death coil as

      an offensive and defensive spell, to heal undead units and damage

      living ones.


   2. While the mission is more or less designed for you to solve in a

      stealthy manner, you can be violent if you want.  If you can fight

      footmen or knights one or two at a time, you can defeat them with

      Arthas and the two ghouls you start with.  You should do some fighting

      regardless so you get Arthas some experience.


   3. There are 22 acolytes on the map, so you can skip a couple of them if

      you want.


Without going into too much unnecessary detail here, you should scout around

with Arthas and then bring in the ghouls if he gets into trouble.  Arthas

can?t use death coil on himself, so if you get into a fight, try to get the

humans to attack the ghouls (by retreating Arthas and then returning him to

the fight) so you won?t have to rest as long after the fight is over.


In the first part of the town you?ll meet up with an acolyte who will tell

you to seek out the graveyard.  Past that acolyte you?ll receive a shade, an

invisible unit that can scout for you.  The shade will almost immediately

discover a circular path being patrolled by a trio of footmen.  The best

thing to do with the footmen is kill them (you?ll get a potion of greater

healing as a reward) but feel free to sneak around them if they give you



There are two acolytes near the circular path, and the crates next to the

lumber mill have a potion of healing in them.  In the center of the path is a

barracks guarded by a knight and footman, and while you won?t get anything

for defeating the knight and footman, or for destroying the barracks, one of

the horses next to the barracks has a ring of protection +2.  If you decide

to go for the ring, be sure to kill the patrolling footmen first, or you?ll

have absolutely no chance in the battle.


North of the circular path you?ll find a gate leading to the main part of the

town.  The gate is guarded by two footmen and two knights, but luckily you

can skirt around it to the west and enter the town through the woods.  If

you?ve found all the acolytes possible by this point, you should have six.


The first part of the town consists of another little circular area, this one

centered around a pair of villagers having a fight.  (The villagers are named

Robert and Tyler.  Those are also the names of the main characters from the

movie Fight Club.)  You might have to defeat some patrolling footmen again,

but you should find three more acolytes in the area.  Just ignore the footmen

and knights by the gate.  You won?t get anything for killing them.


Note: South of the village fighters is a crate with a potion of greater mana

in it.


To the east is the graveyard.  When you send Arthas inside you?ll receive

three skeleton warriors and two more ghouls.


North of the graveyard is another gate, but before breaking it down head

west.  You?ll find a town hall with a couple of peasants using it to mine

gold.  When you attack, the peasants will switch to militia, but they should

still be easy to kill.  Also, some bandits will attack, but they?ll attack

the town hall, so finish off the militia before getting to them.


Then clear out the area.  You?ll find three more acolytes (for a total of 12)

plus a bandit camp to the west.  When you defeat the bandits there, you?ll

receive a spider ring (+1 agility) and a potion of healing.


Back at the gate, right click on it to break it down.  When it?s open you?ll

find an acolyte running towards you chased by a pair of footmen.  Kill the

footmen to receive another potion of healing.  Then explore this last part of

the town.  You?ll find four more acolytes (for a total of 18) plus a few

isolated knights and footmen.  Your force is strong enough now that you can

just wade in and kill them.


Finally, you?ll encounter a captain plus two footmen on the eastern side of

the area.  They?re guarding four acolytes.  You could just run past them to

free the acolytes, but you?re evil now, so just walk up to them and kill

them.  That will also allow you to pick up a potion of greater healing before

approaching the acolytes and ending the mission.


* ------------------------------ *

* Chapter 2: Digging up the Dead *

* ------------------------------ *


Main Quests:


   1. Recover the remains of Kel?Thuzad.

   2. Claim the urn.

   3. Establish a base.




You start out with three meat wagons.  The mission briefing makes it sound

like you need to keep the wagons around to complete the mission, but you

don?t.  However, the meat wagons are useful units, and completing the mission

will be much easier if you prevent them from being destroyed.


So put Arthas and the ghouls in one group and the meat wagons in another.

Then head east and destroy the towers and humans you run into.  Eventually

you?ll come to Gavinrad the Dire, a level 2 paladin.  He?ll drop a scroll of

healing (which is better than a potion of healing) when you kill him.


East of Gavinrad is a graveyard.  Just send Arthas inside to complete the

first quest and receive the second quest.


Now you can finally build an undead base.  So take one acolyte and have it

summon a haunted mine over the gold mine, and take a second and have it

summon a necropolis.  But remember that acolytes don?t have to travel between

the gold mine and the necropolis to deliver gold, so put the necropolis near

trees to make harvesting wood easier.  Then summon in the rest of the

buildings you need to complete the ?establish base? quest.


Northwest of your base you?ll start to encounter some humans.  When you

attack the peasants, they?ll rush off to switch to militia, and a level 4

paladin named Ballador the Bright will assist them.  So make sure you?ve

trained some extra ghouls first, and make sure your meat wagons are in the



Note: East of the peasants is a path leading north.  If you follow the path

you?ll eventually find some wizards holding a voodoo doll (+1 intelligence).

Also notice the skulls on the western side of the path.  If you destroy the

trees between the skulls, you?ll find a new path leading west.  At the end of

this new path you?ll find a pair of sasquatches who will attack you.  The

sasquatches are levels five and six, and one will create some treants, so

make sure you have a reasonable army when you approach them.  As a reward

you?ll receive claws of attack +6.


Second note: West of the (teal) barracks and houses, through numerous trees,

you?ll come to a waterfall.  It?s the secret ?Pandaren relaxation area,?

referencing Blizzard?s April Fool?s joke about a Panda race in the game.

You?ll also see a brief image of a pair of pandas.


The rest of the mission is straightforward.  Just create a bunch of ghouls

and meat wagons, and follow the path until you meet and kill the final two

paladins: Sage Truthbearer (level 5) and Uther the Lightbringer (level 10).

Sage has gloves of haste (15% increased attack speed) and Uther has the urn.


However, before picking up the urn (and ending the mission), explore the rest

of the map.  In a crate you?ll find a scroll of protection, and on a sheep

(in a fenced area) you?ll find a goblin night scope.


* --------------------------------- *

* Chapter 3: Into the Realm Eternal *

* --------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Destroy the base guarding the elfgate.




Finish off the elven base you started attacking during the cut scene, and

then replace it with your own base.  You don?t have to worry about moving

quickly here -- your base is completely surrounded by trees, and so the

remaining elven bases on the map can?t attack you yet.  So build what you

need, do some researching, and create a reasonable strike force.  (Arthas

plus eleven ghouls and necromancers in one army, backed up by a few meat

wagons in a second army, should be enough.)


When you?re ready to go on the attack, head east.  There are three paths

leading away from your base, but by heading east you can make sure that your

army is always between the elves and your base, and so you shouldn?t have to

worry about being attacked.  Still, upgrade your ziggurats to spirit towers.

It?s not like there?s much else to spend your resources on in this mission.


Note: Through some trees north of the path you can find three gnolls with a

potion of healing.


Once you destroy the trees blocking the path, you?ll find a small elven base

to the east.  It?ll only be defended by a few elves, so your forces should be

able to overrun it easily.  The only thing of interest about the base is that

it contains a gold mine, so this is where you should expand if you run out of

gold in your base and decide you need more.  (You probably won?t need more.)


Then head south across the bridge.  The next elven base will be larger, with

more units defending it plus a couple of defensive towers, but once again you

shouldn?t have much trouble taking it.  Just be sure to take manual control

of your meat wagons, and make sure they destroy towers and units first,

rather than getting sidetracked by unimportant buildings (like the farms).

Then re-supply your army to replace any units you lost in the battle.


At this point you can make a couple of side trips.  The bridge leading to the

third elven base lies to the south, but before crossing you can knock down

some more trees to expose another path to your base (to make re-supplying

your army quicker) and a fountain of health (to heal your troops).


The third elven base is much like the second, and it should go down about as

quickly.  Once it?s gone, take the time to re-supply your army again, and

then head east to the fourth elven base.


Note: North of the third elven base, once again past some trees, is a group

of gnoll wardens.  If you kill the wardens and destroy their buildings,

you?ll find a ring of protection +2 and a scroll of the beast.


The next elven base is another mini-base, but once you destroy it that?ll be

the end of the teal elves.  Now you just need to continue east to attack the

blue elven base, the base you need to destroy to complete the mission.


Not surprisingly, the blue elven base will be the most difficult to take.

It?ll have defensive towers plus lots of troops plus (probably) a level 4 elf

hero named Sylvanas Windrunner.  But just plug away, and make sure your

necromancers are set to raise skeletons automatically, and you should be able

to take the base in one charge.  Once you destroy enough of the base?s

buildings, the mission will end.


* --------------------------------- *

* Chapter 4: Key of the Three Moons *

* --------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Collect the three mooncrystals.

