Cheats for the full version:

 Type [t] to open commandline:

 baddaboom           function unknown
 skillz              get skillpoints (only in level 3+4)
 build               show version On/Off
 maphole             skip level
 pos                 show position On/Off
 poltergeist         Invisibility On/Off
 health              full health
 armor               full armor
 god                 invulnerability On/Off
 guns                all weapons
 ammo                get ammo
 kfa                 all guns, ammo and full health
 mods                all gun modifications
 nextmission         next chapter
 rosebud             create snowtruck

 and then type [ENTER] to confirm.


 Cheats for the demo version:

 Type [t] to open commandline:

 baddaboom           function unknown
 skillz              get skillpoints (only in level 3+4)
 build               show version On/Off
 maphole             skip level
 pos                 show position On/Off
 poltergeist         Invisibility On/Off
 health              full health
 armor               full armor
 god                 invulnerability On/Off

 and then type [ENTER] to confirm.



*                                                                          *
*                           No One Lives Forever 2:                        *
*                           A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way                        *
*                                                                          *
*                       A Single-Player FAQ/Walkthrough                    *
*                                                                          *
*                             By: Halon50 (Tex Gotanda)                    *
*                          Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                      *
*                        Version: 0.4                                      *
*                    Last Update: 10/21/02                                 *
*                                                                          *

| I - Table of Contents                                                    |

I. Table of Contents
II. Copyright Notice
III. Revision History
IV. Introduction
V. Gameplay
    V.1         General Questions
    V.2         Characters
    V.3         Skills
    V.4         Weapons
VI. Walkthrough
VII. Websites List
VIII. Credits

| II - Copyright notice                                                    |

This document is copyright 2002 by Tetsuji Gotanda, a.k.a. Halon50.
Distribution of this guide for profit is prohibited.

| III - Revision History                                                   |

10/21/02: [0.4]
          Added gadgets to weapons section
          Added section headings to items lists
          Noted multiple locations of several intel items

10/20/02: [0.35] (Not released)
          Added weapons section
          Added link to Official NOLF2 FAQ
          Walkthrough coverage through Chapter 2

10/19/02: [0.3]
          Revised section headers (looks a lot cooler now :)
          Expanded several sections
          Skills section complete
          Walkthrough coverage through Chapter 1

10/18/02: [0.2] (Not released)
          Fleshed out most sections
          Started walkthrough

10/17/02: [0.1] (Not released)
          Started this puppy up
          Basic layout created


| IV - Introduction                                                        |

Welcome to my second FAQ/Walkthrough.  I got impatient while waiting for
someone to post a FAQ on GameFAQs for this game, and wound up writing this
relatively comprehensive FAQ for a fine FPS.  This document will hopefully
help stem the flood of requests for help on the related GameFAQs board at:

I've designed the walkthrough section to cover general strategies for
completing your main and optional missions, but many specific details are
left out.  I have always been a fan of a "hint" system of walkthroughs, so
instead of just giving a step-by-step walkthrough for every scenario and
puzzle, I've decided to only give out enough information to pass a certain
aspect of the game instead of just steamrolling through everything all at
once.  It may be longer than the average walkthrough, but I'm pretty sure
this format is far more readable than trying to pick out the answer to a
single puzzle from densely-packed paragraphs of information.  At any rate,
since NOLF 2 is mostly an item-oriented game, you can just follow the
directions to all the items and solve most of the game from that.

I should point out that writing a straight walkthrough for this game will be
quite difficult for any who attempt to do so.  Non-player characters (NPCs),
while they tend to stick to general areas, are not necessarily in the same
places every time.  They decide on their own to lean against walls, walk to
different areas, and even run around or chase after you if they become
panicked.  With this in mind, I will not be able to pinpoint exact locations
for every NPC on each level; rather, I will concentrate on key items and
events and try to guide you through them.  I personally like how, when NPCs
happen across a dead body and you're watching them while out of sight, they
might kick the body and say something amusing.

For those unfamiliar with NOLF or its genre, No One Lives Forever was a
First-Person Shooter (FPS) game released at the end of 2000 in time for the
holidays.  Sporting fancy human-like body movements in its cinematic
sequences, realistic AI routines for enemies, and a thoroughly enjoyable
story and plotline, it was pretty much inevitable that Monolith would once
again team up with Fox Interactive to create this sequel, No One Lives
Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way.

NOLF and its sequel are set in the post-World War II era of the 1960's, when
the Cold War was running full blast, fear of Communism was widespread, and
Spy-related entertainment a la Ian Fleming (author of James Bond), The Saint
(TV and book series), and Get Smart (classic TV series) were all the rage.

The star of NOLF and NOLF2 is Cate Archer, the perky super spy from Scotland
with smoldering looks and a killer body.  To get an idea of how she looks,
wait at the main menu for a few seconds, and she'll stroll in.  Cate works
for UNITY, the spy organization for the post-World War II allies based
somewhere in the United Kingdom.  UNITY's current nemesis is the underworld
organization H.A.R.M.  If you're familiar with the spy spoof TV series Get
Smart, NOLF is a loosely-based spoof of that (making it a meta-spoof?).

| V.1 - Gameplay questions                                                 |

-----------< General tips >-------------------------------------------------
Try to carry bodies out of sight when possible.  This helps keep guards from
chancing upon them and raising an alarm.

Always search bodies when it's safe to do so.  You'll often find notes,
weapons, and health/armor items, especially if you train up your Search
skill.  Searching bodies will also often recover certain types of ammo, such
as crossbow bolts.

If you quick-search a body (briefly right-click it), you'll be able to skim
the ammo and weapons from it quickly.  You can then move the body out of
sight and search it more thoroughly at your leisure.

Headshots do the greatest amount of damage to enemies.  You can improve your
chances of getting headshots by training your Marksmanship skill category.

To help prevent you from being seen while inside buildings or enclosed
areas, look around for light switches and exposed light bulbs.  Turning off
the lights or unscrewing a bulb will create a dark patch in which you can

Try to pick up as many extra items as you can by exploring every level as
thoroughly as possible.  Certain items such as Spy Training Manuals and the
completion of optional objectives will give you hundreds of bonus skill
points good toward improving your skill levels.

Your compass may occasionally have red marks on its display.  A red "X"
marks items or intelligence you may need to return to later.  A red "i"
marks the location of major objectives or tasks.  Red dots indicate
locations of people you have shot with tracking beacons.

Vending machines will often have coins on the ground in front of them.  The
coins are very difficult to see, so crouch down to get a better look.

Since I've been getting discrepancies in my own skill point totals, I
believe you get minor skill point bonuses for certain accomplishments at the
end-of-chapter summary screens.  Since these bonuses are difficult to
verify, your cumulative total may vary from my walkthrough by significant
amounts.  I will update this section as I discover more information.
Following is a list of what I think I have been able to deduce so far:
  100% accuracy                                       -- 200 SP (unverified)
  Undamaged (100% health at all times)                -- 200 SP (unverified)

-----------< How to cheat >-------------------------------------------------
I don't condone cheating.  NOLF2 is a very well-balanced single-player game
at Normal difficulty.  Cheating only disrupts this balance.  If you really
must cheat, I suggest looking at the GameFAQs codes site:

-----------< Patch information >--------------------------------------------
The current patch version is v1.1.  This patch addresses a common sound
issue, where installed codecs other than what the game uses can cause a wide
variety of issues within the game.  The patch is available from sites like
the following:

Further patch information is posted at:

-----------< Known issues >-------------------------------------------------
Until the second patch is released, the following are known issues with the
game, and how to address them if possible:

1) User still experiences sound problems after installing Patch v1.1.
   - See following URL for more possible fixes:

2) Machines with an ATI Radeon 8500 series video card may hang in Chapter 8
   - Try installing a patch available from the following URL:

3) The intro movies are very "laggy" and pause every few seconds for the
   sound to catch up.

4) NOLF 2 leaves behind several files in your Windows TEMP directory.  It's
   a minor annoyance, but the game should still properly clean up after
   itself once you quit the game.

5) Hitting your "Last weapon" key twice in rapid succession may cause all
   standard ammo of a weapon to disappear.  The ammo is still there, but
   you will need to change to a different weapon, then change back, to get
   the ammo displayed properly again.

Please refer to the readme.txt file in the NOLF2 installation directory, and
the Official NOLF2 FAQ for additional problems and resolutions.  The URL for
the FAQ is: email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..0@.ef98ac0

| V.2 - Characters                                                         |

-----------< The Good Guys >------------------------------------------------
Name:          Cate Archer
Organization:  UNITY
Position:      Field Operative, UNITY Special Operations Division
History:       Introduced as the former cutpurse/thief protégé of Bruno
               Lawrie in the first NOLF, Cate is now a full-fledged Super
               Spy in UNITY's field division.  This time around, Cate
               (through you) must stop the Director of H.A.R.M. from
               unleashing a new wave of catastrophes.

Name:          Bruno Lawrie
Organization:  UNITY
Position:      Senior Field Operative, UNITY Special Operations Division
History:       Originally the mentor of fledgling UNITY agent Cate Archer in
               the first NOLF, Bruno has now been elevated to the position
               of Temporary Director while Mr. Jones is on vacation in the

Name:          Santa
Organization:  UNITY
Position:      Director of Gadgetry, UNITY Toymaker Division
History:       The Master of Gadgetry, Santa now solely makes his appearance
               in NOLF 2 via the Mark VII Mechanized Mynah Birds in several
               levels.  He provides Cate with useful several tips and
               techniques in the beginning, as well as many gadgets and
               items throughout the rest of the game.

Name:          Dr. Otto Schenker
Organization:  UNITY
Position:      Mysterious Doctor (for now)
History:       He's a German Doctor of sorts.

Name:          Isaac Barnes
Organization:  CSA
Position:      CSA liaison to UNITY
History:       The American guy

Name:          General Morgan Hawkins
Organization:  United States Military Armed Forces (all branches?)
Position:      Five-star General
History:       Since the position of five-star general can only be granted
               during times of war, I can only assume General Hawkins is a
               veteran of World War II.  Short, stocky, and _very_ trigger-
               happy, the General is just itching to blow up some Soviets!

Name:          Magnus Armstrong
Organization:  Free Agent (formerly of H.A.R.M.)
Position:      Free Agent
History:       After suffering a thorough beat-down at the fists of Cate
               Archer in the first NOLF, Magnus now has a long-standing
               respect for her.  While his intelligence isn't exactly top-
               notch, he has a set of oddly high morals to match his beefy

-----------< The Bad Guys >-------------------------------------------------
Name:          The Director
Organization:  H.A.R.M.
Position:      Evil Leader
History:       Suffering from terminal Mother disease, The Director is a
               highly insecure little chap.  His pastimes include managing
               H.A.R.M., hanging up on Mother, and attempting to get better
               acting jobs (see walkthrough, Chapter 14).

Name:          Dmitrij Volkov
Organization:  H.A.R.M.
Position:      Head Assassin
History:       After a mysterious "skiing accident" (see first NOLF) that
               leaves him bound to a motorized wheelchair, Volkov now seeks
               the death of Cate with a vengeance.

Name:          Isako
Organization:  H.A.R.M.
Position:      Leader of the Katakuri ninja clan
History:       After a rather contrived scheme to get Isako under The
               Director's thumb, Isako owes The Director a blood debt,
               forcing her to remain in his servitude until he releases her.
               Isako and her band of ninja are the first enemies Cate must
               face, as well as among the last.  Why does she wear those
               leather leggings?

Name:          Pierre
Organization:  Free Agent
Position:      Mysterious Mime Assassin
History:       Armed with a French accent, the strange ability to "glide"
               along the ground, and a legion of mime cronies, Pierre has
               become gainfully employed by The Director to track down and
               assassinate Cate Archer.

| VI.3 - Skills                                                            |

NOLF2 includes a nice skill system that lets you train general categories to
improve Cate's skills.  While it's not as complex as the system introduced
in Deus Ex, you can train up skill sets to fit your specific playing style.
Enjoy going Rambo and blasting your way through floods of enemies?
Concentrate on Weapons and Marksmanship.  Prefer to go stealthy?
Concentrate on Stealth and Carry.  Want to do both?  Train up Marksmanship
and Stealth.

You start off at Novice level in every skill, with a 100% rating in each
sub-category.  Training to Amateur (level 2) requires 1000 skill points,
Skilled (level 3) requires 2000, Expert (level 4) 3000, and Master (level 5)
4000, for a total of 10000 points to train to Master in any specific
category.  Since there is a sum total of about 50000 skill points available
in the game, you won't be able to attain Master in all 8 skill categories,
so train according to your play style!

Following are descriptions of skills categories, what improvements in each
will accomplish, and the complete listing of skill level bonuses.  Skill
bonuses are measured as a percentage; while some are direct multipliers
(e.g. a 200% health bonus means you'll have twice as much health as your
original level), others are inverse multipliers (e.g. a 200% speed bonus for
Search means your search time is half as long as your original time).

-----------< Stealth >------------------------------------------------------
This describes your overall stealthiness levels.  I recommend training this
at least to level 3 or 4 to minimize detection as you run around, and
improve your ability to hide in shadows.

  Sneaking - Affects how much noise you make as you run.
  Hiding   - How quickly you can hide in shadows (the eye icon).
  Evasion  - Affects your ability to escape from pursuers.

