Cheat Codes
Install Prince of Persia 3D. Download patch 1.1 and activate it. 
Create a shortcut on your desktop, for the game, and add a console command, for instance: 
"C:Program FilesRed OrbPrince of Persia 3DPOP3D.exe" -CONSOLE 
In the game, hit F5 to open the console, then you can enter any of the following codes: 
IMMORTAL (god mode)
MORTAL (to turn off immortal)
FLYCAM (useful for seeing around corners. You have to turn it off in order to move again.) 
To start the game at a specific level, make a shortcut to the POP3D.EXE file and add one of the following to the end of the string in the Target Properties box:
-l "geometryroomsprisonfix"
-l "geometryroomsivorytwr"
-l "geometryroomscistern"
-l "geometryroomspalace2"
-l "geometryroomspalace3"
-l "geometryroomspalace4"
-l "geometryroomsroof1"
-l "geometryroomscityanddocks"
-l "geometryroomsdirig1a"
-l "geometryroomsdirig1b"
-l "geometryroomsdirig2"
-l "geometryroomsdirigfinale"
-l "geometryroomsruins"
-l "geometryroomscliffs"
-l "geometryroomssolar1"
-l "geometryroomsmoontemple"
-l "geometryroomsfinale"
Then start the game and select "New Game". Note: Once this cheat is used, all subsequent levels will have to be loaded this way because this is overlaying level 1 and when the level is completed, the game then automatically loads level two instead of the level after the one initially loaded. It does not work to save the game as soon as the level loads, then exit the game and restart by not using the cheat shortcut. 
Save Game Hex Cheats 
Saved games are the files named SAVE001, SAVE002, SAVE003, etc. in the directory the game was installed into (C:POP3D, for instance). Using a hex editor, the following game values may be adjusted. 
First search for the all lower-case word "buffer". It will be at the end of a long string of paths containing the word geometry. Now count 330 more bytes from the end of "buffer". This location contains the amount of health the prince currently has. The maximum value this may be set to is hex 76. Count four more bytes and this location contains the maximum amount of health the prince *may* have. This maximum value is also hex 76. 
262 bytes past the end of "buffer" are the two bytes that enable the three bladed weapons and six types of arrows. Hex 1F 1F enables everything. 
238 bytes from the end of "buffer" contains the number of type 1 arrows the prince has. The maximum value this may be set to is hex FF (255). The display for the number of arrows will not show correctly on the game screen for values greater than 99. 
4 bytes further contains the value for type 2 arrows. Max is hex FF. 
4 bytes further is type 3 arrows. Max is hex FF. 
4 bytes further is type 4 arrows. Max is hex FF. 
4 bytes further is type 5 arrows. Max is hex FF. 
4 bytes further is type 6 arrows. Max is hex FF. 
Sometimes the first of the six values for arrows starts 222 bytes past the end of "buffer" instead of 238 bytes past "buffer". Then the type 2 arrows are at 238, type 3 four bytes from there, and so on. 
Magic Trainer Creator Cheat 
As the game moves the address for health to different places, a search can be done for a specific string which indicates the health value. Set the beginning address to 3000000 and the ending adress to 4000000. Search for 000000240000000000000003 if the prince has 3 full bottles of elixir. The hex 24 in the string can be set to a maximum of hex 76, which gives the prince 10 full bottles of elixir. This 76 should now be frozen by Magic Trainer Creator so that the next time it is played, it will be known what string to search for, e.g. 
However, for some reason, this doesn't always work. 
On Level 2, you have to PULL a piece of furniture. If you push the furniture from the left side, between the furniture and the chair, the ground will suck you down and you will appear at the door of the same room. 
No fights:
Every time you have to fight, look around and look for stairs, if you see them go up or down and your enemy will not attack you, since they can`t jump, walk upstairs, or crunch. Once they can`t reach you, take your bowl and kill him! One arrow should do the trick.
All Cheats 
Start the game and bring up the -console command line parameter. During gameplay press F5 to display the console window. Then enter any one of these cheats for it to take affect: 
God Mode - ''immortal'' 
Disable God Mode - ''mortal'' 
Display version number of game - ''version'' 
Flying Camera - ''flycam'' 
Skip the current level - ''next level'' 
Or simply type in the level you want to go to: 
Dungeon - ''geometryroomsprisonfix'' 
Ivory Tower - ''geometryroomsivorytwr'' 
Cistern - ''geometryroomscistern'' 
Palace 1 - ''geometryroomspalace2'' 
Palace 2 - ''geometryroomspalace3'' 
Palace 3 - ''geometryroomspalace4'' 
Rooftops - ''geometryroomsroof1'' 
Streets and Docks - ''geometryroomscityanddocks'' 
Lower Dirigible 1 - ''geometryroomsdirig1a'' 
Lower Dirigible 2 - ''geometryroomsdirig1b'' 
Upper Dirigible 3 - ''geometryroomsdirig2'' 
Dirigible Finale - ''geometryroomsdirigfinale'' 
Floating Ruins - ''geometryroomsruins'' 
Cliffs - ''geometryroomscliffs'' 
Sun Temple - ''geometryroomssolar1'' 
Moon Temple - ''geometryroomsmoontemple'' 
Finale - ''geometryroomsfinale'' 
NOTE: Patch version 1.1 is required for these cheats to work.
The Prison

Here is where the game begins. Your character is locked up in a prison cell with 

no weapons, nothing! Towards the back of the cell you will notice a big block. 

This is the way out. Push the block out of your way with the CTRL key and the UP 

key on the Number Pad (#8). Once the block is out of your way go through the 

hall and through the corridor. The place you are looking for is the 1st door on 

your left, so turn in there when you come to it.