   2. Bring Arthas to the elfgate.




Group together all of your offensive units (including the crypt fiends), and

send them south.  They?ll encounter some dragon hawks, but the crypt fiends

will be able to knock them down with their web ability, making the hawks easy

to kill.  Then destroy the elven buildings and set up your base.


Note: You?ll be attacked by air quite a bit during this mission, so place

lots of spirit towers around the northern part of your base.


When you travel east of your base you?ll find a goblin laboratory, and you?ll

receive a pair of goblin zeppelins.  Your base is on an island, so you?ll

need to use the zeppelins to get to the elven bases.  However, don?t rush off

to attack yet.  Wait until your attack force is stronger and your base is a

little more secure.


When you?re ready to move on (with enough units to fill the two zeppelins),

cross the river to the east and attack the elven base there.  It?ll have some

towers and units defending it, but it shouldn?t be too difficult to take.

Just have your necromancers raise skeletons automatically, and have your meat

wagons focus on defensive towers.


On the eastern side of the base you?ll find an altar of kings on a platform.

When you destroy the altar you?ll receive one of the mooncrystals.  Be sure

to pick it up and put it in Arthas? inventory.  On the northern side of the

base you?ll find a way gate.  Once you?ve destroyed the elven base and

replaced any units you lost in the battle, send your army through the gate

(by ordering them to walk to it).


Through the gate you?ll find an elven mini-base plus two more way gates.

Send your army through the western (blue) way gate to reach another elven

base.  This one will be much like the first base, but it?ll be better

defended with more units guarding it, including the hero Sylvanas Windrunner.

No matter.  The more units there are, the more skeletons you?ll raise, and so

you should be able to take the base in one attack.  However, if you have

trouble, just retreat through the way gate, regroup, and then attack again.


The base will also have an altar of kings on the western side.  When you

destroy the altar you?ll receive a second mooncrystal.  You?ll have to empty

yet another inventory slot on Arthas to pick it up, but once the crystal is

in your possession it?ll combine with the first crystal, giving back the

inventory slot.  Now go back through the way gate and take the (red) way gate

you skipped before.


You?ll find -- surprise, surprise -- yet another elven base.  So destroy the

base and claim the last mooncrystal.  That will complete the first quest and

give you the second: to bring Arthas to the elfgate in the northeastern

corner of the map.  There isn?t a way gate to that part of the map, so load

your army into your zeppelins and send them over.


The elfgate will be guarded by a handful of units and towers, but you don?t

have to fight them if you don?t want to.  Just run Arthas to the circle of

power next to the gate to complete the mission.


* --------------------------------- *

* Chapter 5: The Fall of Silvermoon *

* --------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Defeat the Sunwell?s guardians.


Optional Quests:


   1. Defeat Sylvanas? base.

   2. Kill Sylvanas? runners.




Group together your offensive units and send them to the northern edge of

your base.  Shortly you?ll be attacked by Sylvanas Windrunner from that

direction, but your forces plus the spirit tower there should be enough to

beat her back.  Once she?s gone, send your units north and then east to

defeat some rock golems and pick up a ring of regeneration.


Somewhere around here you?ll receive your optional quests to defeat Sylvanas?

base and to prevent her runners from warning Silvermoon of your presence.

You?ll also receive four gargoyles to help you out.  They can kill the

runners while you create a strike force large enough to deal with the base.


Note: The runners won?t always take the same path.  There are three paths the

runners can take, but there aren?t any hostile elven forces between Sylvanas?

base and Silvermoon, so your gargoyles should be able to catch the runners

regardless.  Just keep them around the center path (east of where they start)

so they?ll have an easier time intercepting the runners.


Once you have enough units, send them west along the northern edge of the

map.  They?ll eventually cross a bridge and encounter Sylvanas? base.  Just

hack away until you?ve destroyed enough buildings to complete the quest.

When you do, three things will happen: you?ll receive a hood of cunning (+4

intelligence, +4 agility), Arthas will turn Sylvanas into a banshee, and

you?ll gain the ability to create banshees.


Note: It doesn?t matter if Sylvanas lives or dies at this point.


With Sylvanas no longer a threat, you can take your time, do some researching

and create a larger strike force.  Assuming you killed all of the runners,

Silvermoon won?t know you?re on the map, and so you won?t come under attack.


Then head south from your base.  When you get to the bridge, you can head

east and kill some gnolls to pick up a scroll of the beast, and then head

south across a different bridge to visit a fountain of health.  Or you can

just skip that and head straight for Silvermoon.


Silvermoon will be reasonably well defended.  It?ll have a hero plus

defensive towers plus lots of units.  If you want, you can send some

sacrificial units at the base (like some skeletons) because once you attack

Silvermoon, it?ll attack you back.  That way, you can convince the hero and

several units to attack your base, where you?ll have an easier time with

spirit towers on your side.


You don?t actually have to attack much of Silvermoon.  Once you win the

initial battle, you can go straight for the Sunwell.  The guardians mentioned

in the quest description are four level 9 granite golems and not the

Silvermoon elves.  The golems can be nasty, so try to draw them to you one at

a time.  Or, if you?ve created a huge army by this time, just charge in and

kill them.  The golems are tough, but they?re not that tough.  Once the

golems are down, send Arthas to the Sunwell to complete the mission.


Note: You can use your non-Sylvanas banshees to possess elven peasants and

then create elven units and buildings.


* ---------------------------------- *

* Chapter 6: Blackrock and Roll, Too *

* ---------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Destroy the orc base guarding the demon gate.


Optional Quest:


   1. Defeat the orc heroes.




Immediately organize your forces and send them to the eastern side of your

base, and upgrade all of your ziggurats to spirit towers.  Shortly after you

receive your first frost wyrm, you?ll be attacked from the east by an orc

hero plus a few other units, and if you?re not careful they can knock down a

spirit tower or wander over to your acolytes.


Once the orcs are dead, pick up the manual of health (+50 hit points) the

hero drops, and then start building your base like normal.  You?ll receive

the optional quest of defeating the other five orc heroes on the map, and you

should definitely complete the quest, just for the loot you?ll receive if

nothing else.  You can also send your shade out to explore.  Just hold down

the shift key and right click various locations on the minimap so the shade

explores everywhere without you having to watch it.


Once you have a large enough strike force (consisting mostly of your heroes,

fiends, and meat wagons), pick an orc base and attack it.  The orc bases,

other than the red one, are small and relatively easy to take.  Here?s what

the heroes for each base will drop:


   1. Genjuros (brown): tome of strength

   2. Jubei?Thos (red): tome of knowledge

   3. Khanzo (blue): tome of agility

   4. Mazrigos (light blue): tome of intelligence

   5. Throk?Feroth (orange): tome of intelligence


There are also a couple dragon roosts north of your base.  At the eastern one

you can pick up a periapt of vitality (+100 hit points), and at the western

one claws of attack +9.  Just be careful because crypt fiends can?t web or

attack red dragons, so the roosts are good places to use your gargoyles and

frost wyrm.  You can also find a group of ice trolls in the northwestern

corner of the map guarding a goblin merchant.  One of the trolls will drop a

ring of protection +3.


The red orc base (which you should attack last) will have a few red dragons

guarding it, so make sure your attack force has some gargoyles and / or frost

wyrms in it.  Also, pay attention during the fighting, so you can pick up the

tome of knowledge (+1 intelligence, +1 strength, +1 agility) the hero drops

before the base is destroyed.  Once you?ve destroyed all the red buildings,

the mission will end.


* ------------------------------- *

* Chapter 7: The Siege of Dalaran *

* ------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Slay the three archmagi.




There are a few things it?s useful to know before you start playing:


   1. The aura won?t kill undead units outright.  It?ll just slowly drain

      away their hit points.


   2. The aura will affect all of the undead faction?s units, even the ones

      that aren?t undead (like crypt fiends), but it won?t affect any other



   3. Each of the three archmagi controls a section of the aura.  Once you

      kill an archmage, his portion of the aura will disappear.


So start setting up your base like normal.  You?ll only face attacks from the

north (through Dalaran?s entrance), so you only need to put spirit towers on

that side of your base.  Since it?s best to make quick strikes in this

mission, it?s also best to sit back and defend while you research everything

you can.  Then your units will be more powerful and will kill things more

quickly, and they won?t be affected by the auras for as long.


Note: If you?re feeling particularly patient, you can just sit back in your

base, wait for enemies to attack, and then possess them with banshees.  It?s

slow and boring, but the possessed units won?t be affected by the auras.  You

can also possess peasant units inside the base and do the same sort of thing

more quickly.


Otherwise, while you?re researching, send Arthas and Kel?Thuzad north into

Dalaran.  They can defeat the first archmage and his defenders all by

themselves (in fact, Arthas can probably defeat them without Kel?Thuzad?s

help).  Then let the pair explore a little.  To the west they?re find a small

base that they probably can?t take, but to the east they?ll find a level 1

hero who will leave behind a mantle of intelligence +3 when he dies.