-----------< Stamina >------------------------------------------------------
This affects your health and ability to heal.  I recommend training your
Armor skill before this skill, as armor has better damage absorption
capacity.  You'll still need a good level in Stamina to handle damage that
ignores armor though, like poison and phosphorous ammo.

  Health     - How much health you have, indicated by the red bar in the
               lower-left of your HUD.
  Endurance  - Reduces the effects of damage on your movement.
  Resistance - Reduces the effect of continual damage from fire and poison.
  First Aid  - Affects how much health is gained when using health items.
  Toughness  - Your overall damage resistance.

-----------< Marksmanship >-------------------------------------------------
This describes how accurately you can aim and fire weapons.  In my opinion,
this is the best overall skill category, and should be trained first.  I
highly recommend training this skill up to level 5 before mastering any
other skill.

  Accuracy   - Your aiming precision.  A high accuracy makes headshots easy!
  Steadiness - Describes how much your view will waver while using a scope.
  Correction - How quickly you fix your aim (the crosshairs' blurry state)
               after moving, firing, or being hit.

-----------< Carrying >-----------------------------------------------------
This affects how much ammunition you can stock, and how quickly you can move
while carrying a body.  While this is one of the less-useful skills, I still
recommend training this to level 2 or 3 just for extra ammo capacity, and
the ability to quickly move corpses out of the way.

  Ammo Capacity - The maximum amount of ammunition you can carry.
  Carrying      - How quickly you can move while carrying a body.

-----------< Armor >--------------------------------------------------------
This is a highly useful skill, affecting how much armor you can wear as well
as improving the amount your gauge fills when you pick up armor items.  This
is more useful than the Stamina skill IMO, as hits are absorbed far better
by armor, rather than your body (health).

  Armor  - How much armor you can wear, indicated by the blue bar in the
           lower-left of your HUD.
  Repair - Affects how much armor is gained when picking up armor items.

-----------< Weapons >------------------------------------------------------
This skill affects how much damage you can do, and reduces the time to
reload or swap weapons.  Train this to at least level 4 for the later
chapters of the game.

  Proficiency - The amount of damage you do with your weapons.
  Efficiency  - The length of time you take to reload or swap weapons.

< From Kirijini >
I've found the speed for reload at high levels is crucial in a large fight.

-----------< Gadgets >------------------------------------------------------
While many people snub this skill as being the least useful of all the
categories, I found it wise to have a level 3 (skilled) proficiency just to
decrease the time it takes for critical operations, such as picking locks.
You can forego training this skill so long as you disable all enemies in the
area prior to engaging a gadget.

  Proficiency - Reduces the length of time it takes to apply a gadget.
  Efficiency  - Reduces the length of time it takes to prepare a gadget.

-----------< Search >-------------------------------------------------------
The Search skill helps you both decrease the length of time it takes to
search bodies and items, and improves your chances of finding random items
(ammo, armor, health, and +20 skill point items).  While you can get by
without training this skill at all (see Gadgets, above), I found it useful
to train this to level 4 (expert) just for the improved chance of finding
items and intel.

  Speed        - Affects how quickly you search bodies and items.
  Thoroughness - Improves your chance of finding useful items from searches.

Skills table:
Category        | Novice    | Amateur   | Skilled   | Expert    | Master
                | (Default) | (+1000)   | (+2000)   | (+3000)   | (+4000)
Stealth         |           |           |           |           |
  Sneaking      |   100%    |   125%    |   167%    |   400%    |   1000%
  Hiding        |   100%    |   125%    |   167%    |   400%    |   1000%
  Evasion       |   100%    |   118%    |   143%    |   182%    |    250%
Stamina         |           |           |           |           |
  Health        |   100%    |   140%    |   170%    |   220%    |    300%
  Endurance     |   100%    |   118%    |   143%    |   182%    |    250%
  Resistance    |   100%    |   118%    |   143%    |   182%    |    250%
  First Aid     |   100%    |   125%    |   175%    |   275%    |    400%
  Toughness     |   100%    |   114%    |   133%    |   160%    |    200%
Marksmanship    |           |           |           |           |
  Accuracy      |   100%    |   125%    |   167%    |   400%    |   1000%
  Steadiness    |   100%    |   125%    |   167%    |   400%    |   1000%
  Correction    |   100%    |   200%    |   350%    |   700%    |   1000%
Carrying        |           |           |           |           |
  Ammo Capacity |   100%    |   125%    |   175%    |   275%    |    400%
  Carrying      |   100%    |   125%    |   167%    |   400%    |   1000%
Armor           |           |           |           |           |
  Armor         |   100%    |   130%    |   170%    |   230%    |    300%
  Repair        |   100%    |   130%    |   170%    |   230%    |    300%
Weapons         |           |           |           |           |
  Proficiency   |   100%    |   125%    |   150%    |   175%    |    200%
  Efficiency    |   100%    |   120%    |   140%    |   170%    |    200%
Gadgets         |           |           |           |           |
  Proficiency   |   100%    |   125%    |   175%    |   275%    |    400%
  Efficiency    |   100%    |   120%    |   140%    |   170%    |    200%
Search          |           |           |           |           |
  Speed         |   100%    |   125%    |   175%    |   275%    |    400%
  Thoroughness  |   100%    |   125%    |   167%    |   400%    |   1000%

| V.4 - Weapons                                                            |

-----------< Group 1, Melee >-----------------------------------------------
Weapon:      Katana
Range:       Close
Damage:      Low
Description: The katana is a sword that is quick to strike, but does poor
             damage to enemies.  It doesn't need reloading though.  You'll
             find these on ninja guards, and in Isako's den.

Weapon:      Mascara Stun Gun
Range:       Close
Damage:      Instant knockout
Description: Useful for knocking out enemies with minimal noise.  Note that
             enemies will "wake up" after a few minutes.  You will only have
             this weapon if you start a mission with it.

-----------< Group 2, Stealth >---------------------------------------------
Weapon:      Bear Trap
Range:       Set and Forget
Damage:      Very Low
Description: Useful as enemy detection devices, these traps will snap shut
             onto anyone who treads near them, causing a small amount of
             damage and holding them in place for several seconds.  You will
             find these spread throughout Siberia, and are very effective
             when set in front of an enemy spawn point.

Weapon:      Vindicator Sportsman's Crossbow
Range:       Mid to Long
Damage:      Very High
Ammo types:  Bolt, Fire bolt, Poison bolt, Explosive bolt
Accessories: Crossbow scope
Description: The Vindicator Sportsman's Crossbow is a highly effective
             silent weapon, with ammunition that is often retrievable from
             dead bodies.  A single hit from the crossbow to the head or
             body will most likely result in a kill.

Weapon:      Shuriken
Range:       Mid
Damage:      Low
Description: While shuriken do poor damage even if it hits a target's head,
             they are useful for distracting guards by throwing them at
             nearby walls.  These are found on ninja guards.

-----------< Group 3, Pistols >---------------------------------------------
Weapon:      McAllister .32 Automatic Handgun
Range:       Mid
Damage:      Average
Ammo types:  .32 FMJ, .32 Cyanide
Accessories: Handgun silencer
Description: This is a standard pistol that is an effective stealth weapon
             when silenced, for missions where a crossbow is not available.

Weapon:      CT-180 Utility Launcher
Range:       Mid to Long
Damage:      Varies
Ammo types:  Tranquilizer dart, Camera disabler, Tracking beacon
Accessories: Utility launcher scope
Description: The Utility Launcher is useful for several situations.  Tranq
             darts will instantly knock out a target that is unaware of your
             presence.  Alert enemies will take 2 to 4 darts before they
             fall.  Camera disablers, like their moniker, will disable a
             camera in one hit without raising the alarm.  Tracking beacons
             will cause your target to appear on your radar map for the rest
             of the level, making them useful for tracking targets you
             cannot kill, like policemen.

-----------< Group 4, Heavy Weapons >---------------------------------------
Weapon:      Gordon 9mm Submachinegun
Range:       Mid to Long
Damage:      Average
Ammo types:  9mm FMJ
Description: A side-loading SMG, the Gordon 9mm is a standard issue gun for
             UNITY operatives.

Weapon:      Silenced Gordon 9mm Submachinegun
Range:       Mid to Long
Damage:      Average
Ammo types:  9mm FMJ
Description: This SMG is fitted with an integral silencer which is,
             unfortunately, not available as a separate attachment.

Weapon:      AK-47 Assault Rifle
Range:       Mid to Long
Damage:      High
Ammo types:  7.62x39 FMJ, 7.62x39 Phosphorous
Description: A common Soviet-issue SMG, the AK-47 is highly accurate, and
             uses a readily available ammo type while in Siberia.

Weapon:      RFA Series-4 Bolt-action Rifle
Range:       Mid to Long
Damage:      Very High
Ammo types:  .308 FMJ
Description: This is your standard sniper rifle.  While the manual says a
             silencer is available, I haven't found one in the game.

-----------< Group 5, Explosives >------------------------------------------
Weapon:      Hand Grenade
Range:       Mid
Damage:      High, Splash
Description: Normal grenades aren't very useful in this game.  While there
             is some slight splash damage, the radius of effect isn't large
             enough to be useful.

Weapon:      Special Grenade
Range:       Mid
Damage:      Varies, Splash
Ammo types:  Sleeping Gas, Stun
Description: The splash radius on these grenades is very good, and can be
             used to good effect on groups of enemies.

Weapon:      Angry Kitty Proximity Device
Range:       Set and Forget
Damage:      Very High, Splash
Description: The Angry Kitty works as a proximity mine, exploding when an
             enemy ventures within its detection radius.  Since it is an
             explosive, it can attract unwanted attention from nearby

Weapon:      Explosives
Range:       None
Damage:      Special
Description: These are used to accomplish specific objectives throughout the
             game.  They can only be planted at special points where you see
             transparent red icons of explosives.

-----------< Group 6, Gadgets >---------------------------------------------
Gadget:      Coin
Range:       Short to Mid
Damage:      None
Description: When you have no shuriken to distract guards, you can use these
             instead.  It is difficult to aim and arc these coins properly.

Gadget:      Lipstick Spy Camera
Range:       Short
Damage:      None
Description: You'll only use this once in the game, in Chapter 2.

Gadget:      Nail Clipper Lock Pick
Range:       Close
Damage:      None
Description: Any locked doors, or visible padlocks, can be unlocked using
             this gadget.  You do not need to equip this item prior to
             picking a lock; just hold down your use key (right mouse
             button), and you will automatically switch to the lock pick,
             pick the lock, then switch back to your last weapon when

Gadget:      Compact Code Breaker
Range:       Close
Damage:      None
Description: Any note marked with "Decode" must be decoded with the code
             breaker.  You do not need to equip this item prior to decoding
             a note (see Lock Pick, above).

Gadget:      Keychain Light
Range:       Short
Damage:      None
Description: This will light up an area in a small radius around you.  The
             only place I found any use for this item was in Chapter 6.

-- More to come!


| VI - Walkthrough                                                         |

-----------< Introduction >-------------------------------------------------
I have split up each playable level into sub-sections that help describe
what's going on, include tips for accomplishing objectives, and show a line-
by-line list of available items.  Please note that some items found in
locations such as stacks of paper, filing cabinets, and some bodies WILL BE
RANDOM.  You may or may not get the exact same items from these locations,
and thus your skill point total may be slightly different than the totals I
report.  I will try my best to be as accurate as possible, but there are
well over 1000 skill points retrievable from random notes and events that I
will probably be unable to verify.

Items that I manage to verify are randomly positioned around the maps are
marked with an arrow (">>").  If an item is marked with an arrow and has no
skill point bonus following it, I probably found this item somewhere other
than where I found it the first time through.

|             Chapter 1: Cate Archer Must Die!          |
|                        The director                   |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cinematic scene (cutscene).  You are introduced to several main
characters in this sequence, namely The Director of H.A.R.M., his Evil
Mother, and Isako.

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Check out the choreographed movements of the characters; realistic body
movements (as seen in the first NOLF) are now coupled with independent eye
vectors _and_ a highly improved facial expression routine.  Except for a
seemingly low incidence of blinking, and a slightly plastic look to their
faces, these characters move, talk, and act like real human beings!

What's with Isako's leather leggings?

|             Chapter 1: Cate Archer Must Die!          |
|                        Call it a hunch                |

7:01 pm, Inatokimura

-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This level is a straight shot pretty much, designed to teach you how the
game system works, and letting you get accustomed to the controls.  Just
walk straight through, taking out any ninja guards you encounter with the
crossbow.  Pay attention to the tips Santa gives you as you proceed.  There
is a single ninja alarm towards the end of the level in town; if you or a
ninja hits the alarm, 2 additional guards will appear.

< From the loading screen >
UNITY has sent Cate Archer to Japan to investigate a rumored international
crime convention expected to take place in the pastoral village of
Inotakimura.  Her objective is to photograph the meeting's participants
without arousing their suspicion.

Her first task will be to locate agent Isamu Hatori, who will provide
further information on her assignment.  He's waiting somewhere in the

Total skill points available: 960

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
  Rendezvous with Hatori-san
  You won't find Hatori-san until the next stage.