Now you need to find out how to escape this prison. Talk to the prisoner on the 

left side of the room and ask him how, he doesn't know how, drats! Talk to the 

one on the right and he will give you some info. on how to get out. There is a 

ledge leading to a platform above this prisoners head (The prisoner on the right 

side of the room). Jump up onto this ledge and pull yourself up. To do this, 

hold down the ALT key and press Up on the Number Pad (#8) and keep holding them 

until you have made it all the way up onto the platform.


You will now have to climb up yet another ledge to make it to another platform. 

There is a ledge to climb up where the sunlight is shining. Jump up and pull 

yourself up. Finally you can leave. Leave the room and you will see a cinema of 

the guard in the next room.


Look around for the room that has a prisoner sitting on the ground. Once you 

find it go inside. To the right of the prisoner is another door. Go inside here 

and you will see some showers. Near the back of this room you will find a switch 

on the floor. Step on it and a trap door will open on the floor above.


A cinema will play after you hit the switch, after it's done climb through the 

trap door you just opened by using ALT and the UP Key on the Number Pad (#8). In 

the room you come to, you will see an opening in a wall. Go towards this opening 

and behind it you will find a passageway that leads down. Go down the passageway 

and when you come to the water, jump in!


Underwater, the controls are: ALT + Down (2) on the Number pad to make the 

Prince come to the surface of the water for air, ALT + Up (8) on the number pad 

to make him dive deeper into the water and to make him swim, and ALT + Left (4) 

or Right (6) on the Number pad to make him turn to the left or right.


Make the Prince swim to the right where you will find a ledge leading to a 

platform to get you out of this water. Swim to the ledge, and press SHIFT + Up 

(8) on the Number Pad to climb out of the water. Turn to your left and you will 

notice a rock ledge. Climb the ledge with ALT + Up (8) on the Number Pad. 


You now come to a bridge (the water under the bridge is where you just were). 

You must RUN across this bridge quickly and don't stop because as you run across 

it starts to break and fall into the water. If you do happen to fall into the 

water, just swim back to the ledge and you will have to now jump across the 

bridge because pieces of it have already fallen out from the last time you 

crossed it. To jump across, just run forward with Up (8) on the Number Pad and 

when you get to the bridge press ALT while still holding Up (8) on the Number 

Pad and you will jump across the empty spaces of the bridge.


Once you cross the bridge you will find another ledge to your left. Climb this 

ledge using ALT + Up (8) on Number Pad. Once you make it up go straight. You 

will come to another ledge to climb. Climb it and when you get to the top turn 

right into a corridor that has torches in it. SAVE NOW! I strongly suggest you 

save your game here because you are going to be doing something pretty difficult 

and if you fail you can start over from here again rather than doing everything 



Continue going through the corridor. You will come to your first trap. It is lit 

with a green light. You need to jump over this trap by running with Up (8) on 

the Number Pad and ALT when you are ready to jump. You won't make it all the way 

across the trap, but you should hang onto the other side of the trap if you did 

it correctly. Pull yourself up using ALT + Up (8) on the Number Pad.


Once you make it past the trap, you will notice that there is a small hole in 

the wall. You have to crawl through this hole in order to get to the other side. 

Use C + Up (8) on the Number Pad to crawl through the hole. Make your way to the 

prisoner that is on the left. You will see a cinema of this prisoner telling you 

what to do.


I strongly suggest that you save again here. Turn to your right and make your 

way through the corridor. This is another tough part. You will have to sneak 

past some guards as the prisoner told you. To sneak Press and hold SHIFT + Up 

(8) on the Number Pad. Sneak past them, and if you want to go faster, you can 

run ONLY if they can't see you. Make your way out of this room by sneaking or 

running if you can.


Once you have made your way past the guards, turn right and go to the end of 

another corridor. Now turn to your left and go through another passageway and 

under some wooden things. Keep going through this corridor and sneak past the 

guard that you will come to. At the end of the passageway step on the switch 

that is on the floor and a cinema will play showing a door being opened. 


Now you are going to have to go back. Turn around using the #5 key on the Number 

Pad. Walk back past the guards through the corridor and when you come to some 

barrels turn right and you will go into another corridor that has torches in it.


Yep, you guessed it, save your game again. You should always save your game when 

you come to new areas. But I will tell you when you should or not. You come to 

another trap that needs to be jumped over. Use ALT + Up (8) on the Number Pad to 

jump over the trap. If you don't make it all the way over and land hanging on 

the other side. Just pull yourself out. If you didn't make it and you fell 

through the trap you will have to do it again. See why I tell you to save? 


Go through the door and make your way through the short passageway. Turn left 

and save your game! Go out the door and make your way through another corridor 

that has torches in it. Go through this corridor and you will come to 2 traps 

that are side by side! However, there is a little walkway for you in between 

them. I suggest you sneak or walk through this walkway because running might 

make you fall into one of the traps.


Continue going through this corridor to the left. You will make your way to 

another trap. This one has a lot of blood on it. Looks like somebody else wasn't 

careful :) This trap can be easily tackled by sneaking past it on the left or 

right side of it. Go all the way to the left or right sides of this trap and 

sneak by.


Go on until you make it to the end of the passageway where you will find a table 

and a lamp above it. You also might notice a platform that is holding the lamp. 

Climb up onto this platform using ALT + Up (8) on the Number Pad. Walk the 

prince to the left wall, and press the #5 key on the Number Pad to turn him 

around so that he is facing the opening on the right wall. Run to the end of the 

platform and jump right when you get to the edge. If you do this correctly you 

should jump over the closed door and into the room that is behind it.