Hidden Locations:
Ice Hall:
Click on the light on the left side of the screen.
Click on the poster on the right side of the screen, in front of the "mission computer projector".
Drop ship:
Click on the white computer screen to the right side of "mission computer".
Final Trials Of Bloodright:
Finish all missions without making any mistakes to get to "Trials of Bloodright" after the last mission. A number next to your name on the "registration" screen indicates a mistake. Press [Esc] and choose "Flee to DOS" before the mission is completed to avoid that the mitake is being added to your record. Note: You can also turn on "Invincibility" or "End mission successfully" to complete the mission.
Mission select:
Enter FREEBIRTHTOAD as a name. 


Cheat mode:

Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type one of the following codes during game 

play to activate the corresponding cheat function.




Effect                      Code 

Invincibility               kent  

Wireframe                   view clark  

Destroy all                 enemies kaboom  

End mission                 successfully putz  

Destroy targeted            Mech palex  

View development team       dorcs  

Toggle heat tracking        burr  

Time expansion              speedygonzales  

Display boundary spheres    tik  

Add jumpjets                jumbo  

Unlimited jump fuel         crillion  

Unlimited ammo              thundros  



Note: The "Invincibility" code must be enabled before using the "Destroy all enemies" code.


by Briareos Kerensky (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., briareos_CWE), ver 2.X 23/7/2002


Table of Contents


2-Update History

3-History Briefing

4-Weapons Briefing

5-'Mechs Briefing

6-Vehicles Briefing

7-Formation Briefing

8-How to costumize a 'Mech

9-General Tactics

10-Multiplayer Tactics

11-Planets Briefing




15-Credits and misc






Activision produced three BattleTech-related videogames, and they aren't so

different from each other. This is the first walthrough of a series of three,

and most parts will be the same, especially weapons, costumization, tactics and

'Mechs sections. The other two documents of this series are MW2: Ghost Bear's

Legacy (MW2's expansion pack) and MW2: Mercenaries (not exactly an expansion

pack, but very similar, though it is a stnad alone product...).

If someone is going to write me a mail about why wasting time doing

walkthroughs for such old games, I can point out that they are the best

reproduction of the standard BattleTech board game, they are great videogames

and most sites lacks MW2: GBL and MW2: Mercs FAQs. I did MW2 walkthrough

beacuse the series started from this game.

Note that this walkthrough can be used for the bundled version of the games,

especially the Voodoo 1 version (which I own). I play to the old DOS only

version, though I think the Pentium and Win 9x versions wont' be very


Other walkhroughs speaking of BT-related games are MechCommander, MechWarrior 3

and MechWarrior 4: Vengeance.






27/3/2002-version 2.X. A small submission section has been added.


26/1/2001-version 2.0. All sections completed.


9/1/2001-version 1.8. Walkthrough completed.


7/1/2001-version 1.4. Mission 9-14 plus updates for all sections needing it.


3/1/2001-version 1.2. Multiplayer and General Tactics online. Added Planet

Briefing Section. Walkthrough has missions from 1 to 8.


18/12/2000-version 1.0. History, Weapons, 'Mechs and Vehicle Briefing,

Formation Briefing, Cheats, How to costumize a 'Mech, Cheats and Credit section







This story takes place after the Truce of Tukkayid, around year 3058. No other

official BT product tells this story. You are a Ghost Bear trainee, and you

have just passed your Blooding, when...






Before the description of every single weapon and equipment, here is a brief

description of the categories.

+ Energy weapons: energy weapons uses massive amounts of electricty produced by

the 'Mech's reactor, and they can be fired without ammunition problems. This

advantage is balanced by the large amounts of waste heat that they produce: the

only way to dissipate this heat is to mount extra heat sinks, which compensates

for their relatively light mass and compactness. Range are firepower increases

in proportion.

+ Balistic weapons: these weapons must be fed by ammunition: this limits the

times the weapon can be fired, and ammunitions explode when struck by weapon

fire. They do not produce large amounts of heat, but are bulky and weight a

lot. Lighter models have a longer range but less firepower; heavier models have

more firepower than range, and carries less ammo.

+ Missile weapons: like balistic weapons they use ammunitions, and each

launcher fire a specified number of missiles in a single salvo.

Missiles are explosive, and they produce moderate amounts of heat. Damage is

spread among the whole target, and not concentrated like other weapons.

+ Equipment: this category contains the larger variety of accessories a 'Mech

can mount. They include alternative type of armors, heat sinks and EW

(Electronic Warfare) suites.






ER LASERS: ER means Extended Range, ad all Lasers (Light Amplificated through

Stimulated Emission of Radiations) belonging to this category have a longer

range than other types. They fire a single beam of colored light (blue=large

laser, green=medium laser, red=small laser), and the should be the basic weapon

of any 'Mechs. There is a bug about Lasers (both ER and Pulse versions): if you

fire them before the previous Laser beam finished its animation (a small smoke

cloud on the impact point), the lasers will miss. You can fire them once every

4/5 seconds without warning (heat excepted: for this you'll need heat sinks)


PULSE LASERS: Pulse Lasers fire two Laser beams, each one capable of dealing

amounts of damage equal to the ER Lasers' ones. However, if the first beam

hits, the second won't allocate damage (this represents the to-hit bonus of the

board game). They weight and take more space than the ER Lasers, have a faster

rite of fire but they can produce great amounts of heat if overused.


ER PPCS: the best weapon in the game. The PPC (Particle Projection Cannon)

fires a blue ball of particles subtracted directly from the 'Mech's fusion

reactor, producing great amounts of waste heat, but a PPC hit deals more damage

than any other energy weapon in the game. The range written in the istruction

booklet is wrong; a PPC can hit targets up to 1000 meters away.


FLAMERS: guess what? A flamer spits super-hot gases took directly from the

reactor. It has a very short range, do not allocate damage but increases

target's heat. It generates great amounts of heat and linking even two of them

together equals to immediate shutdown.






MACHINE GUNS: fast-firing ballistic weapons. They have a very short range and

large amounts of shells per ton, do moderate damges and produces no heat.

Basically useless, however.


LB-X AUTOCANNONS: shotgun-like ACs: the LB-X AC fires a series of projectiles

that separates themselves into smaller pellets to increase the to-hit

probabilities and to spread damage on the whole 'Mech. All ACs suffers of the

same bug that affects Laser fire, though this seems to be worst: some shots

will miss entirely even if shot in your enemies' chests.


ULTRA AUTOCANNONS: Ultra AC fires two rounds at once. They eat ammo with an

amazing rate, and in most cases the second round will miss for the bug I

written above.


GAUSS RIFLES: a balistic version of the PPC, though it doesn't produce

significant amounts of heat and fires further. The AC bug seems to affects the

Gauss Rifles less than the other ACs, however.

Gauss Rifle's ammo aren't explosive, but the Rifle itself is: when the Rifle is

truck by weapon fire it explodes in a smilar way to ammunition.


AMS: the Anti-Missile System is a rapid fire machine gun that targets, tracks

and engages incoming missiles. It eats ammo like someone who haven't eat for

one year, and it will engage ANY enemy missile flying near you, even if they

aren't addressed at you.






LONG RANGE MISSILES (LRM): all missiles in battletech are fired in salvos, and

LRMs come in 5, 10, 15 and 20 racks. Each ton of LRM ammo contains 120

missiles, and larger it's the launcher, shorter will be the lifespan of the

ammo bin: LRM-5 can be fired 24 times, LRM-10 12 times, LRM-15 8 times and

LRM-20 only six times. LRMs will lock on targets more than 75 meters away:

under this distance you'll have to manually aim them.


SHORT RANGE MISSILES (SRM): these missiles are fired "on iron sights", and

doesn't require a radar lock to be fires. Use them only if you are a good

gunner: missiles are slower than ACs and energy beams and have the same speed

of PPCs. SRMs come in 2, 4 and 6 missiles per salvo and each ton contains 100



STREAK SRMS: advance SRMs: they have the same tracking equipment of LRMs, and

comes in the same dimensions of standard SRMs. They haven't the "75 meters"

problems of LRMs, though their range is max 497 meters against the LRMs' full



INFERNO SRM-2 and STREAK SRM-2: inferno rounds increases heat of the target if

they hit; they come in Streak and standard version, only in the simplest

version, and both don't allocate damage.


NARC MISSILE BEACON: the Narc is a heavily modified missile used to establish

solid locks for LRMs and Streak SRMs. The Narc fires a single missile with the

range of an SRM, and when the Narc hits the target the lock is always valid and

can be broken only if the target is destroyed.