  Recover six pages of the UNITY field manual (optional)              300 SP
  The pages are located as follows:

    1) 2nd pole on left beneath roof near the car where you start
    2) On tree before bridge near waterfall
    3) Center of bridge on left railing
    4) On wall by first hiding place in village
    5) On pillar by vending machines
    6) On wall to the right of the level exit

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Starting area
Spy Training Manual                                                   200 SP
    On hood of car near Yamata-san
Briefcase on ground                                                    20 SP
    Between car and railing
Note on pole (2 pages, page 1 of UNITY field manual)                   40 SP
    2nd pole on left beneath roof
< Santa > (Mynah bird, 3 conversation options)                         60 SP
    On railing past roof

Bridge area
Note on tree (Page 2 of UNITY field manual)                            20 SP
    On tree before bridge
< Package >                                                   3 coins, 20 SP
    On road in front of bridge
Note on bridge (Page 3 of UNITY field manual)                          20 SP
    Center of bridge on left railing

Village gate
< Santa >                                                              20 SP
    On bluff before gate
Note on ninja guard                                                    20 SP
    On body of guard (kill or stun her first)
Note on outer gate                                                     20 SP
    On pole to right of gate
** Infiltrating village **                                            100 SP
    Enter village for the first time

Village area
< Package >                                          3 bolts, 3 poison bolts
    Behind first building on left side
< Santa >                                                              40 SP
    On wall near wind chimes
Note on wall (Page 4 of UNITY field manual)                            20 SP
    On left side of road at first hiding place
    before corner
< Santa >                                                              20 SP
    On wall near corner in town
< Armor >                                                   Heavy body armor
    Left of vending machines
Note on pillar (Page 5 of UNITY field manual)                          20 SP
    Next to vending machines
< Health >                                                          Bandages
    By bicycle near locked gate at end of road
Note on wall (Page 6 of UNITY field manual)                            20 SP
    On wall to right of level exit
** Recover all six pages of UNITY field manual **                     300 SP
                           Total skill points available this level:   960 SP
                                                  Cumulative total:   960 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Shooting Santa (the bird) with crossbow bolts or ninja stars results in a
series of interesting responses (4 total).

Listen to the ninja guard conversation for a rather ... unique approach to
dating.  By the way, the same voice actress for Cate Archer (Jen Taylor)
also does the voices for Isako and some of the ninja guards.

Does the license plate on the car (OG 29030) mean anything?

In the demo, there were lightning-like flashes in the sky behind some hills
if you turned away from the bridge near the waterfall.  They are not in the
retail game.  Did these mean anything?

|             Chapter 1: Cate Archer Must Die!          |
|                        I have bad news                |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This level is circular in design.  The items list is compiled as if you head
to the RIGHT (NORTH) at the first intersection.  If you decide to head LEFT
(SOUTH), just traverse the list from the bottom-up.

Note that there are two sets of vending machines.  The single vending
machine is near Hatori-san's shop (the building with the sign of a crane
hanging outside), while there is a set of two vending machines in the
northwest corner of town.

Total skill points available:   1860
Total accumulated skill points: 2820

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
  Rendezvous with Hatori-san                                          400 SP
  You'll need to decode 4 notes that are posted around this part of town
  (see the first note to the left of where you start).  First, find the
  decoder near one of the vending machine locations above.  You can then
  decode the notes at the following locations:

    1) On left/south wall next to red sign near where you entered
    2) On left/south wall near round paper lantern before red postbox on
       north side of town
    3) On door to left/north of geisha sign near red paper lantern by the
       single vending machine
    4) Next to recessed door in side alley south of Hatori-san's shop

  Now follow the instructions in these notes (hit the 'i' key to go through
  them again) to meet Hatori-san.

  Discover the new location for the meeting                           400 SP
  Once you meet with Hatori-san, you'll receive this new objective, and
  some new ninja guards will appear around town.  There are two ways to
  obtain this objective; I suggest doing both for the skill points and

    1) Go around east (the long way) to the east side of the ninja dojo, hop
       into the trench, and crawl under the dojo itself.  You should
       overhear a conversation that will fulfill this objective.
    2) Kill all the ninja guards around the dojo, then decode the note
       posted on the pillar just outside the dojo.

  Report back to Hatori-san
  Now return to Hatori-san to end the chapter.

  Recover all four pages of the UNITY field manual (optional)         300 SP
  The four pages are located as follows:

    1) On door to left/south past red postbox on north side of town
    2) On back of tree to north of trench near ninja dojo
    3) On door in alcove in back (south) of ninja dojo
    4) In covered porch just south of single vending machine (there is a
       single exposed light bulb overhead)

  Deliver briefcase to Hatori-san (optional)                          300 SP
  The briefcase appears in a random location on the level.  Following are
  some of the locations where I have found the briefcase:

    1) In dark alley north of the southeastern corner of town where you find
       a wind chime and an ammo box
    2) Near trash bags in corner of side alley south of Hatori-san's shop
    3) By door to house north of trench near ninja dojo

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Starting alley/East village
Note on wall                                                           20 SP
    Left/east wall as you enter level
Note on ninja guard                                                    20 SP
    On second body near your entry point
Note on wall (need decoder)                                            20 SP
    On left/south wall in entry alley near red sign
< Ammo box >                                         4 bolts, 4 poison bolts
    In brick-walled southeast corner of town near
    wind chime
<< Briefcase >>                                                        20 SP
    See objectives section above

North village
Note on wall (need decoder)                                            20 SP
    On west wall before red postbox near paper lantern
< Ammo box >                                                    3 fire bolts
    Next to red postbox on north side of town
Note on door (Page 1 of UNITY field manual)                            20 SP
    To south, past red postbox
>> < Package >                                                       Decoder
    Next to vending machines

Ninja dojo/West village
Note on tree (Page 2 of UNITY field manual)                            20 SP
    Behind tree to north of trench
< Item >                                                         Angry kitty
    Beneath ninja dojo; crouch in trench and crawl
    under dojo
< Accessory >                                                 Crossbow scope
    Inside bureau in ninja dojo
< Armor >                                                   Heavy body armor
    In back of dojo
Note in dojo                                                           20 SP
Note on door (Page 3 of UNITY field manual)                            20 SP
    In alcove around back/south side of ninja dojo

South village/Hatori-san's shop
Note on door (need decoder)                                            20 SP
    Next to geisha sign near single vending machine
>> < Package >                                                       Decoder
    Next to single vending machine
Note by door (Page 4 of UNITY field manual)                            20 SP
    In covered porch south of single vending
** Recover all 4 pages of UNITY field manual **                       300 SP
Note by door (need decoder)                                            20 SP
    In alcove in side alley accessible through
    covered porch
** Contacting Hatori-san **                                           400 SP
    Open and close the mailboxes according to the
    decoded notes
** Deliver briefcase to Hatori-san **                                 300 SP
< Health >                                                     First aid kit
    In Hatori-san's shop
Spy Training Manual                                                   200 SP
    On counter in Hatori-san's shop
< Armor >                                                   Light body armor
    In corner of Hatori-san's shop

Return to ninja dojo
** Discovering the new location for meeting **                        400 SP
Note by chimes (need decoder)                                          20 SP
    Outside of ninja dojo after talking to
                           Total skill points available this level:  1860 SP
                                                  Cumulative total:  2820 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------

Not really an "extra," but you can shoot guards in the ninja dojo through
the cracks in the floorboards if you're crouching beneath them, and they
can't see or shoot you back.

Is there a reason why there's such a large empty backroom in Hatori-san's

What do the Kanji symbols on the signs mean?

|             Chapter 2: Goodbye, Spy                   |
|                        The spy is here!               |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Your weapons and ammunition from the previous chapter are carried over into
this chapter.

This level is pretty much another straight shot.  Since the main gate to the
house is barred from the inside, there are two other ways to enter the
estate grounds, detailed below.  Your main objective is to snap a picture of
the meeting inside the main house, although this is technically optional.

Note that the map from Hatori-san, while drawn accurately, has incorrect
directions.  "North" on his map is actually "West" on your compass, so
adjust your bearings accordingly.

< From the loading screen >
The meeting is scheduled to take place at the estate of an enigmatic figure
known only as The Director.  Cate will have to infiltrate the estate
grounds, locate the main house, and find the window Hatori-san indicated on
the map.  This vantage should allow her to take the photographs she needs
without exposing herself to unnecessary risk.

Once she's obtained the photos, she must return to the bridge where Yamata-
san is waiting.  A UNITY intercept team is standing by to evacuate her to
Tokyo when the mission is complete.

Total skill points available:   3060
Total accumulated skill points: 5880

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
  Infiltrate the estate grounds                                       400 SP
  There are two ways into the estate.

    1) Go west down the side alley directly north of the barred main gate.
       In the large dead-end courtyard there is an open window.  Jump up
       onto the windowsill, then crouch and crawl into the storage room.
    2) Go through the closed gate on the north side of town and follow the
       path to the northern gate to the estate.

  Photograph the meeting                                              800 SP
    Don't let any alarms be sounded in the yard around the main house.
    Don't make any suspicious noise near the window!

  Head around to the northwest corner of the main house, hop up onto the
  ledge, and use your Lipstick Spy Camera.  Make sure you're walking (hit
  "Caps Lock") and do not fire any weapons near this window, or The Director
  will become alarmed, and you will miss out on 800 skill points!

  After taking the photo, an alarm will sound and several ninja guards will
  appear all around the map.

  Return to Yamata-san at the bridge                                  600 SP
  Whether or not you manage to take the photograph, now you must return to
  the level entrance.  The fastest way is to unlock the main gate, then head
  north to the alley where you entered.  You will miss out on several items
  this way however, so I suggest taking the long way back instead.  Once you
  reach your starting point, click on the gate to end the level.

  Erase three dead drop chalk marks (optional)                        400 SP
  The three chalk arrows are located as follows:

    1) Directly northwest from entrance across the street beneath an exposed
       light bulb
    2) South side of town across from barred main gate to estate
    3) Northwest side of town to northeast of estate's side entrance

  Recover 4 pages of Isako's letter (optional)                        300 SP
  Reading these letters will give you a little personal background, as well
  as why she is working for The Director.  The letters are in searchable
  stacks of paper at the following locations:

    1) Beneath table in house on west side of estate entrance
    2) By bed in house with ornate trim on roof in estate
    3) In bureau in 2-story house in estate
    4) In bureau in house south (next to) second ninja alarm in estate

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Starting alley
Map: Estate                                                            20 SP
    From Hatori-san at start of level
Note on wall                                                           20 SP
< Package >                        Utility launcher, 5 tracking darts, 20 SP
    On ground
Note on wall                                                           20 SP
< Chalk mark > (Dead drop mark #1)
    Directly northwest across from alley beneath
    exposed light bulb

Southeast village/Estate main gate
< Chalk mark > (Dead drop mark #2)
    Across from barred main gate to estate
< Package >                                                      Angry kitty
    Behind wooden partition near wind chime
< Health >                                                     First aid kit
    Inside storage shed in side alley leading west
    to the north of barred gate to estate

North village
>>Letter under door
    Sticking out from under door to house on north
    side of town
< Package >                                       10 bolts, 5 tracking darts
    In corner south of stone walkway with zori
    next to door
>>Letter in postbox                                                    20 SP
    Sticking out of slot of red postbox
< Chalk mark > (Dead drop mark #3)
    West of red postbox to northeast of the
    estate's side entrance
** Erasing enemy dead drop marks **                                   400 SP

Estate grounds entrance
** Infiltrating the estate grounds **                                 400 SP
    Enter estate for the first time
>>Letter by entry
    On shelf inside house on west side
< Item >                                                Sleeping gas grenade
    Top shelf inside house
< Stack of papers > (Page 1 of Isako's letter)                         20 SP
    Beneath west side of table
>>Letter in bureau                                                     20 SP
    In second room of house

Estate grounds/House with ornate trim on roof
< Health >                                                          Bandages
    Top shelf in house
>>Letter on shelf                                                      20 SP
    Bottom shelf
>>Letter on table
    On top of table
< Stack of papers > (Page 2 of Isako's letter)                         20 SP
    Next to bed
>> < Armor >                                                Heavy body armor
    Inside closet next to bed

Estate grounds/2-story house
>>Letter on shelf                                                      20 SP
    Bottom shelf of 2-story house
< Stack of papers > (Page 3 of Isako's letter)                         20 SP
    In bureau
< Health >                                                          Bandages
    In back of dark raised storage building

Estate grounds/Area near ninja alarm
>> < Armor >
    Just inside house south of ninja alarm
< Package >                                     3 poison bolts, 2 fire bolts
    Lower shelf
< Stack of papers > (Page 4 of Isako's letter)                         20 SP
    In bureau
** Retrieving information about the leader of the ninja clan **       300 SP
>>Spy Training Manual
    In house south of ninja alarm by flowers
< Package >                                         Silenced SMG, 60 9mm FMJ
    In storage building north of ninja alarm
>>Spy Training Manual                                                 200 SP
    In house east of ninja alarm on bench
< Item >                                                        Stun grenade
    In bureau

Estate grounds/Main house
Note on post                                                           20 SP
    Outside entrance to main house area
Ammo box                                          5 bolts, 2 explosive bolts
    Outside meeting window
** Photograph the meeting **                                          800 SP

Escape back to Yamata-san
Note on deck                                                           20 SP
    Outside 2-story house
Note on post                                                           20 SP
    By northern estate entrance
Note by gate                                                           20 SP
    Next to large locked gate in northeast town
Note by exit                                                           20 SP
** Return to Yamata-san **                                            600 SP
                           Total skill points available this level:  3060 SP
                                                  Cumulative total:  5880 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Is there a purpose to the spinning sign at the corner of one of the
intersections?  What does it say?

