
Try running the game from DOS with the following parameters:

·  LITTLE_MONSTARS ?- Smaller enemies.

·  LITTLE_TOONS -- Smaller cartoon chars.

·  BIG_MONSTARS -- Larger enemies.

·  BIG_TOONS -- Larger cartoon chars.

·  ALWAYSMAKESHOT -- Shoot allways.

·  ALWAYSDUNK -- Dunk allways.

·  FASTGAME -- Game runs faster.

·  ENDLESSTURBO -- Extra turbo (temp).

·  FADEAWAYS -- Jump.

·  NOSHOTCLOCK -- Disables the clock.

·  SUPERJUMP -- Giant-Jump.

·  NOAI -- Secret levels.

·  KANOPEF -- Supercode.

The supercode gives you neverending Turbo, disables the clock and you get giant-jump.