TORPEDOES: torpedoes are maritime versions of SRMs. A Torpedo rack fires two

completely homing (will follow terrain features) but really slow. An hit from

two torpedoes usually destroys the target per hull breaching (read in the



ARROW IV ARTILLERY MISSILE SYSTEM: the Arrow IV is the only artillery weapon

currently used by Clans, and fires one big missile at a maximum range of 2 KMs,

capable of destroying a 'Mech through direct impact and a 75 meters blast







JUMP JETS: jump jets give the ability to jump and do quick turns to 'Mechs

mounting them.One jump jet occupies one critical slot, but the weight depends

on the 'Mech total tonnage: 0.5 tons for 20-55 tons 'Mechs, 1 for 60-85 tons

'Mechs and 2 tons for other 'Mechs. The number of installable jump jets equal

to the walking MP (to know the walking and running MP of a 'Mech, watch the

first numberof the walking/running speed; for example, a standard Firemoth has

a walking/running MP of 10/15 -the 162 kph is an approximation-, and a Nova a



HEAT SINKS: one heat sink weights 1 ton and occupies one critical slot, and

dissipate one heat point.


DOUBLE HEAT SINKS: a Double Heat Sink weights one ton and occupies 2 criticals,

but dissipates 2 heat points. One of the greatest assets in 'Mech construction.

Numbers of Double Heat Sinks and standard Heat Sinks contained by an engine are

the same.


ENDO STEEL INTERNAL: it takes 7 criticals everywhere in the 'Mech, but cut in

half the internal structure of the 'Mech.


FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR: the ferro-fibrous armor provides 19 armor point per 1 ton

ton of armor instead of the standard 16 points. It weights less but takes up 7

criticals everywhere in the 'Mech.


XL ENGINE: the standard engine takes only 6 criticals in the center torso, but

weights a lot. XL engine weights half than a standard engine of the same rating

but occupies 2 crtical slots in each lateral torso. Most of your configurations

will be cenetered around an XL engine. Number of heat sinks contained by the

engine doesn't change.


MASC: MASC (Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry) is used to put short bursts of

extra top speed when needed. The MASC's weight is based on 'Mechs weight. It

allows to have a top speed twice the standard walking MP (the normal runinng MP

is 1.5 times the walking MP) for about 15 seconds. After this period the MASC

automatically disengages itself for malfunction. You can re-use it, however,

and malfunction won't freeze your legs (as the MASC does in the board game)


CASE: Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment. It is automatically loaded where

ammunition or explosive equipment are. Usually an explosion damages all

internal parts of the 'Mech, and finishes it efects when the 'mech is destroyed

or the explosion has no force left, and spreads to other 'Mech locations. CASE

stops the explosion to the location where it originated. It doesn' occupy

critical space nor weights a kilogram.


ARM ACTUATORS: Useless. They take only critical space in the arms and do not

give nothing in exchange. In BattleTech they would be used for physical

attacks, and MW2 has only a strange version of the DFA to allocate physical







Notes: Inner Sphere 'Mechs can be used only in Istant Action missions, and can

be costumized only with Clan weapons, as Inner Sphere weapons aren't simulated

in the game.

The word "fragile" in a description means that I've found the 'Mech very

susceptible to lose its arms or other limbs; dunno why, maybe coders did it for

maximizing differencies between 'Mechs of the same tonnage.

New 'Mechs added in this expansion pack are marked with a (*).








Mass: 20 tons


The fastest and less versatile 'Mech in its standard configurations, the

Firemoth is used for recon duties. It can be destroy by medium and heavier

'Mechs in one salvo, and its head section is quite large (though smaller of the

Jenner's one).  Aim to the torso, destroy limbs is useless (if you want to





Mass: 30 tons


The Kitfox is a good light 'Mech with speed, firepower and armor. Not a big

threat however. The Kitfox has limited torso twist abilities (about 60° total)




Mass: 30 tons


The Incubus is a good option to the Kitfox. It can twist its torso for 180° and

has an energy-based weaponry. It also carries a PPC, and has enough heat sinks

to use it efficently.




Mass: 35 tons


Solid and armed only with energy weapons, the Horned Owl leads the category of

light 'Mechs with a winning combination of armor protection, speed and

firepower. Very dangerous when in groups.




Mass: 35 tons


A fast missile boat, this Clan version of the popular Jenner is very fragile.

It has a large head section and if you have some experience you should be able

to take it out with one direct hit. Dangerous only if you pilot a standard





Mass: 40 tons


The Phantom is an extremely fast 'Mech, with few armor protection but a good

array of weapons.




Mass: 50 tons


Things begin to get serious now. The Nova is jump-capable, with a good engine

and has 10 Medium Lasers and enough heat sinks to alternate their use in large

groups. It has limited torso twist ability, however (IMO less than 60° total).

It low profile also allow the 'Mech to hide with more efficiency behind hills

and buildings,




Mass: 55 tons


An other damned good 'Mech. Faster than the Nova and with more rude firepower,

the Stormcrow can use all of its weapons without risking overheat. Other

variants are mainly missile boats with large missile racks and plenty of

ammunition. Very small head section, but full torso twist capability.




Mass: 60 tons


The Mad Dog is a dedicated fire-support OmniMech. It cannot uses all of its

weapons in one salvo, however, in cannot handle heat in a very efficent way.

Primary config is the most flexible, but with limited ammo supplies for its





Mass: 65 tons


The Hellbringer has a flexible array of weapons in all of its configs, though

every config generate too much heat for the heat sinks mounted. Normally it is

faster than the Rifleman IIC, though it is more fragile.




Mass: 65 tons


Named from its hunched torso, the Linebacker is the third 65 tons 'mech in the

game, and is the best chassis from configrations: small and solid, the

Linebacker has a large engine making it one of the faster heavy 'Mechs in

existence. The basic configuration is good at any ranges, with two ER PPC that

can deal substantial damage to every 'Mech.




Mass: 65 tons


This 'Mech is slow, but has full jump capacity, and its four Large Pulse Lasers

are a threat even for assault 'Mechs. It is a solid 'Mech, better than the

relatively fragile Hellbringer. Its weapons are only-arm mounted, and a

Rifleman IIC without arms will try to escape.




Mass: 70 tons


Grizzlys are used by Clan Ghost Bear by commander of PGCs (Provisional Garrison

Clusters). It packs a good long-range punch centered around one Gauss Rifle and

supplemented by a Large Pulse Laser and a LRM-10 launcher. The Large Pulse

Laser helps the other two Pulse Lasers in close combat, where the Gauss and LRM

would have problems in targetinf foes.




Mass: 70 tons


The Summoner is the main Omni of Clan Jade Falcon. Every configuration is

specialized in one type of combat, and eveyone uses jump jets to obtain a bonus

in agility. Destroy ASAP.




Mass: 75 tons


The TimberWolf became the symbol of the invading Clans. Agile, excellent armor

protection, and ample firepower, the TimberWolf can be used in a variery of

roles in its primary config. Alternative versions are more specialized than the

standard version, but keep an edge over most 'Mechs.




Mass: 80 tons


The Gargoyle is fast as the TimberWolf, though it is 5 tons heavier. Such a

large engine limits the payload of this 'Mech however. A good choice for fast



NAGA (*)


Mass: 80 tons


Developed to mount two Arrow IV artillery systems, the Naga is defenseless at

close range and has light amounts of armor. It is also fragile and has a very

large torso section.




Mass: 80 tons


A good all-around 'Mech, the Clan version of the WarHammer has a relatively

fragile structure when compared to the Gargoyle.




Mass: 85 tons


Aaah, the Warhawk. A 85 tons assault machine with 4 PPCs and an LRM-10 in its

standard configuration, and with 2 PPCs and 2 Large Pulse Lasers in the C

config. Unfortunately MW2 doesn't simulate the Targeting Computer, but the

unfilled space is used by Double Heat Sinks. A deadly machine, second only to

the Marauder IIC.




Mass: 85 tons


Maybe the best standard 'Mech in the game: it has 3 ER PPCs and a pletora of ER

Small and Medium Pulse Lasers a back up weapons, has enough Double Heat Sinks

to handle massed PPC fire, heavy armor and its standard engine drives it up to

60 kph. Maybe less versatile than a Warhawk, but it hasn't to worry for

ammunition explosions, while it standard engine increases surviability.




Mass: 95 tons


Nomen Omen. The Executioner has MASC and jump jets for superior mobility and

enough space to mount any kind of weapon. No one can match an Executioner in

single combat if piloted by a skilled MechWarrior.




Mass: 100 tons


Slow (too slow for me) but heavily armed, the Dire Wolf (or Daishi, great

death, for the Inner Sphere) features an huge array of weapon system neraly

comparable to two Atlases, the most powerful Inner Sphere assault 'Mech. Its

weak point is its lack of maneuverability: faster 'Mechs can run to its back to

destroy the 'Mech in few well-placed salvos.




