Enable cheat mode 
Press T during game play to activate cheat mode 

Effect Code 
Enable extra zoom level on lower-level machines eyeofgod 
Mission select1 saladtossed 
Build any unit2 twobyfour (unit type) 
Faster unit ordering hermes 
Shoot Jeeps instead of missiles donkeys 
Full map morningafter 
Build anything without a Command Center or Complex gimmiegimmie 
God mode unclejohn 
$10,000 added to resources chaching 
Increased armor mrmuscle 
Decreased enemy armor bigsofty 
Increased speed coffee 
Decreased enemy speed beer 
Increased firepower shaft 
Decreased enemy firepower shank 

1. Enable the code, exit the current mission, and press [Ctrl] + H + W at the main menu. Then, click on "Load" and select any mission. 
2. Valid names include dragoon, centre, defence, and other designations used in the game


Mission #10-Louisiana Bayou

1) Your HoverCraft is easy to destroy, so for this first part, use one of
your gunships. There is a WOPR Laser Tank or 2 near the downed jet, so
try to find them and take them out first before trying to clear out any of
the other units. Do not destroy the jet.
2) Now it's time for the HoverCraft. Take them to the Prison Camp and
use them to take out the SAM Turrets and any Drones you come across.
Don't try to take on any Laser tanks or Turrets. The heat created by the
lasers melts the material of the inflatable pontoons, so these HoverCraft
will rarely survive past the one shot. Once the SAM's and smaller units
have been destroyed, bring up one of your gunships to finish everything
else off.
3) Because of the closeness of the huts and the presence of Laser Tanks,
it's suggested that you use one of your Gunships to take out the WOPR
forces in the village.
4) For the Final Base, a tank rush with your HoverCraft is somewhat
useful. While the WOPR Forces are busy with your HoverCraft, take
control of
your gunships and level the base.

Mission #11-China, Near Beijing

1) Directly in front of you is a village that is under attack from WOPR
forces. Immediately take control of one of your Gunships and clear the
village of WOPR units.
2) Take one of your Slayer Tanks South and you'll find a bridge across
the river. Clear out all the occupying walkers then get all your units
across the bridge and over to the outpost. Use your Missile Tanks to take
out any SAM and Laser turrets from a distance, then use your jeep to call
an airstrike in the center of the outpost. Now use your Slayer Tanks to
level the remaining structures and destroy the last of the walkers. You
may wish to leave the WOPR Command Complex standing so you can hack for armor
and ammunition.
3) Use your missile tank to destroy the Laser Turrets around the breach
in the wall then take your units through. Proceed south, south-west
towards the bridge. You might want to use one of your Slayer Tanks at
point to clear out a path. Use the missile Tank to take out the defenses
on the other side of the bridge then head across. There are a number of
openings in the wall to your right, with the main WOPR base on the other
side. Get through one of the openings and head north, then turn around
and head south towards the base. The defenses are a little thinner from
this side. There are a lot of SAM Turrets through-out the base, so be
careful with your Gunships. Use your jeep to call some airstrikes, and
use your Missile Tanks to take out some of the Turrets. Now bring in your
Slayer Tanks to finish off the base.

Mission #12-Saudi Arabia

1) Move forward with your slayer tank and take out the occupying WOPR
forces from around the first 3 oil rigs. Watch out for laser tanks.
Near the third oilrig, there is a computer center for you to replenish your
units armor and ammunition. DO NOT destroy any of the oilrigs.
2) Move your jeep a short distance forward from your base and find the
opening in the canyon wall to your left. Proceed through, and drop a
flare between the two defense posts, then move away and call the airstrike.
Bring your Slayer Tank up to where the Defense Posts used to be
3) Bring all your APC's through the shortcut that you just cleared with
the Jeep and meet up with the Slayer. A short distance forward is another
oilrig. Move forwards and unload some troops from an APC; this will help
keep the enemy walkers busy for a couple of seconds while you take them out
with your slayer. There are a lot of drones running around, just run them
4) For the final oilrig, you'll need to remove a couple of Defense Posts
and laser turrets. Calling airstrikes on their positions always works
well, but don't drop the airstrikes too close to the oilrig. Use your
slayer to destroy the remaining walkers.
5) For the final objective, use your jeep and call some airstrikes to
soften up the enemy forces. Then use the APC's and drop troops in the
outpost. This will help to confuse the remaining walkers, and allow you
to bring up your Slayer Tank to finish them off. DO NOT allow the
Refinery to be destroyed.

Mission #13-Arctic Circle
6) To destroy the Naval Base, start by dropping some paratroopers from
the Transport chopper onto the island. While the WOPR units are busy with
the ground troops, bring in your VTOL Jet. Take out all the enemy units
destroy the Harbor. There is a computer center here if you should need it.
7) Drop more paratroopers around the Satellite Tracking Station, then
bring in the VTOL to remove the defending units.
8) Use the same tactics as before for the backup tracking station.
9) Take control of your Otters and head to the WOPR base. Deploy your
troops and try to do some damage with the Otters machine guns before it is
destroyed. Use your VTOL to level the rest of the base.
10) The launch silo is pretty heavily defended, so just go after it, don't
bother with anything else. Run in with your VTOL and hit it with your
rockets, but don't quite moving or your jet is toast. Then head back to the
2 tracking stations and turn them into rubble.

Mission #14-New York City

1) Use your Slayer Tank and Missile Tank in combination to destroy the
defending forces around the bridge to the northeast. Be warned: On the
other side of the bridge is a WOPR Missile Silo. Rush it with your Slayer
Tank and take it out.
2) Continue using you Slayer and Missile Tanks to take out the SAM
Turrets that ring the island. There is a Computer Center in the area if
you find yourself running low on armor or ammunition.
3) North of your deployment zone there is another bridge that will give
you access to the main island, but it is heavily defended. Take control
of the jeep and use the running drop technique to place an airstrike near
some of the turrets and Defense Posts, then clear out the rest of them with
your Slayer Tank.
4) There are a lot of MK4 Walkers around the British Embassy. Use your
Slayer to try to lead them away, and then destroy them one at a time, but
watch out, there is a Missile Silo to the West of the embassy, and no
matter what, do not destroy the embassy.
5) Use the jeep and call some airstrikes on the WOPR base. Drop the
flares along the outside edge of the base and then move to a safe position
to call the airstrike. Use the Missile Tanks to hit Turrets from a
distance then bring up the Slayer Tanks and Gunships to finish them off.