Note: West of your initial base you can find a solitary enemy wizard.  If you

kill the wizard and destroy his hut, you?ll receive a health stone and an

anti-magic potion.


Once you have something of a strike force (your initial units are probably

enough), attack the base west of the first archmage.  Once you destroy the

base, put a base of your own in its place.  Then you can use the new base as

a rallying point for your troops, and you can also mine gold there.


Note: North of the (eastern) entrance to the base, you can find a pair of

cages containing level 6 rock golems.


The second archmage is directly north of your new base, on a small ?island.?

To get your melee units to him you have to walk them a fair distance and

attack him from the north, so instead you should either attack him from the

air or use the ranged attacks of your units.  In fact, the easiest way to

kill him is to use Arthas? death coil spell.  Just move Arthas so he?s

directly west of the archmage, and then cast death coil three times to kill



Once you kill the archmage, go ahead and walk your units to the place where

he was.  Along the way you?ll find a fountain of health, boots of elvenkind

+6, and a cage with a level 5 ogre magi in it.  Remember that caged creatures

count against your upkeep, so if you don?t want to use them, don?t free them.


The next elven base is east of the fountain of health.  If you haven?t

created a sizable strike force yet (with a dozen units plus meat wagons), go

ahead and do that now.  Then just head east and demolish the base, but be

careful of the level 5 hero inside, since he can cast blizzard on you.  Also

in the area you can destroy a special magic vault containing a tome of

intelligence, a pipe of insight (increased mana regeneration), and a pendant

of mana (+300 mana).


North of the base you?ll find a few human units guarding another pair of

cages.  When you kill the units and destroy the cages, you?ll receive a pair

of blue drakes plus some spiders.


Past the cages you?ll find two more groups of enemy units.  The final

archmage is in the second group.  So take your strike force and have them

attack.  It doesn?t matter if most of them die at this point.  Just let your

force distract and kill the enemy units while you use Arthas (and death coil)

to kill the last archmage.  Once he?s history, the mission will end.


* -------------------------------- *

* Chapter 8: Under the Burning Sky *

* -------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Protect Kel?Thuzad for 30 minutes.


Optional Quest:


   1. Acquire the goblin land mines.




This mission is reasonably straightforward.  You don?t need to explore

anywhere; you just need to stay at home and build a good defense while

simultaneously researching and beating back enemy attacks.  Plus, every so

often the Burning Legion will send you some units (with no upkeep cost), so

you don?t even have to go out of your way to build a defense force.


On the downside, there are three enemy bases on the map, but they?ll always

attack in the same three places: north of your base, north of the summoning

platform, and east of the summoning platform.  So the best plan is to build

lots of spirit towers in those places (you conveniently start with three free

acolytes), and also to keep your main fighting force right next to Kel?Thuzad

on the platform.  Then your main fighting force can defend the platform while

a secondary force (with leftover felhounds or whatnot) protects the base.


Note: If you really want to explore, you can find a level 8 hero named Manath

Magesinger in the center of the map.  If you kill him and destroy his hut,

you?ll receive a tome of strength +2 and a ring of protection +5.


After about ten minutes, the enemy bases will start sending siege weapons in

their attacks, and that?s when you have to be careful.  The siege weapons can

destroy your spirit towers quickly, and your units will attack enemy units in

the order they?re a threat to them (rather than your buildings), meaning

they?ll usually attack the siege weapons last.  So manually control your

units and have them go after the siege weapons first.


After 20 minutes you?ll receive four infernals from the Burning Legion.

That?s the last group of free units you?ll receive.  This is also a good time

to start increasing your upkeep (if you?ve been holding it down before).


With about 90 seconds to go, all three enemy bases will send major forces

towards Kel?Thuzad.  But they won?t attack him directly.  They?ll get

sidetracked by any unit or spirit tower that gets in their way, so as long as

you have a reasonable defense force and a bunch of spirit towers, you should

be able to hold them off until the timer runs out and the mission (and

campaign) ends.




* Orc Campaign: The Invasion of Kalimdor                                    *



* ------------------- *

* Chapter 1: Landfall *

* ------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Rally the Horde.

   2. Protect Cairne Bloodhoof.




There isn?t a time limit for this mission, so take your time and let your

units rest in between battles.  Also, proceed slowly, and try to let Thrall

start each battle with chain lightning.  Unlike Arthas, Thrall can?t heal

your units, and so there isn?t anything else useful for him to spend his mana



Basically, all you have to do in the mission is walk around, kill some

creeps, and destroy crates to find treasures inside.  Here are some of the

useful items you can find:


   1. A potion of mana (at your starting position).

   2. A ring of protection +1 (guarded by a pair of dragon whelps south of a

      wrecked ship).

   3. A scroll of protection (in the burning native village).

   4. Healing wards (at a murloc base).

   5. Healing wards (at a razormane camp).

   6. A potion of mana (at a razormane base).

   7. A lion?s ring (+1 agility) (south of some wrecked ships, where you find

      the second group of reinforcements).

   8. A scroll of the beast (carried by some harpies).

   9. A potion of mana (carried by a pair of thunder lizards).

  10. A wand of lightning shield (at a razormane camp past the fountain of


  11. A manual of health (at a murloc base past the fountain of health).

  12. A periapt of vitality and a potion of healing (at the major murloc

      base in the southeastern corner of the map).


You can also find some reinforcements:


   1. Two troll headhunters (at a razormane base).

   2. A grunt and two troll headhunters (east of the razormanes).

   3. A grunt and two troll headhunters (where you meet Cairne).


You?ll also occasionally find taurens fighting centaurs, but there isn?t

anything you can do to rescue them.


Eventually you?ll run into Cairne Bloodhoof, an allied level 3 hero.  He?ll

ask for your help and then head for his base to the north.  Don?t follow him.

Instead head to the southeastern corner of the map and kill all the murlocs

there.  You?ll find a couple useful treasures (see above).


When you get to Cairne?s base, the centaurs will attack, and you?ll have to

make sure Cairne doesn?t get killed.  The centaurs will come in four waves,

and the last wave will contain a level 5 champion.  But the taurens are

pretty tough, and you should be able to defeat the centaurs even without

their help.  Once you?ve destroyed the last wave, the mission will end.


* ------------------------- *

* Chapter 2: The Long March *

* ------------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Lead the caravan to the three oases.

   2. Keep at least two Kodo Beasts alive.




This is another fixed-force mission, but, unlike the last one, time is

important.  Every so often groups of centaurs will appear on the map, and

they?ll attack the caravan, one from the front and one from behind.  The

taurens can defeat the ones from behind, but you?ll have to deal with the

ones in the front.


What this means is you won?t be able to rest and heal between battles.  The

centaurs will attack often enough so you?ll always lose ground.  However,

each ?oasis? on the map is really a fountain of health, and you can heal all

of your forces there.


So put your units into a single group and send them west.  The taurens will

follow behind you.  There is a main path to follow, plus some optional areas

where you can defeat creeps and gain treasures.  Almost all of the optional

areas are a waste of time, except for these three:


   1. The lightning lizards (past the first oasis) have claws of attack +3.

   2. The harpy queen (just before the second oasis) has a totem of might.

   3. The centaur khan (north of the second oasis) has a pendant of energy

      and a tome of agility.


As long as you make good use of the fountains, any healing wards left over

from the last mission, and scrolls of healing from the goblin merchant on

this map, you should be ok.  Just remember to try and heal the tauren units

when you heal your own units.


When you receive three raiders, realize that their ensnare ability isn?t

automatic like the crypt fiend?s web ability.  However, you can select all of

the raiders at once, and when you manually select the ensnare ability, only

one raider will use it (so you don?t have to try and select them one at a

time).  When you reach the harpies, you might want to slow the game down so

they?re easier to target.


When you receive the three catapults, the mission is almost over.  You?ll

have to fight a few more centaurs, but mostly all you?ll find between you and

the last oasis are several watch towers.  So scout with Thrall and use the

range of the catapults to destroy the towers, and bring in the rest of your

units whenever centaur units rush to attack.  Once Cairne and the Kodo Beasts

reach the last oasis, the mission will end.


* ----------------------------- *

* Chapter 3: Cry of the Warsong *

* ----------------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Establish a base.

   2. Secure zeppelins.


Optional Quest:


   1. Destroy the human bases.




Immediately select all of your offensive units, and then send them east to

the human base.  Grom Hellscream?s forces don?t actually need any help, so

concentrate on removing buildings, starting with the town hall.  As soon as

you destroy the hall, have a peon build a great hall in its place.  That way

you can get your base going more quickly, while your forces and Grom?s forces

finish off the rest of the human base.