Mass: 100 tons


The Kodiak is an other 'Mech used by Bear's PGCs. It is faster than other 100

tons 'Mechs, but has problems with heat buildup when all of its weapons are

fired together. Letal at short range, the combined firepower of 2 Streak SRM

6s, Ultra AC/20 and eight Medium Lasers is comparable, if not superior, to the

Annhilator's punch.




Mass: 100 tons


More agile that the standard 100 tons 'Mechs thanks to its jump jets, the Stone

Rhino has ample long-range firepower with two Gauss Rifles and Large Pulse

Lasers. A soldi design, though its arms are a bit large for its chassis.








Mass: 35 tons


The only I.S. light 'Mech in the game, the Raven doesn't feature the advanced

EW suites that made it famous in the board game. Thin armor and virtually no

firepower, but fast.




Mass: 80 tons


A durable BattleMech, the Hatamoto-Chi is a Combine reworking of the old

Charger, and reduces the engine rating for weapons and armor protection. A good

'Mech to be renocked with.




Mass: 80 tons


An other good assault 'Mech, though I prefer the Hatamoto-Chi. Its Gauss Rifle

and four Medium Pulse Lasers can pose a great threat, however.




Mass: 100 tons


Trading armor and speed for firepower, the Annihilator uses 4 LB 10-X ACs and

four Medium Pulse Lasers to destroy its enemies. Do not get too close to this

'Mech, or your armor plates will be eliminated in seconds, and internal

structure is more fragile than armor. The Annihilator is very slow (it's

maximum speed equal with the Atlas' and Dire Wolf's walking speed) and has

virtually no armor, however.




Mass: 100 tons


The best I.S. assault 'Mech; the Atlas features large numbers of weapon systems

designed to compare their Clan counterparts, and the balance between armor

protection and firepower is lethal. Second only to the Clan 'Mechs for rude









The MBT uses a large array of weapons, mostly Gauss rifles and medium lasers

combined with SRM launchers. Take out the cannon's barrel will destroy its main

weapon, and without a threads t won't be able to move.




The SRM Carrier is a small vehicle firing several SRM volleys in quick

sequence. Destroy it from afar and be sure to have an AMS if you need to close.




A lighter version of the MBT. It usually armed with lasers, Streak SRMs or

small-caliber ACs. Very light armor. Usually attacks in groups of three or





A copter with a spot light, no weapons an d light armor. Take them out just for

fun (¬_¬...).




A copter with two Medium Pulse Lasers mounted on stern turrets. Not heavily

armed, they can be easily destroyed by aiming at their tails or their main





Naval vessels dedicated to deep-water operations. Subs won't pose a great

threat, but I always get annoyed by them and their radar contacts, so I enjoy

to sink it. Hard armor.




Unlike MW2, GBL has hostile AeroFighters, though they'll act like VTOLs:

they'll hover, they'll continue flying after a wing is destroyed and other

things that go against physics. They are armed with LRMs and Large Lasers with

a medium armor protection. Do not let them close or they'll hover your head

outside weapons range.




DropShips are used to take 'Mechs from space to planet's atmosphere. You can

see two types of dropships in MW2: the spheroid (Union-C and Overlord-C class)

won't pose a problem, as they won't fire back, but the aerodyne dropships

(Broadsword, Carrier, Titan and Claymore class) are heavily armed and armored.

The first class has one or two PPCs and one LRM-20 on a turret capable of 360°

turns, and can fire them freely, without risking dangerous heat buildup.

Useless to say that 'Mechs may be near them. The Claymore has two Large Lasers

on turrets and has less armor. There's only one Titan class Dropship in the

game and it's yours, so you need to pretect it. The Carrier is heavuly armed

and armored with some Large Lasers, missiles and full complement of AeroSpace





Under this section there are only two vehicles: JumpShips and Space Stations.

The only JumpShip you'll see in the game is yours, while the Space Station has

four turrets plus some 'Mechs in it.




I know they aren't vehicles, but I'm putting them there. They come in a large

variety of shapes, tough every kind of turret is armed with an ER Medium Laser.

Very thin armor.








This formation puts the leader (you) in the middle of an horizontal line: this

formation is the best for slow, secure advances and for maximizing firepower.

It also allows you cover side area without relative effort




This formation puts the leader in the center of a vertical line. Basically a

good formation if you want to get killed by your starmates (the AI of your

starmates isn't good enough to tell them to do not fire when you are in front

of them...)




This formation forms a diagonal line with the leader on the left and the last

starmate on the right, slighty behind it. I've never used Eschelon formations,





A copy of the Eschelon Left, though the leader is on the right.




An other formation ideal to get killed by your starmates, especially if you

order to engage at will. Your stamates will position themselves into your right

and left rear targets, leaving you to freely direct their movements.




The best formation. You are behind your lancemates, and this will allow you to

direct them with great efficiency and to do not get killed by their shots.






In this section I won't explain how to use the 'Mech Lab (the istruction

booklet exists for this), but some guidelines to create a powerful 'Mech.


First of all you need to choose the chassis; keep in mind that light 'Mechs

will be faster then heavy ones because you won't be able to mount large amounts

of armor and weapons due to weight limitations. Ideal speed for a light 'Mech

should be 6 or 7 (60/70 kph) for its walking speed, 5/6 for medium 'Mechs and 4

for heavy and assualt 'Mechs, though 70 and 75 tons 'Mech can have walk at 5.

Always choose an XL engine: though this will spread engine critical in the

lateral torsos, the XL engine saves enough tonnage for any kind of weapon; if

you are able to save enough tonnage for a standard engine, be sure to mount at

least the Endo-Steel internal, especially on heavy 'Mechs. Remeber that an XL

engine weights half of a standard engine, and you can increase the rating

(faster movement rate) with these four critical slots; unfortunately enough,

MW2 doesn't support critical division, and bulky weapons like Ultra and LB-X

AC/20s or the Arrow IV must be mounted in a single location, and for doing this

you'll need a standard engine or now lower arm and hand actuators. If you are

using XL engines, position ammos in the arms, this will save engine slots and

other torso-mounted equipment from dangerous explosions.

Now let's examine armor. Always assign the maximum armor points possible for a

single 'Mech, first in standard mixture and if you need more tonnage and you

have enough criticals left, switch to Ferro Fibrous. Note that if you assign

more armor points than a 'Mech can support (for example a 55 tons 'Mech can

support 12 tons of standard armor, but 7 points cannot be allocated for space

restrictions; read below), the computer will decrease the armor quantity to the

nearest tonnage allowing full allocation (usually a decrease of 0.5 tons only;

this means that our 55 tons 'Mech will find itself with 11.5 tons of armor;

however, point from the missing half ton have been used, and the computer

subtracted them to match armor weight and points: this subtractions is not

"clever" as the computer decreases the armor points of the first location it

encounters -head-, leaving only few armor points, then switch to the other

location and so one until all points have been subtracted). The maximum amount

of armor depends on the strenght of the internal structure: for example, 10

internal points means that you can assign up to 20 armor points. Head is the

only exception to this rule, and its internal structure has always three points

and can support 9 armor points; if the location is one of the three torso

sections, you have to spread armor points (always up to twice the internal

structure) from front and rear. I usually do not assign armor to rear areas (I

keep only 1 or 2 points) for single player missions, but having your back

unprotected during a multiplayer melee would be fatal...

Internal structure: always Endo-Steel. It cuts in half the weight of the

standard structure by keeping its original strenght; if you need weight, use

Endo-Steel before Ferro-Fibrous.

The equipment table shows four actuators (two for each arm): as they do not

give any bonus but they occupy critical slots, so remove them: You'll gain

critical space, but not tonnage. MASC can be useful, but using it and jump jets

is a waste of space. Jump jets are better as they give an higher movement


Jump Jets and heat sinks: if you use jump jets, mount them. If you do not use

them, you should try to use them. I doubt that MW2 assigns heat points to

movement actions, so jumping could be heat-free, not a bad thing after all.

Always use Double Heat Sinks. The standard 10 heat sinks provided with the

engine will cool down 20 heat points for free (provided they are inside the

engine; read below), and any other extra heat sink will dissipate 2 heat point.

