Written by HOmie g StRINg

Version FINAL

Last Updated 3/04/03

Publisher GT Interactive

Platform PC (DOS/Windows) 

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Version FINAL

3/04/03 Added ASCII art and finalized my FAQ


1.Legal Stuff 


©2002 by HOmie g StRINg

This document is copyrighted material of HOmie g StRINg. No part of this guide 

can be used without proper quoting and/or recognition. This may be not be 

reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may 

not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without 

advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a 

part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of 


All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their 

respective trademark and copyright holders.

The following sites may use my FAQ/Walkthrough










If you would like to use this FAQ you can email me at 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I?ll let you use it.




Allright well I just wanted to say this game is a real brain puzzler. If you 


like figuring things out or using your brain alot then this game isn't really 


you. Anyway this is my second faq. Some of you may recognize me from my All 


Baseball 2002 FAQ and some of you may recognize me from my reviews. Anyway

this game isn't all that bad just frusterating so here is my warning. If you 


a very bad temper and tend to throw things you may not want to purchase this 


Well anyway here's the game enjoy.


It is the month of Ianuarius in the year 205 A.D. and all of Rome is gripped 


fear. The oracle has predicted that an unknown scourge will plague the city by 

the end of the year. A seer known as Sibyl believes the scourge will be 


on by a stranger who is bent on bringing the city and the Empire to it's 


She has dubbed this stranger, "Calamitus."

    Early on, you must discover the journals of five important Romans, which 


vital sources of information. Without them, you will never discover the leads 


incriminating clues. As you read through the journals and realize how 

intertwined their lives are, you will come to suspect that one of tem is the 

dreaded Calamitus.

   But the journals are not enough. The suspects give biased and conflicting 

reports on the crimes that occur throughout the year. In order to find 

conclusive evidence, you must gain access to the crime scenes and sift through 

clues yourself. The suspect who perpetrates the most crimes will sure turn out 

to be the Calamitus. 



3.The beginning


My young Apprentice,

I have sent for you from the provinces just in time. Our year of celebration 


ended in martial law and a reign of terror. I am to be arrested by those who 

don't wish me to finish my work. You must complete what I have begun. Go to my 

lectern and you will learn more. Welcome to Rome.

That message appears in the beginning of the game.

What he's trying to say is he's trying to figure out who the Calamitus. 


has figured out what he was doing and is having him arrested. He's asking you 


finish what he's begun.


4.The Suspects








5.Background Information



Hailing from Syria, a mysterious and superstitious part of the Empire, Sibyl 

immigrated to Rome and took advantage of her mysticism by opening up a seer's 

shop in an alley near the Temple of Vespasian. Sensitive about her lack of 

status as a clairvoyant, she would stop at nothing to maker her predictions 




A barbarian from the northern forests, Xanthus is a suspected spy who holds a 

life-long grudge against the Empire, borne from the murder of his family and 

razing of his home village by Roman troops.


The head priestess in the House of the Vestal Virgins, Verania's reputation 


been called into question lately because of the secret, forbidden attraction 


holds for the darkly handsome Xanthus. Would her hidden passions drive her to 

assume an alter ego as the Calamitus? 


A private investigator that's been secretly retained by the Emperor to look 


Sibyl's prediction about the Calamitus, Lucius was born into a once highly 

respected family of sagging fortune. Upset over his lot in life and carrying a 

torch for Verania, Lucius is quite capable of committing a rash act.


The chief city engineer, Gordian knows every nook and cranny around Rome. 

Disgusted by the corrupt bureaucracy that has led his beloved city into 


might he be tempted to destroy Rome in order to save it?




Moving the mouse will let you move up, down, left, and right. You can move 

freely around most of Rome but at certain times you may find something that 


a lock. By advancing farther in the game you can get keys to unlock these 

things. If there is something in your way that is MOVEABLE then click and drag 

on it. The cursor should become an open hand just move it out of your way by 

dragging the mouse.


7.Monthly Mysteries


Within the overall mystery of figuring out the true identity of the Calamitus 

are mysterious events that occur each month. You will learn about the events 

through the various sources of information. I don't know too much about them 


expect a lot more of about them to come soon.