Once Grom departs for his base, get to work building your base.  Orc bases

are about the same as human bases, so you shouldn?t have any problems

figuring out what to do.  The only real decision is where to put your watch

towers.  As you?ll soon discover, there are four human bases on the map, but

they all have to pass through a ravine to get to your base.  So if you put

your towers north of your base in the ravine (near where a couple razormane

scouts are waiting), you can meet all attacks in one place and simultaneously

prevent Grom?s base from ever coming under attack.  Otherwise just put your

towers on the northern edge of your base.


After a few minutes, Grom will take a few units and attack one of the human

bases.  He?ll just get himself killed, and it won?t make much of a difference

if you try to help out, so keep all of your units at your base.  Once Grom?s

force is dead, the humans will send a force to attack you, so be ready for

them.  Grom will ?discover? all four of the human bases this way, with each

encounter going the same way.


Once Grom has attacked all four human bases, he?ll keep attacking in the same

way, but now he?ll just pick a random base to attack.  However, the humans

will change how they retaliate.  Instead of just one base retaliating, it?s

possible all four bases will retaliate at the same time, and so you?ll have

to have solid defenses by that point.  Several watch towers plus a standing

army should do the trick.


Eventually, once you?re happy with your defenses (or even before then), you

can help Grom out in his attacks.  Grom?s units will primarily attack enemy

units and leave the enemy buildings alone, so you can send in 3-4 catapults

behind Grom to attack the enemy buildings.  Then, once enough of Grom?s army

has been killed, pull back the catapults.  After a couple attacks, enough of

the buildings should have been destroyed that you can mop up with your army.


Note: Be careful with your catapults.  If you accidentally kill one of Grom?s

units with their splash damage, Grom might decide to attack your base.


Once you?ve destroyed a base, the mission is essentially over.  The enemy

attacks won?t get any more difficult, and you?ll have a new gold mine that

you can exploit.  So go ahead and destroy the other three bases to complete

the optional quest (although you won?t get any sort of reward) and then

concentrate on the creeps blocking the goblin laboratory.


Note: There are also some optional creeps you can kill.  Along the way to the

green human base you can kill some owlbears for claws of attack +9, and some

centaurs north of the light blue human base have a tome of intelligence.


The path to the goblin laboratory starts at the western end of the blue human

base.  As you make your way along the path, you?ll have to fight a bunch of

centaurs, but you?ll receive gauntlets of ogre strength +3 as a reward.  At

the laboratory itself you?ll find several harpies, so make sure you have some

raiders with you.  Then just ensnare and beat up the harpies to clear the

area.  Once that?s done, pick up the circlet of nobility (+2 strength, +2

agility, +2 intelligence), buy the two zeppelins at the laboratory, and then

send them to your base to complete the mission.


* ----------------------------------- *

* Chapter 4: The Spirits of Ashenvale *

* ----------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Amass 15,000 lumber.


Optional Quests:


   1. Slay the furbolg chieftain.

   2. Destroy trees of life.




15,000 lumber sounds like a lot, but it isn?t.  There are five trees of life

on the map, and each time you destroy one you?ll receive 3000 lumber.  So

build your base like normal, and don?t skimp on defenses or research.


Also notice the balls of light (wisps) in the trees.  That?s how night elves

harvest lumber, so take your offensive units and have them kill all the

wisps.  You?ll find more wisps like that as you explore the rest of the map.


Shortly into the mission your peons will chop down enough trees so that you

can leave the area around your base.  At the same time some night elves will

attack, so be sure to have your army on the northwestern side of your base.

Grom?s best spell is mirror image, so cast that right away when the battle



A second attack will arrive shortly after the first, but it will consist of a

pair of hippogryph riders.  The attack will come form the north, so make sure

your peons are harvesting wood on the southern side of your base, and then

use your raiders to ensnare the riders when they arrive.


Note: Hippogryph rider attacks will arrive from the north all mission long.

So make sure you have watch towers in place to protect your base and peons.


At this point, if you haven?t noticed yet, realize that you don?t have a gold

mine.  So take an army northwest of your base.  You?ll find a mine a short

distance away, and it?ll only be guarded by a pair of night elves.  Kill the

elves and then build a great hall next to the mine.  You have more than

enough peons harvesting wood, so once the hall is finished, convert some of

them to mining gold.


East of the gold mine you?ll find a goblin named Neeloc Greedyfingers.  He?ll

give you the optional quest of killing the furbolg chieftain.  But don?t run

off to kill the chieftain right away.  Keep your army next to the gold mine

until you have some defenses up.


Once you have some watch towers up, and once you have a decent attack force

backed up by some catapults, clear out the southern side of the map.  South

of the gold mine you?ll find a lightly guarded tree of life, and west of that

some trolls guarding another gold mine.  Defeating the trolls and destroying

their buildings will also net you a potion of greater healing plus a crystal

ball.  Also in the area you?ll find boots of speed inside a fairy ring (but

watch out -- entering the ring will cause some fairies to appear).


At about this time your first gold mine will likely run dry, so move your

peons to the one you just found.  It might also be a good time to move some

of your tree harvesting peons to the area, since the remaining trees are

probably far away from your war mills and great halls by now.


In the southwestern corner of the map you?ll find the blue elf base.

Destroying it means that all attacks will come from the north, and the

cleared area will also give you another gold mine (although you probably

won?t need it).  The furbolg chieftain is north of the base, so once you?ve

destroyed it, re-supply your army and then kill him.  He?ll drop a health

stone, and then once you return to Greedyfingers you?ll also receive a pair

of goblin shredders.  The shredders gather lumber in a hurry, so if you want

to explore the entire map before completing the mission, just hide them away

somewhere and save them for later.


The teal elf base is in the northwestern corner.  It is defended about as

well as the blue base, so a standard attack force backed up by catapults

should be able to take it relatively easily.  South of the base you can find

another fairy ring, this one with a potion of restoration.  A third fairy

ring is located northwest of your first gold mine.  It contains a tome of



The light blue (and last) elf base is in the northeastern corner.  It?s about

the same as the others, so, with all the practice you?ve had, it should be

easy to take down.  The last tree of life is south of the light blue base,

but destroying it (and completing the optional quest) won?t net you anything.


With the elf bases gone, you just need to harvest whatever lumber necessary

(if any) to complete the main quest, and then the mission will end.


* -------------------------------- *

* Chapter 5: The Hunter of Shadows *

* -------------------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Find the Chaos Well.

   2. Kill Cenarius.




The good news is that you start out with four bases plus the 15,000 lumber

from the previous mission.  The bad news is that the night elves will take

back the three bases west of the river in the first few minutes of the

mission, and then they?ll attack your remaining base.


So immediately grab all the peons west of the river and send them to your

main base.  If you grab them early enough, all three should survive.  Then

get those peons constructing watch towers while you train three more peons to

mine from the gold mine near your great hall.


There are two entrances to your base -- one to the north and one to the south

-- so put most of the watch towers in those two places (using the existing

ridges when possible), but also put some along the western edge next to the

river.  The latter towers will deal with any hippogryph riders or chimeras

that the enemy sends at you.


The initial attack on your main base will probably go badly for you, but if

you were able to put up some watch towers and do some researching, then you

should still have Grom plus a few other units still alive.  So sit around and

defend for a while until you can build up a new attack force and also put up

some more watch towers.  You?ll have a few minutes before any more attacks



Also, after defeating the initial attack, you?ll finally see one of your main

quests for the mission, to find the Chaos Well.  Without visiting the Chaos

Well, you can?t defeat Cenarius, so don?t try attacking the three enemy bases

to the west until you complete the quest (Cenarius will just show up and kill



Once you have a reasonable attack force, send it north of your base (on your

side of the river).  You?ll find some wolves to kill, and past that some

trees you?ll have to knock down.  So once the wolves are dead bring a

catapult to the area and knock down the trees.


Moving past the trees will take your army far away from your base, so before

going any farther, make sure your defenses are pretty good (with towers and

catapults, plus maybe some other units around).  You don?t really need any

catapults with your main army, so leave all your catapults home.


North of the trees you?ll find a bunch of furbolgs.  Defeating them will net

you claws of attack +9 plus an anti-magic potion.  Be sure to use your witch

doctors? healing wards to keep your army alive.  Past the furbolgs you?ll

find some satyrs guarding a way gate.  Defeating the satyrs will also give

you a periapt of health (+300 hit points).


Through the way gate you?ll find some more satyrs (with a potion of greater

healing), and then, through an archway, a satyr pyromancer with four burning

archers.  The pyromancer will drop an orb of fire.


Keep following the path.  You?ll run into some wimpy undead units, a fountain

of healing, and then, through a second archway, the satyrs guarding the Chaos

Well.  When you defeat the satyrs, you?ll find a ring of protection +3, but,

more importantly, all of your orc units will turn into chaos orc units, which

are more powerful.


