Time Traveller Mako (PC)

                            a.k.a.  Time Stripper Mako

                               a.k.a. Time Stripper

                    Copyright 1996, 1997 by Foster and Otaku



                                  Ben Woodhouse 


                                 March  17, 2003 

                                   Version 1.0


**********CONTENT DISCLAIMER***********

Time Stripper Mako is an adult bishoujo game, meaning it contains sex. 

Therefore it is intended solely for people over the age of 18.  If you are of 

age and still find such material objectionable, then you probably have no 

interest in playing this game or reading this FAQ.







  i.     Introduction

  ii.    System Requirements

  iii.   Characters

  iv.    Walkthrough

  v.     Version History

  vi.    Copyright Information



                              i. INTRODUCTION



College life can be so carefree, yet so difficult at the same time.

Shinji Nakayama is an average student; he has a part time job, does a

few activities, and many hopes and dreams for the future.  He also has

a great girlfriend, Michiyo.  Make that ~had~.  Due to his overactive

libido and disdain for monogamy, Shinji's relationship with Michiyo

has just hit splitsville.  That's okay though, Shinji is able to

console himself with the thought of all the other women out there...


That is until a naked girl suddenly falls from the ceiling in his

room!  She's Mako, a time traveller, and it seems that Shinji and

Michiyo's relationship is vital for her future.  Will Shinji be able

to patch things up despite the meddlings of Mako and her fellow time

traveller Nonn, or has the future been permentantly altered?  That's

up to you!


Time Stripper Mako is a click-and-click bishoujo adventure game.

While reading through the story, you'll encounter a decision every so

often.  Your choice will determine who Shinji ends up with at the end

of the game, and of course there will be plenty of shenanigans along

the way!



                          ii. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS                 



System requirements for Time Stripper Mako:


Operating System..Windows 95/98

Processor.........486SX / 33mhz or higher 

Memory............8MB (12 recommended)

CD-ROM............Twin-speed CD-ROM drive

Sound Card........FM.PCM sound card, GM sound card,

                  or equivalent versions compatible with Windows95



                             iii. CHARACTERS



Shinji Nakayama


Shinji may be a nice enough fellow, if you overlook his promiscuous

nature.  He claims to really care about Michiyo, deep down, but he

just can't seem to keep it in his pants!


Mako Kazematsuri


Mako's come from the future to save her own existence!  Her romantic

rival from the future has threatened to kill one of her ancestors.

While in the past, she develops some feelings for Shinji.  Can she be

happy back in her own time, or will she want to stay?


Michiyo Sakakami


Shinji's girlfriend... make that EX-girlfriend.  After catching him

cheating for the sixth time, she finally cut Shinji loose.  Can she

really put their three year relationship behind her, or will Shinji

successfully win her back?




Mako's rival from the future, Nonn immediately develops a superficial

crush on Shinji.  She seems willing to do anything to get together

with him.  It may be flattering, but Shinji also finds it very creepy.


Emi Takano


Emi is a classmate of Shinji's; they're on the Festival Committee

together.  Supposedly, she's a total stuck-up bitch, but she seems

nice enough to me.  Shinji will do anything to put her in her place.


Kaori Okuda


Kaori's an up and coming singing idol!  Unfortunately, she has a

terrible fear of men that prevents her from performing in public.  Too

bad Shinji didn't know about that before he booked her as the

Festival's live musical act.  He'll have to act quickly to get her to



Shinoh Harada


Shinoh is Kaori's agent.  She's a very tough businesswoman and drives

Kaori hard to succeed.  What really lies under her hard exterior?


Kyoka Etsuka


Kyoka is Shinji's coworker at a local pub.  Apparently, her only needs

in life are alcohol and sex, both of which she conveniently gets at

her workplace.



                              iv. WALKTHROUGH  



Time Stripper Mako has five endings, one each with Mako, Nonn,

Michiyo, Emi, and Kaori.  Missing one?  Follow the walkthrough, the

appropriate choices are listed in order.