An engine can contain a determinated number of single/double heat sinks: to

know it, divide the engine rating for 25, and round down. This means that

engines with a rating equal or superior to 250 will contain at least the 10

standard heat sinks; if you are using a smaller engine, the uncontained heat

sinks have to be allocated inside the 'Mech. You must have at least 10 heat

sinks, even if double heat sinks dissipate 20 heat point as standard. I am for

a number of heat sinks that equals or surpass the total number of heat points

generated by the 'Mech firing all of its weapons and moving at maximum speed

(again, I don't know if MW2 allocates heat points for movement, but...): add

the heat values for all weapons and add 2(heat for running speed) or a number

equal to the number of jump jets mounted on your 'Mech, then assign an equal

number of heat sinks. Remember that double heat sinks dissipate two heat points

each, and you should watch the second number (inside square brackets), not the


Weapons. I can suggest to mount 3 PPCs, one LRM 10 with two tons of ammo and

fill the remainig space with heat sinks, but this subject is strictly personal

(IHMO). Missile boats can work, though you should mount at least an ER Large

Laser or four ER Medium Laser as back up weapon. Continuosly firing the missile

launcher will deplete ammo suppli in few minutes. Ballistic weapons, except the

Gauss Rifle, eats ammo at a very fast pace, and their usefulness is limited to

the first minutes of battle. If you use energy weapons, be sure to mount enough

heat sinks and to hold fire for a while when you are overheated; shutting down

in the midst of a battle isn't a good tactic. GBL introduced new weapons: the

Narc is ideal for missile boats and tema play. AMS should be mounted on every

'Mech with at least two tons of ammo, Inferno SRMs are pretty useless and the

Streak versions is the same. Torpedoes are used only in a single mission, and

they are maritime versions of Streak SRMs. The best thing of the torpedoes is

that they'll follow terrain and try to dodge natural obstacles. Arrow IV is one

of the worst thing in the game: though very long range firepower can be a good

thing, you'll need a very small standard engine for their weight and bulkiness,

and every ton has only 5 missiles. These missiles can be shot down by AMS, so

do not use them as standard weapon. Do not use them at all; artillery weapons

are dishonorable for Clan MechWarriors, and you won't get the kill if you use

Arrow IV.






I think the most important thing is to have an effective weapon loads you can

use at 100%. Mounting various systems which wouldn't be used is a waste of

space and tonnage.

Keep you 'Mech moving. In MW2 enemies will usually outnumbers you, when not,

the enemies are usually elite pilots, able to hit even a jumping 'Mech straight

in the head (OK, this in exageration...). To improve you mobility, install jump

jets (at least three); use them to do quick lateral shifts and to evade an

obstacle when engaging something. You can also use them to perform DFA (Death

From Above) attacks, but it is very difficult to hit an other moving target and

won't allocate too much damage; it also possible to hit targets with weapons

while jumping: Streak SRMs, LRMs and other "quick" energy weapons (primary

lasers; PPCs are slow and ACs eat ammo too quickly) are the best weapons for

this maneuver; by performing this attack the target will be harder to hit (your

and its movement, plus a smaller target silouhette), but nearly every you'll

score will be on torso sections: legs will be covered by the upper body and

arms are usually too small to be hit by fire; it is also possible to score more

head shots if you are a good gunner.

Now let's speak about your torso and eyes: rather than redirecting the whole

'Mech toward the enemy, it is better to twist your upper body; this will make

you harder to hit, and your foes too, but only at the first times; when you're

engaging moving targets with your torso twisted, and the terrain has mountains,

mesas, trees, buildings and whatever else may block your way, spend one second

to watch where you're walking, with the eye control buttons: just keep it down

until you realize where your legs are pointing, then release it and keep firing

on you enemy. Recenter Torso to Legs and Recenter Legs to Troso are important

button, especially if performing maneuvers in narrow space, like cities; if you

haven't jump jets, the quickest way to rediret the whole 'Mech is to use the

Recenter Leg to Torso Button; remember that this button sometimes doesn't work,

as you torso will keep moving right and left try to center with the leg: just

avoid directional buttons after pushing it.

When you're fighting in particular environments, light amplification and image

enhacement will provide a better visual of the sorroundings. Image Enhacement

is the best, as it excludes vis-light datas and shows enemies and structures as

blue wireframe objects, while terrain as brown wireframe polygons. Light

Amplification will turn the area into a green-shaded visual; it is nearly

useless, especially because it is disabled afte one sensor critical hit.

Critical hits: engine hits will make you move slower, like gyro hits. Sensor

hits will disable light amplification and will make your radar slower in

recognizing targets, and your cockpit instruments may show wrong values. Leg

and arm hits will usually resul it the limb blown off; it an arm has blown off

isn't a big problem (provided you have you weapons in the torso), but a leg

will immobilize you. You won't fall and you'll be able to turn on yourself, but

you'll be a stationary target for the rest of the mission; if you have jump

jets this is a minor drawback, however; yuo'll just have to keep your jets on

for the rest of the game. Other critical hits are about equipment: if a weapon

is disabled, you won't be able to fire the weapon, if it is a heat sink you

capacity to recycle heat will be lowered and if it is a critical containing

ammo, the location where the ammo slot was is completely destroyed, armor,

internal structure and components. The damage won't spread as the Clans

automatically include CASE in any location with explosive equipment.

Enemies tend to hit the left side of your 'Mech, especially the arm. MW2 patch

1.2 and GBL partially resolve this flaw, and it is better to position weapons

and important equipment in the center and right torso, then switching to right

arm or left torso, and this is your choice as these locations tend to attract

enemy fire in the same proportion.

It is possible to avoid enemy fire: most of the long-range unguided weapons

(anithing except LRMs) won't hit in most cases if you move slightly to the

sides. PPC fire can be easily avoided by a quick side step (jump jets) or by

turning you 'Mech toward one side. LRMs can be avoided by simply positioning

you sight (and the whole 'Mech) at the sides of the firing enemy indicator: the

missiles will bypass you, and when they'll try to turn to reestablish a lock,

they'll usually end their run over terrain features or will splash directly

into the terrain.

Be sure to use every hill, building and whatever else to cover your 'Mech from

enemy fire, and to get near the enemy as closest as possible: enemy vehicles

tend to fire less and  will try to disengage; this tactic works best with 'Mech

with long arm like the Rifleman IIC and the Warhawk, as their arm-mopunted

weapons aren't able to hit near targets.






GBL is an add-on for MW2, and I've never seen a multiplyer opion in its

right-click menu, and so I doubt it is possible to use the new 'Mechs and

equipment in multiplayer. Refer to my MW2 FAQ for more details on multiplayer.






This section will describe what kind of temperature, terrain and other factors

(gravity, visibility, etc...). If you play at the Combat Simulator (Instant

Action) the planets will be randomly selected from the same group available in








Temperature: normal

Gravity: normal

Terrain: mesa desert

Visibility: good


A mesa desert with normal specs. The terrain here is a combination of mesas,

hills and plains, ideal for star fights and long-range fightin.



Temperature: normal

Gravity: normal

Terrain: sparse urban

Visibility: low


A city with lots of buildings (¬_¬...BTW, you can find Activision building out

there...) whihch greatly limits visibility and mobility;

as other "crowded" places buildings can be used as cover, but remember thay can

be destroyed; you'll fight by night: this will make enemy 'Mechs even harder to

spot without sensor help.



Temperature: normal/high

Gravity: normal/high

Terrain: canyon

Visibility: good


An other desertic planet, but this time the terrain is filled with canyons; the

temperature tend to be higher than normal, like the gravity; good visibility.



Temperature: low

Gravity: normal

Terrain: ice mesa desert

Visibility: excellent


A planet with excellent visibility and low temperature and gravity; it features

several hills and rims with can be used as cover; very large area; enemy

formations tend to be some kilometers away from each other.



Temperature: normal

Gravity: normal/low

Terrain: rolling hills

Visibility: good/excellent


I think that MW2 coders fell in love with desertic planets; this time the

terrain is flat, with some rolling hills somewhat obstructing the line of

sight; very good visibility, though the 'Mech's camouflage is very effective.



Temperature: normal/low

Gravity: normal/high

Terrain: ice desert

Visibility: poor


An other icy planet, this time with rolling hills obstructing our sight; the

fog reduces visibility, though Image Enhacement  makes things better. Somewhat

high gravity, and heat is mitigated by the low temperatures.



Temperature: very low

Gravity: very low

Terrain: cratered vacuum

Visibility: high


Fighting in space or absence of atmosphere will almost cancel heat buildup,

thoguh you must pay attention to other things: every time you'll fight in space

your 'Mech will have special thrusters to create a partial gravity. With such

low gravity your 'Mech will be able to run at respectable speeds (60/70 kph)

even with a minimum engine; this means alos that you'll need a large portion of

terrain to decelarate, and your turns will be a pain if you have a speed

superior to 10 kph. The terrain features craters of various size, even capable

of masking 'Mechs; no hills at all.



Temperature: normal

Gravity: normal

Terrain: rocky highlands

Visibility: very poor


I think this planet looks pretty similar to Mars; its atmosphere is red, like

the terrain, and everyhing else is colored with shades of this color; the

terrain is flat, with only few hills; the particular atmosphere greatly limits

visibility, though you should be able to damage most 'Mechs at long range.



Temperature: normal

Gravity: normal

Terrain: enclosed arena

Visibility: medium


A small Trial arena where the Jade Falcons usually set Trials. It has no

particular atmosphere or temperature, but has a lot of destroyable building

which can be used as cover and circle slower 'Mechs to take advantage of the

thinner rear armor; this is why I've put medium visibility...aside of obstacles

you can usually see to whole arena from any part.