Listen to the second ninja conversation for a bit of foolery with their
ability to tell time.  :)

|             Chapter 2: Goodbye, Spy                   |
|                        The death of Cate Archer       |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cutscene.  And yes, it looks like Cate dies!  Oh no!  Now who will
you play for the rest of the game?!  (Flashback to Raiden from MGS2?)

Once the cinematic ends, the opening credits roll.

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Who is Terrence Sloggins?

|             Chapter 3: Project: Omega                 |
|                        The specter of war             |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cutscene.  There are a lot of plot points in this movie which I
won't cover, so I suggest you sit back, enjoy, and watch it all the way
through.  ;)

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Did Director Jones get a cold, or is a different voice actor playing him in
this game?

If you have a really good graphics card, and have details set to High, try
reading some of the certificates in the background of Director Jones'

|             Chapter 3: Project: Omega                 |
|                        Welcome to Siberia             |

4:17pm, Siberia, USSR
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------

I just *love* the snow animation on this level!  At any rate, you start off
near a hunting cabin, with a large frozen lake to the south (where your
plane is), and a small military outpost to the north past some hills.  Your
objectives will change several times through this level, forcing you to deal
with the finicky pilot several times.  I thought he was rather amusing,

< From the loading screen >

Spy plane photographs show a run-down, understaffed military base, but Mr.
Barnes warns that this decrepitude is likely a ruse.  Although the Americans
often greatly overestimate Soviet military capacity, UNITY isn't taking any

The first phase of Cate's mission is to facilitate her own escape.  A little
sabotage should go a long way toward preventing reinforcements from being
called in.

Santa has enlisted a pilot who is familiar with the region to get Cate in
and out.  She must protect him at all costs.

Total skill points available:   0000
Total accumulated skill points: 0000

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
  Radio UNITY mission central for instructions                        000 SP
  The pilot forgot his keys, and sure doesn't seem too concerned about it.
  Pick the lock, then explore the house to get accustomed to its layout.
  This will be important later!  When you're ready, head to the radio and
  get your next objective.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
The hunting cabin
    On railing to south of cabin
                           Total skill points available this level:  0000 SP
                                                  Cumulative total:  0000 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------

|             Chapter 3: Project: Omega                 |
|                                                       |
- More to come!

|             Chapter 4: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way        |
|                                                       |

|             Chapter 5: Night Flight                   |
|                                                       |

|             Chapter 6: Diary of a Double Agent        |
|                                                       |

|             Chapter 7: Double Cross                   |
|                                                       |

|             Chapter 8: The Art of Murder              |
|                                                       |

|             Chapter 9: Ice Station Evil               |
|                        Antarctica                     |

|            Chapter 10: The Curse of Kali              |
|                        Proving ground                 |

|            Chapter 11: The Interlopers                |
|                        UNITY headquarters             |

|            Chapter 12: Undersea                       |
|                        Submarine bay                  |

|            Chapter 12: Undersea                       |
|                        Command deck                   |

|            Chapter 12: Undersea                       |
|                        Crew deck                      |

|            Chapter 12: Undersea                       |
|                        Laboratories                   |

|            Chapter 13: Terror in the Deep             |
|                        Armstrong in peril             |

|            Chapter 13: Terror in the Deep             |
|                        Expect flooding                |

|            Chapter 13: Terror in the Deep             |
|                        Fire in the hole               |

|            Chapter 14: Endgame                        |
|                        I think we should presume she  |
|                         failed                        |

|            Chapter 14: Endgame                        |
|                        Manhandled                     |

|            Chapter 14: Endgame                        |
|                        Sweet revenge                  |

|            Chapter 14: Endgame                        |
|                        Isako's debt                   |

|            Chapter 15: Preemptive Strike              |
|                        The fate of Khios              |


| VII - Websites list                                                      |

This section includes the URLs of websites that post this FAQ.


| VIII - Credits                                                           |

Monolith Productions.  Holy cow what a great game!  The facial expressions
are greatly enhanced by the addition of independent eye movement.  All
that's left to create completely realistic characters is to improve minute
facial muscle movements, figure out a way to enhance hair strand animation,
and apply more detailed textures over the face.


Location: Inotakimura, Japan 

Note: Before proceeding, please bear in mind that bolts for your crossbow are scarce, so use them sparingly. You can also retrieve used bolts from the bodies of dead ninjas, but remember to loot quickly as they will disintegrate if found by their sister ninjas.It is recommended that after dispatching with a ninja, carry her body off to a safe place to loot. It is also recommended that you sneak around as ninjas can use an alarm to bring about others. 

Proceed north up the garden path and pick up the note. You will be given the optional objective of recovering all six pages of the UNITY field manual, on top of your main objective of locating a Hatori-San. 

Look left and you'll meet Santa the mechanical bird. Talk to him. He will brief you on objectives, equipment and skill points. 

Proceed north up the path and talk to Santa again. Pick up stuff as needed. 

Follow the road up east and pick up all intelligence. 

Enter the wooden gates. Dispatch with the ninjas. Be sure to pay attention to what Santa tells you (yes, he will be following you throughout the first few chapters to give sort of a tutorial). Also observe for notes stuck here and there. 

Proceed down the main street and keep a lookout for items such as armour and bandages. Sneaking is recommended when you approach corners. 

Listen to the conversation and dispatch the ninjas in front of the gate. Turn west (or right) to the side of the last house on your right. Behind is a gap in the wall that goes to the next stage (picture reference) 

Wait for the conversation to finish and one of the ninjas to walk off (if you want to use stealth). If not, simply dispatch them. Take the note on the wall, it's a message from Isamu about encoded messages he's left for you. You won't be able to decode them until you retrieve the decoder he's left for you near the vending machine (the "present" he mentioned). 

Turn left and down the road. Dispatch of any ninjas and go down the small alley on the left and behind the houses (picture reference) You'll find a suitcase near some garbage bags at the end of the alley on your left. This you must deliver to Hatori-San when you locate him. 

Use the door on the building to your immediate right to return to the main street. Right opposite you is the vending machine and next to it is the present in Isamu's note. Pick it up and you have your decoder. 

Return to the back alley from whence you came and locate an encoded message on the door on the house on your right. Decode it. It will contain a message about three mailboxes attached to a sweet house. As this puzzle is random, you will need to solve it on your own, but it's very easy. Just use the clue they give you on the same message. Say, if it says "the gray mailbox should be closed", then keep it closed, whilst opening/closing the other two until something happens. If this doesn't help, find another encoded note if you want and decode it. It should either tell you which other box should be closed/opened, or where to find the sweet shop. However, there is no need as the sweet shop is the building you used the door to exit to the mainstreet with (i.e. where you came out to see the vending machine from), so simply return to the mainstreet using the door again, and look right. 

Once you get the combination of the mailboxes right, a door opposite the street will open and there's Hatori-San. Go talk to him and loot the shop he's in. He'll inform you of the bad news of a meeting being moved. Keep talking to him until he has nothing to say. 

You can also spend your first 1,000 skill points here. 

Upon exiting, quickly hide as a ninja is coming down the street on your right (east). You can quickly run opposite and go to the back of the building on the right of the sweet shop. This should bring you to a good spot to kill the ninjas silently. 

Come out to the main street and proceed eastward through the door with the Japanese word. 

Sneak down the path and lean over the corner to notice one ninja. Be warned that if an alarm is sounded here, there are a lot of ninjas to deal with so I would recommend using stealth. Try to dispatch one of the ninjas using your crossbow from a distance. If not, use a coin, toss it on the wooden part of the floor and dispatch the ninja when she comes to check. If unalarmed, there are four to five ninjas to deal with here so make sure you're all geared up to fight. Using the katana is recommended for close combat (and to save shurikens or bolts). 

Decode the note pinned at the doorway of the building to your right. It will tell you where the meeting has been moved to. Loot the place and you should be able to retrieve a scope for your vindicator crossbow. You now have to return to Hatori-San the way you came from (to avoid any ninjas). You can explore the other way if you want, i.e. west into the main street and deal with any ninjas. Note also that you can still decode the mailbox encoded messages as they give you skill points. Follow the "I" on your compass back to where Hatori-San is, and talk to him about where the meeting has moved. He will pass you a map of how to get to the main house (where the meeting is) and the next chapter will load.

CHAPTER TWO: GOODBYE, SPY - The spy is here!
Location: Inotakimura, Japan 

Note: Make good use of your new scope! 

Proceed up the alley where you appear and take the note and present. You'll also pick up a note as you go along about three dead drop chalk marks you need to locate and erase - this is optional. 

Listen to the short conversation and turn left to avoid the ninjas as the alarm is very close by so storming if you're not a good shot will bring about more enemies. Dispatch with them stealthily and sneak eastwards down the street. Go to the end of the road where to your right is the main gate which you can't open. On your left is the first chalk mark right outside the door. 

Return where you came from (I'll use the postbox and vending machine as a landmark) and proceed west down the main street. There's one ninja there so get rid of her as well. The second chalk mark in at the second last house on your left. Now return down the street eastwards, past the vending machine and postbox on your left and down the main street. You'll notice an alley on your right. Take it (picture reference). 

Follow the path to a wide open space. There is an open window in a building on the furthest end of the field to your right (picture reference). Climb through and you'll find yourself in a store. You will be given the objective of photographing the meeting. 

Listen to the conversation and let it finish. Exit and sneak out, dispatching any ninjas in your way silently if you can. Sneak westward towards the building on your left. Explore it for letters regarding Isako's life debt to The Director. 

Proceed southwest down the rock path and explore the building on your left for more of those letters. You may pick up a silenced SMG along the way (in a store I believe). 

Proceed further southwest past the opening and heed the note. Make sure you make no noise or skill points won't be rewarded. Use your crossbow or the silenced SMG if you picked it up. 

Follow the rock path southeast around the house. It will turn north as you go along, leading you to the front door of a house. On its right is a plateau of grass and a window where you'll find some ammo as well. Make no noise and take the photo through the window with your spy lipstick camera. 

Watch the cutscene. 

You have two choices: one leads you to the last chalk mark and the last page of Isako's life story letters, the other doesn't. Naturally, the former gives you more enemies to deal with and more skill points (1000 more actually). 

The quickie is if you leave by the main gate on your left and proceed north down the street and down the alley next to the postbox and back to where you started. Read the note, watch the cutscene and proceed to the next chapter. 

Alternatively, return to where you climbed in through the window. Right outside the store in which you climbed (on your left if you are facing this structure) is a door (picture reference). Go through and explore the hut on your left for Isako's last page. Go through the door and get rid of the ninjas. The shop right opposite with the blue sign (with two Japanese words) has the last chalk mark at its door. 

Proceed down the street, follow the path that leads you behind some houses and to a door. Right behind it is a ninja VERY near an alarm so be careful and get your gear all loaded and ready. After dispatching of any ninjas, take the first alley to your left and you're back where you started. Take the note and move on. Watch the cutscene and the credits will roll.

CHAPTER THREE: Project: Omega - Welcome to Siberia
Location: Siberia 

You will have to do some errands for the laziest game character in the history of computer games, the pilot. Talk to him and he'll tell you he forgot his keys, so pick the lock on the cabin (also called the "dacha" here) to get in. 

After that, talk to him again and he'll ask you to start the generator out back. Run out behind the cabin and do as he asks. 

Return to him and he'll ask you to radio UNITY to talk to Bruno, your boss. He will tell you the combination to the lock on the shed next to the one where the radiator was found. At this point, soldiers will come. Kill them. 

Get your supplies from the shed. 

Return to the pilot and he'll tell you that the snowmobile has run out of gas, or clicking on the snowmobile will tell you that. Proceed to a soldier's outpost - head out North down the path (follow your compass). Infiltrate it charging if you want to. There are four soldiers to deal with. The gas is in the shed in the northeastern corner of the compound. 

Return to your cabin and use the snowmobile. Return north to the soldier's compound, where another soldier will be waiting but just ride towards the ramp created by the plank on the gas tank to get over the locked fence. Ride towards the "I" on your compass. 

You'll see a bridge. Cross it, stop and look right of the bridge for a narrow path that brings you to the underpinnings of the bridge. Proceed along it and place the bombs. Be careful of rotted planks - there are two. Save first! 

Return to your bike and proceed down the path. You'll come to a guardhouse - kill the two soldiers there. Leave your vehicle as you won't be able to crash through the gate. Loot the guardhouse and use one of the snowmobiles on the other side. 

Ride down the path. Be careful as there is a broken down truck in front with two soldiers. 

When you've gotten rid of the soldiers, look to the right of the truck (picture reference) and you'll see a sign pointing you towards the communications tower. Ride down that path. You will need to abandon your vehicle as some logs are in the way. Go the rest of the way on foot. Be careful as there is one soldier on the way. 

You will reach a compound soon. Sneak into the first building you see. Listen to the conversation on stupid paperclips and wait for it to end. You can storm in or sneak in, it doesn't matter. Kill anyone you see and loot the barracks. Also clear out the store opposite the road and the guard house. Items of importance you must find here are more explosives and tranquilisers. 

Proceed south up the hill slope to the communications tower. Sneak in, kill any soldiers and place the bomb on the power box next to the tower. You'd also have heard the transmission on the radio of a "suspicious" character in the dacha/cabin i.e. your pilot. Upon planting the bomb you'll hear the sound of a truck approaching - that's soldiers bringing your pilot in at the compound at the bottom of the hill. 