So bring your army back to your base, create some more units, and then storm

one of the elven bases on the western side of the river.  Your new and

improved units should make short work of the elves.  Once you?ve destroyed

enough of the base, Cenarius and a few of his friends will attack you, but

again you shouldn?t have too much of a problem.  Once Cenarius falls, the

mission will end.


* ----------------------------- *

* Chapter 6: Where Wyverns Dare *

* ----------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Destroy the human base guarding Stonetalon Peak.


Optional Quests:


   1. Find the wyverns.

   2. Restore the defiled fountain.




The (blue) base you need to destroy is accessible only by air.  That means

you?ll either need wyverns or zeppelins to attack it, and that its attacks

against you will include flying units and zeppelins of its own.  So you need

your base to be well defended, so if enemy zeppelins drop units into your

base, you?ll be able to destroy them regardless of where they land.  In other

words, put several watch towers on the northern edge of your base, plus a few

in the interior.  You should concentrate on the area near your great hall and

on the southern edge of the north-south ravine in the middle of the map.


Once the cut scene ends, group together your offensive units and send them

west.  You?ll find several lightning lizards guarding a defiled fountain.

When you kill the lizards and bring Thrall close to the fountain, you?ll get

the optional quest to restore the fountain (to a fountain of health).


But don?t rush off and do anything.  Sit around and defend for a while, and

once you think you have a reasonable attack force plus good defenses at your

base (including some catapults to back up the watch towers), send your force

north into the ravine.  As soon as the ravine branches (almost right away)

send your force west.  You should get a cut scene about the wyverns.


Follow the path all the way to the end.  Along the way you?ll have to fight a

bunch of creeps (holding a periapt of vitality and a health stone), so stop

as you need to and use a healing ward to heal your troops.  Then continue on.

Eventually you?ll run into three groups of harpies, so it?s a good idea to

have some raiders along.  Chain lightning doesn?t hurt either.  Once you kill

the last set of harpies, you?ll receive six wyverns as reinforcements, and

you?ll also find a pendant of mana.


Send your units back to your base, and then heal and re-supply them.  Once

they?re ready to go, send them north into the ravine again, but this time

keep going north.  You?ll find several centaurs guarding a gold mine plus a

goblin laboratory (where you can buy more zeppelins if you want), and past

that, taking the eastern branch of the ravine, you?ll run into the centaur

khan and his cohorts.  With Thrall and Cairne plus assorted other units, the

battle shouldn?t be too bad.  Once the khan dies, he?ll drop a glyph of

purification.  Just take the glyph back to the defiled fountain to turn it

into a fountain of health.


After re-supplying your army again, send it back into the ravine, but this

time have it take the western branch that leads to the light blue human base.

After the base is destroyed, leave your units where they are, and create more

units until your upkeep closes in on 90.  Then purchase some zeppelins, and

attack the blue base from the west.  With your wyverns leading the way (to

kill the enemy gryphons), land your units on the western side of the base,

and then let them pound away.  With taurens, catapults, and more, the base

shouldn?t last very long, and once you?ve destroyed enough of its buildings,

the mission will end.


* --------------------- *

* Chapter 7: The Oracle *

* --------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Seek out the Oracle.

   2. Return Aszune?s heart to her.

   3. Take the enchanted gemstone to the spectral bridge.




You start out with Thrall and some orcs and trolls.  Later you?ll switch to

Cairne and some taurens.  The important thing to realize is that the two

groups will eventually meet up, and Cairne will be able to explore the area

where Thrall starts.  That?s important because Thrall probably has the best

equipment at this point, and he?ll likely find equipment not good enough for

him but good enough for Cairne during his explorations.  So when you find

good equipment, try to remember where it is on the map so Cairne can pick it

up later.


The first part of the map isn?t complicated.  Just group all of your units

together, kill some creeps, and destroy some crates.  Then, when your units

get hurt, either let them rest for a while, or use a healing ward from your

witch doctor.  With chain lightning plus his spirit wolves, Thrall can handle

all of the encounters on his own, so don?t worry if you get some units



Eventually you?ll pass a death revenant (who will drop an orb of fire) and

arrive at the skeleton lord?s throne.  Near the throne are three doors.  The

northern door requires a key that is located through the southern door.  Just

pick up the key and bring it to the northern door to open it.  Then through

the door you can find a crown of kings (+5 strength, +5 agility, +5

intelligence), plus some scrolls and potions.  Through the eastern door lies

a way gate.


Once you go through the gate you?ll find yourself next to two doors, one to

the north and one to the south.  Go through the southern door first, and

you?ll find a light barrier to the east and a locked door to the south.

You?ll also hear from a spirit named Aszune.  When you return her heart to

her, she?ll remove the light barrier to the east.  (It?s a quest, but it

won?t show up on your quest log yet.)  The locked door the south is the

avenue Cairne will use to meet back up with Thrall, and it won?t open until

you get to Cairne?s part of the mission.


So head back to the room with the way gate in it, but this time go through

the door to the north.  Eventually you?ll come to some harpies fighting a

dragon.  Let the harpies finish off the dragon, and then kill the harpies.

The dragon will drop Aszune?s heart, so just pick it up and return it to the

light barrier (you can use the way gate north of the battle for a quicker

trip).  Aszune will be happy and remove the barrier for you.  Then you?ll

discover you need a gemstone to create a spectral bridge, and you?ll come

under control of Cairne.


Note: If you?ve explored Thrall?s part of the map carefully, you?ll have

found the following items (plus some scrolls and potions): a mantle of

intelligence +3, a ring of regeneration, a tome of intelligence, a tome of

agility, an orb of fire, a crown of kings, and a sobi mask.


There are three things of interest in Cairne?s part of the map:


   1. The ?hungry hungry lizard.?  Don?t kill it.  The lizard will eat so

      many mushrooms that it?ll eventually explode, but in the process it?ll

      clear the way to the Lion Horn of Stormwind, an item which grants

      nearby units a boost to their armor.


   2. The gemstone.  It?ll be guarded by a whole host of quillboars and

      razormanes, so you can?t just rush in and grab it.  Instead, explore to

      the north of the gemstone, and you?ll find two circles of power.  The

      one on the right will activate the trap where the quillboars and

      razormanes are, killing them all.  The one on the left will open the

      door that leads to the gemstone.


   3. The ghost key.  One of the statues on the eastern end of the area will

      have the key.  It?ll open the door to Thrall?s part of the map.


If you?ve explored carefully, then you should also have found a tome of

strength, claws of attack +12, and a belt of giant strength +6.


Once you?ve reunited Cairne with Thrall, send Cairne through Thrall?s part of

the map to pick up useful items (if necessary).  Then send your units across

the spectral bridge to complete the mission.


Note: There isn?t any way to get to the northwestern part of the map, and

there isn?t anything there anyway.


* ------------------------------ *

* Chapter 8: By Demons Be Driven *

* ------------------------------ *


Main Quest:


   1. Capture Grom and bring him to Jaina?s ritual circle.




Note that Thrall starts the mission by dropping one of his inventory objects

so he can pick up the soul gem.  So check his inventory and make sure he has

his best five objects with him before proceeding.


Two things will happen with regularity during this mission:


   1. Infernals will rain down from the sky and land at random locations on

      the map, including the middle of your base.


   2. The enemy orc bases will send attacks your way, and they?ll have chaos

      units at their disposal.


That means you have to have good defenses at your base.  Upgraded chaos

grunts can mow down watch towers quickly, so you can?t rely on them alone.

Upgraded barricades help, but you really need to have watch towers plus

catapults plus wyverns patrolling your base for an effective defense.


Once your defenses are good enough to deal with infernals, start sending out

your army in between chaos orc attacks.  Near your base you can find a gold

mine to the northeast and a goblin laboratory to the east.  When you get to

the laboratory, buy a shredder there and retire all of the peons you have

harvesting trees.  One shredder is faster than four peons, and the upkeep

cost is the same.


Farther away from your base, but still on the southern side of the map, you

can find another gold mine (far to the east) and two fountains of health (one

to the northeast and one to the north).  If you destroy the buildings around

the northeastern fountain you?ll discover a mask of death, which gives heroes

a vampiric attack.  At the northern fountain, you can find a hood of cunning

(+4 agility, +4 intelligence) when you defeat the centaurs there.


Keep creating units and researching, and once you have an impressive strike

force backed up by catapults, head for the enemy orc base in the northwestern

corner of the map.  The orc buildings have barricades, so try to use your

catapults to destroy buildings, while the rest of your army chases down enemy



Note: East of the orc base you can kill some lightning lizards to get a

medallion of courage (+4 strength, +4 intelligence).  Southeast of the base

you can find some cages with troll headhunters inside.