Temperature: normal

Gravity: medium/high

Terrain: enclosed trial arena

Visibility: high/medium


A larger Trial arena, this time has few hills and some building, enclosed by

high walls; the gravity is somewhat higher than normal, limited jump jet

usefulness; 'Mechs have a camouflage that really blen them with the landscape.







Temperature: normal/low

Gravity: normal

Terrain: various

Visibility: excellent/medium-low


Alshain is an important planet captured by the Ghost Bears during the invasion.

It is cold, and it is covered by ice or snow for most of the year. As a primary

planet, you'll see various types of terrains on Alshain, from the valley where

the various Trials take place or the DropShips landing field. The first type of

terrain features a small valley in its center sorrounded by steep ascents; a

'Mech can pass them relatively easily, but your if you gain the top you'll have

an advantage over your enemies. The second terrain is a flat plain with few but

large structures on it.



Temperature: low

Gravity: normal

Terrain: ice mesa desert

Visibility: excellent/low


The second planet you'll visit, Mannendor has lower temperatures than Alshain,

and snow storms are frequent. During these storms the visibility lowers a lot,

but in normal weather conditions it is possible to see targets far away. The

mesas are very high and impossible to climb without jump jets.



Temperature: normal/high

Gravity: medium

Terrain: desert

Visibility: excellent


Completely different from the previous planets, Chandler is a hot desert with

heavier gravity; these factors will hamper your heat sins and jump jets.

Excellent visibility though the desert sometimes has mountains/mesas or other

small objects blocking your sight.



Temperature: normal

Gravity: normal

Terrain: forest

Visibility: low


Wolcott is entirely covered by forests. During the invasion, the Draconis

Combine defeated the Smoke Jagaurs thanks to this particluar terrain, which

limited the range advantage of Clan weapons. The Draconis also spread several

metal stripes on the whole planet to hamper the sensor effectivness, and

they're still present. Several trees will block your line of sight and your

path, plus you'll have to stick with Image Enhacement to distinguish enemies

from objects, as the terrain has a dark-green shade which greatly limits




Temperature: normal

Gravity: normal

Terrain: mesa desert

Visibility: medium


The only thing you'll see on LaBrea is a very large mesa, 200+ meter high and

large a KM in diameter, I think. Normal values except for visibility, though it

is not necessary to switch to Image Ehnacement or Light Amplification mode: the

enemies are clearly visible at medium/short ranges and the terrain is

relatively flat, with no objects obscuring your line of sight.



Temperature: normal

Gravity: very low

Terrain: marsh

Visibility: medium/low


Jeanette's most distinctive feature is its low gravity, and you can jump more

than 200 meters with only 3 jets on your 'Mech. The tarrain features several

small hills with swamps and mud encircling them. Medium visibility, though it

is not strictly necessary to switch to sensor view.



Temperature: normal

Gravity: medium

Terrain: canyon

Visibility: low


On Garstedt the Image Enhacement doesn't work, and youhave to use the Light

Amplication to get a good battlefield view. The Canyon you'll fight in has very

tall walls on both sides (¬_¬...), and the underlying terrain forms something

like a valley, and in its center where is a big hole. Gravity also limits jump

jets' usefulness.



Temperature: very low

Gravity: very high

Terrain: underwater (mountanious)

Visibility: low


Thun, a planet held by Crusader Wolf Forces, is almost covered by water. If

water fills parts of your 'Mech, all equipment inside will be considered

destroyed, so be careful. As you'll play underwater only energy weapons and

torpedoes will work; normal missiles, ACs and jump jets won't have any effect.

Heat is barely a problem, as water has the effect of cooling down you 'Mech.

The terrain fatures several hills, canyons and even a cave. Low visibility

(about 400 meters).



Temperature: normal

Gravity: normal/low

Terrain: cityscape or river valley

Visibility: medium/low


You will fight in New Coffton, one of the major cities on Morita, and in a

river valley. The city has lot of buildings and even roads rising from the

land. The river valley has a river in its center (¬_¬...) plus a cave behind a

waterfall. The cave is quite complicated but has enough space to maneuver.



Temperature: very low

Gravity: very low

Terrain: none

Visibility: high


It is not a planet, but you'll fight in space twice during the game. Fighting

in space will almost cancel heat buildup, thoguh you must pay attention to

other things: every time you'll fight in space your 'Mech will have special

thrusters to crate a partial gravity, and if you fall from the platform where

you are fighting on, you'll begin to float in space, eventually dying like 2001

A Space Odissey. With such low gravity your 'Mech will be able to run at

respectable speeds (60/70 kph) even with a minimum engine; this means alos that

you'll need a large portion of terrain to decelarate, and your turns will be a

pain if you have a speed superior to 10 kph. Fortunately enough you'll have

walls stopping you or little chance to move.






Notes: the missions have been completed at hard dificulty level, for maximum

honor multiplayer. Easy level grant a 0.8 multiplier, medium 1.0 and hard 1.3.

You will describe three types of 'Mechs to finish the mission: Standard 'Mech

will describe the 'Mech indicated by the computer and its configuration;

Regular 'Mech will describe the 'Mech ideal for the mission (it could be

lighter or heavier than the standard 'Mech), but not the configuration, as I

think it is striclty personal; Elite 'Mech will describe the lighest 'Mech I've

ever used to complete the mission. If there are more than one 'Mech in the

line, assume it is the 'Mech for your lancemate(s).

In this expansion pack you won't be able to change your 'Mech everytime you

want. I'll notice you when there is this possibility, and be sure to choose the

right 'Mech, there's no turning back. An other thing you won't be able to

change is the result of a Trial of Position: if you are destroyed after only

one 'Mech, you won't be able to reply it unless you start the whole campaign







Planet: Alshain, Polotmy Mountains

Terrain: Snowy Valley

Time of Day: Day


Standard 'Mech: Grizzly

Regular 'Mech: Summoner

Elite 'Mech: Rifleman IIC


Primary  Objectives:

+ Destroy one 'Mech to recieve the rank of MechWarrior

Secondary  Objectives:

+ Destroy the second 'Mech to recieve the rank of Star Commander

Tertiary  Objectives:

+ Destroy the third 'Mech to recieve the rank of Star Captain


This is first first trail, MechWarrior, and will spell which rank you will

begin with. The first 'Mech is an Horned Owl, positioned right under your

sight: as soon as the 'mech is powered up, fire all your weapons and try to

cripple it in one salvo; even if it is a light 'Mech, the fast rate of fire of

its Pulse Lasers may pose some problems. The second 'Mech is a Grizzly, coming

from outside the valley where you started. This version has no missile launcher

but an LB-X AC (I think a 10-X caliber), plus the standard Gauss and Large

Pulse Laser. The Grizzly will start to move as you power up, and will attack

you even if you're still fighting the Horned Owl. The third 'Mech is an

Executioner, coming from where the Grizzly came from, and will attack you even

if the Grizzly is still active; your best bet to destroy this 'mech is to

destroy one leg and then keep moving, the Executioner has jump jets and will be

able to do small turns to keep you into his sight.




Planet: Mannendorf

Terrain: Ice

Time of Day: Day


Primary  Objectives:

+ Defend HPG Uplink

Secondary  Objectives:

+ Destroy all 'Mechs


+ 'Mech Hangar at Base


You have been assigned to the 72nd Assault Trinary, currently guarding

Mannendorf, a planet near the Ocuupation Zone border.

The main base is going to install an HPG Uplink for interplanetary

comunications, but there is a mercenary DropShip in low orbit: it is dropping

'Mechs near the base, probably for destroying the HPG uplink before it could

become active.

You'll beign this mission in the Hangar bay. There's a friendly Executioner in

front of you and a Phantom on your left.

Let them exit from the hangar first, and engage the Raven in front of you, as

your friends will go after the Atlas; as soon as you've killed the Raven, turn

toward the base: on the mountain you can notice four other 'Mechs, all Ravens:

these will activate themsleves after the first two 'Mechs have been destroyed,

and if the Atlas is still active, they're a very easy kill. If they activate,

they will descent from the crest: two will attack the HPG (the small dish

pointing to the sky) and the other two will stage diversionary attacks on you

and your allies. Do not have mercy for those mercenaries, and destroy them all.

After this wave two turrets will come online, though you won't need their help

as all other 'Mechs will come from afar.

Two other 'Mechs will power up, 2 Km away from your base: the Raven will be the

first to reach weapons range, followed by a Victor. After you destroyed them,

an Annihilator will power up: let the Phantom engage it, and support you friend

from afar; the Annihilator is slow and the LB 10-Xs are effective only under

the kilometer, a distance it shouldn't reach.

After the Annihilator has been destroyed, select the only Nav Point available

('Mech Hangar) and reach it to end the mission.