Note: You will find memos either in the first compound or up the hill about how great General Zukhov is - this is the optional quest of finding both pages to the Soviet Military Readiness Report. 

When you're on your way down the hill, Santa will inform you of the capture of your pilot and now you have to liberate the latter. He's being held on the building to your right as you proceed down the hill. Storm the place and kill any soldiers, but be careful not to hurt your pilot. 

After all the soldiers are done with, your pilot will tell you to open the gate for him to escape. He will ask you to let him know when the coast is clear. Once you do, he will run out of the building and more soldiers will spawn. Don't worry about the pilot as he will hide on his own accord until you tell him to move, just make sure all the soldiers are dead. This will happen three times (you'll need to talk to him to push him on) until you open the gate (switch is in the guardhouse). 

You won't be able to leave the same way as the gate closes too quickly, so you'll have to get back to the road from whence you came (southwestwards from the gate). Proceed and kill any soldiers you see. Be careful of their grenades. 

When you reach where the communications tower is, you will see it blow up. Don't worry, it won't land on you unless you're flying. Proceed and retrieve your snowmobile, and go to the next stage. Return to the broken down truck and proceed down the path southwards (follow the I in your compass). 

In a bit, you'll see a fence around the main installation. Stop your vehicle just when you see it. Notice that on your right, there is a path leading somewhere (picture reference). Proceed through it on your snowmobile. If you look at the map in your Intelligence menu (map of base grounds), you'll notice that this is where you jump with your vehicle. Just ride the curveand land on the other side. 

Ride on and you'll see a cavern. Ride over it and you'll land on the other side. This will bring you to the secret cabin where there are some goodies. You will need to return here once you've accomplished your main objective. 

Collect all you need and once again get on your snowmobile. Ride southwest back to the cavern. Notice that there is a path downwards on your right, going southeast. There's a sign that shows you the way to the main installation so head towards there. You'll have to leave your vehicle when you come to some rocks. Proceeding beyond that will load the next stage. 

Continue along the path. When you reach a large boulder, start sneaking. There are soldiers ahead on the mounts. Get rid of them and proceed south towards the "I" on your compass. Continue along the road and it will turn westwards. There will be two more soldiers barbecuing a rabbit. Continue south and you will reach a break in the fence surrounding the installation. Save before proceeding. 

You may charge or use stealth here. I sneaked in myself. It doesn't matter. Just make sure you kill the guard that has a key ring - he's guarding the building on the left which houses the generator (picture reference), which is where you need to plant the bomb. Get the explosives from one of the buildings here. When you do that, this will trigger off the arrival of more guards (yes, it's scripted). 

You'll need to plant the bomb in the locked box in the ground between the two generators. (picture reference) 

You will need to return to the place where you can place the bomb (pix), which is the building right next to the power box. In any case, you'll find some intelligence here as to where to place the bomb. You should collect all such intelligence as skill points are awarded. 

After you're done looting, plant the bomb and escape from whence you came. Naturally, there will be soldiers. Take the snowmobile and continue along the path until you exit to the next stage (where the rocks are). Ride on back to your secret cabin and radio UNITY to finish the chapter.

Location: Still in Siberia 

Note: The guards in this chapter keep respawning so don't expect to kill them all. Charging in with your guns firing is a BAD idea. Also, if you're using tranquilisers, they can be retrieved if you do a search on an unconscious/dead body. 

Run towards the bunker and climb in. You can restock armour, grenades and even a bear trap here. Use your welder to weld off the hinges of the door. 

Note: The main method I got around here was behind the buildings. You can get in through windows and when you get into a building with the light on, switch it off. Also close all doors you open. 

Sneak out and get across the road to the small building. Inside you'll find some tranquilisers - great if you want to sneak around. When you come out, do be careful of a guard right opposite - you can he's leaning on a huge set of doors with a mark on which you need to plant a bomb later on (when you find some explosives). 

Go behind the building and you'll see a gap in the fence which you can squeeze through. Use the alleyway behind the next building, which is actually the mess hall. Nothing much there. Proceed down the alley and get to the building opposite which is an abandoned barracks. You'll get two presents: One is a note on sabotaging the fuel depot and the other is a supply of a body remover gas (remember that from NOLF1?). 

Hah - wasted your time picking the last chest. Just someone's moldy beer stash! 

Anyway, exit and run quickly to the hole in the wall opposite the barracks and you'll see another hole in the building (the toilet) in front of you. Push the board aside and go through. You may hear two people doing their businesses. Wait for them to finish and exit, and for their conversation on a girl called Tanya to start before going on. You can explore silently while they talk. Once they finish conversing, one of the guards will come in, followed by another. Get rid of them silently. 

Exit through the hole again and return to the back alley. Beware of patrolling guards. 

Sneak and get into all the buildings if you like as there's some interesting correspondence between Anya and Sergei about blue jeans here but nothing really important. What's crucial is the office building near the trucks and the fuel depot (picture reference). Here's where you get a satellite photo of this compound and the inner yard which you need to infiltrate, and the explosives needed to blow up the fuel depot. 

And don't open the small gate behind one of these buildings (a store I believe - picture reference) as this leads to the next stage. Just set up the bomb at the depot first before moving on. You'll also need to plant the explosives at the front gates Complete these objectives and then head to the small gate. 

After all the bombs are planted, go through the gate to load the next stage (the old records building). 

Take the note on the wall, which tells you about the security cameras. Listen to the conversation and wait for it to end. Wait about a minute and then open the door. Try using the utility gun and shoot tracking darts to track the guards. Alternatively, for a silent treatment, use the tranquiliser darts. In any case, do not let them sound the alarm or even if the alarm goes off, get somewhere dark and hide. 

Right in front of the door, after you've taken care of any patrolling guards, pick the locked door on your right. Inside you'll find a present - supply of camera disablers. Loot the place for more intelligence and then exit. Dispatch of any guards as necessary. There are about only three to four if the alarm doesn't go off. 

After you're done with the whole floor, take the first doorway on the right from the entrance (before the door which you lockpicked) and open the door on the right. Go down all the way and dispatch with the guard there. Loot the place and take a look at the generator (with the "Crazy Ivan Electric Fence" sign over it) and read the note next to it. Now you know you need to put some sugar into it to make it malfunction. 

Return upstairs and go to the second floor. Explore all the rooms and get rid of all the soldiers, but don't go through the hallway with the benches just yet as this will bring you to the next stage and right under a camera if you're not careful. I prefer the following method of entry. 

Go upstairs to the third floor and explore all the rooms as well. The room that's on the right of where you come in has a window that brings you the next stage (picture reference), so explore all the rooms before you . You'll end up on a garbage can in a back alley. 

Go north down the back alley but be careful as there is a camera at the end (picture reference). Disable it with your utility launcher - also beware of the guy in the watchtower. You may try to take him out but without a sniper rifle you'll need to use your handgun (unrealistic but it works) to do so silently. 

Note: Actually I tried just killing every one, with the alarm going off and all. Sneaking IS more fun and if you are playing hard/superspy modes, no way you can escape alive. 

Notice the Crazy Ivan's Electric Fence? Be careful as going too near does you damage - you need to get through these, which is why you need to sabotage the generator. 

Stay in the alley and open the window on the building to your right and get in. It's a store and here's where you find some explosives for the propane tank. Loot up and then sneak back out either through the window or out the door - just be careful. 

The building to your right is the toilet. There are some lockers in there good for looting. Right opposite the toilet is where you want to go. It's the cafeteria and there's some sugar locked in a cabinet which you need, so make sure you get that. The barracks on the right of the cafeteria is also good for looting. 

You'll also uncover some conspiracy going on here so there's an optional quest of finding out more by searching for intelligence. 

You'll need to plant the bomb on the propane tank to the left of the cafeteria. Watch out for the camera right on top of the door where the soldiers keep respawning. Disable it and then go through the doors back to the second floor of the old records building. 

Go through and get back downstairs to the basement to pour the sugar into the generator to disable the electric gates. Go back up and through to the other side. Get to the small electric gate next to the watch tower, go through and you'll be awarded points for getting through to the main building. 

Visit the building to your right. There's a scientist in there. Tranquilise him but there will still be guards coming at you so get rid of them, silently or otherwise. Loot the place and you'll find the safe combination of the safe on the 2nd floor of the old records building. This will trigger off an optional quest to get the "top secret document" in the safe. 

Follow the path north and you'll come to some stairs leading to the underground entrance of this huge place. 

Open the door - be quiet as there's a guard sleeping behind the locked gate you see in front of you. Sneak in and open the door to your right - it leads to a kitchen which has a laundry chute at the end, through which you can eavesdrop on a conversation between two guards (so you know you need to use this chute some time later). Loot the place and exit. 

Decode the access card terminal and dispatch with the guard silently. You'll get his access card. Take the first door on your right. There's a guard in there. Kill him and loot the place. Items of importance include a map of the place and a computer vacuum tube in the next room. 

Exit and proceed with caution to the opposite room, where the scientist is. Kill him and whoever comes in. In here you will find intelligence on Dmitrij Volkov (remember him?) and Project Omega. 

Exit the room on either side and you'll be able to hear the camera whirring. Disable it before going on. I exited using the northern door, so I went right to disable the camera. After that I explored all rooms, and collected intelligence on a General Nikolai Zhukov, which triggered a quest to eliminate him. Go west towards the next access card gate and open it. On your left is the generator room where Santa has left you a present. On your right are stairs up which loads the next stage. 

Go through the door at the top of the stairs and go left first. The first door is a store with a present. The next door has a soldier inside. Eliminate him and loot the place. If you exit through the eastern door (alarm next to it) you'll come to the computer room. You need a password before you can access the computer, so return to the room and exit instead using the door you came in (western door - light switch next to it). 

Turn left and go towards the door right opposite the blocked gate. Go in and listen to the conversation that gives you a clue about where to find vacuum tube but if you follow this walkthrough, you'd already have it. Wait for it to finish and then open the door to the east - that's Gen. Zhukov behind the desk so finish him off but silently or a torrent of guards will ambush you. 

Go back whence you came and turn left to the double doors. Now that's where the camera you hear whirring is, so get your utility launcher ready (save!). Once you open the door, peek left and there's the camera at the far end over another set of double doors. Make sure you get it before it triggers off the alarm. There are a couple of scientists here but I won't get too worried about them. If you want to loot them, just tranquilise them (or if you have no morals, kill them). Loot the place and look for intelligence. 

You can't go through the doors with the camera over it so take the ones to the west and you'll see some rooms, one of which is locked. Do the honours. 

The double doors at the end lead to the canteen in which there's nothing much except some intelligence. 

You will no doubt also notice some stairs going up. Get your camera disabler ready as there's a camera right up there when you ascend. Let's take the first door you see opposite you (under the camera). Loot and go through the doors until you see a lit room with a sleeping soldier. Eliminate him and search for intelligence. You'll find something about ANATOLI and that triggers off a side quest of finding out more about this. 

You can explore the whole floor. You'll uncover more on ANATOLI as you go along. What's crucial here is that you pick up the M-9 security code for the computer downstairs. If you've finished looting, return downstairs where the computer is. 

Go to the right of the computer in the middle and you'll see a vacuum tube is needed. Put the one you have in and then access the computer. Watch what happens. 

When the door opens, go in and get rid of the sleeping guard on your left first. When you access the mainframe, you'll notice that some codes are needed. Search for them here: the M-9 tape 689. After you finish looting the place, access the terminal you saw when you first came in and select Option 1. Pick up the evidence and that will trigger a scripted sequence. 

Turn around and go through the door. You'll see some purple freaks (call 'em Barneys) - kill them and then some soldiers. Get rid of them and you'll pick up a new Gordon 9mm SMG! Go along and clear the way, proceed downstairs and to the laundry room - from the bottom of the stairs, turn left and then right and down the corridor (NE). Down the laundry chute you go, where the next stage loads.

CHAPTER FIVE: Night Flight
Location: Still in Siberia 

Quickly crouch when you spawn and drop to the floor. Switch off the lights. Open the door and to your right is a camera and a Barney, so dispatch both of them. Search the Barney for a "Siberia card" for access through those gates. Go southeast and follow the corridor until you reach the access gates. Careful of patrolling Barney. 

Exit using the door from whence you came. 

Clear the way of Barneys and you'll see some explosions. Just crash through. When you reach the first compound the propane gas tank will be timed to blow so go through the hole it makes, which brings you to the outer yard. 

Storm through and you'll see the fuel depot blow. Santa will tell you to grab a snowmobile and get the hell out. Two can be found where the depot is, so do as he says. The next to blow will be the gates. Ride through and use the ramp of snow on your left to go over the fence. The next stage, which is rather exciting, will load. Read the tip in the loading screen! 

Ride down the road and make sure you charge enemies head on, as advised (save!). Of course you won't be able to knock them everyone but the point here is to ride like the wind! You will have to retry this many times until you get through. I would recommend reducing the difficulty so that bullets do less damage. 

When you approach the guard house, get down and spray the place. Go through the guard house to the other side and take a snowmobile. Ride to load the next stage: Surprise, Surprise. 

When you approach the bridge, watch the fireworks. Let the explosion settle and then ride over the ramp the wrecked bridge has created to the other side. Ride on and Santa will inform you that HARM agents have infiltrated the dacha/cabin and captured your pilot, and are in the process of blowing up your plane. Rush through the compound (no need to stop) and back to the cabin where some barneys will be waiting for you, along with a soldier or two. Ride to your plane, stop and spray the place first. Once you see your plane you have 60 seconds to diffuse the bomb. Just hold on the action button until it's done. 

