
|O p e r a t i o n   E u r o p e :   P a t h   t o   V i c t o r y|



                          |1 9 3 9 - 4 5|






CREATOR:  KOEI GAMES Copyright 1994

AUTHOR OF THIS FAQ:  Kevin Butler AKA kevinb500

E-MAIL:  kevinb(at)technologist(dot)com









 1.  Legal Stuff

 2.  Version Information

 3.  Acknowledgements

 4.  Welcome

 5.  Overview 




 6.  The Campaigns

 7.  The Commanders




 8.  Being in Charge

 9.  The Battlefield




10.  General Strategies




11.  Armaments per campaign in Operation Europe


     11.1  Occupation of France:    May 10 - Jun 22, 1940

     11.2  North African War:       May 26 - Jul  5, 1942

     11.3  Fierce Battle of Kursk:  Jul  5 - Sep  5, 1943

     11.4  Storming of Normandy:    Jun  6 - Aug 19, 1944

     11.5  Battle of the Bulge:     Dec 16, 1944 - Jan 21, 1945

     11.6  Fight for Berlin:        Apr 16 - May 16, 1945



****************************** S E C T I O N  I *******************************



| 1.  LEGAL STUFF |============================================================



This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal

private use.  It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed

publicly without advanced permission from the author.  Use of this guide on

any other web sit or as part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and

a violation of copyright.  All content in this guide is Copyright 2003 by

Kevin Butler.  Only the sites listed below have permission to publish this

work or to display it:




If you wish to put this guide on your site, e-mail me and ask.  Save yourself

the headache of putting up with lawsuits and whatnot because you failed to ask

a simple "Can I post your guide on ?".  If you wish to use info

in this guide, please acknowledge that you have done so.


If you see this guide on any other site then the one listed above, please

e-mail me.  If you wish to ask questions or give input to this guide, please

e-mail me.  Just have Operation Europe as the subject so I know it isn't

another kooky vendor trying to sell me hair gel or another XXX site telling me

I have new friends.



| 2.  VERSION INFORMATION |====================================================



Version 1.0:  A guide is born.


Version 1.5:  1.  Revamped the sections to make them more consistent and

                  easier to read.

              2.  Moved acknowledgements to Section I.

              3.  Added an appendix for all armaments per campaign in Operation


              4.  Fixed up some of the general strategies.


Version 1.55: 1.  Redid Section and Chapter headers.

              2.  Added to the acknowledgements chapter.


Version 1.56  1.  Fixed some values in the appendix.


Version 1.57  1.  Fixed some typo's in the guide.



| 3.  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS |=======================================================



The following are a list of people or organizations that have made this FAQ



My wonderful family (who has had to put up with the tapping on the keyboard)

"winnie the poop" at GameFAQ's

KOEI for making a great war game

GameFAQ's for putting up this FAQ



| 4.  WELCOME |================================================================



Welcome to my FAQ for Operation Europe.  Since this is a war and strategy game,

there is no walkthrough per say.  Instead, this FAQ is broken up into parts.

First you will be given what campaigns you can participate in and how to set up

the battlefield.  Next, you will be given all the possible commands you can

give with a brief description of what those commands are.  The last part is

dedicated to strategy.  This strategy will give you an idea on how to win your

campaigns.  Input is appreciated along with constructive criticism.  If you

wish to e-mail me thoughts on this FAQ, better ways of doing things, other

strategies, etc., feel free.  Make sure you put OE FAQ in the subject.  If you

don't, I'm liable to discard the e-mail as spam.



| 5.  OVERVIEW |===============================================================



Operation Europe takes place in the European Theater of Operations (ETO).

Instead of going through the entire history of WWII in the ETO, selected battles

are used instead.  These battles range from France's plains to the steppes of

Russia to the deserts of North Africa.  You then decide whether you want to be

the Allies or Axis in these battles.  Your job then will be to achieve the

victory conditions defined by the specific battle you are fighting.  At your

disposal are all the resources (equipment, commanders, etc.) available at that

time to ensure victory.  You also must not only be familiar with how to fight

battles, but also all the planning, logistics, and pitfalls of how to properly

plan and fight a battle to ensure maximum effect.  This means, causing a heckuva

lot more casualties to the enemy then your troops receive.



******************************  S E C T I O N  II *****************************




| 6.  THE CAMPAIGNS |==========================================================



Operation Europe is broken down into six campaigns.  These campaigns are:


Occupation of France:    May 10 - Jun 22, 1940

North African War:       May 26 - Jul  5, 1942

Fierce Battle of Kursk:  Jul  5 - Sep  5, 1943

Storming of Normandy:    Jun  6 - Aug 19, 1944

Battle of the Bulge:     Dec 16, 1944 - Jan 21, 1945

Fight for Berlin:        Apr 16 - May 16, 1945


When you choose the highlighted campaign, you will be given a brief history of

that campaign.  You will then be given a choice of whether you wish to play

that campaign or go back to the campaign list again.  After you have chosen the

campaign to play, you will next be asked whether you wish to play Demo

(watching the computer play against itself), 1, or 2 player.  Once that choice

is made, you will be asked if you wish to be the Allies or Axis.  For purposes

of this game, the Allies are the United States, Britain, France, and Russia

with the Germans and Italians being the Axis.



| 7.  THE COMMANDERS |=========================================================



After you choose whether to be the Allies or Axis, you are given a display of

all the commanders that particular campaign will have.  The display is like



                    D           C           A     T                       

                    u     L     h     I     t     a                       

                    t     d     r     n     r     n                       

                    y     r     m     f     y     k                       


Name of Commander   Numbers between 1 and 99 representing above traits


Division Report


The numbers after the commanders name represents either their strength or

weakness in particular trait.  Historical commanders like Patton have higher

traits in the areas they were noted for such as Tank and Leadership for Patton.

You can change these numbers by using the "C" button on the gamepad.  Be warned

that these numbers are generally random and it may take a while to get the

scores you want for that commander.  Also, some commanders while strong in some

areas may be very weak in others causing the values to remain low regardless of

how many times you change them.  You can also get some brief biographical info

on a particular commander by pressing the "A" button when their name is high-



The traits are:


Ldr (Leadership):  The ability to make units execute command quickly and

sometimes fight beyond their capacity.  Has a telling effect on close battles.


Chrm (Charm):  Basically the ability to schmooz somebody.  Good trait when

dealing with higher headquarters when requesting supplies or reinforcements.

Also helps when motivating the troops.


Inf (Infantry):  Good with infantry tactics.  Helps infantry units fight



Atry (Artillery):  Good with artillery tactics.  Helps for artillery units

getting on the mark more often and inflicting a lot more casualties.


Tank:  Good with armor tactics:  Helps the armored and mechanized units fight



Once you have gotten your commanders values the way you want them, hit the

"START" button to go to the next menu.  This is where you will assign your

commanders to their duties.  Usually, the roles that require high charm (>90)

and leadership (>90) are the AC, CO, and CI.  The divisional commanders need

to have pretty high leadership (>80) and their specialty of Inf, Atry, or Tank

(>80).  If you need to, click on the Division Report to ensure that you have

the best commander for the right unit.  A commander good at Tank won't probably

do a great job with a low Inf value.  Again, the best commander for the job.

Later on, you will learn how to change commanders in the main menu if the

commander you have chosen doesn't seem to be up for the job.  That again is why

when you are getting values, get the best ones possible in case you need to

replace a commander who has been relieved or killed in battle.


Duty is the duty that the particular commander is assigned to.  The duties



AC (Army Commander):  Overall command of all divisions.


CO (Chief of Operations):  Responsible for day to day operations.  Also re-

sponsible for ordering of supplies, extra men, and reinforcements.


CI (Chief of Intelligence):  Responsible for special forces operations.


1, 2, 3, 4:  The four divisional commanders.


