Cheat mode: 

Press [Enter] during game play and type hmprettypleasewithsugarontop to enable cheat mode. Resume game play, press [Enter] again, and type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. 

Effect Code 

+10,000 to all resources hmdvaleva 

+50,000 to all resources hmpetleva 

Calculator1 hmcalc (math expression) 

Display map grid. hmshowgrid 

Full map hmreveal 

Instant construction hmbuildozer 

Lose game hmresign 

Remove fog hmnofog 

Next level in campaign mode hmnext 

Highlighted people become invincible hmgod 

All technical items available hmnotech 

Display game clock hmtimer 

Lose control of main buildings hmusurp 

Indicated until becomes part of player's unit hmkingdom (1-9) 

Spawn indicated unit hmspawn (unit name) 

Increase population limit by 1000 hmnopop 

Display map coordinates hmthreads 

Remove unit hmdiscover (unit name) 

Set time to day or night hmtime (1-20) 

Clears if it is slow and makes it regular hmdebugpath 

Give player 1000g hmgive 

Reveal if the player has used the secret taken ones hmischeater 

Display name of current map hmmap 

Increase health of selected objects by 5 hmcont 

See what the selected units see hmspy 

Kills all animals on map hmhunt 

Unknown hmrecord 

Unknown hmdclr 

Unknown hmdset 

Unknown hmdemo