Return to your cabin. Your pilot is drunk on vodka and you need to sober him up by making him some coffee. Just grab the pot on top of the boiler and pour him a cup on the table. Watch the cutscene.

CHAPTER SIX: Diary of a double agent - The house where Melvin used to live
Location: Akron, Ohio 

Turn on the lights. On your left you'll see a poster. Remove it and there's a button. It needs batteries to work. Explore the rest of this floor. You'll need to locate five tapes coded by colour: red, green, purple, orange, yellow - these are Melvin's audio memoirs. Open all the drawers that can be opened and cabinets as well. You'll also locate correspondence between a Mr Smith and Blitzny, which will trigger off an optional quest of finding more. 

Go upstairs when you're done and explore. You should find more tapes as well as a tape recorder on the ground floor, which you can use to play those tapes. There are also more letters between Smith and Blitzny. 

When you're done, go up to the first floor. The first room to the left has nothing much. The one after that is just a store. The last room on the left down the corridor is the room with the batteries (in a drawer) and a secret passage to the room right in the middle. Loot the place (locate the last tape) and then return downstairs. Listen to the tapes before going downstairs to use the batteries on the button. 

This will open a secret door right behind you. Go through and loot the place. Once you locate evidence linking Blitzny to HARM, you'll hear Isako and her ninjas coming, so you'll have to escape. 

There are quite a few ninjas to deal with so make sure to keep as quiet as possible if you don't want an ambush. Right up the stairs to the 1st floor are a few so take them out quickly. You can't get out the front doors so you'll need to use a window on the 1st floor. The only one open is in the toilet right opposite the bedroom, which seems to be also a store for Blitzny's old trade (vacuum cleaners). Before you go out, make sure you have enough armour. When you gear up, go out that window to load the next stage: Storm rolling in. Save! 

Note: Armour is extremely important here as ninjas use metal weapons so without armour (as advised by the loading screen tip), your damage goes down helluva lot faster. I'd advise reducing difficulty here to easy as this is one place that's really crazy. Also, try and aim for the head always, even when using your katana, and strafe left and right constantly. I find engaging them with the katana a lot faster myself. Avoid them until they run out of shurikens and then melee with them. Don't bother looting the corpses as they now vapourise just as they hit the ground. 

Try and get the ninjas from a distance by using all your shurikens and guns. Go to the front of the house and Santa will tell you that the main road is blocked. Fight off as many ninjas as you can and you'll see an electric pole collapse on the wooden fence of the first house to your left (if you are still at Melv's house). This will make a gap in the fence so go through that. Go along the back of the house and you'll see another gap in the fence. Go through to the next stage: Tornado trouble. Save! 

Watch the cutscene and marvel at the twister! 

The trick here is to run around and let the ninjas find you. Pick up whatever loot you can, especially bullets, armour and you can also pick up a shotgun. Don't stay in one place, and save often until you see the mission to defeat Isako. 

After a while, your fight will take you into a house and you can see that the twister is also joining in the fun. The trick here is to stay in one corner of the house and let Isako appear and then only engage her as quickly as you can. Use your katana if you have one - does a lot more damage. There are two armour vests you can use to replenish within the house. Defeat her and watch the cutscene.

CHAPTER SEVEN: Double cross - The password
Location: India 

Note: Your utility launcher is crucial here. Use the tracking darts on the policemen because you can't kill them. 

Watch the cutscene. Remember to try and avoid the policemen. If they spot you, they will chase but because they're podgy, they will run out of breath (and you won't). 

Turn right and listen to the conversation. Go left until you come to an al fresco café. Talk to the woman there and she'll tell you she saw a man with a pink carnation. The man there has nothing much to offer. 

Return to where you came from (use your tracking darts to track the policemen) Run right across the street through the double doors when the policeman is returning. Talk to the florist and he'll tell you he sold Kamal a pink carnation, and that he left you a message. You'll learn about the Evil Alliance gang of thugs who knows about Kamal passing secrets to UNITY and now you have to put them out of commission.Talk to the other vendors here if you want. 

Head south towards the gates (there's a policeman patrolling here so be careful). Pick the lock and go through. On your left you'll see some stairs down - descend. You'll hear a conversation going on - pick the lock, go in and kill the thug. Loot the place - get intelligence on some of EA's (heh) thugs wanting to form a new gang called the Angaraka. There's also intelligence on Kamal's blackmail to achieve your optional quest. You can also pick up some laughing gas here. 

Go back out and turn right back to where you come from. You can also turn left - brings you back to the same street. Talk to the crazy Gandhi-looking guy called Harij (picture reference). He wants 50 rupees if you want to go past those gates, and you don't have 50 rupees. So let's go back down the street and turn right, back to where we started. Return to the café and Kamal should be there. Talk to him and he'll give you 50 rupees and a map. Now you can return to Harij to get through. 

Go through the doors and look opposite: the newspaper machine Kamal was talking about (picture reference). Open it and retrieve intelligence on Balaji Malpani. He issues passwords to get into the Indian HARM headquarters in this place, so you'll need to find out what the "password of the day" is. The hotel he's staying in is near the café, so get back there. You'll also spot Malpani (guy in turban and brown shirt) walking down by now. You can follow him but he walks too slowly. 

Once you're back at the café (on your left), go straight and turn right (with the patrolling policemen in mind). You'll see a building with stairs going up on your right (you can also follow the map Kamal gave you). Pick the locked door, get in, bug the phone and wait for Malpani to return by hiding behind the curtain in his room. 

The phone will ring when he returns and he will start talking. Once the conversation is finished, wait for him to either go out or sleep before playing the message. Now you know the password so return to where the newspaper machine is. 

Once you're there, go northeast down the alley and through the door (wait for the policeman to pass) and turn right. Follow the road east and the last door to your left (picture reference) (opposite some garbage bags) is the place marked X. Use the password on the door and you'll gain entry to the HQ: Planting a bug. 

Watch the cutscene. 

When you spawn Kamal will tell you to bug Banarjee's phone. You may explore the floor but remember to return here so it's easier for me to tell you where to go. Take the first door on your left to come to a big hall. Turn left again up the platform (NW direction) and through the door. Turn right to end up in the loo - save and go through the window (exactly what the note says NOT to do). You will have to be really careful when sneaking around here or you will have to start all over again if you are caught (although getting caught a few times is entertaining if just to hear the guard who apprehends you tick you off in that thick Indian accent of his). If they see you, you can still escape by running quickly and hiding. 

From where you are, quickly run left (NW) and hide in the shadows in the corner. Go north and at the corner turn left. The door you need is next to the golden urn. Go in. 

Walk on the carpet to soften your footfalls and don't open any drawers if you hear any of the guards around. 

The first door to your right is just a small store. The second door on your right is the kitchen. There's nothing important in either. You may want to go down the hall and past the sleeping guard and into the last room at the end of the hall but there's just extra intelligence there for some skill points, nothing crucial. 

The big hall you see is a little tricky (picture reference). There's a guard outside the gate who doesn't turn around so don't worry about him. There's one patrolling around the sofas so this you'll have to wait until he's planted himself on the sofa with his back facing you before you sneak in and hide on the right (next to the big plant). You'll also hear something about management not doing something between two guards. Wait for the guard on the sofa to move away either to the big horse painting or the gate and then sneak up before the conversation finishes. Take the right stairs up and go quickly into the room right in front of you and close the door. If the guards suspect something, hide behind a door and wait for them to come in and check - they won't be able to see you if you're behind a door. If they don't, proceed to search for intelligence. 

Before going out, save because you don't know if any of the guards are nearby or facing your door. Open the door and lean to peek. If the coast is clear, proceed left and go through the double doors into Banarjee's room. Bug the phone and hide behind the screen. The phone will ring and Banarjee will come running to answer it. Wait for the conversation to finish and Banarjee to leave the room before playing the message. 

Watch the cutscene and the next stage will load: Wanted. 

Take your purse (which is full of tracking darts) and do what Armstrong says. You need to go quickly - follow the 'I's in your compass and use your darts on the policemen to track them. If the civilians read and take your poster, they will alarm the police if they see you, and you don't need more people helping to track you down in this small place. You can see civilians who have read your wanted poster holding it in their hand so avoid them as well (use your darts on them if need be). You'll also, if observant enough, be able to spot some correspondence between Ms Lala and Prem of their forbidden love affair - pick these up for some extra points. 

After you've finished picking up all the posters (you won't get all of them as some civilians would have gotten their hands on some if you weren't quick enough), Harij will miraculously appear and tell you that Kamal wants to see you. Now this is random so you'll have to find him yourself. 

After you locate him, he'll tell you to go to the phone booth opposite the theatre. He'd haven given you the combination numbers to the lock. Open it and pick up the present. Kamal's note will tell you that the Evil Alliance is headquartered in the theatre and you'll also be given a map and a welder. 

Go to the right of the theatre (with you facing it - picture reference) and weld the lock open. Go through and the next stage will load: Evil Alliance. 

You'll appear in a room. Read the note on the board about some change of name for an operation. And I believe there's a coin on the floor. 

Listen to the conversation and go through the door - look up and you'll see bomb location 1 (picture reference)- you can't plant yet because you don't have explosives so let's go find you some. Kill the thugs silently. 

Go down the stairs on your right and listen to the conversation. Kill them silently. Loot the place and you'll find a safe's combination numbers (which triggers off the optional quest of blowing up their secret film vault), a crossbow, explosives and more intelligence on the stupid change of operation name. You'll also find a lever to open up a trap door on the stage above you, which does nothing really. 

I suggest returning to the backstage and planting the bomb in location #1 now you've got them explosives, as well as the secret film vault. After you've done location #1, go to the front of the stage and look at the seats. Front row, 2nd seat from the left (picture reference) - push the seat down to reveal a secret passage. Go down, loot the place and plant the bomb in the room full of film rolls. 

Return to the basement and from the stairs, turn immediately right and go to the room to the far end (picture reference). Open the cabinet to reveal a secret passage to the generator. This is bomb location 3. Proceed to plant the bomb and loot. 

Go through the door in front of the generator and there'll be stairs leading up. Kill the sleeping guard and loot. Open the door and you'll be at what used to be the foyer of the theatre. To your left is the door back to the theatre seats so go into the foyer after dispatching the guards. Loot the place (two doors on your right don't do anything) and take the stairs on your immediate right up. 

Turn left at the top of the stairs, go straight and look left. There's a door there to go up to the projector room. Kill the guards there and plant the last bomb. Go straight into the manager's office and open the safe now that you have the combination numbers. Loot the place. 

You'll now be charged with the mission of escaping. Simply return where you came from and the next chapter will load. 

Location: Still in India, HARM Indian HQ 

Go out of Banarjee's room and you'll see Kamal. He'll ask you to wash your hands with hot water. You may look around - the first time I played I got a package from Santa that contains a further mission of bugging three phones. I did not get this mission until the end of this stage the second time around, when everyone was dead. It was actually easier this second time since there was no one to stop me, although it seems silly to bug phones of dead people, but hey, it's 200 skill points. 

Anyway, go downstairs and approach the gates. Open them and locate the toilet. Turn the left tap on and hot water will run. The steam will unveil on the mirror a message (picture reference). Follow it and get your reward. Read Kamal's note properly - especially the part about the lights. 

Exit the toilet and take the door to your immediate left. Go southeast and exit this room through its double doors. Go right towards the locked gate. Decode the access card terminal and go downstairs. Save. 

Go through and you'll hear two guards talking about some mother-in-law. Peek out and disable the whirring camera, and then dispatch the two guards with tranquilisers as part of your mission requires you NOT to kill. Go up the stairs and to your left first. Loot the place - you'll find some correspondence between Bruno and Kamal. Now proceed to the right of the stairs - DON'T GO IN FIRST. Notice the red lights on the roof and the lamps (picture reference)- these lamps can be turned to turn the red lights green. 

I'm not sure if this is random but if it is, simply step into the first square right inside the door and look up. The right light should be green. Turn the lamp to your right and look up to see which light turns green, and go quickly to that square. Do this until you reach the end and STAY THERE. Don't pick up the note on the floor as it is a trap (the floor gives way - about 10 feet down). The route I went was like this (picture reference). 

After you go into the vault, loot the place. Once you pick up evidence on Project Omega, the alarm will sound and guards will come running. Exit and go through the trapped room (all the traps are removed now so run through). Spray right through the guards. Go up the stairs and turn right and then left. The double doors opposite you lead to the gardens. There are guards there as well so shoot to kill. Head north-northeast towards a pair of wooden doors. Santa will tell you this leads to the street. Go through to load the next stage: Crossfire. 

Go up and you'll hear an argument between civilians on your right Turn left instead (snipers on your right, balconies on top!). Run towards the Scotsman (east) and there will be HARM Indian guards chasing after you. Be careful not to hit any civilians or you will fail this mission. Follow the path and turn southwest - just look for Armstrong. 

Turn south and go towards the theatre. Run south and you'll see Armstrong through a small gate to the south. Follow him but beware of guards - there will be 5-6 guards in front and 1-2 at the back of you. Deal with them before moving forward. After you go through the gate there will be one sniper on a balcony, so be careful. After that, head left and then up (picture reference). Follow Armstrong through the door and the next stage will load: Invisible walls. 