Once you have done all of the above and are satisfied with your setup, you are

reading to go into battle.  The next section will describe all the menus and

the battlefield.



*****************************  S E C T I O N  III *****************************




| 8.  BEING IN CHARGE |========================================================



Once you have completed getting your commanders set up and ready to go, you

will be taken to the next screen that you will use throughout the campaign.  

The main screen looks something like this:



|                                                                             |

|  ============================================    ========================   |

|  |                                          |    |DATE, HOUR AND        |   |


|  |                                          |    ========================   |

|  |    TERRAIN FEATURES AND UNITS            |                               |

|  |                                          |    ========================   |

|  |      MAP IS A 40,40 GRID                 |    |MENU(S) OF COMMAND    |   |

|  |                                          |    |                      |   |

|  |      0-39 FOR BOTH X AND Y AXIS          |    |    CHOICES           |   |

|  |                                          |    |                      |   |

|  |                                          |    |                      |   |

|  |                                          |    ========================   |

|  |                                          |    ========================   |

|  ============================================    |COMMANDER PERFORMING  |   |

|   MESSAGES, PROMPTS, AND ANY OTHER INFO          |ACTION                |   |

|   IS DISPLAYED HERE                              ========================   |



Each menu item and submenu items are described below:


Tact (Tactical):  This is the menu that enables you to command your units.


     You must next select a division then regiment to give orders to.  The

     orders you can give are (when you select an order, a cursor will appear):


     Move:  Select where to move the regiment.


     Dfnd (Defend):  Select where the regiment is to go on the defensive.


     Atck (Attack):  Select where the regiment is to attack.


     Sbtg (Sabotage):  Select where the regiment wants to perform an act of



     Sply (Supply):  Select where the regiment wishes to receive supplies (from

     another unit or a city).


     Prsu (Pursue):  Select what unit the regiment wishes to pursue.  The unit

     can be friendly or an enemy.


     Ocpy (Occupy):  Select what enemy city the regiment wishes to occupy.  If

     the city has defenses, the regiment must beat them before the occupation

     can be accomplished.


     Rest:  Select where you will let the unit rest


SpFc (Special Forces):  This is the menu for doing special forces operations.

The orders you can give are (when you select an order, a cursor will appear):


     Raid:  Select an enemy city or unit to destroy its defenses.


     Sbtg (Sabotage):  Select an enemy city to destroy defenses or supplies.


     Cut:  Select an enemy city or unit to cut its communication.  When this

     occurs, that unit or city cannot be contacted or controlled.


     Elim (Eliminate):  Select an enemy unit to eliminate its commander.

     Rarely is this successful.  If it does succeed, it will cause chaos in

     the enemy division.


     Info:  Select an enemy city or unit to get info about.  This info includes

     number soldiers, vehicles, artillery pieces, etc., ammo, fuel, and food

     situation.  It may also include unit morale and fatigue.


Ask:  Request supplies, extra men, or reinforcements from headquarters.  A

result of these requests is not instant and can take a few hours.  Don't be

surprised by a few turn-down's before HQ approves the request.


Air:  Request for a bombing run (designated by cursor), paratrooper landing

(select for what division and how many), or a supply drop.


Orgz (Organize):  You can organize units with city units or re-organize units

with each other (see general strategies #12)


Move:  This command allows you to move headquarters between divisions and

regiments.  It also allows you to relieve commanders who don't seem to be

doing their job.


Info:  This menu gives all the information you need in one menu.  The submenus

are broken into two halves:  Axis and Alld.  Each menu under this headings is

the same.  The menus are:


     Gnrl (Generals):  The generals and their trait values.


     Arms:  The different arms that are available.  This menu goes even farther

     by giving a description of each of the arms and country of origin depicted

     by that national flag (to see all arms available for each campaign, look

     in the appendix).  These descriptions are:


          AP (Anti-Personnel):  The higher the number, the more men that can be



          AT (Anti-Tank):  The higher the number, the easier it is to destroy

          enemy armor and more of it.


          Df (Defense):  The ability of a unit to defend itself.  Higher number

          means better defensive capabilities.


          Sp (Speed):  How fast a unit can move per hour.  The higher the

          number, the faster the movement.


          GR (Gun Range):  The maximum number of hexes the gun can fire.  The

          higher the number, the longer the range of the gun.


          Clicking on the "C" button puts up the same statistics below with the

          addition of CR (Cruising Range):  How far mechanized forces can go

          before refuel.  NOTE:  If the number is 0, the unit doesn't require



     Vict (Victory):  Victory condition to win the campaign.


     Unit:  Gives info about your and enemy units (ones successfully spied on).

     Clicking on "C" will bring up a choice of what division you want info on.

     After selecting the division a screen will come up with all the regiments

     that make up that division.  The display looks like this:



| Now   Goal                           Picture of                             |

|                                                                             |

|             Gas Can  Bullets Food  Thumb  Crossed Rifles  Skull&Crossbones  |

|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |

|       Regiments still active are here.  If there is no regiment, the area   |

|       is a blank space instead.                                             |

|                                                                             |



     Explanations for the headings are as follows:


          Now:  Where the unit is now in x,y coordinates where both x and y are

          in between 0 and 39.


          Goal:  Where the unit is going to in x,y coordinates where both x and

          y are between 0 and 39.


          Gas Can:  How much gas the unit has left.  Between 0 and 100%.


          Bullets:  How much ammo the unit has left.  Between 0 and 100%.



          Food:  How much food the unit has left.  Between 0 and 100%.


          Thumb:  The unit's morale.  Between 0 and 100.


          Crossed Rifles:  The unit's experience/training.  Between 0 and 99.


          Skull&Crossbones:  The unit's fatigue level.  Between 0 and 99.


     When you move the directional pad left or right, it depresses a

     regimental button on the bottom of the screen and highlights that

     regiments Now position.  Clicking on the "C" where there is a regiment

     brings up the battalion screen.  The battalion screen is almost identical

     to the regimental screen except it has removed the pictures of the gas

     can, bullets, and food.  These pictures have been replaced by pictures

     of troops and a flat tire.  These pictures represent the number of troops

     per battalion (such as 72 M3A8 Shermans or 22 T34/85).  The flat tire

     represents the number of vehicles or troop equipment that is damaged and

     can be fixed by an supply/repair unit.


     Clicking on the "C" one more time gives you the specifics of that troop

     or piece of equipment as explained in the Arms part above.


     City:  Gives info about your and enemy cities (ones successfully spied on).

     Clicking on "C" will also give you information about the defending units

     located in that city.


Wait:  Let's you put in the number of hours that your armies rest.  Good for

when you are waiting for something such as supplies or special forces

operations.  Also good for when you need to rest up your divisions after some

hard campaigning.


Pressing the "START" button brings up the game menus.  These consist of:


     War:  Whether to view battles or not.


     Advc (Advice):  Whether you want the computer to give you advice.


     Gfx (Graphics):  Turns battle animations off and on.


     Musc (Music):  Turns the music off and on.


     Save:  Save your game.


     Load:  Load a saved game.


     Quit:  Quit the game you're on.


Other non-menu commands are pressing the "A" button to get info from the

battlefield.  Pressing "C" gives you a big picture view of the battlefield.



| 9.  THE BATTLEFIELD |========================================================



Usually the orders you give your troops will result in some battle having to

be fought.  This battle can either be with other enemy units or against cities.

The Tact menu display allows you, as the commander, to decide what units are

going to engage what targets.  Remember, that just because you order a unit to

attack doesn't mean it will instantly happen.  The unit has to get to where it

will do battle.  Then it takes anywhere from two to ten hours game time for

that unit to set up to do battle.


Once that unit is ready for battle, you will get a message under the battle-

field map "War preparations complete.  Begin attack (Y/N)?".  If you choose

not to attack, then more time will elapse and this message will appear again.