Once the orc base is destroyed, head east.  You should shortly find the

entrance to where Grom is being held (the ground turns red).  Three groups of

units will block your way to Grom.  The first two consist of doom guards and

chaos units, and the third has a pair of doom guards plus Grom himself.  Just

plow through them, and when you get to Grom, wait for the cut scene to finish

and then use the soul gem on him (by selecting the gem in Thrall?s inventory

and then targeting Grom).  That will capture Grom?s soul in the gem.  Then

just walk Thrall to the circle of power south of Jaina?s base to complete the

mission (and the campaign).




* Night Elf Campaign: Eternity?s End                                        *



* ------------------------------ *

* Chapter 1: Enemies at the Gate *

* ------------------------------ *


Main Quests:


   1. Establish a base.

   2. Kill the paladin.


Optional Quest:


   1. Find 10 missing furbolgs.




Well, it?s back to square one.  Building a night elf base is different than

building a base for the other races, so follow the instructions in the

mission.  When it comes time to build moon wells, put them near the front

(southwestern side) of your base.  Moon wells heal units as well as provide

food, so you don?t want to bury them in out-of-the way places.  Also be sure

to right click the ?replenish? option for the moon wells, so they

automatically heal troops.


Once you have some moon wells and a tree of war, there isn?t much for you to

do at your base other than crank out a whole bunch of archers, so do just

that.  Meanwhile, once you have a few units around, put them in a group and

have them explore the map.


South of your base you?ll find an encampment of furbolgs.  Don?t attack them.

Remember that you?re playing a druid now, and animal creeps are your friends.

The furbolgs will ask you to find 10 missing furbolgs, which are scattered

around the map.  If you went exploring before meeting the furbolgs, you might

have to retrace your steps.  The missing furbolgs will only appear after you

get the quest to find them.


Here is where you can find the furbolgs (there are 13 total):


   1. Two are located northwest of your base, along the northern edge of the


   2. Two are located southwest of the furbolg base, across the river.  There

      is also a crate there you can break open for a ring of protection +1.

   3. Three are located north of the human lumber camp.  They?re being held

      by some orc raiders.

   4. Two are located in the northwestern corner of the map.

   5. Two are located just east of the human / orc base.

   6. One is located just north of the human / orc base.


When you rescue 10 furbolgs and return to the furbolg encampment, you?ll

receive three furbolgs as reinforcements.


Also on the map you can find:


   1. Three archers north of your base.  They?ll join you when you walk up to


   2. A small human camp east of the main human / orc base.  If you destroy

      the tents there you?ll find a potion of healing and a scroll of


   3. An orc lumber camp, near the gold mine in the middle of the map.

   4. A human lumber camp, west of the orc lumber camp.

   5. A second orc lumber camp, almost directly west of your base, on the

      western edge of the map.


When you?ve explored everything you want to see, send a couple dozen archers

to the human / orc camp.  All you have to do at the camp is kill the level 6

paladin inside, but instead you might want to detour slightly.  There are two

groups of tents in the base, and if you destroy the eastern ones you?ll find

healing wards, and if you destroy the western ones you?ll find a circlet of

nobility (+2 strength, +2 agility, +2 intelligence).  So it?s worthwhile to

waste an attack on the base, just so you can get the extra equipment.


Once you?re ready to kill the paladin, ignore everything else and focus your

attacks on him.  With a host of archers gunning for him -- plus perhaps the

odd furbolg or two -- the paladin won?t stand a chance, even if he casts

divine shield on himself.  And once the paladin dies, the mission will end.


* -------------------------------- *

* Chapter 2: Daughters of the Moon *

* -------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Bring Tyrande Whisperwind to the night elf base.




Tyrande can hide in shadows, and the mission starts out at night, so you?re

in good shape.  Simply move until a doom guard gets within combat range, and

then hide.  The guard will then go about its business like it has no idea

Tyrande is around.  In this way you can move wherever you want on the map,

albeit slowly.  (You can also kill doom guards this way, by attacking them

until they close into combat range and then hiding, but it takes too long

with Tyrande alone.  Wait until you have some units to try that.)


First off, travel to the northwestern corner of the map.  You?ll find boots

of agility +3 and claws of attack +3 there.  Then travel south until you see

a pair of crates.  Inside one of them you?ll find a potion of greater



Then keep going south until you find two more crates and a cage.  One of the

crates will have a scroll of healing and the cage will contain a furbolg.

When you release the furbolg, it?ll run off and get itself killed attacking a

doom guard, but you can follow behind it and take advantage of the guards

being distracted to open a couple more crates and pick up a druid pouch (+1



Keep following the path until you find a bridge.  Past the bridge you?ll

discover a human camp being attacked by archers.  When you get close enough

to the archers (by destroying some crates first) they?ll come under your

control.  You now have enough units that you can kill doom guards by

attacking and hiding.


Next you?ll find some footmen attacking ghouls.  Attack both sides evenly

(they?ll ignore you) to gain more experience for Tyrande, and then hide and

attack whichever side prevails.  You can also destroy some crates nearby to

pick up a ring of superiority (+1 strength, +1 agility, +1 intelligence).


A little farther along the path you?ll find some orcs fighting some undead.

The orcs will always win this battle, so you can do one of two things: you

can try to help the undead units (mostly by trying to protect their meat

wagons), or you can ignore the battle.  Either way, you should eventually try

to enter the orc base and grab the mantle of intelligence +3.  Whether you

help the undead or not just determines how much sneaking you?ll have to do.


Past the orc base is a way gate leading to a fountain of health, so if the

battle between the orcs and the undead looks like it?s going to go badly for

you, don?t waste your archers.  Just skip the battle and go through the gate.

At the fountain you?ll also receive three huntresses as reinforcements.


North of the fountain of health is a door you?ll have to knock down.  Past

the door you?ll find an area with treasures, doom guards, and shades.  You

don?t have to do anything fancy to kill the doom guards.  Just fight them and

then send your damaged huntresses back to the fountain of health to heal.

The two treasures in the area are a ring of protection +2 and gloves of haste

(15% increased attack speed).  Since Tyrande is a ranged attacker, she won?t

come under attack much, and so objects that increase her damage (like the

gloves of haste) are more useful to her than objects that increase her

defense or hit points (like the ring of protection).


To the north you?ll find some footmen who will run away when you approach.

However, they?ll run right into a doom guard.  So follow behind them and

attack whichever side seems to be winning.  When the doom guard dies, it?ll

drop a tome of strength.


Through a door to the northwest you?ll find another fountain of health and

receive two archers and four huntresses as reinforcements.  At some point

around here daybreak will probably arrive (meaning you can?t hide anymore)

but that?s ok.  You should now have over a dozen units and be able to beat

off anything that attacks you.


Move east from the fountain and you?ll encounter a spirit tower.  Attack it

but retreat away any unit that starts to take too much damage.  East of the

tower you?ll find three ballistae.  In the future you can use the range of

the ballistae to attack spirit towers without being damage din return, but

for now use them to destroy the trees north and east of where they start out.

eventually you?ll find a neutral hydralisk, and when you bring Tyrande to it,

it?ll join your cause.  The hydralisk does about the same damage as five



Note: Farther to the east you can find yet another fountain of health and

receive even more reinforcements.


Now, with about two dozen units under your control, all you have to do is

fight your way through an undead base to get to the night elf base.  The

undead base will have lots of spirit towers and units, so try to use your

units (like Tyrande) to draw the enemy units back to you, and then use the

ballistae to destroy the enemy buildings.  Once you?ve cut a swath through

the base, just send Tyrande through the gate at its southern end and into the

night elf base to complete the mission.


Note: If you want to avoid combat altogether, you can use the ballistae to

mow down the trees south of the fountain of youth.  Beyond the trees is a

path that leads directly into the night elf base.


* ------------------------------------- *

* Chapter 3: The Awakening of Stormrage *

* ------------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Wake Furion Stormrage.




You?re on the clock for this mission.  You have to defeat an orc base to the

east and then kill some powerful creeps before the undead base to the north

chops down 100 trees.  That gives you roughly a half hour.  So you have to

attack efficiently and cut corners where you can.


The orc base won?t create any flying units.  That means the only way they?ll

be able to access your base is from the east.   So you don?t have to create

any ancient protectors.  The one you start with plus your army should be able

to deal with any orcs that arrive, and you only need to make sure your army

is always between your base and the orc base, which isn?t too difficult since

there are only two paths between the bases.


Note: You can use the sentinel skill of your huntresses to reveal the paths

to your base.


Another note: Between your base and the orc base, on the river, you can find

several murlocs.  If you defeat the murlocs and their buildings, you?ll

receive boots of speed.


Once you have a dozen units backed up by half a dozen catapults, advance on

the orc base.  (You can even bring your ancient protector if you want.)