8.The Calamitus


After solving most or all of the monthly mysteries, you will be ready to name 

the character that you believe is the Calamitus. You will then need to stop 

him/her from destroying Rome.

If you successfully stop the Calamitus then there are a few hidden surprises, 

which I have not found yet.


9.Onto the game


After the game is all done loading up you'll be in a room. Make sure you take 

a good 

look around the room so you don't miss anything. The room is filled with lots 


different puzzles to tweak your mind. There is a gate go up to it and you 

should see

the words SPQR. Now I don't know why you are in this room but it may be a jail 


something like that. Look around some more. There should be a skeleton on the 

wall and 

over to the far right is a boat. Now when you are looking around you should 

notice some 

sort of contraction. Well go up to it. On the floor you should see what looks 

like a stick. 

Put the mouse over it and it should turn it into a hand. Click on the stick 

and drag it

onto the weird looking contraption. Put it on the very top. It should click 

in. Now click on

the stick and a wooden box with dirt in it should lift up. If you press the 

stick again it

should go back down. 

I've been trying to find out what to do next but this game is a real pain. So 

I'll send this 

in and i'll keep working. The faq should be completely 100% finished in about 

a week. So look

for updates. Also email if you have tips that I can put in the faq or if your 

having trouble.





1. Troubleshooting

Make sure you disable your screen saver before running SPQR. In some cases 

screen savers

cause display problems while running SPQR.

  1.1 MAC

Problem: The system reboots after installing SPQR and reports that QuickTime 

is already



Make sure that all the QuickTime Extensions are disabled, using Control 


Manager and then run the SPQR installation again.

Problem: The game reports that QuickTime is required to run SPQR:


Make sure that QuickTime is properly installed. The SPQR installation 

program's Easy Install option takes care of installing QuickTime 2.5 on your 


Problem:  After performing a proper installation the game does not start, 

showing just a black screen, or only shows the Cybersites logo:


Make sure that you don't have any disks whose volume name (or label) is 

"SPQR" in your system other than the SPQR CD-ROM.

If this doesn't work, then make sure you get the latest version of MacOS. Some 


might occur with some revisions of MacOS.

Problem:  After playing for a while some objects start disappearing from the 



You are running low on memory. Try making more memory available to SPQR and 

check the minimum memory requirements for running SPQR listed in the User 


Problem:  Performance is poor while running the game:


Make sure that File Sharing is disabled and/or assign more memory to "SPQR PPC 

Start" or

"SPQR 68K Start" on your hard disk.


Problem:  The SPQR game doesn't start, reporting that QuickTime is missing 

or is not installed properly:


Make sure that QuickTime for Windows is installed correctly on your system. 

SPQR's installation program will install it on your system (select Typical 


Problem:  The SPQR game doesn't start on Windows 3.1x, reporting that WinG 

is missing or is not installed properly:


Make sure that the WinG library is installed correctly on your Windows 3.1x 

system. SPQR's installation program will install it on your system (select 



Problem:  After performing a proper installation the game will not start, 

showing just a black screen:


Make sure that you don't have any disks named "SPQR" in your system other 

than the SPQR CD-ROM.

Problem:  After playing for a while some objects start disappearing from the 



You are running low on memory. Try making more memory available to SPQR.

Problem:  The game crashes or causes some graphic display problems:


Make sure you have the latest drivers for your graphics card.

Problem:  The installation program on Windows NT installs the 16-bit player:


Windows NT is not officially supported. This is a known problem.


11.Contact Information


If you find something not in my FAQ then you can e-mail me at dirtydozen999 

@hotmail.com. When emailing me in the subject just say there is something in 

your FAQ that I have found. In the text tell me what it is and what name to 


recognition to. And I'll be sure to put it in the next update unless I don't 

think it fits in with the game.


12.A word from the makers


Please do not make copies the program you've purchased was produced through 


efforts of man people. Don't make copies for others who have not paid for the 

right to use S.P.Q.R. 

Again that was from the makers of the game. 




I would like to thank Jeff "CjayC" Veasy for putting up my FAQ on Gamefaqs

I would like to thank GT interactive for the awesome game

©2002 by HOmie g StRINg