After you answer yes to beginning the attack, the next question will be "Take

direct command over allied or axis forces (Y/N)?".  If you answer no, you will

delegate control to the computer general in charge of that unit.  The last

question will be "View the battle display (Y/N)?".  If you don't want to view

the battle display, the battle will occur without you seeing what is going on.

After the battle has been fought, you will be given the question "Report

results (Y/N)?".  If you choose yes, it will give you all the casualty figures

for all units participating in the battle.


If you chose yes to the question of taking direct command and viewing the

battle display, you will take full control of all your units participating

in the battle.  The main battle screen will appear and look like this:



|                                                                             |

|  ================    |===========================================|REGIMENTS |

|  | SIX COMMANDS |    |                                           |FOR BATTLE|

|  |              |    |     LOCAL BATTLEFIELD MAP WITH ALL        |ARE HERE  |

|  | YOU CAN GIVE |    |                                           |          |

|  |              |    |     TERRAIN AND OTHER FEATURES            |          |

|  | TO YOUR      |    |                                           |          |

|  |              |    |     MAP IS A 13 X 13 GRID                 |          |

|  | TROOPS       |    |                                           |          |

|  |              |    |     0-12 FOR BOTH X AND Y AXIS            |          |

|  |              |    |                                    +------|          |

|  |              |    |                                    |      |          |

|  ================    |                                    |      |          |

|                      |         +----------------+   +-----+      |          |

|  ================    |         |  HIGHLIGHTED   |   | HIGHLIGHTED|          |

|  | TIMER        |    |===========================================|          |

|  ================                                                           |



Explanation for the parts of the local battlefield are as follows:


You will have to set up your troops in the areas marked "HIGHLIGHTED".  You can

set your troops up anywhere in the "HIGHLIGHTED" area.  Generally, troop setup

will follow where the attacking unit is in relation to the defending unit.

For example, if the attacker is coming from the defenders left side, then the

"HIGHLIGHTED" area will be on the right side of the local battlefield.  If

the attacker is coming from the bottom left corner of the defender, then the

"HIGHLIGHTED" area will be the bottom left corner of the local battlefield.


After setting up your troops, it is now time to give them commands.  You can

either command a battalion or the entire regiment to perform a specific action.


These are the six commands you can give your troops when going into battle.

These commands are not "set in stone" for the duration of combat.  You can

intercede as the battle conditions change.  You do this by pressing "A" during

the battle.  The commands are listed from top to bottom from the left side of

the command menu.


Move:  Move your troops to a specific location.


Attack:  Attack a specific enemy formation.


Pursue:  Chase an enemy formation.


Retreat:  When you choose this command, certain areas along the edge will

become "HIGHLIGHTED".  Just get your troops into these areas and you can

escape.  Of course, if you're surrounded, there will be no escape.


Follow:  Follow another battalion into battle.


Regiment toggle:  By pressing this button, you can change orders from just

battalion to the entire regiment.  To get back to the battalion menu again,

just press "C" twice on the controller.


The timer in the bottom left of the screen tells you how much time you have to

accomplish what you set out to do.  If you don't finish the job in the

allotted time, you have to again make battle preparations.


If the enemy attacks you first, you will get the message "Enemy unit has

attacked, take over (Y/N)?".  After that, all the commands that follow you

taking over will be the same as if you were the one attacking.


Another thing you can do during battle is press the "START" button.  This

enables you to toggle the battle animations on and off.  I tend to keep them

toggled off since it makes the battle sequences go faster.


Once the battle is over, don't forget to replenish your troops, repair broken

equipment, and try to get them rested up for the next battle.



******************************  S E C T I O N  IV *****************************




| 10.  GENERAL STRATEGIES |====================================================



These are a list of general strategies for all the campaigns that I have found

to be effective.  I know that there are many more different strategies out

there.  Your input on this would be greatly appreciated and your reward would

be to see it added to this guide and credited appropriately.  These are not in

any particular order of importance but some or all may apply to whatever

campaign you are engaged in.



/ 10.1  Know what your objectives are /



This is probably one of the most important things to remember when you are

planning for your battles.  In order to achieve victory in this game, you must

fulfill some or all of the objectives stated.  To see what both you and your

opponent's victory conditions are, click on the "Info" button on the main menu,

then click on the "Vict" button.  These conditions will determine how you will

allocate or rearrange your forces to achieve this victory.



/ 10.2  Know the big picture /



Too many times, one will get tunnel vision and only concentrate on one little

aspect of the battlefield.  This can result in significant problems since you

may be winning one particular battle while the enemy is busy overrunning you

on all other parts of the battlefield.  There are two views you can go to.  To

get to the first view, click on the "A" button.  You will see a blinking cursor

shaped like a box.  Using the directional controls on the gamepad, you can move

the cursor around to check out terrain features or to identify units.  Clicking

on the "A" button again over a unit will tell you that unit's ammo, fuel, food,

morale, experience, and fatigue levels.  It will also tell you where the unit

is now and what (if any) objectives that it is assigned to go to.(coordinates

are listed as x,y).  Clicking on a town will tell you that town's ammo, fuel,

and food levels.  It will also tell you of any defenses that town may have.  If

you click on the "A" button one more time, you will be able to see a "birds-

eye" view of where all your units are and any enemy units that you may have

identified.  To pan around the area, use the directional controls.



/ 10.3  Know your enemy /



This goes hand-in-hand with knowing the big picture.  It's not enough to know

where you and the enemy is, you need to know what the enemy has.  This is

where espionage comes into play.  To get information for an enemy unit or town,

click on the "SpFc" button.  In the SpFc submenu, click on the "Info" button

again.  The same cursor as in #2 will appear.  Move the cursor with the di-

rectional controls until it is over an enemy city or unit.  You will then be

given how much time (in hours) that the operation will take.  If the operation

succeeds, you will be able to plan more effectively since you will know what

your opposition possesses.



/ 10.4  The right unit for the right job /



When you have the above three achieved, then it is time for you to plan how to

obtain your objective.  If an enemy unit or units are in your way, then you

must prepare for battle.  It would be foolhardy to send in infantry or armored

personnel carriers against an enemy force composed of King Tigers or Panthers.

Since the game allows you to be flexible in how you allocate resources among

the regiments, build them with victory in mind.  If you have two units that

have 400 infantry, consolidate them together to make a unit of 799 and 1 (the

one remains because the only way to lose regiments in this game is elimination

by enemy action).  If you have mixed units, shuffle around the battalions

within them to make the most effective strike against the enemy.  The objective

here is to focus all your resources at the point of attack so you can hopefully

eliminate the enemy.  My personal favorite is to get all the artillery (155 and

105mm guns) into one regiment.  These guns have long range and they can soften

up an enemy before they get within range of my infantry and armor.  Sometimes,

though, you may need to sacrifice a regiment to either weaken the enemy so that

other regiments can "mop" up.  Be sure you can afford the loss.  Keep in mind

that battle doesn't immediately start the moment that one of your units gets

next to an enemy unit or city.  There are a few hours (game time) that is

involved before battle begins.  Also, the enemy may also be planning an attack

and they may get the jump on you.  Always expect the unexpected.



/ 10.5  Beans, bullets, and bandages /



To remain combat effective, a unit must be constantly supplied.  Without these

supplies, a unit will become immobilized due to lack of fuel, unable to fight

due to lack of ammo, or starve to death due to lack of food.  This is why it is

imperative to ensure that the supply lines stay open.  All regiments in the

division ending in an eight are your supply/repair regiments.  Your goal (in

addition to achieving your objectives) is to ensure that your supply/repair

regiments are protected from the enemy.  Once these regiments are lost, they

cannot be gained back.  A favorite tactic of mine is to take an understrength

unit (usually mechanized) and hunt down the identified enemy supply/repair

units.  This definitely has a telling effect since the enemy units then must

go to the cities to resupply.  Considering that the cities are spread out a big

distance and not all of them have the supplies necessary for replenishment can

have a telling effect toward a units combat effectiveness.  Keep in mind that

the enemy will also try the same tactics on you.  You can only get new supplies

through a city although your units can transfer supplies amongst each other.