There isn?t anything special about the base, and it isn?t particularly well

defended, so it should go down easily.  However, the orc hero at the base

will keep casting mirror image, and that can cause some problems.  So

manually control the abolish magic spell of your druids (druids won?t cast it

on summoned creatures even if it?s set to automatic), and cast it on the hero

and his images (since you can?t tell which is which).  You might want to slow

the game down so it?s easier to target them.  If you can destroy the orc base

while there are 50 or more trees left, you?re in good shape.


Once the orc base is history, heal and re-supply your army, and then head

north.  You?ll have to face three groups of creeps before you get to the Horn

of Cenarius:


   1. A fire protector and three owlbears.  Make sure you have some dryads

      with you to abolish sleep spells.  In a crate nearby you can find a

      jade ring (+1 agility).

   2. An ice protector and three owlbears.  Again, dryads are useful to

      counteract the protector?s spells.

   3. A lightning protector and three owlbears.


The owlbears get more powerful for each successive group, so rest as much as

possible between fights.  In fact, if you have enough time, feel free to run

all the way back to the fountain of health south of where the orc base was.

You can also send a wisp along with your army to construct moon wells near

you, and you can pick up some healing wards in a crate on the western side of

the orc?s island.


Regardless, once you kill the three protectors and their owlbear cohorts, all

you have to do is bring Tyrande to the Horn of Cenarius (if she isn?t near it

already) to complete the mission.


* --------------------------- *

* Chapter 4: The Druids Arise *

* --------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Awaken the druids.


Optional Quests:


   1. Kill the furbolg warlord.

   2. Kill the death revenant.




There are three inaccessible enemy bases on the map: purple (undead), red

(orc), and light blue (human).  They won?t care about you at all, and they?ll

only attack you if they happen to run into your units or structures.  So the

moon wells and hunter?s hall you start with are perfectly safe.  You don?t

have to defend them.  That area of the map is also probably the best place to

root your ancients of war and lore.


Of course, the nearest gold mine is right in between the red and purple

bases, so you can?t avoid the enemy entirely.  The gold mine also only

contains 2000 gold, so you?ll have to keep moving your tree of ages and

ancient protectors from mine to mine to gather gold.


So do just that while you research, train, and explore.  East of the first

gold mine you?ll find some trolls who will leave behind an ironwood branch

(+1 strength).  To the northwest you?ll find some more trolls guarding a

fountain of health.  These trolls will drop a ring of protection +2 and a

tome of strength (in a crate).


Note: Don?t build moon wells (or other non-mobile structures) next to your

gold mines, since the gold mines won?t last very long.  Just add more moon

wells to your starting position and then either send wounded units back there

or to the fountain of health.


East of your first gold mine is a second gold mine, but again it?ll only have

2000 gold in it.  Also, when you approach it, you?ll probably trip the

trigger for the furbolg warlord quest.  If not, just move a little to the

north until you see the defiled fountain.  The furbolg warlord is to the

north and west of the fountain, and you?ll have to fight your way through

lots of furbolgs to get to him.  The furbolgs like to cast lightning shield,

so make sure you have some dryads with you.  Once you complete the quest

you?ll receive claws of attack +6.


East of the second gold mine is a light blue human base (the humans have two

bases).  You?ll receive a pair of huntresses on the way.  Make your army as

powerful as possible with the gold you have available (including at least two

ballistae) and then attack.  The base isn?t very well defended, with only a

handful of units and two watch towers in the back, so try to conserve your

units as much as possible during the fight.  Once you destroy the base and

knock down the door in the back, you?ll receive two more huntresses and two

archers, plus get the second optional quest.


The woods beyond the human base are filled with ghosts and skeleton archers,

plus other units.  The ghosts can possess your non-hero units, so only send

Tyrande and Furion into the woods.  They should be able to handle everything

they see without much of a problem.  Be thorough so you kill all the ghosts

and pick up all the gold possible for killing the creeps.


Note: While you?re exploring the woods with your heroes, you can replace the

human base with your own.  Put in some moon wells for healing, and move your

ancients of lore and war from your starting position to the base.


The death revenant is in the southeastern corner of the map (south of the

exposed gold mine).  Tyrande and Furion can probably kill him by themselves

(provided they draw out some of his minions first), but it?s probably better

to bring along some help.  However, you won?t get a reward for killing the

revenant.  All that will happen is that skeletons will stop spawning in the

woods, so you might want to skip the quest entirely since skeletons are worth

a little bit of gold when you kill them.


Note: Far to the west of the death revenant (roughly south of the purple

undead base) and through some trees, you can find some lightning lizards,

including an ancient storm wyrm.  When you kill them you?ll receive a sobi

mask (50% increased mana regeneration), which is a good item for Tyrande

because of her searing arrows.


Finally, you can get on with the main quest.  As you approach the

northeastern part of the map, you?ll see a cut scene and find out some night

elves in the area have been corrupted, so you?ll have to destroy their base.

You can be thorough at this point and move your base once again to the new

gold mine (with 5000 gold in it this time), or you can just charge the

corrupted base.  If you have a dozen units plus some ballistae, charging will

probably work but be ugly.  Once you destroy the base, just send Furion to

the barrow den to the north to complete the mission.


* ---------------------------- *

* Chapter 5: Brothers in Blood *

* ---------------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Awaken the druids.

   2. Free Illidan Stormrage.


Optional Quest:


   1. Retrieve water from the fountain of life to heal the furbolg shaman.




This is another fixed-force mission without a time limit, and you should know

the drill by now: rest your units between every battle so you don?t lose any.

Also, when Tyrande and Furion gain a level, be sure to choose their special

abilities.  Furion?s tranquility spell is especially useful here since it can

heal your units.


To start out, group all of your units together and head generally south.

There are lots of creeps (mostly spiders) around, but nothing is too

interesting.  One spider will drop a spider ring (+1 agility), but that?s it.

Eventually you?ll come to a defiled fountain.


Note: Not long before the defiled fountain, on the right side of the cave,

you should find a skull on the ground in front of some mushrooms.  If you use

Furion?s force of nature spell on the mushrooms twice, you?ll open up a path

to ?the largest panda ever? (a level 10 creep) and you?ll gain a necklace of

spell immunity.


At the defiled fountain you?ll find a bunch of spiders, including some in the

nearby eggs.  Past the fountain you?ll run into some furbolgs who will give

you the optional quest.  The fountain of life they mention doesn?t have

anything to do with the defiled fountain you just passed.  Also notice that

one of your heroes has to pick up the empty vial they give you.  The fountain

of life is west and then north of the furbolgs, guarded by some lightning

lizards.  Once you fill the vial at the fountain and return it to the

furbolgs, you?ll receive a talisman of the wild, which summons fairly wimpy

furbolgs to help you.  I typically drop the talisman and grab back whatever

my hero was holding before it had to pick up the empty vial.


South of the fountain of life you?ll find a door leading west to Illidan?s

prison.  Tyrande will leave your group at this point and take all of the

archers and huntresses with her.  Once Furion finishes his quest to awaken

the druids, you?ll come back to Tyrande so she can complete her quest to free



So take your remaining forces east and kill whatever creeps you come across.

When you reach the circle of power, have Furion walk up to it and he?ll cause

a spirit bridge to appear.  Past the bridge you?ll have to fight three

watchers who will drop claws of attack +9.  South of the watchers you can

kill some skeleton archers to access a fountain of mana, and to the north

you?ll have to fight some black dragon whelps.  Past the whelps you?ll learn

that the druids of the claw are already awake but feral.  Worse, you?ll have

to make your way through them to a circle of power without killing any of



At this point your dryads aren?t terribly useful, so leave them behind.  You

could also leave the druids of the talon behind, but in a couple places

you?ll have to deal with multiple druids of the claw, and it?s useful to have

two cyclones as well as an entangle available to deal with them.  You?ll also

have to fight some spiders, and a little extra firepower doesn?t hurt.  So

avoid what you can and cyclone what you can?t.  There isn?t anything

interesting on the creeps or crates in the area, so don?t worry about them.

Once Furion gets to the circle of power, his quest will be complete and

you?ll switch to Tyrande.


Tyrande will immediately come under attack by three watchers, but they

shouldn?t cause much of a problem.  Once they?re dead, notice that you?re at

a four-way intersection.  West leads to a door you can?t open yet (you need

to activate a pair of circles of power first), so head south instead.  Kill

all the creeps you find and activate the circle of power.  Also be sure to

notice the room north of the library.  If you destroy the book pedestal

there, you?ll find a book of knowledge, which will permanently increase all

of your attributes by one.  You can also rescue some prisoners (two archers

and a huntress) in the area.


The hallway north of the four-way intersection is much more boring then the

hallway to the south.  All you?ll find are some watchers to kill plus some

healing wards in a crate.  But once you activate the circle of power, the

previously locked door will open, so send your troops back to the four-way

intersection and then to the west.


