SimCopter Radio:
To Add Your Own Music To SimCopter's SimRadio - 

When files are copied to your hard drive during installation, the radio files are left on the CD, you do not have to copy these files over to your hard drive if you don't want to, but you must duplicate the file structure. 

In ../simcopter/sounds/ add a folder called radio 
In the radio folder add 2 directories called commercl and stations 
In the folder stations add a folder with the name you would like the radio station to be called. example: gizmo 
In the folder gizmo add 3 folders, dj, jingle, and music. 
Copy the .wav files you wish to play on your new radio station to the music folder. 
SimCopter also requireds an .id files to be created. Create this file and save it as kxxx, xxx being the first three letters of your station name. There does not to be anything in this file, it just needs to be there. 
Money Cheat:

Once you have finished a level in the carrer mode, a message from
HQ saying that you have completed the mission and should return
to the Hangar now. At the end of the message it also tells you 
that you have recieved $500 for your troubles. At this point you
should save the game, WITHOUT returning to the hangar. After you
save the game you should leave the city, then load the game again
(whenever you feel like it) and wait a few moments, then another
message that you have completed the level will appear and give
you another $500! You can do this as many times as you wish!

To bring up the cheat screen press and hold: ctrl, alt, x
To get any chopper you want type in in the cheat screen:
'I'm the CEO of McDonnell Douglas'
Then go to where you buy the choppers and press 2-9.
And check out these codes...

Gas does grow on trees - full tank of gas 
Shields up - makes you invincible 
Out for a sunday drive - gives you the view out of a car 
Radioactivity - makes a reactor blow up 
Superpowermultiply - when you push shift it makes you go faster. 
Gort - shows alien dialog of when you beat the game 
Been there, done that - career level skip 
Warp me to: xx - warp to career level. (xx stands for #level) 
The map, please - shows map outside of your chopper 
PAMCAREYGOLDMAN - shows picture of directors wife 
I love my copter - warps you to copter wherever you are 

Make the man walk on his hands:
To do this enter the cheat window(ctrl-alt-x) type in 
superpowermultiply, find or cause a medevac, land and 
get out of the copter and pick up the victim. Then push 
shift and hold. Notice that you turn into a dog. Release the 
shift key. You should then see the man walking on his hands.