This why it is important to hold onto those cities or no new supplies will be

coming in and your attack will grind to a halt.



/ 10.6  Sleep..I'll get enough when I'm dead /



When you drive your units hard to engage the enemy, take cities, lay mines,

etc., they will get fatigued.  Any good commander knows that the longer a unit

is engaged in battle, the more fatigued they will become and the less effective

at combat they will become.   That is why it is a good idea to monitor a units

fatigue if they have been on the line for a while.  I've found that when a unit

reaches about 60% fatigue level, they respond slower to orders and they are

more vulnerable to enemy attack.  Another way a unit will become fatigued is if

they run out of food.  If there is no food, the fatigue level will go up very

quickly.  The only way to solve the fatigue problem is to let a unit rest.

Just make sure to send them to the rear area to rest or the enemy will con-

stantly engage them keeping their fatigue level high.



/ 10.7  Damage and repair /



After you have fought a battle (whether you won or lost) you need to take

stock of what damage you have taken.  To take stock, click on the "Info"

button.  Then click on the "Unit" button.  Click on the division that the

units belong to and the display will be for all regiments within that division.

Last, click on the specific regiment you want info for.  The second column will

have the number of damaged units within that regiment.  Units that have been

eliminated will need to be replaced.  Units that have been damaged, however,

need to be repaired.  Sending damaged units into a battle is a good way to

ensure their elimination without them inflicting any damage on the enemy.

This is where the supply/repair units come into play.  All regiments in the

division ending in eight are an supply/repair unit.  When you get done with

battle, have your units that are damaged surround your engineer/repair unit.

Have that supply/repair unit then make repairs on all the damaged equipment.

supply/repair units can also repair a cities defenses.



/ 10.8  The best offense is a good defense /



There are times where you may be very weak while the enemy is very strong.

You can do a couple of things to prevent your premature elimination.  One is

to stay one step ahead of the enemy to keep from getting engaged in a decisive

battle.  The other way (which I use extensively) is to dig in your troops until

reinforcements arrive to allow you to go onto the offensive.  The best way to

do this is get all your engineering units together and start laying a mine

perimeter.  This is one time where you may have to work them through high

fatigue since time is of essence.  Once you've laid your minefield, be sure to

keep track of the enemy engineers since they will work on removing those mines.

You can do a lot of damage to enemy units that attempt to attack you since they

seem to attempt to go around the whole perimeter hitting mines.  I've knocked

some enemy units down to 50% with them just bumping into my minefields.  Other

good defensive positions, when you don't have time for minelaying, is terrain

that is advantageous to you like forests and hills.  Again, you can find out

what terrain types are by just clicking on the "A" button , going to an area

other then a unit or city, and clicking on the "A" button again.  If you dig

in, you have a better chance of defending an area.  Also be sure to blow up

bridges to make it even harder for the enemy to have a direct route to you.



/ 10.9  Airpower /



If you need to resupply or get troops into an area quickly, then airpower is

the answer.  Sometimes, it takes several hours between a request for supply

and actually getting those supplies (unless you've been turned down).  Airpower

is also great if you have a unit that is surrounded but can effectively tie down

the enemy as long as they are supplied.  Sending paratroops into the enemy rear

can create a lot of chaos and force the enemy to use resources they may have

been building up.  Also, paratroops also stand a good chance of inflicting some

serious damage to the enemy in the rear so that your main units will have an

easier time achieving their objectives.  Attacking enemy units with airpower

may not produce a lot of damage or casualties, but it does dramatically

increase their fatigue level.  The downside to this is that you can lose a lot

of planes in the process.  This goes with any mission involving airpower; the

more you use it, the less planes you will have available for future missions.

This is due to either enemy action or the planes just can't fly anymore.  Use

your airpower wisely.



/ 10.10  No good plan survives contact with the enemy /



This is the rule you should have in mind when making your plans to seize

objectives and tangle with enemy units.  If you go too much by the plan instead

of improvising for when unexpected situations arise, you will have a good

chance at losing the battle or that specific campaign.  Always expect the

unexpected and have ready another plan in case your first fails.



/ 10.11  Unconventional warfare is the best warfare /



Not losing troops and wasting precious resources is the name of the game.  If

you can disable, destroy, or severely hamper the enemies ability to fight,

then you have won a big part of the battle.  Refer to the section talking about

Special Forces to see all the bad stuff you can do.  Of course, remember that

the enemy can also do the same to you.



/ 10.12  One strong unit is better then two weaker ones /



This goes with point 10.4.  If you have three or four understrength units, it

is best to consolidate those units into 1 or 2 filled up units.  If all you

have left are a few stragglers in the leftover units, it is best to sacrifice

them so you free up some regiments.  Headquarters is also apt to give you what

you ask for when you have a lower number of regiments in a division.  Here is

an example of what I'm talking about:


In the second division, you have six regiments; 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26

(I'm not counting 27 and 28 since they don't participate in combat).  Let's

say after a few battles you have the following battalions left in those



21 has 300 infantry and 5 105 mm howitzers

22 has 200 infantry and 5 APC's

23 has 10 Sherman A3E8 tanks and 10 APC's

24 has 22 mechanized forces

25 has 300 infantry

26 has 10 155 mm howitzers and 200 infantry


These units on their own won't do a whole lot of damage to the enemy.  However,

if you combine them, that's a different story.  Remember, each regiment can

have six battalions of the same thing (infantry, armor, etc.).  Also, in

each battalion, you can have up to 999 troops and 99 vehicles or artillery.  So,

with that in mind, we can combine six regiments together.  Combining all the

units could yield the following results:


21 now has 994 infantry, 5 105 mm howitzers, 10 155 mm howitzers, 15 APC's,

10 Sherman A3E8's, and 22 mechanized forces.


The remainder of forces went to the other regiments 22-26 with one infantryman

apiece (remember, you cannot dissolve a regiment, only battle can eliminate

one).  Now, just sent regiments 22-26 on some suicide mission so you can

request more reinforcements.  At the same time, regiment 21 is a lot more

formidable force then the six individual regiments.



/ 10.13  He who turns and runs away lives to fight another day /



With all the careful planning you have put into a battle, the last thing you

want to do is actually lose.  Sometimes even the best plan will be laid to

waste due to heavy losses, poor recon, or just plain bad luck.  If any of these

seem to be the case, it's much wiser to pull out and consolidate then to keep

slugging it out.  If you are already in trouble, slugging it out will just

cause your demise to occur that much quicker.



/ 10.14  Weather...complaining about it doesn't help /



Weather can be your best friend or worst enemy depending on what plans you have

going.  Bad weather can ground planes.  This in turn can prevent supply drops,

bombing raids, and paratrooper landings.  There's no real way to predict the

weather, just keep in mind how the campaigns run because some always seem to

have the bad weather.  Weather also effects movement and how fast your troops

go into battle.  Crappy weather means the troops aren't as motivated to carry

out your orders in a timely manner.



/ 10.15  Adversity is my middle name /



If you choose to play the axis forces, you might be in for a rougher time.

The first, second, and last campaigns are just dealing with the allied forces.

For the others, you have other obstacles to deal with.  During the Kursk

campaign, you will have to deal with Russian Partisans.  You cannot attack them

but they can attack you and destroy or damage precious equipment.  During the

Normandy landing, not only will you hav to deal with the French Underground,

but if you get too close to the coast, the warships will take shots at your

units.  Both of these can cause some pretty crippling blows to your units.

The Battle of the Bulge also brings out more partisans to give you a "warm"

welcome.  Keep these factors in mind when you are playing the axis and you can

plan accordingly.