Planet: Mannendorf

Terrain: Ice

Time of Day: Day


(in this mission the AI may assign you a Starmate. I think it is based on how

you performed the previous missions, and higher was your performance, lighter

is the 'Mech; the last time I've got a Firemoth (as usual), but in the mission

it changed in a Dire Wolf....)


Primary  Objectives:

+ Destroy all enemy 'Mechs


+ Nav Point Delta


After the first battle, the mercenaries are still trying to destroy the base.

Your 'Mech is the only not needing repairs, as you you'll have to patrol the

area sorrounding the base.

Ignore the Nav Points sequence (Alpha, Beta and Gamma), and go directly toawrd

Nav Point Gamma: you should be able to pick up a 'Mech or a vehicle while it is

powered down. If you follow the Nav sequnce, the HQ will inform you that the

mercenary unit is attacking the base while yuo're near Nav Point Alpha, and the

mission will be harder, as the mercenraies would be able to inflict heavy daage

to the base.

The Mercenary unit attacking the base uses three S-PPCs carriers, vehicles you

should destroy while your Starmate (if any) attacks the Victor and the Raven

protecting them. To silence the vehicles, destroy the barrel first, then go

after the two 'Mechs, and finish the S-PPCs as last thing.

After the vehicles ahave been destroyed, two other mercenary 'Mechs, an Atlas

and a Raven, will power up, but three friendly 'Mechs (an Hellbringer, a Nova

and a Grizzly) will back you up in attacking these two 'Mechs; be sure to be

out of their line of sight: they won't stop to fire if you're caught between

the crossfire.

After the last 'Mech has been destroyed, the mission is finished (there's no

need to return to Nav Delta).




Planet: Alshain

Terrain: Snowy Valley

Time of Day: Day


Standard 'Mech: Kodiak, Summoner, Executioner

Regular 'Mech: Marauder IIC, Timber Wolf, Timber Wolf

Elite 'Mech: Timber Wolf, Timber Wolf, Timber Wolf


Primary  Objectives:

+ Destroy all opposing 'Mechs


During the battle on Mannendorf, a Draconis Combine strike force was able to

steal the Clan's genetic legacy from one repository near the planet Ardoz, and

the Khans have issued Trials to decide which unit will have the honor to start

the crusade to retrieve the genetic material. A Star from the 72nd will fight

an other Star from the 321st for this honor.

The 321st will use three assault 'Mechs, a Marauder IIC, a Warhawk and a

Kodiak: order your Starmates to engage one 'Mech each, but do not use them to

attack the Kodiak, they'll be surely destroyed. Try to destroy it asap, and

then help the Starmate that recieved most damage; after the second 'Mech has

been destroyed, go for the last kill.




Planet: Chandler

Terrain: Desert

Time of Day: Day


Primary  Objectives:

+ Defend DropDhip Justice

Secondary  Objectives:

+ Destroy all enemy 'Mechs


As you haven't enough experience to fight alongside your commanders, you are

been assigned to guard your DropShip, the Titan class vessel Justice, with an

other MechWarrior. Without your DropShip you won't be able to leave the planet

and continue you quest.

The high temperature on this planet may hamper somewhat your heat sinks, so be

caruful if you have an energy-only weapon load.

Few seconds after you powered up a Draconis Dropship will enter the area,

heading 0-3-0. It carries one Raven, two Victors and an Atlas.

The Raven will attack your ally (not starmate, ally; it won't accept any order

from you), piloting a Grizzly, and the other three 'Mechs will attack you.

Quickly destroy the Raven, and one Victor will begin to fight with the Grizzly.

Your best bet to pass this mission is to concentrate fire on the 'Mech

attacking the Grizzly, especially the first times you are playing GBL.

After about two minutes you'll notice an other DC DropShip passing over you:

this time it is deploying four BattleSuits, on the other ridge; the DropShip

pilot will inform you about this, and it is better to forget temporarly about

the 'Mechs to go after the Suits.

One missile salvo will be enough to destroy the whole group, but if you aren't

carrying them, try to aim carefully to avoid your DropShip.

Now all forces deployed by the DropShip should be destroyed; if not, destroy

them and head 1-2-0, two Victors are approaching the landing zone. Destroy one

of them with long-range fire, then help the friendly Grizzly to kill the last


Now highlight the Return Nav Point, DropShip:Titan, and reach it.




Planet: Chandler

Terrain: Plains

Time of Day: Day


Primary  Objectives:

+ Disable transport

+ Disable General Tengwan's 'Mech

+ Destroy all other units


It is now time to capture General Tengwan, commander of the Second Sword of

Light, to question him about the origins of the 'Mechs which attacked the

Bear's repository. As you showed great skill in defending the DropShip, you'll

be part of the strike force.

The DropShip Justice will deploy you on a small ridge 2.5 KMs away from

Tengwan's transport landing zone; you'll have support from a friendly Gargoyle,

but, again, it won't accept any order.

The transport, a Claymore class DropShip will arrive soon, from vector 0-0-0.

Follow it heading 1-9-0, or simply follwing the Gargoyle. Shortly after you'll

notice three radar contacts on your right, 2 KMs away, closing in fast: these

are Draconis fighters: destroy them before heading left, where the landing zone

is. To destroy these fighters, use long-range weapons, and do not let them get

too close, or they'll begin to hover above you: you won't be able to hit them,

but they will.

After having dispatched the fighters head left: an Atlas and two SRM Carriers

are coming toward you, to keep you away from the transport. The SRM Carriers

can be easily killed by long-range fire, and if you get too close, be sure to

have at least one AMS to cover you: the number of SRMs they can fire is lethal

even for 100-ton 'Mechs. The Atlas is piloted by a simple Warrior, the lowest

of the DC ranks, and won't pose a great trouble, especially because it will be

the first enemy engaged by the Gargoyle.

Now close with the transport: two Battle Suits are guarding it, butthe Gargoyle

will engage them, leaving you alone to disable the transport: keeping moving

while engaging the DropShip, is has a lot Large (pulse?) Lasers; to disable the

transport, simply fire at it: when the damage reaches a certain level, a smoke

column will begin to exit from it and a Raven will exit its bay: disable the

'Mech by destroying one leg, but do not finish it: its pilots is General

Tengwan, you objective.

Three Ravens will power up, and will try to rescue their commander: kill them,

and the mission will end.




Planet: Wolcott

Terrain: Forest

Time of Day: Dusk


Standard 'Mech: Kodiak, Timber Wolf

Regular 'Mech: Marauder IIC

Elite 'Mech: Timber Wolf


Primary  Objectives:

+ Identify General Ano Rentoshi's Hatamoto-Chi

+ Destroy all other 'Mechs


Tengwan told us that Ano Rentoshi can identify the 'Mechs used durign that

raid. General Rentoshi is currently on Wolcott, a planet where the Draconis

Combine managed to defeat the Smoke Jaguars; the Draconis used several "chaffs"

to obscure enemy sensors, are they 're  still present.

You'll begin below the Justice: turn left a proceed few meters to detect two

Ravens: you won't be able to target them, and if you use missiles you'll have

to use them as standard SRMs. The Raven may pose a problem, as the trees block

your line of sight and your weapons, and they are more agile than you. Try to

concentrate fire on the large head section to shoot them down.

Now return to the DropShip and proceed toward the right side of the fortress:

you'll find two Ravens, this time shutted down; take them out with long range

fire; these 'Mechs tend to flee when you destroy their arms, so you may want to

destroy one leg to keep them where they are.

It is now time to destroy the Atlas guardin the fortress main gates: try to

attract it into the forest, as the LRM luancher and the Gauss Rifle will have

problem in close-quarters fight. There is an other Raven guarding the gate, so

take it out.

Now approach the fortress: an Atlas will power up: if you have enough armor,

you can destroy it before inspecting the Hatamoto-Chi in the fortress: if do

not want to engage it, simply target the Hatamoto-Chi, inspect it and it will


After you have inspected Rentoshi's 'Mech, your orders will change: you have to

return to the DropShip immediately, or General Rentoshi won't trasmit the

raiding 'Mechs' datas: ignore your commander's order to kill everything in the

area, or the mission will fail.




Planet: LaBrea

Terrain: Mesa

Time of Day: Day


Primary  Objectives:

+ Destroy your commander


General Rentoshi braodcasted the requested datas. The 'Mechs aren't from the

Draconis Combine: these 'Mechs were used by the DC in a failed raid against the

Smoke Jaguars, and the Jaguars took them as isorla.

However you refused to follow order from your direct commander, and he called a

Circle of Equals where you'll fight against him to preserve not only the honor

of your actions, but yours and the Clan's one.

Your commander, Star Captain Bekker pilots a Kodiak, though you already

encountered more skilled MechWarriors on Chandler. Just keep firing at him and

hold back when your heat gauge in in red conditions. Try to stay at 600 meters

from the Kodiak, as it won't use its Medium Lasers, Ultra AC and Streak SRMs.




