Hexa money cheat
1. Open any hexaeditor your save game file.
2. Find start offset your game name (empire name) in file.
3. Add this offset + 27
4. This 4 byte the money.

for example > 00 0f 42 40 = 1.000.000 money

1. Go to the game directory, subdir \GameDataSets\Classic_01\GameData\Common. 

2. Make a backup copy of Spreadsheets.mob. 

3. Context-click the file, select Open With..., and pick WinRAR. You probably ought to uncheck "Always use this program to open this file", I don't know if it matters. 

4. Extract the file racemodifiers.txt. 

5. Context-click the file, select Properties, and uncheck the read only flag. 

6. Open the file with Notepad. 

7. Scroll down to the second table named RacePickPoints. 

8. You will see a list of races followed by three columns. 

9. The first two columns are species and race, don't change these values. The final number in each row is apparently the number of pick points you are granted initially. I changed the 0 for EVON to 1000, and when I finished this procedure, I started out with 1000 points instead of 0. I don't know if changing the value for Custom does anything. 

10. After editing the values, save the file and change the read only flag back to true. I don't know if that matters though.

make a Spreadsheets directory where Spreadsheets.mob is located, and put the text files in there!!