Secret ships 

To gain controle of these secret ships, press 'Enter' during gameplay, enter the code, then press 'Enter' again. 


Corellian Corvette: Tantive IV 


Imperial Star Destroyer: Imperial Entanglements 


Death Star (I'm not lying): That's no moon 


Be wary, these ships are SLOW (especially the Death Star), but they act like airborne cannons, but their splash damage (especially the Death Star) is huge. 




During gameplay, press Enter and type any of the following "Codes": 


Code Effect 

SKYWALKER Win Mission 

TARKIN Destroy All Enemies 

FORCEFOOD +1000 Food 

FORCENOVA +1000 Nova 

FORCECARBON +1000 Carbon 

FORCEORE +1000 Ore 




SIMONSAYS Simon the Killer Ewok 

DARKSIDE8 Kill Opponent 8 

DARKSIDE7 Kill Opponent 7 

DARKSIDE6 Kill Opponent 6 

DARKSIDE5 Kill Opponent 5 

DARKSIDE4 Kill Opponent 4 

DARKSIDE3 Kill Opponent 3 

DARKSIDE2 Kill Opponent 2 

DARKSIDE1 Kill Opponent 1 


scaryneighbor Create a Boat, Bonga Marauder (Must be over water) 


forceboat Invisible Naval Ship (Press Comma) (Must be over water)  

1000 food forcefood  

1000 ore forceore 

1000 carbon forcecarbon  

1000 food forcefood  

1000 Nova crystals forcenova  

Remove fog of war forcesight  

Full map forceexplore  

Instant construction and research  forcebuild  

Destroy indicated enemy darkside<1-8>  

Destroy all enemies tarkin  

Win mission skywalker  

Killer Ewok simonsays  

Press [Comma] for invisible naval ship; screen must be over water when activated.  forceboat 

Speed boat with increased fire power; screen must be over water when activated.  scaryneighbor 

Hear Star Wars quote <1-58>