Cheat Codes:

At the DOS prompt:

(In version 1.3, use: IMPROVED)

SHIFT-L -- Go to next level. 
SHIFT-T -- Extra bar with energy. 
SHIFT-W -- You fall slow. 
SHIFT-I -- Turn screen upside/down. 
SHIFT-B -- Not animated objects are gone. 
SHIFT-S -- Drink little Portion. 
V -- See one screen up. 
H -- See one screen to the left. 
J -- See one screen to the right. 
N -- See one screen down. 
K -- Kill. 
R -- Live up again. 
K -- Kill guard you´re fighting against. 
+ -- More time. 
- -- Less time. 
                           PRINCE OF PERSIA



1. BRNGBB9               11. 7F39R1B

2. MRG5L2X              12. H9TZD8N

3. B6+TWNN             13. 7TXF+ 9V

4. 9Z 3NRDX             14. H+KX3L7

5. LQHWTVR             15. GZ9MRZJ

6. CGKDBZ 2             16. 84CPBC6

7. TH4Q++B              17. QQNL2PV

8. VXPNBY2              18. 4Q7TMHJ

9. QLL!WHR               19. QHJG!Q7

10. HWB93WX           20. H8J12+7


LEVEL 1:  From the stairs jump down and go to the bottom of the 

screen. Be careful not to stand in the middle of the floor since it 

is a false floor.  Run over the false floor to make the tiles fall.  

Hold onto the ledge and jump down.  Go left; if you get stuck there 

are several places where plates in the floor spin gates so go back to 

see if there are release levers.  Also watch out for floor plates 

with nothing underneath; they?ll usually fall if you stand on them.  

Keep going left until you can only go down; then continue down and 

right to get the sword.  Go all the way back to where you started 

and go right to fight the guard.  Once he?s dead go left and exit.


LEVEL 2:  Go left and fight the guard, on the next screen to the 

left go up once then left and jump.  Climb and go left and kill the 

next guard.  There is a timed gate here so if you don?t make it , 

go walk on the lever again.  On the next screen go down; don?t run 

when you go left or you?ll end up on several spikes.  There is also 

another guard to fight here.  Go left a screen and down for a magic 

potion.  Go back up and then left; it?s a big jump.  On the next 

screen dispose of the guard and run to the left; it?s another big 

jump.  Keep heading left and to another guard.  Go back right two 

screens and up one level, then left and up again.  Keep climbing 

and make the big jump to the left.  When you hit the dead end, go 

down and walk over the plate to open the exit door.  Then go up 

and to the exit to the right.


LEVEL 3:  At the start of the level go right until you get to the 

gold skeleton; he only stays dead for a few seconds so drink the 

extra life potion.  Go back left three screens then up and right as 

far as you can.  Do not drop off  to the right, you?ll die.  There 

is a false ceiling you want to hit to make it fall down and go up 

and get the potion.  Now go back to where you hit the ceiling.  This 

is a tricky part.  Keep going and jumping left to get through the 

gate, it?s al  timing and doing it fast enough.  Once through, keep 

heading to the left until you get to the room with two potions; go 

down here but do not drink the potions, they?ll hurt you.  Go back 

down and left to open the door.  Go all the way back to fight the 

skeleton; you can?t kill him but knock him into the false floor.  

Jump over the pit and go down and left.  Go right and force the 

skeleton under the weight.  Past the weight, follow the passages 

to the exit. 


LEVEL 4:  Don?t forget to hit the plate on the far left, then go up 

and right to fight the guard.  Keep right to open the gate to the 

top left; it is timed and fairly tricky.  Fight the guard and 

continue left.  Again it is a timed gate but if you miss it, the 

pressure plate is to the right of the guillotine.  Keep heading left 

and kill two more guards, then go up when you hit the dead end and 

right for the potion.  Then go down two screens, go past the exit and 

hit the pressure plate to exit.


LEVEL 5:  Go left as far as you can then drop down to hit the floor 

plate then hit the false ceiling to go left and up.  Go through the 

guillotine to hit the plate then go back right to one screen left of 

where you started; this time go down and right as far as you can.  