Planet: Jeanette

Terrain: marsh

Time of Day: day


Primary  Objectives:

+ Inspect all Structures at Nav Point Alpha


After you defeated you former commander, Star Commander Fitzmmons took control

of the 72nd, and assigned you to a recon mission on Jeanette, a planet

controlled by the Smoke Jaguars to find where the 'Mechs are.

You'll powerup indide the Justice's bays, probably with a starmate; if your

ally has a good 'Mech, order him to engage one of the two Horned Owls directly

in front of you, while you engage the other. Do not help him to finish the

second if the battle takes too much time, and head toward the base instead.

You'll find a Stone Rhino protecting the landing zone, and on the side other

four 'Mechs; for now concentrate on the Stone Rhino, and when it is destroyed

hel your starmate with that Horned Owl if he hasn't finished yet.

Note that the Stone Rhino will power up 1 minute after your drop, or when the

Horned Owls have been destroyed.

After the Stone Rhino has been put out of action, two 'Mechs will poerup on the

left side of the base; order your starmate (if any) to engage the Horned Owl,

while you concrentrate fire on the Hellbringer.

As soon these two 'Mechs are no longer active two Incubus will power up on the

other side of the base; one Incubus is the version carrying a PPC, so be

careful in engaging this one.

Now you can climb the hill and inspect all 6 structures composing tyhe small

landing base; when you inspect the landing facility, the first objective is

completed, but you commander will communicat to destroy all 'Mechs in the area.

As the enemies in the area are the ones already destroy, head to Nav Beta

(Dustoff) and prepare for an other mission.




Planet: none, space near Garstedt

Terrain: JumpShip Bear's Legacy

Time of Day: N/A


Primary  Objectives:

+ Defend JumpShip

Secondary  Objectives:

+ Destroy all enemy forces


The DC 'Mechs are no longer on Jeanette: they now are on Garstedt, an other

planet in the Smoke Jaguar Occupation Zone; datas collected in the previous

recon missions shows that the 'Mechs have been refitted with Clan weapons, but

no other datas are available.

As the Bear's Legacy, the JumpShip carrying you and your DropShip entered the

Garstedt system, a Jagaur Carrier-class DropShip was sent to shot it down. This

will be your first 0 G combat, and your 'Mech have been equipped with special

thrusters to create a minimum of gravity. Do not fall from the JumpShip or

you'll die. Note that heat is a minor problem here and you can sacrifice some

heat sinks and jump jets for more weapons.

You'll start on an elevator which will bring you on the JumpShip's top. The

enemy carrier is coming from the left, escorted by 3 Jaguar Fighters. Destroy

one or two with long-range fire, and then concentrate on the Stone Rhino

dropped by the Carrier on your DropShip. The Bear's Legacy will assist you in

bringing down the fighters with Medium Pulse Laser fire, though it won't be

able to help with the 'Mech.

After the first wave has been destroyed, turn right to find the Carrier and

other three Fighters. Take care of the fighters first, and concentrate on the

Carrier when it stops near the JumpShip. The Carrier has 2 Pulse Lasers, and it

will concentrate fire on the JumpShip. After the Carrier is down, the mission

is finished.




Planet: Garstedt, Cordivas Grotto

Terrain: Canyon

Time of Day: Day


Primary  Objectives:

+ Wait for orders (it's not a joke)

+ Destroy all enemy 'Mechs


The Jaguars called for a Trial of Position for infos of the stole DC 'Mechs.

The Jaguars are weak now, and it is possible that will brek the batchall to

win. You have been stationed away from the main battle to act as a back up

force if the Jaguars will cheat.

Yopur forces consists of you, a Jenner IIC with the same order and a strike

force composed of a Gargoyle and a Nova. The Jagaurs have a Marauder IIC and a

Stone Rhino, but when the timer will reach the 23'50'' of time remaining two

more Jagaur 'Mechs will enter the area, and you'll have to stop them.

Move down the canyon, and engage the Nova with long-range weapons; the Stone

Rhino following the Nova will attack you at the same time; note that this Stone

Rhino is a missile carrier, and will probably go after your legs. After you

destroyed these tow 'Mechs, go after the remaining 'Mechs.




Planet: Alshain

Terrain: Plains

Time of Day: Night


Primary  Objectives:

+ Defend the base

Secondary  Objectives:

+ Destroy all enemies


Though the Jagaurs broke the batchall, commander Nevversan transmitted the

infos on the 'Mech you are searching. The 'Mechs are no longer in possession of

the Jaguars, as a renegade faction of Clan Wolf stole them before the raid on

the repository. It is possible that these Wolves staged the raid. You decide to

reutrn to Alshain before heading in Wolf territory.

As you enter Alshain atmosphere, the palnet main base broadcasts an emergency

transmission: mercenary are staging a lighting raid to destroy oneof the

biggest Bear's facilities in the Inner Sphere.

You begin in the Justice's hangar, with a Grizzly in front of you. An Horned

Owl guarding the base is intercepting the mercenaries; the mercs deployed a

full assault lance of three Atlas and 1 Annihilator.

Ignore the Atlas in front of you and go after the Annihilator, or the Horned

Owl will die. Then engage the remaining 'Mechs; one Atlas is fitted with jump

jets and the others are standard configurations.




Planet: Alshain

Terrain: Muddy Snow

Time of Day: Day


Standard 'Mech: Stone Rhino

Regular 'Mech: Marauder IIC/Kodiak

Elite 'Mech: Timber Wolf


Primary  Objectives:

+ Destroy one 'Mech to advance one rank

Secondary  Objectives:

+ Destroy two 'Mechs to advance two ranks

Tertiary Objectives:

+ Destroy three 'Mech to advance three ranks


A captured mercenary revealed that they were hired by a renegade Clan Wolf,

though it seems that this unit is operating in the Crusader Wolves territory.

He also revealed that the 'Mechs youare searching are on Thun. Not enough, you

Captain granted you a Trial of Position.

An other Trial of Position in the usual valley on Alshain. Rules of Engagement

are the same of yhe ones of the first mission, with three 'Mechs attacking you

with very few delay. The 'Mechs are a Grizzly, a Timber Wolf and a Kodiak.

Remeber that this will be your last chance to change 'Mech, and an assault

'mech is highly recomended, though you can do it with a Timber Wolf (prepare to

die a lot of times, BTW).




Planet: Thun

Terrain: water

Time of Day: dawn


For this mission only you will pilot an Executioner costumized for underwater

missions. The 'Mech has 4 ER PPCs (two in each arm) and two Torpedo Racks (one

in each torso and each with 100 rounds, or 50 salvos).


Primary  Objectives:

+ Identify and destroy all stolen Draconis' 'Mechs

Secondary  Objectives:

+ Destroy all enemy forces


Underwater Strike. You'll hate this mission. You'll want his planner death only

after a year-long torture session. You'll want this planet obliterated from the

Inner Sphere map and from your memories. As the Crusader Wolves have their base

underwater, you are going to fight in a special Executioner. Remember that when

the armor  on a location is gone, water will fill the internal structure,

effectively destroying the location. This is for your enemies, too. Remember to

use your torpedoes; though slow, they almost are a sure-kill hit.

Begin to head on the right-most ridge, and advance slowly. It is better to

switch to Image Enhacement for this mission. You will notice a shutdown

Linebacker. Try to do as much damage as possible with your PPCs and when it

powers up finish it with torpedoes.

An other Linebacker will power up on your left: pay attention to its torpedoes,

or you'll have a 'Mech without arms (=without energy weapons) to fight with. A

Gargoyle rests just above the Linebacker, but it won't power up unless you get

too close on its position. This Gragoyle hasn't torpedoes, but has energy-only

weapons, Pulse Lasers, I think, so close distances quickly and fire torpedoes

at will.

Now head toward Nav Alpha: you'll find two groups of Wolf Subs guarding it: the

two huge subs won't fire back, but their escorts (the smaller ones) will fire a

barrage of PPCs; fortunately enough the Subs are very inaccurate and a salvo of

torpedoes (from both racks) should be enough to take care of them.

At Nav Alpha you'll find an entrance to a cave, where the 'Mechs used in that

raid are. Remember to identify them, or you'll have to reply the mission. The

first 'mech you'll encounter will the Raven, and two or three PPC salvos should

be enough to destroy it. Now head left to fight the Atlas. Pay attention, this

Atlas has Pulse Lasers; fire the torpedoes at point-blank range as quickly as

you can and then head for the last of them, the Victor. This 'Mech has a PPC in

plae of the standard Gauss Rifle and Lasers in place of its SRM launcher,

though if you defeated the Atlas you'll find the Victor pretty easy.

Now exit the cave and reach the return Nav Point to end the mission.