          Mako's Ending


1.  Do I come clean?

2.  Give me a break, Kyoko, I'm not a total stud.

3.  Ring him right now?

4.  Perhaps I should go and apologise to Michiyo at the library.

5.  Wait at the house.

6.  Try and stop her.

7.  Forget it. Go back tomorrow.

8.  Well, too late now, just go with the flow.

9.  Go find Michiyo at the library.

10. Go to the Festival Office.

11. She's scared to death.  Give her a pep talk.

12. Yeah, you can keep a secret.

13. The Festival Office.

14. Go straight to the Festival Office.

15. Tell her about the cheque.



          Nonn's Ending


1.  Do I try and talk my way out of it?

2.  Hey... I'm a man... I'll give it my best shot.

3.  Ring him right now? OR Talk to him at work tonight.

4.  Play it cool and go home.

5.  Wait at the house.

6.  Let her do it.

7.  Go back to the bar and change.

8.  Well, too late now.  Just go with the flow.

9.  See what's happening at the Festival Office.

10. Go to the library.

11. Go to the changing rooms.

12. She's being stupid.  Get tough.

13. Yeah!  Good idea.

14. The Festival Office.

15. Go straight to the Festival Office.

16. Sounds great, I'm yours.



       Michiyo's Ending


1.  Do I come clean?

2.  Give me a break, Kyoko, I'm not a total stud.

3.  Ring him right now?

4.  Perhaps I should go and apologise to Michiyo at the library.

5.  Wait at the house.

6.  Try and stop her.

7.  Forget it. Go back tomorrow.

8.  Well, too late now, just go with the flow.

9.  Go find Michiyo at the library.

10. Go to the Festival Office.

11. She's scared to death.  Give her a pep talk.

12. Yeah, you can keep a secret.

13. The Festival Office.

14. Go straight to the Festival Office.

15. Tell her it's nothing to do with her.



           Emi's Ending


1.  Do I try and talk my way out of it?

2.  Hey... I'm a man... I'll give it my best shot.

3.  Ring him right now? OR Talk to him at work tonight.

4.  Play it cool and go home.

5.  Wait at the house.

6.  Let her do it.

7.  Go back to the bar and change.

8.  Well, too late now.  Just go with the flow.

9.  See what's happening at the Festival Office.

10. Go to the library.

11. Go to the changing rooms.

12. She's scared to death.  Give her a pep talk.

13. Yeah, you can keep a secret.

14. The Festival Office.

15. Go straight to the Festival Office.

16. Tell her about the cheque.



         Kaori's Ending


1.  Do I try and talk my way out of it?

2.  Hey... I'm a man... I'll give it my best shot.

3.  Ring him right now? OR Talk to him at work tonight.

4.  Play it cool and go home.

5.  Wait at the house.

6.  Let her do it.

7.  Go back to the bar and change.

8.  Well, too late now.  Just go with the flow.

9.  See what's happening at the Festival Office.

10. Go to the library.

11. Go to the changing rooms.

12. She's being stupid.  Get tough.

13. Yeah!  Good idea.

14. The Festival Office.

15. Go straight to the Festival Office.

16. No, I don't think I can do something like that.



That's all five endings!  Hope you enjoyed the game.



                             v. VERSION HISTORY



v1.0 - All material complete.



                         vi. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION               



All information and work in this document is copyright 2003 by Ben Woodhouse 

unless otherwise stated and may be not be reproduced under any circumstances 

except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or 

otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this 

guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly 

prohibited, and a violation of copyright.  


Thanks for your cooperation.



                 This FAQ is approved for posting on websites:


                          GameFAQs - www.gamefaqs.com


         Any other site or publication posting it has ripped this FAQ.  

                  React according to your own moral standards.





If you have any additions or corrections that you feel belong in this

document, feel free to let me know!