You'll walk into a trap - can't be avoided. Watch the amusing cutscene. When it ends, you will have 60 seconds to find a way out. Fortunately, you will only need five, because you have a welder! 

Weld off the bolt holding this cage - look up and you'll see it. When you do, it will slide to the ground and Armstrong will open the bottom. Get out and follow Armstrong and watch what happens. 

When he tells you to get us out, quickly turn around and kill the mimes. You'll now get a Tommy gun for your efforts. Go through the door (South) and go through the rooms as there is only one direction here. There are a couple of mimes on the way and some intelligence, plus a photo of Armstrong shaving or something, so make sure you pick this up. You'll reach a room with a big gaping hole in the roof and a plank you can use to climb up. Crouch when you climb and turn around quickly when you reach the top as there are three mimes right behind you. Get rid of them and in a drawer in the room where their bodies lie, there's intelligence on, well, yourself (as in Kate). 

When you exit, turn left into a room. Search the place for more intelligence. Don't think there's any loot there. Come out and go straight, following the corridor to the broken balcony and there's one mime there to kill. You will hear a conversation about the lack of women in the "criminal industry" (the stairs you see on your right are blocked). Peek into the room and you'll see the guys talking across the street through a window. You may elect to kill these mimes from where you are. 

Use the planks on the windows to go across. Halfway, look down to see if there are any mimes to get rid of. Loot the room you are in and proceed. You'll see two ladders: one going down and one going up. Take the ladder down first through the hole (the room on your right has nothing significant) but be careful because there are two guys there waiting for you. Killed me many times! 

Follow the corridor and the door at the end will lead outside. You won't be able to get out through the gate here but there's some loot at the other end of this short path so grab them (spy book and some ammo I believe). 

Return to the ladder and you'll see some mimes on the way. Climb up the ladder and walk the planks across the hole. You'll end up in a room with a sleeping mime and a hole. Put one in him and drop through. Loot the place for some intelligence and go out the window. Save! 

There will be three mimes to put out. Go towards the stage with the hypnotic twirling things and there's some intelligence on the platform. Go towards a door with a plank barring it (picture reference), you will hear Armstrong asking you to let him out. Once you do, you have to protect him as he runs and tries to unbar the main gates out of here. Mimes will keep coming so kill them before they kill your friend - also, don't damage yourself too much because I don't think there's armour for miles. If he dies, you will have to reload. When he does get the gates open, go through and the next stage will load: The Getaway. 

This is a really hilarious part of the game. Watch the cutscene and when you get on the bike, shoot Mr. French without stopping (I suggest pausing to laugh until you're done before proceeding). 

Just shoot anything you see and try not to get killed (don't worry about ammo - it's infinite at this stage). When you almost kill the guy, he will hurt Armstrong and a cutscene will load.

Location: Antartica 

Go through the door and to the room on your left. Talk to the injured scientist and hear his last words. Loot him if you like. Exit, go north and turn left towards the pile of rubble. Climb on top and get to the first floor through the hole (you'll need to climb to the top most box, turn around and jump on the lowest part of the jutting plank of wood). Follow the corridor and drop down the next hole you see (the door at the end can't be opened so don't bother). 

You'll notice that you need to plant a bomb here for some reason which is not revealed to you now (plus you don't have any explosives), so move along. The first door to your right leads to nothing so go straight on. Take the stairs on your right down and you'll find some intelligence on where to find some explosives. Go back up and go towards the locked gate. Right clicking on the access panel will tell you the power is out. Go towards the pile of rubble blocking the way southwest. Climb through. You'll find some armour in the cabinet and a wrench on your left. Clicking on the door to your left will tell you of the need for some loose keys so be on the lookout for them. You'll also pick up intelligence on a Lt. Anders which will trigger off a side quest to find out more. 

Don't go to the room on your left first because you need to turn off the steam that's burning up right where the fuse you need is sitting. Going to the room to your right will tell you that you need a fuse. Go straight on (NW) and you'll see the steam bypass. Point your reticule to a nut under the cage until you see where you can fix it and your wrench will do the job. Now that the steam is gone, go pick up the fuse and loot the room. Put the fuse into the power box and voila. Exit east and turn left. Follow the corridor and turn right. Decode the access panel and enter what appears to be a canteen. 

Pick up intelligence on Lt. Anders and go north. Two ways of exit here (no difference between the two): Follow the corridor to the kitchen and drop through the hole in the floor. Follow the corridor and you'll come to some stairs that bring you to the yard. Or from the canteen you can climb pass the rubble you see blocking the way and go through - this method is shorter. These two doors are just next to each other. 

Go west to the double doors and you'll see that you can't open them. Look to the left and you'll notice a big hole in the wall. Go through (picture reference). 

Loot for intelligence and decode the access panel on the right wall to open the double doors. The door to the left opens to a blocked door. 

Go through the double doors and pick up intelligence on Abigail, Lt Anders' daughter. Go to the room in the middle and loot for keys (when you pick these up a pipe is scripted to break behind you so this means you can't exit from whence you came. You'll also pick up some intelligence on a missing door knob. 


Go to the room to the left of the ping pong table and you'll find intelligence on a super soldier. This will prompt that thing you've been hearing to break loose. Take a quick look outside and run. He will shoot lasers at you so keep strafing and running. You need him to move away from the room he came out from before you run into it and quickly loot the place, including the long room to its right. You'll pick up more intelligence and inside the cabinet is a suit or armour if you need one. 

Look up - you'll see that a steel pipe is bridging the counter and a hole in the upper part of the wall. Climb it (you will have to crouch and go to the furthest right you can to achieve this) and crawl through until you pass the broken steam pipe. Drop down and run out to the stairs on your left. Climb up (notice the "plant bomb here" sign on the floor) and open the door to your right now (which was locked initially but now you have the keys) and grab the door knob. Run down and Mr Super Soldier aka Lt Anders (listen to what he's saying) and go towards the bunker looking thing in the middle (door that's missing a door knob) and go in (close the door so Lt A won't be able to shoot at you). Loot the place for explosives and some ammo. 

Run back out and rush towards the stairs going up again and plant the bomb on the floor. Go out, wait for it to blow (while trying to keep Lt A from frying you with those lasers) and when there's a hole in the floor, run and drop through. You'll end up in the kitchen again. Run back to the canteen and you'll see a scientist. Turn right at the end of the hall and you'll see another one telling you to go his way. Run through and he will lock Lt Anders in the canteen. Talk to him if you want to find out a little more of what's going on (he's just standing there smoking despite the massacre). Follow the corridor south (past the steam bypass and the room where you got the fuse from. Open the second door to your right (also initially locked). Pick up the wire coil and this will trigger Lt Anders to put another hole in the wall. Run back out and go into the room with the power box and exit the other side. Turn right and repair the access panel, decode and go through. Follow the corridor and go towards Armstrong. Plant explosives to clear the way. 

Watch the cutscene.

Location: India 

Note: You can hide from Super Soldiers (SS). As long as you are not in their line of sight, they will ignore you after a while and their shots are not very accurate, so strafing and running like hell (as well as slipping past behind them) helps. Also, if you have enough ammo, you can shoot them in the head until they pass out for a while. Don't go too near fires as they DO burn and the damage is considerable and there aren't many first aid kits and bandages around. You will need to put fires out by pouring water on them TWICE. 

Go straight and plant explosives on the right wall to make a hole in the wall to get through. Go through the door at the end - be careful, a super soldier there. Hide and strafe left and right to shoot and hide until he goes down for a while. When he does, quickly run left and pick the lock on the gate to let the civilian through. There is some armour across the road in a corner if you need some. 

Go through the gate and follow the path. Another super soldier is chasing Harij towards you. Quickly run to the right of the gates and the SS will just pass by you. Slip behind him (while Harij tells you to rescue him from the fire). You will need a bucket, so run through the gates and see what's happening in front of you. Notice the small alley on your left - take it and you'll encounter a guard (he may shoot at you or may not but he IS marked "friend" - killing him has no penalty). Take note of the water tap on your right. Don't open the gate yet - let the SS deal with the guards and when he goes off, go pick up the bucket you see on the ground (near the stall). Return through the way you came from and right-click to fill your bucket with water. Go put out the fire in front of Harij (while trying to avoid getting blown away by the SS). You will need to do this twice - sorry, no nearer pipe. 

When Harij is rescued, go back to the stall (fill your bucket once first before proceeding) north (picture reference). Turn right and put out the fire in front of the gate to rescue the civilian. Go back and refill your bucket before you go through the gate. Run west and north as the path turns (be careful of an SS crashing through on your left) and you'll find another fire in front of you. Put this out as well. Try and stay alive - sorry, there's just no two ways about this, you'll just have to keep saving and reloading (unless of course you cheat :). 

Once the fire is out, climb over using the raised landing on your right. 

Run north towards the café and collect some loot. Take note of a tap on your left. Continue down the street and take care of them Barneys. There's another civilian you need to save on the left after the Barneys - put out the fire. An SS will be in front of you so becareful. 

After you put out the fire Kamal will miraculously appear. Here's where it's a little buggy. The first time I played, I wasn't in the cutscene. The second time, I could not even see Kamal but I remembered where he was and went there (one of the two small alleyways) and the cutscene loaded, so don't be alarmed if this happens to you.

Location: UNITY HQ 

Exit Dr Schenker's room and turn right down the stairs (follow the "I" in your compass). You may want to explore for some intelligence to get those skill points up before going down. 

Proceed east and then turn right and right again to go down another flight of stairs. Turn left and proceed down the corridor (eastwards) and you'll see an open space with chairs and tables. Pick up intelligence on one of the tables on some kind of shark ship. Turn south and through the door way. First turning to the left brings you to the cafeteria. 


Pick up everything (leave the present for the last as this will trigger off the next sequence of events). Listen to the announcement and kill the mimes. Pick up a tommy and proceed west through the doors. Turn right and decode the access panel. Turn right and kill approaching mimes. That ticking you hear is a bomb - there are four you need to defuse. Go up the stairs from whence the mimes came and you'll see the bomb. Right-click to defuse. 

Run around the balcony to the other side and run west. Get rid of the mimes (be careful not to hit your "friend"s). Run down the corridor southwards - kill the mimes and defuse the bomb sticking on the lift door. 

Go up the stairs and turn right into the security room. Kill the mime, defuse the third bomb and turn the power back on. Exit and go to Dr Schenker's room - take the note at his doorway that tells you he's hiding. 

Go back downstairs and you'll see some mimes (a way of telling you where to proceed). Get rid of them and run eastwards. You'll hear the ticking of the last bomb. Turn right and go down the stairs. Turn left and you'll see the last of them mimes. Kill them and defuse the bomb. Dr Schenker is crouching like a fool in the room to your left. Talk to him. 

Watch the cutscene and the next chapter will load.

Location: Secret underwater HARM base, Aegean Sea 

Note: Try not to damage yourself too much towards the end of this chapter or make sure your health/armour is full by then because the next chapter loads you right into a bossfight. REMEMBER! 

Dispatch the patrolling Barneys using your scoped crossbow from where you spawn. Proceed forward (sneaking) between the boxes. One of them has a present and some tranquilisers. Beware of a guard near this box. 

Jump into the water and swim towards the front of the sub (NW). You'll need to jump to go over the nose and swim towards a ladder to get up. Becareful of Barneys. Go up, turn west and open the gate. Turn right, open the next gate and loot the place for bolts, a crane key, armour if you need, and intelligence. You'll also hear some conversation between some hillbilly and a goody-goody about robots. 

Swim back to the other side and climb up the ladder. Open the gate to your right (westwards) and go up the stairs. Activate the crane (inside the crane and not the panel outside) and watch what happens. Amazingly, the people in the control room are too blind to see you going across like that. 

Go down the stairs and pick up the present, and return upstairs. There's a door there that goes into the facility. 


Turn right and go through the doorways. The first door to your left goes to a john so nothing there. The second door, the one in front of you, has a guard inside and one about to enter. Dispatch with both silently and dispose of their bodies. Take the northern door out and go to the corner of the corridor. Peek out and you'll spot the camera you're already hearing. Disable it before proceeding (use your zoom because you only have two shots). 

Proceed down the hallway but be careful of a Barney on your right in the room. Make sure he's done for before he reaches the alarm, so use your crossbow. Search the room he was in but don't go through the door that opens on your left to the long bridge first as this goes to the next stage. Finish exploring this stage first. 

Return to the corridor from whence you came and go westwards. Explore the rest of the rooms and you may pick up (not sure if this is random) a silenced SMG and more tranquilisers. This place is a big circle so just go around and when you're done, go across the bridge and load the next stage: Command Deck. 

Note: Watch out for the patrolling robots. They shoot lasers which do a LOT of damage and they can shoot at you even when you're in a vent. 

Once you open the door, there's one more door. Don't open it and listen to the conversation (guard and scientist talking on the far left). There's a camera right up the stairs you see in front of you. The way you want to go is right. Once the conversation ends and those two guys walk off, quickly run right and you'll see a big vent on your left. Open it and go through. There's only one way to go so follow it and you'll end up in a store. Loot and return to where you came from. 