Planet: Moritz, New Coffton

Terrain: Cityscape

Time of Day: Dusk


Primary  Objectives:

+ Locate Genetic Materials

+ Destroy all buildings not containing Genetic Materials

Secondary  Objectives:

+ Destroy all enemy 'Mechs


The Jaguars told the truth: a crusading faction of Clan Wolf; when 286th, which

was attacking the Warden Wolves on Arc-Royal listened the news, called hegira

and retreated. The crusader Wolves stoled Jorgensson's and Tseng's genes for

strengtheting their bloolines after the Warden faction took some bloodlines in

their self-imposed exile in the Inner Sphere.

Begin to engage the Linebacker and the Hellbringer in front of you. If you have

a starmate, order him to engage the Linebacker and made short work of the

Hellbringer before engaging the Linebacker.

As these 'Mechs explodes, four other 'Mechs will power up: a Dire Wolf and a

Summoner are patrolling the area sorrounding a building and won't engaged if

fired upon; the other two 'Mechs, a Mad Dog and a Timber Wolf will engage you


Engage the Timber Wolf and order your starmate to kill the Mad Dog.

After this couple, move to engage the remaining two 'Mechs: DO NOT shot at the

building they are patrolling, it contains Genetic Materials. Destroy these

'Mechs and inspect the building to complete one objective, and reduce to rubble

any other building in the area.

Now return to Nav Alpha (Dustoff) and listen to the debriefing.




Planet: Moritz, Gnesta Valley

Terrain: River Valley

Time of Day: Day


Primary  Objectives:

+ Locate and identify Tseng's Genetic Material

+ Destroy all 'Mechs


Unfortunately enough, the recovered canister contained only Jorgensson's

Genetic Materials; intelligence spotted heavy movements in the Gnesta Valley,

where Tseng's Genetic Materials are. Decimate all Wolf forces and retrieve our

lost legacy.

Proceeed toward Nav Alpha; an Incubus and a Naga will welcome you. If you have

a starmate, order him to take out the Naga and concentrate your fire on the

Incubus (strangely enough the Incubus will be an harder opponent, especially

because all Nagas you'll encounter won't have Arrow IV launchers but only three

ER Small Lasers), then proceed to the lake. There you'll find an other Incubus

(on the left, shutdown for the moment) and a Naga (on the right, shutted down


Now step in the center on the lake, and a waterfall will appear. Just behind it

there's a cave, and a Nova (shutted down) is guarding the entrance. To make

your starmate enter the cave use the Line Astern formation, though you'll need

its support only in the first engagement.

Enter the cave, and a Phantom (right) and a Linebacker (left) will power up.

Engage the Phantom, and the Linebacker will try to engage your starmate.

Dispatch the Linebacker too and then go ahead into the cave: on the left a

Phantom will power up, but the road it's guarding is not the right one.

Now head right to find an other Phantom, and follow the road it was (as you

have to kill all 'Mechs in the area...) protecting: a Linebacker will power up,

just before seeral containers: DO NOT fire on them, and try to engage the

Linebacker away from them. After the last Wolf 'Mech has been destroyed, target

the taller canister, inspect it and wait for the extraction team.




Planet: none; space above Moritz

Terrain: none; DropShip Justice and Wolf orbital platform

Time of Day: none


Standard 'Mech:  (whatever 'mech your are going to use,

Regular 'Mech:    you'll need at least one jump jet for this

Elite 'Mech:      mission)


Primary  Objectives:

+ Destroy the reactor at Nav Gamma

+ Destroy all remaining forces


All of the stole legacies have been recovered. However, the Wolves must pay for

their action; the commanding staff succesfully escaped to an orbiting platform,

and you have to kill them for avengening the dishonor they did to our Clan.

Show no mercy.

As soon as you will power up four turrets with double Pulse Lasers will begin

to target you; whatever 'Mech you'll pilot you won't be able to resist to their

onslaught, so use you jump jet(s) to enter the hole your DropShip created and

enter the space station: tow 'Mechs, a Marauder IIC and a Timber Wolf will

attack you. Try to destroy them keeping a relatively stationary position, or

two other 'Mechs will enter the melee; the Marauder IIC seems to be more active

than the Timber Wolf, so destroy it first.

After these two 'Mechs it's time to destroy a Gargoyle and a Linebacker. After

these two 'Mechs enter the reactor room and a Stone Rhino will welcome you.

Before destroying the reactor kill it and then concentrate your fire on the

column in the center.

Now RUN toward the hole, descend it (just do not press the jet buttons and cut

your throttle to zero), and then use your jets to reach the airlock (Nav Point

Alpha). Do this FAST, the platform will explode in 30 seconds.

Congratulations, you have finished Ghost Bear's Legacy! Sit back ancd enjoy the

short ending. You'll also advance one rank after this mission.




Planet: ?

Terrain: ?

Time of Day: ?


Standard 'Mech: ?

Regular 'Mech: ?

Elite 'Mech: ?


Primary  Objectives:

+ ?

Secondary  Objectives:

+ ?

Tertiary Objectives:

+ ?


+ ?


I do not know if there are any kinds of special missions, nor how you can reach

them. During a little tour in the SMK directory (containing all movie files

encoded in Smacker code), I stumbled over four short briefing/debriefing movies

where some pilots and their 'Mechs are shown. I can only guess that you have to

destroy these 'mechs, but I haven't any hard data; if you do, please contact me

at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..






During Combat press CTRL, ALT and SHIFT and type:

+ KENT: invulnerability

+ THUNDROS: unlimited ammo

+ BURR: no heat tracking

+ JUMBO: adds jump capacity

+ CRILLION: unlimited jump capacity

+ KABOOM: destroys everything (including you) on the map

+ PALEX: destroys targeted enemy

+ PUTZ: skip mission

+ CLARK: you can see through objects


When creating a new pilot, type FREEBIRTHTOAD as its name for level selection.

Level names will appear in gray on the right part of the backgroundground


To change your 'Mech when you're away from a 'Mech plant, go into the Combat

Simulator (Instant Action) screen and select the 'Mech you want. Start the sim,

and exit to DOS from the game itself. Now return to GBL and the 'Mech should be

in its plce. This works with all 'Mechs.






Waszkiewicz (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) sent this:


Saw your faq on gamefaqs.

If you complete all missions in Mechwarrior 2 Ghost Bear's Legacy without

failing once (i.e. there is no number after your name in the roster select

screen) you will attend the Bloodname trials. I think you have to fight five

times (five arenas). Win and you get a bloodname) If it is too hard too

complete the game without failing even once then one can copy/paste a couple of

files before each mission.....if one failes, then just copy/paste the original

files in and try again) The files to copy are the .cfg files...I don't know

exactly which one(s) so I took Mw2car, Mw2dif, Mw2msn, Mw2prm, Mw2reg and



Still have to test this...in fact, I assume also that if you use cheats the

game won't allow you to fight in these arenas, so, for very lazy players who

like file editing (I don't take responsabilites for any damage to people, PCs,

nations etc etc, you know the stuff), as far as I remember mw2reg contains the

infos on registered players, so check what is missing from an "uncheated" file

and delete the string in the "cheated" file.






First credit? To Fasa for having created the whole BattleTech universe. Then to

me, Briareos Kerensky (Zone ID: briareos_CWE) and to all site showing this FAQ

with my permission; visit them at:

1) WolfArt (http://www.geocities.com/khan_briareos/index.htm; it's my site.

Visit it, this will make me very happy)

2) GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)

3) Neoseeker (http://www.neoseeker.com)

4) The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts)

5) Video Games Strategies (http://vgstrategies.about.com)

6) Sjel's Walkthrough Page (www.sjel.org)

7) Cheat City (www.cheatcity.com)

8) Free Games (www.freegames.it or www.freegames.es), translated in Italian and


9) Gamespot (http://www.gamespot.com)

10) Game's Over (http://www.gamesover.com)

an everyone who helped with this document.

Special thanks to:

all italian BT/MW players; all programs I used to do this FAQ; my turtle and my

dog (he's not died yet); my PC (asking every time to kill him when I push any

of its buttons); Dynamic Italia for having published Evangelion's 10th Genesis

and other tapes I and the italian otaku community were waiting for; all

soundtracks that accompained me during this long work (nominally: all Eva OSTs,

Cowboy Bebop OST, and everythign from Beethoven, Back, Pachelbel, Wagner, Saint

Saen, Orff and everyone I forgot); my still trasparent and bodyless girlfriend.

To ask permission to post this document, just send a mail writing down the URL.

To contact me, write at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; ICQ UIN is 40534369; Odigo ID is

264286. Write only about this FAQ or if you have a cute (female)friend/sister

to introduce.


Copyright (c) Briareos Kerensky 2000/2001. Reproduction  and translation of

this document (as a whole or parts of its) in any mode without permission is

strictly forbidden.

All names and marks are proprieties of respective owners.