Past the door you can first kill some sleepers and gain an upgrade to your

huntresses? weapons, and then you can enter a prison area.  In the four rooms

of the prison you can pick up four archers, a huntress, a wolf named Loki, a

ring of regeneration, and a periapt of vitality (+100 hit points).  Past the

prison you?ll have to kill some treants (Tyrande can do it alone), and then

you can take a way gate.


Past the way gate you?ll first find a fountain of health, and then you?ll

come to a three-way intersection.  If you take the south branch at the

intersection, you?ll find a room with goblin land mines in it.  The land

mines aren?t necessary, so if you don?t want to mess with Tyrande?s

inventory, just skip them.  The reason they?re potentially useful is because

if you take the western branch of the three-way intersection, you?ll find

several watchers patrolling around a circular hallway.  Then you can plant

the mines in the hallway and kill them.  But the watchers aren?t very

powerful, and you should be able to just take your army right up to them and

kill them without losing a unit.  You can also draw them out one at a time

and kill them that way.


Note: Southeast of the fountain of health, hidden behind the trees, are

gauntlets of ogre strength +3.  However, they?re probably not overly useful

to Tyrande at this point.


Another note: The trees far to the west of the fountain of health (just

before the room with the patrolling watchers) don?t go all the way to the

wall.  You can send Tyrande behind them to find a pair of circles of power.

Direct her to the larger of the two to discover the ?Shrine of the Uberfish?

and a mantle of intelligence +3.  Then just walk Tyrande to either of the

small circles of power in the area to bring her back where she was.


Now all you have to do is send your army north.  You?ll encounter some more

watchers along the way, including a level 4 Keeper of the Grove, but they

shouldn?t be too difficult to kill if you?ve taken care of your units during

the mission.  Once the watchers are dead, the mission will end.


* ---------------------------------------- *

* Chapter 6: A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow *

* ---------------------------------------- *


Main Quests:


   1. Capture the Skull of Gul?Dan.

   2. Destroy Tichondrius.




There are two entrances to your base -- east and west -- but all attacks will

come from the west.  (There is an orange corrupted base to the northeast, but

for some reason it always attack through the western entrance.)  So put a

bunch of ancient protectors at the western entrance.


Meanwhile, do the regular thing: build, train and research until you have a

reasonable army.  Don?t train any more huntresses.  Instead, train druids of

the claw and put them in bear form.  They?re much better as front line units.


When you?re happy with your army (and it includes some ballistae), send them

east.  They encounter some spiders (with a mana stone and boots of elvenkind

+6) and some sludges, but eventually they?ll run into the orange corrupted

base.  The orange base isn?t very well defended, so just rush into it and

burn it to the ground.  The hero at the base might drop a scroll of



Once the orange base is no more, head west.  You?ll find a gold mine guarded

by some treants and satyrs.  Kill them and they?ll drop claws of attack +6.

Then head back to your base so your army can visit your moon wells and heal



Now head west out of your base.  You should first notice a murloc encampment,

and when you kill the murlocs there you?ll receive a ring of protection +3.

West of the murlocs is a sludge monstrosity with gloves of haste.  Southwest

of the murlocs you can find several spiders, a gold mine, and a goblin

merchant.  One of the spider eggs next to the merchant has a manual of



Due north of the goblin merchant lies the green corrupted base.  It?s about

as well defended as the orange base and should go down about as easily.  Now

the only things left on the map are the Burning Legion base to the northwest

and Tichondrius to the northeast.  You have to deal with the Burning Legion

base first, which will consequently stop those annoying doom guard attacks on

your base.


The Burning Legion base is basically just a demon gate guarded by several

doom guards and infernals.  So try to keep your units separated when you

attack, so the doom guard fire spell will hit as few units as possible.  Then

push forward and destroy the gate.  Once the gate is gone, move Illidan to

the skull to turn him into a demon and complete the first quest.


Note: There?s another demon gate on the map (north of where the orange base

was), so you?ll still have to deal with Burning Legion attacks on your base.


Another note: If your gold mine runs out, use the mine west of your base.

The ones to the north and northeast will get attacked by the Burning Legion

units appearing at the second demon gate.


Your army probably took a beating while completing the first quest, so take

your remaining units back to your base to heal up and get re-supplied.  Make

sure you have a powerful army backed up by half a dozen ballistae, and then

head for the northeastern corner of the map.


You?ll have to deal with felhounds, infernals, and doom guards along the way

to Tichondrius, but they shouldn?t be much of a problem for your army.  When

you reach Tichondrius, remember that only Illidan can harm him, so have him

target Tichondrius while your other units target the other Burning Legion

units in the area.  Once Tichondrius goes down, the mission will end.


* ------------------------------- *

* Chapter 7: Twilight of the Gods *

* ------------------------------- *


Main Quest:


   1. Delay Archimonde for 45 minutes.




Archimonde starts out with a base on the bottom of the hill.  In order to get

to the top of the hill, his units first have to go through the human base,

then they have to go through the orc base, and finally they have to go

through your base.  All you have to do is stall them for 45 minutes.


That sounds easy enough, especially since you get allies, but it turns out

Archimonde cheats.  He gets unlimited resources, and he can produce units --

undead and Burning Legion units both -- far more quickly than he should.  So

while his first waves of attacks will have wimpy crypt fiends and ghouls,

he?ll later send a level 10 hero plus numerous Burning Legion and undead

units plus half a dozen catapults.  And you?ll only have a minute or so

between waves.


So you?re probably going to lose one or both of the allied bases, but that?s

ok.  Once an allied base dies, Archimonde?s attack waves will reset to the

wimpy versions, and then they?ll make their way up the difficult versions

again.  What you need to do is keep the allied bases alive as long as

possible.  Probably a good rule of thumb is to keep the human base going for

at least 15 minutes and the orc base going for at least 20 minutes.  Since

your base doesn?t have an ally helping it out, it?ll probably go down the

quickest of the three, and ideally you don?t want Archimonde attacking it at



So what should you do?  You should try to get as powerful as possible as

quickly as possible.  So start researching right away (master training for

druids of the claw is a good early target), and also start producing wisps.

You start out with five wisps working your gold mine, but there are also two

more gold mines nearby, and you should get wisps to produce trees of life

next to them so you can start mining them as quickly as possible.  You also

start with four wisps harvesting wood, and a couple more to help out there

isn?t a bad idea either.  (Later, if you have too many wisps gathering

resources, you can pull some off to create ancient protectors.)


Meanwhile, grab Furion and the other units at your base and send them down to

help Tyrande at the human base.  Between the two you have a nice enough early

army, and you can therefore use the ancient of war at your base for

researching.  You should also send some wisps down to the human base to

produce an ancient of war down there plus some moon wells plus some ancient

protectors.  Once the new ancient of war is ready, use it to produce



When defending against attacks, it?s probably best to use your heroes, druids

of the claw (in bear form), hippogryph riders, and ballistae.  You?ll be

losing units left and right, so just keep producing those three non-hero

units as often as possible, and get your heroes out of battle if they get

anywhere close to being killed.


Also realize that the two most lethal enemy units are meat wagons and heroes.

So try to keep at least one druid of the talon on hand to cast cyclone on the

hero, and try to focus your other units on the meat wagons as much as

possible.  Of course, sometimes all you can do in battle is let your units

work on their own, just because it tends to be difficult to tell what?s going



Lastly, don?t forget about your heroes? special abilities.  You can use

tranquility roughly every other wave to heal your units (try to heal your

ally?s units, too), and you can use starfall about as often to do some major

damage to the enemy units (if Tyrande has the sobi mask, she can probably

keep searing arrows on at all times, too).  Also remember that druids of the

claw can cast spells when they?re not in bear form, so feel free to switch

one out between waves to do some healing or to roar before the next wave



Once it looks like an allied base is about to fall, bail out.  It?ll take

Archimonde a couple minutes to disassemble his previous base and create a new

base at the old location of your ally, but you still don?t want your army to

get decimated and have to start from scratch, and you definitely don?t want

to have to reincarnate a dead hero.  Also, after the allied base has been

under attack for about ten minutes, start thinking about upgrading the

defenses at the next base to be attacked.  That way you?ll have ancient

protectors and moon wells all set up before Archimonde starts his attacks.


That?s about it.  Just hold out for 45 minutes to complete the mission (and

the game).


Note: If you complete the mission on the hard difficulty setting, you?ll get

to see an extra scene during the closing credits.




* Revision History                                                          *



August 23, 2002



Initial version.


November 4, 2002



Added a note to Night Elf chapter two.  (Thanks Penny Tay.)




* Permissions and Updates                                                   *



This guide may be posted on any web site as long as the text is not changed

and as long as I am informed of the posting.  I will always submit new

versions to GameFAQs ( first, so if you are looking for the

most up-to-date version of this guide, that is the place to look.




Copyright © 2002 by Steven W. Carter