OSP for Enemy Territory - Server Settings
Date: 28 May 03
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This document describes all OSP-related server-side settings.

g_doWarmup <0|1> (default = 1)
* 0 - Normal warmup semantics
1 - Players must "ready" to begin a match

g_spectatorInactivity // - Inactivity timer for spectators
match_latejoin // <0|1> - Whether clients can join a match in progress.
match_minplayers // - Minimum # of players needed to start the match.
match_mutespecs // <0|1> - Whether spectators can chat during a match in progress.
match_readypercent // <1-99> - Player "ready" threshold.
match_timeoutcount // - # of timeouts that can be called by each side per match.
match_timeoutlength // - Duration (in seconds) of timeouts.
match_warmupDamage // <0|1> - Whether clients can inflict/receive damage during warmup.
refereePassword // - Password to enable referee status: "none" means disabled.
server_autoconfig // <0|1|2> Server loads no(0)/comp(1)/pub(2) settings on startup (based
on current g_gametype)
(Note: this means some settings will "reset" to selected values)
server_motd[0-5] // - Specifies optional window with server Message Of The Day while
players connect. Up to 8 lines (0-7) can be specified.
team_maxplayers // - Max players per team.
team_nocontrols // <0|1> - Disables team commands (pause, lock, speclock, etc. ) and
autolocking mechanisms.
vote_limit // <0-X> - Max # of votes allowed for a map (non-ref)
vote_percent // <1-100> - Percentage of accepting clients for a vote to pass.

All settings below are either 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)
vote_allow_antilag // Antilag voting allowed?
vote_allow_balancedteams // Force balanced teams voting allowed?
vote_allow_comp // Competition setting voting allowed?
vote_allow_friendlyfire // Team damage voting allowed?
vote_allow_gametype // Gametype voting allowed?
vote_allow_kick // Kick player voting allowed?
vote_allow_map // Map voting allowed?
vote_allow_matchreset // Map restart voting allowed?
vote_allow_muting // Player mute voting allowed?
vote_allow_mutespecs // Spectator mute voting allowed?
vote_allow_nextmap // Nextmap voting allowed?
vote_allow_pub // Public settings voting allowed?
vote_allow_referee // Referee voting allowed?
vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp // Team shuffle voting allowed?
vote_allow_swapteams // Team swap voting allowed?
vote_allow_timelimit // Timelimit voting allowed?
vote_allow_warmupdamage // Weapon fire during warmup voting allowed?

"Comp" Settings:
g_altStopwatchMode 0
g_complaintlimit 0
g_doWarmup 1
g_inactivity 0
g_ipcomplaintlimit 0
g_lms_teamForceBalance 0
g_maxlives 0
g_teamforcebalance 0
g_voicechatsallowed 50
g_warmup 10
match_latejoin 0
match_mutespecs 0
match_timeoutcount 1
match_warmupDamage 1
team_maxplayers 10
team_nocontrols 0
sv_allowDownload 1
sv_floodProtect 0
sv_fps 20
vote_limit 10

"Pub" Settings:
g_altStopwatchMode 0
g_complaintlimit 6
g_doWarmup 0
g_ipcomplaintlimit 3
g_maxlives 0
g_teamforcebalance 1
g_lms_teamForceBalance 1
g_voicechatsallowed 50
g_warmup 60
match_latejoin 1
match_mutespecs 1
match_timeoutcount 0
match_warmupDamage 0
team_maxplayers 0
team_nocontrols 1
sv_allowDownload 1
sv_floodProtect 0
sv_fps 20
vote_limit 5