******************************  S E C T I O N  V ******************************




| 11.  ARMAMENTS PER CAMPAIGN IN OPERATION EUROPE |============================



During the war in Europe, many new weapons came into being.  Combined arms of

infantry, armor, artillery, and air power established the new doctrine of how

an army would use these new weapons.  Although some countries were a little

slower at adapting to the new technological and strategic changes, eventually

many of these countries learned from their mistakes and also adapted to these

new changes.  A great many weapons were "born" from the caldron of WWII.  Tanks

and planes took on a whole new role and their design reflected that role.  For

example, the Russian T34 line of tanks was based on an American suspension

system (Christie) and partially on German tank design.  The result was a

superior tank that could duel with most of what the Germans could throw against

them...Tiger Tank included.  Operation Europe reflects these changes and the

weapons available for the campaign period.  Remember, just because the

armaments are available doesn't mean you will get them.


This is the key for all weapons:


Armament Name:  The name of the armament.


NA (Nationality):  What the nationality of the weapon is.  The nationalities



                   US:  United States

                   GB:  Great Britain

                   FR:  France

                   GE:  Germany

                   RU:  Russia

                   IT:  Italy


AP (Anti-Personnel):  The higher the number, the more men that can be killed.


AT (Anti-Tank):  The higher the number, the easier it is to destroy

                 enemy armor and more of it.


Df (Defense):  The ability of a unit to defend itself.  Higher number

               means better defensive capabilities.


Sp (Speed):  How fast a unit can move per hour.  The higher the

             number, the faster the movement.


GR (Gun Range):  The maximum number of hexes the gun or unit can fire.  The

                 higher the number, the longer the range.


CR (Cruising Range):  How far mechanized forces can go before refuel.  NOTE:

                      If the number 0 is here, the unit does not require fuel

                      to move.



/ 11.1  OCCUPATION OF FRANCE:  May 10 - Jun 22, 1940 /



Allied Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Infantry                              | FR | 10 | 16 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | FR | 15 | 16 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| APC Half-Track                        | FR | 15 | 16 | 30 | 60 |  1 |  300 |

| H35                                   | FR | 21 | 12 | 23 | 28 |  1 |   40 |

| Somua S35                             | FR | 27 | 39 | 23 | 40 |  1 |  232 |

| Char B                                | FR | 43 | 33 | 20 | 28 |  1 |  130 |

| 75mm                                  | FR | 43 | 34 | 15 | 35 |  1 |  200 |

| 155mm                                 | FR | 90 | 49 |  0 | 30 |  7 |  200 |

| Engineer Unit                         | FR |  5 | 10 | 15 | 60 |  1 |  300 |

| Repair Unit                           | FR |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | FR |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |



Axis Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Infantry I                            | GE | 10 | 16 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Battle Engineer                       | GE | 25 | 30 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Paratroop                             | GE | 20 | 24 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | GE | 15 | 16 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| APC Half-Track                        | GE | 15 | 16 | 25 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Pzkpfw I                              | GE | 15 | 15 | 11 | 45 |  1 |  139 |

| Pzkpfw II                             | GE | 16 | 19 | 20 | 45 |  1 |  190 |

| Pzkpfw 35t                            | GE | 25 | 23 | 20 | 40 |  1 |  189 |

| Pzkpfw 38t                            | GE | 25 | 28 | 28 | 56 |  1 |  202 |

| Pzkpfw IIID                           | GE | 25 | 26 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IVD                            | GE | 43 | 41 | 19 | 42 |  1 |  211 |

| 37mmPAK                               | GE | 21 | 16 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 50mmPAK                               | GE | 29 | 38 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 75mmPAK                               | GE | 43 | 43 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 105mm                                 | GE | 61 | 40 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 128mm                                 | GE | 74 | 43 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 150mm                                 | GE | 87 | 45 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| 170mm                                 | GE | 99 | 47 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

|                                       |    |    |    |    |    |    |      |

| Engineer Unit                         | GE |  5 | 10 | 15 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Repair Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |




/ 11.2  NORTH AFRICAN WAR:  May 26 - Jul  5, 1942 /



Allied Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Paratroop                             | GB | 20 | 22 | 22 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Infantry I                            | GB | 10 | 16 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Royal Infantry I                      | GB | 20 | 18 | 15 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | GB | 15 | 16 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Grenadier I                           | GB | 20 | 18 | 30 | 60 |  1 |  360 |

| A13mk II                              | GB | 23 | 35 |  9 | 50 |  1 |  200 |

| Matilda I                             | GB | 10 | 10 | 30 | 12 |  1 |   50 |

| Matilda II                            | GB | 23 | 32 | 36 | 24 |  1 |  112 |

| Valentine                             | GB | 23 | 32 | 32 | 24 |  1 |  148 |

| Crusader I                            | GB | 23 | 32 | 14 | 43 |  1 |  160 |

| Stuart                                | GB | 21 | 31 | 18 | 58 |  1 |  111 |

| Grant                                 | GB | 43 | 36 | 25 | 35 |  1 |  234 |

| 6 pound gun                           | GB | 33 | 32 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 17 pound gun                          | GB | 43 | 56 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 18 pound gun                          | GB | 44 | 42 |  0 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| 25 pound gun                          | GB | 51 | 42 |  0 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| Engineer Unit                         | GB |  5 | 10 | 15 | 60 |  1 |  360 |

| Repair Unit                           | GB |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | GB |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |



Axis Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Infantry I                            | GE | 10 | 16 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Battle Engineer                       | GE | 25 | 30 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Paratroop                             | GE | 20 | 24 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Infantry I                            | IT |  5 | 10 |  5 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Infantry II                           | IT |  5 | 15 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | GE | 15 | 16 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | IT | 10 | 10 | 10 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| APC Half-Track                        | GE | 15 | 16 | 25 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Grenadier I                           | GE | 20 | 18 | 30 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Pzkpfw I                              | GE | 15 | 15 | 11 | 45 |  1 |  139 |

| Pzkpfw II                             | GE | 16 | 19 | 20 | 45 |  1 |  190 |

| Pzkpfw 35t                            | GE | 25 | 23 | 20 | 40 |  1 |  189 |

| Pzkpfw 38t                            | GE | 25 | 28 | 28 | 56 |  1 |  202 |

| Pzkpfw IIID                           | GE | 25 | 26 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIE                           | GE | 25 | 38 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIJ                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 27 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIL                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 29 | 40 |  1 |  153 |

| Pzkpfw IVD                            | GE | 43 | 41 | 19 | 42 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVF1                           | GE | 43 | 41 | 24 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVF2                           | GE | 43 | 57 | 24 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| StuG IIIB                             | GE | 43 | 37 | 34 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIF                             | GE | 43 | 45 | 35 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| Marder II                             | GE | 43 | 48 | 20 | 56 |  1 |  202 |

| Wespe                                 | GE | 61 | 40 | 11 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| L3                                    | IT | 10 | 10 |  6 | 42 |  1 |  142 |

| M13/40                                | IT | 27 | 23 | 17 | 30 |  1 |  199 |

| 37mmPAK                               | GE | 21 | 16 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 50mmPAK                               | GE | 29 | 38 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 75mmPAK                               | GE | 43 | 43 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 88mmPAK                               | GE | 51 | 79 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 105mm                                 | GE | 61 | 40 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 128mm                                 | GE | 74 | 43 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 150mm                                 | GE | 87 | 45 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| 170mm                                 | GE | 99 | 47 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| 75/27                                 | IT | 43 | 25 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 75/32                                 | IT | 43 | 31 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 149mm                                 | IT | 87 | 48 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| Engineer Unit                         | GE |  5 | 10 | 15 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Engineer Unit                         | IT |  5 | 10 | 15 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Repair Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Repair Unit                           | IT |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |

| Supply Unit                           | IT |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |




/ 11.3  FIERCE BATTLE OF KURSK:  Jul  5 - Sep  5, 1943 /



Allied Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Infantry                              | RU | 15 | 18 | 15 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Special Guards                        | RU | 20 | 20 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Paratroop                             | RU | 15 | 16 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | RU | 15 | 16 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| APC Half-Track                        | RU | 20 | 18 | 35 | 72 |  1 |  360 |

| KV1                                   | RU | 44 | 46 | 40 | 28 |  1 |  252 |

| KV2                                   | RU | 88 | 49 | 65 | 26 |  1 |  205 |

| T34/76C                               | RU | 44 | 50 | 35 | 50 |  1 |  445 |

| T34/85                                | RU | 44 | 64 | 35 | 50 |  1 |  432 |

| SU76                                  | RU | 44 | 44 |  8 | 50 |  1 |  119 |

| SU122                                 | RU | 66 | 69 | 33 | 54 |  1 |  295 |

| SU152                                 | RU | 83 | 57 | 50 | 40 |  1 |  252 |

| 45mmPAK                               | RU | 26 | 26 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 57mmPAK                               | RU | 33 | 43 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 76mmPAK                               | RU | 44 | 50 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 85mmPAK                               | RU | 49 | 59 | 15 | 35 |  1 |  200 |

| 120mmMTR                              | RU | 60 | 38 | 15 |  5 |  2 |    0 |

| 122mm                                 | RU | 71 | 46 |  0 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| 152mm                                 | RU | 88 | 49 |  0 | 35 |  7 |  200 |

| Engineer Unit                         | RU |  5 | 10 | 15 | 72 |  1 |  360 |

| Repair Unit                           | RU |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | RU |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |



Axis Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Infantry I                            | GE | 10 | 16 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Infantry II                           | GE | 15 | 22 | 15 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Battle Engineer                       | GE | 25 | 30 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Paratroop                             | GE | 20 | 24 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | GE | 15 | 16 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| APC Half-Track                        | GE | 15 | 16 | 25 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Grenadier I                           | GE | 20 | 18 | 30 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Grenadier II                          | GE | 20 | 28 | 35 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Pzkpfw I                              | GE | 15 | 15 | 11 | 45 |  1 |  139 |

| Pzkpfw II                             | GE | 16 | 19 | 20 | 45 |  1 |  190 |

| Pzkpfw 35t                            | GE | 25 | 23 | 20 | 40 |  1 |  189 |

| Pzkpfw 38t                            | GE | 25 | 28 | 28 | 56 |  1 |  202 |

| Pzkpfw IIID                           | GE | 25 | 26 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIE                           | GE | 25 | 38 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIJ                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 27 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIL                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 29 | 40 |  1 |  153 |

| Pzkpfw IIIM                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 28 | 40 |  1 |  153 |

| Pzkpfw IVD                            | GE | 43 | 41 | 19 | 42 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVF1                           | GE | 43 | 41 | 24 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVF2                           | GE | 43 | 57 | 24 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVG                            | GE | 43 | 57 | 29 | 38 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVH                            | GE | 43 | 60 | 34 | 38 |  1 |  211 |

| Panther D                             | GE | 48 | 82 | 45 | 55 |  1 |  248 |

| Tiger I                               | GE | 51 | 82 | 54 | 40 |  1 |  100 |

| StuG IIIB                             | GE | 43 | 37 | 34 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIF                             | GE | 43 | 45 | 35 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIG/75                          | GE | 43 | 51 | 36 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIG/105                         | GE | 61 | 41 | 36 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| Elefant                               | GE | 46 | 83 | 86 | 20 |  1 |  151 |

| Marder II                             | GE | 43 | 48 | 20 | 56 |  1 |  202 |

| Nashorne                              | GE | 51 | 83 | 20 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| Wespe                                 | GE | 61 | 40 | 11 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| Hummel                                | GE | 87 | 45 | 14 | 40 |  7 |  200 |

| 37mmPAK                               | GE | 21 | 16 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 50mmPAK                               | GE | 29 | 38 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 75mmPAK                               | GE | 43 | 43 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 88mmPAK                               | GE | 51 | 79 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 105mm                                 | GE | 61 | 40 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 128mm                                 | GE | 74 | 43 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 150mm                                 | GE | 87 | 45 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| 170mm                                 | GE | 99 | 47 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| Engineer Unit                         | GE |  5 | 10 | 15 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Repair Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |




/ 11.4  STORMING OF NORMANDY:  Jun  6 - Aug 19, 1944 /



Allied Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Paratroop                             | GB | 20 | 22 | 22 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Infantry                              | US | 10 | 16 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Paratroop                             | US | 20 | 24 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Infantry I                            | GB | 10 | 16 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Royal Infantry I                      | GB | 20 | 18 | 15 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | US | 20 | 26 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Royal Infantry II                     | GB | 20 | 24 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  360 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | GB | 15 | 16 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| APC Half-Track                        | US | 20 | 26 | 35 | 72 |  1 |  360 |

| Grenadier I                           | GB | 20 | 18 | 30 | 60 |  1 |  360 |

| Grenadier II                          | GB | 20 | 26 | 35 | 60 |  1 |  360 |

| Chaffee                               | US | 43 | 44 | 17 | 70 |  1 |  300 |

| 105mm Self-Prop                       | US | 61 | 44 | 15 | 40 |  6 |  250 |

| 155mm Self-Prop                       | US | 90 | 49 | 15 | 38 |  7 |  250 |

| A13mk II                              | GB | 23 | 35 |  9 | 50 |  1 |  200 |

| Matilda I                             | GB | 10 | 10 | 30 | 12 |  1 |   50 |

| Matilda II                            | GB | 23 | 32 | 36 | 24 |  1 |  112 |

| Valentine                             | GB | 23 | 32 | 32 | 24 |  1 |  148 |

| Crusader I                            | GB | 23 | 32 | 14 | 43 |  1 |  160 |

| Crusader II                           | GB | 23 | 32 | 16 | 43 |  1 |  160 |

| Churchill III                         | GB | 33 | 38 | 43 | 25 |  1 |  149 |

| Churchill IV                          | GB | 43 | 44 | 45 | 22 |  1 |  149 |

| Lee                                   | GB | 43 | 40 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  203 |

| Cromwell                              | GB | 43 | 44 | 24 | 51 |  1 |  275 |

| Firefly                               | GB | 44 | 68 | 30 | 38 |  1 |  207 |

| Stuart                                | US | 21 | 31 | 18 | 58 |  1 |  111 |

| Grant                                 | US | 43 | 36 | 25 | 35 |  1 |  234 |

| Sherman A1                            | US | 43 | 44 | 25 | 38 |  1 |  192 |

| Sherman A1/76                         | US | 44 | 62 | 25 | 38 |  1 |  192 |

| Sherman A3                            | US | 43 | 44 | 35 | 38 |  1 |  207 |

| Sherman A3/76                         | US | 44 | 62 | 35 | 38 |  1 |  207 |

| Sherman A3/105                        | US | 61 | 38 | 35 | 38 |  1 |  207 |

| 75mm                                  | US | 43 | 50 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 105mm                                 | US | 61 | 44 |  0 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| 155mm                                 | US | 90 | 49 |  0 | 35 |  7 |  200 |

| 6 pound gun                           | GB | 33 | 32 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 17 pound gun                          | GB | 43 | 56 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 18 pound gun                          | GB | 44 | 42 |  0 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| 25 pound gun                          | GB | 51 | 42 |  0 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| Engineer Unit                         | US |  5 | 10 | 15 | 72 |  1 |  360 |

| Engineer Unit                         | GB |  5 | 10 | 15 | 60 |  1 |  360 |

| Repair Unit                           | US |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Repair Unit                           | GB |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | US |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |

| Supply Unit                           | GB |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |



Axis Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Infantry I                            | GE | 10 | 16 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Infantry II                           | GE | 15 | 22 | 15 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Civil Grenadier                       | GE |  7 | 14 |  5 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Battle Engineer                       | GE | 25 | 30 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Paratroop                             | GE | 20 | 24 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | GE | 15 | 16 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| APC Half-Track                        | GE | 15 | 16 | 25 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Grenadier I                           | GE | 20 | 18 | 30 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Grenadier II                          | GE | 20 | 28 | 35 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Maultier                              | GE | 90 | 46 | 11 | 50 |  5 |  300 |

| Pzkpfw I                              | GE | 15 | 15 | 11 | 45 |  1 |  139 |

| Pzkpfw II                             | GE | 16 | 19 | 20 | 45 |  1 |  190 |

| Pzkpfw 35t                            | GE | 25 | 23 | 20 | 40 |  1 |  189 |

| Pzkpfw 38t                            | GE | 25 | 28 | 28 | 56 |  1 |  202 |

| Pzkpfw IIID                           | GE | 25 | 26 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIE                           | GE | 25 | 38 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIJ                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 27 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIL                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 29 | 40 |  1 |  153 |

| Pzkpfw IIIM                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 28 | 40 |  1 |  153 |

| Pzkpfw IVD                            | GE | 43 | 41 | 19 | 42 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVF1                           | GE | 43 | 41 | 24 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVF2                           | GE | 43 | 57 | 24 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVG                            | GE | 43 | 57 | 29 | 38 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVH                            | GE | 43 | 60 | 34 | 38 |  1 |  211 |

| Panther D                             | GE | 48 | 82 | 45 | 55 |  1 |  248 |

| Panther G                             | GE | 48 | 82 | 51 | 55 |  1 |  248 |

| Tiger I                               | GE | 51 | 82 | 54 | 40 |  1 |  100 |

| Tiger II                              | GE | 56 | 88 | 83 | 38 |  1 |  130 |

| StuG IIIB                             | GE | 43 | 37 | 34 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIF                             | GE | 43 | 45 | 35 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIG/75                          | GE | 43 | 51 | 36 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIG/105                         | GE | 61 | 41 | 36 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IVG                              | GE | 43 | 51 | 40 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| StuG IVL70                            | GE | 43 | 74 | 40 | 35 |  1 |  211 |

| Jagdpanther                           | GE | 56 | 83 | 46 | 55 |  1 |  255 |

| Elefant                               | GE | 46 | 83 | 86 | 20 |  1 |  151 |

| Marder II                             | GE | 43 | 48 | 20 | 56 |  1 |  202 |

| Nashorne                              | GE | 51 | 83 | 20 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| Hetzer                                | GE | 48 | 51 | 34 | 40 |  1 |  178 |

| Brummbar                              | GE | 87 | 23 | 45 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Wespe                                 | GE | 61 | 40 | 11 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| Hummel                                | GE | 87 | 45 | 14 | 40 |  7 |  200 |

| 37mmPAK                               | GE | 21 | 16 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 50mmPAK                               | GE | 29 | 38 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 75mmPAK                               | GE | 43 | 43 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 88mmPAK                               | GE | 51 | 79 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 105mm                                 | GE | 61 | 40 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 128mm                                 | GE | 74 | 43 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 150mm                                 | GE | 87 | 45 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| 170mm                                 | GE | 99 | 47 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| Nebelwerfer                           | GE | 90 | 46 |  0 | 35 |  5 |  200 |

| Engineer Unit                         | GE |  5 | 10 | 15 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Repair Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |




/ 11.5  BATTLE OF THE BULGE:  Dec 16, 1944 - Jan 21, 1945 /



Allied Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Infantry                              | US | 10 | 16 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Paratroop                             | US | 20 | 24 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | US | 20 | 26 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| APC Half-Track                        | US | 20 | 26 | 35 | 72 |  1 |  360 |

| Chaffee                               | US | 43 | 44 | 17 | 70 |  1 |  300 |

| M36                                   | US | 52 | 71 | 29 | 42 |  1 |  248 |

| 105mm Self-Prop                       | US | 61 | 44 | 15 | 40 |  6 |  250 |

| 155mm Self-Prop                       | US | 90 | 49 | 15 | 38 |  7 |  250 |

| Stuart                                | US | 21 | 31 | 18 | 58 |  1 |  111 |

| Grant                                 | US | 43 | 36 | 25 | 35 |  1 |  234 |

| Sherman A1                            | US | 43 | 44 | 25 | 38 |  1 |  192 |

| Sherman A1/76                         | US | 44 | 62 | 25 | 38 |  1 |  192 |

| Sherman A3                            | US | 43 | 44 | 35 | 38 |  1 |  207 |

| Sherman A3/76                         | US | 44 | 62 | 35 | 38 |  1 |  207 |

| Sherman A3/105                        | US | 61 | 38 | 35 | 38 |  1 |  207 |

| Sherman A3E8                          | US | 44 | 62 | 37 | 38 |  1 |  207 |

| 75mm                                  | US | 43 | 50 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 105mm                                 | US | 61 | 44 |  0 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| 155mm                                 | US | 90 | 49 |  0 | 35 |  7 |  200 |

| Engineer Unit                         | US |  5 | 10 | 15 | 72 |  1 |  360 |

| Repair Unit                           | US |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | US |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |



Axis Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Infantry I                            | GE | 10 | 16 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Infantry II                           | GE | 15 | 22 | 15 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Civil Grenadier                       | GE |  7 | 14 |  5 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Battle Engineer                       | GE | 25 | 30 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Paratroop                             | GE | 20 | 24 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | GE | 15 | 16 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| APC Half-Track                        | GE | 15 | 16 | 25 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Grenadier I                           | GE | 20 | 18 | 30 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Grenadier II                          | GE | 20 | 28 | 35 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Maultier                              | GE | 90 | 46 | 11 | 50 |  5 |  300 |

| Pzkpfw I                              | GE | 15 | 15 | 11 | 45 |  1 |  139 |

| Pzkpfw II                             | GE | 16 | 19 | 20 | 45 |  1 |  190 |

| Pzkpfw 35t                            | GE | 25 | 23 | 20 | 40 |  1 |  189 |

| Pzkpfw 38t                            | GE | 25 | 28 | 28 | 56 |  1 |  202 |

| Pzkpfw IIID                           | GE | 25 | 26 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIE                           | GE | 25 | 38 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIJ                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 27 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIL                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 29 | 40 |  1 |  153 |

| Pzkpfw IIIM                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 28 | 40 |  1 |  153 |

| Pzkpfw IVD                            | GE | 43 | 41 | 19 | 42 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVF1                           | GE | 43 | 41 | 24 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVF2                           | GE | 43 | 57 | 24 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVG                            | GE | 43 | 57 | 29 | 38 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVH                            | GE | 43 | 60 | 34 | 38 |  1 |  211 |

| Panther D                             | GE | 48 | 82 | 45 | 55 |  1 |  248 |

| Panther G                             | GE | 48 | 82 | 51 | 55 |  1 |  248 |

| Tiger I                               | GE | 51 | 82 | 54 | 40 |  1 |  100 |

| Tiger II                              | GE | 56 | 88 | 83 | 38 |  1 |  130 |

| StuG IIIB                             | GE | 43 | 37 | 34 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIF                             | GE | 43 | 45 | 35 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIG/75                          | GE | 43 | 51 | 36 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIG/105                         | GE | 61 | 41 | 36 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IVG                              | GE | 43 | 51 | 40 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| StuG IVL70                            | GE | 43 | 74 | 40 | 35 |  1 |  211 |

| Jagdpanther                           | GE | 56 | 83 | 46 | 55 |  1 |  255 |

| Elefant                               | GE | 46 | 83 | 86 | 20 |  1 |  151 |

| Jagdtiger                             | GE | 74 | 94 | 94 | 35 |  1 |  130 |

| Marder II                             | GE | 43 | 48 | 20 | 56 |  1 |  202 |

| Nashorne                              | GE | 51 | 83 | 20 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| Hetzer                                | GE | 48 | 51 | 34 | 40 |  1 |  178 |

| Hetzer D                              | GE | 48 | 69 | 34 | 40 |  1 |  178 |

| Brummbar                              | GE | 87 | 23 | 45 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Wespe                                 | GE | 61 | 40 | 11 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| Hummel                                | GE | 87 | 45 | 14 | 40 |  7 |  200 |

| 37mmPAK                               | GE | 21 | 16 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 50mmPAK                               | GE | 29 | 38 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 75mmPAK                               | GE | 43 | 43 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 88mmPAK                               | GE | 51 | 79 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 105mm                                 | GE | 61 | 40 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 128mm                                 | GE | 74 | 43 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 150mm                                 | GE | 87 | 45 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| 170mm                                 | GE | 99 | 47 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| Nebelwerfer                           | GE | 90 | 46 |  0 | 35 |  5 |  200 |

| Engineer Unit                         | GE |  5 | 10 | 15 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Repair Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |




/ 11.6  FIGHT FOR BERLIN:  Apr 16 - May 16, 1945 /



Allied Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Infantry                              | RU | 15 | 18 | 15 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Special Guards                        | RU | 20 | 20 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Paratroop                             | RU | 15 | 16 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | RU | 15 | 16 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| APC Half-Track                        | RU | 20 | 18 | 35 | 72 |  1 |  360 |

| KV1                                   | RU | 44 | 46 | 40 | 28 |  1 |  252 |

| KV2                                   | RU | 88 | 49 | 65 | 26 |  1 |  205 |

| KV85                                  | RU | 49 | 69 | 65 | 40 |  1 |  249 |

| T34/76C                               | RU | 44 | 50 | 35 | 50 |  1 |  445 |

| T34/85                                | RU | 44 | 64 | 35 | 50 |  1 |  432 |

| JS1                                   | RU | 44 | 69 | 74 | 37 |  1 |  240 |

| JS2                                   | RU | 66 | 82 | 79 | 37 |  1 |  240 |

| SU76                                  | RU | 44 | 44 |  8 | 50 |  1 |  119 |

| SU85                                  | RU | 44 | 57 | 33 | 54 |  1 |  295 |

| SU100                                 | RU | 53 | 70 | 33 | 54 |  1 |  295 |

| SU122                                 | RU | 66 | 69 | 33 | 54 |  1 |  295 |

| SU152                                 | RU | 83 | 57 | 50 | 40 |  1 |  252 |

| JSU122                                | RU | 66 | 69 | 74 | 37 |  1 |  240 |

| JSU152                                | RU | 83 | 62 | 74 | 37 |  1 |  240 |

| 45mmPAK                               | RU | 26 | 26 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 57mmPAK                               | RU | 33 | 43 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 76mmPAK                               | RU | 44 | 50 | 15 | 40 |  1 |  200 |

| 85mmPAK                               | RU | 49 | 59 | 15 | 35 |  1 |  200 |

| 120mmMTR                              | RU | 60 | 38 | 15 |  5 |  2 |    0 |

| 122mm                                 | RU | 71 | 46 |  0 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| 152mm                                 | RU | 88 | 49 |  0 | 35 |  7 |  200 |

| Katiuchas                             | RU | 70 | 40 |  0 | 80 |  5 |  400 |

| Engineer Unit                         | RU |  5 | 10 | 15 | 72 |  1 |  360 |

| Repair Unit                           | RU |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | RU |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |



Axis Forces:


|Armament Name                          | NA | AP | AT | Df | Sp | GR |  CR  |


| Infantry I                            | GE | 10 | 16 | 10 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Infantry II                           | GE | 15 | 22 | 15 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Civil Grenadier                       | GE |  7 | 14 |  5 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Battle Engineer                       | GE | 25 | 30 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Paratroop                             | GE | 20 | 24 | 20 |  5 |  1 |    0 |

| Mechanized Unit                       | GE | 15 | 16 | 15 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| APC Half-Track                        | GE | 15 | 16 | 25 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Grenadier I                           | GE | 20 | 18 | 30 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Grenadier II                          | GE | 20 | 28 | 35 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Maultier                              | GE | 90 | 46 | 11 | 50 |  5 |  300 |

| Pzkpfw I                              | GE | 15 | 15 | 11 | 45 |  1 |  139 |

| Pzkpfw II                             | GE | 16 | 19 | 20 | 45 |  1 |  190 |

| Pzkpfw 35t                            | GE | 25 | 23 | 20 | 40 |  1 |  189 |

| Pzkpfw 38t                            | GE | 25 | 28 | 28 | 56 |  1 |  202 |

| Pzkpfw IIID                           | GE | 25 | 26 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIE                           | GE | 25 | 38 | 26 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIJ                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 27 | 40 |  1 |  166 |

| Pzkpfw IIIL                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 29 | 40 |  1 |  153 |

| Pzkpfw IIIM                           | GE | 29 | 47 | 28 | 40 |  1 |  153 |

| Pzkpfw IVD                            | GE | 43 | 41 | 19 | 42 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVF1                           | GE | 43 | 41 | 24 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVF2                           | GE | 43 | 57 | 24 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVG                            | GE | 43 | 57 | 29 | 38 |  1 |  211 |

| Pzkpfw IVH                            | GE | 43 | 60 | 34 | 38 |  1 |  211 |

| Panther D                             | GE | 48 | 82 | 45 | 55 |  1 |  248 |

| Panther G                             | GE | 48 | 82 | 51 | 55 |  1 |  248 |

| Tiger I                               | GE | 51 | 82 | 54 | 40 |  1 |  100 |

| Tiger II                              | GE | 56 | 88 | 83 | 38 |  1 |  130 |

| StuG IIIB                             | GE | 43 | 37 | 34 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIF                             | GE | 43 | 45 | 35 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIG/75                          | GE | 43 | 51 | 36 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IIIG/105                         | GE | 61 | 41 | 36 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| StuG IVG                              | GE | 43 | 51 | 40 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| StuG IVL70                            | GE | 43 | 74 | 40 | 35 |  1 |  211 |

| Jagdpanther                           | GE | 56 | 83 | 46 | 55 |  1 |  255 |

| Elefant                               | GE | 46 | 83 | 86 | 20 |  1 |  151 |

| Jagdtiger                             | GE | 74 | 94 | 94 | 35 |  1 |  130 |

| Marder II                             | GE | 43 | 48 | 20 | 56 |  1 |  202 |

| Nashorne                              | GE | 51 | 83 | 20 | 40 |  1 |  155 |

| Hetzer                                | GE | 48 | 51 | 34 | 40 |  1 |  178 |

| Hetzer D                              | GE | 48 | 69 | 34 | 40 |  1 |  178 |

| Brummbar                              | GE | 87 | 23 | 45 | 40 |  1 |  211 |

| Wespe                                 | GE | 61 | 40 | 11 | 35 |  6 |  200 |

| Hummel                                | GE | 87 | 45 | 14 | 40 |  7 |  200 |

| 37mmPAK                               | GE | 21 | 16 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 50mmPAK                               | GE | 29 | 38 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 75mmPAK                               | GE | 43 | 43 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 88mmPAK                               | GE | 51 | 79 | 15 | 30 |  1 |  200 |

| 105mm                                 | GE | 61 | 40 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 128mm                                 | GE | 74 | 43 |  0 | 25 |  6 |  200 |

| 150mm                                 | GE | 87 | 45 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| 170mm                                 | GE | 99 | 47 |  0 | 25 |  7 |  200 |

| Nebelwerfer                           | GE | 90 | 46 |  0 | 35 |  5 |  200 |

| Engineer Unit                         | GE |  5 | 10 | 15 | 50 |  1 |  300 |

| Repair Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 |  400 |

| Supply Unit                           | GE |  1 |  1 |  0 | 80 |  1 | 3000 |



This is the end of the guide.  I hope that it has helped you out so you will

be on the road to victory.