Climb until you see the exit and go right to fight the guard.  Keep 

right until you see a guillotine; go past it to the dead end with the 

lever that opens the exit.  There is a secret level here that you 

must find for yourself.  Go back to the exit and you?re done, you 

must jump through one mirror to do so.


LEVEL 6:  Start off by going left and up as much as possible.  When 

you see the guard, fight him and head right and fight another guard.  

There is a lever on a ledge all the way to the right.  Then go down; 

right through the gate then down and right to get the potion then to 

the left through a false wall.   Go up before the gate, as far as you 

can.  On the right there is a ledge with a floor plate to open the 

gate just below.  Go down and right through the gate you just 

opened.  Go right and make the false ceiling fall.  Go up and right 

to fight the babe, keep right and exit.


LEVEL 7:  Go right as far as you can then up left and back down to 

the left for a door plate.  Be careful, the floor drops.  Then  go 

up and left to fight the guard.  Drop left and go through the gate.  

Keep going left until you get to the guard, then jump across and go 

up.  The next lever for the gate to the left is on the ledge above 

the gate.  Continue left then go past the guillotine.  Go up one 

screen and back up and a little up is a false ceiling (go left and 

up for a potion).  Go right through the two guillotines to open the 

gate.  Go left then back down and through the gate to the exit.


LEVEL 8:  Left and up, midway, jump right and grab the ledge.  Go up 

as far as possible and go right to fight the guard.  After the guard, 

go up and left to open the gate by the guard.  Pass the guillotine 

and make the floor drop.  Then back to the lever for the guard door 

but go up this time.  Go right and fight the guard.  Go right as far 

as you can to the gate and continue to fight the guard.  Go down and 

right to get the lever to go.


LEVEL 9:  Go left and fight the guard over the conveyor belt and 

through the left gate.  Go left and pass the gate then up and left 

to fight the next guard.  When you see your ghost just go across and 

hold onto the ledge with the gate.  Drop into it.


LEVEL 10:  Make sure to be holding the button to grab the ledge or 

you?ll die.  Go left and fight the skeleton.  Keep following the path 

up.  There is a potion along the left wall.  There is a big jump 

across a bridge with a portion missing.  After the jump continue up 

and right.  There is some though jumping here as well so be alert.  

Keep right and kill the skeleton then get the pressure plate for the 

gate above the screen to the left and up to exit.  


LEVEL 11:  From the door go right and then right again to the guard.  

After disposing of him, go up and right to the next guard.  Follow 

caverns right; there is a spot where you must make the false floor 

fall to open the caves a few more screens.  When you get to a closed 

gate, go to the right and watch out for the flames.  Then keep right 

and exit.  


LEVEL 12:  From the entrance go right and fight the guard and pass 

another guillotine; keep going right.  When you reach a dead end, hit 

the false ceiling and go up.  Follow the passage past the next 

guard/guillotine and get the potion.  Go down and right then down 

and left past a guillotine.  Make a big jump across to the left and 

follow the passage right.  There is a very different room to the 

right with a guillotine and two pressure plates.  The trick is not 

to jump onto them once in the middle of the room, as this closes the 

gate to the right.  Then go back around but instead of going up after 

the big jump, go down and left.  Go left two screens and make a blind 

jump left to a ledge.  Go left to fight a guard and find a false 

ceiling at a dead end.  Jump up and through it.  Then go left for 

another potion and down as far as you can.  Be careful going through 

the hall with guillotines to the right.  Fight the skeleton in front 

of the exit.


LEVEL 13:  Start by going left to fight the guard and pass another 

guillotine.  Then go down to fight once again.  Go right and hit a 

switch and make the false floor drop.  Then go down and left for 

another pressure plate.  Now go back to where you dropped and go 

right until you see two  gates.  Stand on the floor and let it drop; 

this will open the gates.  go right and fight the guard.  Make sure 

to get the floor plate as you go through the false ceiling and back 

left.  On the next screen go up then left to fight yet another 

guard.  Continue left then up for a potion.  Go back down and right 

to open a gate; through the gate and right.  After the guillotines, 

go up as far as possible and hit the switch.  Jump left and continue 

to the guard/conveyor/guillotine room.  The plate to open the exit 

door is below the door so go around to get it then exit.  


