Hints and WalkThrough:

The 1st Test

Guiding Hint:
Make sure that the electricity will not harm your brain. Don't even let it get in there! I still don't know what to do! You know, Barbers know a lot about electricity, and hair-styling wax.

The FULL Solution:
Go to the roof of the Barber's shop. Turn the satelite dish and quickly get down. Enter the Barber's shop and turn the Lazy Susan. When the Barber comes back, ask for a hair cut, WITH hair-styling wax. He will give you the blue one. Get abducted. You will pass the first test.

The 2nd Test

Guiding Hint:
The monsters will fire on everything, counting you. Give'em something else to shoot at. I still don't know what to do! Grasshopers are very good targets, but try to hide!

The FULL Solution:
Get the Paz Despencer from Wilbur's room. Fix it with the spring in the mouse trap in Vera's Diner. Give it to Odi. Get the ice from the ice box. Get the pantihose from the car in Vera's Diner. You'd better open the mail box at Aunt Polly's House. Get abducted. Go to the first floor, and get the kibble. Use your ray gun on the ice. Go back to the top floor, and wake the monsters in any way you like. Go down to the first floor, and hide behind the wheel, in the rightmost corner. Go to the second floor and shoot the water tank. Go down and use the pentyhose on the motor. Use the kibble on the floor, and push the motor. Get out of that prison, and you've done!

The 3rd Test

Guiding Hint:
Get Old Elmo to leave the Island, and find someone to guide you to the treasure. I still don't know what to do! You can buy the Island to the southern of the northen island. Make sure that the little island from the south will move to the north. Island run away from diapers. Pigs have very good sense of taste.

The FULL Solution:
Move the sign in the crossroad (The screen after the old bridge). Go to the town hall and buy the island in the town records. Go to Aunt Polly's house and go to the kitchen. Ask Aunt Polly about the phone bill and take the carrot juice. Open the mail box (if you didn't did it already) Go to Elmo's Island and get abducted when he leaves. Take the piece of the Orion Burger that you spit, and give it to the pig. Enter the cabin and take the matches. Go behind the cabin. Take the bottle and put it on the chair. Put the carrot juice in the machine. Turn on the gas, and light it with the matches. Take the bottle back. Go to the mine. Drink the bottle, and enter to the darkness. Wistle and get closer and closer to the pig. When you find it, wiste again and take the Burger. Treasure found!

The 4th Test

Guiding Hint:
The Gizmo is not very helpful, isn't it? Try to harm the Borks in any way you can think of. I still don't know what to do! In that case, take a look at the walkthrough.

The FULL Solution:
Okey. First take the laxative from the bathroom at Aunt Polly's house. Take a tour to the tour bus at Vera's Diner (if it isn't there wander around). Give the laxative to Drumz, and still the amplifier (How is that thing fit in his coat?). Get abducted. Exterminating! Blue Bork (Wilbur's room): Connect the amplifier to the T.V. Orange Bork (Bathroom): Put the rubber duck in the toilet and flush it. When the Bork jumps to rescue flush again. Red Bork (Kitchen): When he jumps to the microwave take his rollerpin and hit him. Then turn on the micowave (Yachhhhh). Yellow Bork (Basement): The the dirty sock and put it in the wringer. Turn on the Outside breker. Green Bork (On the roof): Kill the Blue and Yellow Borks. Take the kindling (wood) from the Entering room. Light the kindling with the burning T.V. Go out the window in Wilbur's room. Purple Bork (Sliding on the stairs): Kill the Orange Bork. Take the soapy water from the bathroom in the carrot juice bottle and put it on the stairs. Dark Purple Bork (Talking in the phone): Kill all the other Borks. Take the gloves from the kitchen (on the cupboard). Go to the roof and pick-up the christmas light and use them on the hole. Wear the gloves and go to Aunt Polley's room. Pick-up the christmas lights and use them on the telephone cord. Good work!

The 5th Test

Guiding Hint:
It's not so hard making people happy. Just give'em what they need. Start with old Elmo. I still don't know waht to do! The hardest thing in this thing is to find the "Jaws O' Life". It's in the sheriff's car. Good luck!

The FULL Solution
Take the Sheriff's keys from his car and open the trunk. Take the "Jaws O' Life" and giv the keys back. Get abducted. How to make people happy? Old Elmo: Give him the deed. Mayor Gus: Release him. How? Put the fish in the tire near the hole. Use the "Jaws O' Life" on the gate. Use the lever, and use the hook on the bars, then lift the lever. Take the dog's collar and a quarter (in the jail). Vipe and Roxy: Talk to Vipe. Give him the collar, and ask for the records. Go to his bus. Vera and Eugane: put the records in the juke box and put a quarter in it.

The End