Next, get to the left side (from the first door from the bridge) and through a vent again. Follow it and you'll end up on the far end of the corridor. Quickly get into the first room (on your right as the left one can't be opened without an access card) which has a Barney inside (meeting room). Tranquilise or kill him. There's nothing here worth looting so get out and turn right (North). There may be another guard patrolling so hide behind a chair (you can) until he passes, and then get behind him and kill/knock him out before you get out. Return North to the vent hole from whence you exited (watch out for the robot - try to get behind it) and then go east straight down the corridor and take the first turning left. On your left is the toilet and on your right two Barneys chatting in what looks like a lounge. Take them out. Again, be careful of the robot. Loot the room - I believe there are some tranqs and electrical charges. Exit using the door at the other end of the room. Becareful of one Barney and the patrolling robot. 

There is one camera on your right immediately as you exit. Take it out with your utility launcher. Save. 

Quickly go left and go up the ladder and take out any Barneys silently (becareful of any Barneys you left alive downstairs as they will come up the ladder). Take note of the intercom on your right (and some ammo on the cart thingy on the right of it) - you will need to use it later (you can try for fun now - the guy's on a coffee break). Beware of the patrolling robot. When the coast is clear, quickly run to the left and into a long computer room. Take out the scientist and the Barney silently. Loot the place and go to the other end of this place (make sure you pick up a requisition form of some sort from the 2nd row of computers). 

Notice the door on the other side - there's a camera right outside the door on the right as you exit, AND the patrolling robot which seems to just concentrate on this part of the place so try and take out the camera first before sneaking out. Once you are out, quickly go to the door on your left with the big sign above that says "Supercomputer room". Take out the scientist inside quietly and talk to the computer. It will tell you that you need access codes and that they can be obtained from some manual which you need to get from some technical support guy. 

When the coast is clear outside, quickly run left back to where the intercom is. Talk to it and it will tell you that the darned manual is checked out but will give you an access card for your troubles to a guy Chris' office to retrieve the manual. Take the card and take the ladder down. Go straight, turn right (westwards) and go right to the end (when coast is clear) until you see a door to your right with an access terminal. Use it and go into the room and start looting. Make sure you pick up the manual and return upstairs using the same ladder. 

Return the card to the intercom guy and when the coast is clear, turn right to the supercomputer room. Talk to the computer and it will inform you that what you have is out of date, so back to the intercom you go. You'll notice a note telling you that the guy is having a cigarette break so let's go find him downstairs! Take the ladder way down again and watch out for Barneys/roaming robots. Once down, go straight and turn right. Take the next right and the door to the left is to the loo. Take poor Sydney out and take his Supercomputer Services access card. Return upstairs using the ladder, pass the intercom, turn right and use it on the first door to your right. The manual is in a drawer (if this isn't random) in the desk on your right. Exit, turn right and fly to the supercomputer room. Talk to the computer and you'll find out where Armstrong is to rescue him. Exit when the coast is clear and use the trusty old ladder to go down. Head straight for the doors in front of you which were not activated before. Go through for the next stage and down the stairs to load: Crew deck. 

Go through the doorway and listen to the conversation. Take the double doors left as that area is clear. Loot the two side rooms and go down the hold in the floor in the middle doorway. Listen to the conversation for a hint. When the conversation ends and you see the scientist walk past, exit and turn left. Go through the door and take out the Barney. Loot what appears to be some robotics/computer spare parts room for intelligence. Exit using the door on the left to where the scientist is and kill him. After looting, exit and go through the middle door and up. 

Exit and turn left to go out the double doors. The room to your left is a lounge. Take out any Barneys in there and loot. After you're done, exit, turn left and before you turn left at the end of the corridor, take out the camera if you still have disablers left, or wait for it to point right and then quickly run in and take the door on the left. Listen to the conversation as you loot the place. Loot the place for intelligence and go down the ladder. Loot the place and be sure to take the tape recorder on the desk. 

Exit using the door and quickly go through the next door you see in front of you but also hide quickly to your left before the camera catches you. Actually, even if the alarm sounds here, it's okay because you can kill the Barneys that come and take their stuff. Anyway, head straight past the O2 tanks and through the other side. Save and take the ladder up and you'll end up in the lounge where there are 2-3 Barneys. Take them out noisily if you want but make sure you have enough armour and health before that. 

Exit, turn left and go through the double doors. At the end of the corridor this time turn right. Ignore the camera as there's no way you can avoid this even if you go left and try to run straight. Take out the Barneys and run straight along the corridor until you see a ladder and take it down to load the next stage: Laboratories. 

Once you spawn, use the access panel and your recorder will play the voice activation sequence. You'll hear a conversations start. I just took them out and took the first door to my right. Open the door to your right (no need access card, just click on door) and after getting rid of the scientist, loot the place for more intelligence on the US-Soviet situation. Exit the room and turn right on the steel platform and take the stairs down. Take the scientist out and loot the place for more intelligence. There's a Barney and a robot outside so don't bother. Return back up, exit and take the door on your right which has stairs going down. Exit and make sure you're at the back of the robot. Go through the double doors and quickly access the keypad access panel on your right to end the chapter.

Location: Secret underwater HARM base, Aegean Sea 

After the cutscene finishes, you will have to quickly press F6 to save. What you need to do now is grab your grenades first to finish the big mimes. Three to four will appear so get rid of them first. 

Notice the blue, yellow, green wheels you can turn? They let steam out of the hatches Mr Mimey pop out from. Stay at the blue one. Once he pops out of the blue hatch, turn it on and the steam will blow him up a little longer for you to shoot at. Try throwing grenades if you have any left. There's no way to cut this short but to try and try again to get rid of Mimey and save Armstrong before the time ends. Good luck. 

After you're done with Mimey, watch the cutscene and wait for the next stage to load: The devil and the deep blue sea. 

Once you spawn, watch what happens. Refill armour and health (stuff near the double doors to your left) and water will begin to fill. Armstrong will drain water in the next corridor and tell you to find a intercom to communicate further with him. Once the water is drained, you will be able to open the door to your left. Go through and the roof will fall through in front of you to basically block the way and give you no choice but to take the door on your right. Pick up the access card on the desk. Take the ladder up but becareful of the robot upstairs so try and take him out first with an electrical charge. Go through the door on your left and Armstrong will tell you to do something for him. Shut down the computer terminal to power down the security system. Exit and take the door right opposite which unfortunately leads you to another patrolling robot so quickly do away with him. 

Take a left and go up the ladder. A bit of Tomb-Raider crap here (picture reference) where you need to time the electricity and the shooting fires. With these in mind, just go under the collapsed steel roof through the right and then up the ramp and then run right through when the electricity stops. You will hear a conversation going on. The two Barneys are on your left so take them out. Go on straight and into a store. Jump into the flooded hole and swim southeast through the doors and into the O2 chamber where in the middle (picture reference) there's a tap thingy you can turn on. O2 will flow out of one of the tanks so swim upwards to breathe before you drown. Go down again and swim southwards. Two tanks are blocking your way so weld open the lock that's tying them up. Once freed, they will drop and unblock the door. Go through, turn left and go up the ladder. You'll end up in the lounge where one Barney is, so take him out. There's also one outside so take him out as well. Exit and go eastwards through the door and up the stairs for the next stage to load: Fire in the hole. 

When you spawn you'll hear a conversation. Take a look left and you'll see two Barneys and a robot. Get rid of them and proceed through the door on your left through the lounge and out the other way. Turn left and go straight and through the door on your right and out the other side. Go straight and into the meeting room through the first door on your left and out the other door. Look on your right, there's a switch to turn off the fires down below. Return north to the entrance into the vent and go under. Go all the way to the exit and you'll see a Barney on your left trying to kick a door open. Put him out of his misery and proceed down the corridor and into the next vent on your left. Go all the way through and you'll exit in a store. Go out and turn right, pass the shooting flames and into the door on your right. There's a hole in the wall on the far right of the room. Proceed through it, look up and you'll see a hole in the roof with a bit of a ladder on the left side. Jump and climb up and you'll end up in the long room with all the computers. There's a robot there so take it out before proceeding. Go to the other end and there's a Barney trying to fix a computer so take him out. Take the door on your right out and you'll see a Barney on your right hammering a statuette of the Director. Kill him and pull the Director's finger (picture reference). Armstrong will miraculously appear. Go through the secret door to load the next stage. 

Watch the cutscene.

Location: The Director's Lair 

Watch what happens. Don't worry, the thing will break down and you can escape but save first while you're in there. 

Take out the Barneys (about four) without getting too much flak yourself. Loot them all as that's all you've got. Go up the stairs and retrieve the briefcase for intelligence. Exit southwest. Take out any Barneys (even those hilarious man-crates as they will come and bite you). Loot everything and go south down the cave. Turn left and you'll be in The Director's room. There's a handgun and a letter from his mother. You can go listen by the door for a funny conversation between the Director and some Bernard. Return to whence you came (the tunnel north goes back to the man-handler). 

Run southwards and turn right to what appears to be a Japanese room. Pick up a Katana and loot the place for intelligence. Exit and proceed south and you'll come to a big room which appears to be a training facility. Take out the Barney and man-crates. This place should stock you up nicely! Proceed southeast and kill and loot as you go along. You'll hear some interesting announcements. Continue until you see a big clearing with a lava lake and pick up the package of explosives on your right. Proceed right along the narrow walkway and through the tunnel to the right. You'll reach the HARM mainframe. Take out the two Barneys and pick up intelligence on the battle plans for Khios. Go behind the pillar in the middle and plant the bomb inside. This will trigger the alarm so escape before it blows. More Barneys will come so take them out. Proceed left and around the lava lake to the other exit. You'll come to the generator which you'll need to blow away as well. Take out the Barneys but beware of the robot as you don't have any electrical charges (yet). When it turns around to go right, get behind it and behind the generator. The bomb site is in the middle. Plant the bomb and hide and wait for it to blow. More Barneys will arrive so take them out. There are some electrical charges in an ammo bag on the floor near the blown generators so quickly pick them up, select and get rid of the robot before it fries you. You'll also get a present here - a micromissile launcher, that's right baby! 

Exit and return from whence you came (follow the X on your compass or where the Barneys are appearing from). Spray through and try not to damage yourself too much as there aren't many first aid kits or bandages/armour around. Following the X on your compass, you'll soon reach a set of double doors, which loads the next stage: Sweet revenge. 

Once you spawn you'll hear two guards talking on your left. There are three so take them out. Loot the place and stock up on armour and health because you're going to do battle with Volkov - take note of the double doors - this is where Volkov is coming out from later. Run along right on the platforms and stock up on ammo. Once you reach the middle part where there's an access panel, Volkov will start talking to you, so dash to the double doors. When he comes out, just shoot at him. He will be shooting missiles at you but I've tried standing in front of him (about ten game feet away) with full heavy armour and health and the damage is sustainable. Just make sure you aim for his head. 

When he's done for, he'll go headlong and crash into the molten lava. The bridge where the access panel is will descend and some Barneys will follow. Get rid of them and proceed north through the door and the next chapter will load: Isako's debt. 

Loot the place, save and find the exit out. Once you are out, you'll have to face Isako again. All around the place are presents and loot so be sure you run around as you try to fight off the ninjas and Isako. Once you've done her in, watch the cutscene and the chapter will end.

Location: The Director's Lair 

Note: To kill super soldiers, you need to knock them out for a while with your MM launcher or the combat shotgun, or anything you can find, and THEN shoot a shot of serum at it. 

When you spawn, three Barneys will come charging so get rid of them. Loot this place. There are I think three presents, as well as armour and a first-aid kit - be sure you have a sniper rifle and the micromissile launcher. Proceed north and two more Barneys will come. Santa will tell you that you need to find Anti-Super Soldier serum so be on the lookout for these. Take the road north and go down, getting rid of any Barneys. Note the small cliff right in front of you over looking the whole gang of Barneys and three super sols at the bottom. There's a suit or armour and some ammo (but no serum) there as well. Save. 

I'd advise sniping at the Barneys from here. Two super sols will be traipsing up the hill seemingly your way but they will stop before they reach where you are and then turn around. Once they do that, let them walk pass the whole bunch of loot on your right and then quickly pick up what you can, which includes the serum and how to use it. Now you can go ahead and pump the sols full of lead before shooting a shot of the serum at 'em. If you run out, simply return to the briefcase and refill. As mentioned, there are three super sols there so take all of them out. Once they're gone, loot the place for explosives to blow the big rock you see the bomb site mark on. Proceed down the path. 

Go across the bridge and go straight on eastwards on the narrow cliff. You'll be able to pick up more ammo and armour. At the end where you turn left, try and take out the two Barneys there with your sniper rifle. There are two super sols there so try and take 'em out first. More Barneys will come so be ready. 

Save and turn northeast up the stairs. I'd advise using much of your sniper rifle here as well, taking out Barneys from a distance. Proceeding forward, more will surface and the last three super sols will come for you. The trick here is to take out as many Barneys first so you'll just face the sols alone. For armour and health, I believe there are two suits and a kit lying around. A package will also drop by chute to the NE if you run out of serum and ammo. 

After you're done, you'd have to rendezvous with Armstrong. Go north and take out the Barneys. Follow the road and you'll see some Barneys in the distance. Take them out with your sniper - should be good fun. Proceed over the hedge and to the fort. A cutscene will load. Save before killing the lieutenant. The trick here is to go and hide between the cracks of the ruined building you see and shoot the Lt. until he's knocked down. Another cache of serum and ammo will drop nearby should you need more. There's no two ways to do this so good luck. 

Once the Lt is dead, he will take one final swing at you with his laser and the last cutscenes will load. 

Hope you enjoyed the game!