LEVEL 14:  Start off by going left and fighting the guard.  After 

defeating the guard, go left and up.  Follow the passage right to 

fight another guard.  Now go up as far as  you can and continue right 

for yet another fight.  Jump on the ledge to open the gate on the on 

the far left and then go through it.  After this obstacle, go down 

and left and make the false floor fall to open the gate on the other 

side of the exit.  Back up and through the gate; the lever is on the 

right by the guillotine.  Fight the next guard and continue left.  

You will need to drop off the conveyor belt and drop.  Then jump left 

past a hidden wall.  Follow the passage up and around.  When you 

reach a dead end you can go up through a hidden passage for a 

potion.  Go back over the conveyor belt and down.  It turns 

everything upside down.  Down more and follow the passage left to 

get the switch.  Go right and exit.


LEVEL 15:  Go left then up and right.  From here go down  to the 

right and fight the guard by the teleport door.  Go right and kill 

the  guard then back and through the other teleport door.  Now go 

left and get the switch on the ledge, then go right and down.  

Continue down until you land on the switch, from here go right more 

and teleport.  After teleporting go right through the gate and up.  

Make a jump off-screen to the right for a lever, then back left into 

the far left teleporter.  Get the potion to the left and enter the 

right teleporter.  Left through the guillotine to get the floor plate 

and teleport back to where you started.  This time go through the 

right teleporter and fight the guard.  There is a hidden potion above 

the right wall and teleport back.  Go down, left and down and left 

to another teleporter.  Pass through three teleporters when you exit, 

then go left until you get to the boss.  He?ll make the floor fall 

so go back right and merge with your ghost so you can run left and 

walk over the air. 


LEVEL 16:  Go right as far as you can then up and continue left to 

fight the guard.  After that, go up and right and up and right some 

more.  Then when you see a wall on the right drop down and fight the 

guard.  From here jump off the ledge to the right to get the potion 

of warp.  After the warp, go right to open the gate on the left.  Go 

down and kill the guard.  Then head down and left past the ceiling 

guillotines to get a potion.  Now go down and right then back up and 

left quite a few screens to the boss.  After this go left to exit.


LEVEL 17:  Go left and watch out for the traps!  Time to fight the 

four armed wrestler.  Be careful to avoid the falling pots from 

killing you.  Keep moving left and right and down to try to get more 

than one hit at a time.  Killing him will open the gate on the left 

to exit.


LEVEL 18:  Go left then up as far as you can.  Then go right, just 

in front of the guillotine stand on the tiles and fall straight 

down.  Go back around and through the gate to the right.  Keep going 

right and make a big jump so you can go up after another big jump.  

Then left to the guillotine and fight the guard.  Run left and go 

through a series of big jumps to get to a gate.  After the gate go 

left for some potions and then go back and go right.  Be sure to 

avoid the spikes in the ground.  Continue right through more jumps 

and then follow the passage up to fight another guard.  Go up past 

three guillotines and then drop all the way down and past the gate 

on the right.  Time to fight another boss.  Go right and up, left 

and up.  Then go back down right and up to another guard and to the 



LEVEL 19:  Start off by going as far left as you can.  When a gate 

blocks the path, go down.  Hit the switch at the bottom to open the 

gate and go through.  Run left and get the switch then back right 

and up all the way hitting any floor switches you come across.  When 

you open a gate on the right go through it and go right, hit the 

switch and jump through the right gate.  Hit the false ceiling to 

the right and then head back left two screens and down one screen 

and left to a gate.  Continue left through the gate.  Get the lever 

and back right and drop down two screens.  Then go right and up and 

left then up again to open a gate on the left.  Go through the gate 

and up.  Open the gate to the right and go through.  Go right, down, 

right then up to get a potion.  Go back down and through the gate on 

the bottom left.  Now back up to open the door on the left up and 

left through the gate.  Keep heading left to the Throne Room.  Fight 

the bosses.  After you drop hit the lever and go left to exit.  


LEVEL 20:  Run left and fight the King.  Avoid his fireballs and move 

in to hit him after he shoots them.  Then you must sword fight him.  

Run left to save the Princess.