While playing a game, enter one of

the following Codes:


Code                     Result



TROMPEM                - Big hands and feet mode

BIGBADNOODLE           - Big head mode

HELLOSTICKY            - Stick mode

LILLIPUTIAN            - Tiny mode

PICASSO                - Pen and Ink mode

HENRYSBILERP           - Gouraud mode

YOQUIEROJUAN           - Juans cheat

LEGOMANIAC             - Zach attack cheat

INEEDAUPS              - Blackout mode

WIZARDOFOZ             - Tasty frooty stripes


JANESSPECIALWORLD      - Janes cheat



Alternate cheat codes



UBERNOODLE       = big head mode

HOLASTICKBOY     = Stick Man mode

STOMPEM          = big hands and feet mode

PIPSQUEAK        = makes enemies tiny

IGOTABFA         = pen-and-ink mode

WHATSATEXTUREMAP = Garoud mode (weird colors)


While playing a game, enter one of

the following key combinations:


ALT-CTRL-B  = enable boxes

ALT-CTRL-R  = toggle rain

ALT-CTRL-W  = toggle wind

ALT-CTRL-S  = toggle snow


For weapon sighting coordinates


While at the target range and ready to shoot,

press ALT-CTRL-T. Fire to display targeting

coordinates in X-Y format. Use the cursor keys

to adjust the coordinates until they are set

to 0-0. The weapon is now sighted in.



Remember: you can't exit a level until you've accomplished all of your mission objectives. If you attempt to enter a portal before completing these objectives, you'll get transported all the way back to the beginning of the level...which is a big bummer.

If you appear to come to a dead end, look around for a barrel; odds are, destroying it will open up a new pathway.

In certain spots throughout each level (for example, the Soul Rooms or the lairs of the Infernal Sisters), shotgun and handgun ammo will continuously respawn; be sure you know the shortest possible route to these areas to ensure you don't get caught low on ammo.

Head shots are king; if you're running low on ammo, be sure that the crosshair is aimed squarely on the noggin of your would-be victim to ensure a quick kill.

The War Claw is among the most useful weapons in your arsenal; it's extremely adept at beheading midsized baddies and at taking care of smaller baddies such as baby Raptors.